Ray said on 17/Apr/08
"they are not small men" ? Have you seen Gary Barlow and Mark Owen ? The other 2 lads are average height. My mate met Robbie Williams and he said he was surprised how short he was. Beckham is 182 cm (5'11.5") with his boot on and Robbie and himself are about the same size. Robbie is definately under 6'.
Hugh said on 15/Apr/08
A slight upgrade. 6ft0.75. He was always the tallest member of Take That and beleive me they are not small men. He gives a 6ft1-6ft2 illusion at times.
Chris said on 8/Apr/08
He's about 6'1. I'm 6'2, and he's just a little bit shorter.
Ant said on 31/Mar/08
I saw him in a gym in Manchester I am 5ft 10 barefoot he is a good six foot maybe taller his trainers gave hime some lift but he is no shorter than 6ft, he was quite slim at the time I was suprised expected him to be shorter.
Alex said on 30/Mar/08
I compaired Robbie to Kylie Minogue at the MTV Music Awards and Kylie Minogue without 4 inch heels is 5'0 ft. so adding heels and compairing the two.she was still 7 or 8 inches shorter than him so, we'll say 7" 5'4 plus 7" makes him about 5"11 to 6"0. so i suppose they're right,6 feet is correct. hmmmm. he looks a lot shorter
Yaspaa said on 19/Mar/08
I remember Myleen Klass mentioning that Robbie and Liam Gallagher were 'fighting' at some celeb thing and that she found it quite funny because they were pretty small.
pick said on 8/Mar/08
Robbie is more or less 2 cm higher than morten harket in this youtube video
Click Here Morten is 182 cm, so Robbie is certainly 184 cm !
Sado said on 14/Jan/08
I cant believe i am actually writing on a blog... i have reached a stage in my life where i need to carefully think about where i am going when i am stayingup at 12pm checking celebs heights... but hay this is a great site for checking. Anyway i have something to add on this subject which is paramount to all those who say robbie is 5'8 - what are you guys on? look at this link on you tube
Click Here and go to 49 secs on the clip. there you will see two 6ft boys... beckham and robbie... standing together, tow to toe. Something which is maybe more important then the height issue is what these boys are doing together.. unicef.. I think all those that said robbie was short - should put their hands in their pockets. I am sure he would appriciate it!
allan morris said on 20/Dec/07
I meet Robbie Williams In the Park Hyatt in Sydeny in Dec 2006 He is very tall 6'2 to be corret and he is very quiet and nice he did not drink any alchcol and is better looking in real life (he does not take a good photo) I also have heard him farting in his shower.He is very cool. I love him
Ray said on 19/Dec/07
My mate said he walked past him at a music festival in Ireland and was very surprised at how short he was. He said around 5' 9"- 10".
Dave said on 3/Dec/07
I'd agree with Pete's post from two years ago. A mate of mine was getting his autograph. He's 5'10 and probably had an inch on Robbie. 6'0 is nonsense, just look at him!
Chris said on 22/Nov/07
When he was on a show called"Sen kv
Pete said on 22/Nov/07
hes 5-11 max. nicole is 5-10 btw. this guy cannot have grown since he became famous with TAKE THAT, dont u think?
Helen said on 22/Nov/07
It's odd - he looks the same height as Simon Cowell, yet he also looks the same height as David Beckham. I assume that Cowell was wearing lifts, but it says on this very site that shoe lifts don't make THAT much difference. Who knows?
peli said on 22/Nov/07
more or less the same height as david beckham, between 180 and 183 cm. david beckham introduced robbie for the live 8 concert and robbie seemed taller than beckham..
peli said on 20/Nov/07
robbie and beckham r of the exact same height...check the live 8 intro given by beckham for robbie...so he should be around 181 or 182 cms
SiMoN said on 5/Nov/07
I've seen him He's Tall But I'm sure he doesn't got over 5'10"-5'11" because I had a friend near him 6ft tall to compare...that's why I may say this! I may be sure about it!!believe me!!
Nrojc said on 24/Oct/07
He is about 178-181cm... but never.. never... more than 181...
Hunky said on 12/Oct/07
He is 6 ft look at his music video with nichole kidman
'something stupid'
Austrian said on 1/Oct/07
looks about 5'11 to me
maybe 5'10.... but 6'? nah
Ru said on 25/Sep/07
In an interview with a german magazine the interviewer states that Robbie is way shorter than he seems to be. The interviewer guessed about 175 cm.
Franco said on 1/Sep/07
is this a joke?.........robbie = 6'0 (183cm) ?! wtf
i wouldn't have given him in all these years more than 5'9 or 175cm,
upon examinations the looks a proper 178-180cm.
Graham said on 22/Aug/07
He's at least on par with adrianna lima (who's 178cm) in this photo. And I'm sure Adrianna is wearing heels! although she might be curving her back as models do.
Click Here
Neville said on 1/Aug/07
I read he's going to play Captain Kirk in the new Star Trek. Isn't he too tall?

Editor Rob
the day you see Robbie playing Kirk is the day you'll see me being cast as Scotty...
Pete said on 14/Jul/07
James, there r pics of Robbie with Goldie (5-10 max) and both look the same. both wearing the same soccer shoes.
