How tall is Robert Redford - Page 2

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Average Guess (109 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 9.86in (177.5cm)
Current: 5ft 8.45in (173.9cm)
Frank2 said on 28/Aug/08
And in HAVANA, Redford is seen next to 5'9" Alan Arkin and looks to be an inch taller. In long shots as well as closer angles.

I just don't buy the notion that they tried to hide his true height.
Frank2 said on 28/Aug/08
Well, Redford walked side-by-side with 5'10" Cliff Robertson in THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR and the two were the exact, same height. In THE STING he's seen next to a lot of actors and in long shots. In BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID, Redford is show next to others. In THE CANDIDATE we see Redford along with taller actors. No fudging.

Redford's peak height was 5'10". Don't know if he's lost any height since I haven't seen him in person for years.
George H. said on 28/Aug/08
jvm, not everybody loses height as they age. I had a relative who died at 93 at the exact height as in his prime. He did keep fit, exercising throughout his entire life, maybe that had something to do with it. Until his last day he walked tall and straight as a rod.
Anonymous said on 26/Aug/08
lol at him losing 3 inches.
jvm said on 23/Aug/08
You all are not bothering to consider the fact that at his age he has probably lost about 3 inches. So if he was 5' 10" not at his age he probably is only 5'7". My grandfather use to be 6' but now is maybe 5'8" and looks smaller every year.
Tonia said on 15/Aug/08
He definitely looks shorter. I saw him outside of McSorley's Tavern in NYC and he appeared to be about my height (5'7"), so I seriously find that hard to believe.
Antonio said on 1/Aug/08
He doesn't look much taller than Ben Kingsley, who is about 5'7.5". The photo can be found on Ed's last post.

I have never met him, but know a few who have. They have all stated him as being 5'8" or 5'9". I would say he is 5'9".
Anonymous said on 29/Jul/08
I recently watched Brubaker (great movie) and noticed that almost all of the actors that were required to act in close proximaty were all quite shorter. In the scenes between him and Yaphet Koto, Koto always appeard to be a bit out of the shot so they were never very close together. Same for Great Gatsby with Sam Waterson when his character first meets Gatsby.As a matter of fact, I can only remember one movie in which an actor dwarfed Redford and that was Havana when he was standing looking up to Raul Julia. But then I think Julia was about 6'2". So I really think that efforts were made to make Redford appear taller in his films and the media supported this illusion. Still, being under 5' myself I don't consider 5'8" to be short.
cerebralcat said on 29/Jul/08
I can't recall him being associated with any charities except for one dealing with Infant Death Syndrome that affected him personally. As a matter of fact, he has been described on several occasions as lacking empathy and being self-absorbed.(He lobbies for the arts and environmental issues and does fundraisers for environmental groups, wildlife preservation,and the odd candidate. I don't doubt that in all of these enterprises he is very much the center of attention.

I think that adulation is his "raison d'etre" and he has the looks and charm to acquire it.

Yes he has made some great movies and I've enjoyed just about all of them .
He's a good actor and award winning director, well respected and, I suspect, surrounded by psychophants and yes-men with their own agendas. Not everyone measures success in terms of wealth and fame.
Bruce said on 28/Jul/08
He's made some good movies, helped a lot of charities, spoken out for the environment, and furthered film creativity. His height didn't keep him from having a bigger life than anyone on THIS blog.
dl said on 22/Jul/08
anything over 5'7" is bologne I met him when my film was in competition at sundance ..

