Keith Bernard Hargreaves said on 29/Jun/17
I worked as a "Cater Waiter" for Daniel Boulud's restaurant Daniel. I served at Martin Scorcese's grandchild's christening at his Upper East side townhouse near Bloomingdales in N.Y.C. I did serve Mr Deniro some wine & hors'doevres & he spoke to me about things. He was exactly my height, which is 172 cm/5'7 and a half
RichardSpain said on 29/Jun/17
Today seems 171 cm I agree with this website. But when he was young a good 176/177cm barefoot is very possible too.
Snart said on 11/Jun/17
1.73 is possible for him when he was younger. No more than that.
Click Here
Moe said on 23/May/17
Looks about an inch shorter than
Zac Efron in Dirty Grandpa.
RisingForce said on 12/May/17
De Niro was still taller than 5'6" Bridget Fonda, who had big 3"+ wedge sandals in this scene in Jackie Brown:
Click Here But looked more 5'8" range with 5'5"-5'5.5" Dustin Hoffman the year that film was released in 1997 at age 54:
Click Here Click Here
RisingForce said on 10/May/17
5'9" peak is possible since he could look it if Keitel was 5'7.5" and I thought he could look at least that tall(albeit in boots) with Charles Grodin in Midnight Run. But I'm not completely sure. Certainly, De Niro looks 5'7.5" max these days, possibly only 171 cm and was already looking more 5'8"-5'8.5" range by his late 50s/early 60s as 176 cm Eddie Murphy was clearly taller in Showtime(2002), 5'8"
Mark Wahlberg looked similar at Tribeca in 2003 and 5'9" Philip Seymour Hoffman was clearly taller in 1999, but Michael Douglas has followed the same path as he also looks down to about 5'7.5" today and was no more than 5'8.5" by his late 50s/early 60s and I'm pretty sure he was 5'9" peak, so not impossible, but looking at earlier pics, I'm not ruling out 5'8.5" peak either. Unfortunately, there aren't many good full pics of De Niro, pre-1995.
Looks closer to 5'8" here with 6 foot Nick Nolte and other pics from the premiere:
Click Here
Tony Curtis is given a peak of 5'8.75" here and an aged Curtis could still look taller than De Niro:
Click Here
Strangely, De Niro looked shorter in the entire series of photos from this premiere with 5'8" Sean Penn:
Click Here
Doesn't look any taller here than Rob did with 5'10" range Tom Sizemore:
Click Here
Not much taller than 5'5.5"-5'6" Al Pacino in these pics:
Click Here Click Here
Dwarfed by 6'2.5" Ted Danson:
Click Here
I remember Frank2 mentioning The Last Tycoon to support his argument that De Niro was never taller than 5'8" peak. That's one of the few 70s De Niro movies I haven't seen, so can anyone confirm how tall he looked in it? As of now for his peak height, I think 5'8.5" minimum and 5'9" max. How long did De Niro's peak height last? Through Casino and Heat in 1995? Cop Land and Jackie Brown in 1997?
Spencer said on 7/May/17
5'9.25 peak
Sam said on 1/May/17
You know everybody has shrunken in this Godfather reunion when De Niro stands out as perhaps the tallest one.
Click Here
Click Here
Coppola who was once at least a couple inches taller than De Niro looks about the same height, which means I believe he's lost at least 3 inches.
mister_lennon said on 21/Apr/17
He was 5'9 peak. Not less.
Thomas Veil said on 20/Apr/17
No way he was ever close to 5'9. Maybe close to 5'8 straight out of bed and 5'7 the rest of the day.
RichardSpain said on 5/Apr/17
He looked at the movies 177cm , but I think 175cm is his right height when he was young.
175 cm in peak.
Around 172cm today.
Excellent actor De Niro.
Sonnecker said on 27/Mar/17
4 cm of height loss are many, although he mistreated a little his body.
Maybe 3 cm.... He doesn't have a good posture, so I don't believe he's less thank 171 cm. Peak? A weak 175 cm in my opinion.
Canson said on 8/Mar/17
This guy was never 5'9". He looked only a few inches taller than Joe P did in casino. I'd say his list of 5'7 and change is accurate maybe a solid 5'8 tops
RisingForce said on 1/Mar/17
I don't think 5'8" Cybill Shepherd's heels in Taxi Driver were that much bigger than De Niro's cowboy boots and they generally looked similar in height. I even remember her looking taller in one wide shot, although it was outside, so pavement could make a difference.
RisingForce said on 15/Feb/17
Seems equally possible to me he was never taller than say 5'8.5", especially seeing him drop so noticeably into the 5'7" range.
O.J. said on 12/Feb/17
I met him while bartending and he's 5'7 flat. Keep in mind that he had extremely poor posture so he might be a half inch taller if upright.
Sam said on 26/Jan/17
Isn't he a head taller than Ben Stiller. If he really is that short, that would make Stiller about 5'4/5.5 ... dam Hollywood is short!
berta said on 10/Jan/17
peak he could looks 175-176 and now with zac ewfrom he was about 4 cm sghoter but with bad posture. so maybe 170 now
mister_lennon said on 2/Jan/17
Andre89 said on 2/Jan/17
Hey Rob, do you think this is a normal shrinkage for a 73 years old man?

Editor Rob
Andre, probably a bit more than the average for his 5ft 9ish peak range.
Pierric said on 1/Jan/17
Rob how estimate him in "Casino", 1995 ? (52 years old). 174 ?

Editor Rob
Pierric, I watched it not that long ago and he could look over 5 inches taller than Pesci, who I believe is a guy that is far more likely to wear thick heels, so comfortably in 5ft 8-9 zone.
MJKoP said on 31/Dec/16
DJT said on 20/Dec/16
5'5". Little Bob was a promising actor before he wrecked himself. Hasn't been relevant since the 70s.
You wrecked yourself with that comment. And you will NEVER be relevant. I guess Pacino was never over 5'2", right?
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Dec/16
I have 18 of Robert's films from varying decades, so I don't agree with DJT that he hasn't been relevant since the 70's!
How about 'Cape Fear', 'Sleepers', 'Casino' and 'Heat'? They weren't from the 70's and they're all terrific!
I believe Robert has his own restaurant to keep himself occupied while he isn't acting!
To me, he is one of the best - on par with his friend Al Pacino.
DJT said on 20/Dec/16
5'5". Little Bob was a promising actor before he wrecked himself. Hasn't been relevant since the 70s.
Spencer said on 31/Oct/16
He looked a weak 5'10 in Godfather II. My guess is 176 cm peak.
j.t. said on 29/Oct/16
171.5-172CM now
174.5-175 - peak
Travis said on 15/Oct/16
He's 5'6" the last time I saw him about 10 years ago. He is 73 so like most men has lost 1-2 ". Max young height was like 5'7.5"
S.J.H said on 14/Oct/16
I didn't notice he lost so much of height. I thought he was at least 5'8 now?
