Big Al of Bondi said on 12/Jun/18
I always thought he was like 5’5 or something, weak 5’6 at most. He’s like the Aussie Richard Hammond.
MD said on 14/Oct/13
To be clear, now, I made that comment before realizing you or your server had deleted ALL of my comments over the years.
Anyway, Rove still strikes me as closer 5'7". If you remember back a few years - and you could look it up on Getty Images - but
Zac Efron had a full inch on this guy.
MD said on 11/Oct/13
Wow, Rob really pruned this page. There was a pretty big discussion I was a part of on this page a few years back. Anyway...
With 5'5.75" Benji Madden:
Click Here
With 5'9" Sam Worthington:
Click Here
He really strikes me as someething just closer to 5'7". Maybe more like 5'7.25"?

Editor Rob
the previous server I was on couldn't cope with a big database so I had to trim up to a certain date. If I could afford a big server to cope with a huge database I would do it and keep all comments
Seb said on 7/Oct/13
I don't know whether
Matt Damon was wearing lifts when he appeared in Rove's show a couple of years back but he actually seemed to tower over him. So this height for him might be right - with his shoes on.
Rikashiku said on 23/Nov/11
He's a little more than 2 inches shorter than 177cm Rhys Darby.
MD said on 23/Feb/11
Here he is with 5'5.75" Benji Madden, who's legs are further apart, so he even loses more height than Rove in this picture:
Click Here
And, Rove with 5'9" Sam Worthington:
Click Here
I think it's safe for you to put him at 5'7", now. Honestly, he's just 5'7".
Anonymous said on 5/Jul/09
Here's Rove with Dan Radcliffe and Rupert Grint:
Click Here Rove greats Dan at about 01:20 and looks barely taller than Harry Potter; then he greets Rupert who is definitely bigger than him.
Sadera said on 28/Jun/09
Next to Paul McDermott, who's meant to be 5'8'', he looks tiny. Def. more than an inch shorter than him.
sd said on 12/Jun/09
who cares...rove is still the man
MD said on 20/Apr/09
Sorry, Koshermal. 170 cm is not unusually short, but it's short, nonetheless.
C.J said on 20/Apr/09
Ronan Keating 5'8"(173cm) was on Rove and he sure looked alot taller than Rove.
By (alot) more than 2cm.
koshermal said on 17/Apr/09
i'm 170cm and i'm not short. certainly not tall either, but i'm not short.
Kristian said on 8/Feb/09
In australia when people refer to something as average, they dont mean average in the literal sense but as something worse or detrimental
Paul said on 5/Feb/09
173 cm isn't average! I'm about 178 and I consider myself short.
But I think he's lying anyway. Most of his guests tower over him.
MD said on 4/Feb/09
In the pictures I posted below back last April, how much difference do you guys see between the two? It's great that they are wearing the same shoes.
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/09
i always thought he was 5'6 for some reason
Kristian said on 6/Nov/08
I must say i think he is shorter than 5"8.....i find it a rule of thumb, that when people shorter than 5'11 claim their height, they are reffering to their height in regards to im very close to 5"9 in the mornings but i come back down to a solid 5"8 during the my hair i can be confused for being nearly 5"10 in the right footware....also if it's true zac efron is shorter than 5"8 or 5"7, this would put rove at 5"6
C.J said on 13/Oct/08
Rove is lucky to be 5'7" if that.He's got shoulders like a brown snake.
Derek said on 26/Aug/08
Click Here If Darren Hayes is 5'9", which I think he is, Rove is nothing over 5'7".
Paul_pierce_4_ever said on 4/Jun/08
All I would say about those photos is that rove is leaning a bit, which prob takes about a quarter inch away from his height, efron is standing pretty straight
Davey said on 22/May/08
Rove is this height only in hes wildest dreams.The guy is not over 5'6 Rob.
Paul_Pierce_4_ever said on 15/May/08
Rove is leaning a bit which might be taken away a quarter inch or so
MD said on 14/Apr/08
Out of curiosity, you only see a half-inch difference?

Editor Rob
it's a little start at least, there's no less a chance efron is a strong 173.
MD said on 10/Apr/08
Yes, it's probably the best shot I've seen comparing him to someone of known height.
MD said on 9/Apr/08
Here are some pretty definitive pictures with
Zac Efron who you give 5'8", here:
Click Here2.
Click HereLet's just say that there is a bit more than a quarter-inch differences, here. You know, he's pretty well proportioned, and could probably pull of calling himself 5'8", but being the goofball he is, people tend to look at him as kid-like. In this case, this persona reveals his true height.

