IceCold said on 13/Apr/22
Are you closer to the camera? He looks even shorter than you in this pic with hair advantage

Editor Rob
I'd say very close within 1cm.
Johno said on 25/Aug/21
About 1/3 or 1/4-inches shorter than Rob.
Rory said on 20/Mar/21
Rob, how tall would you say Anelka is based on these pictures with Robbie ?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
around 6ft 1
RJT said on 8/Dec/20
Did he look noticeable half inch taller from your eyes perspective in person?
In photo I'd say your tophead edge him out. He has small head which make him appear taller.

Editor Rob
I feel he was pretty close, but I did get the impression he could be a bit taller than myself, not a full 5ft 9, but 8.5 range I guessed.
Mark Allan said on 17/Jun/20
Rob, looks same height as you can you not claim 5’8.5 instead of just 5’8 I think you can pass for 5’8.5?

Editor Rob
I felt in person Fowler was near 5ft 8.5, his 5ft 9 claim isn't terrible.
khaled taban said on 24/Aug/19
Rob, Do you think he ever was the full 5'9" , as you've said he looked 5'9" back in liverbool days ?

Editor Rob
I doubt he really lost any height, I think maybe a strong 5ft 8.5 range and tiny loss isn't impossible through wear & tear, but half inch might be hard to buy!
Vibram said on 29/Apr/19
He was listed as 176cm in 1995/6 premiership album. I guess thats not quite what he is.
Zampo said on 15/Nov/18
Looks 5'8-5'8.25 range to me.
What I will say is logically when it comes to those around the 5'8 range listings (or near that), I am far less likely to question a listing as Rob himself measures within the range lets not forget lives with someone also within that range. Doesn't mean he can't be off with an estimate but a far less chance compared to other height ranges, I feel.
Zach said on 12/Nov/18
This guy used to regularly be listed as 5'11 back in his Liverpool days...
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Jul/18
Robbie gives a slightly shorter impression than the 173.7 measured guy from Height Challenge. Robbie looks around 173 flat.
Canson said on 20/Jul/18
@Rob: did you actually notice a difference in person? I agree with Andrea that I don’t see one here but maybe it’s the camera angle (he actually “appears” further away and like he’s sinking in the background). 3/8” may be noticeable to most (You especially) but not to someone who isn’t as knowledgeable about height

Editor Rob
Well I feel he seemed closer to 174.
Canson said on 20/Jul/18
@Rob: did you actually notice a difference in person? I agree with Andrea that I don’t see one here but maybe it’s the camera angle. 3/8” may be noticeable to most (You especially) but not to someone who isn’t as knowledgeable about height

Editor Rob
I've measured several folk around 5ft 9 and he wasn't quite that tall, within a fraction or so, I think in liverpool playing days I'd have guessed he was closer to 5ft 9, but in person 5ft 8.5 is more believable.
Andrea said on 19/Jul/18
Rising, although I agree that it is hard to spot such a small difference at times (especially when people have certain hairstyles that make it hard to see where the top of their head is), I think you can still spot it, if you pay enough attention to photos. Look at this guy from the HC:
Click Here He was measured at 173.75 (173.95 under the old stadio that gave a couple of extra mms) at the moment of the photo, so basically just around 1/4 inch taller than Rob. Despite that, it's quite clear that he's the taller one there, to me, even if, in that case, the fact that he has a higher eye level might make it clearer...
Andrea said on 17/Jul/18
Yeah, he doesn't look much different than Rob here, although he certainly has more hair...
Nik said on 17/Jul/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Too true! They appear to me as if they are very close to being height twins, when I next cast my votes on the two Rob's I will probably give them equal billing! Maybe they should both have 5'8.375"!
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Jul/18
Difficult to see the height difference! I suppose 0.5 to 1 cm won't be visible in a lot of pics.
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jul/18
@ Nik - The two Robs look neck-and-neck to me, or as near as it is possible to! In fact, my next vote for Rob will go up to reflect that. I think the last time I voted for our editor, I only gave him 5ft8 and an eighth! Just as well he won't be reading this... 😬
Pierre said on 15/Jul/18
Rob slouch more than Robbie imo;Rob even with his short hairs look the same height than him.My guess is around 5"7.25'
Nik said on 14/Jul/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Yes, the average vote now reflects the fact that 6 voters think both Rob's are the same height! - Well not all of 'em!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jul/18
But Nik - I thought his name is Robbie Paul! 😉
Rob Fowler can have 5ft8.25!
World Citizen said on 12/Jul/18
Looks the same height as you Rob.
Curry said on 12/Jul/18
In the picture he is the same height as Rob.

Editor Rob
Back in Liverpool days I'd have guessed he could seem near 5ft 9, but in person, I feel more 174 is possible. Certainly didn't seem that as tall when I saw him with Owen than it seemed like there would be from back in their Liverpool days.
Nik said on 12/Jul/18
@ Rob
I think that you may both share the same name and height!
Arch Stanton said on 12/Jul/18
True 90s legend, he was a goal machine, always remember him scoring 4 or 5 and being top of the goal scorers table competing with Andy Cole and Alan Shearer!
MAD SAM said on 11/Jul/18
Rob you look 173.5 cm here, anyway footballer Rob is a good 174 cm 😉
Lapinux said on 11/Jul/18
Legit 174 guy