Animal said on 5/Sep/23
She looks so short in her music video "nonsense". Literally 12-13 year olds dwarf her.
My guess would be 4"10 max.
5 ft is a big stretch.
Jackie Lee said on 21/Mar/23
@Lucy Brown
It's funny how she's tanner than all the other Asian girls as a white girl
Lucy Brown said on 4/Mar/23
She took a photo with the girl group Twice and she stands next to Dahyun who was measured to be 158.6cm/5'2.4" on broadcast. She looks much shorter despite wearing taller heels so i think she is under 150 cm/4'11"
Click Here
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Mar/23
Sabrina is clearly content with her short height and it hasn’t held her back with her career, so GOOD FOR HER!
She exudes confidence and dresses to make the most of herself in every way.
4ft11.75. 😁👍🏼👗👠👠
Majestic Butterfly said on 14/Sep/22
@Pix huh? women stop before men and the majority get their final height by 14-15. the minority who don’t either have a growth disorder or started puberty very late, and it’s easy to spot a late bloomer because they’d be shorter than the rest of their gender for their age.
sabrina however is just short, she’s been the same exact height since girl meets world.
strong 4’11. no taller or shorter.
Comentarista said on 26/Aug/22
Jackie Lee said on 29/Jul/22
@Pix she's over 20 years old wdym by "possible"? So it's entirely possible for a grown woman to grow now?
Pix said on 20/Jul/22
Majority of sources from this year state she's now at 5"1'! Entirely possible dependant on growth spurts etc though it's hard to tell, someone commented on how her legs are shorter than her torso, giving her a smaller appearance and I think that rings true! Adorable nonetheless 🥰
heyyyyyyyy said on 17/Mar/21
defintely has a good chance of being exactly 5 foot
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 12/Jan/21
What odds are there are of her legitimately being 5’?

Editor Rob
yeah it is quite possible.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 10/Jan/21
“If I wasn’t 5 foot I wouldn’t be who I am” I’ve got some bad news for you!
J2Frenzy said on 20/Nov/20
@Nik easily. If not a little over the mark
Nik Ashton said on 20/Nov/20
She may be 5’0” in the morning!
Lara Luk said on 18/Nov/20
i think she is my height. so im gussing 5 4 11 3-4
Alanna said on 17/Aug/20
I saw her in concert once. She looked liked she was was about 5’2”-5’3” ”but it was probably cause she was wearing heels
the name's Sam said on 9/Aug/20
4’11” I can’t see her above 150 cm and that makes her incredibly adorable
Bull said on 19/Jun/20
I believe her - she's hit 5 ft by now. That's my guess.
Madilyn said on 5/Jun/20
147-150 cm I met her she’s 4’9-4’11 maybe
Maggie Sammoud said on 28/Dec/19
I'm a girl and I'm tall 1,85 m. I saw Sabrina in Los Angeles , She Is shorter than me of 30 cm .
Sabrina Is tall 1,55 m
Naoufel sammoud said on 20/Dec/19
Io l'ho vista a Los Angeles l'anno scorso e direi che è più alta di 1,51 m
Lei sarà sul 155-157 cm
Nik Ashton said on 6/Oct/19
She’s a fun girl and she is interested in height!
Lara Luk said on 3/Sep/19
I would say might height, I’m 5 0
Lara Luk said on 2/Sep/19
She is 5 0
karen gobin said on 15/Aug/19
I truly think she's 5' but has a really short vertical line, which means she has short legs and then appear even a tad shorter than she is in pictures.
Hannah323232 said on 2/Jul/19
There’s no way this girl is 5”0 I think she’s 4”11 like Rob says
George Ghecea said on 1/Jun/19
Hey, Rob I say 4’ 11 is a good guess for her.
There is a photo on the Internet with her and Maggie Lindemann, they both recently been on tour together.
What is Maggie’s height according to you?
PS: I don’t know how to put the photo here I hope you don’t mind looking it up online.
Kristine said on 25/Oct/18
At first I thought her height was about the same as mine (151-152cm, 150cm if I do a tough workout), but having seen recent pictures of her, I'm beginning to think she might be a bit under 150cm. So I will give her 4'10 3/4", but she could hit 4'11 1/4" on a good day.
Nik said on 14/Aug/18
She is a sweet girl with a sense of humour!
MAD SAM said on 13/Aug/18
Little girl is 149 cm or 4’10.75”, she’s very pretty btw
Gracian said on 14/Apr/18
Sabrina needs a category. Rob, please give her pop singers category.
bk3008 said on 25/Dec/17
she recently claimed 5ft on her Instagram story
Lovatic said on 28/Jul/17
I think 5'0
:) said on 2/Jul/17
Change it she's taller than 4'11 Ally Brooke from 5H
Height Revealer said on 4/Jun/17
I only said that because she made a big deal out of it
Height Revealer said on 28/May/17
Rob, why do you seem to downgrade so many celebrities claims even though there is clear evidence? Sabrina wouldn't just lie for no reason about being 5 foot. It's common sense

Editor Rob
many don't lie of course, maybe she is one. I'm just giving my estimates...
Like I've said many times, until somebody knows or has a proper measurement, everything is a guess. Your guess may be right, mine might be wrong or vice versa.
Sometimes I may see more of an actor and think a different guess seems more believable, but it's still just a change of estimate.
One thing nobody should do is get upset or lose sleep over differing guesses of celebrity height...👍
cel said on 18/Feb/17
She even posted a picture awhile ago on insta and she was measured EXACTLY to 5' you should change it back
gigi said on 26/Dec/16
yeah why downgrade!? positive she is 5"0
kendra said on 30/Sep/16
my little sister met her last month and she was barely taller than her with those big heels and my little sister is only 4'10.
Click Here
Height revealer said on 6/Sep/16
Why the downgrade? Her tweet seemed pretty real
Aaron Zamora said on 25/Jul/16
Rob, is 4'11 possible she looks super tiny even when she's wearing heels?

Editor Rob
you couldn't rule out the possibility.
Elle said on 27/Jun/16
Her reaction of hitting 5 feet is the same one I had! I love her.
Bulldog said on 8/Jun/16
Sabrina is growing into being a beautiful young lady as it seems she has long legs to be so petite.
Larry S said on 16/Dec/15
She's at just the right age currently (16) if she wanted to, she could grow several inches more and for a few years more. From what I've read about growth plates anyways...
Aden Johnson said on 23/Oct/15
Wow looks really good!
Yo said on 11/Jun/15
5' for her 5'5 for Rowan.
Jay said on 27/May/15
Rowan looks atleast 3 inches taller and she can still grow.
Skye said on 22/May/15
No way is Rowan Blanchard. Taller than Sabrina? Possibly, but in the show and cast pics, she's never looked like a full 5 inches taller than Sabrina? No. I'd say 5'2 maybe, 5'3?
Derp said on 19/May/15
How tall do you think Rowan Blanchard is?

Editor Rob
she claimed recently to be 5ft may be a slight bit much.