Gonzalo said on 4/Feb/13
Rock next to James Arness, listed 6`7 in this site.
Click Here
There is another pic of them in which Arness doesn`t look much taller than Hudson. I can´t find it now
Outlaw said on 31/Jan/13
James, those pictures with Eastwood, Hudson, Wayne, etc. were at a bad angle. You could absolutely no way see the height difference accurately between the two.
Click Here Hudson w/5'1" Natalie Wood (she's in at least 3" heels, keep in mind). Even in her high heels, he looks to have 15" on her.
Jamesy said on 25/Jan/13
192-193cm Clint Eastwood was almost as tall as him so I give rock Hudson 194cm.
Trent said on 25/Jan/13
It's a rational theory, but he did put down 6'4 on several passports as well, which I assume was a rounded up claim of his 6'3.5 he was listed at on the screen test. I don't see why he would also be lying about his height on personal documents like that.
Shadow2 said on 24/Jan/13
Red 183 and Trent, please scroll down this page and have a look at my post of 13/Nov/11 which explains Rock's advertised 6'3.5" height as quoted in that video you mention. He would have been unemployable in Hollywood as a young struggling actor in that era, if admitting to being 6'5". Most of the male stars then were relatively short in comparison.
Alex (London) said on 10/Jan/13
I have watched 'Send Me No Flowers' (1964) several times.
Clint Walker at 6'6" is obviously taller than Rock Hudson no matter how you look at it - not just an impression because Clint is broader & more muscular than than the already impressively built Rock.
6'4".5 for Hudson MAX.
Trent said on 9/Jan/13
He was 6'3 & 1/2 at peak, confirmed: see 20 seconds into this video:
Click Here
Ajax said on 8/Dec/12
When you first added him you put 6'4"?
Daniel said on 8/Dec/12
Here's a pretty good shot of Hudson, Eastwood, Lee Marvin, and John Wayne. Eastwood, Marvin, and Hudson look almost the same height. They all seem to tower over Fred MacMurray, who's listed as 6' 3".
Click Here
Daniel said on 8/Dec/12
Here's a pretty good shot of Hudson, Eastwood, Lee Marvin, and John Wayne. Eastwood, Marvin, and Hudson look almost the same height. They all seem to tower over Fred MacMurray, who's listed as 6' 3".
Mr. R said on 5/Dec/12
Jack Scalia did a tv show with him years ago, and states that Rock was 6-6, not 6-4 as listed.
Ajax said on 4/Dec/12
Rob. You did originally list him as 6'4" before right?
Nancoise said on 3/Nov/12
In pictures with John Wayne (there are many, still and motion) Hudson is always a half inch or more taller. Wayne is universally described as 6'4".
angeleyes said on 30/Oct/12
He was at least 6'4'' but was he taller. Some claim he was really 6'6'' which was probably freak height back in the 50s so they had to knock off a couple of inches in his profile.
Shaun said on 7/Sep/12
Reagan's height in the 80s was questionable, he certainly didn't look the 6'1" he might have been in his prime. I think somewhere around 6' would have been in the ballpark as he'd lost height by the time he was in office I think.
Click Here
Rock is looking a strong 6'5" here and clearly nothing under 6'5". More chance of 6'6" than 6'4".
Shaun said on 7/Sep/12
There is a photo of him and Reagan shortly before his death and he looked at least 6'5" I think. Reagan could look 5'11 a lot in the 80s and remember thinking if Rock was 6'5" Reagan was barely 6'. I'll try to find the photo.
patrick said on 30/Aug/12
3cm,3cm difference but it is obviously about the double! Rock is at least 2 inches taller in that clip and he is on the background. Greg Peck never looked shorter than his legit 6'3 height. I still consider that 6'4 was the top height for a first rank star as Rock used to be. None star was taller...i mean real star, not very famous actor as Sterling Hayden or Clint Walker. Fortunately Jhon Wayne was the biggest star and still is which allowed 6'4 - or more - guys as Clint Eastwood to become stars. But think it over...Clint became a star very late, at 35 and the Duke at 32 but really at 35 too. In bend of the river the tall and late talented Jimmy Stewart is way shorter than Rock despite his good 6'3.
gvigo said on 8/Jan/12
Martyr, in that video i see Hudson with 3 cm more than Peck; that makes him 1'94 cm
Henrik said on 1/Jan/12
How can someone actually doubt that he was 6'5"? In that clip where he is described at 6'3.5", his legs look nothing but massive. It also looks like he is almost hitting the end of the door.
Martyr said on 8/Dec/11
here is a video (in the end) that shows how tall rock really was, standing next to gregory peck:
Click Here
Legit 6'5, enough said.
Shadow2 said on 13/Nov/11
The reason Rock's late 1940's early publicity and sceeen tests say only 6'3" or 6'3.5", is because he would have been potentially unemployable in Hollywood as too tall (to be a co-star with the shorter lead actors of that era), if his real height was advertised. At this time the only lead actors around Rock's true height were John Wayne (6'4"), Robert Ryan (6'4") and Sterling Hayden (6'5").
LAN Jiao said on 6/Nov/11
hudson is 6'4 peak , maybe 6'3 before he pass away.
yooga said on 3/Nov/11
Screen Test website on youtube also correct so I would say 6ft 3.5in is correct. He rounded up to 6ft 4in, they (Life Magainze) rounded down to 6ft 3in, and Hollywood included shoes and added 0.5in.
So 6ft 3.5in it is.
yooga said on 3/Nov/11
And from that same site dulco mentions, the passports do say 6ft 4ijn, but the entrance into Mexico document says 1.90 mts, so 1.90 metres, which is 6ft 2.75in, so lets go with 6ft 3in in 1960.
yooga said on 3/Nov/11
In Life Magazine it states that Roy Fitzgerald was 6ft 3in tall
Nante said on 22/Oct/11
Rock Hudson is 6' 3.5".
On youtube there is a video "Rock Hudson's First Screen Test". An insert gives his stats: height 6' 3.5", weight: 200, age: 24
dulco said on 3/Oct/11
I'm just watching "Pillow Talk". Doris Day ist asked by the housekeeper how her new lover (=Rock Hudson) looks like. Day answers: "Well he's 1.95 m ..."(I'm watching the german version ;) )
195 cm would be about 6' 5"
Of course that's just what she said in the film ...
Robert Jay said on 2/Oct/11
The website therockhudsonproject.com has images of Rock Hudson's passports from 1952(age 27),'60,'66,'72 and 1976(age 51). They all list his height as 6'-4".
Ricardo said on 5/Sep/11
The unny thing about these comparisons is that it is normally assumed that the other guy's height is also accurate! I just recorded DVD "send me no flowers" and tried to compare Rock and Clint in several distinct situation and in comparison to others. Clint wears boots all the time and even Rock mention that in the film Something like "Why don't wear shoes just like everybody else"). When they are in the ball dance one does not look taller than the other and Rock is not wearing boots. So, I honestly don't see Clint taller than Rock. I guess both are somewhere between 6'5" and 6'6"", but Clint is not taller than Rock.
Shadow2 said on 27/Aug/11
Clint is wearing cowboy boots in that movie ("Send Me No Flowers"), so it is hard to do an accurate comparison between he and Rock. Also, over on Clint's page (or his shrine!), there are those that say Clint was never 6'6" barefoot.
filmfan said on 24/Aug/11
Mr Kaplan, in the film with Day, Hudson looks shorter and slighter of build than Clint Walker. I think this was deliberate casting of Walker as they wanted the Hudson character to appear insecure about his potential rival for Day's affections. Hudson was always taller and better looking than anyone else he appeared alongside so it is hard to imagine him playing a character with an inferioty complex. Step forward good looking macho man 6'6'' Clint Walker. Hudson was a very big guy but he wasn't quite as big as Walker.
thebad7 said on 1/Jun/11
Way back, somebody posted a photograph taken sometime in the 1970s of a celebration held for John Wayne--I think it was some sort of lifetime achievement banquet. Anyway, all of the action/Western players of the day were in this photo with the Duke, and they included: Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Rock Hudson, Clint Eastwood, and a few others. Hudson stood next to Eastwood, and although both men had their heads slightly bowed for the pose of the photograph, Hudson appeared to have just a hair (then) 6'4" Eastwood. 6'5" sounds right for Hudson.
