FE3 said on 23/Sep/24
@Editor Rob,
Still considering 179cm Upgrade?
Click Here
Been consistent w/ his 6ft claims
Click Here, but Rock-Solid 179cm is more believable.
What do u think Rob?

Editor Rob
I did have a look again, and the 179 I feel maybe he can measure it.
FE 4 said on 13/May/23
@Editor Rob,
Sean has 2 inches on Evan Peters?
Yet they’re Listed nearly the same!
FE 3 said on 5/Mar/23
@Editor Rob,
Are you really sure he’s under 179cm?
Now that you think the 5’10” range is possible for Evan Peters, How can Sean be nearly the same height as him?!
In NBD, Sean always seems near 2 inches on Peters in every scene & Peters was 20yo at the time (doubt he’s grown at all!) From all I’ve seen, I would never have guessed Sean under 5’10.5” at all.
What do u think Rob?
Keyten DeGraef said on 27/Jun/22
Rob he’s no less than 5’10 1/2 otherwise his 6’0 claim is a little too unbelievable to believe. He’s probably 5’10 3/4
FE said on 16/Mar/22
@Editor Rob,
How much difference between Sean & Cam?
More like 0.75-1inch max & do you still consider 5’10.25 or 10.5”? Since Cam’s at 181cm now!
They honestly can’t just be 3cms apart! Sean was once Listed 6’1” on his official website, so from 5’10” to 6’1” is a wide range of claims & 3 inches is quite a huge jump! 5’10.5” is more understandable, since it’s a near 2-inch rule.
What do u say Rob?

Editor Rob
Still a chance to give him a fraction more.
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 29/Jan/22
Rob, 5ft 10.25in is a good compromise. He looks like he could be near 5ft 11 out of bed. Upgrade?

Editor Rob
It might be a figure I decide on
FE said on 12/Nov/21
@Editor Rob,
What about 5’10.25” instead?
Generally looks 5’10.25-10.5” range, 10.25” being the lowest I’d Argue IMHO.
What do u think Rob?

Editor Rob
That figure hasn't been dismissed, he could measure it...but for instance 5ft 11 looks simply too high from all I've seen.
FE said on 30/Oct/21
@Editor Rob,
5’10.5” is a better compromise!
Click Here
Despite his resume claim (His website once listed him 6’1”!), Looks easy 179cm.
BTW his profile (from Pawn 2013 film) lists him as 5’11” & 196lbs.
Click Here
What do u think Rob?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't go as high as 5ft 11, but 5ft 10.5 isn't exactly ruled out. Sometimes he does seem like that is a fit for him.
FE said on 25/Jul/21
@Editor Rob,
Upgrade to 5’10.25-10.5” possible?
Click Here
Naturally looks a good 5’10-11” range guy for sure, but 6ft was always bit optimistic.
What do u think Rob?

