Nik Ashton said on 27/Jul/21
It’s interesting that neither Ronnie or Samantha claim 5’7”!
viper said on 26/Jul/21
The 180 is believable
Maybe he was 200 at his biggest.
220 seems a bit much
viper said on 26/Jul/21
Those stats arnt much proof
They have Pauly D at 5-11
viper said on 26/Jul/21
It's weird seeing comments of people saying they thought Ronnie was taller than 5-6. If he's that tall I'm surprised
He can only look 5-4-5-5 on the show knowing the other guys heights
Mr cool said on 24/Jul/21
Heres the proof that he’s 5’6, the show puts his stats up and here’s the link
Click Here
Garbanzo said on 23/Jul/21
Latest episode had his stats at 5'6".. 180lb. hes a small guy

Editor Rob
interesting the show also put him down as 5ft 6...I mean it's a lot more believable than his own 5ft 8 claim.
Saywut said on 20/Nov/20
Hmm...Ronnie is a soft 5'3" tops. Surprised really as at 5'9" I felt like a giant next to him. I met him with my brother who is a measured 5'3" and he had a slight height edge wearing low sole runners over Ronnie.
Syephen said on 14/Jan/20
Yeah, to add meret to comments below fitness model pham Woodbridge is 165cm or 5"4.961", his weight ranges from 165 to 175 pounds of solid muscle. So yes there are many people are short and carry alot of weight. Pham Woodbridge 5"5 175 pounds, julian Edelman 5"8-9" 195 pounds.
Littlelee5ft6 said on 24/Jun/19
What is it with 5ft 6 men claiming 5ft 8? I would never claim to be 5ft 8 people aren't blind
Christian said on 18/Dec/18
@At mId
The fact that you think MMA heights are legit, is hilarious. CM Punk is only about 5'11" range in reality.
At mId said on 18/Dec/18
@mId Completely wrong about Pauly D. If you go to and look up CM Punk's height he's listed as 6'2" (which is his real height, because MMA is an actual sport). Pauly D has responded online saying he's 5'11" tall. 3 Inches is enough to tower over someone, especially when it comes to tall guys at the 6 foot range. Not only that, but the photo is taken with Punk more in the foreground and Pauly in the back, which accentuates the size difference.
Pauly D is 100% 5'11" tall.
mId said on 23/Apr/18
Click Here It looks like he's shorter than Sammie barefoot.
Click Here In this pic too.
Click Here And here.
Click Here People claim Paulie is that much taller.. not barefoot in seems to me.
Click Here
Click Here This is good proof.. 5'11 CM Punk with what, 5'7-5'8 Pauly? I Think some of them have suspisious shoes on the show sometimes.
Arkguy said on 6/Apr/18
Id say he is 5'5 and if he weighs 220 how much does roger weigh at 6'4 ?? Think about it.
Kenneth Skillern said on 6/Apr/18
Id say he is 5'5 and if he weighs 220 how much does roger weigh at 6'4 ?? Think about it.
Disagree with highly suspect said on 16/Jul/17
I'm 5'8 215 lbs and carry a lot of weight in legs and stuff and don't look that big. Ronnie's probably 220 at 5'6 people carry weight different his a stocky guy.
highlysuspect said on 13/Jul/17
I don't think Ronnie weighs 200 let alone near 220. He's a really short dude and not massive. Tom Hardy wasn't 200 pounds as bane and he has a few inches on Ronnie. People constantly lie about how much they weigh, especially short dudes. Christian bale was 210-220 in batman begins and was pretty jacked and 6 foot.
Chris Hemsworth said he is around 215 when playing Thor and he's 6'3". You really think these guys 6-10 inches shorter weigh that? No chance
Nuno said on 1/Sep/16
She wearing those shoes lol
Lmeister said on 1/Mar/16
My midday height is 171/172cm and I weigh 93kg/205lbs. I look similar to Tom Hardy(Bane) in Batman. If i cut down to 81.6kg/180lbs I look like a beast. I just eat normal food and protein shakes. Workout 4-6 per week.