P.S.--In 1953's THE LAWLESS BREED, The Rock portrays famed Texan gunman John Wesley Hardin, and his first kill is legendary Western badman Lee Van Cleef. Rock has about 3" on 6'2" LVC.
Mr. Kaplan said on 31/May/11
Hudson was in a comedy with Doris Day and 6'6" Clint Walker. Would be a good way to find out.
Mark W said on 31/May/11
Rock Hudson is 6" 4' (give or take .5 of an inch) but often quoted higher in movies just because he was tall and to bolster his image further... He is just slightly shorter then Wayne or the same (6 foot 4 and a half) in the Undefeated... Hudson was a tall man who looked tall but 6 foot 6 is not the case... shoes can make such a big difference especially if they have lifts... Hudson doesn't need them but if tall men start using lifts as well... then it makes our job alot harder...
Bon_ said on 2/May/11
I'll have to say 6'4.5 after all
Shadow2 said on 12/Feb/11
Mickey Simpson played a circus strongman who wrestles 6'1" George Reeves in the 1950's TV "Superman". He was in the 6'4" to 6'5" range, not a strong 6'6" presence like Buddy Baer or Don Megowan playing those sorts of roles. But Rock Hudson had the "build" to appear 6'6" when he wanted to, using appropriate footwear.
Bon_ said on 3/Feb/11
little under 6'6 probably at peak
krazy krippled! said on 2/Jan/11
probably they casted Arness in "Horizons West" to appear that much taller than the film's star Rock Hudson, since 6'2-6'4ers would pass as just somewhat smaller than Hudson.
krazy krippled! said on 2/Jan/11
6'5, I'd have never guessed he was gay
Mon said on 15/Dec/10
6'4 1/2 but often said to be to be 6'6'
John Lucas said on 21/May/09
When I was in my teens and early twenties, I met a number of film stars, thanks to my father. Rock Hudson, who was about thirty when I met him, was very definitely 6'6" tall. He told us that the studio listed him as 2" shorter because they did not want him to be thought freakish. He really was big, not just tall and certainly the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life.
Brunobrowne said on 17/May/09
Saw him sing s song with Bea arthur (5'9'') did in no way dwarf her. I saw about 4'' difference, i know with her heels that would increase to about 6'' in height difference putting him around 6'4'' max which leads me to think he wore lifts when with 6' Reagan (Rock was older then down from his peak height)
Hugh said on 27/Apr/09
In the movie "Pillow Talk" Doris Day describes him as 6'6".
adam said on 16/Apr/09
In ICE STATION ZEBRA Hudson towered over Jim Brown and Patrick McGoohan and both of these fellows were around 6-2. Hudson looked 6-6. In GIANT Hudson dwarfed James Dean by nearly a foot! Look at all the comments put here. There is a lot of evidence that Rock Hudson was even above 6-5.
And Hudson clearly had at least an inch on Wayne who was wearing lifts. So go figure!
Parker said on 10/Apr/09
Once saw an interview with Rock Hudson, and the interviewer asked if he would change anything about himself, and he said he would like his legs to have been a couple of inches shorter. I personally think he was a solid 6'5.
Doug said on 10/Apr/09
Hudson wasn't way taller than Wayne though. I saw about an inch. Maybe Wayne was 6'4", and Hudson 6'5". Hudson was not 6'6" definately, although he sometimes looked it.
Doug said on 10/Apr/09
Has anybody stopped to considered maybe Hudson was around 195cm as he claimed and that actually John Wayne's height and any of the others may have been inflated. People keep saying John Wayne was a legit 6'4", Hudson therefore must be nearer 6'6". What if Wayne was 191cm and Hudson 195cm?
Doug said on 10/Apr/09
Huge huy. This man had two inches on CLint Eastwood, judging by the pics in comparison with Reagan. If Hudson was 6'5" Eastwood was barely 6'3". Hudson dwarfed even 6'1" or 6'2" guys. In comparison to Reagan he looks the full 6'6".
apo said on 7/Apr/09
why a 6'3or4 guy needs to wear lifts? That's just absurd, i guess some people gets carried away very easily...In regular shoes this guy will be 6'5", with lifts he might be 6'6". Nobody can differentiate 1" for a guy this tall unless he's also 6'4-5.. And if he wear lifts it will be very difficult for the director to shoot a scene with an actress, it will hurt the movie unless the title is Frankestein..
RisingForce said on 24/Mar/09
Here's the quote Frank2 was always talking about. Written in The Los Angeles Times on August 29th, 1982
"I used to be 6-foot-5," he likes to say. "Now I'm just 6-foot-4." It comes from. doing all that television."
I can't see him anything below 6'5" peak looking at some of the pictures posted below. He had atleast an inch on 6'4" John Wayne(who was wearing cowboy boots). I think Rock could very well have been 6'6".
adam said on 19/Feb/09
I doubt Hudson wore lifts. He looked genuinely very tall. I could buy 6-6.
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
i had no idea this guy was gigantic.
SuperAnonymous said on 7/Feb/09
I was shocked when I saw him dwarf the NFL huge guy 6'2" Jim Brown in "Ice Station Zebra". He simply made Jim Brown look like a small child. Jim is a huge and tall guy who is legit 6'2" as stated in his NFL stats.
Now that raises the question if Rock truly was close to 6'6" (considering he dwarfed 6'2" Jim Brown) or he was wearing massive lifts in "Ice Station Zebra" when his real height is 6'4" or so.
Brunobrowne said on 24/Jan/09
This leads to one conclusion, in that photo with Pres Reagan, Rock is wearing lifts. Reagan is standing over 6 feet and rock has him by 6''.Rock was very ill then and had lost a couple of inches from his peak height. In a later pic with Jimmy steward, Reagan looks only a couple of inches shorter, yet Steward matched Rock,s height pretty close in a movie they did together maybe 1.5 inch lower max. So adam this proves to me that Rock felt the need to wear lifts as he got older.
Patrick said on 15/Jan/09
In the Undefeated, he defintely looks taller than the great Duke who, nevertheless, doesn't look less than 6'3 even a tad more. I wish i'd seen Rock with the other colossus of the film, 6'5 Merle Olson who looks "terrible".
mike said on 7/Jan/09
In the movie Pillow Talk, Rock Hudson's height was 6'6".
adam said on 3/Jan/09
The difference is at least six inches. Reagan was 6-1 in his prime. He might have shrunk a little but I`d say Reagan was still around six feet by then. So definitely Hudson looks 6-6 there, no doubts.
OutBenchThis said on 28/Dec/08
Ronald Regan and Rock Hudson
Click Here
OutBenchThis said on 28/Dec/08
Ronald Regan and Rock Hudson
Click Here
adam said on 14/Aug/08
He was at least 6-5 peak and could have been 6-6. I really believe he was a close 6-6. Did look extremelly tall in many movies.
Joe said on 28/Jun/08
He never was taller than 6-4. Still tremendously tall.
BK_Daniel said on 23/Jun/08
He's taller than John Wayne. He never is dwarved by anyone even by guys 3 inches taller than him. He is 6 ft 5 in atleast. My guess is 197 cms peak height.
adam said on 11/May/08
So he was measured 6`6"? And he did look only barely shorter than Arness.
thekiddd said on 4/May/08
Well Rock looks about 1 inch taller than him. Not sure about his peak height, even if I am wrong a half an inch or even quarter inch is barely noticable.
adam said on 4/May/08
Yeah, in the 60s he wore lifts. Confirmed by Hudson AND Mitchum. Hudson was at least a legit 6ft5in peak and Duke maybe 6ft3-6ft4.
Gonzalo said on 30/Apr/08
Thekiddd, take a look at the pic posted on July 11th 2007. Wayne and Hudson look basically identical. Wayne was wearing cowboy boots, that
thekiddd said on 29/Apr/08
Wayne was wearing cowboy boots most likely. But then again, he did wear lifts in his shoes so It might get confusing. All and all, I'd say Hudson was 6'4 1/2' or 6'4 3/4"
patrick said on 28/Mar/08
"Peak Rock would have had at least 2 inches on peak Wayne": just "non sense". You disregard the difference of age between them and Rock never was "far" taller than the Duke; admittedly he looked sometimes, a tad taller. Rock was probably 6'5 anyway.
FullMetalCock said on 23/Mar/08
Ricardo, you are 100% right. He was way taller than Wayne and wasn`t much shorter than the great Clint Walker. Peak Rock would have had at least 2 inches on peak Wayne.
