Skull crushing Final said on 28/May/22
I would say he's reached about 5'10
Jkiller said on 24/Dec/20
Listing is accurate. 5'8 on the dot, no question about it.
JohnMoore-162cm said on 15/Jun/20
5ft8 on the money
cmillz said on 4/Jun/20
Rob drops down to 5’8.25” maybe on a relaxed day, but would measure 5’8 1/8 at a low on a more strenuous day. I doubt there’d be much at all between Roman and Rob.
Ronaldo 185.5cm said on 1/Jun/20
@cmillz Rob is taller, he is 173,5-6cm, he always measures that in his videos when he puts different shoes on his feet, and thats at midday, i dont know why Rob claims 5'8 when he is well over 5'8, about 1cm over 5'8 so Rob is taller than Roman, even Rob's average guesses are 173.7cm. But yes, similar in height anyways.
cmillzz said on 8/Jun/19
He has always looked 5’8 range physically to me. I bet he and Rob would be very close in height.
6james94 said on 16/Apr/19
I kinda would trust his home measurement then the doctors office. Some doctors offices can give a inch or take away a inch some are exactly accurate. Though the one at the doctors video looked like earlier in the day and the other one looked like at evening time. I would guess for him between 5'8 and 5'9.
Yasir said on 6/May/18
Maybe he did a morning measurement which explains why he was 177cm in shoes, because if he’s 173 in the evening he could be 174-175 right after waking up, measuring 177cm in sneakers. In addition his hair might have added 1 or 2 cm
cmillzz said on 30/Apr/18
The wall chart at home definitely wasn't right.
haxxx said on 29/Apr/18
From that measurement video, he didn't tap it down fully. It didn't hit his skull like it should. At least 2 cm extra with that hair, and 1 cm in those shoes, so Roman is a solid 174 cm guy :)
5'9 dude said on 28/Mar/18
Rob , does he even measure the top of his head , it looks like the top if his 'hair' , I mean it's absolutely fine , I just thought you measure your actual head than your hair which in his case is adding like 2cm , any thoughts Rob?

Editor Rob
It may not have been tapped down fully, but I think it still flattened enough to be reasonably close.
Josh9 said on 20/Feb/18
Looks 174 cm to me.
Massimo The Height God said on 28/Jan/18
So Big Rob, an upgrade for Roman to a minimum of 5ft8 exactly? After the comment I wrote about his new video measurement.

Editor Rob
I'm not sure...but if he really got 177 in sneakers then he's got to be 5ft 8.5, it's whether the stadiometer was right (and he didn't BS and move the bar up) or whether the wall chart in his house was correct...actually if you watch his wall chart video, I think close enough to 5ft 8
Massimo The Height God said on 27/Jan/18
Hey Big Rob, I literally was just watching one of Roman’s new videos and he measured himself but with shoes and he was at 1.77m and something so basically almost 5ft10 so I think he needs a bit of an upgrade he was even honest that he had shoes and I saw his shoes it cant be they add like almost 2 inches. (Watch around 2:30 i believe)
Click Here

Editor Rob
That's interesting, 177cm in doesn't add up with the other 'home tape' measurement they did.
But if that's accurate and he didn't push the bar up when showing the stadiometer mark, he could then be 5ft 8.5 at least.
JJStyles said on 14/Jan/18
nah he kinda doesn't look that tall or short :/
jonas6'4 said on 17/Dec/17
If he is that short Vitaly 176cm
cmillzz said on 25/Nov/17
He just doesn't look under 5'8 to me for some reason. I had always thought he was 5'8 on the dot.
TJE said on 9/Oct/17
Yea, no way there's 2 inches between him and Fousey.
Slim 6' said on 6/Oct/17
Thanks for the downgrade. 👍🏻
Reiner said on 19/Sep/17
Rob can you please do a Miniminter and Comedyshortsgamer page, i would love to see that
MD said on 15/Sep/17
I agree. Fousey's always been much closer to 5'9" than 5'10".
TJE said on 14/Sep/17
This would make Fousey 5'9.5 tops.
Nik said on 13/Sep/17
I went for 5'7.25",
G 5'11 said on 13/Sep/17
@Peter181cm I disagree with you, Vitaly's height could be anywhere between 5'10-5'11 but not over either mark. He is listed 5'10.5" I would not guess as low as 5'9 for Vitaly.
@Peter175 I agree his posture isn't always the best
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 13/Sep/17
I don't see any reason for Roman to not stand at his tallest when he was measured. The vast majority of people try to stand at their tallest when they get their height measured. And we don't even know when the measurement took place, might have been morning or early noon I don't know. All I know is that Roman shouldn't be listed any higher than 5'7.75"
Leandro said on 12/Sep/17
He is 172 exact
feez said on 12/Sep/17
Rob is right, the measurement was not good. He was probably not standing at best so he could easily be 1-2 cm more.
Andrea said on 12/Sep/17
Yeah, he did measure under 5'8 but there's always room for "error" with measurements like that, so maybe it is better to give him the benefit of doubt and list him at "about" 5'8...
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 11/Sep/17
Rob, you list Kobe Bryant as 6'4.75" because he was measured as that once, yet you list Roman at 5'8" despite being measured 5'7.75"

Editor Rob
it looked a rough measurement (and on something attached to the wall which could also increase the margin of error).
Generally the guy seems like he'd be in the 5ft 8 range more than being under it.
Peter175 said on 11/Sep/17
Vitaly is a guy who drops height in pictures. He is every bit of at least 5,10
Peter181cm said on 11/Sep/17
Yea, you're right! ;)
Click Here
Vitaly is like weak 5'10
More like between 5'9.25 - 5'9.5
- This guy is real 5'10.5
Click Here
I think Vitaly is 5'9.25 or 5'9.5 max!
Do you agree ? ;)
Bobby said on 11/Sep/17
Ally182 said on 11/Sep/17
If he's 5'8" then there is no way that Vitaly is 5'10.5". There is maximum an inch between them
You're right, I've seen some videos with them together and there's absolutely no way that there are 3 inches between them.
Rob, this might be a rough measurement, but I don't think it is so far from the truth.
Rob, consider to downgrade vitaly
PewDiePie fan said on 11/Sep/17
Rob why didn't you add his 5ft9 145 pounds claim in the description it is worth adding so people know

Editor Rob
yeah, I'll mention that too.
Peter181cm said on 11/Sep/17
Yeah this sound good for him..
He is 1.72m/1.73m or 5'7.5/5'8
Ally182 said on 11/Sep/17
If he's 5'8" then there is no way that Vitaly is 5'10.5". There is maximum an inch between them
Slim said on 10/Sep/17
Looked To hold his breath in at nearly 5'8" so
Imma say he's in the 5'7" range, and who knows if the measurement was in shoes, might be even shorter.
5'7.5" tips imo.
Anon said on 10/Sep/17
In 2015-16 he has a medical during one of vlogs... If you can find it the physician measures his height.
Omar 6'2 said on 10/Sep/17
Hey Rob, can you downgrade him to 5’7.75”? Because he was clearly measured at 5’7.75” in the video.

Editor Rob
it's a rough measurement.
Peter175 said on 10/Sep/17
I'd knock a quarter inch off after watching the measurement video, but he doesn't really look below 5'8 from what I've seen of him