Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jun/23
Interesting and selfless comment from you, Andrew. 👌🏼
I’ve just found another version of Roger’s song ‘Giving It All Away’. It is absolutely beautiful, just like Roger’s voice, and Roger looks exactly as he did in the movie ‘Tommy’, with his gorgeous curly locks. The singer also plays the acoustic guitar, and very well, I might add. One of the first pictures of him that I stuck on my wall at 15 years of age was of Rodge playing an acoustic guitar.
Roger was my first rock idol.
Another video of Roger singing the same song had a picture of him as he appears in the film, only in this case, in the form of wallpaper which covers Victoria Russell’s bedroom walls. I would have done anything to have had the same wallpaper, but that was long before the internet sold whatever it was you required. I bet it would cost a pretty penny to purchase now!
The picture featured on one of his solo albums as the front
cover picture. I’ve never actually seen the album, but I did see ‘Ride A Rock Horse’.
⭐️ Victoria Russell is the daughter of the late, great film director, Ken Russell. Ken was 5ft7 and did a bit of acting too, but he was chiefly a film director.
Andrew Lawrence said on 13/Apr/23
I'm 171cm and Roger Daltrey was taller than me when I met him and I was wearing hiking boots. He was wearing flats and was still taller than me. He's at least 5'8½ in his peak!
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Mar/23
🎂🎁🎈🎉 Happy Birthday Roger! 🎉🎈🎁🎂
Many Happy Returns to Roger on his 79th Birthday.
5ft 6.75 peak, and 5ft5.25 today. 😁 XXXXX
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jan/23
Eek! That was meant to be The WHO Sellout!
Roger, like Jimmy Page, will be turning 79 this year. When I was 15 and found out that he was in his early 30s, I cried! 😂
I thought, “He’ll never be interested in me now!”
I thought he was in his late teens/early 20s when I first saw Tommy, which was on the 15th January, 1976. Then I got to know all about him and found out that he was happily married, to a model named Heather. He has two daughters with her, Rosie and Willow, and son Jamie came along later. Roger has a son by his first marriage, who little younger than me.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/22
The song ‘I’m Free’ was in the charts in July 1972. 😊👍🏼
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Oct/22
Excellent! We now have a programme in The Whi Sellout. I borrowed it from the library at 15, and yes, it’s the album that stated their heights.
Sky Arts, BTW!
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Aug/22
I don’t think I’ve ever taken in this scene: Roger is shut in a room and some pungent gas is emanating from various white model buttocks! 😂😂😂👌🏼 He is coughing and spluttering, and I’m assuming the bums have been put there by a husband or two who he’s upset!
How very Ken Russell!
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Aug/22
I can honestly say that I liked the music of Franz Liszt the second time I saw it, that’s this year, not back in 1976!
Ooh! This really is rather rude! 😮
5ft5.75 back then; 5ft4.75 now.
Sandy C said on 2/Aug/22
I’m rolling around in ecstasy here as I have just found an AFFORDABLE copy of Lisztomania! This time, I typed in ‘Ken Russell Films’ and was presented with several. I also ordered Altered States.
Ken was 5ft7 and as individual and inventive a director as there’s ever been! He did a bit of acting too.
Sandy C said on 1/Aug/22
Make that LISZTOMANIA! Eek! 🐁
Sandy C said on 1/Aug/22
Roger played Franz Liszt in the Ken Russell film ‘Lisztomaia’, which I saw at the pictures twice. It was the first ‘X’ rated movie I ever saw, but I was so persistent that I wouldn’t clear off and had an answer for all their questions. In the end I was allowed in and told not to let the manager see me! This was in the Spring of 1976.
I’ve just found out that composer Franz Liszt stood all of 185cm tall, so that’s one mighty big height discrepancy! Tall composer Rick Wakeman also starred, and he’d had been a little nearer to Liszt’s height! He played another composer, possibly Wagner, but I have to check that one out.
It was an excellent watch and extremely racy!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/22
At the time Quadrophenia was being filmed, I remember a lovely picture of Roger with an arm each round both Leslie Ash, who played Steph, and Phil Daniels, who played the part of Jimmy.
It was truly heartwarming! 🤗
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jun/22
Even my Mum liked The Who!; she could tell Roger’s voice just like that!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/22
17 years is a blip in the bucket of time, Arch! In 17 years time, unless I’m extremely lucky, I’ll be history! Yes, I am scared of the unknown….
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/22
It sure is Arch! The best always stay with us though! 👌🏼
Arch Stanton said on 23/Mar/22
They were amazing at Live 8 in 2005. Hard to believe that was 17 years ago Sandy!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/22
I think Roger D would find this rather hilarious, so on his page it goes!
