Sandy Cowell said on 28/Nov/23
But Jay - I think I’d be very rude myself if I’d just had my fingers bitten off my a shape-shifting, cat-killing vampiric woman!
Yes, I’ve been watching Stephen King’s Sleepwalkers quite a few times lately. I love Clovis the tabby tomcat and his deputy sheriff owner.
Jay Mcdonald said on 18/Sep/23
I met him at my local Comic-Con June 2023 in Florida he's a solid 5'10 outside of his height I can't recommend meeting him he was very rude
John Sulu said on 8/Sep/23
Hey Rob, although this photo of you and Ron at the Comic Con was taken in 2019, how come it wasn't added to your site until recently?

Editor Rob
Better late than never! I did want to see if I could do anything with the remaining photos on Youtube, the remaining ones I have left will all eventually appear on the site.
?????? ????? said on 1/Sep/23
gigantic head for his height especially now that he got shorter
Slim1.75m said on 28/Aug/23
@Rob what would be the highest you'd argue
A 6'0⅛
B 6'0¼
C 6'0⅜
D 6'0½
E 6'0⅝

Editor Rob
I don't think I'd go over B
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/23
I read on Rob’s page that someone doubted that Ron Perelman’s head is in excess of 10”. I do not doubt it at all, having thought he has a large head when I’ve seen his films.
Ron can have 6ft for his peak height and 5ft10..75 for today’s.
Benedict said on 5/Jun/23
I would believe Ron Perlman is more 5 ft 10 1/2 at most now. He has certainly lost a lot of height for a 73 year old man.
Slim1.75m said on 10/May/23
On SOA he could look tall but not towering I think the show is a great way to determine his height loss at the start he looks about Hunnam height but by his Last appearance he's clearly shorter than Charlie.
Jtm said on 9/May/23
2 or 3 inches taler than jude law in enemy at the gates. i have no problem buying 6'0 peak.
Arch Stanton said on 9/May/23
I'm sure he isn't, what I could imagine this guy being the Ultimate A$$hole, he certainly has the acerbic tongue, attitude and height insecurity. I could well imagine him threatening Rob!
Andrea said on 8/May/23
He looks barely 5'10 in the photo, maybe 5'10.5 range with his best posture, but it's definitely hard to see much more. Whether he really lost as much as 1.5 inch or so by then...

Editor Rob
Back when I saw him a few years ago, I watched him with numerous people and could not imagine for the life of me that he was any taller than 5ft 11.
He did shrink, I think if you went back to something like Alien Resurrection, he looked taller than Sigourney Weaver.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/May/23
I have a feeling this could be a case of hidden height and he could measure taller than he stands/walks?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jan/23
He’s lost quite a bit of height but I wouldn’t have guessed under 5ft11. Peak was a very solid 6ft at least
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 24/Nov/22
He looked a hulking 6ft at least in 'Cronos' (gem of a film).
What would be the lowest you'd argue for Perlman at peak, Rob?

Editor Rob
In the 80's and early 90's I think 6ft range, but no less. By now he's struggling with 5ft 11 really.
Simon Horwell said on 28/Jun/22
Having met him in person, I can say he’s not as tall as he looks. I’m 6’1” and he was considerably shorter. He looked around 5’10” in the boots he was wearing.
Terry said on 6/Sep/21
A weak 6'1. More 6ft I'd say.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jul/21
He really could look like a 6ft1 guy in his prime
Duhon said on 25/Mar/21
This guy is like the more average height Andre the Giant. His features arguably make him look bigger.
Jani said on 14/Jan/21
He sometimes wears boots which makes him look pretty tall like in SOA. Next to Hunnam outside of SOA he looks a bit shorter. About 180cm now and 183cm peak seems to be accurate.
Ian C. said on 30/Nov/20
Or, maybe the reason people think Perlman is so much bigger than he really is is that he
lies about his height.
Slim 6'1" said on 10/Sep/20
Interesting one here, was he actually 6’ or 182cm?
Gonna watch some of his movies to find out
6'3 Julian said on 20/Aug/20
I swear in Hellboy they said d he was like 6’5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Aug/20
He may still stretch up a little over this if measured. Awful posture though. Peak was a big 6ft and likely a bit over
Hulk.23 said on 5/Aug/20
I think when he played Hellboy in 2004 was still in the 6’ zone. The listing is fine 6’/183cm for him is the best estimate. Today he’s in the 5’11 Range for sure
Jkiller said on 25/Jun/20
Peak was 6'0, nowadays 5'11.5
OriginalAnon said on 15/Jun/20
Angus, how do you figure 6'2'' or 6'3''? This guy is no taller than 182cm during his prime! He is most likely a flat 5'11'' guy today (certainly no taller).
Jam Cherry said on 1/Jun/20
Peak 183 cm currently about 181.5 cm
Angus said on 30/May/20
6 ft 2 or 3
Littlelee5ft6 said on 31/Jan/20
Linda I'm guessing is wearing about 3 inch heels in the above photo making her 5ft 8 and looks about 5 inches shorter than Ron here so hes 6ft 1 in shoes this listing sounds correct
KL7 said on 4/Dec/19
Click Here Rob, how tall does he look compared to Biehn in this picture? He clearly edges him out by comparing their eye levels.

