Elroy said on 23/Nov/23
I think he’s spot on with me. I’m just under 171cm in the morning and just over 169cm in the evening. Most of my “friendly” shoes make people think I’m 174cm.
Brian B said on 16/Oct/22
Met him a few times at my fav restaurant in LA. He's 5'6-5'7 max.
viper said on 3/May/22
Definitely no more than 5-8
Gi said on 3/May/22
Saw him in person recently, was shocked at how short he is, I'm 5'7.5". He is not taller than 5'6".
Blasto said on 31/Mar/22
5’8” flat.
AnthIris said on 14/Feb/21
He looks small next to Omar Epps who is 5'10
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the shoulder line of Ryan is much lower, he can't be more than 172 cm imo
Winsome Gent said on 16/Sep/20
I can believe 5'8 flat or 1cm under that for Ryan
Alex 6' 3" said on 4/Jun/20
5' 6" to 5' 6 1/2" bare foot range. "5-8/9" in BOOTS 'N' LIFTS. Good looking bro, though.
Scott Neal said on 11/Feb/20
Rob, how much do you think Ryan Phillippe weighed back when he filmed I Know What You Did Last Summer and Cruel Intentions?
viper said on 24/Oct/19
Thought he was no more than 5-7
Aar?n R said on 21/Oct/19
Just saw shooter. Great actor, in my opinion he's 5'8(173cm).
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 18/Dec/18
Freddie Prinze Jr look to have 5" on him in I Know What You Did Last Summer.
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Oct/18
@showw: Good pics. Notice Slaggert is wearing thin sneakers yet Ryan is at least 5" shorter and his boots will give a sizable advantage in the first pic. Ryan looks 176 cm range in boots, imo. Tom Cruise looked taller with Michael Pena. 5'8" flat would definitely be closer, imo.
jbaja74 said on 28/May/18
I've been watching the "Shooter" shows. And his mugshot was almost 5'10". But that's with clothes and shoes on. I would say he is 5'9" flat in the morning and 5'8" in the evening. He's 43 now and could shrink a full inch through out a full day.
tedd said on 28/Feb/18
5foot 6inch person if lucky with Matthew McConnay he he looks to weariing lift shoes they look weird near ankles and his knees look too high
sam said on 9/Jan/18
Rob any guesses on his head length? He has the head/face of someone taller. I always thought he was 5'10. Good proportions I guess

Editor Rob
over 9 inches...but as much as 9.5 I'm not so sure on.
MisterManletMick said on 23/Sep/17
his mugshot as Bob Lee Swagger in Shooter listed him as 5 ft 10 if memory serves, I wouldn't be surprised if he is a little shorter than that since hollywood is full of ego.
sfsfsdf said on 30/Jul/17
He is no more than 5 foot 7 at best.
RP said on 29/Jul/17
He is in the Daily Mail today and he is a very short guy. I think 5 foot 7 or tiny bit more. Look how short he looks even which shoes on....
Click Here
RisingForce said on 18/Jun/17
I don't think we're so far off, Rob. It's just that I believe 5'8" is the most he is, while you think it's the minimum. He was definitely shorter than Statham and I really wondered seeing him with 5'5" Johnny Galecki in I Know What You Did Last Summer. It's possible they used angles to make them closer, but over the years, he's not always looked that much taller than another 5'5" max guy Breckin Meyer, such as here:
Click Here
More recently:
Click Here This one isn't full, but it seems about what the difference would be in the full pic if there wasn't a tilt:
Click Here In fairness to your listing, he did look it with McConaughey, but those boots are a question mark to me.
Emma said on 17/Jun/17
In the movie Reclaim, Ryan was standing side by side with Rachelle Lefevre, they looked to be of the same height. He was wearing flip flop. She is 5'6" as listed on idmb. So he is 5'7" tops, I suspect he is a bit shoter than that.
