Marley said on 17/Jan/08
I think he's 5'9 max. The rest is lifts and camera angles.
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/08
There wernt much height difference between him and 6ft 1 richard harris in gladiator.
Scott B said on 11/Jan/08
He looks 5'10 to me.
Adam Brennon said on 3/Jan/08
You're probably right Leung. It's just that he looks so much bigger in L.A Confidential, it's easy to overestimate.
Leung said on 3/Jan/08
Adam Brennon, that
Adam Brennon said on 2/Jan/08
I'd say Crow has about 60lbs on Pearce.
Adam Brennon said on 2/Jan/08
I think Gladiator shoulders some of the responsibility for 5' 9" rumour circulation. Several of the gladiators with whom his character is aquainted are over 6, over 200 and over 44".
Anonoymous said on 24/Dec/07
Whoa whats the deal with the ben foster pics? Ive heard even 5'8 for ben and crowe looks the same height as him in those pics.
Either foster had elevators or crowe forgot his. Any onther pics where we can see their shoes? Thoughts?
Boxing Fighter said on 11/Dec/07
Melv says on 26/Aug/07
In that photo session with 5ft9 ben Foster he looks no more than 5ft10.
Great post Melv.
Valeri said on 10/Dec/07
Hes not 5'9,But hes no 6footer either. hes either 5'10 or 5'11 max and 5'10.5 seems more or less correct I guess. Josh Brolin is 5'11.5 right,well he seemed an inch under him in american gangster,that premiere is a joke with crowe in either big boots or customized boots with lifts and washington always has relaxed posture and qurte a small heel.+ angles. He seemed 5'9.5-5'10 with bale,but hes taller thna that,but hes no 6ft,Hes not as tall as bale. His 5'11.5 that he claims,well i don't buy it,but he has no trouble looking it with help.
Valeri said on 10/Dec/07
Hes not 5'9,But hes no 6footer either. hes either 5'10 or 5'11 max and 5'10.5 seems more or less correct I guess. Josh Brolin is 5'11.5 right,well he seemed an inch under him in american gangster,that premiere is a joke with crowe in either big boots or customized boots with lifts and washington always has relaxed posture and qurte a small heel.+ angles.
Joe said on 2/Dec/07
according to this picture
Click Here Russell is 5'9.5 or 5'10.
Evanna said on 8/Nov/07
I know, guys, but how do you explain Crowe looking 2"+ shorter than Christian Bale in Yuma premiere pics? I bet he didn't want to be dwarfed by another six footer again (Denzel W in this case), so he had his shoes customized, if you what I mean. :)
Besides, he's no taller than his fellow Aussie Guy Pearce, who's a self-confessed 5'10".
Leung said on 7/Nov/07
glenn is right, Crowe is not short, he is about 5
glenn said on 7/Nov/07
lets not forget i saw crowe look 6ft in what appeared to be normal shoes to me.
Evanna said on 7/Nov/07
Bam, that's called lifts & camera angles. How come he didn't look taller than Christian Bale in Yuma pics?
bam said on 5/Nov/07
crowe consistenly looks taller than denzel washington (6ft) during the premiere of american gangster. He looks huge.
Click Here
joy said on 5/Nov/07
he is 5 9. same height as ben foster in the 3;10 yuma premier
Evanna said on 26/Oct/07
Since Guy Pearce's definitive listing is 5'10" ("discussion closed!" - said Rob), I believe that Russell Crowe's height should also be rounded to 5'10". I've seen LA Confidential at least a million times, and the two Aussies seem to be exactly the same, at least in height (when it comes to weight Crowe beats Pearce by at least 2 stone).
And Crowe does look some 2 in. shorter than Batman.
dmeyer said on 24/Oct/07
he looks 2 to 2.5 in under bale when he sloushes when he stands tall he seems only 3 cm shorter
Valeri said on 24/Oct/07
andy,he doesnt seem liek a big fella next ot 6footer bale,he looks 5
andy said on 15/Oct/07
yeah, he's a fairly big feller. defiantly not short.
anywhere from 179-181cm would seem correct.
Valeri said on 8/Oct/07
yeah sure rane.and im brad pitt. Many times seen him in person ha. at least 5'11? well,check out christian bale next to crowe.Crowe has claimed 6ft and looks it always next to say 6'2-6'3 guys like hugh jackman and freeman.Crowe is 5'10 or maybe under I'd say.A 5'10.5 guy wouldnt look that much shorter than 6ft bale. Looked a bit taller than 5'9 foster.
glenn said on 24/Sep/07
yes,he isnt short.
rane said on 23/Sep/07
If ben foster is truly 5'8", then he had big boots on - russell crowe is at least 5'11" maybe 1/2" more--please dont you have something better to do..i hae seen him in person many times either in barefeet or with running shoes, etc. he is tall
glenn said on 23/Sep/07
danielle,this is a website to discuss various height and fluctuations.if you dont like it,shouldnt you have something else to do? why are you on here then?
danielle said on 23/Sep/07
i can't believe so many people are so concerned w/ a couple of inches. haven't you guys got something better to do? 5'10 or5'11 big deal. we know he's fairly tall, not short not super tall. how's that!
glenn said on 18/Sep/07
believe me i was expecting 5-9.i was shocked at how tall and stocky he was.