Ricardo said on 15/Mar/08
I have just seen 5 of Rock's movies including the one with Clint Walker and they were clearly about the same height and Clint was wearing boots. He was definitively taller than John Wayne and it is quite funny when both are riding horses together in the film since Rock's horse is much smaller or Rock looks much bigger in his horse than Wayne on his. Rock was easily 6.5 and perhaps 6.5 1/2.
chris said on 25/Dec/07
I think when both Wayne and Hudson were both in their prime heights, they would have been pretty much the same, 6'4.5 - 6'5. Of course they would have never been at their prime heights because Wayne was 20 or so years older and would have lost height during the time Hudson was in his prime. Too many people are forgetting the age factor in height, and how these two couldn't have been at peak height at the same time.
chris said on 25/Dec/07
supes78, Wayne was definately NOT in his prime height in that picture in 1969, he would have had surgery and been too old and would have naturally lost height by '69.
Jason said on 11/Dec/07
He looks at least the full 6'4'' to me. I would say 6'4 1/2''. Sometimes, *very* tall actors were/are listed a little bit below what they actually are, for their image.
Anonymous said on 10/Dec/07
Frank2---then what do you make of the comment I read below that says "Life magazine stated Rock Hudson, or Roy Figerald, was 6'3" tall."
Gonzalo said on 5/Dec/07
Patrick, are you the same Patrick that writes in John Wayne page? You met Montand? I thought he was shorter, around 1`85. But he looked tall next to Wayne and Hudson. Hudson was at least 1`94 and maybe more, around 1`96-97
Darkman said on 14/Oct/07
He did look about 2meters in his 2 inch boots in Giant. He does look like he is off the growth chart if you know what I mean. I would put him at 6'5 maybe 6'4 1/2" but pretty sure he is a tad over 6'4".
King said on 26/Sep/07
Hudson was 6-6, period. Wayne was about 6ft3 and Ryan 6-4.
Jared said on 24/Sep/07
Remember, in "Giant" he was next to James Dean, who most think was about 5'8" at VERY MOST. I've seen a lot of Rock Hudson movies, and to me I'd say 6'3.5" to 6'4".
6-2_Baskman said on 14/Aug/07
In a western with a young James Arness (6'7"), Rock seemed an inch shorter max. Rock was 196 cm at least in his 20's
David said on 16/Jul/07
I have a tape of "Ironman" with Rock and Jeff Chandler. It's from 1951. Chandler is a solid 6'4" tall and Rock is considerably taller. Let me tell you. Rock learned how to box very well for the movie. What a reach the guy had. Rock could certainly fight. I don't think people realize how strong he was.
Patrick said on 13/Jul/07
The Duke "was" at this peak if only thanks to his "true grit" cowboy boots! Anyway, the Duke was very tall and Rock confirmed it. Yves Montand is much shorter than both American stars and, believe me, I met Montand: he was tall, a good 6'2! Not 6'6 but 6'5, quite possible and probable for Rock.
supes78 said on 11/Jul/07
Here is a 1969 publicity photo with Rock Hudson, 6'4" John Wayne (assuming he was still at his peak height), and 6'2" Yves Montand on the top row:
Click Here
Rock looks maybe .5" taller than Wayne making Rock around 6'4.5" tall. One things for certain, Rock was not 6'6" tall.
Patrick said on 11/Jul/07
As I wrote it many times for other actors, 6'6 is or even 6'5 was and still is more than ever, JUST TO TALL for a star!
Read interviews about that point with Adam Baldwin, Clint Walker, Vince Vaughn or Jeff Goldblum! Midjet as Colin Farrel or Tom Cruise do definitely not have that kind of problem and they play heroes anyway!
George H. said on 11/Jul/07
My wife has a documentary on tape in which Doris Day and Tony Randall both say he was 6'6". Day added he had a bad back. And Randall said that he played in some other movie with a broken shoulder, because he didn't want to lose the part.
Mr. R said on 11/Jul/07
When Rock worked for the studios, he was listed at 6-4. However, numerous folks who worked with him, including Lifetime for Women hunk Jack Scalia, insist that Rock was 6-6. Jack played Rock's son in a series in the 70s, and he played a lot of basketball with tall guys, so he knew that Rock was taller than the studios gave.
King said on 10/Jul/07
Walker was 6ft6 and two inches taller than Hudson.... Hudson was a solid 6ft4
Patrick said on 9/Jul/07
Thanks Miguel; I would add that I have just rewatched Giant and the so famous final diner fight; the owner is played by Mickey son who is listed 6'6 and ...looks so! He furthermore, was a former NY City boxer champ in the 3Oies.
So, I can tell you that, unless I need new glasses and if so, all my family as well, Rock NEVER ever looks shorter; on the contrary, I would say he seems to be taller!
Remember having seen it in the early sixties in a theater and how impressed I was by the whole movie and that scene in particular.
Worth to see and see it again and again!
miguel said on 18/Jun/07
Patrick, to the best of my knowledge my info is correct,could be easily
corroborated by readers being able to contact the Sat. Ev. Post. or their photographic archives. Live in Spain so it would be diff. for me to obtain the info. Rgds.
patrick said on 30/May/07
Miguel, that would be very interesting to get that pic!
6'6 ! Wow! I always saw him at 6'5 but...6 !
George H. said on 14/May/07
Jackie, could you post your Rock Hudson photos again?
miguel said on 14/May/07
If my memory serves me well, I read an article on Rock Hudson in the Saturday Evening Post -july 23, 1960- written by Pete Martin and thre was a photograph of both Rock Hudson and Pete Martin standing barefooted against a tape measure and Mr. Hudson 'hit' 6ft 6in barefooted!!.
patrick said on 15/Mar/07
Yes, he had the head , the face of Supi as drawn by Curtis Swan in the 60ies and 70ies; He always towered others but John Wayne who just appears a bit (less than an inch) shorter in the "paramount stars of the moment portrayal" with Yves Montand, Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood, then very tall too.
But at the time, the Duke was much older than the others and probably had lost of his size because also of having been operated; J. Wayne had so two ribs off and that is awful for your height, that's known; Rock doesn't tower the Duke in "the undefeated"; But it's true that the Duke wore then lifts and needed a corset because of what is previously written;
Daniel said on 14/Mar/07
I agree. At least 6'4". Did you see him standing next to other actors? He towered over all of them. And yes, he was "supermanlike" too.
patrick said on 13/Mar/07
6'4 always seemed to me a very minimum even i always thought either "he" was taller or "the others" were shorter than they claimed to be.
Imposing in both cases and "supermanlike" too.
Rock Hudson's height said on 22/Feb/07
I am 6'3" and I was standing outside the oscar's one night right next to the big rock himself and we almost looked eye to eye so I would say that he probably had an inch at most on me so I would say 6'4" to 6'5" is about right
patrick said on 22/Feb/07
Thanks a lot Mike c. That makes feel good to read that because i consider that subject as more important than it first sounds; I see in the current (from the mid 60ties to now) taste about actors and a lot of film topics, very significant as for the "moral" of a society, its values and how the people really feels; We love and respected "giants" even though they were less than 5'7: James Cagney, E.G Robinson, A Ladd and many others;
That means something that now, actors look 17 at more than 40 (B. Pitt, T. Cruise etc.) or have to be "foolish" and "funny" to get some success!
I met people "John Wayne or so like" but NEVER on screen today; It was "in the street", walking by them and telling myself: "wow, that is a real "one" !"
What was so important in those so great actors, was their profound humanity, their visible natural psychology and the fact they obviously appear more mature at 20 than George Clooney will ever be at 80!
Since the 70ties, except Clint, Gene Hackman, Ford and in a way D. Washington, the actors PLAY to be what the "old class" was naturally; I already told that but "being cool" is different than "wanting being cool"!
I just would like to add that i consider many "modern actors" as very very good IN AMERICA (because in Europe, but for England...) and i must admit that what i say is a bit caricatural because of lack of time to explain that subtle subject as such it deserves.
The fact is "giants" do not exist any longer, as good as are current actors; That's a past time...In the 40ties and 50ties, C. Reeve would have done an utterly different carreer than he did. Think it over...