RisingForce said on 29/May/17
Oddly, he really doesn't look that much taller than 5'5" Johnny Galecki in I Know What You Did Last Summer:
Click Here One thing is for sure, the idea of this guy being some star college quarterback in that film is laughable. Could he even see over his offensive line? Nevermind a guy who weighs a buck fifty taking a hit. He can give a pretty average impression, though and outside of Galecki, I would say he looked at least 5'8"that film and he can look this listing at times. If you look at the Berlin photocall for Lincoln Lawyer, Ryan could seem barely 2 inches shorter than McConaughey even with Matthew holding good posture and I do believe McConaughey is a solid 5'10.5" guy, possibly the height Rob gives him, but Ryan did wear thick boots that could have some room inside and I'm still skeptical of 174 for this guy.
RisingForce said on 21/Apr/17
For some reason I had imagined this guy 5'7" range. He was clearly shorter than 174-175 cm Statham so I'd think 172-173 cm, though he looks just 3 inches shorter than Kimmel below, but we can't see their feet.
Chad said on 17/Apr/17
Regarding Ryan, he can easily look 5'9"+ on screen (a testament to that lanky, toned physique). Regarding the comments made here about 5'9"ers, I'm a hair from 5'9" and I've been called short my whole life, despite being good-looking, in shape and a hardcore martial artist. Talk about unfair.
josh jeffords said on 5/Nov/16
Funny reading the comments first off im 5 8 and got a lot of short jokes even though many people are shorter.
Height is a mixed blessing being short with my build lets me wear medium clothes so works fine also better for bodybuilding which i used to do.
As for ryan he is a puzzle often does look 5 9 ish on screen but wears boots like a nervous rapper..well any rapper cept snoop.
He has appeared short in many movies kinda lets the cat outa the bag, he is shorter than jason statham and similar height to wesley snipes.
That equates to 5 8 .5 round up to 5 9 not taking the boots into account or other facade or embellishment he is now 5 7 .5 a small man but no dwarf.
FYI I am about 5 10 in thick boots no lift unless you gotta do a lot of running easy way to look bigger and makes steps heavier.
To be hones ryan is usually in good shape so weight is 150 is at list 135-140 at his more likey height.
Ron said on 11/Sep/15
Hey Rob,
How much do you think ryan weighs? Maybe 150 lbs?

Editor Rob
150-5 range could be possible.
MD said on 1/May/15
With a 5'11"(ish) Jimmy Kimmel:
Click Here
Kimmel's head is tilted a bit. I do believe he's a bit shorter than currently listed. Not much, but he's not 5'8.5"
Arch Stanton said on 30/Apr/15
In a big group of lads if you're legit 5'9 range you really shouldn't get called short as there'll usually be a fair few shorter. A proper 5'9" er should usually look in between in a fair sized group. A 5'8" range guy like this though in some situations might be the shortest and feel short, but it's lower average range overall.
Nick said on 30/Apr/15
Sorry Jackson but you're wrong for sure. I'm 5'9.5 and I've gotten. Crap for years from my buddies, just the way it goes.
word1234 said on 30/Apr/15
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Click Here
These pics clearly indicate a serious downgrade for Ryan or an upgrade for Dan Folger. Either way Ryan is definitely under 5'8.5 thats just crazy for him
Sean said on 29/Apr/15
I gotta agree with Jackson, I know several legit 5'9" guys, and I've never heard anyone even call them short. Heck, I'm a flat 5'8 and short jokes are pretty rare. Sorry, James.
Jackson said on 9/Apr/15
Sorry James, you're not 5'9 If people make fun of your average height. You are probably 5'6
Clay said on 22/Dec/14
James says on 14/Aug/14
This guy makes me proud to be 5'9", whenever I get made fun of for my height, I'm just gonna reply back with "Ryan Phillippee's the same height and he gets all the chicks".
Im sure you have 10 out of 10 movie star looks like he does, hahah.
Ed82 said on 10/Nov/14
I just watched Lincoln Lawyer. He looked just two inches shorter than McConaughey, but then I noticed his footwear always had heels that gave him at least an inch boost, not to mention if lifts were involved. 173-174cm seems spot on.
Hypado said on 26/Oct/14
Ryan Phillippe height: 5ft 8.5in (174 cm)
This, no doubt.
James said on 14/Aug/14
This guy makes me proud to be 5'9", whenever I get made fun of for my height, I'm just gonna reply back with "Ryan Phillippee's the same height and he gets all the chicks".