he was shorter than I am and I am 5'7.5" and he was just under my height.
Ed said on 31/May/08
Redford looking tall vs. Bobby D.
Click Here
frauschnitzel said on 31/May/08
my best friend told me years ago she stood behind in a santa fe grocery store cashier line and he turned around to her to apologize for the long delay. said he was small and wrinkled looking. this was back around '89 or '90.
cerebralcat said on 18/May/08
Yes, that makes sense. With cowboy boots this would make him approx. 5,10", which is approx. what he claims.
Chris said on 14/May/08
I think he looks closer to 5' 9" these days. In Spy Game, Brad Pitt who I think is a legit 5' 11" looked about 2 inches taller. Then again gauging a height next to Pitt isn't always a good idea, haha.
cerebralcat said on 3/May/08
I saw a picture of him recently sitting down and you could see his feet in loafers(I think picture was in Defamer) and it sure looked like he had lifts in his shoes. I don't think there would be such speculation if it weren't for the fact that in many of his past interviews the interviewer as always aluded to, "just under six foot" or six feet etc. Keep in mind, there was no iternet back then so the fact that he was much shorter didn't get around. Maintaining a public persona is a lot more difficult these days. I can recall reading a biography about him by Minty Clinch and I think he pegged him pretty good.
SLC said on 10/Apr/08
Just saw Robert Redford last night at Sundance Resort. It was his lady freinds' birthday. He is much smaller than I imagined. I would guess between 5'7" to 5'9" - I wasn't standing up when he walked out. But from the looks of it he wasn't close to 6ft.
dave said on 5/Apr/08
I've stood next to him twice, once at the baggage carousel at the SLC airport and once at Sundance. I'm 5'10" and he was definitely 1-2 inches shorter than me. 6'4" LOL
ed said on 31/Mar/08
lol so you are saying redford is no way
Rogue said on 27/Mar/08
I don't think you were actually standing next to Robert Redford, maybe it was an impersonator. I'm 6'0" and when I met him at Sundance, he was easily 4 or 5 inches taller than even me. He's a very tall and well-built man.
dmeyer said on 9/Mar/08
redford can look 180 cm in pics so i think he is easy 177 could be 5'9.75
dmeyer said on 4/Mar/08
a lidel over 5 ft 10 peak just about 5 ft 10 now since he can look 5 ft 11 with cowboy heels
sallie said on 4/Mar/08
A cabbie in Park City told me he is the same height as RR...I was there and asked about the celeb. The cabbie told me he sees him all the time at Zoom, the restaurant RR owns. The cabbie is about 5'7" tall.
Bernard said on 27/Feb/08
I stood next to Robert Redford in 1970 during filming of the Candidate...At the time I was about 5 feet 9.25 inches.....I remember him being quite a bit shorter than I was...At most, I think he was 5 feet 7 inches...probably shorter..
Keep in mind that a big majority of men overestimate their heights...
glenn said on 29/Jan/08
rob-how many times did i say on this site that i saw him in moccasins,sockless and he was 5-10,6 or 7 weeks ago.he was a legit 5-10.5 and still looked it in those sundance photos next to bono and the edge.footwear shown too.
dmeyer said on 29/Jan/08
rob whi did you have him as short as 176 to me he alwais looks easy '59.5

Editor Rob
I still wonder about this guy sometimes wearing cowboy heels.
Latin Joe said on 28/Jan/08
My sister met Redford at the Sundance festival yesterday and said that he had great posture and stood the same height as her 5'8. My sister is 5'6 barefoot and was wearing two inch heels making her 5'8 and she said he stood eye to eye with her and was the same height.
Valeri said on 28/Jan/08
177 fits him just fine.I agree,thats less than a cm to a full 5'10.quite accurate. But Pitt looked a strong inch taller than Redford on the photos I gave some months back.So Pitt is 5'10.5 at least.if not lfits ofcourse.If redford was a full 5'10 at 64 in 2000,then Pitt is 5'11.but no more.
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/08
i agree 176 was too low 177 fits better
sissy said on 26/Jan/08
I interviewed Robert Redford around '75 for his All the Presidents Men tour. He was absolutely tiny--maybe 5'7" and no more than 120 lbs. There were about five of us in a small room at an airport and we spoke for a long time. He was very frail looking in real life.
glenn said on 22/Jan/08
yeah,but i always suspected lifts cause of the short rumors.that isnt the case.i was at alot of those quiz show locations.
Fred Hahn said on 21/Jan/08
He directed me in Quiz Show. He was my height 5' 10". John Turturro was taller than both of us by a good inch or two. Good man Redford.
glenn said on 20/Jan/08
he is 5-10.5 in his prime like he says himself.5-10 now.saw him nearly barefoot recently.
Robin said on 19/Jan/08
on the set of out of africa all extras took off their shoes. Redford is a perfect height and beautifully built, a very real person of about 5'7"
glenn said on 5/Jan/08
i saw duval look 5-10 recently in dress shoes.
bam said on 4/Jan/08
in the movie "the natural" he had 1 inch minimum on Duval. Because of his long legs compared to his height he gave a tall impression for sure.
glenn said on 16/Dec/07
he is a legit 5-10.finally figured him out.even heard 5-8 rumors.saw him again last week.his shoes were moccasin types and his ankles were exposed and in place properly.
Mr Mayfair said on 15/Dec/07
He has always claimed five ten, but never more than five nine!
Russ said on 17/Nov/07
I'd like to add a little more to my previous post, primarily because I recently spoke to my sister about this topic: I mentioned previously that my sister and her husband saw Redford up close while on a ski trip in Utah. My sister's husband was 5'11" (barefoot)and around 6' in tennis shoes. As he stood very close to Redford, he determined that Mr. Redford was at least 1 inch shorter, maybe more. Plus, Redford was wearing thick soled "after ski boots. This would make Robert Redford around 5' 8" to 5'9" barefoot. Maybe 5' 9 & 1/2. They assured me that he was certainly not any taller than that. I mean no disrespect to Robert Redford when I say this. But, my sister was in disbelief when she saw the "reality" of it all.
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/07
He probably allways was 5'9.5 barefoot and morning at that. I mean most people give their height with shoes especially movie stars. Probably was allways in the 5'8.5- 5.9.5 range barefoot... can get near 6 foot in boots.