My autocorrect has been changing the name Roger to something beginning with a ‘T’!
I don’t even use the word!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/22
Roger might have been fairly short in his youth, but he was something of a fighter. They ‘solved things’ like that! This streak had to be given up when the Who, formerly The High Numbers, were formed.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Mar/22
Listening to the Who, as I have been since Saturday, I can honestly say that Roger has one of the best and most expressive rock voices EVER. I rate him over Mick Jagger.
When interviewed, he articulates himself very well, and his English is good. In the programme I saw on Saturday, his interviews were music to my ears. I still remember large chunks of what I read in the Who’s programme from when I was 15. After all, it was on my wall for years.
Even my Mum liked the Who - and Led Zeppelin, for that matter! I trained her well…..
Next time I vote for Roger, I can see myself upping his peak height.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Mar/22
Looks like he was honest with the recent quote!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Mar/22
Incredibly, I found that Sky Arts were showing a live 2017
concert of Tommy tonight and I caught the end of it, singing along! Now this great channel is having a programme on The Who’s Classic Albums. I can hear it’s starting with ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’, from Who’s Next and Pete spoke first, then Roger.
WOW! Roger’s voice is still fantastic, as could be heard in the Tommy concert just now, from a mere five years ago.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Mar/22
The Who certainly fattened up their album ‘Odds and Sods’ since I acquired it in my teens!
There are 23 tracks now, but my favourites are still the ones from the original album. 😀
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Mar/22
I missed Roger on The One Show the other day, catching only the tail end. Roger looked healthy and happy and way younger than his years.
5ft5.75 peak and 5ft4.5 now. 🎶
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/21
I'm pleased to say that I didn't miss out on seeing Roger play with The Who! It never occurred to me that he might be shorter than the 5ft7 I'd read for him in The Who's Sell Out, such was his stage presence.
One can see that he's not terribly tall in the film 'The Legacy'.
Peak - 5ft5.75; Today - 5ft4.5.
5'10 Dude said on 21/Sep/21
I agree with a 5'5½ peak. He's always been a small guy. I didn't notice that he shrunk, but I believe him.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/21
In the early hours of this morning, it occurred to me that I hadn't heard The Who's album 'Odds and Sods' for simply ages. I checked to see if Amazon were selling it and they are, at a thoroughly affordable price of £5.01, so I ordered a copy. Occasionally, these old records sell at ridiculous prices. 😜
As the title of the album suggests, it's a mixture of songs made by The Who - all very tuneful and catchy - which I believe John Entwistle pieced together. One of my favourites is called, 'Pure and Easy', and I'm almost certain that it first appeared on the Pete Townshend album 'Who Came First'.
I wanted to hear a few tracks, and it was the Pete Townshend version of 'Pure and Easy' that came up on my phone, with him singing it live.
Roger gets 5ft6 for his peak and one inch less for today. He's always looked the epitome of fitness, and one of the tracks from 'Odds and Sods' is entitled 'Now I'm A Farmer', which describes Roger's other 'job', though the lyrics "...and I'm diggin', diggin', diggin', diggin', diggin'" are hardly descriptive of the lifestyle of a trout farmer, which is what Roger did, and possibly still does. 🐡
My CD arrives tomorrow, just over 45 years later than the disc my Mum bought me for Easter, 1976! 🤫
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Aug/21
Some info appeared on my phone as to the guy Roger Daltrey thinks is the ultimate Rock God. It was Robert Plant, and of course, the Who and Led Zeppelin used to hang around together, the Who's late drummer, Keith Moon, being the guy who suggested the name of Jimmy's and Robert's new four piece band.
Well, Roger, I idolised you some three years earlier than I did Robert Plant, and the height difference didn't bother me!
5ft6 peak and an inch less today.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jun/21
I watched Roger in 'The Legacy' the other night and tried to compare him with the 5ft3 Katharine Ross. Kath was wearing very high heels and I was taking that into account, but saw that my efforts were fruitless when I realised Roger was wearing Cuban heels.
We couldn't even see the size of the heels because he was wearing long flares! 😯👖
Next to Charles Gray, Roger was tiny - despite the shoes - so he gets 5ft5.75 peak and 5ft4.75 for today.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jun/21
@ Rob - I read 5ft7 for him in the album 'The Who Sellout' - I think - but it was on one of their albums.
It's very honest of him to admit to 5ft4.5, I must say. Good luck to him for that! I didn't think Roger looked as tall as 5ft7 in the 1978 film 'The Legacy', which also starred Charles Gray and Katherine Ross.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jun/21
I noticed Roger Daltrey's name pop up in the credits after the film 'The Krays'. He hails from Bethnal Green as well and it wouldn't surprise me if he knew them.