Jenna said on 12/Jul/07
Robbie and Simon Cowell standing next to each other, after Robbie gave Simon a lapdance... Or maybe Robbie had simply run out of toilet paper?
Click Here
Click Here
Taffer92 said on 8/Jul/07
Robbie is at least 5 ft 10.5 without shoes but from photos I reckon he's around 5.11.5 barefoot making him 6 ft .5 with regular shoes, end of argument!!!!!
l0ck n l0ad said on 15/Jun/07
I just looked at Sky's picture, I zoomed in and draw a horinzontal line on their head tops, the appear to be just the same. Are you guys sure Beckham is only 5-11?
Robbie seems like a weak 6ft, I guess now he's really 5'11-1/2" - 5'11-3/4".
I never took much interest in Robbie's height but he always seemed a strong 5-10 to me.
Maya said on 11/Jun/07
Editor Rob, don't you think that it is safe to knock half an inch off Robbie's height?
Bran said on 25/May/07
yeah then he's around 180.end of discussion.
marly said on 25/May/07
I can see in the picture Robbie is little shorter than Beckham. So it makes Robbie is NOT 6 ft at all.
Sky said on 12/May/07
Here's a pic (
Click Here) again form Robbie and Beckham(5ft11 "100%" ). I think he's maximum 5'10.5", he's never 5'11".
Noli said on 15/Mar/07
I'm tallish(for a girl). My official height varies with the person measuring me. I tend to wind up listed as shorter when they're shorter(u know at the doc's office). Haven't met RW. Was reading this out of curiousity(spefically googled for how tall is Robbie Williams).
Where do people buy these nifty x-ray specs that let them see str8 through shoes? He's 5' 10" I'm 5' 10" so he must be! Ummm, I'm confused, if you're 5' 10" and he's always wearing humungous lifts, then isn't he more like 5' 4"?
Pam said on 13/Mar/07
I'm 5'11" when measured bare-foot at the doctor's office...every time. However once I put shoes on I'm over that...I guess about 6 and a half. Anyway, I worked in hotels and saw/met many celebrities. One thing you notice is that they almost always appear tiny in real life. That being said though, I have had numerous people say to me "no way you're 5'11" etc...or "you must be 6' 4!" LOL! It's always relative to the height of the person looking at me...generally the shorter they are the taller they think I am. So I assume the same would be true for Robbie...he probably is 6 foot about, looking at him I doubt he's much taller than that. His body type does appear shorter...but my body type makes me appear taller (thin)...so. But I have no reason to lie. Anyway, this is my reasoning for the discrepancy in peoples' observations.
Evanna said on 11/Mar/07
The first and only time I saw him, and that was almost 15 years ago, he looked around 5'11" to me, but he was still in his teens then, and it is fairly possible that he grew an inch or so later on.
In the old Take That photos he always tried to stand as tall as possible - maybe he was compensating for the fact that he was the youngest of them. But actually both Jason and Howard were slightly taller than him. I don't know, however, if that's still the case.
Scarlet said on 9/Mar/07
He's still not 6'. Never looked 5 inches taller than Gary Barlow (the real talent)
Pete said on 9/Mar/07
same happens with kevin costner who seems short on movies and then hes 6-1
Leung said on 8/Mar/07
excellent point Anonymous, Robbie is one of those guys that has the body shape and limbs that make him appear shorter than he really is.
Anonymous said on 8/Mar/07
scarlet It doesn't mean anything... my best friend look 5'7''-5'9'' on pictures (when he is alone on them) cause he seems to be very like a hobbit. In fact He's 6'3''... I think he has the same body shape as robbie
Scarlet said on 7/Mar/07
His arms are very short. I can't see that happening to a genuine 6ft person.
jessie said on 7/Mar/07
Do you remember when it was? If it was in 1992 or something, maybe he has grown a bit since then. Some people grow until the age of 21. Seeing him next to people like Lionel Richie and David Beckham I would believe anything between 178 and 182cm. Because as I said, it´s hard to tell a height difference of 2 cm, especially on the telly where camera angles play a big role. I also read an interview where he stated 6´1". He did say in that interview I recently saw that it depends on the day he lies on. I think that says it all. He´s not completely honest about his height and admits it. As I posted before, I´m also wondering about some people´s statements. There are the ones who met him and describe him as pretty tall, like 6´1". And then there are the ones who met him and say there´s no way in hell that he´s taller than 5´10". I guess his exact height remains a mystery. We can also compare him to Jonny Wilkes who did claim he´s 6´2". Robbie very often stands next to him. Sometimes he looks pretty much shorter and sometimes they look almost the same height. It´s kind of weird. Next to Jonny Robbie can look like 183cm, next to David Beckham he looks 180cm. Maybe Beckham is a bit taller than we think? I have no idea...
Pete said on 7/Mar/07
jessie, in another interview long time a go when he was in take that he stated he was 5-10. i think we have another "brad pitt" case in here.
jessie said on 6/Mar/07
Yeah, could be. I saw the pictures you are talking about and they look about the same height. It´s hard to tell a height difference of 2cm, especially if they don´t have the exact same posture, but they look about the same height. Yesterday I happened to see an interview where Robbie was asked about his height and he replied "I´d like to say I´m 6´2", but I´m not. I´m 6´." Let´s say he exaggarates his height a bit (as most people do) and we come to the conclusion that he´s about 1.80.