RobertJ said on 17/Jun/14
Just walked by him in downtown los angeles. Seemed easily a couple inches shorter than me and I'm a strong 5'10''. 5'8'' imo.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Dec/13
About right. LOL he looks lost and completely out of place in Gosford Park. He just looks too Hollywood for that movie!!
Arch Stanton said on 18/Oct/13
Yeah about right, two inches shorter than Matt Dillon in Crash.
Viper said on 11/Sep/13
Mccnauhey isnt taller than 5'9. After seeing him on video with 6'3 measured Vernon Davis I cant see him above that.
FM said on 27/Aug/13
I thought he was just a couple of inches shorter than Matthew McConaughey:
Click Here
Then I saw this pic:
Click Here
Talk about lifts...
Shaq said on 25/Jul/13
I think he wears lifts, sometimes he seems at least 5'9 and other times he seems to be barely pushing 5'6-5'7
Jason B, said on 20/Jul/13
He look more 173cm
refresh said on 13/Jul/13
on men's health he said 170cm
and i think he is 5'7
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superman said on 21/Jun/13
i meant to say i think he is a flat 5'8 like zac efron can you see him at 173cm rob?

Editor Rob
it's not impossible, 174cm though might be a fair shout
superman said on 17/Jun/13
also he looks shorter than zac efron who is listed at 5'8 so he has to be a very strong 5'7 or 5'7.5 thanks
superman said on 17/Jun/13
what do you think ron downgrade him atleast the .05 of an inch?

Editor Rob
it is a possibility he's not over 174
superman said on 16/Jun/13
Inckuding myself and people who have met him, and on your site there is 9 out of 11 people who believe he should be downgraded, and dont belive for a second he is over 5'8. thanks
superman said on 8/Jun/13
hey ron do you think he needs a downdgrade at all, but 70% of people who posted beleive this guy is under 173cm, and even though ive onyl met him one time i would agree, but if you met him i for sure trust your anwser.
superman said on 4/Jun/13
like i stated before i met him at a soccer for his son game, he looked to be 5'7.5 inches tall i think your listing is perfect when he is in shoes. I agree with satchy, daniel, danMan and Lucy. thanks
superman said on 2/Jun/13
im a flat 5'9 and,I have only seen him 1 time at a soccer game for his son he looked 5'7 max and he was wearing nike heigh tops, so i would agree with satchy,and daniel. great site rob.
Daniel said on 25/Mar/13
He's only maybe 2" taller than Breckin Meyer, who I think might be close to 5' 3" (just watched Clueless).
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DanMan said on 30/Dec/12
No way is this guy taller than Marky Mark
Arch Stanton said on 19/Nov/12
Spot on I think, almost 4 inches shorter than 50 cent.
Lucy said on 5/Aug/12
5'7.5 max. He's not very tall.
Dmeyer said on 6/Jun/12
Solid 4 in under 5'11.75-6ft 50cent and shorter than 175cm statham , nothing over proper 173cm
Splitting Hairs said on 8/Feb/12
He only looked about 3-3.5 inches shorter than Freddie Prince Jr in "I Know what you did last summer", so given Freddies 6'1" height I would have guessed at least 5'9.5" for Ryan. He also towered over Jennifer Love Hewitt by a good 7-8 inches.
Silent D said on 24/Oct/11
He looked tall in cruel intentions. I thought he was at least 178cm. After watching antitrust, he will be lucky if he's 170cm. Tim robbins had an easy nearly 30cm on him. He barley reached his shoulder. I would say 5 foot 7 is generous but he is that tall but i can live with five foot 8 next to ellen.
sam said on 15/Oct/11
I saw him in person, claims 5 ft 9
tom said on 22/Aug/11
wow!!! thought this guy was like 5ft10 lol. next to matt dillon looks like 5ft9
Tacos said on 25/Jun/11
No way he is 5´8.5"! He is barely taller than 5´3" Amanda, this guy must be wearing a lot of lifts, because he is not taller than 5´6".
Dago Red said on 5/Jun/11
I dunno who he thinks he's fooling with those giant munsters. They look to be in the 3 inch lift category, same as Stallone and Robert Downey. Needs a downgrade badly.
