Peppadew said on 27/Apr/18
I had the chance to meet him & stood right beside him during the filming of Wonder Boys way back in 2000. I’m 5’-5”and he wasn’t that much taller... 5’-8” max, with shoes.
Jesus said on 27/Apr/18
He wears at least 2 inches of heels.
I would say he's closer to 5'6".
sulu2018 said on 27/Apr/18
He is visible smaller than James Corden
Shahab khan said on 21/Apr/18
I think he is close to 5.9 because his photos with 5.7 tom cruise and ben stiller clearly say that he is 2 inch taller than them. How you think Rob??
Old School said on 12/Apr/18
We have lots of pics and footage of his "pre-lift" movies & appearances. Looked somewhere between 5'7.5 & 5'8 at the tallest.
We have a prison mugshot, usually taken in standard prison shoes (.75- 1 inch gain) where he is in front of the board and if you look closely, you can see the lines bend up and the camera is low which should make him look even taller.....yet, minus hair, he appears to be hitting 5'9. So when you couple a low camera angle & sneakers adding height....yet he seems to only hit 5'9.....I am guessing he can only be 5'8 at the absolute max.
And to be clear, it wasnt that Robert told a prison guard he was 5'7, the claim was a casual claim from a user who was saying their Uncle was joking about how short Robert was and when THE UNCLE asked "what 5'7" ?" it is claimed Robert just said "somewhere around that" again, not even a confirmation or claim.....just Robert not really bothering to answer a guard's throwaway banter.
So I think between 5'7.5 & 5'8.
In my opinion, anyone who thinks he is less than 5'7 or as tall as 5'9.....are probably wrong.
CIMD said on 11/Apr/18
Probably 5'7.5"
Tomm said on 10/Apr/18
more like 168cm
his lifts are screeching
John Doe said on 7/Apr/18
A Strong 5'8". 5'9" in normal shoes. He wears big heeled shoes or lifts now because he enjoys being as close to 6' as possible. Leading man, big star etc. Or maybe so he doesn't appear shorter on red carpets than female co-stars in their 3" heels.
Conan said on 28/Mar/18
I think he is 5 ft 8 in (172.7 cm). It is clear that I'm taller than him nearly 2 inches (5 cm). I'm 5 ft 9 3/4 in (177.3 cm)
RDJ said on 15/Feb/18
I think that this downgrade was well deserved. RDJ never seemed a true 172.72 to me.
Darius, the reason why RDJ gets away with it is precisely because he makes no attempt to hide his lifts.
mande2013, RDJ and Cruise are big action stars. Guys like Pacino and Mcavoy are more known for their dramatic roles, so people don't expect them to be larger than life.
Darius said on 30/Jan/18
Well, for sure he is this listing max.
Althought I reckon that he may even be 5'7.5" possibly(Sort of, Similar to Cruise).
Btw, its quite surprising to see that Cruise gets a lot of flack about his height and lift wearing than Rdj while Robert's shoes are much clunky and conspicuous with obvious huge lifts,SMH.
Isaac 5'10 said on 28/Jan/18
@tree Well he wasn't trying to fool anyone with that.
Don Julio said on 13/Jan/18
176 cm in his elevators
Jake94 (5'9" 176cm) said on 10/Jan/18
177cm with lifts 172 without. In the Iron man movies he got an extra boost from the suit. At times he looked taller than Chris Evans. He was likely 5 or 6 inches above his actual height, with lifts and the boost from the suit.
mande2013 said on 10/Jan/18
I can only glean from all this that perhaps people just don't like TC, RDJ, Depp,
Mel Gibson, etc. as people, which is why even though none of them is all THAT short people still love to harp on the fact that they're not six footers, whereas Harington and McAvoy are nowhere close to being six feet and yet nobody cares.
mande2013 said on 10/Jan/18
Why is it that some male celebrities more easily "get away" with being short than others? TC and RDJ get shat on every day for merely being shorter than average, yet nobody's calling into question the manhood of Pacino, McAvoy or Harington.
lasla said on 9/Jan/18
5'7.75 is the peak or actual height for RDJ?
Krauser said on 30/Dec/17
Typical 5 ft 7 guy, no more
Darius said on 27/Dec/17
Rob, do you think 5'7.5" is possible?

Editor Rob
I think he might hold onto the 7.75 for a good while, though I can see sometimes why he can look shorter...though for me, I haven't seen enough to say 7.5 is a better shout.
Donatello said on 26/Dec/17
Rob, I'm sure you've been asked this before, but we did you take off a quarter inch? Isn't he a solid 5'8"?

Editor Rob
not that long ago, I figured all I've seen that almost 5ft 8 might be a decent shout, though for a long while I thought about 5ft 8 seemed ok...
Bobby said on 25/Dec/17
Hasn't he always had a 5'8 listing, why the downgrade?

Editor Rob
I think I seen enough from his early career, or before he started wearing big shoes, to think he was a weak 5ft 8 range.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 21/Dec/17
After comparing rdj and Law, it’s clear Jude is slightly underlisted, or rdj is slightly overlisted.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 20/Dec/17
TBH rob, knock another quarter inch off Robert and give it to Jude!
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 18/Dec/17
Rob, he nearly scored brad pitt's role in 'thelma and louise', but was rejected because he was "too short".

Editor Rob
yeah, sometimes you can be too short or tall for certain roles.
But then the reverse can be true - you can win roles because you are short or tall.
The Shredder said on 8/Dec/17
2.5 so he's look about 1.5 taller than his real height , so close to 5'8 is about right.
carrtman said on 7/Dec/17
Rob, how much do you think his "special sneakers" give him in the first picture with
Jude Law ?

Editor Rob
2.5 inches
Cameron said on 6/Dec/17
@Jake His lifts must be working as intended.
DirectorKrennic said on 5/Dec/17
@ Jake stop lying. You are probably 5'9" at best.
Jake said on 2/Dec/17
I actually met him, he is tall probably like 5’10 5’11 and i am 6’0
Ripped said on 1/Dec/17
Finally. Rob thats a good assumption for RDJ.
Powerhouse said on 1/Dec/17
Good downgrade
Jtm said on 30/Nov/17
All you need to do now is take the .75 off then his height is spot on.
Konan 510 said on 27/Nov/17
I'd say 5'7-5'7.5 is a good guess, king of the lifts this guy.
Puma said on 27/Nov/17
Rob, are you sure about that?Robert look longer than 172 cm generally.Probably, he wears lifts most of the time in films, especially Marvel films.

Editor Rob
in the 1980's I think Downey looked pretty much a weak 5ft 8, but in last 10 years he managed to look taller because of his choice of larger footwear.
Jery said on 25/Nov/17
He’s 5’7”
Cameron said on 25/Nov/17
Missed the downgrade. I agree though, weak 5'8" is spot on for him.
Slim 185 said on 25/Nov/17
Guanzo, wouldent that be Brad Pitt? He’s been wearing lifts for 30 years nonstop, even to the ****ing beach!!!!!!
Tonyx said on 24/Nov/17
I wonder what his wife thinks of this...
Darius, after wearing lifts for a decade at 52 i do think height loss is possible.
I think he will soon stop wearing elevators...
Jann said on 24/Nov/17
5 ft 8 1/2
Guanzo said on 23/Nov/17
The King of Lifts!
SS said on 21/Nov/17
I think not lower or higher than that is correct
Darius said on 20/Nov/17
5'7.75"- Finally an downgrade that was expected from a long time ago since I came to this site back in 2013. But I think that 5'7.5" is more closer to his real height. BTW I think a height loss is impossible for a person like him at age 52. Wish there were more photos of him with Cruise cuz I'm curious to know who will edge out in terms of height.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 19/Nov/17
I missed this downgrade, but it's a good one, even if I'd personally lop off another quarter inch.
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Nov/17
I agree with most, this is a good downgrade. I do still think there's a decent chance he'd edge out Cruise, though.
Adamz said on 17/Nov/17
Wasn't he the full 5-8 before, what happened rob?