Pete said on 5/Mar/07
jessie, theres also a pic of robbie with beckham who is 1.80 and both barefoot and exaclty the same height.
Brian 185 said on 4/Mar/07
i don't believe he's that tall...seeing him on TV and so,i'd give him a strong 5'10"
Gazza said on 16/Feb/07
Robbie signed an autograph for me once in Stevenage(UK), I am 5'11 and he
was just fractionally taller than me. Definitely not 6'1 as most mags
state, probably 6ft.
6'2.5'' JK said on 10/Feb/07
6'0'' - 6'0.5'' is right for him, but nothing over 184cms..
jessie said on 9/Feb/07
Here´s a picture with 5´11" Lionel Richie:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/07
looked 4in shorter then jamie theakston (6ft4) on top of the pops i agree with the editors 6ft listing
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/07
Robbie did claim that he was 'only 5-10' on Top of the Pops, about 3 or 4 years ago. The presenter claimed, something like - while Robbie was famous, he would never be tall as me (He was 6-4) and Robbie said I am only 5-10.
jessie said on 4/Jan/07
If David Enthoven is 6´3" then Robbie´s no more than 6´. I´ve seen both of them on a documentary and David towered over him. If that guys says himself that he´s 6´ flat then I really doubt he´s any taller. Why would he make himself smaller?
Alison said on 2/Jan/07
Robbie's definitely 6' or more. I met him a few years back and was surprised at how tall he was. David Enthoven, his manager, is pretty tall - I'd guess at 6' 3".
TJ said on 27/Dec/06
My friend met him in 1994-95 at a student's union in staffordshire. I think he was there visiting a friend, as it was his home town of Stoke. I missed him by about two minutes, but everyone was talking about him by the time I got there. Anyway, he spoke to a friend of mine who is about 5'9 - 5'10, and my friend said that Robbie was quite a bit taller than he expected at around 6'0.
Leung said on 27/Dec/06
Robbie Williams concert was on tv recently and my brother’s Korean girlfriend is a huge fan and gets that lusty look in her eyes whenever he is on television. She asked “do you know how tall he is?” and I answered “Robbie is about 6 foot”, and she was totally shocked and explained that she had always thought that he was really short like 5’5”. During a commercial break there was an advertisement for a charity that featured Beckham and Robbie Williams together, I pointed out “look he is similar height to Beckham”. After this revelation it was clearly apparent that my brother’s girlfriend’s fetish for Robbie Williams increased even more.
lara said on 27/Dec/06
Well we don´t see their posture or what shoes they are wearing. But you are right, judging by this picture Robbie´s probably at least 183-184cm. Does anyone know how tall David Enthoven (his manager) is? He looks quite a lot taller than Robbie.
Ren 17 said on 26/Dec/06
Met Robbie about 3 years ago. I'm 5'10.5" He was definitely a couple of inches taller than me. I'd put him at 6'1". Made me laugh because I kept asking people afterwards how tall they thought he is. Most people seem to guess he's about 5'9", and couldn't believe it when I told them he was over 6'. I had pictured him being much shorter too.
lara said on 25/Dec/06
They stood up to measure themselves because Robbie looked taller? Cute lol Maybe that measn that he IS wearing lifts, since people don´t tend to grow after the age of 21 (and that was the last time they saw him). I think that Robbie´s around 6´. Especially if he said so himself. I seriously doubt that he would say 6 foot flat if he was actually taller. I don´t know any men who make themselves smaller. Women sometimes do that if they feel too tall, but men? I don´t think so.
Maya said on 22/Dec/06
I've recently read Gary Barlow's autobiography, and his first impression of Robbie back in 1990 was "a tall kid" - and Robbie was only 16 then. Also, when Robbie visited Gary and the others after one of the TT concerts in 2006 they all noticed that Robbie looked taller than before. They even stood up to measure themselves (but Gary didn't write down the results of the measurement in the book!). Anyway, Gary claims to be 5'8", in reality he's probably closer to 5'7", but still it's hard to believe that Robbie is under 6'.
fetus said on 10/Dec/06
In his 2006 tour program, it says 6'1". View it:
Click Here
His management wrote that probably, but they're not lying by much. He has been asked in interview and answered "Six foot flat."
6'2'' JK said on 10/Dec/06
Robbie is 6'0.5'' at his best. I cant see him under 6'0'' though as he is listed here.
Evanna said on 2/Dec/06
Nice to have you back, Rob! As for your namesake R. Williams, he's about 5'11". But some of the comments in this page are ridiculous, I mean, since when has 5'11" been short?!
BTW, since Take That are back in business (without Robbie) perhaps you could add the rest of the guys to this site, and I could add a comment or two on Mark Owen :)) (now, that one is REALLY short!)
Meerkat said on 17/Nov/06
Saw him years back at a Take That concert, he is about 5'10-5'11. 6ft maybe in biiig shoes and a big quiff
Josh said on 13/Nov/06
He looked 5'11 to be me in his concert.