Editor Rob
I'd rule out 5ft 11, but 5ft 10 and change is a figure I might consider.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Oct/19
Flat 5'10 no way. Sean is like Thomas Jane maybe measure 1/4 over 5'10 and at the worst 178cm before bed. But his 6'0 claim is inflating too much.
TheBat said on 24/Nov/18
Wow...Just lol at his 6'0" claim. He clearly has 1 to 2 inch heals in those shoes, so 5'10" is what I'm going with.
Ruben Bosco said on 19/Aug/18
5ft 10 1/4
173-177 said on 3/Dec/16
that's one of the few times i see someone taller than his listing i think he is 5'11 range looks tallish more than average and very close to cam Gigandet in NBD
Josh Jeffords said on 17/Nov/16
Just saw NBd he was about as listed average but lanky.
He is taller than cam maybe half an inch though they both claim 6ft.
HHS said on 13/May/16
Probably wore shox turbos for NBD
chris141 said on 8/Jan/16
Sean Farris is in fact 178cm , he is a clear 4 inches shorter than Djimon Honsou who is 187cm. Cam Gigandet is the one who needs the downgrade, he is at best only 2 cm taller than Sean Farris, i wouldn't go beyond 180cm for Cam, he even looked 3 inches shorter than 6'1 Bass Rutten.
Axaros said on 22/Sep/15
He looks 5'10'' at most compared to Amber Heard. Good call Rob! :)
MD said on 11/Jan/15
Cam is listed way too tall on here. He's at least an inch shorter than listed. He's got a very long, lean look which can be deceptive, but he's not even a full 5'11".
Pom said on 8/Jan/15
No, no, i just took a better look and they are totally equeal in height in every scene.
Pom said on 8/Jan/15
Just watched "Never Back Down".. Sean equeal with height to Can Gigndet, maybe 1cm-2cm shorter, not more. So lowest he can be is 180. On photos below he looks way shorter thanks to footwear on Can.
LoneDreamer said on 27/Jul/14
I'd say he is 181.5 cm.
Gourab183 said on 27/Jan/14
He's shorter than Cam Gigandet (182)
Click Here .. why the hell he listed himself as "183cm" ?? : O .. some of these celebrities are simply .. no idea what they wanna prove himself ..
he's maximum 179 cm .. not more ..
chrisss said on 4/Jan/14
179cm for, looked alot shorter than honsou, max id say 5'11,
LG69 said on 17/Nov/13
LOL @ 6ft. He's about 5'10".
MD said on 12/Nov/13
You aren't familiar with the Two-inch Rule we talk about here, all the time? That's usually the maximum of what most guys think they can get away with without attracting too much skepticism from the general population. It is not unusual, at all, for a 5'10" guy to claim 6'0". How tall are you?
cole said on 27/Sep/13
@mr.rashid: 5'10 is not unfair at all. To me it's the absolute highest I'd argue, and I'm even struggeling to see him at that height at times. He gets destroyed by Djimon Hounsou, who is about 185-186 cm range, 187 at most. If Sean was 5'11 or a shade over he'd at the very least reach to the middle of his forehead or above, but he's barely reaching over his eyebrows. My estimate for Sean would be 176 or 177 cm.
Cam Gigandet is known to wear extremely strong footwear, so it's no surprise that he as well would destroy Sean in some pics. But I'm doubting he's the listed 5'11.5 barefoot. He's taller than Faris for sure though, by how much is harder to tell. He can look anywhere from barely 5'10 to a strapping 6' and change.
Fitnessforlife365 said on 13/Aug/13
Click Here
Rob what do you think? he looks 5'9 tops.

