James (179cm) Jones said on 15/Apr/23
Very Strong 5'9 range my guess is.
John Moore-162cm said on 16/Apr/21
She looks flat 5ft9 to me.
Nik Ashton said on 9/Mar/21
She may be exactly the same height as an average man!
Gladstone Screwer said on 6/Mar/21
This scary lady looks close to six foot, I wouldn’t be surprised if she downgrades herself. I’ll call it 5’11”.

Editor Rob
Jonathan Walters who is about 6ft I would be surprised...
I definitely wouldn't call Miss Nugent scary though, she has a lot of admirers.
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Jun/18
@ Nik - On this page of late, quick replies, you'll have to make do with this one, because not enough time has elapsed for me to give you a late one!🙃
Good luck with your findings! 😵
Nik said on 16/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - On the page of quick replies, thanks for telling me that. I may do some research on the internet to work that one out!
I was more along the lines of 5'9.125" too, but look at the average vote!
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Jun/18
On this page of late replies, I shall now proceed with mine:
@ Nik - I can't remember the name of the film which starred a cat called Muffin, but I think it was about a tragic beauty queen. I agreed with 5ft9 and an eighth!
@ Crumpet - Are you friends with the poster who goes by the name of Muffin? Yummy yum yum yum yum! 😮 🍪🍪
Maybe we'll have a doughnut here soon! 🍩
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Jun/18
On this page of late replies, I shall now proceed with mine:
@ Nik - I can't remember the name of the film which starred a cat called Muffin, but I think it was about a tragic beauty queen. I agreed with 5ft9 and an eighth!
@ Crumpet - Are you friends with the poster who goes by the name of Muffin? Yummy yum yum yum yum! 😮 🍪🍪
Maybe we'll have a doughnut here soon! 🍩
Nik said on 15/Jun/18
@ Crumpet - The page of late replies!
No problem, have a good weekend!
Crumpet said on 14/Jun/18
Late reply but thank you very much! :)
Nik said on 18/Oct/17
@ Gladstone Screwer
Thanks for telling me that, and sorry for the late reply!
I would say she is a strong 5'9" myself, maybe even 5'9.5"!
Nik said on 30/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell
Yes, I agree with you in that she is definitely above the 5'9" mark or at absolute minimum a flat 5'9". I went for 5'9.25" as I honestly could not make my mind up what to go for in the 5'9" - 5'9.5" range! She is one of those celebrities who is definitely at minimum what their quoted height is said to be.
I am not sure where you would catch Sally these days as I haven't seen her on the TV for a few years, I may do some investigation to find out which side she is mainly on as I would be interested to know, and I will report back my findings!
I wioukd be interested to know what the film was called which starred a model and "Muffin" the cat! If you remember please let me know.
Don't believe everything you read on he Internet, she is a strong 5'9" like you said but I always believed she was 6'2" until I found out otherwise! I obviously believed what I had read on the Internet, once bitten twice shy!
At least I trust celebheights, and I think that you and Rob (and hopefully me) have the right idea over Sally's height!
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Aug/17
@ Nik - I have seen 'Muffin' used to name a white cat in a film before. The film was about a tragic model and based on a true story. I saw it ages ago, otherwise I'd doubtless remember what it was called!
I don't really watch much sports TV, apart from football matches, but I will look out for Sally in future! I agree she is a strong 5ft9; I like her joking around about not believing everything you read on the internet! (except on celebheights, of course!)
Nik said on 28/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell and Crumpet
What about Muffin for a name? I think that would be a good one!
Crumpets are tasty and when you add something nice to them even more so! I actually have peanut butter on mine whenever I have any! They are not the worst thing in the world to have health wise, and not the best either. A few meals like that a week is not a bad thing!
Sally Nugent is a sports news presenter and sports reporter on the TV! She has regularly appeared on the BBC news on national bulletins, the BBC News channel, and BBC Breakfast, broadcasting and presenting sports news!
There is a great deal of speculation about her height on the internet, many sources, including Rob, quote her to be 5'9" but others quote over 6'0 and even 6'3" and 6'7" have been mentioned. This is not Sally's fault and she herself claims to be 5'9" and Rob believes this to be true so you would think that 5'8.5" - 5'9.5" is inevitable with her being more likely to be 5'9" or a little bit over, like you claim she is!
I am tempted to split the difference and go for 5'9.25", a half way house between you and Rob, also reflecting an honest claim from Sally, which is nice to see! It looks like yourself, Rob, and me all believe in her honesty!

Editor Rob
for Sally, it's likely she isn't less than 5ft 9, I can see an argument for a strong 5ft 9er.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Aug/17
@ Nik and Crumpet:
Yes, crumpet is rather a nice word and it makes for a very funny name!
I am fond of crumpets with marmite and perhaps once a week, it's alright to have them with peanut butter!
So who is Sally Nugent? Apart from sharing her surname with safari-loving rock legend Ted, who played his music so loudly that people were passing out at his concerts, all I knew about Sally is that she is a TV News Presenter. Before I landed on this page to investigate the name 'Crumpet', via 'Latest Comments' I thought she was merely a presenter. Now I know which type she is, so thanks for that!
I agree that she is 5ft9 - the
height she admits to, but I could believe more. In fact , I'll top that up by half and inch; 5ft9.5 it is then!
Nik said on 11/May/17
I have seen 6'2" claims on the internet for Sally Nugent too! In fact for that's how tall I thought she was for a while, until I found out otherwise. On another note I think Carol Kirkwood is more 5'6" range and I think that 5'7" is too high for her!
Crumpet said on 8/May/17
She looks at least 5'11. She downplays her height quite a lot.
The Badger said on 29/Jan/17
From the link in toms' post, using Carol as a reference height of 5ft 7in, measuring them both then multiplying the Carol:Sally ratio by Carols' heigh, Saly comes out at just shy of 6ft 2in, which is what I've always suspected.
Mouse22 said on 17/Aug/16
Well, the Internet apparently says things like 6'3" about her, quite ridiculous. But with Carol Kirkwood I think a 2 inch difference is quite right, every 1 inch difference shows a lot more than ppl often would think. 5'9" seems the right height.
Tom said on 13/Jun/16
Rob you've got Carol at 5'7" but there looks
Click Here like more than a 2 inch differences 5'10" maybe?

Editor Rob
could always be carol is now 5ft 6.5ish and sally a strong 5ft 9
Arch Stanton said on 19/Sep/15
5'9 for a woman is sort of like 6'2" for a guy. Not really "very tall" but compared to some people, yes, certainly. I tend to think of a woman as very tall at 177cm/5 ft 10 and up. Charlize Theron an example of what I'd consider lower end of very tall.
T said on 18/Sep/15
Seemed slightly taller than 5'10" Shauna Mullin here
Click Here
littlesue said on 18/Sep/15
Yes, you can tell she very tall woman even sitting down, a bit strange looking, too much botox stops her smiling properly.