English barrister and Quiz master, who is well known for being a Chaser on game show The Chase.
In a 2004 Guardian article, it described him as standing an imposing "Six foot three" inches tall.
Big T said on 30/May/23
Funny thing, I just walked past him on the street. He happens to be touring my country at the moment. Second time I’ve seen him in real life after my 2019 post on this thread. Quite unlikely given I’m on the other side of the world.
I wouldn’t have said he was 6’3” this time but realistically didn’t get a good enough chance to properly size him up.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/23
Shaun said to Bradley today that he must never laugh at his own jokes. That might be normal etiquette, but I think Bradders can get away with ANYTHING!
6ft3. 😂👍🏼
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Mar/23
If I ever had the courage to appear on The Chase, I don’t know what I’d say if Bradley asked me which Chaser I’d prefer! I like them all, and whenever I’m watching the quiz show, I think, “Hmmmm….. I’d choose him/her if it came to choosing,” which happens to be whosoever is on at the time.
They are all such FUN! Many choose Shaun, but each Chaser has a fair share of fans, and rightly so.
Shaun, the second tallest Chaser, gets 6ft3. 😀
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Feb/23
“I have 7 cats, 5 dogs and squirrel called Squidge, who sits on my shoulder and eats his nuts,” said contestant Fiona in an old Chase that I’m watching. “Rather you than me,” said Bradders!
Well, after getting one question right, Shaun reckoned Squidge 🐿 could have done better! Fiona soldiered on and didn’t accept the minus offer. Unfortunately, she didn’t get through and Brad and Shaun both agreed that they loved her. So did I, infinitely more than the contestant in this game who could have gone for £4K and chickened out for the easy option of £400. Shaun’s face was one of disgust, and the tall, cowardly bloke could sense it! He didn’t get through either and Shaun inevitably triumphed. 😁
I saw a picture today of all the Chasers together and gasped at how much taller Beastie Boy, Mark Labbett, is than 6ft3” Shaun! 😳
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Jan/23
What a tremendous Chase! A guy called Keith won £6K single-handedly against Shaun.
Well done, Keith!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jan/23
Bradley said in a Chase this morning that Shaun has as many friends as he has hairstyles. He’s bald! 🤣
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Dec/22
Oh NO!!!!
Shaun is dressed as The Cheshire Cat! 🤣🤣🤣
I only recognised him when he spoke!
Merry Christmas Shaun! 🎄😹
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Oct/22
I caught the end of a Chase episode just now, and observed four players win £19K! 🤗
There were two contestants, named Rosa and Lee, who were polar opposites in height. It’s doubtful that Rosa even came up to Lee’s shoulders, but Rosa was a brilliant little player, knowing the answers to questions that the other three didn’t know on quite a few occasions.
Those two names reminded me of the pigtailed brown-haired girl from ‘The Magic Roundabout’, who was called Rosalie. I collected plastic figurines of all the ‘Magic Roundabout’ characters when I was a kid. They were available in cereal packets and a smaller variety came free in packets of biscuits. I had a bagful, which ended up rather hefty after much collecting. It would seem like many years now, but it can’t have been longer than, say, eighteen months to two years. Time rushes past so much faster as we get older!
6ft3 for Shaun.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/22
NO! How can Shaun not have known the following?
There was a question on the Chase as to which Rolling Stones album depicts a cake baked by Delia Smith. The options were: a) Sticky Fingers, b) Let It Bleed or c) Voodoo Lounge. Of course it was b) Let It Bleed but not only did the young girl contestant go for Sticky Fingers, which was excusable due to her age, BUT SO DID SHAUN!
I couldn’t believe it! 🧁😋
6ft3, for the big guy who’s got quite a few wrong on this Chase, but he’s good-humoured about it, making for ace entertainment. 😂👌🏼
Oh great - Shaun just said, “There seems to be a big gap between my ears at the moment! “ 👏🤣👍🏼
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 15/Jul/22
I saw a 5ft 8 guess for Darragh once which was hilarious. He's about as tall as Shaun. He was the tallest contestant, towered over Brad in those bloopers episodes, and he's also the tallest among his neuroscience colleagues. The problem is Mark Labbett is there and makes even 6ft 3 look small LOL
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Nov/21
There's nothing wrong with Shaun's singing voice, Bradley: 😛 I think it's quite tuneful and he remembers all the old songs, which is ace!
So does Brad, actually....
6ft3. 😄🎶
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Sep/21
Shaun has almost the same birthday as the host of 'The Chase' - Bradley Walsh. Shaun's birthday is the 2nd of June and Bradley's is the 4th, and they were both born in 1960. Neither guy looks 61!