Editor Rob
I think it's safe to say he's adding 2 inches to his height, is he adding 3 inches? Not sure on that.
cole said on 2/Aug/13
In my experience, Hounsou is a 6'1 range guy, not 6'2, and Sean can seem about 4 inches or so shorter.
da_truth said on 30/Jul/13
Agree with Andrea[it]
seems in the 5'10" maybe 5'10.5" range
Cole said on 16/Jun/13
He wouldn't measure anywhere around this mark, 5'9.5 range tops.
Knight92 said on 4/Mar/13
Click Here with someone 6' 2" ..
sean farris is max 5' 11" ..
Cam Gigandet is 6 foot .
matt said on 18/Nov/12
Ok so i know the true height of Cam Gigandet since his sister is my cousins friend, and i met him once (very nice guy). Cam was wearing boots which give him slight advantage. I am 5'11.5 barefooti had flat shoes that boosted me up to 6'0. Cam was an inch shorter then me (with his boots) he is a solid5'10 guy
refresh said on 31/Oct/12
"i 6ft tall" why they have to lie? in "freerunner" scene with Mariah Bonner (175cm ) 20 min and 27 sec. they are on the street,flat ground,Mariah in a flat shouse SAME HEIGHT! 175cm for our "6ft dude" with complex...why god why?:)
refresh said on 30/Oct/12
i dont know,he doont look that tall to me...short arms,short legs,smal fists... 177 max i think
ANDREA[ITA] said on 12/Sep/12
Doesnt look over 5'10.5 next to Djmon Honsou!
me said on 9/Aug/12
hes about 6. im 5'11 to 6' and doing stand in work for him and hes the same height as me. we both have different style shoes on which could account for that slight difference. but hes absolutlely not shorter than 5'11 for future reference.
mofo said on 30/Nov/11
@Chris175 that pic is misleading the angle, Cam might be standing on something closer to the camera e.t.c...He is another better pic from the same day/event from the 2008 MTV movie awards:
Click Here
You can see he's not as short as he appears in your pic.
I have seen other pics of him and Cam and TBH he is not that much shorter more in the 5ft9.5-5ft10 range.Cams footwear maybe an advantage!
Cam is not 6ft more like 5ft11-5ft11.5, he is shorter than 6ft0.5 Robby Pattinson.
Look at this:
Click Here
LUCOSO said on 14/Sep/11
he is a half inch shorter than gary cole on that movie right rob
LUCOSO said on 14/Sep/11
i like to see every famous guy who claims 6feet together
Chris175 said on 30/Aug/11
Click Here
here with cam gigandet listed at 5-11, even with the bad angle i still see faris as a lot smaller
Peter said on 10/Aug/11
Men's Healt has him at 6ft, but they've also got Wahlberg at 5ft9in. Faris is around 5ft10in.
Torsten6ft0.5in said on 2/Jul/11
Looks 5´10" next to Sophia Bush in heels...
KING10 said on 16/May/11
all i can say he is not a short guy, and that height sounds fair enough, maybe 1-3 less but no way nothing more than that.
He looked easily taller than amber heard her height is 173.
although he is at least a inch shorter that cam
Lenad said on 12/Jan/11
In never back down he did at times give the impression of being at least 6'0. But thats cause of camera angles and all that. In real life he doesnt look any taller than 5 ft 11 standing next to others
Lenad said on 11/Jan/11
Looked roughly the same height as Cam Gigandet in never back down. But obviously seans not that tall
Legend said on 4/Jan/11
he's 5'9.75
Lenad said on 25/Jun/09
To be fair Cam Gigandet does look taller than him in photos but in Never back down they were almost the same
Lenad said on 24/Jun/09
In never back down the difference between Sean and Cam was 2cm tops and in some shots they were the exact same height. I also doubt Cam is the full 6ft0. He doesnt really look it sorry.
Lenad said on 21/Jun/09
Yeah 179-180cm looks more accurate
Cody Sherman said on 14/Jun/09
What shoes did he wear in Never BAck Down?
Lenad said on 1/Jun/09
I couldve sworn he was at times the same height as Cam in Never back down!!
MD said on 1/Jun/09
Oh, and with 5'11" Gary Cole (middle):
Click HereHe most certainly was a shorter model...much closer to 5'10", in fact.
MD said on 31/May/09
Sean with Cam Gigandet who's listed at 6'0", everywhere, and is that, at the most, because he's shorter than Robert Pattinson:
Click HereClick HereReally, even 5'11" is probably stretching it, to be honest.
12345 said on 9/May/09
They weren't both barefoot, only cam was. you can see it later when they fight in the end
Wazzup said on 3/May/09
Click Here He looks the same as Kevin spacey here. I doubt he's 5'11
yoyoyo said on 5/Apr/09
Sean Faris was shorter than Cam Gigendit and both were barefoot. Gigendit is listed as 6 foot. So 5'11 seems right, maybe 5'10.
chloe said on 11/Mar/09
Sean Faris is 6'0 so is Cam Gigendet, I watched the movie never back down they were both great, both are mega fit, I love them, Cam is the hottest tho he has an incredible body.
ZT said on 11/Mar/09
5.11 max max
carl said on 9/Feb/09
sean faris looks 5,11 to me
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/09
There are barefoot scenes in "Never Back Down" with Sean and Djimon and he's constantly 4" shorter making him a 5'10". Although, almost all his scenes with Cam (who is a legit 6' guy) make him appear 6' with the help of camera and placement angels. 5'10" for Sean Faris.
Random Person said on 24/Dec/08
He looks 5'9ish, got the typical good looks of a 5'8-5'9 dude too so dunno.
Brad said on 21/Nov/08
i think he would be 5'10 or 5'10.5 judging from the pictures posted below me!
but 5'11 would be his max and him being a short model isn't 5'11 it would be 5'10 or less tbh
loved never back down by the way! great movie!
ahmed said on 14/Oct/08
i swear he looks 6'2 or 6'3
mofo said on 3/Oct/08
His height has always eluded me he can look short but then tall in other pics.
I think he is about 5ft10 say if cam is really 6ft but I guess it depends on how tall the other celebs are in his pics (Djimon Hounsou and amber heard).
Mazey said on 25/Aug/08
On so many web sites I have looked at, it says that Sean Faris is 5'11. How true this is is a question that is unanswered. Never Back Down is a greta movie by the way! =]
Socom said on 25/Jul/08
He is 5'10 max. It is quite obvious to me.
Jay said on 9/Jul/08
I just watched Never Back Down and I was certain that Cam guy was 5'6-5'7. He looks so short in the movie, hes shorter if not the same height as the girls. As for Faris, I guessed him at 5'10, nothing more.
MD said on 6/Jul/08
With Cam Gigandet listed as 6'0" everywhere on the net:
Click HereClick HereHe's no more than 5'10"
J Dizzle said on 5/Jul/08
between 5'9.5-5'11.
he looks really short next to cam too, who i think is 6'1"
MD said on 2/Jun/08
Glenn is not the editor, here. Rob is the site editor.
diana said on 1/Jun/08
sean faris appears to be a solid four inches shorter than Djimon Hounsou in both pictures and i just saw him tonight on the mtv movie awards and he looked that height again. i'm gonna say that glenn should downgrade him to 5'10. that height is considered short for a male model...
mofo said on 30/Apr/08
Hmmm I think 5ft8 or 5ft9 is too low for this guy Im banking on 5ft10 mark around there maybe 5ft9.5 but no way lower I've seen this guy on way too many shows looking a strong 5ft10 maybe 5ft11 but certainly not 5ft8.
I agree he can look reakky short in those pics especially next to amber heard but I think in order for us to judge his height we need to figure out amber heards true height which probably is no where near 5ft8 has she has heels on in the pic and next to 6ft2 dijmon hounsou she looks considerabley shorter even with heels?
Socom said on 8/Apr/08
5'11 definately a little too high.
brother_h said on 4/Apr/08
he looks 5'8! or almost. or 5'9?
MD said on 29/Mar/08
Rob, what do you think of the pictures out of curiosity? They aren't the best, but I want your opinion.