Editor Rob
there's enough out there I think to say Downey is a weak 5ft 8, especially in the 80's when he wasn't into elevator shoes.
The Shredder said on 16/Nov/17
He was always listed 5'9 in the 80's and 90's , Had 5'9 on his police report and he was 5'9 in his mugshot. He most likely is around 5'9 in shoes and most likely claims that which = about 5'7.75 barefoot.
John said on 16/Nov/17
He looks ridiculous in the lifts, but props for being honest about it and why he does it. 5'7 - 5'8 seems about right for him.
Slim 185 said on 10/Nov/17
He may have lost a quarter inch at 52 years old.
Slim 185 said on 10/Nov/17
Good downgrade. If anything. This may be the worst idea of ideas, you should make a “recent downgrades” page.
Anonymous said on 10/Nov/17
Tallest 5'7.75 I've ever seen tho he does wear lifts so I will say 5'7.75 barefoot
Shredder said on 10/Nov/17
Perfect downgrade
Merry said on 23/Oct/17
randomuser said on 22/Oct/17Definitely RDJ is a big man at 5'10 ... I don't understand why people think he is short
Because he needs inches of lifts to be under 5'10" claim. I not think he is short, but definetely nothing more to 5'7.5"
randomuser said on 22/Oct/17
Definitely RDJ is a big man at 5'10 ... I don't understand why people think he is short
Paul V said on 20/Oct/17
5'7.5 real height and 5'9.5 with lifts.
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Oct/17
I suspect that was what gave him the idea and the superhero roles gave him more of a definitive image to live up to. Just ask Snake Plissken how old it gets hearing "I thought you'd be taller!" over and over. ;) It's interesting that unlike Cruise and Gibson, it doesn't seem the press was the reason. The press only really picked up on his height after and did so primarily because of the shoes he was wearing like the Iron Man 2 heels.
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Oct/17
@Rob: Well, he was wearing these big platforms 8 months before Iron Man started filming:
Click Here and I think I remember him wearing lifts in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang earlier so maybe that was his introduction. In fact, I'm almost positive that in an interview where Robert was asked what he kept from his films, one of the items he mentioned was lifts from Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. But iirc, it was only after Iron Man that he became the 24/7 lift wearer he is today so I do believe the superhero role was a decisive factor. Let's face it, hearing "Wow, I thought Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes would be taller" a hundred times will get old. That extra inch or two might cause a few less to say it and Robert shows he's keenly aware of the "male enhancement" part of the business as he puts it in that Japan Times interview.

Editor Rob
Kiss Kiss may have then been a catalyst.
Junior said on 14/Oct/17
I guess Robert Downey Jr is not over 5'7.75" maybe holding a good 5'8 in the morning.
Shredder said on 13/Oct/17
I can see him claiming 5'9 , 5'10.
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Oct/17
He wore normal shoes all the time before his comeback. Here he is wearing sandals next to Val Kilmer:
Click Here And here he is with shoes that don't even add an inch with Keanu Reeves:
Click Here Not as short as people think. I'd think he was at least 5'8" from those pics, but seeing him shorter than 5'8" Andrew McCarthy, I'd give him 5'7.75", which also looks more plausible early in his early career with Harvey Keitel and Dennis Hopper, both of whom I doubt were a full 5'8" themselves.

Editor Rob
I wonder if filming Iron Man gave Downey a taste of being taller and he liked the idea of looking 5ft 9 or 10 to people, so started wearing bigger elevators in public.
MTT said on 12/Oct/17
I've never seen this guy wearing a normal pair of shoes. He probably lifted even his socks.
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Oct/17
I've wondered that too, but I'd bet he claims or has claimed 5'9". This is based on the fact that he seemed to be listed or described at that in most articles pre-internet. Though I remember one that was less specific describing him as 5'8" or 5'9" and "slim in a martial arts way" and one late 80's/early 90's even had him 5'10"! But for the most part, he was listed 5'9" and since that's also near enough his height in standard shoes based on his mugshot, it'd be a pretty normal claim. As paradoxical as it may seem, I'd actually be less surprised if he came up with a more honest claim nowadays despite his huge lifts. The reason is he's become quite self-deprecating about his height joking how he had to stand on a box to kiss Paltrow, who I'm pretty sure he's also admitted is taller than him as well as his candid admissions of his lifts. An anonymous poster here did claim years ago that their uncle was a guard when RDJ was in jail and claimed they asked him if he was "5-7" and Downey is supposed to have responded "Yeah, around that mark" or something to that effect. Take it with a grain of salt as there's absolutely no proof and I personally don't assume this happened or read anything into it, but it was claimed here, fwiw.
Probably a bit under 5'8" barefoot is likely for his actual height, imo.
an anonymous peach said on 7/Oct/17
I wonder what he claims
AIRES87 said on 5/Oct/17
In the movie with Jared Leto you can see he’s shorter. Leto is listed at 5’9. My guess is 5’7.5 ish
JJAK said on 2/Oct/17
Id guess 5 7 tops based on him mega man shoes, only elton john and vinny d wear more.
If you watch his earlier movies he looked short even when playing a youth as an adult.
He is even shorter than wes who is 5 8 max back in his 30s.
Dom said on 30/Sep/17
Seems shorter than 5' 7" he's standing on a foot high platform whilst also wearing platform shoes whilst his costar is simply wearing trainers
Click Here skip ahead to 8:09
Darius said on 6/Sep/17
I agree with Rising. So I would go with 5'7.5" min. or maybe 5'7.75" at the max. Not more and not less. TBH I am a huge fan of his elevator shoes and his movies , of course.
Tonyx said on 2/Sep/17
5ft7.5in. Wears 1.25in-1.5in lifts in his thin soled high top sneakers. Somebody should send him a link to the Don's Mid Sole Technology shoe page.
Such a shame.
Talented, entertaining actor. One might even say he is a unicorn. I'd like him to get a part in a Tarantino/Scorsese movie.
Ben said on 20/Aug/17
Meme Dude
Tony Stark is 6'1" in the comics.
Meme Dude said on 17/Aug/17
What? Iron Man is 5'8? I bet he wants camera angles so he can look 6 feet. I saw a meme on elevator shoes and I think he wears like 3 inch lifts a lot I mean come on Iron Man
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Aug/17
@Slim: Maybe not for every scene, but I'm sure at times it was as good as most films. I'm sure Robert was shorter than
Kiefer Sutherland in that Vietnam war era film they did in the late 80s with Bruce Dern, I think it was called "1969." Kiefer is imo, a 5'8.5" max and 5'8" minimum guy. I had been thinking Robert was a flat 5'8" for a while, but I'd have thought he'd have looked taller with his lifts and high tops next to Michael Keaton in 0.6"-0.7" type sneakers and Tom Holland in 1.3" range boots.
@Shredder: I'd say 5'7.5" minimum and 5'8" max, so I'd give him 172 cm. I think he'd likely just edge out Cruise, but not by much and it's always been possible to me they're the same height. Since the mugshot would be advantageous to Downey, I think it suggests he was more a weak 5'8" or just under 5'8" if his shoes were 1". I don't think he was taller than guys like Harvey Keitel and Dennis Hopper back in the 80s and I've long doubted either were a full 5'8".
Shredder said on 14/Aug/17
He looks pretty close to Andrew but not a full 5 '8 ... based on this he needs a slight down grade , he is more 5'7.5.
Click Here
Slim 182 cm said on 14/Aug/17
Rising, are you sure the ground was good in "less than zero"?.
His listing is not bad, I'd leave it the way it is.
Boba Fett said on 13/Aug/17
Downey Jr. usually looks 5'10/11" in the Marvel films. The magic of camera work with some extra help from wearing lifts, lol.
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Aug/17
He's close to 5'8", but probably not quite since I believe Andrew McCarthy, who admitted to being 5'8" himself was taller than RDJ in Less Than Zero.
adam said on 8/Aug/17
strong 5'7 man, king of lifts.
Truth said on 4/Aug/17
Based on the barefoot images of Robert Downey Jr. with his wife, it's very clear that the man is a solid 5'7" Anything above that is stretching it.
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Aug/17
I'd bet Downey is 172 cm. He can pass for about 5'9" or so in his sneakers. Sometimes taller when he wears more of an elevator boot like in Richard's photos below. As for parents heights. At their peaks, my father was a solid 183 cm and my mother 165. Guess I drew the short straw because my brother is 183-184 and my sister is 169.
Slim 182 cm said on 26/Jul/17
His listing is fine.
mande2013 said on 26/Jul/17
It's not that uncommon for a guy to be significantly shorter than his father if he has a short mother.
Richard said on 24/Jul/17
Rob, in my previous post I said that Downey could be between 171-173 cm, but looks at these pictures with his wife Susan Nicole (160 cm/5'3"):
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Here he has an advantage due to the angulation:
Click Here
What do you think? The differenze can be of 4-4.5" make him a 5'7.5"?