6ft3. 😁🎶
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jun/21
Yet another Chaser who's been let down this morning by a Rolling Stones question!
Delia Smith baked a cake for the cover of their album Let It Bleed, NOT Sticky Fingers. That one had the famous zip in the trouser region, that actually WORKED!
6ft3. 📀🤐💿🎶🎵🎧🎸
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Feb/21
How can anybody be so rude?
Just now on one of the Chases that shows on the Challenge Channel, hence a repeat, a male contestant said about Shaun, a former Mastermind Champion, that he was the weakest Chaser! Poor Shaun was understandably upset, and it showed in his face. I'm glad to say that the unmannerly contestant was taken OUT! Now we are on contestant number 4, and so far, they've all been caught.
There is no such thing as a 'Weakest Chaser'. To quote Bradley's own words, they all know their stuff, and they teach us loads of fascinating facts in the most enjoyable of ways. I cannot count the times I've headed straight to Google to find out more about a subject that's been raised.
6ft3 for the 'Dark Destroyer'!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Sep/20
I don't believe it!
There was a question just now on The Chase as to how many opening Chess moves do NOT involve the movement of a pawn. The options were 4, 8 or 12. Having played the game since I was 9, I went for 4. Shaun went for TWELVE! I felt quite dumbfounded....🤭
The Dark Destroyer gets 6ft3.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Aug/20
Three cheers for The Dark Destroyer for NOT knowing which member of the girl group The Sugababes left the band first! Unfortunately, my lucky guess was correct 😭, and I wasn't exactly proud of myself. I'm glad to see Shaun spends his time learning more sensible stuff!
Six foot three.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Mar/20
There's a woman called Steph on one of the old Chases, and she's flirting like mad with Shaun and he's responding! She thinks he's rather nice, and anyone saying that Shaun is witless is talking rubbish. He's very funny when he gets going!
Just as I thought, I've written about it before. I checked all the old comments I'd written but I didn't have to look far at all. I wrote about it last month!
Ha ha ha! What a pr@t! 😂😆😜
6ft3. 😍....👌😉
OriginalAnon said on 8/Mar/20
Always thought Shaun could be anywhere between 6'2'' and 6'4''. It was hard to gauge because Mark Labbett says he's 6'7'' and is clearly taller. I will go for 6'3'' for Shaun.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Feb/20
This is great fun! There is a lady on one of the old Chases who is openly flirting with Shaun, and he is responding! She's a good contestant and had gone for the higher offer. Shaun is grinning from ear to ear...
My guess for The Dark Destroyer is a princely 6ft3.
👏 She's got through with 30 Big Ones!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/19
I've just watched Shaun walking onto the Chase stage and he's pretty much a man mountain in his own right. Just because Mark Labbett is over 3" taller than him, nobody rambles on about how tall Shaun is, but he IS VERY TALL!
I can see 6ft3 for stony-faced Shaun, who's not so serious at all; he often bursts out laughing, sometimes almost under protest! He's always fair like all the Chasers - and he knows his stuff. The first thing he did when he met the player today was to congratulate the player for his impressive performance. 🤗
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Nov/19
@ Big T - What an interesting way to spend your day!
I love watching The Chase, but unfortunately, they have taken it off its normal ITV slot. 😝
Mind you, if you're as devoted a fan as I am, you can tune in and watch it on the Challenge Channel come the evenings. 😃
Sean can definitely have 6ft3. 😉
Big T said on 23/Nov/19
I just spent an entire evening in close proximity to him as he hosted a quiz competition I was in.
6’3” seems very fair, no need to go any lower. As well as sizing him up I was able to compare him while he was talking to people I knew and other people there whose height I could also assess.

Editor Rob
That's how you can get good height estimates in person, especially with other people whose height you have a good idea of 👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Sep/19
I forgot to add that the contestant got the question RIGHT! Well done to him - he was only young, and impossible for him to have been alive at the time.
The three who made it through to the final beat the Chaser and won £7,000 each. What a good team they were, and Sean sportingly congratulated them!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Sep/19
This morning on 'The Chase', there was a question, "Which 1975 Queen album was named after a Marx brothers film?"
The answers were as follows:
a) A Day At The Races
b) A Kind of Magic and
c) A Night At The Opera
Sean went for 'A Day At The Races'. Well, 'Bohemian Rhapsody' came from 'A Night At The Opera', and that was number one in December 1975. I should know - I bought it, and got the album for Christmas. Furthermore, 'A Day At The Races' was a Birthday present for my 16th, which was January '77.