Powerhouse said on 17/Dec/15
@de I know that put you said "impossible" those guys are juiced to the gills, but i know a bunch of natural lifters who are 5'7-5'8 and 180-190lbs lean. If i were to restricted my calories, while keeping my protein high, and still lifting often, getting down to a lean 185lbs wouldn't be hard. My physique is actually quite similat to Tom Hardy's Bane physique, i'd say i'm carrying 8lbs more muscle and probably carry 2% more body fat, i'd also bet i have a larger frame than him. Also i've heard it all before, people dont understand genetics and hard work. One thing i am completely sure of is that i'm 100% natural, and i know got a lot of the genetics from my dad, i dont see people my age carrying the amount of muscle mass i do.
C said on 14/Dec/15
The Situation is about 200 lbs. now (he's bigger now than when he was on the show). His weight was 185 lbs. when he was on Dancing With The Stars. Ronnie was bigger than Mike but not by much. I think Ronnie was about 195 lbs. during Jersey Shore's run. And I think his height is 5'7'' to 5'7.5''
Powerhouse said on 14/Dec/15
@de Tom Hardy said he was 190-200lbs range for Bane, and he didn't look to big. Also you saying "a lean 185 is not possible at a 5'7 frame" is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard. There are plenty of 5'7 bodybuilders that weigh 220lbs, 230lbs and even a couple 240lbs+ at a extremely lean 4% body fat, and plenty of guys i know at the gym are 5'7-5'8 185-190lbs and lean. Its not impossible,and you saying a "5'7 frame" like all 5'7-5'7.5 guys have the same frame size is a dumb statement. My Dad was a powerlifter who was ranked as high as #7 in the country in the early 90's was at times, 5'7.5 210lbs shredded at 6% body fat, and would sometimes get up to 230lbs and still stay pretty lean. Even now at 44 years old he weighs 230lbs at 11% body fat, and still puts up big weights in the gym. Genetics is everything, not everyone can achieve great size or strength, same way not everyone has the genetics to be 6'0.
Powerhouse said on 5/Dec/15
@Scott Why dont you look at Branch Warren, Dexter Jackson, and Lee Priest i could list a ton more, these guys are tiny framed with little bone structures. Lee Priest is 5'4 he is a tiny framed guy and would get up to 280lbs in the off season, Branch Warren walks on stage at 255 and is listed at 5'7 and i've met him he has a little tiny head and little hands and the same for Dexter Jackson and loads of others. They're just juiced up, apparently you know nothing about bodybuilding or you'd know that small bones, tiny joints, small frames,and full muscle bellies are considered great for bodybuilding which is why a ton of bodybuilders fit that bill. Also i'm a powerbuilder my goal is mass, thickness, and strength while keeping my body fat at an average level (average is 18-24%) i'm keeping my body fat 18-20% at a weight of 215 i dont care about being a lean fitness model its that "Powerhouse" look i like. I could cut my calories down and be a lean 185lbs if i wanted, thats not my current goal.
Scott said on 1/Dec/15
@Powerhouse Apparently you know nothign about bodybuilding. A tiny framed person would not be able to carry 215-220 lbs. Ronnie never weighed that, not big anough. As far as his height, unless you've been next to him who knows. The Situation 200 LBS? LOL Yeah, keep thinking that kid. FYI- at 19% bodyfat,you're, well, just fat.
Ghode said on 18/Nov/15
5'8" ! bwahahahahahaha...... 5'6" at most
Powerhouse said on 16/Nov/15
@MD... Those 5'6 bodybuilders that compete at 220lbs are about 3-4% body fat and are tiny framed people with tiny bone structures, they have little heads, small hands, tiny wrists etc... this helps create an illusion that they are bigger than they are. My estimate is Ronnie probably weighed 215ish at his biggest hence why i said pushing 220, but he did drop some size.
MD said on 16/Nov/15
220lbs at 5'6" and fairly muscular are top-level bodybuilder proportions for that height. I know since you are involved in the sport you know this. He's a big guy for his height, but he's not closer to 220, and if The Situation is 200lbs, I'll eat my hat.