Danimal said on 12/Oct/16
Danimal said on 18/Sep/16
Recent pics with 5'8"
Zac Efron. De Niro's upper body is curved and compressed today. Rob, Deniro is nowhere near 5'7.5" at the moment. Pics don't lie:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob: he may still manage to stretch up, I'm sure in person he could look 169-70cm to people, but it might be a different matter if he was under the old stadiometer.
Rob, only providing you with the recent pics. I'm sorry, but he's looking to be 5'6.5" at best today.
Danimal said on 12/Oct/16
You can see De Niro's height loss in this recent video. He's 73 and appears to be quite hunched over in the upper back/neck (starting at 2:54):
Click Here
Danimal said on 18/Sep/16
Recent pics with 5'8"
Zac Efron. De Niro's upper body is curved and compressed today. Rob, Deniro is nowhere near 5'7.5" at the moment. Pics don't lie:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
he may still manage to stretch up, I'm sure in person he could look 169-70cm to people, but it might be a different matter if he was under the old stadiometer.
Danimal said on 18/Sep/16
Morris said on 17/Aug/16
165-170Cm max
More like 168-171cm today
Danimal said on 18/Sep/16
Huge fan of Deniro, but he's looking in the 5'6.5"-5'7" range today at 73 years old.
Dmeyer said on 12/Sep/16
I met deniro 9 years back hé was nothing under 5 ft 7,75 so 5 ft 6 is non-sens
Morris said on 17/Aug/16
165-170Cm max
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Aug/16
Could pass for 5ft10 in his youth.
Chancey said on 6/Aug/16
I am 73 years old. The lost height estimated by some of these statements is ridiculous. De Niro was never 5 feet 8 inches to start with. His height was probably no more than 5ft. 6in. max. and he may have lost 1/2 inch to be that height now. I was 5ft. 9 inches when I was 25 and I am 5ft. 8 1/2 inches now...To lose 2-3 inches in height you are much older than 70 something......Kirk Douglas was listed as 5ft. 9inches in his prime. He is 100 years old now and stands about 5ft. 6 inches so De Niro never was in taller than 5feet 6 1/2 I would say..........
Aned said on 1/Aug/16
De Niro loss 4 cm.
Al pacino loss 2 cm.
Everybody loss different cm.
Why differance?
What is the reason?
Jings Chen said on 17/Jul/16
According to the picture you posting on your net on which Al Pasino is standing shoulder by shoulder with Robert; they got a merely 2 cm difference and I suppose they both wore normal shoes without lifters, if Al is 166 cm, then Robert De niro should not over 170 cm; may be i am wrong...
berta said on 27/Jun/16
the strange thing is that zac efron looked taller than Stallone did against deniro. But cant se Stallone shorter than efron. I Think deniro is only 170 now if efron is 173
Sammy Derrick said on 26/Jun/16
BIRTH DATE: 08-17-1944
EXAM DATE: 06-15-1960
HEIGHT: 5'10
POST: 4 49
FEE: 8 00
These are the statistics according to the movie Dirty Grandpa in his character's driving license.His license shows up twice in the movie for about 3 seconds.5'10 is impossible.
Zac Efron 5'8 is clearly taller than him in most scenes.
TJE said on 11/Jun/16
Looks like Al Pacino will need a half inch downgrade too
Dmeyer said on 9/Jun/16
If he is 5 ft 7,5 then sly could bé 5ft 8,25-8,5 173-4cm if deniro was 5'7,5-7,75 3-4 years back
Brendan said on 5/Jun/16
Rob please add The King Of Comedy to movies.
A great and fascinating movie.
JB said on 29/May/16
I honestly believe he was a strong 5'9" at least at his peak. You could just tell he was an average height in his older movies. But today he is even struggling with 5'7". If you see him with Anne Hathaway(both in flat shoes) who is supposed to be around 5'7" she appears taller. Is it possible that De Niro has lost more than 2 inches of height? Or is Hathaway taller than we think?
Peyman said on 25/May/16
Hi Rob,
how tall do think Cathy Moriarty is?
5ft 8in?
Arch Stanton said on 23/May/16
I think Efron was wearing a bit of a lift in Dirty Grandpa which was why he looked 2 inches taller at times 5'8.5.
5'8.5 said on 22/May/16
I think this listing is fair. He does look 5'7.5". However, if he is 5'7.5", then that leads me to believe that
Zac Efron is at least 5'9.5". I've seen the two together multiple times (even in similar footwear) and Zac looked like 2 inches taller.
Annette said on 21/May/16
Sometime in the 70s I attended a party with a friend who was connected to the film industry. It was held in a NY Hotel. Robert De Niro was talking with two other men. All three men were short and extremely well dress, casually dressed, but perfectly fitted clothes. De Niro was wearing, if I remember correctly, a leather jacket, and I noticed it because it seemed to have been custom made, as it fit him perfectly for a short man. A normal sized jacket would have been too long on him. I talked to De Niro for a moment and looked him eye to eye. I am 5' 2" and was wearing high heels, the most they could have been were three inch high heels, (which I doubt they were actually that high.) De Niro was not much taller than me...I would say only by an inch. He is a very short man. In fact, I have never dated a man as short as De Niro. Movies create illusions, using many tricks to make male stars appear taller than they are, including their co-stars wearing flat shoes. Believe me, Robert De Niro is much shorter than the average man. I think it is a joke that it's claimed De Niro is of average way at all.
charlie said on 19/May/16
Devin in Taxi Driver he wore these monster size cowboy boots throughout the movie. at the end of the movie he is standing beside 5 ft 7 Harvey Keitel and they looked the exact same height and Harvey was wearing big heeled boots too. Robert De Niro was without footwear 5 ft 6.5 inches in the 1970's.Today Robert De Niro is more likely to be 5 ft 5 inches.and that goes for Harvey too. While these 2 guys are making movies no one will ever see their true height as who they are because most Short Celebrities wear shoe lifts and shoe lifts can give a person up to 5 inches in height. Robert's 5 ft 10 listing everywhere is laughable. Everyone in this blog says Robert De Niro looks 5 ft 7. So if the man looks 5 ft 7 wouldn't that mean he is 5 ft 6 without shoes? I myself live in Canada and i stand 5 ft 9.5 inches. I look in the mirror and in flat feet i look like a giant. When i go out i tower over 98% of males and all i wear are plain running shoes. People calling Tom Cruise a short 5 ft 7 if they only knew Tom was actually 5 ft 4 inches flat feet. Got to love Hollywood.