See you.
mike c said on 18/Feb/07
of course everyone knows I meant to write 6'4.5" for the Duke...well, he WAS 4'5.5" at age three....
mike c said on 17/Feb/07
Patrick, your comments are, as on the Wayne page,refreshing..I totally agree with everything you've said. In the 20's-late 40's..4'.5.5" for the Duke..no doubt what so ever!..Hudson, just a tad taller...Stewart (another great) 6'3" and of course Clint Walker 6'6"..oh, Clint Eastwood..6'4 without a doubt...thanks Mike C.
patrick said on 15/Feb/07
No, i always saw him at 6'4.5 and having the "superman" as such designed, look. Clint Walker was taller and bigger but only because Clint WAS superman !!! Gosh! did you ever pay attention to him? The biggest man ever on screen, naturally or not...
In 1969, when undefeated shooting, John Wayne wasn't the same anylonger; Operated and partly weakened (what made him just a very strong man instead of a "hulk"!), John Wayne couldn't stand at his peak next to a 40tie big man like Rock! But what if the met in early 50ties? The same and that's all.
M. Talker, John Wayne has never been 6'3, never.
talker said on 18/Jan/07
Rock Hudson was 6'4" which is taller than most tall actors,who were around 6'3",Wayne,Stewart,Cooper etc.But he was not 6'6".I recently saw the movie Bend of the River,in one scene Hudson stands next to 6'3"J.Stewart and looks an inch taller but NOT 3" taller which is enormous and would have been very easy to see.
Daniel said on 12/Jan/07
I agree. Rock and Clint were just about the same height- 6'6", but Clint had a better build. Much broader. That doesn't take away from Rock's build though. Rock also was very muscular, particularly once he reached his late 20s. He was known to work out, using weights and went to the gym often. He also learned how to box and developed a very good physique.
Anthony said on 11/Jan/07
I actually think Rock and Clint were the same height (6'6), but the fact that Clint was incredibly broad and muscular (something Rock was also known for, but nowhere near Walker's proportions) made him across as bigger.
George H said on 11/Jan/07
Clint is for sure standing on a slope in that scene, plus he had on cowboy boots while Hudson wore loafers. He's bigger than Hudson, just not that much bigger.
Anthony said on 10/Jan/07
I believe Clint is on slighlty higher ground there. I myself think Rock was 6'6 or close to it.
Anonymous said on 10/Jan/07
6'4'' to 6'5''. He looked bigger than John Wayne in the film they did together. He was smaller and shorter than Clint Walker though.
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
6ft 4ins at his peak.
Viper said on 10/Jan/07
6-3 for Rock Hudson is short changing him I think. Most evidence has him between 6-4-6-5. Im still not sure what his exact height is, its tough to tell for some reason.
Gonzalo said on 10/Jan/07
Well, that pic again...Dee, you should read the other comments in this page more carefully. That pic has been sent a million times. Have you seen that movie? Watch it and tell me Walker is four inches taller. Pics can be deceiving
TJ said on 16/Dec/06
Douglas was super fit and very strong in his younger days. Don't let a choreographed fight scene in a film change your mind about that.
dario leggeri said on 10/Dec/06
I read in an italian magazine that Hudson was 1,94.
Bill J said on 2/Dec/06
Watching Rock Hudson in a movie with John Wayne (which I why I clicked on this site). He is clearly an inch taller than the 6'4" Wayne, which surprised me. I didn't realize he was that tall. Both were in boots.
Kortney said on 5/Oct/06
In Pillow Talk Doris Day's character refers to Rock as being 6'6"
Stephen said on 14/Sep/06
I think that 6'4.5" to 6'5" seems like an accurate range for Rock. I don't think that he was taller than 6'5". Of course, I never met him or saw him in person. Its possible he could have been a bit taller.
George H said on 13/Sep/06
Jackie, great photos. That's the same movie my wife has on DVD. I thought for sure there was a long shot from that scene where Hudson and Walker meet. I seem to remember clearly seeing him standing on a slope. Myabe I'm imagening things and I remember it from seeing it on TV or something. Walkers jacket seems padded, though.
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/06
Hudson looks massive on camera but it must be borne in mind that most actors are short to average in stature or at least were at the time Hudson was in his prime. Most of the guys around him were probably well under 6ft. I think 6'4'' is on the mark at least in his later years. Frank2 below claims Hudson was 6'5'' when young but lost an inch over time. This seems plausible but I don't accept 6'6''.
Charlie said on 2/Sep/06
Talk about a tower of strength. How about the 6'6" tall Rock carrying Robert Stack up the spiral staircase in Written On The Wind. Stack was not a little guy either. Rock had to awfully strong to perform that feat.
Jackie said on 1/Sep/06
some stills of "Send me no flowers" the Doris Day/Rock Hudson vehicle with a very small role for Clint Walker.
I also have a documentary about Rock Hudson in which Tony Randall, Doris Day and several others all state Rock was a solid 6'6". Doris Day told and anecdote about "Pillow Talk" where Hudson has to drag Day from her bed and carry her to his apartment. I'm paraphrasing here that she says "but this big, strong 6'6" man had back problems, like so many tall people experience, so the props department built him a harnas(sp) that was concealed by his coat and my blanket, that gave him the necessary support to be able to carry me for the distance....."
That's it. Here's the photo collage :)
Click Here
Jim said on 28/Aug/06
When John Wayne was next to Rock in the pic below Duke was bent legged. In fact there are serveral pictures of John Wayne next to Rock and they are both standing up right. They are eye to eye. 6'4 1/3. Clint Walker was 6'6. James Arness was 6'7. Forest Tucker was 6'4. Jim Davis was 6'3. Robert Conrad is /was 5'8. David Janssen was 6. I have studied the hights of stars for years and these above heights are facts.
Brad said on 18/Aug/06
6' 6" with ease. Movie star in every respect. When he hit the restaurant at Universal, everybody looked.
Steve said on 15/Aug/06
6'4", 6'5" or 6'6". It doesn't matter, but I'd lean toward the taller end. Rock was massive. I watched The Last Sunset for the first time this weekend. Granted, Kirk Douglas may have been 5'10 at most in his prime, probably more in the range of 5'8". Rock was so much taller and bigger than Kirk. I was actually surprised Kirk agreed to play the role. He played an outlaw, constantly antagonizing Rock. Unfortunately for Kirk, he didn't come off the least bit intimidating as he did in other movies with smaller guys. Rock would just cross him arms and stare down at Kirk. I loved the fight scene. Rock's entire torso was leaning on Kirk's body, pushing down on Kirk. You could bearly see Kirk. At the same time, Rock's incredibly long arms were wrapped around Kirk's body. Kirk was enveloped in the clutches of Rock's his enormous body. It looked like a big man fighting a little boy. We're talking about one of the best built actors (Kirk Douglas) looking ridiculous opposite a man of Rock's stature. Rock was huge.
Larry said on 15/Aug/06
Viper652 - I think Clint Walker could have beaten up King Kong! :-)
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
Early on Rock was 6'5" and later lost about an inch. Universal Publicity listed him as being 6'4". When I used to see him on the Universal lot he looked 6'4".
Viper652 said on 14/Aug/06
Hes looking at least 6-6 here with Elizabeth Taylor, though his footware could be giving him a boost.
Click Here
Viper652 said on 14/Aug/06
I guess Clint Walker was the only one who could beat up Rock.
Bruce said on 13/Aug/06
There was a Rock Hudson marathon on this Saturday. I'm convinced he had to be 6'6" tall. The guy was massive. Rock was the star in each of these movies, playing oppposite co-stars Kirk Douglas, Rod Taylor and Robert Stack. (just to name a few.) Douglas, Taylor and Stack were all known for their tough guy roles. They were all built very well. Rock not only towered over them, but made each one look almost scrawny. The contrast that most amazed me was Rock and Kirk Douglas in The Last Sunset. I always think of Kirk playing roles where he could intimidate other guys with his toughness. Both Kirk and Rock play macho men in the movie and Rock wins the contest easily. He makes Kirk look puny. They have a good fight during the movie and it is so obvious that Rock could just crush Kirk. Kirk can't even make the fight scene look good.
Even Robert Stack, who was over six feet tall, looked much shorter than Rock.
Charlie said on 11/Aug/06
There are about 10 movies on television this weekend with Rock Hudson. I think you can get a good idea of Rock's tremendous height if you watch some of them. Kirk Douglas, Robert Stack, Rod Taylor and Bobby Darin are just some of the stars Rock is appearing with. I've seen all of these movies and Rock looks massive next to all of these guys.