James said on 7/Nov/06
I met Robbie Williams in November 2001 at Glenn Eagles hotel in Scotland. He was walking down to the golf course with his entourage and i made an effort to shake hands. He was in a good mood so did not mind. I am just under 6,2 was at least 1 or 2 inches taller. My ownest guess is that he is about 5,11 but he makes himseld look as tall as possible in the public eye with his shoes he wears. he was a very nice bloke with good manners. Someone should just ask him.
Andy said on 27/Oct/06
Very generous - I am exactly 6-2 in my bare feet and I saw Robbie at his Leeds gig and he was not up to my chin and I was wearing V thin soled shoes (Puma Retro style) why do celebs or their management have to lie!!! he was stood next to my Bro who is 5-10 signing autographs in the same kinda shoes - who cares anyway he was ace!
Lmeister said on 24/Oct/06
Robbie is taller than Becks. Do U think that Becks is 5'9''ish!!!No way those 5'9''- 5'10'' are ridiculous
Paul said on 22/Oct/06
Something is wrong. In nearly every magazine you can read that this guy is small. How can it be that an alleged 6footer always got described as small?
Nolifts81 said on 13/Aug/06
Height Detective in that pic both are barefeet and Beckham had a bad posture. However Beckham is for sure 180cm!!! and Robbie is 2 cm shorter. If Beckham had a better posture in that pic he would appears clearly taller than Robbie.P.S. Also with a bad posture,in that pic, there is no way that Robbie Williams is taller than Beckham!!!. Editor Rob please post that pic in the soccer field!!!
Stevie G said on 12/Aug/06
I think Beckham looks slightly taller than Robbie in that pic. The top of Beckhams head is closer to the top of the picture. The picture does'nt look tiltet because both guys feet seem to be as close to the bottom of the picture. They also seem to stand beside eachother. If all that is true then the thing that can make Robbie as tall as Beckham is if Beckhams hair is considerably higher. I think Robbie is maybe 1 cm shorter than Beckham. Seems to be about 180 cm.
Height Detective said on 11/Aug/06
Sorry Nolifts81 , but in this photo Robbie is BAREFEET near an also barefeet Beckham , and there is no way hi is shorter than Becks , in fact he is slighty taller , wich makes him 6 ft.
Click Here
JK said on 10/Aug/06
I think 6ft is right, i can remember i saw a program (i can't remember the name of the program) He was with Wayne Rooney and had about 3 inches on Wayne.
so 6ft seems correct.
Nolifts81 said on 9/Aug/06
Mia- The trainers that RObbie wears aren't low cut so is very easy to put in those trainers heavy lifts.I've seen the trainers he had on in his Berlin concert:he had at least 3 inches of lifts inside the shoe!
mia said on 9/Aug/06
Actually he often wears trainers, also at his concerts. I rarely have seen him in boots.
Nolifts81 said on 7/Aug/06
He use boots in his concerts because only in the boots you can put lifts inside! In normal dress shoes (low cut) is a little bit difficult to do this.
Height Detective said on 6/Aug/06
I dont think he use lifts , he is a tall guy , he is not 6.1 but he is no less than 5.11 so i cant see why he need lifts. Of course he use boots on concerts to maximise his height , but i dont think he need a big boost to use lifts.
mia said on 3/Aug/06
I don´t know, it´s kind of interesting to discuss this. What I mean by "I don´t care about his height" is that it doesn´t matter to me if he´s short or tall. But still it would be interesting to know his height. The only times I´ve seen him in real life was at his concerts, but I never talked to him or stood next to him, so everything I say about his height is just an assumption. To me he looks kind of tallish, so if you´d ask me, I´d say he´s probably around 6´-6´1". If Nolifts says that Robbie is 5´10" then maybe he just comes across as pretty tall on TV. That´s why I maybe seem to contradict myself. I just posted my impressions, I don´t know his height for a fact.
Nolifts81 said on 3/Aug/06
To me this guy can be also 7 ft, I don't care about him.All I wanted to say is that when, casually, I saw this guy listed at almost 6'1" here I though you were talking about another person, not the singer(I am from Italy so was possible that in the U.S. there was another famous person with the same name and I don't know).Is absurd that a 5'10"man looks like a 6'1" man to you.Is real, the fans are blind!With all the respect for you.
Height Detective said on 2/Aug/06
haha leonari you are right , mia you said that you dont care about robbie height (if you dont care about his height why you came here over and over again ? ) and that you are objetive , well you said in your first post : "robbie MUST BE 6.1 " ( that is what you call an "objetive" statement ?) and now after several post, you begin to recognize he could be shorter , I said a long time ago that he is near 6 ft , when he was listed here at 1.84 and now he is listed at 6 ft .
The people who said that he is 5.10 I think they have to put at least a single proof of that , otherwise im gonna think they say that to feel better about their own height.
mia said on 1/Aug/06
Hey, I think you´re right. I just checked the URL (or whatever you call it) and it says "Denis Leary". Which one is he? And do you know how tall he is?