Editor Rob
beach shots can be a bit tricky with the ground uneven in places.
Agreco4l said on 23/Jul/17
Barely 5'8" but tries to be 5'10"
BSW said on 22/Jul/17
I honestly think he is closer to 5'7". I respect him though, He admits that he wears lifts. No celeb has the confidence to do that. What a champion.
Alfie Duggan said on 21/Jul/17
5'9 just short of 5'10
Richard said on 21/Jul/17
Robert Downey Jr. is in the 171-173 cm/5'7.5"-5'8" range.
If you see him with the Avengers' cast he can't be lower. With lifts, probably 5-6 cm/2-2,5" Downey is a good 178cm/5'10" with a possible 6' Evans:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
So 171-173cm/5'7.5"-5'8".
John Davis said on 16/Jul/17
He's way shorter than this
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Jul/17
Mel Gibson is a bit too enigmatic to use as a truly reliable reference. Mel can look anywhere from 5'8" range up to about 5'11", but I do think there looks to be about a 3 cm difference in wide shots of the two, which adds up with my estimates of Mel at 175 cm and Downey at 172. I think their footwear was similar in those shots, but Mel undoubtedly had a footwear advantage in some scenes as you can see Downey has 0.6" Converse and Mel has boots here:
Click Here But while this still of the wide shot I posted is a bit far away to say anything definitive about footwear, it looks to me like they both had similar boots:
Click Here So the height difference should vary.
But it is notable that admitted 5'8" Joaquin Phoenix looked taller with Mel than Downey did.
SekoGemo said on 13/Jul/17
Rob is it not weird to have 6ft 3 father and be 5ft 8 why do you think this happened

Editor Rob
his Mother wasn't tall, so genetically, it depends how much of a mix from parents hegiht genes we get. Sometimes you get more taller aspects, other times the middle ground and sometimes the shorter ground.
Darius said on 13/Jul/17
I don't know where some comments have gone upto 5'8.5". 5'8" max is the most reasonable. My bet's on 172-173 cm. He looked shorter than Andrew Mcarthy and very similar to Mark Ruffalo.Looked shorter than
Mel Gibson over 1.5 inches.I would say 5'7.75" I what suits him
RisingForce said on 11/Jul/17
That's true, most people aren't aware of these things. Most will probably see him in those Iron Man and Avengers films and never think he's 5'8", much less slightly below it for a second due to the biggest heels and elevator boots and/or boxes to stand on for close ups.
RisingForce said on 9/Jul/17
The mugshot probably helped Rob start with a logical guess while other celebrities don't have as easy a reference point. Plus, when this site started, RDJ was only just starting to wear lifts. But if Holland has 1.3" boots and Downey 2" sneakers, I'd say 172 cm since I really only see 1.5" between the two.

Editor Rob
it's worth remembering with celebrities - a very high percentage of people who are familiar with Downey are only familiar with him from seeing his movies, not seeing photos of him in elevator sneakers.
A minority will be aware of his big footwear tendencies.
Shredder said on 9/Jul/17
Rob , how he ever been listed anything but 5'8 on here? I only ever remember this listing

Editor Rob
he could be one of those Long-Termers, who has stuck since the start.
Richard said on 8/Jul/17
Rob for tea time you consider the 5:30-6:30 p.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m.?

Editor Rob
yes 5.30-6.30 these days.
My routine is typically wakening up between 5am and 6am, breakfast at 7am, lunch about 12pm, dinner after 5 usually about 6pm
In bed from 9-10 usually.
Shredder said on 7/Jul/17
Rob , I'm not English , but what time is tea time? For me I drink Green Tea a few times a day.

Editor Rob
tea time is just a phrase for Dinner time.
Richard said on 7/Jul/17
Hi Rob, same question as for Holland:
when Downey measures 5'8"? 5-6 hours after he woke up or after 8-12 hours?

Editor Rob
like with Holland, you could make a good case that Downey drops under to 7.75 at tea-time.
he's held 5ft 8 for a good long while though, but i can appreciate 5ft 7.75 estimates might not be wrong...I feel 5ft 8.5 for downey is just too much
RisingForce said on 4/Jul/17
I'm going to have to agree with Blake on 172 cm being more likely after seeing RDJ recently in his usual sneakers not much taller than 5'8.25"-5'8.5" Michael Keaton, who only had 0.6"-0.7" type sneakers himself:
Click Here Click Here
That's also an admitted 5'7" Tom Holland in boots in the first pic and Marisa Tomei, who should reach about 5'6" in heels. Weak 5'8" is probably the best fit for RDJ.
Blake said on 3/Jul/17
Rob, I think its time to drop him to the 5 ft 7 3/4 mark
RisingForce said on 30/Jun/17
Actually, the difference may be a little bigger than I thought there. Probably 3-4 cm range, imo.
Btw, Rob, I tried to post a few days ago identifying RDJ's sneakers, but it didn't go through. If so, is it because one of the links was a Daily Mail article? In case, here's the post without any Daily Mail links.
In the photo used above with
Jude Law, Robert was wearing these Alejandro Ingelmo Tron mid-top sneakers:
Click Here As you can see, nothing mentioned in product info about an extra wedge/lift, so I assume Robert put in his own inserts with those.
But these sneakers Robert wore are $2000 wedge sneakers and come with what is called a 2.5" heel:
Click Here If that's what the sneakers advertise as then it likely means Robert gets about 2" or so in height.
And one more for good measure, Robert wore these Marc Jacobs Beaded Sneakers with Jeremy Renner in my June 20th post:
Click Here
Mostly designer high tops, probably with his own inserts a lot of times, but sometimes built in. I have trouble seeing how Robert would get more than 2.5" max out of a lot of these since some look like they'd add no more than 2 cm without lifts and it's very likely he's only walking around with a roughly 2" boost a lot of the times.
RisingForce said on 30/Jun/17
Posted this on
Mel Gibson's page a while back, but how much height difference do you really think there is between Downey and Gibson in this wide shot on the runway?
Click Here Downey didn't wear lifts back then. I also posted a liftless Downey with Val Kilmer and Keanu Reeves a while back and most agreed Robert did really look 5'8", even 5'8.5". He even had sandals at one of the events. 5'8.5" is too high, but a full 5'8" may not be. 5'7.5" is the lowest RDJ could be, imo and I really think he has to be 172-173 range.