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
Or just maybe, Rock was really 6-5 and Rob has his correct listing down.
Gary said on 30/Jul/06
I still think Rock was 6'6". The picture with Clint Walker was on a slope. Clint was also wearing boots, while Rock had flat shoes on. When they stood next to each other on level ground, they were the same height. I agree that Clint looked huge next to Rock, but it had nothing to do with height. It was because of his great build. Rock had a great build as well, but nowhere near Clint's. Rock was very muscular. Clint was extraordinarily muscular. Rock looked massive in all of his roles opposite other leading men. Clint was the only guy who could make Rock look "small."
Anonymous said on 29/Jul/06
Hudson was not 6'6''. No way. The Doris Day film keeps coming up and Clint Walker was bigger built and TALLER than Hudson in that film. This is the only time I've ever seen Hudson look smallish in a film. Usually he looks massive. This shows how big Walker was.
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
I originally thought Rock was 6-4 or a little over, but after looking at some of these pics he truly does look closer to 6-6.
Glenn said on 27/Jul/06
See Rob,look,another that noticed that about Frank.not to mention possibly countless golden era stars I know nothing about.I DO agree with Frank that Mcqueen was 5-10.5.however other times he looked 5-9.somethings fishy.Frank meant well there however.and 75%,he is right on Mcqueen.
Mark said on 27/Jul/06
The picture below from May 26 speaks for itself. It is of Rock and Elizabth Taylor. I am 5'10" tall and I'm exactly a foot taller than my wife. Taylor was about 5'4." Rock is well over a foot taller than Taylor, even with those boots. By comparison, I am in no way that much taller than my wife. This would easily put Rock at 6'6" tall.
Larry said on 27/Jul/06
George H - I didn't recall the footwear. Haven't seen that movie in years.
Gramps - Wow! Rock looks several inches taller than Wayne in that pic? Maybe Hudson WAS 6'5"? Or maybe John Wayne was not as tall as advertised? Doesn't add up, does it??? :-)
Gramps said on 26/Jul/06
Keep in mind this photo of Rock towering over The Duke:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 26/Jul/06
Hudson was big yeah. However if he was 6'5'' plus this puts him in the same range as guys like Chuck Connors and Clint Walker who is mentioned below. He does not look as big as either of these guys. I think 6'4'' is correct for Hudson.
Anonymous said on 26/Jul/06
Hudson was AT LEAST 6ft 5. May have been a half to an inch more. Definitely well over 6ft 4.
George H said on 26/Jul/06
They were the same height. My wife's got a Doris Day DVD box and when you see that scene head to toe, Clint is wearing massive cowboy boots while Hudson is wearing normal everyday shoes. Walker is also standing on kind of a slope.
Larry said on 26/Jul/06
Clint looks taller than Rock by a couple of inches. If Clint was 6'6", then Rock was 6'4", maybe 6'4.5". When he was healthy, I suspect Rock weighed about 220 pounds. I once read that Clint weighed 270 pounds (and SOLID)! He looked it. :-)
Anonymous said on 25/Jul/06
I thought McQueen was about 5'7'' or 5'8'' until Frank2 said otherwise. Frank2 usually suggests that Hollywood stars are slightly shorter than their official heights. Given this, when he said McQueen was 5'10'' I guessed he wasn't exaggerating. Hudson was a big guy without a doubt. However he certainly wasn't as big as 6'6'' Clint Walker in the Doris Day film they appeared in. I think 6'4'' is probably right although he might have been 6'5''. I can't belive the stuff about McQueen and AIDS. He died to early.
Glenn said on 25/Jul/06
You know I had no idea on Hudson.wow.holy geez.I never paid attention or even heard he was that tall.I have this book on hollywood deaths thats on its 3rd edition called Fade To Black that gives height on at least 40,50 % of the names.they left this one out! that book was the first time I heard Steve Mcqueen was 5-7.and supposedly died of AIDS.I thought Hudson was 6-2.you know,come to think of it,I did read 6-4 years ago elswhere.

Editor Rob
Gramps said on 24/Jul/06
Rock with the 6'6"-6'7" Clint Walker. Talk about a "build!"
Click Here
Mark said on 24/Jul/06
I have to go along with George. Rock was huge. Had to be 6'6. There were certain scenes where he looked enormous. One was the one George alludes to in Written On The Wind. A better one that sticks out in my mind is The Last Sunset. Rock and Kirk Douglas starred together. Both played "Mr. Tough Guy." Whatever Kirk was, 5'8, 5'9 or 5'10, Rock made him look tiny. Not only in height, but total physical appearance. Kirk had a tremendous build and usually Kirk could play the bad tough guy role so well. He tried in the movie, but it just wasn't convincing against a guy of Rock's stature. Rock and Kirk finally had the fistfight that was brewing the entire movie. Rock looked so overpowering and massive. It looked like a real fight and Rock convincingly dominates from start to finish.
George said on 23/Jul/06
Rock Hudson had to be 6'6". I think in certain films, he doesn't look as tall. He had a habit of slouching at times, which was probably intentional. In certain movies, the producers didn't want him to appear that much taller than his co-stars. If you watch him in movies where he plays a tough guy in a dramatic role, Rocks looks so huge. I recently saw Written On The Wind, with Rock and Robert Stack. Stack was a little over six feet. In certain scenes, where Rock slouched, he looked about four inches taller than Stack. One scene, when Rock is standing face to face with Stack, he stands straight up. You can really get a better idea of the difference in height. Rock appears to be a good six inches taller than Stack. When Rock wants to use his enormous height to his advantage, he looks awfully intimidating.
Roy's Nephew said on 23/Jul/06
I'd always assumed Rock Hudson was about six foot four, but I was wrong..
John Wayne was over 6' 4", probably by about half an inch. Take a look at the film "The Undefeated" and when you see Wayne & Rock Hudson (very briefly) side by side on LEVEL GROUND (mostly they're on sloping ground) you can see that Hudson was at least an inch taller than Wayne. This would make him close to 6' 6". His legs were extremely long, and when he sat down he lost a lot of his height advantage over other actors. ("Undefeated" was made around 1968, I think, and Hudson was in his early 40s, & I thinkJohn Wayne was around 20 yrs. older, so his height could have declined a bit at that point.
Douglas said on 8/Jun/06
All I can say is Rock Hudson was huge. I've seen a number of his movies lately. People seem to dwell on his height. Not only was he very, very tall, but he had quite a build. He was required to take his shirt off in many films for that reason. When he did, you could see his exceptionally long, powerful arms. In A Farewell To Arms, he's rowing a boat. Very impressive biceps and chest muscles to go along with his towering physique.
Anthony said on 4/Jun/06
He looks AT LEAST 6'5 to me. In that Taylor pic he looks about 6'8, though he is wearing boots.
Mikex said on 2/Jun/06
Hudson looked about the same height as Wayne in the Undefeated for the most part. In reality I suspect Hudson was a bit taller than Wayne in real life. I think that Frank2 commented previously that Eastwood and Hudson were the same height in the photo you mention Gonzalo and I believe this to be the case.
Bruce said on 31/May/06
That picture with Elizabeth Taylor just emphasizes how tall Rock was. He looks absolutely huge. Even putting an average size man in the picture with Rock, he would look enormous. I'd love to know what his leg length for pants and sleeve length for shirts were.
Gonzalo said on 30/May/06
Larry, the film was called The undefeated. I saw it years ago and I can´t remember who was taller. I think Hudson was taller anyway. Frank2 sent that pic of both of them with Marvin and Eastwood and Hudson was a bit taller.
Yes, Frank2, it is discouraging to go to the movies nowadays. But at least we can always go back to the thirties, forties and sixties. Have you ever thought about how many similarities are between the films Red river and Bend of the river? I guess it is because Borden Chase was the screenwriter.
Larry said on 27/May/06
In BEND OF THE RIVER Hudson looks 1 to 1.5 inches taller than James Stewart. So, I'd say Rock was about 6'4.5" tall then. Wasn't he in a movie with John Wayne in the 60's? I just can't remember the title. I was wondering how they compared?
ForensicNYC said on 26/May/06
Rock Hudson with Elizabeth Taylor. Wow! nice Boots!...
Click HereOn the set with Liz...