Will said on 17/May/16
Yeah juju, I totally agree with you. De Niro is currrently 5'7 1/2" now due to shrink.
juju said on 5/May/16
I can dig 172cm. now, but 171cm. is too much
Devin said on 4/May/16
No way was his peak height 5'8". DeNiro looked a good 5'10"-5'11' in Taxi Driver.
Tom said on 19/Apr/16
Peak height was 5-8. Today, around 5-6.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 24/Mar/16
The Last Tycoon is a bit flat, it's not a "great" film but it's certainly not a bad film. Compared to similar themed greats like Barton Fink and Trumbo it falls short, but it's never the disaster that some critics make out!
Arch Stanton said on 24/Mar/16
@Rob, don't know if you've seen the Last Tycoon but it's an interesting one as Jack Nicholson looks an easy inch taller than De Niro, makes him look 5 ft 8 range in it. But then DeNiro looks an easy inch taller than Tony Curtis earlier in the film!! So basically if Jack Nicholson was 5'9.5 we've got De Niro at 5'8.5 and Curtis at 5'7.5". Doesn't add up! It's a really underrated film, well we know Elia Kazan was a master director but its never as bad as the critics make out!!
Arch Stanton said on 1/Mar/16
I think Efron might have had a boost in his shoes in Diry Grandpa just so he'd look comfortably taller than De Niro. A small lift for Efron looks possible
Click Here

Editor Rob
it can be hard to tell people wearing half inch lifts. I mean really hard!
Arch Stanton said on 1/Mar/16
Good call on the downgrade, he has certainly been looking 5 ft 7-5'7.5 of late

Editor Rob
the last 3-4 years I think he began to look like he lost another cm. I think in SLPlaybook he could still pass for about 5ft 8.
richie said on 28/Feb/16
DeNiro has clearly lost height, was definitely a strong 5'9" during the 70's but is closer to 5'8" these days, maybe a little shorter than that....
Arch Stanton said on 23/Feb/16
@Rob, there's absolutely no way he's the same height as Efton. In Dirty Grandpa he could look as low as 5'6.5 at times. In other scenes they looked close. Perhaps you'd consider 5'7.5 now?

Editor Rob
he can look 5ft 7-7.5 a fair bit this year, he probably has dropped a bit more height and at age 72 looks shorter than how he looked maybe 3-4 years ago.
JB said on 12/Feb/16
He's either lost a lot of height with age or he was never as tall as we thought he was. He looked dwarfted by Zack Efron who is something like 5'8"
Alex said on 30/Jan/16
He looks 5'6 with zac efron there's no way he's 5'8 nowadays
charlie said on 28/Jan/16
i think 5 foot 8 is a little too generous for Robert e Niro. Heck when he did Cape fear his height was at least 5 foot 8 or 5 foot 7 and a half.Robert's height is 5 foot 6 inches and that's the fact jack
Lmeister said on 25/Jan/16
Waltz is a selfconfessed 170cm. In these pics he looks as tall as DeNiro and taller than Keitel. We know that DeNiro is an inch taller than Keitel. Maybe DeNiro was only 5ft8.5 and Keitel 5ft7.5 in their youth. Unless both of them have lost more than an inch.
Waltz and DeNiro
Click Here
Waltz and Harvey Keitel
Click Here
GVH said on 22/Jan/16
With 170cm Christoph Waltz. Can't see shoes but interesting to say the least.
Click Here
Dmeyer said on 27/Dec/15
9 yezrs back hé looked 3,5in under me
Powerhouse said on 14/Dec/15
@Spencer There is no chance Pesci was 5'4, he was 5'3 peak as he is listed on here. Al Pacino who was 5'5.75-5'6 peak would have been more than 2 inches taller than Joe Pesci.
Spencer said on 13/Dec/15
Pesci looked 5'4 at peak or very close to it and DeNiro is at least 5 inches taller in Raging Bull so I think DeNiro was at least 5'9 at peak. My guess is 5'9.5 morning and a solid 5'9.25 5'9 throughout the day at peak.
Paleman said on 12/Dec/15
Yeah I always thought of De Niro as a "strong average" when it comes to height. You know, 5'9" in his heyday, perhaps even a strong 5'9". Not 5'10" though. Today he may be a little bit shorter, like 5'8".
Powerhouse said on 8/Dec/15
I'm shocked at the amount of people that think De Niro was 5'10, He looks small to me, look at pictures of him with Bradley Cooper and
Leonardo DiCaprio, he looks real short. I know he has shrunk, though in his prime he looks short to me also. In Taxi Driver there is a scene where he lays flat on a bed, and from a birds eye view camera shot you can he is short and his legs look especially short and you see the large heel on his cowboy boots. Also looks short in Cape Fear. I think 5'7.5 now and 5'8.5 peak he was a skinny guy in his prime which is why people think he was taller, perhaps the illusion of a thin build and the larger footwear made him look taller to some people.
Spencer said on 26/Nov/15
At least 5'9 peak. He towered over Pesci in Raging Bull who looked close to 5'4 in that film. He honestly looks close to 5'10 in Raging Bull, Taxi Driver and Deer Hunter. I think he was minimum 176 cm in his prime and I think 5'9.5 is a possibility. Woods who was at least 5'11 peak doesn't look more than 2 inches taller in Once Upon a Time in America and they were both in their 30s in that movie.
NangaParbat said on 24/Nov/15
Hi Rob, check this out from "Dirty Grandpa" :
Click Here
and check efron' shoes as well :
Click Here (quite flat)
or De Niro shrank a lot in his age and he is more in the 169-170 now; or Zac grew a lot: he appears at least 178 if De Niro is 173 as listed on here.
What do you think?
Spencer said on 30/Oct/15
He looked at least 5'9 in Raging Bull. He looked 6 inches taller than Pesci who looked I think was a little over 5'3 at peak. I think 5'9.25 peak 176 cm
Sam said on 16/Oct/15
I agree he can look 5'7" these days but his posture can be truly horrendous & it can make him seem even lower. I think there's enough evidence of him hitting a flat 5'9" at peak.
dmeyer said on 13/Oct/15
Ecsctly like my father 175 peak today could be 171.5-2cm de niro dosnt stand well and likes boat shoes 0.7ish style so its normal he looks 5'7-7.25
Sam said on 8/Oct/15
Cowboy boots, slender build and good posture can make him seem taller at some points in Taxi Driver IMO than he really was.
Will said on 5/Oct/15
That's right folks. De Niro is 5'8". No questions asked.
vilgotaan said on 1/Oct/15
He looked tall on Deer Hunter.
