James.B 172cm said on 27/Feb/23
Weird he would claim to only be 5ft7

Editor Rob
One of the rarities of an actor who has said 3 heights!
5ft 7, 8 and 9. Can't see him under 5ft 8.
Denise McCabe said on 22/Nov/21
He is wonderful regardless of height. Brilliant actor, surprisingly excellent singer, enormous charisma and sex appeal.
Nik said on 21/Oct/19
@ Sandy Cowell - That's your autoeradicatus for you!
His above comments are really astounding! 👌
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/17
After nearly three months of watching 'Wire in the Blood', I have come back to Robson's page to give his 5ft8.75. He definitely doesn't come over as below average in my eyes - so far! There is, however, a new phychiatric help at his Police Station called Andy and he is HUGE! Andy towers over Robson's character 'Tony'; I don't know if Tony is more miffed by the height difference or whether he is objecting more to a new addition telling him what to do in a job he excels at! Probably a bit of both! He should be a cat and do what they do when some other male intrudes on their territory! Andy wouldn't smell too good then! 😝
@ Nik - My autocorrect tried to change Tony to 'Tiny', which is rather appropriate given the circumstances!

Editor Rob
weak 5ft 9 always seems more possible with Jerome Flynn...
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Aug/17
I am currently watching 'Wire in the Blood' and I keep thinking that Robson is the same height as Hermoine Norris!
Consequently, I looked up Hermoine's height to find it is 5ft7. They talk to one another face to face, point one, and the tops of their heads are level, point two, so I was wondering whether Robson was shorter than the 5ft7.75 that I decided he might be in my last argument in the Spring.
Well, at that time, I didn't have the luxury of owning the boxset and being able to pause the episodes as and when I feel like it, but I do now! All I have to do is check out Hermoine's shoe heels, and if there is even an inkling of a couple of inches, Robson can perhaps go up a bit from last time. More likely though, I think I'll find that neither police worker is wearing anything other than practical shoes, in which case, I will take a half-inch from last guess.
I'll post this now and get cracking on my observation plans. I will be back with my conclusion later!
⏳ 📺 😯 📲
Sandy Cowell said on 9/May/17
I never saw 'Soldier Soldier', but I do enjoy 'Wire in the Blood' and 'Touching Evil'.
He's supposed to be a really nice guy, so I've heard! I don't see Robson being a full 5ft9, or even 5ft8, for that matter! I will put 5ft7.75 for him!
It doesn't matter, and the thrillers I mentioned are of such a high standard that I haven't given his height a great deal of thought until now!
He gives a good, sensitive performance, which is just as well as the themes in his dramas tend to be rather disturbing. I think he's a great actor!
Rob D said on 27/Feb/17
Saw him on Granchester and he looked 5' 7" maximum.
James B said on 28/Dec/16
Rob is it it irrelevant to you that the 5'7 person said they towered him? Maybe the 5'7 fan was in high heels?
Jahde brown said on 13/Dec/16
I think we may have met, once in London
2 decades ago. I was struck by your
courtesy & the pellucid quality of your
gaze. You are, sir,Formidably fine.
Rhonda said on 11/Nov/16
Saw him in Newcastle coming out of St James Park, was standing right next to him walking along. He is 5ft 8 max. No smaller than 5ft7.
Abercrombie said on 18/Mar/16
saw wire in the blood years ago and he looked 170-172cm
cole said on 3/Mar/15
@Editor Rob: Didn't know you'd met him! If you think he's near enough 5'9, that's fair. He does at times look a little more than 10 cm shorter than 185 cm James Norton on Grantchester, but then Robson has a tendency to slouch on that show.
cole said on 2/Mar/15
@Editor Rob: Do you think he was honest with his 5'9 claim and was exaggerating a bit to make a point of being a shorter gentleman, by claiming 5'7? Or haven't you got around to downgrade him yet?

Editor Rob
well Jerome Flynn is around a solid 5ft 11, at times he could look no more than 5ft 8.5 and even 8, but then at times near 5ft 9. He could be a guy who is between 5ft 8 and 9. I mean the time I did see him, there's no way he was smaller than me!
kfdrew said on 21/Jan/15
After watching the first episode of Grantchester, and seeing him standing next to James Norton (who is 6'1) there is no way he is any taller than 5'7.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Sep/14
Interesting quote. Funny thing is that he has the face of a much taller guy.
lelman said on 14/Sep/14
Why would he claim 5ft 7 if he is 5ft 9?
johhny said on 17/Jul/14
I meet Green, he is 5.8
truth said on 28/Oct/13
5ft8.5 closer, weak 5ft9.
kentpaul said on 21/Oct/13
Rob how tall would you say mark benton was? Hes often with green on those christmas lights programmes. He claims 6 doot I think.

Editor Rob
I'll add the guy at the height he's on a casting site...
Melina said on 26/Dec/12
Apparently he was towered by a guy who's 5'7. So maybe he is actually around 5'3-5'5?
Loh said on 17/Sep/12
he´s can not be 5´9
5´7-5´8 seems to be accurate for him
ryan said on 8/Jul/11
look 5'7 to me not that small or not that big
chuchichastli said on 5/Apr/09
Was working in a bookshop in 1997 and he came in one day to sign copies of his biography. No way is he 5'9! I'm 6ft and he must have been of the order of 6in shorter than me, I remember being surprised how short he was.
I'd guess he was 5'6, or 5'7 as an absolute maximum!
derek brassell said on 8/Nov/08
100% ROBSON IS NOT 5,9" ive done many of his tv shows, stood beside him, talked to him ect, I am 5, 8 1/2, he is a good inch shoeter than me, 5,7"
Lmeister said on 22/Dec/07
He looks 5ft7 - 5ft8 range in every show I've seen him. Of course the other actors might be tallish.
Robbie H said on 22/Dec/07
he looks shorter than 5ft 9 in the programs hes been in, looks around 5ft 7
margaret butler said on 8/Mar/07
I have spoken to robson greene (in an elevator at the Plaza, NYC) - he has a great sense of humour, and when I told him that I'd bought his C.D., he replied "Oh, you were the one who bought it, were you?" !!!!
margaret butler said on 8/Mar/07
I have stood next to robson greene in an elevator at the Plaza Hotel, New York, (I am 5'8") and he was a few inches shorter than me! (Yes, I was wearing heels, but even so.....)--regardless of that, he's still a HUNK!!
Dee said on 27/Jun/06
I've just met Robson Greene - he's just moved to my local village - and would estimate his height at 5' 7" - 5' 8" absolute max, no way is he 5' 9"! But definitely taller than 5' 5" - I'm 5' 7" and I didn't tower over him. And I'll go along with the general concensus, he's a nice guy.
jeff said on 29/May/06
having met Robson Greene several times in Newcastle - I can be fairly definitive on this - he is 5'5" - 5'6" tall. nice guy as well.
alison said on 18/May/06
having today just met the utterly gorgeous robson greene, I would dispute 5ft 9 as his height, but who cares how tall he is the man is an icon (and a really nice guy too)
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Aug/05
From showbiz newsgroup: "I saw him at a NorthEast-based studio a few years ago. Three surprising things - 1) his eyes are *very* blue - as in laser blue.
2) he's quite short. About 5"5."
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Aug/05
From UK media newsgroup: "Either all his co-stars are short, or he's standing on a box, because I've met him in real life and he's tiny"