Sana_ said on 1/Oct/22
He is 6 foot because khloe is 5’10 and he is taller than her
Abdul-DK said on 7/Aug/22
Daniel Hammad said on 1/Jan/22
Hey rob with Brody jenner I don’t know why but brody looks distinctively taller than rob

Editor Rob
In some photos it does look like ROb is a tad shorter.
Bootyhole McFerguson said on 22/Nov/21
I think he is 5'11 right on the nose
RamblinRose said on 17/Jun/21
My Daddys' 2nd older brother followed the Swedish side of family; stretching out to 6ft.1-in. My Dad & his oldest bro were both 5ft6.BTW his nickname in Air Force was Big Swede.Yup! Only one to have blond hair & blue eyes too!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jun/21
A Happy Meal 6ft1, there you go
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/May/21
Like I said a few years ago, he's a McDonalds 6ft1
Patm said on 18/Mar/21
Nothing over 5ft10.5, gives a 5ft11 impression sometimes because of his weight
slim 6'1 said on 22/Jan/21
Another 179 guy that claims 6’1” like jimmy Kimmel
They both get a slap in the face from me
recapa said on 24/Oct/20
180cm max
Slim 6'1" said on 6/Oct/20
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jan/20
How can Rob Kardashian even think that he could pass for six foot one? I agree with Canson's 'my a$$' comment!
Rob's father was lawyer and businessman Robert Kardashian, who gained notoriety in 1996, when he was OJ Simpson's defense attorney at his murder trial.
Rob gets five foot eleven. I'd give him five ten and seven eighths if I had the option!
Nik said on 14/Dec/19
@ Canson - How tall do you think he is?
TheBat said on 22/Nov/19
I agree, 6'1" is a pipe dream! He honestly looks 5'10.5"-5'11" range from what I can tell.
Canson said on 17/Nov/19
6’1 my a$$
TheBat said on 16/Nov/19
Arthur! said on 31/May/19
Rob, I believe the late Robert Kardashian deserves a page here. He is the only one who made the Kardashians famous after all. How tall do you think he was? He looked very short next to 6'1 prime OJ.
Click Here
John said on 1/Nov/17
Classic 5'11 guy claiming another two inches. Put him in the same camp as Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Kimmel.
Slim 6' said on 6/Oct/17
Lol 😂 , at 6'1" claim, he'd get along well with jimmy Kimmel. I'd love him to claim 6'1" to Mark Gatiss.
He's 179(5'10.5") with a chance of 180(5'11")
Slim said on 18/Sep/17
6'1" claim!? 🤢 why?????!!!!!
Slim 182 cm said on 17/Jul/17
Another 5'11 guy who claims 6'1
Canson said on 17/Jun/17
Lol Shiva: have you ever called your friend on that? If the 6'5.5 is at his lowest hell even if it's 2-3 hours out of bed he's 6'6" upon waking! Christian at almost 6'5 1/2 if he claimed 6'5 or 6'6" or 6'7 with shoesis fair in his case but if he said 6'3 or 6'9 same with me I can do 6'4 or 6'5 or 6'6 in sneaks since I'm around 6'4 1/2 barefoot.
MrTBlack said on 1/Jun/17
I always knew the 6'1" claim was bull and so glad we have a site like this when in doubt where skepticism is justified!
Canson said on 2/May/17
@Shiva: is he really 6'5.5 at his lowest? He should at least be claiming 6'5" minimum and that's even if he's just 196 he shouldn't lower below that
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 19/Apr/17
shiva 181 cms said on 17/Apr/17
One of my friends is 6'5.5 and claims 6'3 ,he makes other guys think is 6'3 that tall,
Either he's that insecure of his height, or it's just for joking purposes. I can't think of any other reason why anyone would downplay 2.5"
shiva 181 cms said on 17/Apr/17
One of my friends is 6'5.5 and claims 6'3 ,he makes other guys think is 6'3 that tall,
Canson said on 2/Apr/17
@Christian: I'd claim 194. I'm under 195 an hour out of bed and am actually a little under 194 by the end of the day 193.9. My height 5 hours out is probably like 194.1
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 1/Apr/17
Canson said on 31/Mar/17
@Christian: good memory. Yes that did happen of course I was in sneaks I think Jordans. I understand what you're saying. 6'5.5 is actually reasonable for you because you said once you don't always come all the way down to 6'5.25 maybe 6'5 3/8 some days. That's enough to say 6'5.5. Just like I often say 6'4 1/2 but say 6'4 and a little bit mostly now because I got tired of hearing why don't you round up etc usually by guys who are shorter and wish they were taller even some taller guys who wish they were. And of course women love to embellish guys heights in many cases. Surprisingly my wife doesn't do it tho. She bills herself 5'8" and is like 5'7 2/3-3/4 at her lowest whereas when someone asks she says 6'4 or so on my behalf or 6'4 and change
What about when using centimeters? Do you claim 194 or 195?
Canson said on 31/Mar/17
@Christian: good memory. Yes that did happen of course I was in sneaks I think Jordans. I understand what you're saying. 6'5.5 is actually reasonable for you because you said once you don't always come all the way down to 6'5.25 maybe 6'5 3/8 some days. That's enough to say 6'5.5. Just like I often say 6'4 1/2 but say 6'4 and a little bit mostly now because I got tired of hearing why don't you round up etc usually by guys who are shorter and wish they were taller even some taller guys who wish they were. And of course women love to embellish guys heights in many cases. Surprisingly my wife doesn't do it tho. She bills herself 5'8" and is like 5'7 2/3-3/4 at her lowest whereas when someone asks she says 6'4 or so on my behalf or 6'4 and change
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 31/Mar/17
Canson said on 28/Mar/17
@Christian: do you claim 6'5 for your height or 6'6? Me personally I'd go 6'5" as it is more desired over 6'6" but some may not. I do know one guy who is the same height as my 6'5" friend who is roughly your height (196.3/196.4) but heard this guy claim 6'6" while my friend claims 6'5". Probably because person B is 300 lbs. I notice heavier guys who begin at one height (like 6'4) and drop to the next through the course of the day (like 6'3) always claim the higher to make themselves taller to offset their fat lol
I personally either claim 6ft5.5 or 6ft6. (When I meet foreigners who are more familiar with the metric system, I claim 197cm, becuase I'm 196.5-197cm during noon.) It's not that I think 6ft6 is a overall better height than 6ft5, it's just that so many people tell me I'm 6ft6 or 6ft7. A few folks even guessed me at 6ft8. If I'm not mistaken, one time you said someone told you you were 6ft8 as well, when you're only 6ft4 and a bit. That's insane!
Canson said on 28/Mar/17
@Christian: do you claim 6'5 for your height or 6'6? Me personally I'd go 6'5" as it is more desired over 6'6" but some may not. I do know one guy who is the same height as my 6'5" friend who is roughly your height (196.3/196.4) but heard this guy claim 6'6" while my friend claims 6'5". Probably because person B is 300 lbs. I notice heavier guys who begin at one height (like 6'4) and drop to the next through the course of the day (like 6'3) always claim the higher to make themselves taller to offset their fat lol
Canson said on 28/Mar/17
@Rampage: of course you have! From a distance with a. 39" inseam I would too guess you taller. But same for me with 35-36" I'm 194 and get guessed as 6'5" often and of course 6'6" sometimes but I'm like you no desire to lie up. I say 6'4" mostly or 6'4 and change. The latter of which or even 6'4.5 if I can eyeball a legit 6'4" that I may slightly edge out by hair
Arch Stanton said on 28/Mar/17
Saw a guy who looked just like him at the doctor's surgery earlier. The guy looked 5'11-6ft too!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Mar/17
Canson: I've been guessed by many as taller than 6ft4 but have never given into the urge to claim taller
Canson said on 27/Mar/17
@Christian: well said! I can't see rampage claiming more than 6'4" but it is the more desired height. I'm 6'4.33 at a normal low (non gym days) and claim 6'4 not 6'5.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/17
This might be a corny analogy but this site has made me judge height similarly to how I judge the quality of food. For instance a guy like Rob Kardashian, his claimed 6ft1 is about as real as the meat in a Big Mac or Quarter Pounder. Same with Jensen Ackles and even worse Frank's absolute junk.
Whereas someone like Kevin Costner or Mark Gatiss, they're the height equivalent of a 5-Star top of the line gourmet dining other words 100% honest, no hidden ingredients (lifts etc.)...just the real deal
Silly...but I think the best way to sum the integrity of height
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 26/Mar/17
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/17
These 5ft11 guys who claim 6ft1 are lame
Not all guys who add 2 inches are lame. It depends on the individual's height. If he's about 5ft2 and claimed 5ft4, it's understandable because it isn't a desirable height at all for men. But Rampage, if you claimed to be 6ft6 or 6ft7 when you're 6ft4, that would be foolish, because 6ft4 is a much desired height than 6ft6 or 7.
Johan said on 25/Mar/17
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/17
These 5ft11 guys who claim 6ft1 are lame
No lamer than the 5'9" guys who claim 5'11"
5'10" claiming 6'
6'1" claiming 6'3" and so on. Loads of examples on celebheights.
Then you have the guys who bump with almost 3 inches.