Editor Rob
there could have been anywhere from over 1 up to 2 inches.
RisingForce said on 30/Jun/17
With Ben Kingsley:
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Kingsley is listed at 172 cm and as far as I can tell, really still did look close to Don Cheadle:
Click Here Click Here
Regardless of footwear, it's obvious RDJ was taller than Kingsley at that time. If Kingsley was really still 171-172 range then Downey seemed to be pulling off over 5'9".
When Downey switches from sneakers to boots, like these:
Click Here Click Here It doesn't look like he was standing that much shorter than strong 5'11" Jimmy Kimmel:
Click Here He probably looked at least 5'10" or so. He usually looks more 5'9" range because the gain from his high tops and lifts are more limited despite how obvious they look. That's what makes people think he's shorter. He's looked taller than Mario Lopez all 3 times I've seen them together, including a video interview I posted here a few months back. I've said I don't think Mario is over 5'8.5", but I don't think he's under it either.
Shredder said on 30/Jun/17
I agree MJKoP , 5'6 is insane , I'm 5'6 and I know he has to be atleast 1.5 taller
MJKoP said on 26/Jun/17
The 5'6" tops estimations are crazy....just because someone wears ridiculously obvious heels, it doesn't automatically make them super-short. An under 5'8" dude could NOT look at least the same height as Chris Evans and taller than a heeled Paltrow. Someone even referenced his role as Charlie Chaplin to 'prove' how short he actually is, but in that film they obviously employed tricks to make him look much *smaller* as "The Little Tramp"(key word: LITTLE) was 5'4" to 5'5", and frequently used his lack of height as a means of his ingenious comedic relief.
Slim 181 cm said on 22/Jun/17
172 cm, this guy wears huge heels!
Click Here
Still a beast ironman and Sherlock Holmes though.
RisingForce said on 20/Jun/17
2"-2.5" makes sense since I believe the style of sneakers he often wears would be about 0.7" without lifts, but you can fit a good lift in high tops and I believe Downey is often putting a bigger than 1" lift in his sneakers based on how big the bulge often is. That also adds up with Downey being about 5'8" since he tends to look 5'9"-5'9.5" range in them. He does wear elevator shoes or boots, though at other times and he wears bigger shoes in movies, whether it be the 3" platform heels, or these munsters:
Click Here
172 cm is also very possible, but somewhere in that range as Downey always appears taller(in lifts) than 173-174 Jeremy Renner:
Click Here Also at the 2013 Oscars:
Click Here Video of the 2 at NYSE:
Click Here And photo at the NYSE with shoes:
Click Here
Snart said on 20/Jun/17
5'7 maximum
Quoter86 said on 18/Jun/17
His lifts look utterly ridiculous. At least he doesn't lie about wearing them though, that would just be absurd.
5'8 is spot on, looking at the pics 5'7.75" is possible.
Batman said on 8/Jun/17
Rob, do you think that in the morning, with good posture, RDJ could hit 5'9" maybe 5'9.25" barefoot?

Editor Rob
I can't see him that high out of bed.
Ken said on 4/Jun/17
Rob, how much height do you think his "special sneakers" add? 1 inch or close to 2?