Daniel said on 17/Sep/07
Crowe seems 5'11'' to 5'11.5'' barefeet, as Glenn says. Anyway, I don't think he can be less than 5'11'', unless he slouches.
Franco said on 17/Sep/07
he is a weakish 5'10.5 he 178-179cm indeed is his barefoot height, 180+ in shoes, so when he said 5'11.5 he wasnt lying ,that would be his height in shoes lol
he doesnt look short, he does look bulky and his face is like melted cheese, but not short.
178-179cm is correct.
glenn said on 16/Sep/07
that doesnt mean anything outofbench.i met him plenty of times too and usually looked 5-11.5.of course other times 5-10ish.hard to pin encounter is never enough.and depending on what year you saw him,he doesnt pose.since 2006 he has been posing with fans.
OutBenchThis said on 16/Sep/07
When I met him, I found him to be close to 5'10" (5'9.5-5'9.75") but not any bigger so I'd say 177cm would be on the money..I wish now I got a photo with him so I could shut the clowns up that think he is 5'11" ! He'd be 5'11"- 5'11.5" in dress shoes but barefoot 177cm (around 5'9.5"). I will acknowledge that I met him at night so the 177cm would be his 'evening hieght'.
mcfan said on 15/Sep/07
Where do people come off with 5'9 for Crowe? He's just got wide shoulders and is broad. He might be close to 5'11.
OutBenchThis said on 11/Sep/07
Like I've said before 5'9.5" is what i thought he was when I met him here in Australia..the photos with Bale appear to reinforce my stance..he doesn't seem to where large shoes all the time but apparently expects people to buy into the idea that he's close to 6ft..I guess some people do..
dmeyer said on 11/Sep/07
he looks very mush shorter than bale so 5'10 flat max
sam said on 11/Sep/07
I strongly doubt Bale wears lifts. Looks like regular dress shoes to me here:
Click Here
the shredder said on 11/Sep/07
I think Russell Crowe is 178cm .
dmeyer said on 10/Sep/07
i remember bale lookind a solid 2.5 in under freeman and then looking similar height so bale might wear elevator to look 6'1 plus
antron said on 10/Sep/07
He looks 5'11 in shoes. Never looks short or shortish (which 5'9"ers can, think Adam Sandler, Andy Garcia or Charlie Sheen). Russell is a legit 5'10" flat. Bale is 6ft and a bit (184?cm).
Viper said on 7/Sep/07
Its 5 inches between your eyes to the top of your head on average. Its actually a little over that for me.
KT said on 5/Sep/07
"I did get the impression of 5'9 after seeing Crowe in Gladiator, which he wore sandals throughout"
^ You know, I take back this comment. After watching Gladiator again, I noticed he didn't look 5 inches shorter than Djimon Hounsou. And Hounsou was in sandals, just like Russell. (I think everyone generally agrees Djimon Hounsou is a legit 6'2) A 5 inch difference would make Russell look like an infant, which he didn't.
They say it's 4 inches from the eyes to the top of the head. Based on that, I'd say Russell looked 4 inches shorter. No more than that. 5'10 flat seems more believable. I'd have a hard time believing a 5'9 man would claim 5'11.5, while a 5'10 guy with lifts can claim 6 feet easy.
Bale could be wearing lifts..never know. But Russell is 5'10.
Valeri said on 3/Sep/07
crowe looks 3 inches under Bale and exactly same(check the top of the heads) as foster. So he is no more than 5'9,since he was wearing cowboy boots on that premiere,giving him another half an inch,so might be 5'8.5.But Bale is 6ft for sure,since if he was 5'11-5'11.5 then crowe would be 5'7.5-5'8 and he's not. Either that or Crowe is only 2 inches smaller at least as all the pics show. They seem to have similar postures as well.
KT said on 31/Aug/07
Wow, Crowe looks so short next to Bale. Surprising. Definitely looks 5'9 or so. I did get the impression of 5'9 after seeing Crowe in Gladiator, which he wore sandals throughout. And the pics with Ben Foster just puts the nail in the coffin for any guys still selling Crowe as 5'11-6'0.
Because it's not just 1 picture, it's like 10 of them showing him look the same height as Foster and a lot shorter than bale. Maybe as Crowe got older he decided to ditch the lifts.
balegirl said on 30/Aug/07
Wow. It's amazing how adamant people remain even in when presented with the latest evidence (ie 310 to Yuma pics). If RC is indeed 5'11" than Bale is at least 6'1" and we know that is NOT the case as we have seen Bale in the Batman film with Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Laim Neeson all towering over him. Bale is probably 5'11" and Crowe looks easily 2 inches shorter. He's 5'9 MAX.
xaoxio said on 28/Aug/07
yes, he looks less than 5'10.5"
Albert said on 27/Aug/07
wow, looks short with Foster. i was sure this guy was around 5"10 but he might be even less.
Melv said on 26/Aug/07
Bale is consistently 6ft all the time.
Check all the pics on Wireimage and Getty. Crowe is 2.5 inches shorter than Bale and wearing thicker footwear.