Editor Rob
Daltrey is one of the few who has given 2 quite different height statements.
From 5ft 7 in 1975 to 5ft 4.5 in more recent times...
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/May/21
@ Danimal - You sound just like my Mum, shoving her kids up to their next age shortly after they turned 7 months past their present age, whatever tiny few years that happened to be.
Roger isn't even three quarters of his way through his 70s, so don't make the guy feel as though he's already an octogenarian! 👅
I've been a fan since I was nearly 15. I'd read then that he was 30, and I cried because I thought he was younger, but no, he was older! 😂😂😂 I found out his real age in the May that I saw The Who, on Saturday, the 31st May, 1976, along with an enormous line-up of truly massive support groups.
So, Danimal, Roger is in his 70s. Capeesh...? 😉
Peak - 5ft6.25
Now - 5ft5
Cheers Roger!
Your ever-loyal fan, Sandy XXX 😁👍
Danimal 5'9 5/8 said on 16/Mar/21
Rob, he's almost 80 years old. In all fairness the man has probably lost close to 2" since his prime. The average 80 year old male will have lost 2" since their peak. There should be a before height and after height for celebs of his age. He was probably close to 5'7" in his younger years and 5'5" today.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Mar/21
🎁🎂🎈🎶 Happy Birthday Roger! 🎶🎈🎂🎁
Wishing my first rock idol ever, Roger Daltrey, a Very Happy 7️⃣7️⃣th Birthday!
5ft5.75. 💕😀🍻😁👌
Paul Watson said on 11/Dec/20
If you see Roger performing with The Who in the Stones Rock and Rock Circus Film he looks very short back in 1968. He's wearing approx. 2-3" heels and still looks short in stature. I would estimate he was 5' 6" max back then. Also photographed in recent years with Kelly Jones who is 5' 5", both identical in height. So now definitely 5' 5" or slightly under.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Aug/20
😝🖕 Correction Time! 🖕😝
I should have written "No, I'm far TOO conscious of details now...." in the concluding part of my comment rather than use the 'to' with a singular 'o'. Common enough mistake to make maybe, but examiners don't take things like that into account!
The very dream itself was so funny because Roger is the epitome of fitness, and the little trip he asked us to accompany him on in my dream didn't exactly fit in with an experienced singer, actor and business man! (Roger is a trout farmer).
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Aug/20
I have recently woken up from one hilarious dream....
I was at a special night-time showing of 'Tommy' with my boyfriend, and I noticed a behatted man hanging out by the doors where the ice cream ladies, or usherettes, assemble, if that's still the case today.
I wondered why the fellow wasn't watching the film like everyone else, so I went to ask him why. It didn't take long before I realized that I was talking to the star of the film himself - Roger Daltrey! I had asked him why he wasn't watching, 'cos it's ever so good, and came out with, "Hang on a minute! It's YOU! I've seen it about 100 times myself, so come and sit with my boyfriend and moi!"
He obligingly did so, and my boyfriend, who's actually met him before, got on very well with him, as I'd expect.
After the film, Roger asked us to accompany him to a certain place and for me to do a favour, but that's where I have to stop, this being a family site. 😳 It was the way he requested the favour that was so funny, and I woke up laughing. If this dream continues, and I hope it does, I'll find out if I actually go through with it, 'it' being a bit on the naughty side, but nothing as obvious as you'd expect.
Roger looked a sizable chunk taller than me, but not as tall as my boyfriend, just as I'd expect in real life. Long gone are the days when the stars I dream about are 'silly heights'! 🤣 No, I'm far to conscious of details now, having been visiting this site for 3 and 3-quarter years! 👅
5ft6.75 peak, but 5ft5.75 now.
Nik Ashton said on 20/Apr/20
He has a big ‘eart and this is so cool. 😃👌
Sandy A Cowell said on 17/Apr/20
You Better You Better You Bet....
“....and I look pretty crappy sometimes.......”
I know zee feeling! 🤪
Five seven!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Apr/20
⭐ That Primal Scream in 'Won't Get Fooled Again' had to be the scream of all screams! And I saw him do it LIVE on 31st May 1976. Aren't I lucky? 😁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Mar/20
He has a HUGE voice!
5ft6. 😃👍🎶
Nik said on 28/Mar/20
He's only slightly short!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Mar/20
🎁🎂🎈🎶 Happy Birthday Roger! 🎶🎈🎂🎁
Congratulations to Roger Daltrey on his 7️⃣6️⃣th Birthday! Roger was my first rock star crush and I still adore him to this day. Having seen the Who at Charlton Football Ground in '76, you could say it's been a longstanding 'thing'! 😁😆😍
I was drawn to his smile, his energy and his powerful, charismatic voice.