Michael said on 18/May/11
5ft 8.5 inches as posted here is inaccurate. 5' 7.5" max. I would say 5' 6.5" average. This guy is short.
Kurt said on 28/Apr/11
Looks 5'6.5 if that is the case.
anon said on 17/Mar/11
the difference between him and breckin meyer is an interesting one, sometimes phillipe looks 5'8 but sometimes looks much closer to a generous 5'5 meyer...
Alfalfa said on 17/Mar/11
Amanda is 5'3" how is he 5'9"?
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MarcusTheSwede said on 14/Mar/11
Its time for a downgrade.This guy is clearly not 174cm maxiumum 172.
5'11 barefoot said on 2/Mar/11
Mattew McConeghy looks the same hieght as RP....crazy
5'7.56 said on 22/Jan/11
this guy does seem tall and lean, but he's surprisingly short for a skinny guy, He's at most 5'8, i'd say he's more like 5'7.5. 5'10 Joseph Gordon Levitt has at least 2" and legit 6'1 Channing Tatum can really dwarf him by a head at times in Stoplose.
Yelmer said on 16/Nov/10
This is surprising - he appears to be really tall & lean, guess not
jf said on 12/May/09
I used to think this guy was 6'1" tall. I guess he shot a lot of films with supershort females (Sarah Michelle Gellar + Jennifer Love Hewitt). Was shocked to see him listed at 5'8". Crazy what the camera does to people.
Jon said on 25/Mar/09
i always thought this guy was at least 5'10 or even more. In cruel intentions he looks massive next to Reece Witherspoon and Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Real said on 8/Mar/09
Well of course you will still "feel short" if you're in the average range.. Even at 50%, 1 out of 2 people will be taller than you.
Michael said on 2/Feb/09
Hi.. i always think that Ryan is a good 5'7. he looks tiny, or maybe it's his body structure?? hard to judge!
Anonymous said on 31/Dec/08
in 54 he appeared taller....because he had 2-3 inches of afro
and he was co starring with Selma Hayek, Mike Myers, and Breckin Meyer...all of which are considered average or below average height
i say Ryan Phillipe: 5'7-5'7.5
anonymous said on 23/Nov/08
Channing tatum is 185cm. In the movie antitrust, when he was standing next to 196cm tim robbins, he was up to his neck. I use to think this guy was at least 6 foot but now i would say 5 foot 8. In cruel intentions he looked tall. Cameras can be deceiving. 5 foot 8-9.
atc said on 15/Nov/08
this guy look about 170 cm in stop loss , there's a scene where you can see him next to Channing Tatum and Timothy Olyphant standing against a wall , supposed to be both Tatum and Olyphant around 183 cm range ... otherwise if he is 174 cm they look more 190 ..
The Horse of FUNK said on 7/Oct/08
Nah, from a statistical perspective 5'8" is still average, but the shortest of average. Hard to believe, huh? Think of it this way: 50% of the black/white male population is between 5'8"-6'. So they're basically the majority, hence the true average. To me, true-short (yeah, I'm making my own words up) begins at 5'7.5" and true-tall begins at 6'.05". There are tons of 5'8" guys and at 5'11.5" I see 'em all the time. This isn't even accounting for Asians and Hispanics whose numbers are increasing.
Clay said on 11/Sep/08
Thats funny Real im 5'9.5 75% of the time I feel short when im walking around in public places unless im wearing lifts.
Real said on 8/Sep/08
Clay, I think an "actual" 5'8 is average.. but a "claimed" 5'8 is short. I claim 5'8 most the time and others think I'm 5'8, but I'm 5'6.. and I'm short.
Clay said on 31/Aug/08
5'8/5'8.5 isnt average it is short in my books.
flash_of_eden said on 27/Aug/08
good god he's much shorter than i had expected. having only watched Cruel Intentions i had thought he was around 5'11 or 6 ft.
Anonymous said on 12/Aug/08
Have you seen the pics of Phillippe with Abbie Cornish in swimsuits at the Venetian in Vegas (if I knew how to link, I would). She is towering over him. How tall is she or is she standing on something (I can't tell)??