Click HereWith Lauren Bacall...
Click HereWith Robert Stack and Dorothy Malone...
Click Here
Frank2 said on 26/May/06
I agree. The film is excellent. They just don't make pictures like that any more which is why I stay home and watch old movies on TV. My wife sees everything new, but a week later couldn't tell you what she saw. But she sure remembers the old stuff.
Anonymous said on 24/May/06
That picture is taken from the film Bend of the river, which I love. I have seen the movie several times and Hudson was a couple of inches taller than Stewart. Stewart wore no lifts and was at least 6`3. Frank2 has said that several times.
Frank2 said on 23/May/06
Stewart isn't on a step. The photo is slightly tilted. Straighten it out so the right corner is raised and you'll see Hudson is about an inch taller than Stewart. Arthur Kennedy (the actor on the left) stood approxamately 5'10".
Gonzalo said on 22/May/06
Hudson was huge. He was in a movie with George Sanders and he was at least two inches taller. And Sanders is listed as 6`3
sam said on 21/May/06
Maybe 6'3" then, never 6'5". That is Howard Stern and Fred Gwynns height. Do you think he was that tall? No way.
Anonymous said on 8/May/06
Hudson was taller than 6'2'' without a doubt sam
sam said on 7/May/06
Hudson 6'5"?? I don't think so. Maybe 6'3", but more like 6'2".
Daniel said on 2/May/06
I just watched The Last Sunset with Rock Hudson and Kirk Douglas. Unbelievable how much taller Rock was than Kirk. Even though Kirk has one hell of a build, Rock looks enormous next to him. Rock seems to have a good build as well. I never thought of Rock as an intimidating looking guy, but he certainly was in this movie. I didn't think too many actors could make Kirk look scrawny, but Rock did. Good fight scene in the movie between the two also.
Mikex said on 28/Apr/06
Just watched a Clint Eastwood documentary. They showed a brief clip of one of Eastwood's early roles when he appeared on screen with Rock. Although they were not standing right next to each other they were both in the same shot. They appeared very similar in height with Eastwood having the edge if anything. I don't think Rock was ever bigger than 6'4'' and never really shrunk muck either, he was tall when he was on Dynasty. Also it was surprising to see how big Clint actually was when young.
Gonzalo said on 27/Apr/06
There is a quote of Rock Hudson about John Wayne:
"John Wayne was then the Hollywood legend, and I was on screen with him. The guy is an angel. He saved my life back then when no other film maker wanted to know me."
Wayne`s partners always said good things about him: César Romero, Katharine Hepburn, Lauren Bacall
Frank2 said on 21/Apr/06
Knowing that Wayne was a consummate gentleman, I seriously doubt the story as having any validity to it. Oh, Wayne could be crude, but he would never have belittled a co-star in such a cheap and derogatory manner. Can you imagine the ramifications if that comment had gotten back to Rock? Movies are a first and foremost a business and when unnecessary tensions mount on a film set it only harms the production and ends up costing money.
Mikex said on 20/Apr/06
There's a story abour Rock and John Wayne filming the Undefeated. One day during filming Wayne turned to someone on set and said (talking about Rock) 'Look at that face, the things I could have done with that face and it's wasted on a ******'. I guess we all know about Rock's sexual preferences so you can fill in the blanks easy enough. I don't know whether the above story is true but Rock was one hell of an impressive looking guy even for an actor.
Bruce said on 20/Apr/06
I watched parts of Come September again. There are six scenes with Darin and Rock standing toe to toe. In two of them, Darin does come up to Rock's lower lip. The other four, Rock is an entire head taller. Quite a difference. Unfortunately, you couldn't see their feet. The most interesting shot though is when Rock's extends himself to full height. That's where he looks to be at least a head taller than Darin. Darin doesn't even come close to his lower lip. I almost got the impression that Rock may have slouched a bit at times, so he wouldn't totally dwarf other guys. I have to believe there was more than a 7 or 8" difference. The movie is on again on Sunday, April 23 at 12:00 P.M. (Turner Classic Movies) if anybody wants to make their own judgment.
Frank2 said on 20/Apr/06
Maybe Darin was wearing lifts when I saw him.
Bruce said on 19/Apr/06
Actually my wife taped the movie. She adores Rock. I will watch it again tonight and report back.
Bruce said on 19/Apr/06
How about Darin only coming up to Rock's Adam's Apple at best? Rock wasn't wearing boots or anything. And I'm sure he didn't wear lifts. I just saw the movie and Darin didn't come near Rock's lower lip. It wasn't just in one scene either. They were right next to one another several times in the film. So it couldn't be blamed on angles each time. Could Darin have been less than 5'7"?
Frank2 said on 19/Apr/06
As as to why Marvin looked bad....well, if you drank like he did you'd look awful too!
FYI Bobby Darin was short. No more than 5'8". So next to 6'4" Rock he'd be seven inches shorter which means he'd come up to Rock's lower lip. Tony Randall was 5'8" and looked as short next to Rock.
Bruce said on 19/Apr/06
Have to agree with Daniel's comment below. I saw Come September over the weekend as well. Rock looked absolutely huge next to every other actor in the movie, particularly Bobby Darin. Darin actually looked like a child. Rock looked about a foot taller. It's not only his height, but his overall presence is amazing. Even in his comedy roles, Rock always comes off as an intimidating character when he has to. In his dramatic and western roles, Rock certainly is even more intimidating when his part calls for it.
Mikex said on 18/Apr/06
It's hard to believe that Clint and Marvin were close in age as Marvin looks about 2 decades older. Clint is someone who appears to have lost a good 2 or 3 inches over time. As a young guy he looks the full 6'4'' no probs.
Frank2 said on 18/Apr/06
The photo taken on the steps at Paramount Studios was right at the time True Grit and Paint Your Wagon were being filmed. Wayne was about 62, Yves Montand was 48, Marvin was 45. and Clint was 39.
Gonzalo said on 18/Apr/06
Great picture of Wayne, Hudson and the other guys, Frank2. Hudson and Wayne look almost the same height. Wayne looks old in that picture. Was he shooting True grit?
Daniel said on 16/Apr/06
I watched Come September (1961) last night with Bobby Darin. Never saw it before. I could not believe how tall Rock looked. And what a build. Darin came up to Rock's Adam's Apple. Maybe even a little below. That's at least a foot difference, if not more. Darin was supposed to be 5'9" tall. In fact, every male in the film looked exceptionally short next to Rock. What a surprise! I just can't believe Rock may have only been 6'4" Any chance he ever wore lifts? I can't believe he would have wanted to look any taller. He was huge to begin with.
Charlie said on 15/Apr/06
Actually, that's very funny. Up the stairs... I guess Rock didn't get what he wanted. (Just kidding) Maybe that's why Rock decked Stack during the next scene.
Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
Up the stairs and right into bed! (Just kidding)
I have no idea if it was a dummy or really Stack, but knowing how scenes are filmed from different angles with take after take within those angles it might have been a dummy. I know with my bad back had I been in that situation I'd have insisted on one.
Charlie said on 14/Apr/06
Didn't know Stack had plastic surgery done. Do you know if it was Rock who carried Stack up the staircase in Written On The Wind?
Frank2 said on 14/Apr/06
Stack was an even six footer and he never lost his height as he aged. I saw him and his lovely wife at some black tie function about three years before he died and he was still 6'. I just wish he hadn't decided to go the plastic surgery route since he ended up with what some call a "stone face" with "Chinese eyes."
Charlie said on 14/Apr/06
Frank2- Looking at the pic of Rock with Robert Stack from Written On The Wind- Just curious if that was Rock actually carrying Stack up that long winding staircase in the movie. Or if somehow a dummy was used. It did look genuine though. Rock had Stack "draped" over his shoulder. If it was, Rock had to be awfully strong. Stack wasn't small. I know he was over six feet.
Frank2 said on 13/Apr/06
Rod was 5'9" when he was younger, claimed he was 5'10" and wore lifts in many of his films. That wasn't the only film he was in with Rock. Taylor had a small part in the beginning of Giant.
I'll never forget Talor driving up in his white Rolls Royce Silver Cloud with two beautiful woman in tow and then shouting to James Garner and Steve McQueen that he'd race "anyone for pink slips!" That was very late one night up on Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles. I was there along with several other wild and crazy guys! That was the night a Corvette went off the road racing a classic Mini Cooper. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. After Taylor shouted that funny line to us, Garner yelled back, "You're drunk Rod! Go home!"