A Very Happy Birthday to Roger and let's wish him a dynamic day with wife Heather, his kids and all his chums! XXX
Peak Height - 5ft7 and today - 5ft5.75.
One box? True, but as Roger 🎤 is one super-fit guy, and there is just the one box, he's getting 5ft6 on his special day.
I read 5ft7 in an album sleeve in '76. Pete 🎸 was 6ft then (def!), John 🕷️5ft11 (def!) and Keith 🥁 5ft8 - I think! The album was 'The Who Sellout'.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/19
When I was 15, I went along to my cinema, the one that was showing 'Tommy', and asked them, "Have you got any pictures of Roger Daltrey that I can have?"
They said, "Come back on Friday."
So I did!
I was given one of the posters of 'Tommy' that they had used outside to advertise the film. It was on my wall for many, many years!
I asked my classmate Jennifer how tall he was and she came up with "5ft7!" and she even gave me a little picture, which also went on my wall. I was pleased because I thought 5ft7 was quite tall! It's taller than me!
I went on to borrow loads of The Who's albums from my library and get them as Birthday and Christmas presents. One of the albums had the height statistics of Roger, Pete and John Entwistle, but I couldn't find Keith's. I think it was 'The Who Sell Out'. They had Roger 🎤 as 5ft7, Pete 🎸 as 6ft and John 🎺 as 5ft11. I loved them all!
Roger gets 5ft5.75.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/19
There's nothing like listening to 'Slip Kid' first thing in the morning! My neighbours must love me! 😁🖕
Nik Ashton said on 26/Sep/19
The most important thing is to have a big ‘eart!
Mon said on 24/Sep/19
I remember reading a long time ago where he said he actually grew a couple of inches in his twenties after cutting out the big steaks they were giving him on tour in the US. Wishful thinking? He is a cousin of Mick Jagger (really!). Even with the 5'5'' Adam Faith in McVicar it is difficult to see a real difference. He certainly looks surprisingly little with Ann Margret. Fantastic for his age, but then small people tend to look good for longer.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jul/19
Raymond Fox - What a spirited guy you are! I love you for that!
Back in the 60's and especially the 70's, it wasn't too easy to judge the heights of Rock Stars due to their huge platformed shoes. But I don't half agree that Roger is super-fit for a man his age, and would be for a guy 20 years younger than himself. His body, his hair and that magnificent smile - lethal combination! 😍
Raymond Fox said on 10/Jul/19
Daltrey looks better than many guys half his age. I'm fifty, fat and turning grey and I still can't sing.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Mar/19
🎈🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Roger! 🎁🎂🎈
Hope you had a good one Roger - you were my first crush at 15! xxx
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Mar/18
I saw the mighty-voiced RD on TV last night, a nice little, if inadvertent, finishing touch to his Birthday Fayre, on the 'Horror Channel', in a film called 'The Legacy'!
The film includes such stars as the eerie Charles Grey, who just has to be over 6ft, but for me it was comparing Roger to American actress Katherine Ross that clinched it: I don't see Roger as taller than 5ft6, even in the late Seventies, when this film was made, and when the guy was in his earlier 30's. You see, he stands with Katherine, who is wearing an elegant high heeled pair of shoes, and they look pretty much neck-and-neck, Katherine being almost certainly a perfect 5ft3 back then, and I can say that because I remember looking her up!
There was an old album of 'The Who', which had written on the sleeve all there heights and other personal snippets that are generally of interest to fans. Pete Townshend was 6ft, John Entwistle 5ft11, I can't remember Keith Moon's height, but he wasn't tall either, and Roger was 5ft7. The album in question might have been 'The Who Sellout', though I cannot guarentee the accuracy of that statement, I'm afraid!
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Mar/18
🎂 Happy Birthday Roger! 🎂
Hope it's a good one!
Dingus said on 11/Sep/17
5'05" seems right
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Mar/17
Hey man! I forgot your Birthday cake 🎂, present 🎁, and balloons 🎈🎈🎈!!!
Have a good one! xxx
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Mar/17
Happy Birthday, all 5-and-a-half feet of you, or whatever! Have a good day!
You're taller than me! 😋🍻
James said on 19/Feb/17
He was never any more than 5'5".
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jan/17
@ Donna Barker - Hello! If I'd met you when I was 15 or 16, you wouldn't have got rid of me until I'd had a blow-by-blow detailed account of your experience partying with Roger Daltrey at his after-concert celebration! It must have been great!
My boyfriend has shaken hands with Daltrey and the first thing he mentioned was how short he is!
Donna Barker said on 18/Jan/17
I went to a private party in 1973 in Savannah Georgia after a concert of Roger daultry and I was so supprised that he looked 4 11 ! But I guess to me that when I seen him I thought wow he is so short ! I never thought he was tall ! Really nice guy though and had a great party !