Click Here
5ft 9 Ben Foster is the exact same height as Crowe.
Click Here
I always said this guy is 5ft 9 without lifts or cowboy boots. He was an inch taller than Paul Giamatti in Cinderella Man.
glenn said on 24/Aug/07
the thing is bales height is up for debate.i never saw him,but you here 6ft to 6-2 for him.i saw crowe alot.he appeared 5-10 or 5-11.5 depending.he was shockingly tall and wide the first time i saw him.i was expecting 5-9.
Lmeister said on 24/Aug/07
Come on the pics just show that Mr Bale is a legit 6'0'' and Russell is around 5'10''-5'11''. Ben Foster does look 5'8''- 5'9''
Melvin said on 23/Aug/07
Crowe is also wearing thicker footwear. I can't see him being 5ft 10. Never have.
sam said on 23/Aug/07
Here's a photo with Christian Bale showing the height difference with Christian Bale at the 3:10 to Yuma premiere:
Click Here
I'm a little surprised at the difference, but Crowe definitely doesn't look "five eleven and a bit" there.
Also, at the premiere, Ben Foster looks taller, though he is no doubt aided by his proximity to the camera here:
Click Here
Melv said on 23/Aug/07
Appeared 2.5-3 inches shorter in thick footwear next to Christian Bale this week at a premiere .
Ed said on 17/Aug/07
He looked 5ft9 in Proof of Life. Most recently in the trailer for American Gangster with Denzel Washington, he looks pretty short and stocky as well and he looks to be wearing cowboy boots again.
Lmeister said on 16/Aug/07
JC I think you should quit talking BS. Some people do give a shorter impression. I'm 5'8'' and ppl have said that I look short like around 5'6''. Then again a lot ppl have said that I look 5'10''ish. Russell does give a shorter impression and so does Sly. I used to think that they are around 5'7''- 5'9''. Eventhough they really are around 5'9''- 5'11''.
JC said on 15/Aug/07
Albi im 5'10 and the lowest ive been guessed at 5'11 most of the time..never lower than 5'10 so either your not 5'10 or youre making this story up
glenn said on 15/Aug/07
albi could you repeat this on the sly page? thanks.
Albi said on 15/Aug/07
He doesn't look like a lift wearer to me, from the very few photos I saw. And about people saying he's short... I'm 5'10 and people say I look between 5'6 and 5'8, never taller.
-Once, while I was complaining about something to a 5'9 guy (I was wondering how come he could do it and I couldn't), he said to me "because you're short".
-Another time a 5'4 girl told me I was about 4cm taller than her and definitely shorter then a 5'8 girlfriend of ours.
-Yet another time another 5'6 girl couldn't decide which one of us was taller.
And then they get very, very surprised when we measure up.
So don't believe people's impressions for big guys like Russell. Putting him back at 5'11 would be the very least.
The Horse of FUNK said on 1/Aug/07
I'm a big Crowe fan, and the more I see him the more he appears 5'11". He might be 181cm on a good day, but I seriously doubt he's below the 180cm mark.
Melvin said on 27/Jul/07
Cowboy boots give anywhere from 1.75 inches all the way up to 4. The boots Crowe used to appear in were always of the highest kind between 3-4 inches. He has never looked that tall. Go watch him next to Leo in the Quick and the Dead.
Leung said on 26/Jul/07
I haven't seen either of those movies, my estimate is based on seeing him in person. I know you will probably question the type of footwear he was wearing, but they were just asics. Yes stocky build but not short, 5'11".
18,181 said on 26/Jul/07
melvin.what?? 5'11 person 6'2.5 in boots? I'll have what youre having.coke is good. 3.5 inches? since when do boots give that. hed be 6'1 max in cowboy boots.they actually give more 1.5-1'75 inches. so hes 5'10-5'10.5in,more on the 5'10.5,though he does look quite small in 3:10 to yuma trailer,especially when standing near those if he never touched 6ft with cowboy boots,hes 5'10.
dmeyer said on 26/Jul/07
wath funny is that iamatii gave me an impression os 5'6 when i met him
Melvin said on 26/Jul/07
If he was 5ft 11 he would be 6ft 2.5 in cowboy boots. He has appeared at many events in cowboy boots and never touched six foot. He had cowboy boots on in The Quick and the Dead and he was still well below
Leonardo DiCaprio. Dig out a copy of that movie and see for yourself. Even better rent Cinderalla Man and compare him to Giamatti who Glenn has met twice. In the boxing ring there was only an inch between Giamatti and Crowe. Giamatti's posture is the worst in the world.
Leung said on 23/Jul/07
As part owner of rugby league team South Sydney, Crowe is always out and about in support of his team. I have seen him and friends have met him, Crowe is not short, he is about 5’11”.
glenn said on 23/Jul/07
i saw him at lifts in dont know.
Melvin said on 22/Jul/07
I'll never believe he's 5ft 10 let alone 5ft 10.5. This man in cowboy boots can't reach 6ft. He's an inch taller than Paul Giamatti in Cinderella Man. He's much shorter than DiCaprio in The Quick and the Dead. His weight keeps going up too and his posture is not good at all.