Editor Rob
his hi-top style sneakers I believe give him 2-2.5 range, somewhere in there.
Tom said on 29/May/17
5'8" seems about right. Just watching Age of Ultron and he boosts his height a LOT in it. It looks a bit ridiculous, you can tell he's not actually that tall.
MJKoP said on 28/May/17
5'8" minimum. 5'8.5" maximum.
RisingForce said on 18/May/17
Yeah 172-173 cm. 168-170 way too low, but 174 is too much. He passes for at least 5'9" in his usual lifts. With 5'10" Mike Tyson:
Click Here With extra posture and a bit of a camera advantage, he can look even with a 5'10" guy like Anthony Mackie:
Click Here Click Here I'd bet Mackie with same posture and position was edging him out a bit so RDJ is probably the equivalent of a 176-177 cm guy in those lifts. RDJ can measure up pretty well to Evans, but Evans can look 182 cm max with Mackie. 174 cm is more possible than 168-170 at least. Rob mentioned a while back wedge sneakers giving 2.2" to 2.8" and I think that really is the range Downey wears, probably varies in that range since I do think he goes bigger sometimes and more honest other times when I don't see the same bulge and he looks more proportioned. Occasionally, he wears a thicker elevator boot or big heels, which may be more at times, but for the most part, I think RDJ is getting more than 2" and less than 3".
Bee123 said on 16/May/17
I was thinking 5'6 might be to low but even though he doesn't care and rocks his shoes.
How can people even give an accurate estimate lol
Maybe 5'8 is his height maybe not
delancey said on 13/May/17
The 5'6 estimates are definitely too low, but I don't think he's 5'8.5, that is a bit of a stretch imo.
A weak 5'8, 172/173 cm area I reckon.
meezemaker said on 13/May/17
No way. this m'en issus 169-171 max.
Looks an inch smaller than keitel wearing flat shoes...
Keitel is 170-172.
So he need a real down grade.
With his famous heel on sneakers, he gain 2.8 inches and still look an inch smaller than jude law 's 5'10 With shoes...
Max 5'7, maye 169,5cm
rob make an real investigation 😉, it seems u lost ur Objectivity.
Shredder said on 11/May/17
Yeah , I'd buy 5'8.5 any day over 5'6 or 5'7 flat
mister_lennon said on 27/Apr/17
5'6 is a joke for him.
about 173-174.
Canson said on 27/Apr/17
Nah he isn't 5'6" more 5'7-5'8
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 26/Apr/17
The 5ft6 estimations are way too low. Just because RDJ wears lifts, it doesn't mean that he's that short like many people make him out to be. Obvious lift-wearers are often guessed at lower height than their real height, simply because the guesser believes that the lifts gives the wearer more height than it actually does. This is the same reason why some people estimate
Vin Diesel at 5ft9, when in reality he's way taller than that. My personal belief is that RDJ is a solid 5ft8 as listed, or at worst a fraction under.
RisingForce said on 19/Apr/17
I agree, Sam, which adds up with his mugshot. People think he's shorter because he usually doesn't even get 3" from shoes that are as conspicuous as 4" elevators. Haven't seen Less Than Zero in years, but Spader is supposedly 5'9" and claims 5'10" so RDJ should be shorter. Maybe McCarthy had more footwear, better posture or camera advantage? Btw, he joked about having to stand on a box recently to kiss Gwyneth Paltrow on Good Morning America, so I'm surprised nobody has a found a height claim since he seems willing to talk about. He was still described as 5'9" in recent articles so I'd bet he'd claim that, but he might even be honest and admit lower.
Sam said on 19/Apr/17
@RisingForce, IMO I would say RDJ looks pretty much as listed in those lift-less shots with Kilmer and Reeves, he may pull off a strong 5'8" at times (5'8.25"ish).
jtm said on 18/Apr/17
I watched less than zero again a couple days ago. He's at least inch shorter than Andrew McCarthy and James Spader is taller even with terrible posture.
RisingForce said on 17/Apr/17
Sorry, Rob, you can delete my previous post as the images were the entire purpose of it and none worked. I'll just say people can look up RDJ liftless with Val Kilmer and Michelle Monaghan at Cannes and Deauville film festivals and with Keanu at Cannes. I'll just post Downey in sandals looking only 3" shorter than Kilmer:
Click Here and one with Keanu:
Click Here
RisingForce said on 16/Apr/17
Actually, you don't have to go back that far for a liftless RDJ. While he wore lifts in "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang", we can judge his real height from events for that and "Scanner Darkly", since he was liftless for those events with one exception where he wore his 2nd most ridiculous shoes behind the 3" platform heels Guest66 posted:
Click Here 70's disco platforms! Though he didn't actually have lifts inside and at other events, he sometimes had less footwear than Kilmer. I'll post the best photos for height comparison in a later post, but please, for the love of god, make sure you see footwear because Downey will go WAY up on his toes!
Click Here All I'll say for now is I wouldn't rule out the full 5'8" seeing Downey lift less with Keanu Reeves.
trumpslave said on 15/Apr/17
@Guest66 are u kidding me bro?? If tom cruise for Rob is 5ft7.5 RDJ is at least 5ft8 cause tom cruise is a dwarf
RisingForce said on 14/Apr/17
Shredder is right. Just about 5'9" in normal shoes, maybe slightly shorter considering camera advantage. Then again, you posted one of the strange photos where he looks shorter:
Click Here I doubt Keitel was over 5'7.5", though looks like possible ground advantage. But then Dennis Hopper was 5'8" max, if that and seems taller in this still:
Click Here Though in True Believer, he does pull off not less than 5'8" in this scene if James Woods is 5'11":
Click Here I may try to watch the full movie later. As of now, I'm undecided on anywhere from 5'7.5" to 5'8". 172 cm is a good possibility, but I don't want to give a final guess until I really compare him in his pre-lift days. I do think we can assume his elevator sneakers add somewhere from 2.2"-2.8" as Rob mentioned. People probably think he's shorter than he is because those sneakers are as conspicuous as the Don's that give nearly 4", yet Downey is getting more than an inch less than that.
Guest66 said on 5/Apr/17
I'm not sure what your waiting on Rob. Downgrade this already. We have enough evidence to prove he's not 5'8". I'm not even sure he's 5'7" but I'll give him that. I mean would someone who's almost average height ever feel the need to do this?
Click Here Dudes more like 5'7" possibly 5'6". No legit 5'8" guy would EVER feel the need to wear ridiculous shoes like that.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Apr/17
@ TMI - (After reading your comment on 'latest comments')
I didn't get fooled, but I did go to his page to see how tall he really is!
I'll go for 5ft7.75! Standing here with Gwyneth Paltrow, there doesn't seem that much in in - look at their comparative shoulder levels, but though Gwyn's in high heels, who knows what Robert's got secretly tucked away in his boots? But there can't be as big a boost in his shoes as in those heels she wears!
I think I'd better change my mind. He can have 5ft7.5!
Tc said on 2/Apr/17
There's a mugshot with a height chart & downey jr is clearly slightly over 5ft 8 with big hair. I'd go 5ft 8 or 5ft 7.5 definitely.
TMI said on 1/Apr/17
RDJ is easily 5'11".....................
April Fool's😎
Judases said on 1/Apr/17
Would be shocked if he's above 5'6". He looks to be in the 5'8"-5'9" range WITH his ridiculously clunky boots.
Ian said on 31/Mar/17
@ Cameron Yeah I think a downgrade is definitely justified. This guy probably doesn't even scrape 5'8" fresh out of bed. Weak 5'8" at best for Iron Man.
Cameron said on 29/Mar/17
Yeah I think it's definitely time to do a 172 cm "weak 5'8"" downgrade with this one. I'd be shocked if he's 5'8" flat barefoot. He's definitely a below average dude. Not super short but clearly below average.
Shredder said on 27/Mar/17
He has to be around 5'7.5 at the very shortest , Look at his mugshot.
RisingForce said on 27/Mar/17
I don't think he gets anywhere near 4" from the sneakers either, Rob, I would think he gets boosted anywhere from 2.25" to 2.75" over barefoot height. I upgraded from 1" lifts to 2" lifts in my boots with 2" Cuban heels and went from about 5'10.75" in them to clearing 5'11", although I actually had to buy boots 1 or 1.5 sizes too big to fit the 2". I'd guess Downey could have got a bigger boost than his ridiculous sneakers when he's worn other elevators, such as the recent Mario Lopez interview. Downey may have gotten near 4" once when he wore the 3" heeled boots with the platform in Iron Man 2 and if you look in set pics for films, his elevators seem potentially bigger than what he wears at premieres, but the sneakers are usually around 2.5", imo.
Wrs567 said on 27/Mar/17
I wonder how his wife feels about his ridiculous lift wearing
Surely standing next to him at premieres, she must know why he is always weirdly taller
than the usual regular days at home
berta said on 27/Mar/17
i think absolute lowest possible for him is 171 and tallest is probably this listing. i think stron g172 guy could be the best option
RisingForce said on 26/Mar/17
It's almost unnecessary to see inside the sneakers, Rob, you can see even from the outside his lifts are huge!
Click Here Click Here I think he's gotta be putting 2 inch lifts in his sneakers at times like that. A 1" lift in a sneaker really isn't going to look ridiculous. He would do much better with a pair of Dons, he could even use the 4" pair and be no more conspicuous than he is now. He really doesn't do any better than I do with my cheap lifts. 172 cm would be better, imo. I have to check that 80's film he did with James Woods pre-lift days to see how he looked.

Editor Rob
I don't think Downey is getting anywhere near 3.5 inches, the angle for elevators that big is quite harsh. I remember in one film he had a big heel on his shoe, something like 2 inch if he managed another lift inside, then maybe that was an occasion he got at least 3 inches.
The elevator sneakers, I see the wedge sneakers in shops a lot for women, they can vary from about 2-2.8 range I found.
delancey said on 23/Mar/17
Rob is there any chance of an upcoming downgrade for Mr Downey Jr? Surely mid to high 5'7 range is more likely?