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Oct/16
I fell wildly in love with Mr Daltrey when I was a youngster as a result of seeing 'Tommy'. It was his smile, his energy and his voice. I'm certain he was 5ft7 then, which I thought to be quite tall!
I got heavily into the Who and even saw them that year (1976) play at Charlton football ground, which was in the Guinness Book of Records as the loudest concert ever! Only one other kid in my class was there, not that the others were jealous as they were more into mainstream pop, which I could take or leave. The Who though - now they were inspiring!
Alex said on 14/Aug/16
Going back to Palladino, look at him here next to 6'3 John Mayer.
Click Here
The man's got to be about 6'8!

Editor Rob
he certainly can look over 5 inches taller than john there, who may well be 6ft 2-3 zone.
Tr27 said on 10/Mar/15
I don't know, Rob. I think he deserves an upgrade to 168cm, or at least 167cm.
billbo said on 24/Dec/14
I worked on an episode of a show that hosted for the History Channel and was around him for the better part of a day. I was really surprised at just how short he was. I'd say that 5'5 1/2 is about right.
neisirap said on 25/Jun/14
@ Hank Schrader - Good one !
larry man said on 11/Feb/14
Reminds me of "Substitute".
Sam said on 21/Nov/13
I have a The Who book with an article from Melody Maker, where The Who claim the following heights: Daltrey 5'7", Pete Townshend 6'0", John Entwistle 5'11.5" and Keith Moon 5'9" far as I can tell they were honest, except Daltrey exaggerating about an inch.
diane said on 23/Aug/13
Yes, I met Roger Daltrey and he is tall, very tall.
Brad said on 19/Jul/13
He's listed at 5 feet 7 almost everywhere but he's as listed. Well heeled in the early seventies, just built up sneakers now.
Jeff said on 7/Apr/13
I don't think Roger is this short at least 5'6 -5'7
Tempest said on 2/Apr/13
He could definitely look this tall, or maybe a little less tall.
Hank Schrader said on 27/Mar/13
He looks pretty tall but his heels are high.
jasperwazap said on 16/Jan/12
I was about this height in grade 8. 5'5'' and change. this is in the normal range for 14-15 year old boys 5'5''-5'8'' in US and Canada that is.
dan said on 10/Aug/11
who cares.this height obsession with people is ridicules.are people that insecure they have to try and find something they think is wrong with someone to make themselves feel better?the height complex comes from all the people making fun of shorter people so don't blame small people for something society pushed on them=truth.
Carmen said on 15/Jul/11
Met him a few years back and he is 5'5". I was surprised at how short he is. Very nice guy. We had tea and chatted for a good hour.
pablo said on 4/Jul/11
Be careful. Both men and women shrink with age. Daltry was at least 5'7" in his early 20s. If he is 5'6" at 60 years he is shrinking slower than most of us.
Brad said on 21/May/11
Daltrey touring in the Fall solo. I'm sure Pete is thrilled to see Tommy done with Daltrey. It is like a watered down martini with no olive, heavy on the water, no buzz. He needs income, this is ridiculous. He's 5' 5" str8 up.
paul said on 31/Mar/11
What's the issue? Roger said it all on 'Substitute' years ago... "I look pretty tall but my heels are high"
Anonymous said on 24/Dec/10
Wilt, Joey Ramone was your height exactly!
anon said on 12/May/09
He's 5' 7".
T.J. said on 3/Feb/09
this is another T.J. for all those who respond to my comment.
He looked 5'6.5" in the 60's, but looks more 5'6" now
TJ said on 21/Dec/08
Not true dudemister. The pics show around 2 inches between Fox and Daltrey. No way five. Here's three examples.
Click Here Click Here Click Here So yes, it's difficult seeing Fox at more than 5'3.5.
dudemister said on 6/Dec/08
Theres a pic where him and michael J fox look to have about 4-5 inches difference between them so I dunno maybe fox needs to be downgraded
sf said on 14/Nov/08
Seen Daltrey in too many things, and can't go over 5'5". In an episode of that 70's show, he's easily 2-3 inches shorter than Fez. But, again, who cares? Plus, Glenn is only 5'4"...Glenn, just trying to set you off!!!
Donatello said on 13/Nov/08
Still seems to be a solid 5'6" to me though, Rob. Although that is his morning height and Glenn is at his lowest, so I can see where your getting 5'5" 1/2 from.
sf said on 12/Nov/08
Naw, Glenn, I haven't posted for 3 or 4 months, actually. Just came back, so was surprised to see you.