17,181 said on 16/Jul/07
this year in american gangster with 6ftmax washington and 6ftmax Bale.I will watch carefully how he changes his height in different movies.I bet in 3:10 to Yuma he'll be as tall as Bale but in gangster 1.5 in shorter than Washington.Didn't Washington say somewhere about his character in a movie that "he was 6'2 but I'm a bit under 6ft?".Crowe isn't 6ft ofcourse,never looked it. Hopefully these upcoming films will help decide.
17,181 said on 5/Jul/07
anywhere from 5'10 to 5'11.5'10.5 seems quite right.
MOF said on 23/Jun/07
5'11.5" is pushing it, although footwear could play part. But 180cm barefeet is the max judging from every single movie he has played a part in...
Leung said on 20/Jun/07
During Master and Commander his weight was apparently 228lb.
The lightest Crowe has been in recent years is 180lb when he got into shape for Cinderella Man, and in that movie he looks drastically smaller than what he is usually. His usual weight does look to be 200 plus. Given that he beefed up for Master and Commander, 228lb does sound perfectly reasonable.
Steevn said on 20/Jun/07
You´re probably right, 230 pounds is an exaggeration. Perhaps it was 230 with all that fansy captains gear on! But my point is: Crowe is a heavily built dude who can look shorter than a slim guy of the same height.
Jason said on 20/Jun/07
Hmmm ... I know what you mean, but I've seen Master and Commander (well, different parts of it) & can't see Crowe being that heavy and I'd be heavier than what you are. I don't know ... IMO maybe 210 at the most? I can't remember exactly, but 230lbs at 5'11'', or 5'10 1/2'' as you say, is one very big dude...
Steevn said on 19/Jun/07
Tom Cruise 203lbs? That´s just plain stupid. With Crowe it´s not stupid at all, assuming he truly is 179 cm that is. In Gladiator one could guess he was 190+ lbs and lean. In Master and Commander he´s not FAT but... fatter.
I believe people see someone in a film sporting a sixpack and swelling biceps and they think "Holy crap, that guy must be 200 pounds of pure muscle!" when in reality he is probably closer to 150 lbs. However if someone has a big back, big legs and a thick waist the scale will go up DRASTICALLY and you look shorter in pictures. I´m writing all this crap because i fall into the latter category and I sympathize. I´m 183cm/6ft and I´ve been told I look like... a square.
Jason said on 19/Jun/07
The same place that said Tom Cruise weighs 203lbs? lol
Steevn said on 18/Jun/07
Just under 180 cm seems right. Another heavyweight who looks shorter because of his build. Read somewhere he weighed 230 lbs (105 kg) when he did "Master and Commander" and he wasn´t exactly fat in that one. Ofcourse he looks shorter!
Franco said on 14/Jun/07
Russel Crowe for me is 5'11 (180cm) flat.
maybe just maybe 5'10.5 these days since he's 40 now and all these action
movies might have lost 1 cm of something. always possible.
some people lose in the 30s some in their 60s, pretty random really but always a possibility.
but i think Russel is 180cm max and 179cm being the minimum but i vote 180cm.
Melvin said on 10/Jun/07
Russell Crowe can't be over 5ft 9inches because DiCaprio was considerably taller in The Quick and the Dead. Then watch Cinderella Man and see Crowe never has more than an inch over Paul Giamati who has bad posture at 5ft 8in. Don't fall for Crowe's big footwear....he luvs the boots.
glenn said on 10/Jun/07
he is 511.5.exactly bam.i have friends that claim 5-11 and they are,but they give a 5-9ish appearence.thats why i believe stallone at 5-10.5.
bam said on 9/Jun/07
i have two friends who claim 5'11.5 without shoes, with a very stocky build, similar to Russel crowe. I found their claim laughable. I stood face to face and I (i'm 5'11.5) could not find any discernable height difference. Crowe is a hard one though. In american gangster both him and denzel washington(6ft) star. Maybe we can see if theres a discernable height difference.
rossi said on 18/May/07
I saw him in an Italian restaurant in Berlin while he was relaxing with Ralf Moeller from Gladiator.
When he walked by me i could take a look at his shoes....definetely no lifts!
I'm 5-9,I think when he is walking out of bed in the morning he is a solid 5-11 guy!
K-T said on 10/May/07
Click Here
Him with 5'7.5 Ridley Scott. Not a very good pic. as Ridley has a bad posture here. But Russell seems to be standing straight. I'd say Russell looks 5"10.5 here. Roughly a 3 inch difference. He's definitely not 6 feet.
Anonymous said on 10/May/07
Someone wouldn't say "put your shoes on, you're killing your image" to a guy who's 5'11.5", which was apparently said to Russell Crowe by a director I think it was....
xD said on 5/May/07
Doesn't he use lifts? I think he's about 5'9" (176cm) barefoot. I thought skinny people look tall, my cousin is 5'4" an when I'm sitting down, he looks tall, but when I stand up, he's short.
Russ said on 23/Apr/07
Australian men can be quite tall, Russell Crowe is probably about average, 5'11" doesn't seem so hard to imagine.
Anonymous said on 18/Apr/07
Horse, is there anyone on this site that you don't think needs an upgrade?