Just my opinion but I cant see him giving his height without it being his height in shoes (and maybe large ones at that.)
dmeyer said on 29/Oct/07
robert looked 2 in on cruise
George H. said on 29/Oct/07
I saw pictures of Redford next to Tom Cruise. They looked about the same height. Don't know, though, if either or both of them was wearing lifts.
Mert said on 8/Oct/07
I once served Robert Redford at a sandwich shop at Snowbird in Utah. I am a little under 6'3" and I TOWERED over Redford. I agree with Russ: Redford is much closer to 5'8" than 5'10".....that also was in ski boots while I was in tennis shoes. Just as Russ's sister said, I was also shocked about how short and small a man he was....he was VERY nice however while skiing with his two daughters.
Russ said on 28/Sep/07
My sister saw Redford in person...way back in the late 70's. Her husband was standing fairly close to Redford on even ground, close enough shake hands. Both my sister and her husband were shocked to realize that Redford was "only" maybe 5'10" in snow boots and probably weighed about 150 pounds at most. They said he looked small. They also agreed that Redford is probably about 5'8" barefoot (on a good day).
marco said on 6/Sep/07
Redford and Newman have filmed a couple of movies together and Redford always appears taller than Newman. I believe at peak he was between 5ft 9.5 and 5ft 10
18,181 said on 18/Aug/07
Click Here
Terry said on 2/Aug/07
Although Robert Redfort is not a very tall man, his charisma fills the entire room. Even if you don't see him, just knowing he is present has everyone feeling good. I escorted Mr. Redford, Thomas Skirrett, some producers and other actors through the airport in Toronto when they came to the city for an award ceremony. A flight with over 400 passengers was lined up at the customs booths, and Mr. Redford and others entered and were escorted through. EVERYONE without exception in the ENTIRE customs area stopped what they were doing - stopped moving, talking, and just tried to get a glimpse of Mr. Redford. And while I have escorted many famous people through customs, there has never been such a response as to when Mr. Redford came through. One thing to know about Mr. Redford, he is very down to earth and will have a conversation with you just the same as if you were his neighbour. He is in real life very much like most of the parts he plays in movies - calm, cool, courteous.
George H. said on 1/Aug/07
ed says on 23/Jul/07
Just saw 3 days of the Condor... in the shots where Redford is standing next
to tall Max Von Sydrow, he looks to be only 2-3 inches shorter. In the film,
he refers to Von Sydrow as being about 6-4... anyway, even with lifts, he would
have to be on stilts to boost from 5-8 to 6-1... I think he is closer to an
actual 5-10 or 5-11 barefooted.