Spencer said on 25/Sep/15
Looks a solid 5'9 in Raging Bull. I think 176 peak. 5'9.25
O.J. said on 22/Sep/15
He's 5'7 flat. I saw him in person in 2011 along with Sam Jackson and Spike Lee. De Niro has very bad posture and looked only an inch taller than the 5'5 and a half Spike Lee. I give him an extra half inch for poor posture.
richie said on 19/Sep/15
DeNiro's peak height may well have been a strong 5'9", he was just slightly shorter than John Cazale who was billed as 5'11" so i reckon during his peak he was a very strong 5'9"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Aug/15
Rob, do you think DeNiro is a height conscious guy and wears lifts?
Even recently he can still pull off 5ft9 range in some pictures.

Editor Rob
there's a magical niche in celebrity circles - the 'non obvious lift wearer', the kind who wears a 1/2 or 3/4 inch lift for a wee boost...spotting it is very hard though.
Mike said on 13/Aug/15
Closer to 171-172 now. 5ft 8 max.
Sam said on 13/Aug/15
Would love to see these three collaborate again: Scorsese, De Niro and Keitel...De Niro is slouching as he often does but does look to easily edge out Keitel.
Click Here
richkid123 said on 11/Aug/15
he looked over 5'9" in casino
Rory said on 21/Jul/15
Id say 5'9 maximum in his prime, definitely not 5'10. I always thought he looked an average height guy, at times even on the smaller side of average, so it all tallies with him being 5'9.
the shredder said on 30/Jun/15
Rob , even though he was in boots , he looked 5 '11" in Taxi Driver , was 5'9.5 or higher possible in his prime

Editor Rob
I'm not convinced he could really look over 5ft 10
Owen said on 23/Jun/15
Wouldn't 171cm be accurate for him? He hardly looks 5'8...
an anonymous peach said on 10/Jun/15
Looks a strong 5ft 7 nowadays. I don't think he's a full 5ft 8 anymore, however his woeful posture might be making him look shorter.
Danimal said on 20/Mar/15
Sorry, but he's not 5'8" today. Slightly over 5'7" at best today.
cole said on 19/Mar/15
172 cm now, 175 cm 20-25 years ago is likely. Still looked near 175 cm in 'Goodfellas' in 1990 and 10 years later around 'Meet the Parents' is when I think he started to shrink. In the next 10-15 years he could be 170 if he keeps up the slouching, not that it's easy to fix that now.
Peak: 5ft 9in
1990ish: 5ft 8.75in
2000ish: 5ft 8.5in
2010: 5ft 8in
2015: 5ft 7.75in
Shamrock said on 8/Mar/15
Could be 172cm by now.
winters said on 20/Feb/15
i got the same height as de niro 5'8 seems correct. nowadays with his age he lost maybe some millimeter or 5. niro 172,5 cm now with his old age.
Stev said on 18/Feb/15
Anyone see 'Alan Davies untitled' with guest Ricky Tomlinson. He told an interesting story about meeting Robert de Niro in a club, not knowing who he was at the time, and remarked ' a little fella sitting in the corner' and even added, 'I'm only 5'8 and half myself', suggesting that Robert was indeed shorter than Ricky tomlinson, and this was apparently in his younger days.
kev said on 17/Feb/15
5' 9" peak, 5'7.5 now. He's never been anything over 5'9 in his life, his wiry build in his younger years and his narrow shoulders might of gave that impression but when he hit his mid forties it became easier to make out his legit height. Slightly under average.
John B said on 5/Feb/15
Right now as I type I'm watching The film grudge match with Mr Stallone and De Niro is always a good 2 inches shorter the Sly there's no way his 5'8 as on this site Sly is 5'8....
Arch Stanton said on 3/Feb/15
Just looked at the photo on the Michael Douglas page and he looks taller!! Douglas really is headed down the same route as his father! He'll be G's height in five years!
Arch Stanton said on 31/Jan/15
Rob perhaps it's time for another downgrade check out this with 5'8 Efron
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think if you measured DeNiro he still might be around 5ft 8, at times he can look under but with older people sometimes they don't have the posture they once had and carry themselves a bit lower. Not many are going to be like Stallone!
184.3cm said on 29/Dec/14
Never over 5'9 peak, used to wear chunky footwear in alot of his older movies. Nowadays struggles with 5'8.
Dmeyer said on 28/Dec/14
I think he was a 175cm Guy i dont think more , was 172-172.5cm when i met him 7 years back
the shredder said on 28/Dec/14
Rob , is 5 '9.5 peak possible ?

Editor Rob
losing 1.5 inches isn't impossible, 2 inches though I'm not sure...but over 5ft 9 yeah that could be.
Adolf said on 16/Dec/14
King of comedy, The Family, Ronin, Amalyze this, Analyze that, Midnight run, Men of Honor, Jackie Brown, Wag the Dog, Cop Land, Sleepers, The Fan, CAPE FEAR!!!, Awakenings and many more!!!
Mike said on 12/Dec/14
Thanks. He can look anywhere between 5ft 8 and 5ft 10 so 5ft 9 is a good shout.
Mike said on 9/Dec/14
Can you also add one more film Rob? The Untouchables.
Mike said on 6/Dec/14
Can you add The Godfather: Part II Rob?
Andrew M said on 30/Nov/14
Never thought he was this tall! I haven't seen much of his early work, but he doesn't look 5' 8" now.
qashid said on 28/Nov/14
5'9 at peak, gave the illusion of a 6 footer in his movies. Nowadays I would say 5'7 to 5'8.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Nov/14
Rob, Robert Duvall looked about 4 cm taller in True Confessions!! Hew made him look 5 ft 8!
Realist said on 23/Nov/14
5'7.5 today. 5'8.5 peak. He was skinny and looked tall. In the Godfather 2 he looks almost 6'0. He has transformed from a tall lanky look to a short stocky look. Maybe its age.
Sam said on 21/Nov/14
That's a weird angled picture w/ Cooper, Exorcist, giving Cooper a bit more but I'd agree, De Niro can look something like 5'7.5" a lot recently, his posture isn't helping.
Judd said on 19/Nov/14
i think he was 5'8.75-9" when he was between 20-40's, but today he really looks shorter...maube more than one-inche...
perhaps the cause is the very bad posture that he has, but i would bet money than next to rob (5'8.25") he would be shorter of at least half-inche...
The Exorcist said on 19/Nov/14
Looking under 5'8" with (6'0.5" listed) Bradley Cooper.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 6/Nov/14
5 ft 9 looks virtually impossible next to Tom Sizemore in Heat!
Joe said on 5/Nov/14
In some photos with Stallone who is a well known lift wearer, he looks a bit shorter. My most educated guess is that Stallone is 5'7" and nothing more, so I would guess all of Stallone's height advantage comes from his lifts, so De Niro is probably not taller than 5'7" in real life. Regardless of his height, he is an incredible actor.
lelman said on 4/Nov/14
Was a legit 5'9" back in the day, now I'd say he's a hair over 5'8", like you.
