Terry D. said on 12/Dec/22
Just watched Robert Young in a movie with Henry Hull called “Miracles for Sale,” from 1939. Several scenes where Young and Hull are standing next to each other. Hull is listed as 6’ and Young is easily two inches taller. Either Henry Hull was 5’10,” or Young was 6’2.” I’m guessing Young is taller than 6 foot. He just always looks tall…
talker said on 20/Jun/22
Young was tall and lanky,around 6'2".He looks about the same height with Randolph Scott all through Western Union.Its obvious from his long arms and legs..No way on earth he was under 6'1",my guess is 1.87m ,6'1.5".
tez said on 19/Apr/22
tez said on 19/Apr/22
5'10.75 to maybe 5'11.5
Steve said on 8/Sep/15
This proves Young was at least 6'1".
Click Here
Shadow2 said on 10/Jul/15
I agree with Steve that Young was closer to 6' 1". In "Lady be Good" he matches up well against Red (6' 1.5" or so) and 6' 3.5" John Carroll. In Young's TV series in his senior years, "Marcus Welby MD", he looks at the very least 6' 0.5" alongside co-star James Brolin who was close to 6' 4" in his prime.
Steve said on 19/Mar/15
I was watching the feature Lady Be Good and noticed that Robert Young was the same height as Red Skelton.
Rob, I think his height should b cat least 6'1". He looked quite tall when I saw him. I'd say 6'1" is closer to his true height. If Red was 6'2" then Young was 6'2".
Arch Stanton said on 31/Jan/15
Although in the allposters pic Heston looks shorter! In the Greatest Show on Earth generally Wilde looked about 6'1" though.
Arch Stanton said on 31/Jan/15
Rob can you add Cornel Wilde then. G image him and Charlton Heston on getty. I think we can rule out 6'2 but a 185 6'1 might be OK.
Steve said on 28/Jan/15
I would say without question that Cornel Wilde was 6'1" and could have been 6'2". I'm just under 6' and I was looking up at him.
Watch the 1954 feature Woman's World. With the exception of Fred MacMurray, Wilde towers over the rest of the male cast. He's a good two inches talller than both Van Heflin and Clifton Webb, both 5'11". And he's almost as tall as 6'3" MacMurray.
Arch, The Naked Pray is a terrific film. And Wilde made it on a very tight budget.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Jan/15
For its period The Naked Prey was surprisingly primitive and quite gruesome at times, certainly one of he better African-shot films of Hollywood.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Jan/15
6'1 for Cornell Wilde is probably a fair compromise.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Jan/15
Rob can you add Cornell Wilde? Definitely worth adding. I'm not sure on him, He could look 6'1" next to Heston but other times look barely 6'. There is an end scene in Th Big Combo where he absolutely towers Conte and does look 6'2" though, but I think they altered angles to make Conte look more cowering. The Big Combo, The Greatest Show on Earth, The Scarlet Coat, The Bandit of Sherwood Forest and The Naked Prey are some of his notable roles which spring to mind. The Bandit of Sherwood Forest is a bit camp but always enjoyable seeing a film from that period in colour.
Steve said on 18/Jan/15
It was ages ago when I saw him at a restaurant in Manhattan. He was very friendly. I mentioned to him how much I liked The Naked Pray. He was quite tall. Well over 6'. And he still looked good.
Steve said on 17/Jan/15
Arch, I find it hard to believe Stewart was 135 lbs. but perhaps it's true. I know he did have to beef up in order to enter the service.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jan/15
When did you meet Wilde Steve? He was in terrific shape in the 40s and 50s, not sure how he looked after that.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jan/15
Was Wilde really 6'2" Steve? I thought he could seem barely over 6' at times, he looked about 2 inches shorter than Charlton Heston in Greatest Show but in another film in one scene with Richard Conte he could look easily 6'1". He'd be worth adding him, I requested him not long ago, but I think 6'1 is a better shout.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jan/15
Ha if he was "very thin" at 6'0 and 160, what was Jimmy Stewart at 6'3" and a purported 135!!
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jan/15
Rob, is Steve Frank2 or what? Reminds me a lot of him, put it that way.. Where did the 5'10.5 estimate come from, was it Sam? I'm not very familiar with Young at the moment so I couldn't say but no doubt in due course when I've seen more films he'll become as as familiar as many of the others.

Editor Rob
it's not for me to say.
Steve said on 16/Jan/15
Two actors I met, Robert Young and Cornel Wilde, were taller than I thought. Wilde was probably 6'2". Robert Young was much taller than I thought. A real surprise with both actors.
Steve said on 16/Jan/15
Robert Young was slightly over six feet. I know because this is one actor I met back in the 1960s when I was doing legal work for a big advertising company. I was surprised how tall he was. Tall and very thin. So Rob, you should list him at 6' &1/2".

Editor Rob
since it's rare for you to ever underestimate someone...
Gonzalo said on 16/Jan/15
Young was taller than that. More around 1`83. Wasn´t much shorter than Randolph Scott in Western Union.
In this pic he looks close in height to Robert Mitchum. Mitchum is closer to the camera
Click Here
Taller than Robert Taylor
Click Here
Click Here
Three comrades and Hm Pullman Esq should me mentioned above. And Northwest passage. All of them excellent films