Anonymous said on 25/Jul/08
I thought he was like 5'7" Looks like it in Cruel Intentions. Figuring Gellar is probably 5'5" (at best) in heels, he looked only a solid 2 inches taller.
Anonymous said on 24/Jul/08
he loos tall next to most of the women hes seen with in and out of movies b/c theyre small! ex wife reese is 5'2, sarah michelle gellar is 5'2 ish, and jennifer love hewitt about the same also.
Lego said on 22/Jul/08
a photo with Breckin Meyer who is 5'5ish shows that he's barely 5'8 - 5'8.5, obviously Meyer got lifts cause he looks almost the same height and his not even infront of the camera, head to I-m-d-b to see it, find Ryan Phillippe and the images.
i say 5'8 - 5'8.5
Anonymous said on 15/Jul/08
I remember being very surprise when I learned he was this height. I'd always pegged him a six footer. I thought he looked six foot in 'Cruel Intentions' and at least 5' 10" in 'Crash'.
5'9,5 said on 7/Apr/08
he is about 5'9 becuase when i met him i was only a centermetre above him at 5'9.5 but my god he isssss soooo gorgeous!
Aykut said on 26/Feb/08
I think you're right cause he isNT taller than me.. my heiht is match with him... I know because I have met with him... (ps: I am 1.74m)
H-G-H said on 16/Feb/08
It's weird. To me, Ryan is like Nick Lachey...an average heighted man that seems to look tallish, never short.
Lmeister said on 11/Feb/08
The only guy who is shorter than him in any pics/movies I've seen is B. Meyer. I think 5ft9 is sneakers on height like quite a few guys in 5ft7-5ft8 range have said.
Alex said on 10/Feb/08
He can look 5'9.
Real said on 27/Dec/07
he's barely taller than meyer in those pics.. are you all sure that 5'8.5 is correct?
anon said on 27/Nov/07
i took him out a couple of times in london while he was filming here around a month ago and, a) we talked about how funny this site is.. b)he told me he is 5'9 (same as me)
Anonymous said on 29/Oct/07
I met him in a london club 2 weeks ago....he is really short...I am 5ft 2...and he looked small...I would even say 5ft 7
TS sucks said on 20/Sep/07
glenn and TS need to calm down. this is about how tall Ryan is. And he's 5'8.
laura said on 16/Sep/07
ryan is 5'9'' or this height. sarah has high heels on in cruel intentions. and she´s still a bit smaller than him because he has heels, too, maybe 2cm heels or 3. around 5'9'' seems accurate.
Leung said on 26/Aug/07
How about this for an interesting height match up, Ryan Phillippe versus
Mark Wahlberg? I think Marky Mark would be slightly taller than Ryan.
Fab said on 17/Aug/07
take a look at ryan next to jake gyllenhaal:
Click Here
Chris said on 15/Aug/07
No problem, Glenn. Some folks see the world in strange ways.
dmeyer said on 14/Aug/07
statham is 175 176 barefoot in a scene were jason is barefeet and ryan is in 1 in shoes jason is a bit taller it is hard too see ryan taller than 173 cm
Stiffelio said on 14/Aug/07
He looks shorter than 5'8" in that picture..........and wasted!!
Chris said on 13/Aug/07
I'm with Glenn on this one. A photo's a photo. If you're a celebrity, people want their photo taken with you. That's life. I don't get the impression Glenn sat at their table all evening or anything.
sam said on 13/Aug/07
Geez, look at him with Breckin Meyer, who no one's ever thought over 5'6". I think there's no way he would be over 5'8" from this photo:
Click Here
tall peter said on 25/Jul/07
''in I know what you did last summer'' he looks a solid 5ft9max(177cm) beside 185cm tall freddy prinze jr.. if his only 174cm freddy prinze might only be 182cm..
TS said on 5/Jun/07
Glenn as 'head of security' was (I assume) a paid employeee,not a guest.Employees are not there as guests and shouldn't pretend they are.It's both intrusive and rude.
JJ said on 26/May/07
Je may be wearing lifters at times, I've seen him around in L.A walking awkardly. My guess is he 5'6 -- Just watch his films, He is rarely barefooted.