Charlie said on 13/Apr/06
Great info Frank2. I am surprised that Rock looks so enormous next to Rod Taylor. I guess it really shouldn't surprise me, since Rock always looks huge next to his costars. I remember Rod Taylor always appearing to have a very muscular build, although Rock does as well. I just imagined Taylor to be somewhat taller.
Frank2 said on 13/Apr/06
That's French actor Yves Montand next to Wayne. Yves was about 6'1". He was in Grand Prix and with Marilyn Monroe in Let's Make Love. I believe Wayne had lost an inch or two by the time of the photo. Rock was still a sloid 6'4" and Wayne was shorter by and inch or two and Wayne is wearing cowboy boots while Rock is wearing normal loafers. This could be where the myth of Wayne wearing lifts came about. As he shrank he wanted to reamin as tall so he wore a little lift in each boot. But here he's still shorter. Go figure.
In the lower row we have from left to right 6'2" Lee Marvin, 5'8" Bob Evans who ran Paramount at the time and was married to Ali McGraw, 5'4" Babs Streisand, 6'1" Charlie Bludhorn (CEO of Gulf-Western which at the time owned Paramount) and 6'4" Clint Eastwood. I have more shots taken from this event showing Clint standing next to Rock and they're identical in height with Wayne shorter by an inch or two. In fact, 6'2" Lee Marvin is almost the same height as Wayne in another photo.
Speaking of Ali, here she is with a fat Ryan O'Neal:
Click HereRyan is 5'10" these days.
Charlie said on 13/Apr/06
Great pictures, Frank2. Do you know who is standing to the right of John Wayne?
Mikex said on 13/Apr/06
That's a great photo Frank2 of John Wayne, Eastwood etc. Hudson looks an inch or so taller than Wayne and Eastwood does genuinely look 6'4'' if you take Marvin as 6'2''.
Frank2 said on 13/Apr/06
6' Bob Stack and Rock:
Click Here5'9" Rod Taylor and Rock:
Click HereRock in the back row next to John Wayne:
Click HereThe little guy next to Streisand is then Paramount studio head Bob Evans who's about 5'8". Notice he's trying to look a little taller. And notice how tall Clint Eastwood is compared to Lee Marvin.
Rock with 5'11" Richard Carlson:
Click Here5'2" Natalie Wood, 5'10" Steve McQueen, 5'7" Julie Andrews and Rock:
Click Here
Charlie said on 12/Apr/06
Frank2- I was referring to my comment below from April 10. It's right above Editor Rob's pic. Thanks.
Charlie said on 12/Apr/06
Are you saying that the photo below (from The Last Sunset) is unrealistic or out of proportion in some way? There is no way Rock is only 3 inches taller looking at the photo. Yet it is a "reasonable" comparison between Rock an Kirk, even if Kirk is standing on an elevated portion of the set. Rock looks a good 8 or 9 inches taller than Kirk.
Frank2 said on 12/Apr/06
I have a DVD of The Third Man and watch it quite a lot. It's one of my favorite films. Welles is not taller than Cotton in it. No way. They appear to be about the same height in the Ferris wheel sequence, but Cotton is obviously slouching a bit and there are a lot of strange angles in the photography. The reason I know Cotton was 6'2" is I saw him once where he lived with his wife Patricia Medina which was The Shoreham Towers above the Sunset Stripe. I had a good friend who lived there next to the woman who would eventually be Milton Berle's last wife. Cotton was old, but still quite tall - a lot taller than me. I met Orson in the 1970's when I worked on a TV movie he was in and by then he was my height or 5'11".
Gonzalo said on 12/Apr/06
I doubt Cotten was 6`2. He was clearly shorter than Gregory Peck in Duel in the sun, two inches at least. And Welles and Cotten were at least the same height if not Welles a bit taller. Maybe Welles wore lifts in Kane but he was also taller than Cotten in Estambul and in The Third man (arguably Welles`and Cotten`s best film), did he wear lifts in those films as well?
Frank2 said on 11/Apr/06
I do. And Cotton was excellent. And that was one of Peck's best performances. And he wasn't Selznick's first coice to play Lewt.
Frank2 said on 11/Apr/06
What makes you think Frank is my real name?
Joseph Cotton was 6'2". In the film Citizen Kane, Orson Welles wore lifts to make himself appear taller than anyone in the cast including Cotton.

Editor Rob
anyone remember him in the film duel in the sun with Peck?
Gramps said on 10/Apr/06
Frank2: Check! I just didn't know if everyone else knew who you were but not me! Now let's see, Frank Oz, Frank Langella, Frank Cady, Frank Bank, Frank Bonner, Frank.........;-D
Charlie said on 10/Apr/06
No. I don't think it's the angle. This was from The Last Sunset and there were other shots with Rock and Cotten. Rock was much, much taller in each shot. I'm not sure if Cotten's height is grossly overestimated. If Kirk is standing on an elevated portion of the set, I really wonder how much taller Rock was. He looks enormous next to him in this photo. At best, Kirk couldn't have been more than 5'8". Anybody else have an explanation for the huge difference between Rock and Cotten? All the guys feet are clearly on the floor. The only one who may be deceiving like Frank2 said is Kirk. You can see the floor sloping upwards where he is standing.
Mikex said on 10/Apr/06
Joseph Cotton looks a genuinely tall guy in his other films. I'm a little shocked at how much taller Hudson appears. Is it the angle though? In the film with John Wayne they looked about the same height although Wayne may have worn lifts according to some.
Frank2 said on 10/Apr/06
By the way, in that photo, Kirk is standing on an elevated portion of the set. That was quite common when he was in films. I was once on a set and noticed how they had boards laid on the ground so a shorter actor could walk next to a much taller actor. What's fun is watching some movie and seeing the short actor step off the board just before the cut. I saw that just recently in a movie Kirk was in.
And Gramps, only the moderator knows who I am.
Charlie said on 10/Apr/06
See Editor Rob's pic below. Here is something which needs some explaining. Rock Hudson is supposed to be 6'4" or 6'5". Here he is towering over the 5'8" Kirk Douglas. Joseph Cotten's height (center of photo)is listed as 6'2". Rock is literally towering over him as well. There is no way Rock is only 2 or 3 inches taller than Joseph Cotten. This is from 1961 when Rock was about 36 years old. Any chance he may be 6'6"? Rock is about a head taller than each guy in the photo.
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/06
I think that the comment below might be accurate. 6'5'' when in his youth but lost a little height with age.
Gramps said on 9/Apr/06
Frank2: I enjoy your recollections very much. Is your persona known on this board by many (but not me)? Thought perhaps you had at some point identified yourself but I missed it. Just curious...
Charlie said on 9/Apr/06
I believe what you're saying, Frank2. It's just Rock looks so much taller and bigger than these guys. Even the picture with George Nader, Rock appears more than 5 inches taller. It could be the angle or the way in which the photo was taken. He just always looks huge. And as far as the photo provided on the James Dean page, Rock appears at least a foot taller. Again, neither guy is standing up straight though.
Frank2 said on 9/Apr/06
George Nader was no more than 6'. I know since I met him. Reagan had lost about an inch by the time of that photo with Rock who's obviously already suffering from AIDS. I saw Hudson walking on the lot almost every day back when I worked at Universal and he was 6'4" by then. I believe when he was younger he was 6'5" but was never 6'6".
Daniel said on 8/Apr/06
Thanks, Gramps. Great pictures showing Rock's size. If Nader was 6'1, Rock had to be 6'6. Even if an angle comes into play, look at the difference in their leg length, arm length and entire body length. Rock looks even more than five inches taller. Also with Ronald Reagan. Rock certainly looks at least five inches taller.
Gramps said on 7/Apr/06
Rock just may have been 6'6". Check this evidence:
Looking at least 5" taller than the 6'1" Ronald Reagan:
Click HereAlso at least 5" taller than the 6'1" George Nader:
Click HereWhen is the last time you saw a guy tower over a cowboy-booted John Wayne?
Click Here
Gramps said on 7/Apr/06
Thanks, Gonzalo. I'm now 6'0.125" (183cm), down only 1/8" (3mm) from my prime 40 years ago. My oldest son is 6'2.5". The other two are still children.