Dingus said on 27/Oct/14
Peak height was likely 5'09.75" give or take an eight of an inch. It's likely he's lost over an inch and is hovering around 5'07.50"-5'08'.25".
Sam said on 27/Oct/14
The King of Comedy is idisputably a film designed to cause discomfort in its audience, a very dark movie considering (especially for Scorsese) that there isn't a drop of blood in it. I don't like the characters but can't look away. It's not for everybody!
Arch Stanton said on 25/Oct/14
Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, The Godfather Part II and Goodfellas are all all-time greatest movies so I'm not going to dispute those in any order in your top five, but I can't see King of Comedy of a superior film to Once Upon a Time in America. Perhaps it was a greater performance in that film, even if he was frankly a bit irritating at times!!
Sam said on 24/Oct/14
Taxi Driver is my all time favorite film, period, a very personal film to me. The film and it's main character take on a different meaning to me every time I watch it. I'd respectfully disagree on Once Upon a Time in America being his best my list of top 10:
1. Taxi Driver
2. Raging Bull
3. The Godfather Part II
4. Goodfellas
5. Heat
6. The King of Comedy
7. Mean Streets
8. The Deer Hunter
9. The Untouchables
10. Cape Fear or Bang the Drum Slowly or Once Upon a Time in America!
Markus from Italy said on 13/Oct/14
Well, this makes sense, in fact with stallone on the big match he was clearly shorter. I can buy that for him even though in the picture above he's wearing elevator shoes and you can tell it by the neck of the shoe. One thing's certain he can't be less than 5'7.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Oct/14
His top 10 films IMO:
1. Once Upon a Time in America
2. The Godfather II
3. Taxi Driver
4. Goodfellas
5. Raging Bull
6. 1900
7. The Deer Hunter
8. Casino
9. The Untouchables
10. Mean Streets or The Mission
Arch Stanton said on 6/Oct/14
@Rob/Armenianboy, Nah, Once Upon a Time in America wins it hands down as his best film, a marvellous piece of cinema. Even Scorsese said something like it made him look like a amateur. Technical accomplishments of Lord of the Rings trilogy aside, that film has my vote for greatest film (currently) anyway. His best performance for me was Raging Bull, the emotions he displayed in that film. Taxi Driver is also right up there with his greatest films and performances. Obviously a lot of his films from Mean Streets onwards have been masterpieces though, and Goodfellas, Godfather II and Casino are also among my favourites. Also his performances in films like Awakenings were also incredible... All I know is that it wasn't Falling in Love :-) you put the two greatest actors on earth together (De Niro and Streep) and you get a mediocre romance!!
Clay said on 5/Oct/14
Goodfella's could be my greatest movie ever vote.
Sam said on 24/Sep/14
Here's De Niro with Francis Ford Coppola, for whom I read somewhere (can't remember where) a credit of six feet tall but looked at most 5'11" with the cast of the first Godfather (Jimmy Caan, presumably in lifts, looked a little taller & John Cazale similar range). Anyway, De Niro definitely seems 5'9" tops w/ Coppola.
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He has terrible posture at premiere and stuff recently that can make him seem shorter. However, with Ben Stiller, its hard to see him anything more than an inch taller. Maybe time for a 5'7.5" current height listing?
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Joanna said on 12/Sep/14
Is he really 5 ft 9? At the Oscars he presented with Penelope Cruz and she (who is 5 ft 4) towered over him. Even with really tall heels on that seems unlikely. Now he's co-starring with Anne Hathaway (supposedly 5 ft 7) and she towers over him too. I figure he's 5 ft 6 max.
James B said on 2/Sep/14
Always seemed 5'8 range
Powerhouse said on 28/Aug/14
His peak height could be 5'9 but he is no taller than 5'7.5 now.
Arch Stanton said on 25/Aug/14
Odd but he looks the same height, maybe a shade taller than Robin Williams in Awakenings.
Blake said on 20/Aug/14
5'9.5 peak, 5'10.5 in footwear
5'8 flat today
Arch Stanton said on 29/Jul/14
Rob can you add a photo and Mean Streets, Casino, and Once Upon a Time in America? Looks 5'9" tops in New York, New York.
RoDawg said on 22/Jul/14
In Taxi Driver he gave off the impression of seeming taller, but I think he was wearing boots. Strong 5'9 in his peak. He could probably reach 5'10 with the right pair of shoes
177cmGuy said on 16/Jul/14
Always wondered what De Niro's maximum height was. I think it could be as high as 177cm but today he looks at least 172cm. The man is a true living legend and method actor who took acting to a new level. Loved Goodfellas probably one of my favourite films and definiteley De Niro's best performance.
176,2Tunman said on 8/Jul/14
Casino could be added as one of his most famous movies.Anyways he looked 6"taller than Joe Pesci.
Brad said on 7/Jul/14
Weak 5' 8" today, possibly lower.
Sam said on 5/Jun/14
I just saw the majority of Mad Dog and Glory for the first time in decades on TV. They did a really masterful job minimizing the difference between De Niro and Thurman on-screen. A lot of nice camera trickery and in several scenes, he's wearing shoes and she's barefoot, anyway he looks max 1 inch shorter generally. Also Bill Murray doesn't tower him there, 3 or max 4 inches difference, and about 3 under David Caruso, so De Niro really does look a strong 5'9" there...don't know about lifts. God, Uma was gorgeous, De Niro was a lucky **** if the rumors are true that they had an off-screen tryst. Also, Caruso was pretty good there, too bad he cocked things up career-wise.
edguy282 said on 28/May/14
Based on all the pictures, I think at his peak, DeNiro was 174cm--he always seemed just shy of 5-9. Now, he looks like a weak 5-8, probably 172cm.
Sam said on 28/May/14
He's slouching but seems no taller than Jon Stewart here. 5'7.5"-5'8" is what I think De Niro looks in general these days.
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Mc51295 said on 4/May/14
Here he is with 5'7 Robin Williams in 1990
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I'd say 5'8 max
The Exorcist said on 27/Apr/14
I didn't say 5'7" flat, I said he could be closer to that than 5'8". Uma is 5'11" - 5'11.5" isn't impossible.
Dmeyer said on 27/Apr/14
Uma is 181cm plus 4-5cm heels 186cm deniro 172cm plus 2cm 174cm she dosnt look more than 11-12cm taller
Arch Stanton said on 27/Apr/14
Uma's wearing sizable Cuban like heels Exorcist. 5 ft 7 flat is rubbish.
MaskDeMasque said on 31/Mar/14
He looks 5'8.75-5'9 in Taxi Driver. Nowadays,5'8 or just under.
the shredder said on 26/Mar/14
5'9 peak is about right , he has 6 inches on Pesci in Raging Bull.
marc said on 24/Mar/14
I'm not sure he reaches 5'7 today given the fact that he was shorter than penelope cruz in the Oscars.