Anonymous said on 19/May/07
I agree with 5'7 - 5'7.5. In the movie PLAYING BY HEART, Angelina Jolie (5'6 - 5'6.5) is almost the same height, and both were wearing regular sneakers.
Kathryn said on 14/Apr/07
hmmm....yes, he is definately that height. or maybe a little taller. 5'9'' is maximum, 5'8'' is minimum. because i met him at a party, I´m 5'7'' and wore sneakers and he was a little taller than me. so, i can tell, he´s 5'8'' to 5'9''. bad luck, hä? =)

Editor Rob
I forget exactly where, but I saw a photo of Ryan with Angelina Jolie and he was a little taller, she had on typical 2.7 inch heels...it might have been the same event where she only looked a few inches taller than gillian anderson, although she had an extra inch in footwear over jolie at the event
Jo said on 10/Apr/07
Can we down grade him hes is 5' 7.75". He is barely taller than breckin myer. He is well proportioned though!
Leung said on 13/Mar/07
Most of the time Ryan Phillippe seems to be 5’8”-5’8.5”, but whenever he is with Breckin Meyer he looks 5’7” max, it’s bizarre.
Viper said on 13/Mar/07
Hes looking 5-7-5-7 1/2 there with Breckin.
Viper said on 12/Mar/07
Reese is 5-2.
Leung said on 12/Mar/07
hey chicoflaco, where did that happen? Ryan recently hooked up with hottie Ashlee Simpson.
MD said on 12/Mar/07
A new photo (2007) with Ryan and 5'5" Breckin Meyer:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 11/Mar/07
he has got 3-4 inches on 5'3 reese witherspoon here and he's in 1" heels, 5'6"-5'7" tops
Click Here
chicoflaco said on 7/Feb/07
I saw him on an outdoor set and there was a horde of asian women gaggling over him. He wasn't much taller than them. So 5'7.5 is what he looked like.
Chris said on 5/Feb/07
Sounds like you got it right and he was just being an asswipe. If you're a celebrity you've to accept (and even embrace) people being interested in you. It's part of being a celebrity.
Glenn said on 5/Feb/07
I was shocked cause they complained to my friends that were running the party that I was bothering them.people were taking pictures left and right all night.celebs and non celebs.its New Years,why be so miserable? what did I do wrong?
Chris said on 5/Feb/07
Glenn, that sucks. I've yet to meet a snotty famous person. Those I've met have been very friendly. Being famous doesn't make it cool to be snotty.
Glenn said on 4/Feb/07
Him and Reese were snotty to me at a New Years party.and I was head of security.
Chris said on 3/Feb/07
Hey Glenn, what did he do which makes him an asswipe? You got me curious now...
Chris said on 3/Feb/07
He doesn't look too short to me. More like average height I'd say.
MOF said on 31/Jan/07
"Editor Rob: your Icelandic?"
I am.
MOF said on 30/Jan/07
I was standing next to him in a boat scene (for hours, and on even ground) for Flags of our Fathers in Iceland, August 2005. I was 5'10.5" at the time and he was about 5'8", definitely not taller than 5'9". Current listing may be reasonable, I had at least two inches on him, possibly three.

Editor Rob
your Icelandic, or just live there?
Glenn said on 30/Jan/07
I accept what I see cause I met him.5-7 is ridiculous,5-8 is possible,5-9 most likely.
dmeyer said on 30/Jan/07
he is visibly shorter than statham in ko by 1 in or more
Viper said on 30/Jan/07
I think he might be closer to 5-7 actually.
MD said on 30/Jan/07
5'8", again, is the top of the scale for the guy, barefoot.
Leung said on 29/Jan/07
look at those pictures with Breckin Meyer, seriously Ryan Phillippe is only a little bit taller, wow!
leonari said on 29/Jan/07
He ain't even 5'9" . Rob has him perfect:accept that folks.
Glenn said on 29/Jan/07
he is 5-9.tops.
Kathryn said on 28/Jan/07
I think Ryan Phillippe´s height is between 5'9'' (175 cm) and 5'10'' (178 cm).