Editor Rob
any man who claims to be 3 inches taller should be pitied. But, there is always hope people come to their senses.
Honesty is a great virtue...
Johnny said on 25/Mar/17
I am 5ft 11 but I don't claim 6ft 1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/17
These 5ft11 guys who claim 6ft1 are lame
Johnny said on 24/Mar/17
Similar height/weight/built like me.
Oanh said on 20/Mar/17
LOL @ 6'1"...he's 5'11" tops
Wrs567 said on 19/Mar/17
Any ideas on Scott Disick?
I thought he looked about 1.5 inches shorter than Chris Brown
Aaron Zamora said on 19/Mar/17
How tall do you think Scott Disick is? I would say about 6' feet.

Editor Rob
not looked at him much yet.
SAK said on 19/Mar/17
On other sites he usually gets listed as 179cm, which seemed a little low.
It's interesting to see such differences in the 4 siblings (with both parents the same). 2 quite short sisters. 1 tall sister. And the brother above average.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Mar/17
Yeah, I thought he looked somewhere between 5'11 and 6 ft. 181 is a good shout. You can see the resemblance to his father around the eyes but other than that couldn't be more different with his weight and chavvy style. Still, as the Kardashians go, he's probably the most normal, right?
CS said on 19/Mar/17
Wow did not expect this.
MaryAnne said on 18/Mar/17
His weight provides him with looking taller. His look adds extra inches, but this height listed by you rob is more accurate.