Rossmore said on 11/Mar/14
He is NOT 5'10. I am 5'11 and I waited on him, years ago, he was at least two inches shorter than me. BTY he did stand up to leave and that's when it became clear he was not 5'10.
FOX said on 16/Feb/14
he's always been 173 barefoot
avi said on 3/Feb/14
Peak 5'8.5. 5'7.6 area now
dmeyer said on 26/Jan/14
its likely boby is 5 ft 7.5-7.75 now
Yaspaa said on 25/Jan/14
Douglas is closer to the camera.
Justanotherdude said on 19/Jan/14
With 5'6 Bridget Fonda in Jackie Brown
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George said on 19/Jan/14
He's 70 years old, give him a break. It's obvious he lost a couple of inches with his age, but at his prime he was taller (look him up in Frankenstein from '94).
Arch Stanton said on 31/Dec/13
Actually Douglas looks taller see
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Arch Stanton said on 31/Dec/13
Rob he looked a bit taller than Douglas and Steenburgen is Last Vegas I thought.
dmeyer said on 22/Dec/13
Yeah Lorne i shook his hand and was 2 days by his side He seemed 5'7.5 but defenetly had poor posture 5'8 Is Closer That was 6 years ago defently could have shiped another 1cm So 5'9 peak 5'8.5 10 years ago 5 years ago 5'8 now 5'7.5 , my father was 5'9 peak now has ko. Hold on to 5'8 for the last 6 years
APP said on 18/Dec/13
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De Niro and Stallone hug each other at 12.25. Not sure whether the ground is even or not but Stallone looks only a fraction taller than De Niro.
APP said on 18/Dec/13
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1986, next to 5 ft. 7ish Burt Young.
dmeyer said on 14/Dec/13
Shook his hand He seemed very Much shorter than me about 4in bit maybe had 0.25in less shoes and poorer posture my father Is 5'8 He defo wasnt bigger
Spencer said on 5/Dec/13
Peak: 5'9
Today: 5'7.5
Sam said on 18/Nov/13
I'm convinced that De Niro peaked right near 5'9". In Taxi Driver, I truly disbelieve that he wore lifts, although his boots are generous perhaps up to 1.5 inches, which is why he looks a strong 5'10" at times in that film. These days, he slouches a lot, I think it's fair to say he generally looks 5'8" but then at times lucky to be 5'7". You have to account that, beyond age, he slouches like a man who doesn't care about looking tall.
Orlando said on 15/Nov/13
This guy never looked tall to me. No more than 1.73 m (5'8") at his peak. He looked taller because of a wiry built. Now maybe he's 1.71 m (5' 7.5") or 1.70 m (5'7").
Cameron said on 15/Nov/13
5'9 peak (5'10 to 5'11 in boots or elevator shoes)
5'8 today
mister_lennon said on 14/Nov/13
weak 5'9 at peak, could look 5'8 at times. Today, he is about 5'7.
Markus from Italy said on 14/Nov/13
Mr. Kapian I think you're right, in Taxi Driver he wore suspicious shoes and now I know that's not only my opinion but also yours. Rob what do you think? Is it possible for him to be just 5'7?
Mr. Kaplan said on 14/Nov/13
De Niro wore cowboy boots in Taxi Driver. He was 5'8" at his peak and looks 5'7" today.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Nov/13
His physique really looked impressive in Cape Fear. Very low body fat and very hard/wiry, he must have slogged his guts out for months and been on a strict diet to look like that.
Sam said on 1/Nov/13
He and Sly Stallone look pretty close in height in their upcoming boxing movie together. Also in the shot, Jon Bernthal, easily looking around the same amount over De Niro and Stallone that he looks over Rob. BTW, 80-something Alan Arkin is on hand and looks similar to or slightly taller than the slightly younger stars. At least
Kevin Hart is on hand to show how towering they all are. :=)
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Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 1/Nov/13
No way was he 3 inches taller than Spike Lee.
If Spike is 5'5, today he's more like 5'7.
Louis said on 8/Oct/13
arch stanton
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he looks shorter than Spielberg
Arch Stanton said on 6/Oct/13
Liotta looks 3 inches taller in Goodfellas, I'm not sure you could argue over 5'9" peak.
The Exorcist said on 3/Oct/13
@Arch Stanton: Gary Neville? I'm never going to be able to think about Taxi Driver the same way ever again! LOL!! ;)
I agree with Rob's current and peak height listing for De Niro.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Sep/13
Rob, in Raging Bull he seems a bit taller than Cathy Moriarty. In the bathroom scene he's in his socks too. She's listed as 5 ft 9. He can certainly look 177 at times. Cathy's eyes and body leave me feeling goo-gaaa, those eyes are so hypnotic. She's still hot today, she looks like she could be Katherine Heigl's mother.
Cnut the Great said on 21/Sep/13
I agree a strong 5'9" for DeNiro.. Does not come off as a short guy at all
Arch Stanton said on 21/Sep/13
Looks about 3 inches shorter than Walken in The Deer Hunter. He looks a LOT like Djokovic as a young man.
Joey said on 21/Sep/13
I think a strong 5' 9 1/2" is fair for his peak height.
Jack said on 15/Sep/13
A strong 5'9" in his prime which would be when he was in Goodfellas.
Will said on 29/Aug/13
I still think that De Niro is a strong 5ft 8. Maybe he is not 5'9" these days because he lost an inch of height.
Lo sgozzatore said on 13/Aug/13
Arch, i've seen the scene you're talking about and he did look at least 7 inches shorter than that 6'4 guy! If De Niro really was wearing cowboy boots, i dont think he looked over 5'8 next to that guy, unless he was over 6'4 and got downgraded a bit when he was listed at 6'4!
avi said on 11/Aug/13
never looked a true 5'9
Arch Stanton said on 24/Jul/13
De Niro in Taxi Driver kind of looked like a cross between Djokovic and Gary Neville but looked like Travis Barker with the mad mohawk!!
Arch Stanton said on 24/Jul/13
Good guess, just looked on the database and it credits him as Richard Higgs - tall security man and says height -6'4".And di Niro was wearing cowboy boots and looked easily 6 inches shorter.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Jul/13
Watched Taxi Driver yesterday and i thought he looked a flat 5'9" and around 150 pounds. He looked shorter compared to a lot of guys in the film. The "secret agent" guy he was talking too had to have been about 6'4" though.