I mean.....Sarah Michelle Gellar is 5'3''(160 cm) and he looks much taller than her.I saw on a TV-Show, Cameron Diaz and Sarah Michelle Gellar standing next to each other and Cameron is 174 cm and Sarah´s head´s top reached for Cameron´s cheeks. And they both wore high heels (maybe 5-6 cm). So Ryan Phillippe is taller than 174 cm for sure! Because gellar reaches for his neck.
Conner Iannone said on 10/Aug/06
5'7. He looked extremely short in Cruel intentions.
dmeyer said on 10/Aug/06
in chaos he looked shorter than stathan by 4 to 5 cm so either put ryan at 172-3 range or stathan at 177 there is a scene were statham is barefoot and philipe in shoes and jason steel looks taller
Eric said on 31/May/06
In that pic they look like a family of 4, mom, dad, 15yr old son, 10yr old daughter.
John Doe said on 27/May/06
Ryan is definitely 5'9" if not a little more. Sigourney Weaver is 5'11
SEBASTIAN said on 19/May/06
will everyone stop beleiving what they say on camera.
rj said on 19/May/06
I met Ryan Phillipe on set and he is 5'7", possibly 5'7.5". With his shoes on he would be 5'8".
Pik said on 1/May/06
Height difference between Ryan and Reese on that picture with Sigourney looks about the same as between my girfriend who is 5'4, and me (5'10)in comparable footwear,6 inches. So if Reese is 5'2, he is 5'8 or maybe 5'8.5 tops.

Editor Rob
here is what a 5ft 2 lady in heels can look in straight on shot beside 5ft 8 guy:
Hansen said on 23/Apr/06
I saw him a couple of times while he was filming AntiTrust here many years ago. He's probably somewhere between 5'6 and 5'7.
SEBASTIAN said on 20/Apr/06
Now thats stupid. This guy is the most vein actor he's not going to make himself shorter.
175-77cm17andgrowing said on 19/Apr/06
He's 168lbs now and I think his "like" is true. Compare him to Sarah Michelle Gellar in... man... CRUEL Intentions, yeah, that's it... and you'll see the guy's really 5'9'', maybe a little taller.
Anonymous said on 11/Apr/06
"Man" the tall woman is Sigourney Weaver from The Alien, The Village,...
sebastian said on 6/Apr/06
i think hes 5.6 and meyer is 5.5
MD said on 13/Mar/06
His height is tied to anyone whom we see him in a picture with of known height, including, but no exclusive, to Witherspoon.
I too, would like some explaination of the photo I posted. Knowing that Breckin Meyer is no more than 5'6" at the very most, I really need someone to explain that photo. It's easily one of the better photos I've seen showing feet, and the subject being on the same plane as the other person. Not just that, but the Lorenz Tate photo is also very telling. 5'8" seems like the next reasonable step on this one because that's what he is at the very most.

Editor Rob
hey, I'm still trying to figure out the bernie pic ;-)
what I mean is, most of this guy's pics are with reese, and looking at them as a whole, the difference might match 173 and weak 5ft 2 so to speak...
maybe Ryan's posture isn't as good, I don't know...but yes, that's one pic of course where he can look 173 at most
Mr. Awesome said on 11/Mar/06
looks like i was right about him all along, Rob! thank you for finally taking another look at him and changing this.

Editor Rob
his height is tied to witherspoon. She may well be a cm under 5ft 2 if he were bang on 173cm though
Glenn said on 11/Mar/06
Closer To 5-8.
Trueheight said on 10/Mar/06
that's sigourney weaver; pic doesn't really help that much as weaver is known as a 'tall woman' anyway and even makes some of her leading men look shortish
Man said on 10/Mar/06
Click HereIf you know who the tall woman is, it may solve this problem of his height
sebastian said on 8/Mar/06
down grade at least two inches theres no way
trueheight said on 7/Mar/06
Um, whats up w/ those brekin meyer pics? No camera in existence can negate a 4in disparity b/tw a 5'5er and a 5'9er. and both are wearing shoes that look suspect to say the least
Glenn said on 7/Mar/06
5-8.and Asswipe.
sebastian said on 6/Mar/06
this guy needs to be downgraded. seriously i mean he's only an inch or 2 taller than meyer
MD said on 12/Feb/06
Yeah, he's maybe able to get to 5'9" in some thicker heeled/soled shoes, but he's always looked just 5'8" to me.