Editor Rob
5ft 7.75 is NEVER ruled out...I would like to see inside some of his sneakers to see the type of lift he has in them.
mister_lennon said on 16/Mar/17
He doesnt look to me that short. He is very similar to tom cruise in heigth. Minimun 5'7.
Jax said on 16/Mar/17
this guy wears literally high heels and you give him only 1 inch less than what his height on heels is? 5'6 at the most
mister_lennon said on 15/Mar/17
About 173-174.
strong 5'7-weak 5'8.
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/17
He looks taller than Mario Lopez(listed 5'9" here, but I think 5'8.5") throughout this interview:
Click Here I assumed Downey was in his usual sneakers packed with lifts, but he looked taller than the 5'9" he typically looks in those, so I checked his shoes and it looks like he upgraded!
Click Here I don't know how much that style of elevators adds, but you may see Downey with a growth spurt in his 50s looking around 5'10"!
Shredder said on 14/Mar/17
He looks 5'6 with his wife there , but beach photos are impossible to really judge height.
RisingForce said on 10/Mar/17
The 2 pics above are a good example of Robert not hitting 5'8" barefoot.
Jude Law would be 5'11.5" max in those boots making Downey no more than 5'10" in footwear and Paltrow about 6' in heels, but is at least 2" taller especially since her knees don't look completely straight. Downey clearly put lifts much bigger than 1" in those sneakers and should be getting about a 2.5" boost putting him around 5'7.5" barefoot, roughly what he looked in the 80's.
Aaron King said on 10/Mar/17
Here barefoot on beach with his 5'3 wife
He's 5'6.5 and 5'7 MAX barefoot at night
Click Here
Dan said on 9/Mar/17
Robert Downey Jr. is an amazing actor and I'm a huge fan of him, but he's definitely nothing over 5' 7". He wears huge elevator boots at any public appearances and when casual he still wears lifts in his shoes. He is very height aware and does everything to look taller. I think the others gave enough arguments to prove that he's shorter than 5' 8".
Sammy Derrick said on 4/Mar/17
Click Here Why Robert?WHY???I'm a 5'8 guy(172cm-173cm)and seeing guys the same size as me insecure about their height makes it even worse!!!The guy has played IronMan/Tony Stark whose 6'1
Click Here and Sherlock Holmes whose 6'0
Click Here and nobody complained he should be happy.
Click Here According to this mug shot he's 5'10(mostly due to his hair)I'd guess 5'8(without checking his footwear)
unsung war said on 27/Feb/17
Over 5'8 edge, one of the best actors
James said on 24/Feb/17
Weak 5'8" at best, his stupidly large shoes don't help his cause either.
GP said on 22/Feb/17
Friend of mine went to high school with in Santa Monica and they would hang out after that before he was famous and liftless. She would tell me that he is short like 5'7". I think that happens to be true since he is still an inch shorter than
Jude Law who Rob has at 5'10". So make the calculation, he is 5'10" with his monsters on, which means he is 5'7" without them and he looked an inch shorter than Wesley Snipes in US Marshalls and I have met Snipes who is not over 5'8". He should be downgraded.
Mike said on 22/Feb/17
Ah the age old debate of how tall this guy is, I will say that he was clearly wearing lifts in all the Iron Man movies, however I think he does just edge Cruise out. I'll say he's just under 5'8".
RisingForce said on 16/Feb/17
He's definitely no taller than the 5'7.75" Cruise is listed at here, imo. Look at him with 5'7.5" Don Cheadle:
Click Here Click Here The height difference is probably no greater than the footwear difference. The 5'7.5" he's usually been guessed at here is probably about as accurate as you can guess.
Shredder said on 14/Feb/17
If anything that Mugshot rules out 5'7 flat
Angle said on 12/Feb/17
The camera seems to be looking up at RDJ there in his mugshot so it's hard to tell exactly how tall he is.
I Think the mugshot rules out 5'8 though. Personally think he's anywhere from 5'6.5-5'7.5
JAK said on 10/Feb/17
The man wears ridiculous lifts and still looks short, if he was 5'8" then he should be eye to eye with six footers. I'd say he is 5'6" or lower.
Shredder said on 3/Feb/17
I would love to find his claim.
Jesus Christ said on 31/Jan/17
Click Here
mug shot, he probably has shoes. His posture is kinda like Zayn Malik. I'm giving Robert a 5ft 7.5in
delancey said on 30/Jan/17
The King of Lifts! (or does that crown instead go to the Italian Stallion?).
Again, I try and avoid downgrading but 5'7 range seems more likely imho.
yea buddy said on 25/Jan/17
lol, he is 5'6 and perhaps shorter! Just check the amount of lifts he wears, the horrible looking ugly as hell thick shoes he is always wearing. Downey jr could barely surpass 5'8 gwyneth paltrow with 4 inches high heels in iron man
i bet he is paying you to say he is 5'8
Shredder said on 29/Dec/16
That is because he can pull off 5'10 to 5'11.
Dee-6'1 said on 28/Dec/16
In a picture with John cena who claims 6'0 but on a good day 6 foot 1 Robert is only around 2 inches under cena if that so either a downgrade for cena or an upgrade for Robert .
Ramualdo said on 24/Dec/16
Com'n people look at his photos from 90's he is 169 max
Shredder said on 19/Dec/16
Downey can look as big as 5'10 to 5'11 in lifts
Byron T. said on 18/Dec/16
He towered over Tom Holland in the ''Spider-Man: Homecoming'' movie trailer:
Click Here
Without lifts, I think Robert Downey Jr. is 5'7.5.
Realist said on 16/Dec/16
Rob, I was watching "The Pick Up Artist", Molly Ringwald had 1/2 an inch at least on this dude. 5'7.5 peak my opinion. I love him. He is an idol. He is an artist, great come-back and when i watch the 80s movies i try to remember where are the artists today, where is Jude Nelson, Thomas Howell, Emilio Esteveez (though he is a really really brilliant guy), Rob Lowe (I love this guy too ;)) , Matt Dillon, Andrew McCarthy. From the extended Frat Pack we see only Downey, Cruise and Broderick and the funny thing is they are all 5'7.5. Brilliant pack i wish they all did a reunion movie with Judd Nelson being the Catalyst again (hahahahaaha). So today i guyss 5'7.25-5'7.5. With Lifts 5'9.5
Simone said on 9/Dec/16
Hi Rob, I'm using similar sneakers...
how tall do i look in this pic?
Click Here
thank you
are my shoe lifts visible?

Editor Rob
Simone, no they aren't really that obvious. Most folk wouldn't think anything of the sneakers.
jeff said on 8/Dec/16
Time for a downgrade 5'7 seems right.
BungalowBill said on 23/Nov/16
Might be 5'5". Have you seen him in barefoot on the beach?
Aleks said on 21/Nov/16
well he look 5'9 to me ..... but nowdays i think 5'8 - 5'9 range is ok so 5'8 it is then :D
sa344 said on 16/Nov/16
LMAO this guy is simply ridiculous with his elevator shoes and sneakers!
Sly would be jealous and proud
Darius said on 14/Nov/16
Min 5'7"
Max 5'7.5"
My bet is in 171 cm or 5'7.25".
mande2013 said on 14/Nov/16
He's probably a 5'7 guy barefoot.
h said on 10/Nov/16
5'7.5 seems spot on. He wears very high lifts.
Would be very nice if you can manage to get a height photo with him it would show how small he probaly will look like next to a 175cm
Realist said on 9/Nov/16
5'7 guy with magical lifts. He's 160 lbs average small guy.
6'2.4 Morning said on 6/Nov/16
I respect his honesty. Still, I think he's sub 5'8.
S.J.H said on 5/Nov/16
RDJ is 5'7 and tom cruise 5'6.75
ricksterr said on 1/Nov/16
Don't be fooled by his height in movies.
The secret is he wears big heels
Click Here
Chris said on 31/Oct/16
5'7 guy. Always wears lifts so he looks taller.
Knowing said on 25/Oct/16
He's about 5'6.5in.
GP said on 25/Oct/16
Rob since you downgraded
Jude Law to 5'10", which I think he is not since I have seen him few times and he has pretty bad posture and still clears 5'10". But anyway shouldn't you then downgrade Downey also? He wears 3" lifts and still manages to look couple inches shorter than Law. I have seen lot of his earlier movies when he didn't care about height or lifts and he always looked 5'7". Friend of mine met him once and he said that he was 5'9"-5'10" with shoes on but he was walking very strange, lol. He didn't know that Downey had 3" lifts in his shoes, hahaha.

