Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Jul/21
Actually watching the 'Addicted To Love' music video, he's shorter than the girls!
Mayfield said on 6/Oct/17
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If Dick Clark is 5'8, then Robert must be around 5'7 or slightly below that. Definitely not his equal here
dAVID said on 4/Aug/17
THIS site is about his height not he's personality , we can all be ****s on a bad day cant judge a person on hear say and rumor ..
scarboroughmick said on 29/May/17
I was at school with him and he was always short but wore high heels. I reckon about 5'6 unless he had a growth spurt in his twenties
sheri baby said on 13/May/15
he is still in my dreams.died too young
Twosie said on 6/Jan/15
5 ft 8 .....would have been perfect height and age for me....in my dreams!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Dec/13
Whoah! I thought this guy was like 6ft3 or more...
That powerful voice fooled me
Scarsdale said on 13/Jun/13
Yeah this sounds about right, thought he was bigger.
Rose said on 29/Sep/12
Robert Palmer can be seen on video standing next to Conan O'Brien on his program. If Robert Palmer was 6'4, I'm sure after watching the video, you will agree that Conan is approximately 7'6.
Jean S. said on 30/Apr/11
Robert Palmer claimed in a written questionnaire (in his own hand) that he was 5'10. Watching him singing a duet with Rod Stewart, neither is noticeably taller of shorter than the other; making Mr. Palmer around 5'9 to 5'11.
Tom Doyle said on 27/Jan/11
I remember reading in a Robert Palmer interview that Robert Palmer was 6'4. He mentioned in the article that the model's in Addicted to Love and Simply Irresistible did have to be at least 5'9 because of his height. Robert Palmer was quite clearly a tall man. Thank You.
Cynthia said on 22/Jan/11
Robert Palmer was 6'4. He was definitley not short. The models in his videos were 5'9 and up in three inch heels. You do the math. Dee, Mary Ambrose did sue the Estate of Robert Palmer in early 2004 on the....

Editor Rob
the rest of that post I'm afraid just isn't needed on a height site :)
Dee said on 11/Nov/08
I thought Palmer was 5'10". Anyone know if his commonlaw partner ever got his 54 million since Switzerland doesn't acknowledge commonlaw wives? Can't believe he smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Would love to hear some personal opinions from those who met him.
Michael said on 22/Oct/06
Well, the interview wasn't phony, but I guess because he was on "camera" at the time, he had to act all nice to his fans etc etc. Although there was an interview in 1991 in which Palmer got really angry over a question about those "look alike" models in "Addicted To Love", "Simply Irresistible", etc, etc, because Women Rights Groups were after him at the time. That was along time ago though, over 10 years. So I guess I forgot about that inncident.
Would you of met Palmer again or give him another chance if he were alive today?
Glenn said on 20/Oct/06
1990.he was rude to me,friends,Judas Priest,radio station WNEW,and the staff of the Hard Rock Cafe.all in one hour.and I heard other stories.what do you base him being nice on? a phony interveiw? no disrespect that is.
Michael said on 20/Oct/06
I thought Palmer was a nice guy? I saw the last interview before he died going to Paris, and he did look 5'8 from one angle. When did you meet him? Had to of been before 2003.
Glenn said on 16/Oct/06
I appreciate the apology Derek,but it wasnt needed cause you meant no harm.in fact what you said was true.Palmer was known to be a dick,so f*** him.youve been nothing but kind to me Derek,no worries.I just dontunderstand it when a jerk like regus gets live.get live in my face.
Derek said on 16/Oct/06
Sorry about the comment Glenn. I didn't mean it that way. Regus, at least Glenn gets to meet celebrities. He doesn't look stoned. Even if a picture or two didn't come out that great, that doesn't make it dopey. Now that I think about it, you're a bigger idiot for agreeing with me. I know I shouldn't have said it, but you agreeing with it makes it even worse. To sum it up, I apologize to you Glenn. I was wrong.
Regus said on 6/Oct/06
Agreed Derek. Glenn-so he wasn't willing to do one of those dopey 'Stand w/ Glenn and look stoned into the camera
Mugshots'. What's the big deal?
ForensicNYC said on 28/Sep/06
An original.
They used only one zoom lens for this take, a telephoto "flat" stage clip but nevertheless ground breaking in scope, clean cut, and trend setting. Still a good watch even if it were made more than 20 years ago.....
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Derek said on 25/Sep/06
You don't have to worry about him being a dick anymore Glenn. He's dead now.
Glenn said on 24/Sep/06
5-8 is correct.not the nicest.
Regus said on 24/Sep/06
Addicted to Love! Somehow I thought of him as being closer to 5-11 or so. He was good.