Stevie G said on 1/Aug/06
That dude to the right on Mia's third pic looks like Denis Leary. Leary does'nt come across as a guy who hangs out with Robbie Williams, so i might be wrong.
leonari said on 1/Aug/06
I don't care about this guy!! I'm not a fan! But man...objectivity is expressed by repeating the same height over, and over and over again? Please you wondering off subject. I just said it's annoying to repeat the same bull so many times. Even if it is 100 % correct. Ok? Cool.
mia said on 31/Jul/06
Well I don
Nolifts81 said on 31/Jul/06
You're right Leonari. Excuse me.The fact is that I am not a Robbie Williams fan so I've seen and I see the things with more obiettivity.
leonari said on 30/Jul/06
Nolifts81: OK man after 6 posts stating that Robbie is 5'10" we got your point man. Stop repeating the same s***e over and over again. Very anoying man...We heard you fool! You belive Robbie is 5'10"...or..come on post it one more time, cause it's so fun!How tall is Robbie Nolifts???? 6 feet??
FWfender said on 30/Jul/06
Anyone know where i can find group photos of "Take That" from 1991?
Nolifts81 said on 25/Jul/06
In Italy soccer is the first national sport. I know for sure that David Beckham is 180 cm barefoot.He is listed in all soccer's books at 5'11"(180cm). If Rob help me and show that pic in the soccer field with all the rest of the team, you'll realize that Robbie Williams is only 5'10". Really guys I am sure of this!
sc said on 25/Jul/06
mia the picture of david beckham and rob. He is slouching and bekhmas hair is also a bit more boofy so id say they come in about the same. Beckham is 182, i seen him being measured with a head marker on tv doco
Nolifts81 said on 24/Jul/06
Stevie- Beckham, in that pic has not a good posture, really, look at his left leg. Beckham is 2 cm taller than Robbie Williams. Rob- Do you still have that pic with Robbie and Beckham in the soccer field with all the rest of the soccer team? Can you post that pic? Thank you in advance Rob.
Stevie G said on 24/Jul/06
I would guess his maximum 180 cm. The picture with him and Beckham were none is wearing shoes is interesting. Beckham is between 180 - 181. If Robbie is 183 cm then he should appear as tall as Frank Lampard appears beside Beckham. Something is wrong here.
Nolifts81 said on 24/Jul/06
Is clear you are all fans here! David Beckham is exactly 180cm(5'11") and in that pic hasn't a good posture while Robby has a better posture. Beckham has 0.75 inch(2cm) on Robbie Williams. Robbie Williams is only 178 cm! He is my exact height!!!
Tom said on 22/Jul/06
Producer Steve Power, is a big chap, probably 6'3". Find a decent pic of him and Williams together and you'll unlock the truth.
Click Here
sc said on 22/Jul/06
He was wearing normal black shoes, flat souls. Have a look, who the hell wears 4 inch heels on a daily basis, thats prety far fetched, unless your a chick. have a watch of it
mia said on 21/Jul/06
What about the other guys from Take That? They were all a bit smaller than him. Does anybody know Jason Orange and Howard Donald´s height? Because they were about his height (maybe half an inch smaller)
I believe you that you met him, but it sounds a bit weird that Robbie ALWAYS wears elevator shoes. And as I said, in his biography he stated that he´s taller than 5´10" (when they tell the bodyguard story and Robbie mentions that his bodyguard used to be his height. The bodyguard agrees and says that now he´s gone down to 5´10").
Unless he really always wear lifts I think he´s probably around 6´or 6´1" since he really comes across as pretty tall on TV. There are only few people who tower over him (like Craig Killborn for example, does anybody know his height? He was really a lot taller than Robbie)
TheMan said on 21/Jul/06
He's probably around 183cm but not 6,1 that is laughable.
Nolifts81 said on 21/Jul/06
Hey Kiuru Did know that also in tennis shoes you can put 1.5 inchs inside or not?Sc-Did you know that with elevator shoes you can be 4 inches taller and noone notice nothing? Is evident you don't know what elevator shoes and lifts can do.Look at Sylvester Stallone. When I see Robbie Williams on TV I see always his shoes and they are always elevator shoes!!! Come on people you are all fooled. This guy is 5'10". sc- I know my height exactly, I am 5'10 (178cm)barefoot.And I can assure you that Robbie Williams is exactly my same height!P.S. David Beckham is 180 cm (5'11"), no more, and he is almost 1 inch taller than Robbie Williams(look at that soccer pic where Robbie wears regoular shoes).
sc said on 21/Jul/06
I have seen him walk through doors and stand in them on the robbir williams show backstage footage. there isnt much room between his head and the door, even with shoes on, someone under 6ft wouldnt tower that tall. and he is taller then nearly everyone around him so he would be around 6 foot and a bit. have a look for yourselves
Nolifts81 said on 13/Jul/06
What are you talking about. Are you crazy? This guy is 5'10". Is evident that in these years he wears huge lifts (Maybe he asked them to Sly Stallone). I've seen him 2 times. I am 5'10" and he was my exact height!!!. Last year when he was in Milano (ITALY) Me and my brother (6'1") were beside him for 1 or 2 minutes. I've seen My brother tower over him. Then My brother saw me beside him and he told to me that he was my exact height! This guy is 178 cm!. Believe me.Is ridicoulus put him at almost 6'1". He is only 5'10".
mia said on 7/Jul/06
I read Robbie´s "feel" biography and on one page they´re talking about an accident one of Robbie´s bodyguards had. Robbie goes "before his accident he was my height" and the bodyguard says "Yeah, I was over 6´, now I´m 5´10"." So that means that, according to himself and the bodyguard, Robbie is probably taller than 6´.
