English-American Actor, best remembered for appearing in films like Planet of the Apes, That Darn Cat, 5 Card Stud, Bed knobs and Broomsticks, The Poseidon Adventure and Fright Night. In a 1992 interview with the Toronto Star (May 15) he said of his stature,
"I'm 5 foot 10 and I'm slender"
Photo © ImageCollect.com / Adam Scull-PHOTOlink.net
Sinclair said on 12/Sep/22
Rob, would you consider 5’8.75” for McDowall?
w/5’11” Eddie Albert & 5’10.5” Lloyd Bochner
Click Here

Editor Rob
I do sometimes think this mark could be quite arguable.
Sinclair said on 23/Aug/22
Looks a bit like a short Jean-Claude Brialy.
Tall Sam said on 3/Apr/22
Something about his elfin looks made me think he was a rather shorter man.
Sinclair said on 3/Apr/22
5’9” plausible in That Darn Cat! I definitely wouldn’t exceed 5’9” for McDowall though, there’s a chance of a weak 5’9” for him, he had marvellous posture. McDowall was 2-3 inches shorter than Dean Jones who I’ve often claimed was 5’11.75” but I could also believe 5’11.5” for him. I do feel I’m generally a generous height estimator.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Sep/19
Today Roddy would have turned 91 years of age. Alas, he only lived his three score years and ten. Saw him at the pictures in 'Fright Night'.
RIP Roddy xxx 🕯️
Mister lennon said on 21/Oct/18
Elizabeth taylor was 5'2, not 5'3.
greg lehmann said on 18/Oct/18
Roddy was fairly close to my 5'10" height. No real standout movies I enjoy Roddy in (closest would be Lassie Come Home with 5'3" Elizabeth Taylor and maybe Cleopatra again starring petite 5'3" Taylor,although it's 6:14 long! Longest movie in video collection! The ORIGINAL length!),but his 1964 Price Is Right appearance was my favorite McDowell venture. During the 1963-1964 season,after the prime time Bill Cullen hosted Price Is Right went to ABC (ABC had acquired the daytime Price Is Right in 1959),celebrity contestants appeared on the game show to win prizes for studio audience contestants (nighttime) or home viewers (daytime.) Even Cullen made two panel appearances. Both times,he won one prize for studio audience members (Dec.20,1963,prime time) and on Dec.18,1964 (daytime) nailed a prize for a home viewer. Bill's nighttime Price Is Right panel appearance Jack Clark hosted and then Price Is Right announcer Johnny Gilbert hosted his daytime Price Is Right panelist appearance. Even Gilbert slipped in two panel appearances on Jan.10,1964 (nighttime) and June 5,1964 (daytime.) Gilbert also hosted a daytime Price Is Right June 19,1964 with guest panelist Rudy Vallee. (Rudy's 4 home viewers won Westclox clocks as Virgil Bertani grabbed all 4 prizes winning $8,128.) Rudy won home viewer a travel van and another nailed a dining room set,piano,and grandfather clock. Contestant Samuel Bang won a stereo set and some WB/Reprise record albums. But defending champion Mary Haas won the game by winning a $10,000 diamond ring. (Judy Bodnar and Roddy's other two home viewers won Hamilton Beach kitchen appliances for coming out "empty prized."
meezemaker said on 4/Oct/18
In accident with Peter Falk, there is a scene face to face with the same angle for the camera for both actors. No more an half inch less for peter Falk whereas Randy is wearing heel shoes...
5'6 or 5'7 no more
Andy said on 13/May/16
If you've ever seen the episode of him in Columbo ,he's clearly shorter than this. I'd say 5'6-7 max.
Mike said on 25/Dec/14
5ft 9-9.25 peak.
Brazilianman said on 6/Apr/13
If Carl Franklin is 1.79cm and Jared Martin is 1,91cm (6'3"), watching "The Fantastic Journey", Roddy, standing next to Franklin and Martin, seems to be 5'7 - 5'8.