Shane said on 15/Apr/07
Lots of guys with a solid build look shorter on film, especially if their legs and waist are not really lean. Michael Biehn & Russell Crowe were both taller in sand on the beach then they appear on film.
Viper said on 14/Apr/07
Crowe strikes me as a guy who's real barefoot height is around 5-8, and looks 5-10-5-11 in lifts. If hes really 5-10, then he might be the shortest looking 5-10 guy Ive ever seen physically. Shorter than
Matt Damon even.
LeeM said on 9/Apr/07
Ever since he took over the South Sydney Rabbitohs Rugby League club, hes actually gotten shorter!
The Horse of FUNK said on 29/Mar/07
True, MJ, I believe he's a solid 181cm. I would argue for a full 5'11.5", but that may be pushing it. I'm not sure why he hasn't been upgraded to at least 5'11", as he's probably being sold short by about an inch.
MJ said on 23/Mar/07
I just saw LA Confidential again, and he looked no more than half an inch shorter than six foot David Strathairn.
The Horse of FUNK said on 16/Mar/07
I agree he normally gives the appearance of being shorter in film, but it's mostly due to his stocky build and the fact that he doesn't seem too concerned about his height (slouching). Watch him in Gladiator where he wears mere sandals quite a few times. Can't be any less than 5'10" or 5'10.5".
busybee527 said on 16/Mar/07
Just saw the movie "Proof" on cable. Granted, he was much younger but didn't look very tall in any of the shots.
OutBenchThis said on 16/Mar/07
Maybe he suffers from pacific shrink then? If any aussie 'baller fans know its a common problem for many US imports to Oz..haha. 5'10" in the US 5'9.5" here (AU)..i always thought his ego got bigger when he headed to the states..
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
i stood next to the guy many times he isnt smaller than 5-10.ill settle with 5-10.
OutBenchThis said on 14/Mar/07
Glenn, I stood next to the guy. He was 5'9.5" but he wasn't in the 5'10-5'11" range. Maybe descent shoes with a big heel may give boost his height but (barefoot) i'd say between 5'9.5"
Misha said on 14/Mar/07
I'm feeling a little crowded in on Crowe, and so will assign him 5'10.5 on a tentative basis. I believe you, Glenn - this is the kind of thing you said on Stallone that made me raise his estimate. But I still want to do more research and will report back on my findings. Until then!
glenn said on 12/Mar/07
i dont think 6ft is nonsense.5-11.5 is very is 5-10.its an inch and a half difference.again,i saw him at 6ft,so how is that nonsense? in low cut casuals.
MOF said on 12/Mar/07
It's hard to imagine Crowe being less than 5'9", but I agree that he is not above 5'11". Until some hard facts are presented I say that 5'10" is reasonable for now...
MHouillon said on 12/Mar/07
183cm (6ft)is simply nonsense, 178cm (5'10") is dead on.
glenn said on 11/Mar/07
people underestimate and overestimate.i saw russell at 6ft.therefore he cant be smaller than 5-10.he was couple inches taller than 5-9 ed harris in beautiful mind.
Gotxo said on 11/Mar/07
Yes the film it's very good, is their problem if some people try to see it as an historical film, wich it is not. It's a great epic film.
I wouldn't blame Crowe, he's bound to his role of rough guy. He should appear as imposing, add that to the fact that Hollywood imposes "per se" a height scale system.
To me he really looks in the 5'10" range, give or take a cm.
misha said on 11/Mar/07
Also, for a star of his magnitude, there are very few photographs of Russell Crowe in the company of others whose heights are more or less agreed on - and this "comparison standard" is what we must use for our height estimates because
barefoot photos are so rare. Anyone out there have any photos of Russell Crowe?
I'd be happy to raise my height estimate for this gifted actor, but many scenes
in "Gladiator" make me think he's nowhere near 5'10". I want to try to keep my posts shorter, and will look at his "body indicators" in "Gladiator" later - some might find it interesting. I just read the script all the way through last
night - it is a masterpiece, and what a film Ridley Scott turned that script into! What outstanding performances! Crowe's and everyone else's were beyond praise, with virtuoso "sunset" performaces by Oliver Reed and Richard Harris. This is a writer's prejudice showing, but a great script brings out great performances every time almost without exception.
Ed said on 11/Mar/07
Misha, great point!
KT said on 10/Mar/07
Russell Crowe isn't 181 cm. Ridley Scott himself is around 5'7". So to him, 5'10 could easily be mistaken for six feet. Personally, I've never seen Crowe look really tall. My initial thought of him was about 5'9 1/2. But never have I seen him look 5'11.
And I haven't got the slightest clue as to Oscar De la Hoya's height.
MD said on 9/Mar/07
Yeah, the 5'8" is far-fetched.
glenn said on 9/Mar/07
i doubt he is 5-8.
MD said on 8/Mar/07
I think that de la Hoya continues to be listed at 5'10" is pretty funny. Just goes to show you how they boost heights in sports.
glenn said on 8/Mar/07
horse,there is a guy that insists oscar is 5-8 on the sly page.please repeat you said one believes me.
