Ka said on 2/Jun/11
At peak Robert is for sure 182 cm, 186-187 cm Arnie was 4-5 cm taller in T2.
Looks 181 cm next to legit 183 cm Meloni in one episode of SVU in 2005, so lost ~1 cm at 47. I'm surprise that Robert lost near 2 cm, he's only 52 now.
Rob is 1-2 cm height loss isn't uncommon for 40-55 years old men?

Editor Rob
in early 50's over 1cm is more than average.
Ka said on 2/Jun/11
Nice job Rob ! I always thought Robert Patrick was close to 6 feet in T2, now closer to 5'11. I watched one episode of Law and Order SVU, where RP meet 6'0 Christopher Meloni, and Chris appears to be noticably taller than Robert, so this is right

Editor Rob
yeah I finally met robert last week and the few times I saw him about I guessed he looked more 5ft 11 than 6ft.
I should note down lest I forget, that I had near 1.1 sneakers but he had a thicker boot, 1.3-1.4 inches or maybe 1.5. Knowing a caterpillar boot can give near 1.5 inches, his looked very similar in thickness.
kevin said on 13/May/11
robert patrick at 208lbs thats 14stone 12 thier is no way he was that heavy in terminator 2. patrick was about 175 pounds in terminator 2. arnie was around 220 pounds and a good 2 1/2 inch taller than patrick.
MsKitty said on 6/Apr/11
I'm pretty sure the weight comment was intended as a joke...sheesh!
nsk said on 14/Mar/11
Robert Patrick next to David Duchovny
Click Here
verlan said on 14/Mar/11
Sorry for the other post, wrong url. This is the right one.
Click Here
As far as I know Harrison Ford is 6'1. David Duchovny is 6 feet. What is strange to me is that in this picture Robert Patrick is similar in height with Indiana Jones, while in The X Files he seemed shorter than Fox. IMO Duchovny seems taller than he is and Patrick shorter.
verlan said on 14/Mar/11
Check this out ->
Click Here
Ford is 6'1
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Feb/11
Looked almost 2 inches shorter than John Cena who isn't quite 6"1...Patrick is 180cm
rob89 said on 1/Dec/10
Just finished watching season 8 of the X-Files, and everytime he stands next to Duchovny he's always at least an inch shorter, at times it even looked like 2 inches. I wouldn't give him anything over 5'11, 5'10ish isn't out of the question either if Duchovny is only 6' flat.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Oct/10
Agreed...so outrageous to claim that Robert Patrick weighes more than Schwarzenegger. There was definitely more than an inch between them aswell.
Really it was Robert Patrick at 5"11(180cm)
Arnold Schwarzenegger at 6"2(188cm)
k mart said on 4/Jul/09
i will give him the benefit of the doubt at just a hair under 6ft.. maybe just maybe he is a little over six in the morning.. thus making him taller maybe 6ft and a half.. that would be his true height in morning.
brotha said on 22/Feb/09
Patrick was 170 lbs max in T2, Arnold had him by at least 40 lbs.
RisingForce said on 11/Feb/09
Leung, Arnie dropped to about the 210-212 range around Red Heat and I know he got listed at that around the time of Last Action hero/True Lies 5/6 years later. I don't know if he gained weight back for Terminator 2, but he could have been 210-212 at the time. Arnold was a lot leaner by that time and lean muscle makes you look bigger than you are.
RisingForce said on 5/Dec/08
Liotta at 5'10" is insane.
I'd say by the time of Cop Land
Ray Liotta- 6'0"
Robert Patricik- 6'0"
Sylvester Stallone- 5'10.75"
Robert De Niro- 5'9"
Harvey Keitel- 5'8"
Catsman said on 22/Nov/08
Just watched Copland again. He's a good few inches taller than Stallone. I'd say this is about right. Liotta looked shorter bit a tad.
I'd guess:
Patrick: 6'0
Liotta: 5'10
Stallone: 5'9
De Nero: 5'8
Keitel: 5'7
Patrick also looks tallish in Walk The Line.
Leung said on 5/Nov/08
Yeah that does makes more sense Rob. Robert Patrick was slim and looked about 180lb in T2. But 208lb does look feasible in recent photos
Click HereIn regards to Arnie, he looked at least 225lb in T2.
Hugh said on 4/Nov/08
I DO NOT buy this guy being heavier than Arnie. He practically looked like a shrimp compared to him.

Editor Rob
I think he's talking about nowadays being 208lbs, just shy of 15 stone...he's not a skinny guy nowadays?
Cobra said on 31/Oct/08
So he is basically saying that he is 13 lbs heavier than Arnold in T2 while being an inch shorter???
Editor Rob said on 30/Oct/08
In Ability magazine he says his height:
"[Arnie is] about my size. I'm 6 feet, 208 pounds. I think he's about 6 foot 1. When we were making the movie he was about 195 pounds"
dmeyer said on 25/Jul/07
he aint that tall hew seems smaller than ford who is barely 182 so 180 181 max for this guy 5'11.5 max for him
Anonymous said on 22/May/07
I just watched the episodes where he was on the Sopranos. He's just about, if not a half inch smaller than Tony (James Gandolfini)...who's listed at a legit 6'0.5". Just around the 6 foot mark seems right..
Franco said on 15/Apr/07
in his prime he was 5'11.75 and even 6'0 maybe, but today he is a weak 5'11
i'd give him today 179cm flat.
dmeyer said on 4/Feb/07
to me looks closer to 5'11.5 also arnie was a lot taller than him in t2 but he had bigger heels
dmeyer said on 25/Sep/06
since he was smaller than ford and barely taller than stalone he might be closer to 5'11 like 181
dmeyer said on 4/Sep/06
i d tox he barely looked taller than stallone and a lidl smaller than ford in firewall maybe not quiet 6 ft
[Editor Rob: yes, looked tad smaller than ford]
sf said on 25/Aug/06
He was always about an inch shorter than David Duchovny on the X-files, so that would Patrick at about 5'11", all things being equal.
sf said on 25/Aug/06
He is an inch (or so) shorter than Duchovny when they stand near each other in the X-files.
Magda said on 22/Apr/06
he is 6 feet, he says it in the movie backflash at least .. :)
MTed said on 13/Feb/06
I met Robert Patrick at the Rock Store in Mulholland. I'm 5'8" he was in the 5'11" to 6'0" range. BTW he's a great guy, really down to earth.
UK Terminator fan said on 18/Oct/05
I think that Robert Patrick appeared at 5ft11/6ft in T2, with all the running he did in the film he most certainly would not have been wearing any lifts.
On the other hand Arnold was wearing boots with a 2.5inch heel and possibly lifts of some kind. Arnold certainly did look 6ft3/6ft 4 in T2 however he doesn't look anywhere near this height in other films (eg Total Recall).
To summarise Robert Patrick 5ft 11 bare foot, Arnold Schwarzenneger 6ft 1 barefoot (possibly 5ft 11 these days).
Anonymous said on 27/Sep/05
he looks 3 to 4 in shorter than arnie in t2 if patrick is 6 feet arnie is 6 foot 4 also arnie is taller than tom arnold by 4 cm i saw tom he is over 6 foot 1 so rob i think you should list arnie at minimum 6 foot 1
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Aug/05
From SouthEnd.com "When they both stand upright, grinding their discarded [cigarett] butts to the ground, another illusion is uncovered: Patrick is much taller than he appears on camera and [Joaquin] Phoenix is much shorter"
Anonymous said on 20/Aug/05
in d tox stallone looks the same height