Editor Rob
The ground might not be even. I think Biehn in person looks taller than perlman does, but Ron has lost an inch at least by 70, maybe a bit more.
ASC said on 23/Aug/19
I took a picture with him. I’m 5’10” and we look about the same height. However, he’s a tricky one. His posture is a little forward; he has big features. He’s a big guy even if he’s not 6’.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 26/May/19
6'0 peak and current height 5'11 is believable.
amigoo said on 25/Mar/19
Saw him walking in London. I am 177 cm he was much taller than me. Nowhere near 5ft11 which is probably average height in London for white males (whereas in working-class city like Liverpool it would be below national average in England that is 5ft10). If he has said that he is 6ft2 or around 188 cm that's probably much more true than 181 cm or 5ft11. I can not choose a bigger heigh than 6ft2...think this is rigged.
Jug said on 15/Feb/19
An example of a strong six footer (peak height), same as John Malkovich: a big frame and broad shoulders.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jan/19
He could give a 6ft1 impression in the 80’s-90’s
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Nov/18
Perlman's posture is exceptionally poor so it doesn't surprise me the number of people who think he's 5ft11
Glade Koehler said on 7/Oct/18
I've seen him. That dude is wee. He's like 5'7"-5"-9. Lying through his teeth
FrankR1 said on 15/May/18
Ron Perlman had to have been at least 6’1” in the 1980s when he played Vincent in ‘Beauty & The Beast’, unless he wore ‘lifts’ for that role. In addition, he looked noticeably over 6 feet tall at the Emmy Awards for years, and men’s dress shoes typically have heels under 2 inches. Perlman is one of the most deceptively tall actors of his generation.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/May/18
Rpb, maybe 6ft0¼ peak?

Editor Rob
Of course it's arguable.
Sonnecker said on 27/Apr/18
I agree with Rampage Clover.... 184 cm then, 182 cm now. I think it's not too much, considering Ron's bad posture.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Apr/18
Psychedelic, I can't argue less than 183cm for his prime. He's never stood well ever
Junior Hernandez said on 8/Feb/18
Pearlman may edge a current Ray Liotta by small fraction.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 6/Jan/18
Rampage, I would argue 183 for this guy, but absolutely no higher.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 31/Dec/17
rampage clover. yeah. that's okay.
blazer said on 22/Dec/17
@Rob, good downgrade. With his posture now a days I think 5'11 is a good call. It wouod be great if you could get a pic with him. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/17
Slim and Christian...I think I've become more balanced in my guesses. I'll admit 6-7 years wasn't quite as objective though, the posts are there. ...but at the end of the day Rob eclipses all of us...I never find myself fully disagreeing with his estimates, especially if he's met somebody. He's been doing this for over a decade now and has it down to a science.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 22/Nov/17
@Slim 185
Rampage tends to be optimistic, but I still respect his opinions. There are a few times when he guesses lower than Rob's listing as well.
Mike Hunt said on 22/Nov/17
He’s 6ft.
Slim 185 said on 22/Nov/17
Rampage 🍀, you love making others taller, don’t you?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Nov/17
Rob, could 182cm now and 184cm peak maybe be a better compromise?
He NEVER stands up straight but 1in loss is believable at his age...
berta said on 13/Nov/17
still think 184 cm guy peak. he could look tallish . today 181 seems about right
Tunman said on 7/Nov/17
Rob,do you reckon that his head is very big even for someone who's 6'?It looks like 10-10.25"?

Editor Rob
he has a fairly long head probably around 10 inches.
What's more unique is he has nearly the same ratio for Interpupillary distance as he does for middle-mouth to chin.
You will rarely find those distances being equal on people.
There are many actors who blend into one another, but Ron has a very easily distinguishable look, one that can be a benefit.
Joe said on 17/Oct/17
What height was he in his late 40s?

Editor Rob
I don't think he lost anything in 40's.
berta said on 6/Oct/17
good update. i personally go with close to 184 peak and strong 181 today. Dont think he is shorter than current arnold schwarzenegger.
Danimal said on 21/Aug/17
He needs a peak height Rob. He's in his late 60's and has horrendous posture these days. He looked much taller in his earlier roles. Close to 6'1" at peak and seems to be a little over 5'11" today.

Editor Rob
he may have been over 6ft in 80's and by now looks not much over 5ft 11.
Wilfred said on 17/Aug/17
He looks tall
Slim 181 cm said on 12/Jul/17
182 prime, now 180
Mike said on 21/May/17
Just seen him today and he's 5'7 at most lol.Still looks like he's 7 foot tall on the screen.
Jani said on 12/May/17
In majority of the photos with
Charlie Hunnam and Kim Coates he seems about 3cm shorter than them but in this picture it seems like Ron is more like 175cm. Definitely would not go as high as 183cm for him. 180cm tops:
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Apr/17
He's got the voice and the hulking stance of 6ft4-5 guy
berta said on 19/Apr/17
rob dont you think he deserves half inch taller at peak he still looks 6 foot ore maybe 0,5 cm under, he is 70 years old in 3 years. its very likely that he have lost half inch. i think 184 peak would be good and today maybe still 6 foot but in 2-3 years he is not over 182
Ian C said on 6/Mar/17
Perlman is like the surprisingly short Willem Defoe in that he has a big guy's face. Perlman's face is so striking that he seems deformed, as if he were acromegalic. He is very good at playing big guys, like Hellboy for example.
If you're an actor, being able to project physical size might be more useful than actually being big. Think of Rod Steiger, who was burly but not especially tall, but who played a police chief in In the Heat of the Night who seemed to be huge. Or Telly Savalas, who was not that tall but always played big guys.
Mike said on 20/Feb/17
This guy is in his sixties, so he probably lost height, and was 184-185 in his prime.
Ray said on 16/Feb/17
I would put him at 6'1" for his peak height, and 5'11.5" today.
berta said on 5/Feb/17
saw alien resurection yesterday. i have a hard time believe he was only 6 foot falt at peak. when he stood up straight ( withc he only did i a few scene" he had about 4,5 cm on weaver. i think nothing under 184 peak today he may be weak 6 footer but not 20 years back
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Jan/17
184cm peak is likely.
berta said on 6/Jan/17
i think he was taller than 183 at his peak he is 66 so i think he have lost about 2 cm in height. 184 peak and 182 now
roy said on 16/Nov/16
There is no way he is as low as 5'9 even with his bad posture. He probably needs a peak height added. I'd guess he was 6' 1/4" peak and about 5'10 1/2" now.
Josh Jeffords said on 27/Oct/16
Saw Ron in drive he looks a weak 5 10 even 5 9 especially across from gossling.
He looked 6 5 or 6 in hell boy he had massive boots on likely was a weak 6 ft prime.
He did look and act big up to maybe 10 years ago little longer.
Current height is 5 9.5
Roy said on 3/Oct/16
Rob, he may need a peak height added. I think with his bad posture he's down to a flat 5'11. Probably over 6 foot peak height.
Aza said on 24/Sep/16
It's a good listing. Still waiting for Hellbiy 3 although it is highly unlikely .
Mike said on 18/Sep/16
I think he was 6ft 1 or very near it during his peak.
nobody 20166 said on 14/Sep/16
Saw Ron Pearlman at Awesome Con in June, he is nowhere near 6'.
TruthSeeker said on 27/Jun/16
I saw Ron Perlman at Gold's Gym today in Hollywood as he was right next to me. He wore regular sneakers and was a lot shorter than I expected. Today he looks between 5'9"-5'10". Definitely not 6'0"-6'1".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Apr/16
"Peak height was 6ft 0½in (184.15cm)"
No less. I think today is still around 6ft when he stands tall which is hardly ever. He's a terrible sloucher.
jajamen said on 29/Apr/16
Rob, In his younger days could he be 6'1 or 6'0.5?