Editor Rob
I would doubt Robert has 3 inch lifts inside his boots, although I think you could argue Downey long before he wore big boots could look a weaker 5ft 8.
Tiago said on 13/Oct/16
He have 1,74 CM !!!
patron said on 12/Oct/16
it's a shame that we can't go lower than 5'6, because he is
Ryan said on 3/Oct/16
The last year i saw him on the beach, i was so surprise how short tony star seems without his boots, i am a 6'1 guy and he look even shorter than my girlfriend who is like 5'8, it's really obvious he is a lift wearer anyway a nice guy
Darius said on 2/Oct/16
5'7.5 or 171.45 seems right as he looks 5'10.5" or 179 cm with Renner and other celebrities in his huge elevator shoes
HonestSlovene said on 15/Sep/16
@Linx I'd say 172 cm or a weak 5'8 under Evans, who is a weak 6' or 182 cm himself.
Shredder said on 11/Sep/16
Pic of him Robert from SNL days with Madonna who clearly has heels on.
Click Here
This blows away Danimal's 5'5 to 5'6 claims.
heightchecker34 said on 8/Sep/16
Without a doubt, THE most insecure celebrity in the world... Robert Downey Jr! Before I figured out all about his methods and techniques for gaining height, I always assumed he was in the 5'9-5'10 range, but was disheartened because he still looked shorter than every celebrity there, and I started to feel that as a 5'9 guy, I was truly short. Until, I realized he is most likely a strong 5'7 guy, claiming 3-4 inches taller than he really is. I think he is part insecure, and part just a
troll, because he knows it irritates people, and maybe he likes to see their reactions?! Everyone knows he wears clown shoes or extremely thick soles to compensate, yet he walks awkwardly because of the heel. Good to see where he is in life, compared to this past, he just needs to grow up a bit and realize that the bills he is standing on, makes him taller than most people combined:)
Shredder said on 19/Aug/16
He really didn't look anything but 5'8 in Chances Are next to Ryan o'neil
Shredder said on 12/Aug/16
He can look 5'10.5 range with Renner
RisingForce said on 31/Jul/16
Jude Law at 5'10" is sort of a domino effect and Downey is another example. I've long suspected that Downey was only about 5'7.5" and this is just further confirmation in my mind since Downey is always wearing lifts, still at least an inch shorter than
Jude Law and I'd be surprised if Downey's elevators/lifts don't add at least 2.5".
James Deckard said on 30/Jul/16
I thought that for many years (back to the Chaplin days) it was accepted that Robert Downey Junior was 'short' as in 5'6" and indeed this is one reason , apart from his physicality, that he was perfect to play Chaplin.
I've never thought of him as 5'8" I am somewhat surprised that he is being listed as 5'9" in some sites as 5'8" here. He even looks short on screen.
Brandon said on 18/Jul/16
5'7.5"-5'7.75". I can't see 5'8" for him.
Peter175 said on 10/Jul/16
Walhberg is the textbook 5ft8.
Downey is probably 172 or maybe even 171
Darius said on 7/Jul/16
Rob, how much height difference is there between Robert Downey Jr and
Jude Law in above pic? I think if the difference is 1 inch or more Downey is most probably 5'7" as Jude is a 5'10" man and rdj is wearing quite noticeable elevator shoes which can boost a 5'8" barefoot height to 5'9.5" easily.

Editor Rob
I wouldn't guess Downey as low as a 5ft 7, but I think people could argue he was 5ft 7.5
Alex said on 3/Jul/16
Really hard to say how tall Robert is. Of course he's a lift wearer, so, too hard to say, but surely he can't be over 173 cm.
Leo said on 1/Jul/16
Mark Wahlberg has short complexion (5'7 flat max)
Is also 5'7.75 more probably for him? Rob?

Editor Rob
for Downey, the 172 mark is something you wouldn't be surprised if he got measured at.
Wahlber I think generally looks 5ft 8, but he's never a guy who is in vans or anything, usually a decent sneaker or cat type boot.
Paul said on 26/Jun/16
Rob, is there any possibly of a downgrade for downey in the 5'7" range in the future?(5'7.5")

Editor Rob
the lowest I'd argue would be 5ft 7.5, that's about the bottom I would try to argue, but 5ft 7.75 is probably a very fair argument for Downey.
Darius said on 23/Jun/16
Rob, if rdj is 5'8" why is he looking much short than 5'10"
Jude Law even with elevator shoes? Does even Jude wear elevator shoes?

Editor Rob
depends if he is actually wearing a small or big elevator sneaker, it is harder to tell how much height is getting.
Leo said on 21/Jun/16
5'7.75" is the perfect shoot
Sam said on 20/Jun/16
IDK if these have already been posted but Downey was up to his usual height tricks at the Civil War premiere, really putting effort into looking close to Chris Evans height.
Click Here
Michaeljrocks said on 1/Jun/16
I have a friend in Hollywood who has spent time with RDJ. My friend is what you would call a weak 5'9. And he couldn't wait to tell me how short RDJ was. He told me that RDJ is pretty much the same height as me. I'm 5'6.5. Now if RDJ was really 5'8 I doubt a weak 5'9 man like my friend would feel much taller than him or compare him to my height. Maybe RDJ is around 5'7, but a true 5'8 man is notacibly taller than me.
JarvisOS said on 25/May/16
@Linz: Maybe not a 5'7"(170 cm) but in my opinion the highest he will measure is 5'7.75(172 cm). And also Chris Evans is 6'0(183 cm) flat. Downey always wears elevator shoes and therefore we think he is tall. Before knowing about his lift wearing I thought he is at least 5'9"(175 cm).
Linx said on 25/May/16
He's not 170cm (5'7'') ''max'' lol, no way chris evans is 14cm (or 5,5 inches) taller than him.
Click Here
JarvisOS said on 23/May/16
He is either 5'7"(170 cm) or a 5'7.25"(171 cm) at best at his peak I.e at age 21. He is 5'8" only with elevator shoes. Rob could you also add Captain America: Civil war to his list of films.
meezemaker said on 22/May/16
170 cm max.
I am surprised that this serious site still beleive 173 for Downey.
173...Come on it is a joke? Wearing heels, He still Looks 5cm smaller than jude law
Click Here
Charizard said on 19/May/16
This is 100% correct listing spot on 173
Andy said on 12/May/16
He forgot to take his Iron Man boots off !
Click Here
Mat said on 12/May/16
Rob, do you think that generally Downey looks 1 inch shorter than
Jude Law? without considering their footwear
Pitch_Fork said on 11/May/16
Dude is 5'7.5''. Maybe 5'7.25'' at his lowest. It is what it is
Emily said on 9/May/16
5'8.5 - 5'9
He is as tall as Gwyneth Paltrow when she isn't wearing heels. He is taller than T. Cruise, J. Black and B. Stiller.
Mightyman said on 7/May/16
Well he's definitely not 5'8. Maybe 5'5.5 - 5'6. If you watch Zodiac there is a nice full shot of both Mark Ruffalo and Downey facing each other. Ruffalo had atleast 1.5 inches on Downey. So if Ruffalo is 5'7 and a bit that makes Downey maximum 5'6 but could be shorter. Great Actor thou and girls love him so I don't think height matters.
Lori said on 7/May/16
Looks like he is 5.9 in this official police report
Click Here
ultron said on 2/May/16
Why these people are fighting for 0.5 inch to 1 inch. An inch is barely noticeable but still questionable . But arguing on a 0.5 inch is quite laughable. Any ways he is 5'7" range. But his current listing is not a huge thing as it has an error of maximum an inch. But some people here saying 5'9" or 5'10" are totally out of their minds.
Victor Polk said on 2/May/16
I think Robert is now 5'9, rather than being 5'8 anymore.
Paul said on 30/Apr/16
I think he is likely to be 5'7" than 5'8" . I don't think he was near 5'8" even in his peak because he was shorter than Andrew mcarthy in less than zero and Molly ringwald in the pickup artist. At those times he didn't wear the elevator shoes and he is clearly 5'7.5" max. But only by seeing the ironman films and Sherlock Holmes I thought he was 5'10". Anyways he does a good job in hiding his real height these days. I think his elevators add a minimum of 3 to 3.5 inches to his barefoot height.
Brian said on 28/Apr/16
Click Here
Just saw this online.
Pretty crazy.
digling said on 27/Apr/16
Click Here
Seriously, he is in the same range of Chris Evans, look at his pants, it has a cut which hides his elevator shoes, and balance with his leg calf.
He is definetely not just a great actor, but a Pro in elevating his height.
Dora said on 22/Apr/16
if you think this man is over 5'7 you should close your website
berta said on 18/Apr/16
its really hard to get his height because of the shoes but Everything about him looks small the shortest i can se him is 172 and the tallest 174. Bit for some reason i Think he is just 172 and with his lifts that are almost as big as Vin diesels he get to the height of 178-9
Josh said on 11/Apr/16
To me he looks 5ft 7.5 barefoot. He almost always wears huge elevator shoes.
Powerhouse said on 10/Apr/16
He needs a downgrade, he isn't 5'8 without his massive lifts, not a chance. Drop him down to 5'7 or at least 5'7.5. Ruffalo would be taller than him without shoes, Renner would be a solid inch taller.
kk170cm said on 9/Apr/16
Rob, what is your opinion of downeys short height despite lifts shown this page in a picture with Jamie foxx who is 5'9". I think foxx has normal footwear and rdj has lifts. Do you still believe he is 5'8"(173 cm)