I´m not sure if I´m allowed to post this, but here´s a clip with Robbie and Jonathan Wilkes:
Click Here
Tubbs said on 25/Jun/06
Saw pictures of robbie with Jonatahan Wilkes, Wilkes is 6'2, and Williams was no more than an inch shorter than him, this is consistent in photos of the two together.
mb1 said on 24/Jun/06
he wasnt wearing lifts, just shoes. he appeard taller then i am when i walk through a door and im 6'ish
mia said on 5/Jun/06
I have a "football album" where everyone´s height is listed. According to this Beckham is 5´11", but then again I´m not sure how accurate these heights are.
The Guv'nor said on 5/Jun/06
I agree that Robbie isnt that short but come sometimes appear that way due to his build, short legs etc. I don't see how you can list him at 6.05 though when you only have Beckham at 5-11.5!! In the best of the pictures of the two of them below there can be no doubt whatsoever that they are the same height at most, Robbie being slightly shorter if anything. I actually think you have got Robbie spot on but Becks needs upgrading to the same height.
raj said on 5/Jun/06
mia, elvis wore lifts when he was standing 6 feet barefoot. same with 5-10 brad pitt or pierce brosnam.
mia said on 4/Jun/06
I haven´t seen it, but why would a person who´s probably taller than 5´10" wear lifts?
A friend of mine has a video where Robbie and Joss Stone sing Angles together. Since none of us know how to make a screen shot she took some pictures with her digital camera. So the quality is really bad, but I think you can see who is who:
Click Here
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Sorry for the bad quality! During the song for some reason Joss took of her shoes, so in the picture she´s barefoot while Robbie´s wearing shoes. I don´t know how tall Joss stone is. I heard she´s somewehre between 5´9" and 5´11".
raj said on 3/Jun/06
mb1, do u no if he was wearing lifts?
mb1 said on 2/Jun/06
If you watch the Robbie Williams Show backstage bit. you notice he stands infront of a door talking before he walks through. He must be at least 185 cause i am 184cm and my head isnt as close as hes is to the top of the door, even with my shoes on
Anonymous said on 1/Jun/06
I thought Robbie looked taller than Beckham at the party. There was one angle from behind Beckham that made Beckham look slightly taller, but all other angles showed Robbie to be just a little taller - probably 1/2 to 3/4 inch. I know one thing. A friend of mine met him in around 1995 and he said Robbie appeared tall. Friend is about 5'9 and Robbie didn't just have one inch on him.
Kate said on 31/May/06
There's clearly only one sensible way to settle this: Robbie, if you're reading, feel free to drop by mine and I'll get out my tape measure. To everyone else: celebrities tend to be a bit on the short side, how else could they fit on the TV?!
raj said on 30/May/06
hes same height as goldie both wearing same soccer shoes and no chance for cheating. 5- 11 at the most. end of the discussion
bay said on 30/May/06
There´s a picture of Robbie with Paul Cascoigne where they are equal. Cascoigne is 1,78m
leonari said on 30/May/06
Robbie Williams is one of the only guys who appear short on TV but who in reality is a "Big guy" at almost 6'1". His proportions are very bad. Stumpy legs, wide torso...One strange guy...I was more than convinced that this guy was well below 6 feet but in reality he is probably a tad over 6 feet.
Mikex said on 29/May/06
I watched the Beckham party thing as well Parker and to me Robbie looked an inch or more shorter than Beckham.
ron said on 29/May/06
parker, u mean a tad bit under 6 feet
Parker said on 29/May/06
I watched the Beckham party last night. Beckham and Robbie are the same heght, whatever that is..around 6' I'd say
mia said on 27/May/06
@Height Detective:
You´re getting something wrong here lol I really don´t care if Robbie is 6´1", 6´, or even "just" 5´10". His height really doesn´t matter to me at all. As I said, I don´t know how tall he is. I just said that he was a bit taller than Stefan Raab (a german host) and since someone claimed that Stefan probably isn´t lying about his height (182cm) I said that this WOULD make Robbie 6´1". Not sure if he really is, I never met him in person and it´s hard to tell his height from pictures or videos, because it really depends on camera angles.
Bye the way, my previous comment was adressed to leonari and not TheMan. Sorry
raj said on 27/May/06
height detective, beckham is 1.80 or 1.81 at the most and williams is shorter than him. theres no way he is 6 feet
Height Detective said on 26/May/06
mia, the fact that you are a woman may conduce you to think he is 6.1 but in the photos with Becks and with George Michael who is listed here at 5.11 his cleary that he is not 6.1 , I also like his music very much but to afirm that he is 6.1 is streching the truth
mia said on 26/May/06
Well then Robbie must be about 6´1" because he was a LITTLE BIT taller than Stefan Raab and I don´t think that you see a height difference of 1cm. (Bye the way, I remember Stefan Raab on one occasion saying that he´s about 1,80m. Maybe he isn´t sure about his height, himself)?
raj said on 26/May/06
theres a pic of him besides dj goldie (5-11) both wearing soccer boots (no cheating) and they look exactly the same. Williams is 5-11. end of the discussion.
