Austrian actress best known for roles in films such as The Quiller Memorandum, Major Dundee, Our Man in Marrakesh, When Women Had Tails, The Two Lives of Mattia Pascal, The Scarlet Letter, Diabolically Yours, The Ambushers and The Man from UNCLE. In a 2002 film Fatales article it mentioned
"her 5'4" height" and in a 1964 article in The Victoria Advocate it described her as "5 feet 4". Her measurements were given in another 1964 newspaper article as:
"[weight] 118 pounds, [vital statistics] 38-26-36".
Arch Stanton said on 10/Nov/16
Still think "bathwater" when I see her in Cast a Giant Shadow. I really do think she had to have been the most beautiful woman in film.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Apr/16
Whenever I see her on screen I just think "bathwater" ;-) It would be drunk haha. Smoking hot...
Arch Stanton said on 16/Jul/15
Back onto the subject of height LOL, but can you blame any red blooded male!! I think you could argue 5'3.5-5'4 range.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jul/15
Rob, you said that film was on the top of your to see list, mine is now
La padrona è servita (1976), film poster
Click Here haha!
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jul/15
Oh lordy I couldn't take my eyes off her in Major Dundee. "Oh Senta baby" was all I could think in looking at her. There's a scene in which she and Heston get out of the lake too and her body was absolutely divine, wonderful breasts too. There's lots of hot women in films but Senta might top them all.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jul/15
I see she was in at least two Peckinpah films Major Dundee and Cross of Iron, her role in Cross of Iron though was more minor I think. I wonder why Peckinpah cast her, hmmm...
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jul/15
@Rob I don't know what film the last pic is from but When Women Had Tails is good "dumb" fun yeah, plus the bonus of seeing Berger as a prehistoric woman. The part when they cut off her tail and wave it around is beyond hilarious!! It's one of those lesser known films which are a hidden gem, if rather silly/campy. You can see the trailer there
Click Here See her at 1:14 "Get on top of me" and 2:07 "Nice little tail" LOL
Gonzalo said on 2/Jul/15
Very attractive woman. Beautiful in Major Dundee. Can´t remember how tall she was. She looked short next to Charlton Heston. I guess 1`63 sounds realistic
Shadow2 said on 2/Jul/15
She was in the pilot episode/movie of Robert Wagner's "It takes a Thief", as well as in a final season episode filmed on location in Europe. Beautiful woman and great actress. Pity she didn't continue working in Hollywood.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jul/15
Click it for a high resolution here
Click Here That's about as beautiful as you can get there!!

Editor Rob
it has now jumped to the top of my list of 4000 movies to watch.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jul/15
Rob, I'm sure you can;t see why I might have watched When Women Had Tails ;-)
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jul/15
Cheers Rob, can you also add When Women Had Tails (a absolute hoot, recommended, Senta playing a Neolithic Raquel Welch type woman), The Two Lives of Mattia Pascal, The Scarlet Letter and Diabolically Yours? She was breaktakingly beautiful in the 60s she really was, terrific chemistry with George Segal in Quiller. You just know he did, and who could blame him? I got a good look at her barefoot in Tails and thought weak 5'4. She didn't look over 5 ft 4 anyway.