Easy enough mistake to make though, Sean. Both 'A Night At The Opera' and 'A Day At The Races' were named after Marx brothers films.
Sean took it very well indeed, grinning from ear to ear! 👂😁👂
Nik said on 3/May/19
The average vote works out to be 6 foot 2 7/8!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/19
Today Shaun is The Chaser and Braddles has been creasing up again at one of the questions! What sort of spoilsport would I be if I refrained from telling you all about it?
The question was about some sportsperson and what her surname was. The options were as follows:-
1) Stepanover
2) Upandover (already giggling...!) &
3) Getalegover (by this time, Brad was needing support, he was in such hysterics!)
As for Shaun, he was grinning away at the display! 😁
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Feb/19
At the beginning of today's Chase, when Braddles gave a run-down of the Chasers'
traits just before we found out who it was going to be in the chair, he said about Shaun, "So boring that even his local peeping Tom asked him to close his curtains!" 😮😪......😂😂😂
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Feb/19
Shaun is in the Dictionary Corner this week! Not that you can see his height because the only one who stands is Rachel, but you can't help but notice that he's a BIG MAN! Isn't that exciting? Will we be having Mark Labbett or Anne Hegerty next? Maybe the white-suited Paul Sinha will guest or red-headed Jenny?
I will go with 6ft3.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Jan/19
@ MJKoP - How can anybody be insecure about being 6ft3? He should try being over a foot shorter than these 95 percentiles!
Cheers MJKoP and a Happy New Year to you! 😁👍
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/18
There were some funny answers on today's Chase! Not that I reckon for a single second that Shaun really thought this, but he came out with a spider being a crustacean! His opponent said that Prince William's paternal Grandmother was Elizabeth the FIRST, instead of our Queen, Elizabeth the Second.
⭐️ Elizabeth I was born on 7th September 1533, and came to the throne in 1558. She died on the 24th March 1603 and left no children, having famously never married.
Today, Shaun gets 6ft3.
Myself said on 7/Jul/18
Click Here Click Here
6'3 is more like 97/98 percentile i think.
Everything is relaytive, and what he is compared to guys 3 inches taller doesn't change what he is compared to average (or even guys considerably over average like for example 6 footers, that will look equally shorter) ;)
MSA said on 6/Sep/17
I met him recently. Mid-afternoon he looked 6'3 easily.
MJKoP said on 2/Jun/17
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/17
@ Nik - With 6ft6 and a quarter Mark Labett on the show and 6ft7 Titchard Osman in 'Pointless', 6ft3 seems to pale into insignificance a bit!
Perhaps that's why he downgraded Cruise...feeling insecure about being shorter around those that are taller, despite already being in the 95+ percentile in height.
Liam said on 27/Mar/17
I would say 192cm he probably rounds down to 6 foot 3 but Rob would you argue a case for him being over 6 foot 3 or maybe 6"4?

Editor Rob
beside big Mark I don't think he looked over 6ft 3.
Nik said on 23/Mar/17
@Sandy Cowell
I was expecting 6'2" for Shaun Wallace! At least Bradley Walsh and Paul Sinha are my sort of height! Ha ha. Well yes meaty certainly applies to Mark Labett!
Adey P said on 23/Mar/17
I notice fellow Chaser Paul Sinha isn't on here. Met him in bar in Liverpool (nice guy but rather drunk!) and he looked about 5 ft 8 range.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/17
@ Nik - With 6ft6 and a quarter Mark Labett on the show and 6ft7 Titchard Osman in 'Pointless', 6ft3 seems to pale into insignificance a bit!
What am I saying?!!! Ha ha ha! They're a tall lot, that's for sure! Tall and mighty, and in some cases meaty! 🙅🙅🙅
Lee168cm said on 21/Mar/17
Yeah this looks right. How tall would you say Anne hegerty is rob?

Editor Rob
might be 5ft 5
Nik said on 21/Mar/17
I wasn't expecting 6'3"!
Blake said on 21/Mar/17
This guy thinks Tom Cruise is 5 foot 2 or 3

Editor Rob
might as well hand him the keys to celebheights 😆
after all, what would a Mastermind winner know about height 🤐
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Mar/17
Hey, nice one Rob!
Here he is and I reckon he's rather tall!
Sorry mate, I thought you were about an inch less, but don't worry! You're still over a foot taller than me!
Nice to have your company Shaun! You're a good laugh!
Csimpson 6ft said on 20/Mar/17
I feel 6ft 2.5 or 6ft 2.75 could be closer, a weak 6ft 3 i think could be possible.