Robert said on 8/Mar/07
I met Russel, believe it or not, in Battery Park in New York city, about 2:00 PM in the afternoon. That was June 2005, the same day (well, it happened at 3:00 AM ) he whacked the hotel front desk clerk with the phone. Russel walked right passed me, I am 5"10, and Russel looked exactley 5'9" and I noticed he had large sole sneaks on. He sat on a park bench and I walked over to talk with him, and he was actually extremely nice. Not hot headed at all. At least at the moment.
The Horse of FUNK said on 7/Mar/07
Well Oscar de la hoya is 5'10" - 5'10.5". That would put Crow anywhere from 180 - 182cm. I believe Crowe's a legit 181cm.
And to KT, I'm 5'11.5" and virtually everybody thinks I'm 6' - 6'1" as well. But I don't see a 5'10" person being commonly mistaken for 6' or even 6'1".
KT said on 6/Mar/07
To the guy who said he looked short in Gladiator. I find that kinda funny..
In the director's commentary of the DVD, the director (Ridley Scott) said "Russell is 6'1 is he not?" The other guy said "I'm not sure". Then Ridley said "yeah, he's 6 feet".
Now I don't think he's 6 feet at all. He looked at least 3 inches shorter than
Djimon Hounsou (who's 6'2). But for the director of Gladiator to think he's 6'1 does say something. I think 5-10.5 is the right listing
jon crow said on 3/Mar/07
ive met him hes 5'8'' he wore very thick healed shoes
glenn said on 23/Feb/07
i met him way is he 5-9.he is 5-10 minimum.saw him look 6ft once.
Anonymous said on 23/Feb/07
In Gladiator, he looked short compared to everyone else. Unless everyone else in that movie is pushing 6 feet, then I'd say he's 5'9.
MOF said on 15/Feb/07
177cm is 5'9.5" or 5'9.75" and not 5'9".
OutBenchThis said on 3/Feb/07
He is 5'9". His band has toured here (GC, Australia) afew times and he always has a drink at the bar with the guys before the show, which is where I had the chance to speak to him and ask for an autograph. He just had sneakers on but I'm certain, without shoes on the guy is 177cm. Another big headed actor who seems to fool people with his height.
The Horse of FUNK said on 27/Jan/07
Amazing logic you have there, Anonymous.
Anonymous said on 23/Jan/07
if glen says hes looked 5'10-6' then he's 5'10
Glenn said on 12/Jan/07
He had sneakers and low cut casuals everytime I met him.yes,the moon landings were faked.
Mr Mayfair said on 12/Jan/07
Mr Crowe may look 5.11 but I reckon he would only actually measure that wearing high heels...
Now I thought those Moon landings were done in a studio!
Glenn said on 12/Jan/07
No way 5-8.I saw him look 6ft and he is around the height he claims.
Leung said on 11/Jan/07
He looked 5’11” when I met him.
The Horse of FUNK said on 10/Jan/07
5'8" for Crowe? Did you know we never landed on the moon, too?
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
Well, his agent used to say "he is nearly 6 foot", then it was 5.11 now it's 5.8 which is what I now believe to be the truth.
Editor Rob said on 28/Dec/06
I seen his claim as far back as a 1997 newspaper aswell, to be fair, he has stuck to his guns from then, "I'm 5-11 1/2 and a bit. In Australia, we call that a Collingwood Six-Footer"
The Horse of FUNK said on 23/Dec/06
Heath's a solid 6'1 and I see around 1.5" difference there between Heath and Crowe. At least give Crowe 180 or 181cm.
The Horse of FUNK said on 12/Dec/06
Usually looks 5'11 to me. If Glenn says he's always 5'10 - 6', then 5'11 must be right. Besides, he did look about 181cm in Gladiator. I guess the reasoning behind those who claim he's 5'10 and even the absurd 5'8 is due to the size of the rest of the cast in Gladiator (lots of very big guys). He also has about 4 inches on Meg Ryan who is likely somewhere around 5'7 - 5'8.
Glenn said on 8/Dec/06
Yeah,Ive seen him look 5-10 to 6ft.
Glenn said on 8/Dec/06
Wow.over here he signed up a storm and posed with dealers for a month.concert,events,filming.of course I wasnt there.only saw him when he was a grump.

Editor Rob
you'd be grumpy too if you had to sail those same old oceans!
Brad said on 8/Dec/06
5' 10". I seen him, er saw him, and his bad band at the Fox Theatre in Boulder Colorado a few years ago. He wouldn't sign for anybody but he was polite.
dmeyer said on 24/Oct/06
i met giamati he didnt seem as tall as 173 but that was a long time ago for example tom cruise looked 173-4 range probably lifts
Stef said on 12/Oct/06
I met Crowe today in Rome (Ciampino airport).
He signed me an autograph.
He looks 5'10", not more not less. Don't know about lifts though.
MOF said on 6/Oct/06
Crowe usually looks the stated height, everything from L.A Confidential, Gladiator and Master & Commander...
Glenn said on 6/Oct/06
I seen him look 5-10 to 6ft in front of my face.
Ed said on 6/Oct/06
I can't see Crowe being anything shorter than 5ft10. Rob has him at a good height. He can look close to 6ft, and in Gladiator, which I haven't seen in quite sometime, wasn't he wearing sandals? He looked between 5ft11 and 6ft in that movie.