Editor Rob
184 range maybe
Tom said on 27/Apr/16
Ron was 6'1 peak and is around 6'0.5 now
Charlie is a bit taller, still 6'1 I'd say
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Jan/16
He claimed 6ft2 more often than 6ft1....hmmm
Mike 1.81cm said on 27/Jan/16
that guy i dont remember the name, brother of the cop in SOA, listed here 1,81cm ( he also appears The walking Dead ) is taller than Ron and he uses regular shoe something max 3 cm, Ron uses big bikers boots, 6cm boost minimum, i think he is, 1,76 cm- 1,77cm barefoot
Mike 1.81cm said on 25/Jan/16
1.76cm maxx. google it all his pics, he using sneakers... That guy Kim Coates is never 1.84 cm this is madness . Ron and Kim uses big boots at least 6cm boost. Be realistic. Look at the legs size and arms.
Charlie Hunnam is 1,78 - 1,79 max
Ron at 1.83 barefoot its crazyness. in SOA Ope dad's was listed 5ft 10 police record first season, and he is big than the others How can u explain thsi ROb?
Al said on 30/Nov/15
The guy was taller than Sigourney Weaver. So 5'10 talks are bogus. 6 ft seems reasonable.
.... said on 27/Oct/15
His huge head/face makes him look taller... There's a picture with Jimmy smits where he looks tiny next to Jimmy...and jimmy is 6'3" .
Gerry said on 11/Oct/15
Ive seen a picture recently with the cash of SOA now i was surprised as he looks about 6 foot whereas i always believed he was 6-2 easily. In this same picture Katey Segal looks barely 5-6
Marcus said on 27/Sep/15
Why does it say that Hellboy is nearly 7 feet tall? And actor in the film is only 6'0?
ed said on 28/Aug/15
I dunno, but to me in his movies etc. he always easily looks like 6'1 - 6'2. He just seems huge.
Mighty_- said on 14/Aug/15
He must be around 182-183cm nowadays but he has a terrible posture ( hunched upper back )
I think the 6'1 peak claim isn't out of this world especially with a better posture
Carl B. said on 5/Jul/15
Ron Perlman was at Comicon this weekend in Montreal and believe it or not the guy is 5'10" with shoes on! And
Charlie Hunnam is 5'11 MAX. Don't forget that television makes people look bigger!
Sam said on 18/May/15
Rob, would you add Cronos, The Last Supper, Drive and Pacific Rim to his film credits?
Also, you mention he seems like he might have had some height loss, I agree and he's no spring chicken, I think he's maybe 5'11.5" today. It's also possible that he could have peaked a smidge over six foot, around 6'0.25"-6'0.5".
SD2002 said on 18/Apr/15
He's about an inch taller than Sigourney Weaver (listed at 5'11 here) in Alien: Resurrection.
Mike said on 17/Apr/15
rob if he's 6'0, then how is charlie hunnam 183cm? he's clearly 2cm taller, i think he's 6'1
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Mar/15
Today maybe not...20-30 years ago though
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Feb/15
Rob, is 6ft1 peak possible?

Editor Rob
not as convinced he'd be that tall.
alex said on 19/Jan/15
I think both him and hunnam are around six feet,maybe perlman was 185 cm. In His youth
Fog 181 said on 22/Dec/14
5'11- 5'11.5 these days. Shorter than Nicholas Cage in 'Season of the Witch' Premiere photos and shorter than Rob Kazinsky who is 6ft, at 'Pacific Rim' premiere.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Dec/14
Click Here
Rob, he claimed 6ft2 for himself once again, last year when comparing the height difference between him and Charlie Day. You may want to add that to the top.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Nov/14
Rob, do you think he might have lost height over the years because of action roles?

