Tall In The Saddle said on 28/Mar/20
Just goes to show that intellect, creativity and persona transcends all else. Terrific voice and presence.
I also feel like typing "Who cares if he was 5'4"?" but then that's an assumption of prejudice and after all, this is a discussion site re objective height estimation without connotation. I would only type "Who cares..?" if anyone tried to suggest Rod's height was somehow a detrimental feature to the man or even anyone else at the same height. Of course, no one has done that here. Twilight Zone was before my time though I've seen re-runs. Brilliant. I do however recall Night Gallery in real time as a child. Top shelf.
Apparently a shy man thus the super heavy smoking. Another taken away much too young.
diavolo said on 20/Jan/20
Click Here
At 02:30 there's a nice close-up of Serling's shoes. Very obvious elevators.

Editor Rob
Jacob said on 5/Oct/17
He might of been 5'7" in lifts rob cause he doesn't look short at all on the twilight zone
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Sep/17
Boyzz! I think a guy of 5ft4 might well feel better about himself if his shoes give him the bonus of another 2"! It depends, of course, on the individual, but most would imo!
Peter175 said on 27/Sep/17
JB, I disagree, the shorter you are the more you need that edge to get into the average-ish or even normal ish range. 5'6 is normal ish, below that isn't that normal for a male imo
It's the difference from looking just a bit below average at 5'7 to looking solidly tiny at 5'4". if you go from say 5'8-5'11, it doesnt really change that much in terms of percentiles. both heights are very common, you go from shortish to tallish but still average
JB said on 26/Sep/17
The reason he looked average height was because he was never standing beside anyone in those Twilight Zone intros. Also at 5'4 what's the point of wearing lifts? I could understand a 5'7" guy wearing lifts to make him about average height, but at 5'4" you're going to be short either way. It's like when I found out 6'4" John Wayne wore lifts, you're already tall, what's the point.
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Sep/17
Good reply movieguy!
Brilliant addition to have Rod here on celebheights! He had one illustrius career and what does it matter if he was 5ft4 and 8 1/2 stone? So was my friend 'Little Arthur'! He made up for his lack of pounds and inches with a good sense of humour, went out with a 5ft10 glamourpuss, my friend Camille, and fathered two healthy sons!
The Great Rod Serling gets a top quality 64 inches!
MJKoP said on 26/Sep/17
5'4.25" was his Nigh-Height zone. :D
Danimal said on 25/Sep/17
I'm pretty sure he was more than a mere 120 pounds? He was at least 130-140 pounds at a bare minimum imo.

Editor Rob
when enlisting for the army I believe that would have been his weight, but during his career probably several pounds more.
movieguy said on 25/Sep/17
No idea he was so short, didn't look it on those memorable introductions to the Twilight Zone, a truly great show. Who cares if he wore lifts.