Editor Rob
of course a case can be argued for him being shorter.
Socom said on 24/Mar/08
5'9.5 from that picture Anonymous, thanx.
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/08
He looks a bit shorter than the listed height next to 6'2" Djimon Hounsou, here:
Click HereClick Here
Brandy Wishkerian said on 19/Mar/08
he's 5'10,look this
Click Here
mofo said on 4/Mar/08
[Editor Rob: sorry, no]
no you haven't seen them or no you don't agree...?
btw I think he maybe around 5'10 i don't know this guy is tricky cause he gives the impression of a 5'11 or 6ft guy but then he has a picture taken with spacey looking shorter and although I don't beleive he is shorter than spacey he certainly taller by much also in the youtube video posted before its from life as we know it db sweeney plays his father and when hes talking to him in the bathroom he looks shorter than him by about 1.5 inches.

Editor Rob
I looked just now at it, and it's hard to say, one point he's got no shoes on then next scene...would need to look again at pics of this guy
mofo said on 29/Feb/08
no you haven't seen them or no you don't agree...?
mofo said on 27/Feb/08
robby rob have you looked at the links I sent?

Editor Rob
sorry, no
mofo said on 25/Feb/08
rob this guy is no way 5ft11 look at this with db sweeney if sweeny is 179 cm explain to me how faris is noticebley shorter in the bathroom with him look from 1:02 on this clip on youtube
still not sure look at this pic with 177 cm kevin spacey
this guy wears serious lifts when he acts man then he's out into the world without his period lifts all by his lonesome and much shorter cry...!
Ana said on 27/Aug/07
he looked a lot taller to me!, and i'm not short
max said on 18/Aug/07
he can look shorter than 5'11, but 5'11 does seem right.
xaoxio said on 1/Jul/07
well Rob, are you sure about this guy?
He can look shorter on ocassions...
IMGmodL said on 5/Feb/07
Sean Faris is 5' 11".......he is even listed it at his modeling agency!! One thing i know for sure is that modeling agencies would never make you shorter than you actually are, so he's not a hair taller than 5' 11".
Susie said on 12/May/06
Yes .. and bearing in mind he was a model. He looks atleast 6foot!
ROO said on 13/Jan/06