CelebHeights Editor said on 11/Feb/06
Interview Magazine, 1998:
"I'm like five-foot-nine and 150 pounds at the most"
I hate the word 'like'...
dmeyer said on 1/Feb/06
hey rob if you watch chaos with ryan and statham you can see that statam is more than 1 in bigger maybe ryan is only 5'8"
dmeyer said on 26/Jan/06
he looks more than half an inch less than statham 5'8.5" looks more realistic
End the debate said on 19/Dec/05
Want a date?
Josh said on 18/Dec/05
Yeah 5'8 5'9 is right for Ryan , I think we could be just 5'8 because in that old movie i know what you did last summer there is a secene where he is in the looker room he was barefoot and looked a solid 5'8.
Serena said on 10/Dec/05
I'm almost 6 feet, and a girl at a young age, and I thought ryan was really tall, but after I found out he was so short I became COMPLETELY DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wash DC said on 21/Oct/05
I saw him and Jesse Bradford at a bar in Georgetown and he was one spindly, small character. I'm 5' 5'' and I don't think he was that much more. No way he's 5' 9".
Icelander said on 8/Oct/05
I met Ryan Philippe during the filming of Flags of our Fathers, I´m 5´11 and I was standing by him for hours and I promise he´s about 5´8-5´9.
Drew said on 2/Jul/05
He looked a little taller, maybe 2inches max, than the main character (forgot his name) in Igby Goes Down, and that guy is 5'7". So I guess maybe 5'8"-5'9" is right.
leonari said on 9/Jun/05
totally agree with mR. Awasome this guy is in the Tom Cruise area of height. I'd say he ain't above 5'7.5...
Mr. R said on 19/May/05
I was all set to agree with this 5-9 reading until I saw Ryan on Jay Leno's show last night. He looked almost 2 inches shorter than Leno, even though he tried to keep his distance. If Leno is 5-10, than Ryan may be 5-8.5. The other place to measure him is in the new movies Crash (Great Film!). Ryan has scenes with Matt Dillon (5-11) and Terrence Howard (6-1). He is clearly shorter than both, and while he does seem only 2 inches shorter than Dillon, I sense that there is either tricky camera work or tricky footwear.
JosephW said on 18/May/05
Buster those shoes that ryan and I think Culkin are wearing can increase your height 1 to 2 inches more. They're not elevator shoes, but they are more like work shoes. I know they increase your height between 1-2 inches on the back of the shoes because I own a pair like that for work. And when I walk into work I look like I am about 6 feet tall. dookie burger
Buster said on 14/May/05
5'9 sounds right. Kieran Culkin is listed 5'7.5 here and Phillippe is about two inches taller than him. They both wear similar types of shoes.
Lmeister said on 14/May/05
No way...5'8'' max
leonari said on 13/May/05
I say it's more like 5'7 , but the guy has a nice slim built but still somewhat muscular as seen in studio 54...And as our dear editor pointed out: He also has a hot wife who is on the very short side of things... I am 5'7" myself and my mother is also 5'2" and I am almost 3/4 of a head taller than her.
jack said on 12/May/05
i think he is shorter.. The guy doesn't look big at all. He looks to be about the same height as cruise. I'd say 5'7.5- 5'8 and 5'8 on a good day.
Mr. X said on 25/Apr/05
Go to Billy Bob Thorton's name on this site. Take a look at the photo of him standing next to 5 ft 9 Kelly Lynch, 6 ft or 5 ft 11 Hank Azaria and so not 6 ft Billy Bob Thorton, and you will see that Ryan and Billy Bob are liars.
Dude said on 1/Feb/05
My sister is the same height as Reese Witherspoon 5ft2in(157 cm)and when I am standing next to her(when she is wearing stilettos)our height difference is bigger than Ryans and Reeses and my height is around 5ft8in...So Ryan cannot be 5ft9in...I'd say 5ft7.5in...