Aussie Bloke said on 6/Oct/06
NO WAY IN HELL IS THIS HEIGHT ACCURATE!!!! Standing next to Eddie Mcguire (lame footy show host) who is right on 5ft7, THERE WAS NO OBVIOUS DIFFERENCE AT ALL! He would have to be 5f8 at the absolute MAXIMUM! CASE CLOSED
rossi said on 18/Sep/06
i've seen a picture of russell and Ralph Moeller having fun after a party..imagine
Moeller is huge and Russell beside him is smaller but 5-11 minimum!
ralph said on 15/Sep/06
lol he always wears lifts
Skip said on 16/Jun/06
MC Fan:I really am sick of people saying that height is size! Height is a factor of size! If you are very tall and skinny then you ain't big, just a stick. Having big bones, muscle, and hands and haveing a decent height(5'10" plus) is what makes you big!
Glenn said on 4/Jun/06
Ive seen Russell look between 5-10-6ft.
Frank2 said on 4/Jun/06
But then he was about the same height as Guy Pierce and Kevin Spacey. And neither are are 5'11".
I've met Strathairn and we were about the same height. Who knows? maybe I should claim to be 6' myself. The way celebs measure themselves it would probably justify me claiming to be that tall.
Last night I ventured out to the movies with my dear wife and noticed as we stood in a very long line that I was taller than most of the people in it.
MOF said on 4/Jun/06
David Strathairn is probably 5'11 as it has been pointed out by two who have met him in person.
D. Ray Morton said on 3/Jun/06
Looks an inch shorter than 6' David Strathairn in "L.A. Confidential."
Glenn said on 23/Apr/06
Williams has looked 5-7 to me plenty of times.even rarer 5-8 once or twice.
Glenn said on 22/Apr/06
he doesnt pose.saw him look 6ft once,5-10 another time.
kenneth pz said on 20/Apr/06
crowe looks a solid 1.81m tall by bare foot..i can say is comfirm and accurate.
MOF said on 9/Apr/06
He looks 5'10.5 next to 5'8 Paul Giamatti in Cinderella Man.
What of Glenn? Has he not met him?
Frank P said on 6/Apr/06
oing by the movies I don't think he looks short to me. 5'10-5"11 is reasonable.
I don't recall the actress name in Gladiator with him. She is also in The Great Raid which I just saw on DVD. She seems quite tall too. She towers over most of the cast. Now in Gladiator, their characters in ancient Rome were wearing sandals not heels. Russell still had about an inch over her. So 5"11 seems a fair guess to me.
janie said on 21/Mar/06
maybe it depends on type of shoes you are wearing: could be tennis shoes, boxing gear shoes, dress shoes, boots = he is a good 5ft11" at least. I am 5ft4". have met him
fran said on 27/Feb/06
Mr. Crowe is at least 5'11"...he mentions on Inside the Actors Studio that he is is 5'11" and a bit. Seen him many times in person, private and professional business, and during workouts with no shoes. get a grip - amazing how stupid rumors go around about nothing.
jazzyjeff said on 5/Feb/06
Didn't he live in a special room (low ceiling) because of preparing for his role of a tall cop in L.A. Confidential? I heard that on a TV show. But the question is what is tall. The one says 6'4 is tall, the other one says 5'11.
elio said on 19/Jan/06
It really gets on my nerves when I hear quotes from people about 5'5" who say they were 'eye to eye' with a 5'10+ listed celebrity. Not a chance. Just what the hell is 'eye to eye' these days anyway??
Strangely enough... it seems to be mostly women who make these kind of ridiculous claims.

Editor Rob
you got to remember that in many celebrity encounters the mind can play tricks ;=)
And the eye-levels can play even further tricks. One person lowering their gaze, the other raising the gaze can de-emphasise what the difference I understand some people saying 'eye to eye' etc
mcfan said on 18/Jan/06
He's a solid 5'10.5-5'11. His smaller appearance is due to his large head, neck and broad shoulders. Guys with larger features tend to look shorter than what they are. He's built like Sean Penn but a couple of inches taller.
Glenn said on 3/Dec/05
I bumped into him several times.first time he looked 6 feet! second time he looked a lift guy he maybe.Im betting he is 5-10 max.5-9 minimum.more on the 5-10.
Brett said on 23/Nov/05
I spoke to a trainer who works around him, im leaving him anonymous for now, and he claims russel is under 6ft but around the 5'11" mark that he claims, he sees him in training gear, so hes obviously not going to be in lifts, and ruled out the chance of him being 5'5" ( which i know personally is absurd and stupid) as he is 5'8.5". But to list between 5'10.5" and 5'11" is fair, as Im sure for premieres he would wear chunkier shoes to hit the 5'11.5" that he claims all the time. the trainer also said that Russel is a solid guy, and carrys some muscle and bulk on him , and is nowhere near a small man. He also appears on the footy show in Australia alots, and is not more then a couple inches shorter then players like gordon tallis , and interviewers mario fenech, who are like 187cm and around 183-184 odd cm respectively ( infact is really maybe one inch max smaller then fenech if that). So atm 5'10.5 is not that unfair, but anything under 5'10 is stupid, and inaccruate, so those claiming so, stop, because your way off.