Editor Rob
the 5ft 7.5 range could be argued for him...but that is the lowest I'd ever guess.
kk170cm said on 9/Apr/16
Judging by his picture near jamie fox he seems 5'7" flat. He should be at least that. Anything below 5'7" is impractical for him. 5'7" is also a bet by seeing his picture with his wife who is weak 5'3" i guess. 5 foot 7.5 inch or 171-172 is a guess for his peak height. I think he was never 5'8". A good actor though. I also am against claims that 4-5 inch lift is impossible. Even rob has shown the models of 4 inch shoe lifts on this site. Anything below 5'7" or above 5'8" flat is impossible for downey in my opinion
Maw1982 said on 4/Apr/16
Robert where's bigger Lifts than anyone in Hollywood hands-down!! Stallones lifts are nothing compared to his. some of his lifts give him five inches lol but he still is a great actor and I like his movies
gian92 said on 31/Mar/16
I couldn't believe that his father i s 6'3 !!
Aza said on 17/Mar/16
Like his honesty re lifts ..... Couldn't give a tom tit. Could be slightly lower than listed.
mande2013 said on 11/Mar/16
I can believe RDJ's under 5'7, but I don't quite buy him as a 5'6 flatter.
mande2013 said on 11/Mar/16
Judging by the beach photos with his wife, I'd say 169-170 is the most likely range. Perhaps 5'6.75 or thereabouts.
6"1_TruthTeller said on 4/Mar/16
Robert Downey Jr is by FAR the most insecure man in hollywood. After acquiring all that wealth and fame, he still seeks shoes on height elevator shoe sites with the most inches (ie. wearing 5.2 inch boots). It's NOT him having a sense of style, he's so insecure he cant go anywhere, even the red carpet, without his 5" sneakers.
He's 5"6 in real life (see photo of him on beach).
Wow, shows money cant buy happiness- or neither self-confidence for that matter. Biggest lol.
The_Punisher said on 22/Feb/16
5'7'' max for him.
Darius said on 17/Feb/16
I though he was at least 172 cm. But after seeing avengers i think he is 170 cm at the best. In the scene with paltrow on tge stark tower, she has no footwear and he has giant pair of shoes. They didn't have much difference in height despite footwear. Considering that Gwyneth paltrow is 175 cm, it makes me think that rdj is 170(5'7")cm.
a said on 14/Jan/16
so Downey wears 3-4 inch lifts? that is laughable. seriously he is too funny
meezemaker said on 10/Jan/16
If jude law is 5'8 5 / 5'9, how Robert D does to look smaller than jude whereas he is clearly wearing great lift?
Jude with shoes might be 5'10
Rob with lift look an inch smaller comparing the level eyes of both, so 5'9
Since rob is wearing huge lift, he might gain 2 inches, maybe more.
So, he is max 5'7
Last point on photographs with Harvey keitel, They look Same height, so 5'6 / 5'7 would be more accurate.
Rob can u down grade this height cheater please?
Danimal176 said on 7/Jan/16
LIFTLESS Robert Downey Jr. with MAX 5'10" Mike Tyson who was squatting down and still taller than Robert in the mid-late 80's:
Click Here
Fast forward to 2010 with a LIFT wearing Robert and 5'10" Mike Tyson:
Click Here
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Robert Downey Jr. was a cast member on Saturday Night Live in the mid-80's and he was a DWARFED by EVERYONE. 5'4" Madonna was a guest one show and Robert BARELY edged her out and she was wearing flat shoes. He's NOWHERE near 5'8".
jtm said on 3/Jan/16
someone here 6 or 7 years ago claimed downey told the police guard he was 5'7.
John said on 1/Jan/16
Probably 5'9 or 5'10, especially when he's that insecure about his height to the point of constantly wearing elevator footwear.
TJE said on 30/Dec/15
I'd love to see what height he claims lol
RisingForce said on 20/Dec/15
I do think 5'8" is a bit generous. He always looked pretty short throughout the 80's and 90's, more like a 5'7" range guy and still can look short. 5'7.5" would be my best guess. Like Cruise, I wouldn't go over 172 cm, or under 5'7".
RisingForce said on 20/Dec/15
He didn't look 5'10" in the mugshot without his tall hair. More like 5'9", but likely in shoes and standing in front of the chart will make you look taller. The booking sheet Sammy posted that lists him at 5'9" probably means that's what Downey claims. Cops usually ask your height or take the figure off your license, plus Downey was always listed at 5'9".
mande2013 said on 11/Dec/15
Judging by the beach photo with his wife I'd say 1m69.
Dark Knight said on 8/Dec/15
A few years back my brother in law was in a Baltimore bar when RDJ came in with Holly Hunter and Jodie Foster. They were filming "Home for the Holidays". He's about 5'8" and said RDJ was an inch shorter. Holly and Jodie were under 5'2". Very nice though and bought him drinks.
Mightyman said on 7/Dec/15
If his real height was 5'7.5 he really wouldn't need massive elevator shoes. 5'7.5 isn't really short. To be wearing 4 inch lifts hes got to be sub 5'6 or less.
Here he is with his 5'3 wife. Judging by that pic he cant be more than 5'5- 5'6 max
Click Here
the shredder said on 3/Dec/15
He is over 5'7. Maybe not 5'8 but over 5'7 , He looks 5'9 in his mugshot.
Gord man said on 2/Dec/15
RDJ is 5ft6.25 I have heard from reliable sources
PitchFork said on 2/Dec/15
Chuckie Cheese 2
take a look at his photos with
Mel Gibson. he did look clearly shorter that him. so considering Gibson was 175-177 in his prime Downey has to be about 168-169 cm tall
jtm said on 2/Dec/15
then andrew mccarthy is at least 5'10.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 1/Dec/15
Actual photos taken when he was in Police custody show him 5 ft 10, assuming 1 inch shoes, he was probably about 5 ft 9 at his prime.
Sammy Derrick said on 22/Nov/15
Click Here In this police record it says;5'9
RDJs heel said on 17/Nov/15
Looking at his body type and the pic posted by "a guy", the one where he's on the beach with his wife. I think he is nothing over 5'6" and that is being very generous. His lifts are the biggest you can get. At least adding 3" to him..
meezemaker said on 13/Nov/15
Still à bit shorter than jude law with his heel shoes. Same height than Harvey keitel. Seen on photographs.
look 1-2 cm shorter than jude law Ho is 175-176.
All is said. He needs to be down grade by respect to people who se height is 169 cm.-:)