Ed: I was shocked to see Faye Dunaway in stockings being maybe 1 and at most 2 inches shorter than Redford in boots in that movie. Dunaway is listed as 5'7" in almost every bio on her.
George H. said on 1/Aug/07
Mr. S. says on 23/Jun/07
This guy must be hiding something. His scenes with Ryan O'Neal In A Bridge Too Far are shot separately so that you never see them in the same camera shot. At the time Redford was one of the biggest box office stars in Hollywood so it would make sense that Redford might insist on such a practice. In fact Redford is not in the same scene as any of the other stars of that picture Michael Caine, Sean Connery, James Caan, Gene Hackman, Dirk Bogarde or Elliot Gould making it impossible to compare him with those guys.

Mr. S: My wife is quite a fan of all those guys who turned or will turn 70 this year - Beatty, Redford, Hoffman, Nicholson. She has been working on completing her DVD collection of all these guys and by osmosis I pick stuff up here and there, too :) Back in the seventies it was said that when they made their movie together, both Streisand and Redford insisted that they be filmed from one side and had it put in a clause in their contracts. The problem was that they both preferred to be shot from the same side! I think they compromised because you can see both from both sides in profile. That's the kind of stuff really big stars can demand in contracts, apparently!
clay said on 31/Jul/07
By brother happened to be filling his gas tank just across from Robert Redford back in the 1980s. My brother was barely 6'0", and said Redford was very small, no more than 5'7'' tops.
dmeyer said on 30/Jul/07
frank2 says 5'10 to 5'11 so 5'10.5 at peak
sam said on 25/Jul/07
Yep, that's what Rob has Redford at Ed. Here's a still more upright Redford with a somewhat shrunk (5'8"ish) Newman:
Click Here
And back in the day in The Sting:
Click Here
ed said on 23/Jul/07
Just saw 3 days of the Condor... in the shots where Redford is standing next
to tall Max Von Sydrow, he looks to be only 2-3 inches shorter. In the film,
he refers to Von Sydrow as being about 6-4... anyway, even with lifts, he would
have to be on stilts to boost from 5-8 to 6-1... I think he is closer to an
actual 5-10 or 5-11 barefooted.
Anonymous said on 12/Jul/07
How come the upgrade from 5'10?

Editor Rob
if he wants 5ft 10.5, he can have it.
Anonymous said on 4/Jul/07
July 3rd 07
I saw the pink suit that Robert Redford wore in the Great Gatsby in a display case years ago in a movie display...the suit was on a 6" platform and the shoulders of the suit were lower than my shoulders...I stand 5'10 3/4" tall I was amazed at the time of howshort he must be according to that suit.....I have heard that Barbara Strisand is very tiny too and watching The Way We Were they both at times look small....If the camara can add 10 pounds then can it also add height?
tall said on 26/Jun/07
I am 6ft and have stood next to him in Santa Fe, even in his cowboy boots he was much shorter than I.
Short Guy said on 25/Jun/07
I'm 47 years old, 5.9 tall and I very much remember a desperate fan of Redford claiming he was at least one inch shorter than me. And this was his peak height 20 years ago.
Mr. S. said on 23/Jun/07
This guy must be hiding something. His scenes with Ryan O'Neal In A Bridge Too Far are shot separately so that you never see them in the same camera shot. At the time Redford was one of the biggest box office stars in Hollywood so it would make sense that Redford might insist on such a practice. In fact Redford is not in the same scene as any of the other stars of that picture Michael Caine, Sean Connery, James Caan, Gene Hackman, Dirk Bogarde or Elliot Gould making it impossible to compare him with those guys.
MN Redford Fan said on 2/Jun/07
Back in '82 I saw him at an energy conference at the St. Paul Civic Center. As he walked through the crowd of people surrounding him, he stood by my sister who is 5'10" and they appeared about the same height. However, she was wearing sneakers and he was wearing cowboy boots. I'm 6' 5". I should had a camera. He stated in a 1987 interview for Esquire magazine he was 5'10 1/2". Other than the standard hollywood tricks, he may also appear taller onscreen because he's big boned yet very slender.
cute said on 22/May/07
are you all crazy..?? this guy is short... in his long moviecarrier, it has always been told that he was short... how can you be short at 5'10..
he must be 5'8 or 5'7... hello whats going on... he's not 5'10.. or the ridiculous 5'11 as someone claims... he's under 175 cm... he just wears huge boots... so..
Beazer Holmes said on 9/May/07
friend of mine recently told me she ran into him out West years ago, and he was surprisingly shorter than she expected, maybe 5-7.5 to 5-8.
dmeyer said on 20/Apr/07
how can he be 5'10 when he got mesured 5'9.75 in the 70s but he can look the height he claims