Height Detective said on 25/May/06
Click Here Robbie and Beckham
Robbie and George Michael
Click Here He look 6 ft
leonari said on 25/May/06
MIA: Stefan Raab is without a doubt 182 cm. He ain't lying aboout his height. Why should he at almost 6 feet??
TheMan said on 25/May/06
I hate to say this lol but i now think he may possibly actually be around 6foot. I saw him on a picture in the paper he didnt seem that much smaller than Gordan ramsey who is 6,2.
mia said on 24/May/06
@cendrin rovini:
Yeah, I was talking about Stefan Raab. You could be right that he is lying about his height. I don´t know how tall Mr. Williams is, but he always seemed tall to me when he stood next to anyone. Does anyone know Ray Cokes´ height? I think that he was one of the few people who were quite a lot taller than Robbie.
[Editor Rob: Robbie is doing that soccer aid thing this week and standing beside guys of relative height...he can sometimes look barely 6ft...]
MD said on 18/Apr/06
Well, then, Rob. What does that mean you do? :)
Anonymous said on 18/Apr/06
He's a sloucher and looks shorter because he's got short legs but a long torso. He's said on radio he's 6 foot flat. I'd say it's more 6' .5" to be exact, a very good measurment of this is him standing next to Carson Daly, who is just slightly taller than him. There is absolutely no way he is under 6 feet.
kramer said on 17/Apr/06
ive looked at those 4 pics and cant see how height detective can say he is taller than beckham. If anything he looks slightly shorter, apart from the one where he is closer to the camera. 5 11 max.

Editor Rob
I think that is the point...he can look shorter than his own claim by good inch!
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/06
i went to so much trouble for this but whatever, here's a viddy of robbie next to 5'11 david beckham...he's shorter..
Click Here
Hippy Chick said on 15/Mar/06
Me and my (at the time) boyfriend met Robbie years ago outside a gig (before he was mega famous). He stood right next to us. My boyfriend was 5ft 11. Robbie was definitely taller than him. So unless he was wearing high heels ( which I saw no evidence of!) I'd say Robbie is just over 6 ft. Maybe we can invite him to undergo a measurement? He's quite cute- I'll volunteer to do the necessary with a tape measure!!!!!!
cendrin rovini said on 14/Mar/06
...@mia: what german host are you talking about?... stefan raab?... yes he is taller than stefan, but is stefan really 182cm, they all lie about their heights, verona feldbusch said robbie's 175cm max when she saw him once...;-)
Tubbs said on 24/Feb/06
According to the Daily Mirror, Robbie has become obsessed with a 6ft blonde, it also said that Williams was 2 inches shorter at 5'10. Maybe if there are pictures of the two together, it will be easier to judge his height.
MiVa said on 23/Feb/06
Yeah, Robbie is nowhere near taller than Beckham. Beckham is 182 cm and I know he is atleast a few centimeters taller than Robbie, who would then be some 179 cm at max.
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/06
In the Live 8 DVD you can see David Beckham presenting Robbie Williams, Beckham is a solid 5'11 (1,80) maybe 5'11 1/2 (1,82)?? well, Robbie looks shorter than him, maybe 5'9 1/2 (1,76 or 1,77), watch that DVD and you'll see...
susan said on 15/Feb/06
Robbie is no more than 5-11. Evidence is on that photo in a celebrity soccer match standing right beside british dj/actor Goldie (5-10) both wearing the same football boots (obviously no tricks with those) and they were same height.
mia said on 14/Feb/06
I also think he´s about 6´1". I´ve seen him on a German show and he was slightly taller than the host who often stated that he´s about 182cm. So I think 6´0"-6´1" is about right.
The Judge said on 4/Feb/06
Hello and sorry guys! Mr.Williams is tall, between 6'0" and 6'1"... As we can see on french tv show, next to Mr.Cauet who's 5'11"
TheMan said on 28/Jan/06
Yeah come on guys this height needs to be changed. I couldent care less if willaims was actually even 6,1. But it's just not beliverble in the slightest. Williams isnt even close, 5,10 max. I mean it's just like saying Tom Cruise is 6,5 or something if he looked near that we'd say oh yeah probably near that. But he's just not and williams is hardly a cm off 6,1.
M1ghty said on 24/Jan/06
Agree with TheMan and nolifts ...
He's told in a show on an UK channel he was "only" 5'10"...
There's no way he's above 180cm and he seems to be 178 to me ...
TheMan said on 18/Jan/06
WHAT!!! LOL! 6,0 afraid not id say about 5,9 he was a similer height to the taller one from ant and dec and he's only 5,9 max. Ive never seen williams as tall this is hilerous deffently not 6,0 that i can garantee. 5,9 5,10 max. He's height needs to go down by a few innches lol!
nolifts81 said on 17/Jan/06
Are You talking about Robbie Williams,ex take that or about another person? Wake up people Robbie is no taller than 5'10". I've seen him 2 times and he is exactly my height: I am 5'10". You also don't look his body structure he hasn't long leg to be 6'0" or 6'1".Personally I think that he has a little short legs. Belive me I've been next to him 2 times and he is my exact height:5'10"(178cm).