Editor Rob
he seems like a guy who might have lost height
mike said on 22/Oct/14
Maybe 6ft 1 peak Rob?
Deliberate said on 20/Oct/14
End of season 5 ep 6, it shows him look through a peep hole on a door frame and he has to get on his toes to look through it. Then it shows Jemma walk in and she's clearly taller than him (probably in heals). After that I started paying attention and I'm gonna guess 5'9 or so. Plus he slouches like crazy in the later seasons so he looks super short in some shots.
andrew height said on 13/Oct/14
he is a man with a big build but i find hard to believ that he is 185, i would say he is between 178 and 180
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/14
Well, he's still claiming 6ft2...
John said on 24/Sep/14
I walked right past him at the Grove in LA a month back. Shocked that he was about 5'9". I'm 6' on the dot and he was considerably shorter than me. Can't imagine he was ever 6'. That's a lot of shrinking.. he's not 80.
alex said on 22/Sep/14
I m watching season 4 right now, this summer i watched season 1 to 3, honestly I don't remember hunnam taller than him in the first episodes of the first season but i was not keeping an eye to their heights like i do now.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 21/Sep/14
He is 64 now. I'd say peak height was 6ft 0.5in (184 cm).
Leung said on 12/Sep/14
alex, have a look at episodes from earlier season of SOA. SOA fans will probably have already noticed this, in earlier seasons of SOA Charlie Hunnan is clearly taller than Perlman. Then in later seasons Perlman started wearing thicker biker boots and began looking closer in height with Hunnan. I think there is an inch difference between them, my belief is that Perlman is around 5'11.5" now (close to 6'1" peak years ago), and Hunnan is 6'0.5".
alex said on 12/Sep/14
I think 184/185 too, i kept on watching sons of anarchy ((old Seasons)and he us Always slightly taller than hunnam
Meme said on 11/Sep/14
I met him in person... I'm 5'11", was wearing 3" tall platform shoes and he came up to my shoulders... I call bs in him being taller than 5'9"
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 11/Sep/14
Rob, can you give him 184 peak?
alex said on 17/Aug/14
I think Perlman is a very strong 6 footer, I think he is, or at least was, surely at least 184 cm tall, if not a weak 185 (6'1). Watching "SOA" I noticed he always appears slightly taller than jax (hunnam) who is listed as 6 footer. So I would change Perlman to 184-(6ft 0.75in), same height of harrison ford. My two cents about perlman.
mike said on 20/Jun/14
Rob, this his peak or current height?
Leung said on 9/Jun/14
A peak height and now height would be suitable for Perlman. He was around 6'1" in his prime, and 5'11.5" - 6'0" now.
Mighty Mouse said on 7/Jun/14
I'm 6'2", when I was in LA last year I was standing beside the "red carpet" for the Pacific Rim premiere, I was exited to see Ron Perlman, and got a shock when he walked passed me, he's about 5'8"/5'9", he was WAY shorter than me!
NatWu said on 5/Apr/14
I've seen him in person once at a con, he's not 6'0 now. More like 5'10" max.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Mar/14
His jaw alone is 5 ft 10 :-]
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Feb/14
I haven't noticed much variation in stature between Hunnam, Perlman, Coates and Flanagan
Rob, out of those four who do you think is the tallest?

Editor Rob
Charlie has good posture. ..Ron nowadays maybe doesn't stand as well as he could measure. times they all look kinda similar range.
Barf said on 28/Feb/14
Always thought he was like 6'2'' or 6'3"
Hare pin said on 25/Feb/14
Based upon some rough measurements from the film Pacific Rim, the gold toed shoe is about a size 13. Whether or not the one the scientist guy is holding is the actual shoe worn, I don't know.
Powerhouse said on 7/Dec/13
6'1.25 peak 6'0.5 now
Bakura said on 6/Oct/13
6'1 peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Jul/13
I thought he was at least 6ft2
gsbr said on 13/Jul/13
In Pacific Rim, his character profile puts him at 6'1". Also, he says he's 6'2" in this article when discussing the height difference between him and the 5'6" Charlie Day (who Perlman mentions as being "about 5'2".)
Click Here
Ud190.5cm said on 10/May/13
hey Rob,
Do you watch sons of anarchy? In those series he's been described 6'2 and 75 inches on mugshot and charlie hunnam is described as 6'1,I guess what kind of boots they're wearing in those series.