Editor Rob
oh, it was more of a guesstimate from the journo.
dmeyer said on 15/Apr/07
was he mesured right in 70 he was 40 or 50 so it means 5'10 or 10.25 at peak i alwais thaught this guy was 5'11
Brad said on 5/Apr/07
If he is 5' 8" that would make Brad Pitt 5' 9". Doesn't work. He's 5' 9" or 9.5". He has always had great directors that have made him look taller. Meet Newman & Redford for the first time and you'll be shocked that they aren't as big as on the big screen.
Joseph said on 3/Apr/07
I am professional corporate photographer and I was hired to take photos of him with a VIP's from very high end company. I am 5 10 and he was not more than 5.8
My assistant is a woman and she is tall. She is 5 7 and she he was barely taller than her.
glenn said on 30/Mar/07
i believe his 5-10.5 statement.nowadays he is looking 5-9.5 in person.
dmeyer said on 29/Mar/07
he must wear lifts all the times because he never seems under 5'11 in movies

Editor Rob
in 2000 I think he still was 5ft 10, very similar to matt damon at the bagger vance premiere and very close to another guy I've met
Bob said on 28/Mar/07
Look at him in "Barefoot in the Park" with Jane Fonda. Jane is listed as 5'7" and she is barefoot or in flats for the whole movie and he looks no taller than her.
Anonymous said on 25/Feb/07
Awesome Glenn. I love it! thanks...
Anonymous said on 24/Feb/07
Glenn i'd love to see your 10 best and worst. i always snicker when I see what you wrote when you got Tyrese "correct height for this guy. serious attitude problem". hilarious..
Glenn said on 15/Dec/06
Yes,5-9 min.5-10 max.
Glenn said on 14/Dec/06
Redford is,and always was 5-10ish in public.whether he wears lifts is another story.
Brad said on 14/Dec/06
You must have been next to his double, he's 5' 9".
Sussi said on 13/Dec/06
I've stood next to Robert Redford, and I'm 5'10'', he was much shorter than I am,maybe 5'6" or so.
Utnapishtim said on 5/Oct/06
Small correction (in case anyone's checking facts): it was the Capitol Theater, not the Lyric.
dmeyer said on 26/Sep/06
this guy can give the impresion he is 6 foot
Utnapishtim said on 26/Sep/06
I shook hands with Redford in a reception line for a premiere of _The Sting_ held at the Lyric Theater in Salt Lake City in 1973 for the benefit of the local Democratic Party. I remember looking down into his eyes and thinking that he must be at least three inches shorter than me. (I was about 5'10" at that time.) My conclusion was that he was about 5'7", and that he wears boots with lifts whenever he can, uses platforms, trenches, camera angles, or whatever when he's being filmed. Generally a little guy.