Frank2 said on 6/Apr/06
I'd say early in his career Rock was 6'5" and by the 1970's had lost an inch. He admitted it in an old interview he did while starring in the TV series McMillan and Wife.
Gonzalo said on 6/Apr/06
I’ve seen the movie and I was surprised to see that Rock and Clint were almost the same height. The pic is inconclusive. I remember Clint Walker from The dirty dozen and I thought he was huge. We had a biography of Rock Hudson and in the Spanish version it was said that Rock was two meters. It’s probably an exaggeration or a bad translation but Rock was very tall, at least 6`5. I have seen many of his movies and he was the tallest.
Congratulations for your daughter’s wedding, Gramps. If she is 5`8, how tall are you? 6`2?
Gramps said on 6/Apr/06
Daniel, I would sure like to see those "other pictures."
Daniel said on 5/Apr/06
I saw this movie. I think the angle is somewhat deceiving and makes Clint look a few inches taller than Rock. Notice also that Doris Day looks about the same height as Tony Randall. I think Clint is on an upward slope in this shot. There are other pictures from the movie where Clint looks to be about at most an inch taller than Rock.
Gramps said on 5/Apr/06
Certainly not over 6'4". Check him out here with the 6'6" Clint Walker. Rock looks like Clint's child!
Click Here
Daniel said on 3/Apr/06
It's hard to believe Hudson is only 6'4. I watched Written On The Wind (1956)with Robert Stack this weekend. Stack is a little over 6'0. There is a scene where Rock and Stack are having a drink together in a hotel room. Stack is standing up straight and they're face to face. When Rock stands straight, he towers over Stack, by at least 6 inches. No way Rock is only 3 or 4 inches taller.
Mikex said on 27/Mar/06
Inconclusive then on his height from reading below. 6'4'' seems the safe option. A very underrated actor, if anyone gets a chance watch the movie 'Seconds'. It's very disturbing and Hudson is superb.
Xhavier said on 22/Mar/06
Comment--It's possible to shrink early on so Rock claiming he lost an inch by the time he was in his 40s is quite possible.
Bruce said on 14/Mar/06
Thanks. I'll have to watch it. I looked at some pictures of Rock and James Stewart together, including the one you recommended. Rock seems to be a few inches taller in most. He was one huge guy. I assume from the comment "A Fan" makes below on March 7, Rock wins the fight. Kirk looks like one tough guy as well. I always like rooting for the underdog (Kirk in this case)
Gonzalo said on 14/Mar/06
The last sunset was a good movie and I think is worth seeing. It is not a masterpiece but it´s a good film. With Rock Hudson, and also a westen, I prefer The bend of the river.
Rock Hudson was a good actor, an underrated one
Bruce said on 9/Mar/06
Agreed. Kirk is not tall in comparison to Rock. Never saw the movie-The Last Sunset. Is it worth seeing? I'd be curious to see the fight scene. Was it any good? From the movies I've seen Hudson in, he was huge. He always looked like one strong guy.
Gonzalo said on 9/Mar/06
Good movie, The last Sunset. It was like a greek tragedy. Well, Kirk Douglas wasn´t very tall so it is not the best actor to be compared with Rock. Check another excellent film, Bend of the river. He was clearly taller than James Stewart who was, for sure, no less than 6-3. However, I have to admit that I have a pciture of Hudson and Stewart together and they both seemed very similar in height. Sometimes pictures do strange things. Check the page:
A Fan said on 7/Mar/06
Right you are. Clint Walker may have been an inch taller than Rock. One movie comes to mind. Anybody see The Last Sunset with Kirk Douglas? The two guys are talking right before their fight scene. Rock towers over Kirk. Kirk had one hell of a build. But not only can you see the tremendous height difference, Rock's entire physique looks massive next to Kirk's. I was amazed at the overwhelming size difference. There were no illusions. Rock and Kirk were standing on level ground. Rock looked absolutely intimidating. If anything, they would want to make Kirk look a little taller, since he was know as a tough guy.
Viv said on 6/Mar/06
For the sheer fun of it, in "Pillow Talk" (Rock and Doris Day): Doris states, in one scene, that Rock's character is 6'6". This means nothing, I know. But, when I saw that in the movie, I thought I'd add it here. He certainly looked anywhere between 6'4" and 6'6".
Dean Fan said on 23/Feb/06
Dean was not too short. I will make the same comment as I did on the James Dean site. Rock was definitely 6'6. Dean was no more than 5'7, but he was a tremendous actor. Acting ability and height are independent of one another. The downfall to being a short actor is playing a real tough guy, opposite a much taller actor like Rock. That's why I think the movie "Giant" was so well done. You know Rock and Dean are destined to come to blows at some point during the movie. Rock was so much taller and had to be so much stronger than Dean.You know it wouldn't be much of a fight. And with Rock being almost a foot taller than Dean, even great camera work couldn't make it look like Dean had a chance. There is one scuffle, where Rock is held back by other guys. The real fight takes place in a back room and when it starts the cameras go to another scene. Rock walks out after the fight. You know Rock beat the hell out of Dean, but it was never shown. It was all done in very good taste. To me, Dean was the star in "Giant." Let's face it. No matter what actor starred in the same movie as Rock Hudson, Rock towered over all of them.
Marco said on 23/Feb/06
In Giant he really was massive looking, yeah. But James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor were too short. I always thought he was 6 ft 3.
A Fan said on 12/Feb/06
I think Hudson was 6'6". He might be an inch shorter than Clint Walker. Watch the fight scene between Rock Hudson and Kirk Douglas in The Last Sunset. He towers over Kirk. Hudson has to be at least 7 inches taller than Kirk and much broader. During the fight, you can see Hudson is clearly a head taller. It's a good fight scene for a movie. Hudson uses his height to pretty much dominate the much shorter KIrk.
Gotxo said on 11/Nov/05
Gramps we don't see their feet on that pic. Sorry but it's unconclusive.
Gramps said on 10/Nov/05
Viper: check out this picture of Rock and then tell me he's 6'4"!
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/05
I find it hard to beleive Rock Hudson is anything but 6-4.
Gramps said on 9/Nov/05
Yes, I think 6'3" was right for Rock - not 6'4".
CelebHeights Editor said on 26/Oct/05
Here is the snippet from Life Xhavier showed:
Hudson in Life
Gramps said on 26/Oct/05
Yes, Rock probably was 6'3" and Clint Walker about 6'6.5".
Xhavier said on 25/Oct/05
Life magazine stated Rock Hudson, or Roy Figerald, was 6'3" tall.
Mr. R said on 25/Oct/05
Gramps, Clearly they are not on level ground. In terms of how Rock looks compared to co stars, many, including Rock himself, have said that the directors used tricks so that Rock would not dwarf his male co-stars.
Gramps said on 23/Oct/05
Scalia's PR lists him as 6'1", but I think 6'0" would be a stretch for him. Seeing him on TV and in photos leads me to conclude he's closer to 5'11".
Gramps said on 23/Oct/05
Mr. R: Take a look at this photo of Rock Hudson with the 6'6" Clint Walker. My God, Rock looks about 6'0" here!!!
Mr. R said on 22/Oct/05
I said before, but actor Jack Scalia played his son in a 70's show. Scalia is
6-1, and says that Rock was billed at 6-4, but was really 6-6.
Gramps said on 22/Oct/05
I thought Rock was 6'4", too, until I saw these two photos. Now I'm not so sure. The first is with the 5'8" Tony Randall, where he definitely does not look 8" taller! The second photo is with the 6'0.5" Robert Stack, Where Rock looks maybe 2-3 inches taller, but no more.
Xhavier said on 21/Oct/05
Life Magazine said Rock Hudson was 6ft 3in tall.
DP said on 20/Aug/05
To think this guy was at least 6'4" yet preferred men over woman. God, life is so unfair to short guys like me!!!
Harold said on 9/Jul/05
Hudson was 43 when he made something of a comeback with "The Undefeated". In that film he looks the same height as John Wayne, who was also 6'4.
Mr. R said on 12/Mar/05
In a biography of Rock Hudson around 1989, the actor Jack Scalia worked with Rock on a show playing his son. He says that Rock was 6'6", not the 6'4" the studio promoted. Scalia is 6'1" and says that standing next to Rock, he knows that he was 6'6". Scalia plays a lot of basketball and is used to being around tall guys.