Donatello said on 12/Nov/08
I see 5'6" 1/2 - 3/4, maybe even 5'7". I don't look this tall next to my dad, and I'm about 5'6" 1/2 and my dads around 5'8". Although pictures can be decieving, in some pictures I can look the same height as my dad, but in the mirror standing with us both standing the same distance away from it you can see he is clearly taller.

Editor Rob
daltrey has a bit of thickness to his hair. Throw a bucket of water over his head to get it as flat as glenn's and he'd lose an easy 1/2 inch.
glenn said on 12/Nov/08
read clays comment. sf-thats a suprise cause i saw you post on the day of my return.maybe you just missed me.
Anonymous said on 12/Nov/08
Alot of the time height confuses me because I measure myself at 5'9 and my mum is 5'7 and sometime even when she is not in footwear and I am we look the same height or maybe I'm just a tad taller than her, but I think now she is like 5'6 and a half, and 5'3 goes below my eye, am I measuring myself properly or?? because people always mension how tall I am and I think sometimes I could even be over 5'9.
Sean said on 11/Nov/08
I didn't realize he was so short. WOW!
sf said on 11/Nov/08
Glenn, I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not! Heck, I didn't even know you were back til the other day!
derek d said on 11/Nov/08
Glenn has a strong 2 inches on him don't let the other guy's hair fool you
Aaron said on 11/Nov/08
Is Roger Daltrey shrinking? His listed height seems to be going down on here and he looks shorter in every photograph.
Derek said on 11/Nov/08
Shawn- Glenn said he's 5'8" out of bed, so the lowest he would be at midday is 5'7.5".
Brad said on 11/Nov/08
He's serious, finally.
Shawn Jones said on 11/Nov/08
Glenn, are you seriously 5-6.5 in this pic, or was that a sarcastic comment? Because I've never heard of anybody shrinking an inch-and-a-half from their morning height. Hell, most people don't even shrink a full inch.
Clay said on 11/Nov/08
LoL, I love your suttle humour Glenn. Sad thing though, I think Brad still actually thinks you're 5'6.5, and isnt just some
glenn said on 11/Nov/08
sf-yes,thats what i always remembered him at.he looked 5-6 this week,3 months ago.last week he looked 5-5 to me again.
glenn said on 11/Nov/08
derek-newark departures.
glenn said on 11/Nov/08
thanks danimal.didnt try.seem to lose in the summer.i bloat in winter.
glenn said on 11/Nov/08
yes,very,very short.cause im very short at 5-6.5
Danimal said on 11/Nov/08
Glenn, you look like you trimmed down some man. Good job. Keep it up!
sf said on 11/Nov/08
Don't think he's anything over 5'5" these days.
Derek said on 10/Nov/08
Glenn- Was this at LaGuardia Airport?
Clay said on 10/Nov/08
I see two inches.
glenn said on 10/Nov/08
i was up from the day before with little sleep to begin with,and was sick.roger just woke up.this was 720am.i never went to sleep.
glenn said on 10/Nov/08
big king-go worry your not 6-7.
Big King said on 10/Nov/08
Come on rob, glenn doesn't even have two inches on Rodger.

Editor Rob
do bear in mind glenn is at lowest, whilst roger might still be 1/3 - 1/2 inch from his lowest.
Brad said on 10/Nov/08
Now I know why he wore giant heeled boots in the seventies.....he's really really short.
Lmeister said on 10/Nov/08
We gotta remeber that Roger prefers really high heeled boots, giving him 1 inch extra compared to normal casual shoes.
Rizo said on 15/May/08
John Mayer's about 6'3" and Pino Palladino towers above him so I imagine hes round the 6'6" 6'7" mark
Zedrick said on 18/Jan/08
I always find it funny when the lead singer of prominent rock bands are short guys. It just looks like they are these tall rock Gods or something.
Sherry said on 3/Jan/08
I don't care how tall he is. He is sooo hot! I'm an American woman more than half Roger's age. I never get around to looking at his height because I can't stop looking at his fabulous arms. His biceps are a site to behold. What a body! The pictures of him in the Tommy era with the open jacket, showing his chest is the hottest thing I have ever seen. Yum Yum.
glenn said on 31/Oct/07
i was there anthony.very briefly.i felt it was a waste of my time and left in seconds when i saw too many people outside.what am i to accomplish?.he isnt great in crowds.he isnt nice at all actually.he would have to be nice at his own function though.inside.i went off and one on one got stewart copeland instead who pretty much told me its over after the tour.
Anthony said on 31/Oct/07
I met Roger tonight at the premiere of the new Who documentary in the city. I got up close and managed to get his autograph. He's no more than 5'6 and that was in thick shoes. 5'5 would be more accurate. Nice guy, too, though I didn't really have time to chat with him.