His handshake was also limp and clammy, for whatever that's worth.
Brad said on 17/Sep/06
Don Henley is the worst, unless you met Joe Walsh staggering drunk in the 80's. Redford was nice to me but then again I was shi$$ing on the politicians raping Colorado & Utah land for their pals. I wonder what celebs are the most fed up with the sharpie crowd there to make a buck.
Glenn said on 15/Sep/06
Redford is always having a bad day then.yes,correct on Frey.TOP 10 worse maybe.once again real soon,Ill name the top 10 worst and best.
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Maybe he was having a bad day. Glenn, have you ever met Glen Frey of the Eagles? Ive heard that he can be the worst.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Someone I know told me just last night that Redford just about a year ago told him "not a chance in hell",when asked for a photo with.nice guy.
Glenn said on 13/Sep/06
Nice guy? one of the worst to all I know.
Glenn said on 13/Sep/06
Yeah,but no lifts? I agree he looked 5-10.I was on the set.Roosvelt Hotel,court houses, etc.
Fred Hahn said on 12/Sep/06
Definitley 5'10" he directed me in the movie Quiz Show and he was exactly my height. Nice guy.
Brad said on 7/Aug/06
Stood next to him on the biggest stage at Universal for "Legal Eagles". 5' 9".
IckyBee said on 19/Apr/06
This site lists Jane Fonda at 5' 7". That said, go watch The Electric Horseman. Redford and she seem eye-to-eye to me. Which makes me think Redford is 5' 8" tops. No kidding, check out Electric Horseman and tell me I'm wrong. Her hair is bigger than Bob's, and maybe that throws an illusionary curve. But I'm thinking they're nose-to-nose in some scenes. It's my guess that any official press info regarding a major male star will tend to err on the side of taller vs. actual size. Gotta keep that bigger than life image up!
Frank2 said on 15/Mar/06
When Redford was young he was 5'10" and so was Newman. In The Sting they're the same height. Same goes for when they were in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Mr. R said on 11/Mar/06
This is possible, but he was still noticeably taller than Paul Newman in the "Iconoclast " series. If Redford is 5-9, then Newman is closer to 5-7 at this point. Redford wasn't wearing his cowboy boots either!
Glenn said on 11/Mar/06
I saw him look 5-10 a decade he looks 5-9.
McMoron said on 10/Mar/06
Actually a guy who was present at the Out of Africa shooting claims that the crew had to dig a small 'trench' for M. Streep to walk in (you probably remember the scene where they walk side shot from their chest and up). He adds that he was choked at Redford's real height when he stood face to face with him, much shorter than he had anticipated based on his movies. According to the same source, the sets are all gone of course, so these small 'trenches' remain to be the main tourist attraction today... Take it for what it's worth, but according to the rule of large numbers, enough rumors are eventually significant...
Frank2 said on 26/Feb/06
He's a solid 5' 10" maybe even 5' 11". Trust me. Matt Damon is only 5' 8".
talker said on 17/Feb/06
i agree with this 5'9" listing.Redford never looked tall.He is around there.Maybe half inch taller.
Tubbs said on 9/Jan/06
The picture from McFan gets me thinking, how the hell does Damon claim to be 5'10. If thats the case Redford must be about 6'1. We all that ain't true, so Damon must be in the 5'8 range, maybe smaller.
Gramps said on 29/Dec/05
I just watched "Three Days of the Condor" last night. There is a part where Redford is on the street, face to face with Cliff Robertson, who is listed throughout the web as 5'11". Redford was the clear taller of the two by at least 0.5" and maybe more. I can't testify as to the footwear either man was wearing at the time. Redford was also standing close to the 6'3.5" Max von Sydow a few times, and looked 5'11"-ish by comparison.
Viper652 said on 29/Dec/05
That 5-6 for Redford is crazy. Has always looked at least 5-9.
jfv2000 said on 28/Dec/05
I had heard that Redford was more on the order of 5'6" and was very sensitive about his height, even going so far as to demand that he be put on a soap box in numerous movie scenes that depicted him standing still next to a taller actress. If you watch his movies closely, it does appear that some lengths (no pun intended) are taken to put him in situations that do not appear to make him look unusually short. One might also gauge this by looking at his height relative to most actresses. He should normally appear between 3 and 5 inches taller, but often looks as if he is closer to equal height. Similarly, one could compare him with the same actress but in two different movies.
dmeyer said on 7/Dec/05
i met rufalo he is 173 cm and in the last castle robert did look more than 2 inches taller it means aleast 178 of course close to 6 feet in his 20's

Editor Rob
I think it means simply Redford might have had a lift in his shoe...

remember he was measured in the 70's for a Magazine article because folk didn't believe he wasn't near 6ft. Measured at just under 5ft 10...
hun said on 7/Nov/05
in Out of Africa redford was at leat 4,5" taller than his coactors...that makes him 6' at leat or was he wearing elevated boots?
ww said on 6/Nov/05
i have met robert redford and he wears elevated boots... that makes him a little shorter than me...i'm 6'1"....but when i saw him in the swimming pool without boots he looks 5'9" and not more tho what i noticed more was his hairy forearms
mike dungan said on 4/Nov/05
Robert Redford does look like a six footer..what ever his height is ne is exy and hairy
DP said on 11/Oct/05
Yea that could be right. I still think he's almost hitting the 5'10". I'd probably say he's about 5'9.5" myself.
CelebHeights Editor said on 15/Sep/05
The perception he's a 6 footer is alive and well. In The Clearing Helen Mirren describes him as "6 Foot, 175 pounds".

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.