Editor Rob
I don't watch it
Brad said on 19/Feb/13
Met him 25 years ago, at least 6' 1" then.
Hew said on 3/Nov/12
He was near enough 6´1 at his peak but nowhere above 181 cm today.
batjac said on 30/Sep/12
Meet him while filming Aliens 4. He's more like 6foot 2
Michael said on 25/Sep/12
All i wanna know is, how is a 62 year old that built? He's huge.....everytime he's arms are on screen, particularly in sons of anarchy, they take up half the screen. The man must lift some serious weight or is just built that way.
Jake: 1.82 m-- 1.83 m-- 1.84 m said on 2/Sep/12
6' 0.5" (1.84 m) peak. He often looked at least 184 cm in films.
HellBoundPower said on 30/Aug/12
I think he could have possibly have been 6'1" at his peak, but nowadays in his 60s he's probably between 5'11.5" and 6'.
JHC said on 28/Aug/12
Saw him in Toronto back in March 2012...I'm 6'1.25" (186 cm) but he definitely is not. I probably had a solid 2-3 inches on him.
Hob said on 31/Jul/12
i think in some movie he wore elevator shoes or thick boots from 1.8-2.5inches range. strange that in any premiere pictures he came nothing over 5'11.25 and atually look a solid 5'11
JohnnyRB said on 27/Jan/12
Click Here
I dont know how big are those heels but she surely towers him. A 6ft guy wouldnt be towered by a 5ft11 woman in heels.
steven said on 19/Jan/12
maybe he was never 6'1 while he is over of age 60 could have lost 0.5-0.75 and look 5'11 now with 5'8 supermamun.
LAN Jiao said on 15/Oct/11
However compete in barefoot to nicholas cage i bet a big buck ron pearlman at least 0.8" taller. Elevator shoe never happen in pearlman feet like cage did often.
jtm said on 14/Oct/11
he was the same height as ryan gosling. maybe he is 5'11 nowadays.
LAN Jiao said on 7/Oct/11
elevator shoe can fool people you wore a normal shoe height if your trousers/jeans cover well your upper feet angle.
i had friend wore kind of Don shoes given max 3.2inch and could hold even extra 0.4in insole makes almost 9cm after wore it cover well your shoe top area with jeans/trousers , my friend 5'7 after wore he is 5'10.5 top.
belive or not what under nicholas cage feet even its not that much given there is still this kind of shoe makers helps average height actor who need to be taller on screen to build up bigger shoe for them safely claim a comfort height(not pointed all average height actors but some.etc), because they needs a living in hollywood beside the celebrities.. ^.^
DejaVu said on 6/Oct/11
Give me a break LAN Jiao. Nicholas Cage's shoes give? 8-9cm? Stop turning the facts. Look at the full body shots and tell me how is this a 5'10 guy next to 5'11.5 Ron Perlman.
Click Here
Click Here
LAN Jiao said on 6/Oct/11
"Larc 6 ft 1.75 in says on 31/Aug/11
Looks shorter than Nicholas Cage today."
lol even today at age60 over pearlman stand no under 5ft11.5 in real , put bright your eye people who believe nicholas cage was 6ft tall. don be fool by cage footwear during season of the witch premiere with pearlman. give or take the elevator shoe cage wore could hiddenly gave up 8-9cm so 6ft1.5 when he wore it and barely 5'10 range as he could never compete height with a real 6footer like ron pearlman. up here he can look 5'11top don be fooled by camera angle and how he stand, he really can be 6ft if he stand well. pearlman look 6ft1 with regular 1inch dress shoe with nicholas cage in heeled shoe.
Chris said on 5/Oct/11
Met him recently, I'm 6' even and he looked me directly in the eye, he has a large/tall forehead which puts him a shade over six feet, probably was 6'1 when he was my age
USYD said on 5/Oct/11
I don't think he knows exactly how tall he is so he just guesses it at about 6'1". No denying this is a tall man, so I'd say 182.5cm at least.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Aug/11
The boots he wore in Hellboy apparently brought him to 6ft5-6ft6...
Alex said on 14/Aug/11
6'0 with good posture.
Mr. R said on 2/Aug/11
Ron has some of the worst posture that I have ever seen. But he is btw 5-11 and 6 foot.
Frank Nave said on 1/Aug/11
A credible source that I am not allowed to mention on this forum has Ron Perlman's height listed as 6'1". He appeared to be 6'6" in 'Beauty & the Beast' and 'Hellboy'. He may have worn lifts to look taller and more imposing. Schwarzenegger and Stallone also wore lifts in various roles.
Josh B said on 28/Jul/11
They probably told him that Ron was 5"10 so he'd be more relaxed and less intimidated. 5"10 is far too short though.
Chris175 said on 15/Jul/11
Here is Tom Hardy in an interview saying Ron Perlman is 5-10.
Click Here
I know this may not be accurate but i feel it is always relevant to share to see what people think of it. personally i think Perlman is at least 6-0 from what i have seen, but who knows really :)
PHL said on 10/Jun/11
he would be 5'10 with a regular size head.
Lizzy Reed said on 26/May/11
he looks 5'11 because of his eye-level, but remember he's leaning a bit towards Mamun and he also has a big forehead, which makes him a strong 6' by all means.
Lizzy Reed said on 26/May/11
6'1.5 at peak, he could look as tall as young Bill Murray
Zach H said on 16/May/11
He looks Huge in Hellboy 1 and 2
ACG said on 16/May/11
6'1" minimum. I thought he was something like 6'5" for awhile.
James said on 13/May/11
6'0.25 (184cm) Peak
5'11.5 (182cm( today
ThaMessenger said on 11/May/11
Hes also in his 60 it is very likely that he has shrunken an inch or 2. He is mos def 6'0 now though
James said on 8/May/11
He's silly claiming 6'2. i mean 6ft guys might claim there 6'1 but why inflate your height by 2 inches if your 6'0?
ulrike said on 23/Apr/11
i thought this guy was a solid 6ft 2 but i was wrong 6ft look ok to me
merci said on 21/Mar/11
When Ron was in "The Name of the Rose" with Sean Connery 6'2 and Stu VanOrmer 6'3 We thought him to be about 6'2.
jake said on 17/Mar/11
I think he was/is 6 ft 0.5 in (184 cm). Close to 6' 1" at some point anyway.
TruebloodFan said on 7/Mar/11
@Brad says on 9/Jan/11
Huge head, he's a big guy too. 6' 1" he is.
nope. just huge head, no 6ft1. lol
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/11
I would say 6 ft when i watched Hellboy one character said he was 6 ft 5 which is as you can a lil bit shorter than 6 ft 5 you look at his shoes in Hellboy he had a good 5 inches put on by those shoes in other films though he looks 6 ft
Brad said on 9/Jan/11
Huge head, he's a big guy too. 6' 1" he is.
Aaron said on 8/Jan/11
Lol @ the "giant head" people. Perlman does NOT have a giant head. He has a very narrow head and face, actually. His head, if anything, is below average in size. I'm mostly talking about cranium here. If you include the illusion his tall hair includes and his relatively long face, his head gives him an extra inch, maximum.
Small man with a ridiculous head that makes him look taller than he really is.
6' is about right. If he stood around normal-sized people rather than the Dwarftown that is Hollywood, it would be more obvious.
Matt said on 30/Dec/10
He'd probably be more like 5' 11'' with a normal sized head
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Dec/10
Rob is 6"1 or 6"2 possible?