Editor Rob
it's a good shot and same shoes.
Gergless said on 8/Apr/08
why does this guy go on about his height sometimes ? If he is really 172cms that is not short MAYBE a TINY bit below average.
Arj said on 14/Jan/08
I saw him in Bondi about two years ago, he was wearing sandals and I didn't think he was any more than 5'7" with his footwear. One thing I have noticed is that he has excellent posture when he is on air, this definitely helps.
He is a tiny man though, built like plankton.
xD said on 28/Nov/07
he was taller than flea
Leung said on 4/Sep/07
He is in the 5’7”-5’7.5” range.
It’s pretty easy to figure out Rove’s height because he has guests on his show that you can compare him to.
I remember the first year his show moved to channel ten he was consistently looking close to 5’9”, he was actually looking slightly taller than Peter Hellier who is normally 2” taller than Rove.
I think Rove doesn’t care about looking taller anymore because these days he looks 5’7” and also he is comfortable joking about his lack of height.
tv viewer said on 4/Sep/07
On his show he had a mock quiz show segment where one question was "How tall is Rove McManus?" the answer was 5"3.Maybe it was a joke, but who cares anyway?
Kiss Fan said on 25/Apr/07
Rove looked around 3 inches shorter than Ronan Keating, who is not a hair over 5ft9, hence he is around 5ft6(168cm)
Leung said on 16/Apr/07
The RHCP were interviewed by Rove (Aussie TV) and it was interesting to see that Rove and Flea were the same height. Rove McManus is supposedly 5'8" but he was the same height as Flea, and Anthony Kiedis was about 2 inches taller than Rove.
Before I thought that Rove was the 5'8" that he claimed but now I believe that 5'7" is more realistic.
MD said on 24/Jul/06
I just realized I echoed "Hello's" comment, which I hadn't seen.
MD said on 24/Jul/06
Another thing was that if he really wasn't so short, than why would people remark so often on how short he is? If he was really 172-174cm, I don't see how the comments I've heard about thim would be warranted. The comments are warranted of someone 5'7" or shorter, not a 5'8" guy.
MD said on 23/Jul/06
Maybe a little shorter than listed. Though 5'8" Rihanna is in heels here, she still looks like she'd be slightly taller without heels:
Click Here
Click Here
With Chris Brown, whom I won't call anything over 5'11"
Click Here
leonari said on 23/Jul/06
168 cm...sorry Rob but you are often deceived by guys with slender look (thin and bony) and good proportions...
hello said on 23/Jul/06
if rove is an average 173cm then why does he always make fun of his height???
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/06
On Rove Live, Rove said that he was a perfect 173cm tall.
Roadrunner said on 15/Jul/06
Rove definitely wears lifts, he is around 5'6" and probably reaches 5'8" because of his shoes.
Sky said on 1/Jul/06
I've meet him a few times and he is totally average-around 172cm or something.
If he looks young its because of his face and that he has the body build of a 14 year old Rove!
I think he goes on about his height more them other ppl do (the whole i'll pay myself out first b4 anyone else does thing- is so primary
That fine if he wants to do it to himself, and being a comedian at least u get the laugh rather someone else but i HATE it when he puts other people down in order to make himself feel big.
Like when he yelled in face that Anthony Callea. (Australian Idol guy) and bragged that he was taller than him (like by a few cms of something).
I am sure he doesn’t like when other ppl pay him out for his size so then DON’T pay other people out!
Doesn’t matter how big you are on the outside u can be small on the inside.
ForensicNYC said on 10/Jun/06
Rove belongs to the "MAGIC 5'8" CLUB"...(well, anyone 1" give or take, belongs to this circle...) with wife Belinda Emmette (The Nugget, with Eric Bana)...
Click HereMind those heels!
S said on 2/Jun/06
Amanda had small heels on then. I would believe 5'8".
aaron said on 28/Mar/06
Amanda Bynes was on Rove live and Rove is about the same height as amanda but amanda is abit taller.
Jason said on 22/Dec/05
He looked about 5'7'' next to the Rock.
Sharon Kliger said on 22/Dec/05
He said on Rove that he's 5'6. How can he say know that he's 5'8. He can't have grown anymore because you can't grow past the age of 18!
A-Bomb said on 15/Dec/05
I remember seen a picture of John Safran (Aussie tv celeb) and Rove next to each other a few years back and they seemed pretty much the same height. I've stood next to Safran before and he was no taller than me (5'7 3/4"). So I'm guessing Rove is somewhere between 5'7" and 5'8". Also interesting that in all the episodes of Rove I've ever seen he always commented at some stage at how "small" he was. So the "constant references" to his height are really of his own making.
matthew said on 14/Dec/05
yehh i thought he was somewhere between 5'5" and 5'6" , hes not even average hes pretty short.
MD said on 14/Dec/05
Rob, could you explain the picture of him and 5'8.5" Banderas (which may also be stretching)? Even if Banderas is slightly closer to the camera, I still see a height different greater than .5"

Editor Rob
banderas does wear dodgy boots...he even had them on the parkinson talk show. I've no idea if he had them on that day they met...but looking at all the pics on that site, I still think 172cm is a better estimate than 168...just my view of course ;)
Anonymous said on 13/Dec/05
No way is Rove 5'8". I recently stood behind him in a security screening line at Sydney Airport. He looked like a little boy...5'6" would be my estimate.