Terry said on 18/Jun/13
Agree with lol93. 5'9 is bang on, though maybe he has lost couple of cm's now. What a actor this guy is. Brilliant.
lol93 said on 29/Apr/13
He looked 5'9 in the taxi driver
Ange said on 13/Apr/13
After Goodfellas and Casino i remember reading in a rag mag about the height of movie stars like Schwarzenegger, Pacino and Stallone.. I found out Robert Deniro was only 5'9" and i remember being stunned because he seemed so larger then life all the mob movies I'd watched him in...menacing!!! It turns out,he was the same height as me!!! After 30 your spine starts to compress so I'm probably 5'8" now makes sense if he is =)
Rittermeister said on 12/Feb/13
Sam, thanks for the photos. I didn't realize how huge Chazz Palminteri is - he dominates those guys. I happen to be the exact same height as Palminteri - 6'3" in the morning, 6'2.5" most of the day - and based on that, I can't see De Niro being much under 5'7", or any taller than 5'8". Anything shorter and his head would be below Palminteri's shoulder.
Mike said on 31/Jan/13
That's right folks, De Niro stands 5'8" -5'9" as given in the above. No, he hasn't ever seen 5ft 10 at all.
LQ said on 29/Jan/13
I stood shoulder to shoulder with DeNiro on a movie set and I was 5'5" at best.
Silent d said on 28/Jan/13
He is old as and more intimidating now. He is still one of the legendary actors left. 5 foot 8. Maybe 5 foot 9 in his prime.
Sam said on 25/Jan/13
LOL, ron, De Niro's always been taller than Keitel and probably still is. BTW, I knew somebody had a friend who used to be a personal assistant for Keitel. She said that he was a difficult oddball to work for but one time she walked into Keitel's dark apartment and randomly found De Niro rooting around in Keitel's fridge (apparently he had a key).
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ron said on 24/Jan/13
Dinero 5'6 tops. Harvey keitel 5'8 This I know for a fact.
Jhc said on 3/Jan/13
I believe this he's only 2 inches taller then Ben stiller who is 5'6
Will said on 26/Dec/12
I heard circulated rumors from the media press that De Niro stood 5ft 10in barefeet. But you need to all trust me on this one that Robert is more 5ft 8 in reality.
The Exorcist said on 20/Nov/12
Looking 3.5 inches shorter than Uma Thurman.
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Nowadays, he's about 5'7.5
candace said on 10/Nov/12
5'7/5'8 sounds right, I think he shrank over the year. He is getting older, anyhow...just watched Red Lights, he is clearly shorter than Cillian Murphy ( whos listed at 5'8 here, but 5'9 in every other sites)
DD said on 6/Nov/12
a yahoo article had him at 5'6"!
DD said on 5/Nov/12
LOL a yahoo news article from yesterday lists him at 5' 6"!
matt678 said on 29/Sep/12
5 ft 8 peak possible? and 5 ft 7.25 now?
Dmeyer said on 26/Aug/12
Bang on 173cm when i met him 4 years ago
Mix said on 22/Aug/12
He always seemed taller to me. Like around 5'11". Im a little surprised that he's shorter than me now.
Anon said on 11/Aug/12
When he wasn't rake-thin, he clearly wasn't a short-looking guy:
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Could be under 5' 8" today though:
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Anon said on 11/Aug/12
Around 5' 9" at peak, but gave a 5' 7" - 5' 8" impression at a glance when he was younger due to his meek build. In Taxi Driver, he looked really really thin -- weight probably around 135-140. However, he was about even with Cybill Shepherd and that surprised me. He wasn't well-built and tall-looking like Brandooo. He was more like Michael Jackson.
Look guys. He's clearly quite a bit taller than 5' 7" Bob Dylan:
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tony t. said on 10/Aug/12
Wonder how big the stilts they have him on in this pic are lol...
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Mr. Kaplan said on 6/Aug/12
shredder, that was the 1973 film 'Bang the Drum Slowly'.
the shredder said on 2/Aug/12
He was really thin back then , no way was he over about a legit 5'9 !
Hullywood said on 2/Aug/12
In Taxi Driver he looks 5foot11 in some scenes.
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I´m 5foot9 and never looked this height. So i think, de Niro was taller then 5foot9 in his younger years.
the shredder said on 1/Aug/12
I heard that in a film he claimed 5'11 lol . Which Film ?
maio said on 14/Feb/12
Peak: 5 ft 8.75 in/175 cm
Today: 5 ft 8 in/173 cm
TruebloodFan said on 2/Jan/12
Pesci was 5'4 at best, even back in the days. De Niro was a weak 5'9 peak. they're living legends.
Spencer said on 13/Dec/11
5'9.25 peak
5'7.75 now
Silent d said on 10/Dec/11
5 foot 8 next to 5 foot 6 ben stiller.
Physics Enemy said on 19/Nov/11
I think he was 5' 9" peak, yes. Today he looks 5' 7.5" though. The fact he was 5' 9" peak pretty much proves Stallone wasn't over 5' 7.5" peak, because De Niro was noteably the taller of the two.
JackD said on 15/Nov/11
I worked as an extra for several days on A Bronx Tale in the Fall of 1992. I was in close proximity to Mr. De Niro a number of times and at one point we stood side by side. I'd say he was 5'9 at that point. I don't remember anything about his shoes but nothing about them struck me as having lifts. He wasn't acting in any of the scenes, just directing, so there'd be no reason from an acting standpoint for him to wear lifts.
Silent d said on 9/Nov/11
He is 5 foot 8. Clearly taller than al pacino by a couple of inches. Clearly taller than ben stiller and dustin hoffman. In show time he was shorter than 176cm eddie murphy. He definitive wore lifts in goodfellas to look tall next to 6 foot ray liotta.
LAN Jiao said on 22/Oct/11
5-7.5 frame and 5'7 physical. Max 5'7.5 now. In lift 5'9.5
deano said on 20/Oct/11
rob looked 5ft8-9 in midnight run I dont think he was wearing lifts I think he was minimum 5ft 8. if you guys remember I used to say onscreen guys were 4-10 inches smaller it is actually confusing cause they dont look anything like their height in real life and Im not talking about when their sometimes under their height Im talking in general their body looks different the TV doesent appreciate the height they are in real life for instance if you saw with just yr eyes and not through TV then you'll see they're taller and bigger.
Spence said on 9/Oct/11
If he was only 5'7 how did he look at least 2-3 inches taller than Pacino in the 70s when Pacino was a weak 5'6.
Annettemarie said on 5/Oct/11
I met Robert De Niro around 1978 thereabouts. Warren Beatty gave a party for his film REDS for the staff of Gulf & Western/Paramount in NYC. I was 5'2" wearing not quite 3" heels. I was shocked...De Niro is Short! Very Short. I would say about 5'7" tops. He was wearing a leather jacked that was obviously custom made. I noticed it because is was so short. In perportion to his short statue. He must definitly wears lifts in film. I am surprised that he even got an opportunity to get in films, being so short. There must be a lot of trick photography happening in his films. Sorta like Alan Ladd.
tell-em said on 29/Sep/11
next to 5'9" jason statham, de niro looks under 5'8". not suprised you FANBOYS haven't called i first. de niro was a weak 5'9" peak..