Editor Rob
I've not seen it in a long while but he was shorter than robert urich in the film Ice Pirates back in 1984, which was I guess his peak height
big joe said on 14/Dec/10
He's actually got the body frame of a 5'10 person. Lol it's his head, it's so huge. That's why he's 6 ft. Take away 2" from his head and he would look more normal.
walker said on 30/Nov/10
6'0 that's final
James said on 16/Nov/10
Mr.R he is 60. I think he was 6'0 in his day.
Larc186-188cm said on 13/Nov/10
5'11.25 max, 6'0 is a stretch and 6'1 is impossible.
Liam Neeson said on 12/Nov/10
His giant head made me think he was well over 6 foot. He looked about the same height as Sigourney Weaver in Alien Resurrection, and she was wearing tall shoes/boots.
Dago Red said on 30/Jun/09
Always thought he was 6'2 or 6'3
Lego said on 28/Jun/09
he's 183cm indeed, looks 6'1 next to mamun thanks to the shoes.
Sam said on 28/Jun/09
I guess he's one of those taller looking guys... I always put him around the 6'3 range..
Mandy said on 4/May/09
Who cares he a tall sexy drink of water. He has a big frame and is muscular so I think that adds to the look of his height. Looked good in beauty and the beast, hellboy, alien and blade 2. He looks good in everything. lol. He's a fox.
Rusty said on 11/Apr/09
He looks more than 6' in this photo. Mamun is standing straight and he is slouching and leaning. He is definitely a legit 6'1".
Ryan said on 10/Apr/09
5'11.5" appears to be accurate. Always looks taller than what he actually is.
Tony said on 10/Apr/09
hell boy 1 made him look 6'5 easy
Hugh 190cm said on 24/Mar/09
I can buy close to 6ft2 in his prime.
Brad said on 18/Mar/09
Beauty & The Beast guy? I remember meeting him at a Star Con back then. 6' 1" easy.
Zach said on 17/Mar/09
Wow. Always thought he's up in the 6'2/3 range.
Haze said on 16/Mar/09
doesnt look overly tall in hb even with his boots on. but the cast had some pretty good sized people or "creatures" in it. i saw a scene in hb2 were hes sitting on a bed and it looks like he packing 3"+ monsters. so id say 6 foot is about right. mybe wit some change in the morning so he claims 6'1
Comets said on 25/Feb/09
he id definitely 6'1 and not 6'0
Hugh said on 28/Dec/08
188ish top
186ish now
Alex said on 15/Dec/08
Looks 6'0.
Anonymous said on 14/Dec/08
184ish top
182ish now
Hugh said on 4/Dec/08
He was easily 2 inches taller than Sigourney Weaver. 6ft1-2.
Midget said on 2/Dec/08
I agree with Hugh, 6'1" minimum. Always looks big in films and is often taller than his co-stars.
Tony said on 27/Nov/08
Its A Punjabi Ting (UK) says on 18/Aug/08
Wow I thought this guy was 6ft 5 ish. HE looks huge In Hellboy.
That was my assupmtion before i found this website dude looked 6'3 minimum
Hugh said on 6/Nov/08
I think he's well over 6ft.
The Horse of FUNK said on 29/Oct/08
Hmmmm, looks more 6'.05" next to Mamun if he stood up straight...
Explodius said on 11/Oct/08
Could have lost height - he's 58 now.
Hugh said on 25/Sep/08
I think he's 6ft1 minimum.
anonymous said on 21/Sep/08
so he is 6ft at minimum....tall enough..definitely not short.
Hugh said on 15/Sep/08
Next to Sigourney he looked 6ft1.5/6ft2. There was genuinely 2 inches there. Alien Resurrection.
dmeyer said on 20/Aug/08
dosnt look over 6 ft in the pic
Its A Punjabi Ting (UK) said on 18/Aug/08
Wow I thought this guy was 6ft 5 ish. HE looks huge In Hellboy.
Jack said on 25/Jul/08
He's about 6 foot I think, because in quest for fire he's a good 5 inches shorter than Everett McGill, who must be about 6'5 - 6'6
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/08
Seems two inches shorter than Craig Ferguson. He can't be 6'1". Probably 6 foot max.
maximus said on 21/Jul/08
probably right around 6"...he is barely taller than sigourney weaver in aliens res. but then again there is controversy on her height also. 5"11 to 6" has been her if she is a legit 6" then yea it would make him around 6.05 to 6"1
Anonymous said on 19/Jul/08
i thought this dude was like 6'6
Anonymous said on 17/Jul/08
Who is the tallest actors plays HELLBOY 2?
Hellmistress said on 8/Jul/08
Okay - Ron, six-one and a half, GdT Just over five-ten.
Hellmistress said on 20/Jun/08
Brah, as I have said before - Ron is between six-one and six-two. Tell you what - I'll be seeing Ron (and GdT) at the HBII premiere in just over a week. I'll ask.
Brah said on 20/Jun/08
No, my estimates are based on several factors, not a photo. Read my post on May 13.
dmeyer is 5'11" to 5'11.5" and said Ron Perlman is "6 feet tall, possibly a hair over". Since you do not come her often, dmeyer is regular poster here who has worked on movies and has met many actors.
big j and his 6'2" brother also Ron. He says that with huge LIFTED BOOTS on, Ron was the same height as his 6'2" brother.
Also, Ron himself said he is "about 6'1". Since you say he is 6'2", you are saying he is a liar then? Or maybe you estimate people's heights with their shoes on or something?
Hugh said on 19/Jun/08
I've met Ron. He's about 6ft1/6ft1.5.
thekiddd said on 10/Jun/08
He said he was ABOUT 6'1". He didn't say he was, That is just his estimate. He's saying he might be a little less than it you know Hellmistress.
Hellmistress said on 2/Jun/08
I don't think - I KNOW. I've met GdT a number of times, sat down to dinner with him and was on the Hellboy II set in September. As for Ron ... he's between six-one and six-two. I know because yet again, I've met Ron a number of times, ALSO sat down to dinner with him and saw him also on the set of Hellboy II in Budapest. I know his makeup guys who ALSO know how tall he is. Seeing Guillermo or Ron at a Q & A is hardly the same. All of your comments here are mere conjecture from a picture you've seen. Hardly fact, now is it?
Brah said on 31/May/08
Hellmistress is the only one who thinks Guillermo is 5'11".
He is listed everywhere online as being 5'10" and that is what he seemed to be in person to me. I saw him in person at a q&a.
Antron said on 24/May/08
Are you all sure Guillermo Del Toro is 5'11" ?
Click HereSure doesn't look that with Peter Jackson.
Are you thinking of Benicio Del Toro?
thekiddd said on 13/May/08
Thank you Brah! People here think that actors state a height shorter than they actually are? Obviously people especially Hellmistress whom has only posted on his page are only hearing what they want to hear.
Brah said on 13/May/08
Perlman is not 6'2". He has already stated his height as 6'1" so he is not taller than that as some of you would like to believe.
He is 3 inches shorter in every photo with 6'3" Kevin Sorbo.
He looks 6 feet maximum with 5'8" Mamun.
dmeyer who is 5'11 himself has also met Ron Perlman and said that is "6 feet or a hair over"
So Perlman is 6 feet, maybe 6'0.5".
thekiddd said on 13/Apr/08
Ron could have been about 6'0 1/2" in his prime. But still most likely 6feet back then.
Hugh said on 26/Mar/08
He was clearly two inches taller than Sigourney Weaver who is 5ft11 to 6ft. This guy is nearer to 6ft2.