Editor Rob
yes this is take thatter, he's said himself '6ft 1'...but 5ft 10 in person??? Maybe Robbie is planning again to try breaking America by joining the WWF, that's the place where you can get away with adding 3 inches :-)
CelebHeights Editor said on 1/Jan/06
Aol Chat. I seen this on another fan site a few months ago and dismissed it as made up, but then saw it on the aol site itself! Anyway, Robbie admits to being '6ft 1'...
CelebHeights Editor said on 24/Dec/05
Just seen this guy on tv beside Ant and Dec...I think 183cm might be closer...184/185 is harder to buy...although he was on Little Britain and did look tallish ;)
J.J.F said on 23/Dec/05
Ok I may be risking my integrity here, but what the hell...
Both the top and, ahem, bottom pic on this page show Williams being no more thasn 2" taller than Gary Barlow who is about 5'9"ish?
Doesn't look over 5'11" to me.
cendrin rovini said on 23/Dec/05
Robbie is the biggest star in England, Germany etc. right now, when he went to America they called him "fat, short dancer". But he's 186cm, probably taller...
cendrin rovini said on 21/Dec/05
If Jason is as tall as Robbie then Robbie is 178cm, Jason isn't much taller, 180cm max. Sometimes he looks like that and he also said 178cm..
Anonymous said on 19/Dec/05
Come on boys, here's the one who knows EVERYTHING about the sweeties. I got autograph cards from 1992, Jason Orange is listed as 178cm and Rob as 186cm. And he looked that much taller. They also had Howard listed as 186cm and he was very close to Robbie. But maybe your sis was right, I only know pictures and ALL the videos.
J.J.F said on 19/Dec/05
Now, asked my little sis, who's been to a number of Take that's concerts and also got some autographs once, about this - she claims that Jason 'whatshisname' looked the same height as Robbie Williams and they were the tallest of the bunch...
Not sure if that helps, but anyway.
I have him pegged at 182-183cm, but he can seem taller and even shorter sometimes, I think he may have a few pairs of strong shoes...
cendrin rovini said on 19/Dec/05
Hey Shaun, I'm a Take That expert *lol*. Gary Barlow is listed as 175cm which seems right. Mark Owen always as 170cm. Can be true, sometimes he looks smaller. Greetz from Germany
Shaun said on 18/Dec/05
How tall are Mark Owen and Gary Barlow? They didn't appear to be exceptionally tall on the Jonathan Ross show and Mark Owen is notoriously short.
cendrin rovini said on 8/Dec/05
But he was the tallest dude in Take That, I remember that. I think he's almost 6 2, his name Robbie and his sweet face give the impression of a smaller dude, also his body, he's not the guy that can look tall, but he was so much taller than Jason who's 5 11.
Zach said on 28/Nov/05
Yep, thats the kit they were wearing Rob, although as mentioned none of the pics had great angles to make comparisons from.
Zach said on 28/Nov/05
There was a pretty big article in The Mirror here in the UK today on pages 4-5 with both Robbie Williams and Beckham in football boots. None of the pics were from great angles but they looked about the same height.

Editor Rob
I never saw the article, but
one of the pics.
I'm thinking of 183cm for this guy though...I said back in April that he walks together towards Kidman in their music video...I'm not sure, but thinking of it she is barefoot, but robbie might in fact have wee slippers on...hmm
Jello said on 24/Sep/05
Robbie doesn't look like a 6ft1 guy. I think that he is 5ft9. Maybe 5ft10.
CelebHeights Editor said on 2/Sep/05
From bbc forum: "I saw Robbie at a charity lunch and I was no more than 10 feet away from him. He is about 5 foot 9-10 inches and most definitely not 6 feet and certainly not 6 foot 3!"
TJ said on 8/Jul/05
Mitch, I think it's misleading to say Beckham was 2 inches taller. Here's a pic of them on stage:
Beckham is 5'11.5 and they looked more or less the same height. Agreed, if anything it is Beckham that looks taller, but taking into account posture and shoes, that's no necessarily the case. The Kidman evidence is good reason to believe that he does make 6 feet. I wrote the anonymous comment on 8 May (forgot to add my name) and the point still stands about the friend who met him in 1994. My friend was actually surprised at how tall he was and you don't have that reaction to a guy who is 5'9 - 5'10.
Anonymous said on 8/May/05
When stood up straight in that duet with Tom, Robbie was much taller. Also, Tom is no stranger to large heels and lifts. I think 6ft or just over is accurate. My friend, who's about 5'9, met Robbie at a bar in around 1994 and was surprised how tall he was. He guessed a certain 6 foot, if not more.
MHouillon said on 23/Apr/05
Yeah, I think Robbie fits a 181-182cm (5'11.25" or 5'11.5") perfect.
Smoke said on 6/Apr/05
I saw him while he was running in to do a local morning radio show and he really is a lot taller than I'd expected him to be. He's 183-184 cm.
Lmeister said on 5/Apr/05
Robbie is around 185 cm. He is a really bad sloucher and that makes him look shorter and he prefers wearing sneakers instead of heels...
Big Dave said on 5/Apr/05
I don't think he is anywhere near 6ft tall. After watching many of his music videos this is very clear. I would say that he is 178cm at the very most,and thats being generous.
Pete said on 5/Mar/05
You must be joking, 5'9 on a good day measured first thing in the morning stretched up and to his hair!