Eric said on 28/Sep/11
I saw him recently at the met. 5'8 is spot on him. RD slouches heavily and I'm not sure if he was wearing lifts.
Danimal said on 14/Sep/11
Lebesdorf says on 2/Sep/11
I don't think DeNiro was ever over 5'8''. He probably wore lifts in some films. He seems like he would, especially for roles, as he is a true method actor. Christopher Walken, who was an even 6 feet, looked at least four inches taller than him in 'The Deer Hunter,' so did Charles Grodin in 'Midnight Run.'
Walken was at least 6'0.5"-6'1" in his younger days.
lorne said on 12/Sep/11
Was he a lifts wearer? I was watching Casino, and he looked 6 inches taller than pesci.EIther Pesci is 5ft3ish, or De Niro wore lifts.It wouldn't surprise me; he clearly wasn't over 5'9, yet could magically look 176-177cm in close ups.
Mr. Kaplan said on 12/Sep/11
He's wearing lifts in Goodfellas.
leonari said on 5/Sep/11
Lebenssitz: Deniro for sure was 5'9" in the first Godfather. He lost an inch as he is getting closer to 70 years of age.
jake said on 5/Sep/11
dmeyer how do you get all these oppoortunites to meet actors and the like?
dmeyer said on 4/Sep/11
my father is a 5 ft 8 men who look 5 ft 10 , to me deniro wears flat footwear a lot and poor posture so apears 5 ft 7 but he is more 5 ft 8 , i was about 3.5 in taller than him in person no more so 5 ft 8
Lebesdorf said on 2/Sep/11
I don't think DeNiro was ever over 5'8''. He probably wore lifts in some films. He seems like he would, especially for roles, as he is a true method actor. Christopher Walken, who was an even 6 feet, looked at least four inches taller than him in 'The Deer Hunter,' so did Charles Grodin in 'Midnight Run.'
majmun said on 20/Aug/11
de niro was 5'10''
Legend said on 17/Aug/11
He's 5'7.5
Grey Ghost said on 6/Aug/11
In Goodfellas he looks 5'10'' next to Ray Liotta's 5'11.5'' frame, and he is even almost eye to eye with him in a few bar scenes. Yet at the recent Spike TV Man awards they were both on stage side by side and Liotta looked 5 inches taller, and De Niro had shoes on too. It's called LIFTS. He used a lot of them in his older movies. I'd say he is the same height as
Mark Wahlberg (5'7.5'' - 5'8'', though due to his lean thin frame (older movies) and lifts he appears taller.
tell-em said on 1/Jul/11
lol. spence. you have no clue how tall cathy is. 5'8.5" minimum? where do you get these silly claims? de niro was 5'9" max peak and possibly shorter. about 5'8.5". look at all the evidence you choose to ignore.
Sam said on 1/Jul/11
Yeah, comparing the younger De Niro to Moriarty, Harvey Keitel, Peter Boyle, Charles Grodin, Joe Pesci, Cybill Shepherd, etc. he looks 5'9" on the nose, sometimes more in boots.
Spence said on 30/Jun/11
De Niro looked a solid 5'9 in GF II and looked 5'9 in Raging Bull. He was slightly taller than Cathy Moriarty who was 5'8.5 minimum. I agree with Jake I think he was slightly over 5'9 at peak and is today about 5'8.
Mr. Kaplan said on 29/Jun/11
Statham almost towers over him and he's 5'9" tops. 5'8" is nonsense.
tell-em said on 27/Jun/11
thats insane lol. and pesci 5'7" lol. why would a 5'9" max guy claim 5'11". never looked it.
jake said on 24/Jun/11
I think 5'9.25 peak and 5'8.25 now. He can look a bit shorter with poor posture.
Quan said on 30/May/11
Stephen BW says on 21/May/11
There is so much nonsense on the internet. For example, the above (presumably), statement that lifts made him taller: what is a rumour? - essentially nothing; fundamentally though, if he did wear them they did not make him taller, but they would have made him look taller!; lastly, correct grammar please? (exasperation) - "to make himSELF taller". I do despair for the human race, in some quarters of the globe more than others I might add!
I couldn't stand the irony of THIS paragraph telling someone to correct grammar.
dmeyer said on 22/May/11
he oftenly wears flat footwear and has poor posture so looks 5 ft 7 to 5 ft 7.5 he is still 5 ft 8
Bon_ said on 20/May/11
De Niro may have been his claimed 5'9.5 at peak. Very possible.
Bon_ said on 20/May/11
@ Danimal
thanks for clearing that up :)
Larry said on 16/May/11
Danimal he just made the claim that Cruise does care about his looks...
Mr. Kaplan said on 16/May/11
He was noticeably shorter than five-nine Andy Garcia. Cybill Shepherd did some modeling in her youth and was listed 5'8", 140lbs. She was as tall as, if not taller than De Niro with cowboy boots in "Taxi Driver".
Spence said on 16/May/11
Kaplan you have no clue what your talking about. He was taller than Cathy M in Raging Bull who was 5'8.5 or maybe 5'9. He looked 6 inches taller than Joe Pesci in the movie who was 5'3. No doubt in my mind De Niro was 5'9 at peak
Danimal said on 15/May/11
Aguz says on 7/Apr/11
Bob seemed to be 174 in his peak (177 wearing normal shoes) and 171/2 now barefoot. Come on, the guy is a method actor and doesn't care about his looks like Tom Cruise.
HAHAHA... You're actually making the claim that Tom Cruise doesn't care about his looks??? hahaha...
Danimal said on 15/May/11
Bon_ says on 9/May/11
5'9.25 or 176 cm at peak definitively
Danimal said on 15/May/11
Franz says on 12/May/11
I just saw a photo of DiNiro standing next to Uma Thurman at Cannes 2011.
She is 5'11" he was at least 6" shorter than her, even allowing for high heels.
Busted??? A 5'11" woman in high heels can be 6'3"... 6'3" minus 6" is 5'9" which is what your logic states Deniro was at in shoes, which would put him at 5'8" barefoot. How is that busted??? Even if the heels only gave her 3" and put her up to only 6'2", Deniro barefoot would still be 5'7", which is accurate his his height today...
Danimal said on 15/May/11
5'8.5"-5'9" peak Deniro...
He's 5'7" today...
Larry said on 12/May/11
He did wear a good amount of lifts back in the day, absolutely no more than 5 9 peak but i think he was more 5 8.5 closer to 5 8