Anonymous said on 13/Mar/08
I think when he said 6'1, he was stating his height in normal dress shoes, so barefoot about 6'0. So Rob is on the money with this one!
Hellmistress said on 2/Mar/08
I met Ron on the Hellboy II set in Budapest in September, both in and out of makeup. He was about six-four or five in the boots, and around six-two out of them, in trainers.
big j said on 2/Mar/08
i met ron on the set of hellboy and he was wearing 3 inch lifts in those boots he wears and im 5'11 and with him wearing the boots he was the same height as my bro whos 6'2
HeightMaster said on 15/Jan/08
looks taller than 6 ft in the picture, at LEAST 6'1"
Hellmistress said on 31/Dec/07
Brah, Just to be clear here - Doug Jones is six feet three and a half inches tall. I'm the webmaster of Doug's official website, I've known the man for four years, and Doug himself put in the FAQs on his site that his height is six-three-and-a-half. Guillermo is five-eleven. Ron is six-one to six-two. As an addendum, Ron's height is documented by the prosthetics FX shops like Spectral Motion etc., because his height and measurements are a matter of record to make sure the prosthetics and costume fit properly. I have seen Ron's resume which states his height at six-two. These are facts, not conjecture.
Remy Green said on 31/Dec/07
He looks 6'1" to me in the picture. It looks like he's slouching and that if he stood at his full height he would tower over Mamun.
Mamun said on 20/Dec/07
Thanks Austrian !
Austrian said on 18/Dec/07
nice outfit "Mamun" ahahaha
Anonymous said on 7/Dec/07
Here's Ron a couple of weeks ago with his daughter Blake - who is six feet tall. His sone Brandon is taller than Ron.
Click Here
Ted said on 3/Dec/07
this is one guy who looks deceptively talll in movies.Maybe its his longish face. His face has proportions of someone like that guy that did talladega heights.
Hellmistress said on 24/Nov/07
Ron's 57. Couldn't care less how he is listed here - just stating the facts as I know them. And it's interesting that even though the quote at the beginning of Ron's entry here says he's six-one, the site still lists him as six feet. Hardly accurate, huh. I know the guy. So there you go.
Kid-Icarus said on 20/Nov/07
He will never be listed as 6'2" No matter how hard you try Hellmistress.
Anywho, It looks like he might not even be 6 but then again he's like 50.
Kevin Durant said on 20/Nov/07
I thought he was taller than 6 feet when i was watching the Hellboy Movies but must be the camera trick because i have seen some of his past movies, and he barely looks like 6 ft or 5'11.75".
Da Man said on 18/Nov/07
Guillermo looks more like 5'9" there. He's listed as 5'10".
Dave said on 18/Nov/07
look at the scene in 'Ice Pirates' where ron, the lead character and this huge guy are walking down a corridor, i cant even remmeber where it is, anyway, the lead guy is 6'2. Ron, standing in between the two of them struggles with 6feet to be perfectly honest.... i always thought he was about 6'2 also, when i was younger.
Brah said on 17/Nov/07
Hellmistress, the man on the right of your photo is Doug Jones, who is 6'4".
Ron is nowhere near his height in your photo, so that means that Guillermo is not 5'11".
In fact, he listed on a websites as 5'10". Sorry.
Hellmistress said on 16/Nov/07
Click HereRon slouching, Guillermo is five-eleven and Dougie is six-three-and-a-half and wearing cowboy boots.
maximus said on 16/Nov/07
Its obvious that ron is 5'11 to 6'...why?? He is barely taller than sigourney weaver......and at times seems almost the same height..if he were 6'1" the difference would be more obvious.
Mamun said on 16/Nov/07
I just did a medical today and I was found to be at 5' 8.1 " at 4.30 pm !
runt said on 16/Nov/07
He doesn't look any taller than Bruce Willis to me.
Austrian said on 15/Nov/07
lol i thought he was like 6'2
but in this pic he looks 5'11-6'
Kid-Icarus said on 15/Nov/07
Give it up Hellmistress! He's not 6'2".
Del Mar said on 15/Nov/07
Wow, always thought this guy was close to 6-3! Definetely proved shorter now though
Anonymous said on 15/Nov/07
at least 6 foot. in enemy at the gates he was easily 1-2 inches over
Jude Law.
Pete said on 15/Nov/07
leonari, u see 4 inches difference between the 2? i only see 3 at the most!
leonari said on 15/Nov/07
Pete: watch the pic yourself. Thats how a 5'8" guy looks next to 6 feet guy.
Pete said on 15/Nov/07
im sorry but if mamun is 5-8 thid guy ron cannot be 6 feet. probably 5-11 or less. watch that pic!
patrick said on 15/Nov/07
One another case a man looks taller than he is. I think his proportions and his long, muggy face leads to that.
I thought for long, he was 6'2 because of "short" people he acted with. He has broad and high shoulders and often embodied "special" characters that, by themselves, could make us think he was "larger than life". He's definitely not a common actor anyway!
I find him great and able to play "special" heroes thanks to his charisma.
OutBenchThis said on 15/Nov/07
More superman gear Mamun, nice!
Looks to have 3.5" on Mamun so I'd say near enough 6ft. Definately not 6'1"
Hellmistress said on 12/Nov/07
'Two Soldiers,' right? Aaron Schneider's movie. Brilliant film, BTW. Yep, Ron loves singing Sinatra, and he's a baritone. And he also has a tendency to slouch, which is pretty well what he does a lot of the time when he's not in front of the camera. He says he's six-one or two, I'd go with that, bur meh ... it's no big deal. Although some folks on here get fairly hysterical about it, which I find a little odd. But anyway, 'Tall' mag measured him and he was six-two that day in shoes - and a man like Ron doesn't need to wear lifts. He's beg enough as it is, and he certainly couldn't care less about how tall people think he is. He's also not as muscle-bound as people think. He used to play baseball a lot, but now he's a golfer, and tends to work out only when he has a film role that needs it.
artroland said on 11/Nov/07
We did a local release for a director who won an Oscar for a movie in which Perlman was in. He's a really nice guy, quite funny and pretty fun to hang out with, which I was fortunate to do at the after party (he loves singing Sinatra). And while in most movies he appears to be very tall, when he's standing straight up, he's the same height as me, and I'm 6'. However, when he's just hanging out, his posture more or less lacks, which is what some of you may be having issues with. However, he's a good actor and a lot of fun to watch, and also a pretty good crooner. Someone should do a movie where he actually gets to sing, great tenor/baritone.
Da Man said on 9/Nov/07
No, but Editor Rob has and he's got the pics to prove it. Check the Kevin Sorbo page, his height is a known fact. Perlman is 2+" shorter than Kevin Sorbo, anything over 6'0.5" is pretty much outside the realm of possibility.

