Nik said on 15/Aug/17
@ Sandy Cowell
I bumped into this tonight by mistake but it has cheered me up!
Thanks Sandy, Jaffa, and Twitty!
I am fine thank you!
Cheers Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Aug/17
@ Nik - Super extra huge big honey-drenched cheers from Jaffa, Twitty and me, of course! 👍 🐝🐦 - Hi Nik! How are you?
Slim 182 cm said on 21/Jul/17
179, no more, no less.
Nik said on 20/Jul/17
@ Sandy Cowell
Cheers my friend!
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Jul/17
@ Nik - Many more cheers to you too! 👍 🍻
Nik said on 18/Jul/17
@ Sandy Cowell
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Jul/17
@ Nik - I'm delighted to hear that! 👍
Nik said on 17/Jul/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
You have cheered me up with this comment!
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jul/17
@ Nik - Hi! Don't worry about Twitty missing out on chocolate fudge cake or any type of cake, for that matter! 🐤
Fed up with being chased out of shops himself, Jaffa 🐝 has been teaching Twitty to pilfer what she fancies from shop cake displays, assuring her that nobody is going to take offence to a pretty yellow canary zooming in and out of eateries!
She is getting thoroughly efficient as well but then she does have an experienced teacher! They have been living very well lately, and might soon be setting up a business!
🐝🐤👌 🏪🍩🍰🍪🍮🍯🍔🍕🍣🍞🍓
Nik said on 16/Jul/17
@ Sandy Cowell
Very funny! - as in old boot!
Twitty would have loved the Chcolate fudge cake, shame she isn't getting any!
Thanks Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jul/17
@ Nik - You're welcome!
Well, the day is finally here, and I hope it is one to remember - for all the RIGHT reasons! 🎂 😁 🍺
Don't forget me, you old boot!
I wanted to wish Nik a Happy Birthday as well! 🐝
OK, OK, Jaffa! It's over to you!
Hi! It's me, your friend and favourite historian, Jaffa!
I wish you a fantastic time today, filled with laughter and frivolity galore! 🐝🍺
Twitty also sends you all her fondest Birthday wishes with yummy Birthday eats!! 🐤🎂
Nik said on 14/Jul/17
@ Sandy Cowell
Thanks for that Sandy! I have never looked as young for my years as Mr Kelley!
For me 5'10" - 5'11" is quite tall for a man! Not tall but not average.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jul/17
@ Nik - Just one more day to go now and you will be 41!
I had a great year then, and I SO hope you do as well! 😁👍😉
Nik said on 13/Jul/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
No problem Sandy, I am glad you liked my post! Londoners have got a good sense of humour and the rhyming slang they use to refer to different words is amazing. Yeah, get a new phone if you cannot sort out your problems, because phones are so important nowadays to communicate with loved ones and friends.
Cheers mate!
Ryan Kelley looks a good deal younger than 30 in my opinion too, early 20's is what he looks to me! He looks quite tall so he gets 5'10.5" from me!
I will be 41 in 2 days time!
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jul/17
Hi Nik! Attempt number 2 to thank you for cheering me up for your comment, the first I found today! 👍
(Cockney Rhyming Slang always hits the spot for me and I liked that you recognized it! It was one of the funniest things about living in the East End!)
Yes, my autocorrect is still playing up, even though the lad in the shop said it should be OK. The stupid thing isn't! It's rubbish! 😝😝 I will have to ring the number I was given in the shop. Failing that, I will need a new phone, because this is like losing a third arm - having a hopeless phone that is! 📲❌ 😫🔫
Enjoy your evening and thank you for brightening my day! 🌞
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jul/17
Hi Nik! Attempt number 2 to thank you for cheering me up for your comment, the first I found today! 👍
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jul/17
🍟 Correction Time II! 🍟
'interesting of' WRONG
'instead of' RIGHT
Now this really WAS my autocorrect! The miserable thing with a mind of its own tried to do it AGAIN!
Not happy with screwing me over just the once, it wanted to put 'this' instead of 'tried'!
And to make matters worse, a cat just had a Tom Tit* out side my bedroom door!
* Tom Tit is rhyming slang for something that might be found in a toilet or a litter tray! 👎😬
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jul/17
🐣 Correction Time! 🐣
That should have been 'he gets 5ft10.5 FROM me' interesting of 'for me'. OK? Excellent! 🐥
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jul/17
I am in agreement with Danimal that Ryan looks a good deal younger that his 30 years!
Nevertheless, he gets 5ft10.5 for me. If you could get extra height for looking much younger than your years, he would get a couple of extra inches, but he'll have to make do with compliments for his youthful looks rather than for being particularly tall, unless he's chatting to someone of 5ft or so!
Danimal said on 8/Jul/17
Dude looks really young for 30 years old. Could pass for early 20's or even late teens in that pic.
Guy10do said on 7/Jul/17
Was gonna give him 5'11", but after careful examining I think I'll peg him at solid 5'10"
Sammy Derrick said on 7/Jul/17
Due to his lean and muscular frame plus he's long face,I would have said 5'11(180cm)He looks rather tall on Teen Wolf but standing next to Cody Christian(5'7)and Dylan Sprayberry(5'5).
Andrea said on 7/Jul/17
I knew I saw him somewhere! This guy played the memorable role of Ryan on Smallville, the kid who could read people's mind in the first seasons (in a couple of episodes)! He must have a been a late bloomer because he did look quite short (possibly around 5'5) next to Tom and the other actors in those eps and, apparently, he was around 15 at that time...
And Rob, it seems he has claimed 6' on his Twitter:
Click Here

Editor Rob
yes, Andrea it is an optimistic claim for him, on Teen Wolf he certainly doesn't seem that tall.
Slim 182 cm said on 7/Jul/17
Wolf, I do agree about obrien Being eligible for upgrade but rob may not. As for this guy, I haven't seen yet to judge but my estimates would be
5"10 to 5"10.5
Wolf said on 5/Jul/17
Accurate listing. He is described as "6ft tall" everywhere despite the fact Tyler Hoechlin edges him out in every single pic. Hell, even Ian Bohen looks taller than him in some photos. He can look anywhere between 178-180 depending on his footwear and posture. Plus I've noticed the difference between him and O'Brien is negligible. If I were you I'd upgrade Dylan to 5'10,25"