John T said on 18/Sep/07
You mentioned Pino Palladino earlier. I met him several times in the early 80s when he was a lowly bassist for Welsh rock bands (albeit a brilliant bassist!). I'm 5'11" and he possitively towered above everyone in the venue. He's got to be at least 6'4". His bass guitars (all long scale ones) are dwarfed fy his frame.
Mr Man said on 30/Aug/07
Roger's my friend's cousin and I've met him a few times and he's definately around the 5'5"/5'6" mark.
Alexander said on 2/Apr/07
5-5, maybe 5-5.25 tops
rogfan said on 14/Mar/07
I saw him in concert. He seems so tiny and Im 5'5.
He seems roughly my height :3 maybe a tad bigger.
still quite good looking no matter how tall he is -cough-
Hannah said on 8/Feb/07
Wow, I'm taller than one of my idols, [5'10 chick here]. But he's still hot as crazy.
Glenn said on 19/Jan/07
Interesting.I read those magazines.dont remember anything like that.5-6 is generous for this man.he can look 5-5 when I see him.
Garry said on 19/Jan/07
he's 5'5", interesting he admitted it but he's never seemed as self conscious about his height as a lot of shorter rock stars (cough..bono..cough). he got all the girls anyway...
Robert.R said on 18/Jan/07
He was the shortest member of the Who and at the beginning he claimed to be 5'7" looking slightly shorter than Keith Moon who was listed as 5'9". If as I suspect he really was shorter I wonder how tall Keith Moon was? At the time of their listing none of them wore heels, they all wore flat shoes or dessert boots which were quite fasionable with the Mods.
Genevieve Hay said on 1/Jan/07
Roger's height may always remain a mystery... this year alone, he's said he was 5'5" in one magazine, 5'6" in Q mag, and 5'7" in Mojo. The 5'7" was during a part of the interview where he was laughing off his "rock god" 70's image, so it makes me wonder if 5'7" is his heeled and big hair height, 5'6" is with his present-day thick-soled shoes, and 5'5" is barefoot. Pardon the pun, but Who knows?
Dave Marsh's biography Before I Get Old just describes him as being somewhere between 5'5" and 5'7", so I'm guessing he doesn't exactly announce his true stature.
Anthony said on 7/Dec/06
Nowadays, Roger wears casual shoes with chunky soles.
Brad said on 4/Dec/06
Roger wore hilarious high heel boots in concert in the 70's. The '71 tour with the huge heels and huge hair made him look 6'. I've seen him on every tour since '74 and his heel has come down every tour, the doo too.
Anthony said on 11/Nov/06
I don't ever recall Roger's footwear ever being as outlandish as Elton's. I read somewhere, I think here, that Elton once wore 8 inch platforms. But yeah, both of them are notorious for big footwear. Heck, I've noticed most rock singers, or at least the most famous ones (Daltrey, Jagger, Mercury, Morrison, Tyler, etc.) are or were all short (some average) except for Plant (and even he insisted on big footwear despite being 6'1). Guess their heights don't matter, since they have enough of charisma and presence that their heights are of secondary least to the fans.
Glenn said on 8/Nov/06
I saw Roger in sandels,last time I met him 2001.I was surprised he would embarress himself like that.5-5.
Glenn said on 7/Nov/06
In his dreams 5-7.thats like 5-5 Phil Collins at 5-8.
Tom T. said on 7/Nov/06
5-7 in boots possibly (tends to wear chunky shoes but not Bono-level; incidentally haven't seen a pic of the two together but I'd wager they're about the same height, barefoot, 5-5 and change).
Padraig said on 6/Nov/06
Rob had this quote by Roger: "I'm rock god. I'm five foot seven inches. I had my jaw broken and so my chin stuck out."
Tom T. said on 6/Nov/06
Yes, Roger is probably closer to 5-5 than 5-6.
Anthony said on 4/Nov/06
Sorry, Anonymous was me.
Anonymous said on 4/Nov/06
5'4 too's low for Roger. 5'6 peak, 5'5 now.
Rackon said on 2/Nov/06
As related in another thread...
I would bet Roger Daltrey is under 5'6". He seemed 5'4" or 5'5" to me 25 years ago - I doubt he's grown any. I met him at a Who press conference - when he got up out of his chair, he didn't seem to get any taller. It was a shock, I can tell you. I thought he must have been t least 5'9". Nope. I'm 5'11" and I felt like I was looking down on top of his head!
Anthony said on 31/Oct/06
I agree, Pino looks very tall to me. But he is definitely skinny.