Brett said on 21/Nov/05
I cant believe you say Giamatti and Crowe are the same height in those pics. The ones Rob shoed, Crowe looks to have 3 odd inches on him, you guys are blind
A-Bomb said on 4/Oct/05
Have any of you guys seeing the Australian film Romper Stomper, one of Crowes first films. There's a fairly long scene in it where he doesn't have shoes on and no camera tricks, tilts etc are used. I was surprised at how much smaller he seemed. I always had him at 5'11", but in this scene he looked about 5'9", however, I'm afraid to say no smaller than that. Check it.
CelebHeights Editor said on 23/Aug/05
From gossip newsgroup "Russell Crowe (seen him twice, he had boots with heels on both times) 5'8"-5'9" max"
DP said on 21/Aug/05
I saw the Crowe-Cruise picture and figured someone is either wearing lifts or someone forgot his. Can't figure out which though.
Viper652 said on 20/Aug/05
5-11.5 with this lifts. :)
CelebHeights Editor said on 20/Aug/05
Crowe did actually state his height, which was on Actor's Studio. Talking in relation to LA Confidential character Bud being described as tall he said: "mate, I don't know what ya think you're gonna meet or whatever, but I'm actually not that tall, son! I'm about 5, 11 and half and a bit"
CoolJ said on 5/Jul/05
Renee Zellwegger is about 5'3" (says she is 5'3 even tho she is listed at 5'4 here). In those pics she has decent heels on 3" or so while Crowe and Giamatti have similar shoes on that don't really look suspect.. 1" heel maybe.
Judging from where they are standing, and how they are standing, I'd venture to say Crowe is 5'10 even. Giamatti about 5'7 1/2"
Mr. R said on 5/Jul/05
Sean, this is the best pic I have seen of Russell Crowe. I met Giamatti last year, and he is about 5'5" tall - MUCH shorter than they say he is. Therefore, unless Giamatti is wearing lifts, this makes our "Cinderella Man" about 5'8" at best.
Anonymous said on 27/Jun/05
raj, a policewoman? "maybe" it was perfectly planned LOL
Mr. X said on 26/Jun/05
I remember there was this full frame photo they showed on Entertainment Tonight that showed Russell standing next to Nicole Kidman, and he looked about an inch taller than Kidman. I think Crowe was wearing normal shoes in that photo, but I can't say for sure though.
CoolJ said on 16/Jun/05
He doesnt look as tall as Prince Charles in those photos. I think Mr. Crowe is in the 5'9 area.
Texie Bell said on 14/Jun/05
I think that everyone needs to leave Russell alone. He gets totally bad press for everything he does and this is even worse to diss his height. I think he is an amazing actor whether he is 5'8, 5'9 or 5'10. I don't think height is the end all be all. I've known a lot of men who thought that height would get them everywhere and it got them shown to the door.
Lmeister said on 14/Jun/05
I gotta find Russell and measure him = )Again I will comment on Gladiator. Everytime Russell is standing next to Richard Harris, Djimon Hounsou or Connie Nielsen the camera angles, sloping ground and shoes favour him. For instance when he is standing next to Richard Harris in the first battle scene the sloping ground gives him a huge advantage. While he is talking to Connie Nielsen before Marcus Aurelius(Richard Harris)is killed Russell looks at least one inch shorte than Nielsen who is wearing sandals??? In scenes with Honsou he is always standing either closer to the camera or the camera angles made so that the height difference wouldn't be so noticeable. Once he passes Honsou inside a building before their first fight and he is obviously more than 6 inhces shorter, 5 inch (12,7 cm) difference isn't still that huge, but in some scenes Honsou is towering over him...I think 5'9'' is reality for Russell...
Lmeister said on 12/Jun/05
I was watching Gladiator today and there is at least a couple of scenes where the height difference between Russell and Joaquin Phoenix is only an inch, but after certain turning point in the movie Russell magically grows at least 2 inches ain't that bizarre. Also when he is walking in crowd he seems shorter than the average I find it hard to believe that all the actors would be more than 5'10''...
Lmeister said on 10/Jun/05
I know what U mean Rob, but do u honestly think that, if he'd be 5'10'' he would say that ; )
Issheuhboy said on 29/May/05
Granted, it's not the biggest picture in the world, but look close at Russell Crowe's shoes, fourth from the top/bottom:
ojomle said on 29/May/05
during the filming of his movie "the cindrella man" he appeared really small, i'm 5 ft 10" and he looked 5 9" tops, he was wearing his boxing gear
Crowe supporter said on 6/May/05
I do not think mr. Crowe is under 5 ft 11 more likely a bit over..
But the story that he did took of some shoes at some party could be just one of those Hollywood-crap stories, but who says he is under 5 ft 11 when he TOOK or takes the shoes of.....??
blister said on 6/May/05
he was listed at 5'9 before gladiator. suddenly he grew, i guess.
Ridiculous said on 15/Mar/05
Have you ever heard of Crowe wearing lifts? Well it's true. Apparently in one outing he went to, he took off his shoes, and inside them was lifts. He is 5ft 10 with lifts. Probably 5ft 8 without.