Powerhouse said on 13/Nov/15
@MD I've been around strength sports for years strongman & powerlifting, as well as bodybuilding. Lifting weights is a hobby of mine. I am 19 years old and weigh 215lbs at 5'7.5, at 19% bodyfat. Ronnie looks slightly bigger than i do, and he is 1.5 inches shorter, his bodyfat seems to vary but he usally looks around 14% and at his biggest i'd confidently say he was pushing 220lbs. Bone structure and frame size vary. Not all short men are going to have a small bone structure, my wrists are 8 inches around, I wear a XL glove size, and have a big frame. Ronnie isn't a little framed guy, you can tell. Mike The Situation on the show has said he weights 200lbs and when you look at Ronnie next to him he is much bigger. He has way more mass and thickness.
MD said on 11/Nov/15
@Powerhouse, there is no way he weights that much at 5'6". With his kind of build, he would look so much bigger at that weight at 5'6".
Jim Hopper said on 8/Nov/15
Not 5-8!! No way
Powerhouse said on 7/Nov/15
Similar height and build as me, I always thought he was my height (5'7.5), he is probably weighing around 220lbs also. If Ronnie is 5'6 and Pauly D is 5'9.25, Mike has to be 5'9 range also because he was a lot taller than Ronnie and Vinny was about 1 inch taller than Ronnie, so Vinny has to be 5'7 range.
MrTBlack said on 6/Nov/15
5'8" is a respectable height actually. It is slightly below average but a true 5'8"er will probably not feel "short" like Magro does.
Simone said on 6/Nov/15
How tall is mike sorrentino ?( the situation)
Andrea said on 6/Nov/15
Thanks, Rob! I actually already tried that "filter verified" tool but as you say a lot of accounts (like agencies, websites,...) adopted this "function" and there are a lot of results which i don't care about... Actually, for italian celebs, it's a bit more difficult because there's not the "5ft*", "5 feet *" trick to use since they all give height in metric... So, or you try to guess what they have said or it's quite difficult to spot tweets that talk about it... Maybe it's easier to find tweets to them which contains the words like "quanto sei alto" which means "how tall are you" and see if they answered...
TJE said on 5/Nov/15
To me, he's always looked closer to 5'5.
Andrea said on 5/Nov/15
Also, how did you find the claim? I actually tried to put the quote on Google but didn't find anything... I ask you because I sometimes try to see if some celebrities (even italian ones) claimed any height or not but I rarely find anything, i mean on Twitter...

Editor Rob
ok I did a video just now specifically for that -
Searching Height Quotes on Twitter.
If you are a non-english speaker, you could also search spanish, korean, italian or whatever celebrities for the kind of height terms they may speak. Whatever the spoken 'One Seventy Centimetres' is in Portugese/spanish etc.
Also as I mention in the video, you can use it for searching any phrase you think of, not just height.
There's also a powerful term not mentioned in video but it is basically the same same principle as the from search, but instead you can use FILTER:VERIFIED
"I'm 5" filter:verified
"I love Scotland" filter:verified
"how tall" filter:verified
the only problem with verified is that in the last few years twitter has seen fit to give far more low level celebrities like weathergirls, channel 123 news anchors, website editors, authors etc the verified status.
I can tell you I've found a gazillion quotes from news reporters that are useless to me :)
hopefully this will help some people find quotes, especially in languages I'm not familiar with.
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 5/Nov/15
Ronnie is quite short. I haven't seen the show since it first came out but yeah it's hard to imagine him over 5'6".
Andrea said on 5/Nov/15
So, he really did claim 5'8? O.O I thought the 5'8 listings were just some "random" listings, not coming directly from him...
He actually can look just 166-167 a lot, i do think he's in the weak 5'6 range, he's probably 5'6 on a good day!
As for Samantha, she maybe is 5'5?

Editor Rob
I think in a heel from other photos she can look taller, but in sneakers she looked smaller than him, 5ft 5 is possible.