Tom T. said on 31/Oct/06
Haven't met him yet but from pictures Pino seems to be in the 6-3 or 6-4 range (but very skinny). One clue to guitarist/bassist heights is to look at the proportion of their instrument to their body - such as Angus Young who is dwarfed by his, Townshend who looks about 6 ft, and Pino who makes his bass look smaller.
Glenn said on 22/Oct/06
Your right.
Anthony said on 22/Oct/06
Oh, sorry then. He looks at least 6'1 to me. He seems pretty tall.
Glenn said on 21/Oct/06
Funny how I never saw Pino when they were in town last month.
Anthony said on 20/Oct/06
Hey Glenn, do you know how tall Pino Palladino, the current bassist, is? He looks pretty tall.
Glenn said on 18/Oct/06
Did you notice his footwear Jason?
Jason said on 17/Oct/06
I met John Entwistle on several occasions. I am 6'1" tall and John was a couple inches shorter than I am. In his younger years I suppose he could've been close to 6'.
Glenn said on 14/Oct/06
He gave me the strange illusion.
Anthony said on 13/Oct/06
I think Entwistle was 5'10-ish barefoot (178-179 cm), but with the right shoes was nearer to Pete's height (which I still believe was at his peak 6'2, especically after the May pic). I don't think John was only 5'8. Maybe it was a posture thing.
Glenn said on 13/Oct/06
Amazingly,Enthwistle did look a giant in every old photo I saw.I couldve sworn he was 5-8.5-11 in heels.must dig the pics out.he did wear megaheels in the old days too.
Anthony said on 12/Oct/06
5'8 seems right for Moon. He was a small guy. But he made up for his larger than life personality.
Middle-sized Cat said on 5/Oct/06
Saw Moon listed as 5'8" once. Maybe he was wearing heels. He was very chummy with the late Harry Nilsson; now HE was tall - 6'4"!
Anthony said on 5/Sep/06
Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to it. I have a feeling this will overtake The Rolling Stones' '03 concert at MSG as my favorite.
And the new album will be great.
Tubbs said on 5/Sep/06
Saw them at the Isle of Wight festival in 2004, even though it was just Roger and Pete from the original line up, they blew the rest of the bands away that weekend....they showed a few of the young bands how to put on a rock show i.e Snow Patrol, Electric Soft Parade, Ordinary Boys,even The Manics. Roger did look around the 5'6 mark when stood next to the 6'0 Townshend though.
Glenn said on 5/Sep/06
Im excited about new album too.have a killer pic of me and Daltry where he still has long hair.
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
Though he cant sing,David Lee Roth(6ft) is my God.
Anthony said on 2/Sep/06
Yes, I agree, Steven. Him, Plant, Mercury and Jagger are the best frontmen in rock. I also agree that their larger than life presences make them seem taller (though Plant was legitimately tall to begin with at 6'1)
I'm actually seeing The Who next month, so I'll know what it's like to really see the man in action.
Steven said on 31/Aug/06
Probly closer to 5-5 than 5-6. Tons of personality and stage presence though so seems taller. Cool guy.
Anthony said on 4/Aug/06
I have a poster in my room of the band. They're all kneeling down, so it might be hard to compare exact heights, but it's easy to tell that Daltrey standing up is no more than 5'6. I initially thought 5'10 because of the shoes and hair, but after looking at early pics of the group, it's clear he's a very small man.
As he sang in "Substitute", "I look pretty tall but my heels are high."
Brad said on 3/Aug/06
About 5' 6". He's the only person I've seen in obvious elevator sneakers. He looks really old if you catch him in reading glasses and from a foot away. Moon I met only a few weeks before he died. I knew he wasn't going to do any tour with The Who. He looked like a 55 year old butler. He said the word "Dear" in every sentance. "Dear boy", "Oh dear", "Dear me".
rod said on 25/Feb/06
there's a pic in which he seems taller than keith moon...but as editor rob said, he was wearing cowboy boots, i think he must be between 5'6" & 5'7".

Editor Rob
in the past he has worn those boots. Check his latest pics on wireimage beside pheonix, danny baker etc...
CelebHeights Editor said on 17/Feb/06
From a 1996 book, Rock and Roll, social history, it described him as "5ft 5"
McFan said on 8/Aug/05
I thought Eddie Vedder (5'7) was about an inch taller than Daltrey.
sf said on 6/Jul/05
A co-worker of mine met Roger when she was in high school. Had her picture taken with him at the airport. I am a little over 5'6". My co-worker said he was my height or a little shorter.
British Guy said on 4/Jul/05
I Have To Disagree Here,
Roger Is At Least Two Inch Below This Mark...
How Could I Convince You To Change The Height To Something More Realistic?
Kat said on 1/May/05
I have met Roger on several occassions. I am 5'8" and he is no where near 5"7". More like 5'5.5" to 5'6". Way short.