Andrea said on 5/Oct/19
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, Christian.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Oct/19
Yeah, it does go both ways. All I'm saying is that the former is a lot more common than the latter. But I wouldn't put it off as being completely meaningless though. There are occasions where Google has gotten a celeb's height right.
Andrea said on 1/Oct/19
You said it right, Christian. Google (or any other "random" website) isn't a reliable source for reporting celebs' heights, BUT it goes both ways. Just because the majority of celebrities might be overlisted rather than underlisted, doesn't mean that, in Sasha's case, she has less chance of being over 172. The main point about it is that those listings are just MEANINGLESS, in fact.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Sep/19
I get that Google isn't a reliable source for reporting celebs" heights, but it's very rare that they would underlist a celeb. And I only said "doubt" so it's not 100% certain that she's 172.
Andrea said on 8/Sep/19
"Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Aug/19
I doubt Google would list her as 172 if she was really 173-174."
And why is that, Christian? For that matter, she could even be 6', LOL.
Nik said on 24/Aug/19
It would be great if she was pictured with Rob and my good self!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Aug/19
I doubt Google would list her as 172 if she was really 173-174.
Marc said on 17/Jun/18
Rob are u sure about her height? Google says 172 and usually google tends to exxagerate heights..

Editor Rob
I'm not sure about 172, but in Supernatural I remember she seemed closer to Jensen Ackles (with heels) than 172 might look.