Editor Rob
Mamun has a pic with Ron, next thursday I'll put it up.
Hellmistress said on 9/Nov/07
All I'm saying is that I've stood next to Ron on a number of occasions and he's six one/two. One of those times was when Ron was in socks with no shoes. Have you stood next to Mr. Sorbo? Neither have I. But I've stood next to Guillermo del Toro, who is five eleven, and Ron's a good 2/3 inches taller. Oh, and in Hellboy makeup, he's about six three/four. The boots boost him up quite a bit. But what the hell ... he's a big fella, and a decent one too, and that's fine by me.
Da Man said on 8/Nov/07
Then how do you explain Perlman being minimum 2" shorter than 6'3" Kevin Sorbo? Sorbo is a real 6'3" or close to it, much evidence supports this. Perlman might be 6'2" Timberlands.
Hellmistress said on 8/Nov/07
I'm five-nine - I've stood next to Ron on several occasions, the last time being on the Hellboy 2 set, when Ron was out of makeup and in socks. He's around the six-one or six-two mark. He was also standing next to Doug Jones, who is half-an-inch shy of six-four, and six one/two would be about right.
Kid-Icarus said on 16/Oct/07
Six two is wrong! Either you are saying your taller than you actually are or he is wearing big boots and you can't tell. He's 6' 6'0 1/2 at best.
Da Man said on 16/Oct/07
Perlman isn't 6'2", Hellmistress. Not even close. He is easily 2" shorter than 6'3" Sorbo, anything over 6'0.5" for Perlman is pretty much a pipe dream.
Hellmistress said on 16/Oct/07
Ron's six-two - I was on the Hellboy 2 set a few weeks back, and wearing Hellboy's boots he's around six-four or five. Ron does have a tendency to slouch, so doesn't look as tall as he is, but I've stood next to him on a number of occasions, and six-two is about right.
Anonymous said on 17/Jul/07
Wow isnt this guy the one that caracterized Hellboy? Cuz if he is this guy I am shock In the movie of Hellboy they mentioned his height at 6'5", And truly I though he was 6'5" probably because of the shoes he was wearing. But I am now impressed to see his height at 6'0" in here. I dont know why do they overestimated his to much.
Big Show said on 23/Jun/07
On this page are a few pics of Kevin Sorbo and Perlman. If Sorbo is 6'3 as he says he is, than Perlman is struggling with 6' there. Sorbo looks an easy 3 inches taller there.
Click Here
The Horse of FUNK said on 14/Apr/07
Gotta admit I'm surprised by this. I used to believe he's a solid 6'2", maybe even more, but after doing my own little quick research, yeah, this seems about right. I just don't get why he typically looks a legit 6'2" most of the time. Must be from working with shorter cast members (Blade 2, for example).