US Singer. There seems to be some debate about this guy. Officially he IS listed as tall as 6ft 1.
Len Blake said on 12/Jun/22
Rick Nelson and David Nelson, were among the best athletes
Hollywood produced. Rick, was the original Teenage Idol,
who emerged into a talented musician. Two great looking guys,
who stood about 6ft. tall each.
Can'tWalkOut said on 1/May/21
edgar porras Look at the Dean and Ricky's footwear in Rio Bravo. Dean's boots are unusually thick compared to Ricky's, at least a solid inch more, maybe even 1.5 inches.
Close up of boots in Rio Bravo:
Click Here
Even with said boots they're at the same eye level in some comparisons especially when conditions are more fair:
Click Here
Considering Dean's 1.78 m I'd say Ricky's around 1.80 to 1.81 m in this movie, which began filming when he turned 18, finished months later and was released when he was 19.
Joe Allen I don't think he shot up 2.5" from 5'10.5" at 18 and continuing to grow until 22 at 6'1. Studying US military showed that male recruits' heights did not increase past age 19.5 years, some studies showed a fraction of a year later and some individuals may be later maturers, but 22 is still very much atypical and unlikely.
Click Here
I'd say he looks taller in some promotionals-- presumably after the filming of Rio Bravo--and more than 5'11 when compared to people afterwards. I'd guestimate he gained another 2 cm (0.8 inches) until achieving adult height. Seeing him in an unclear picture with 5'11.5" Elvis suggests he is taller than 6', but it's again unclear.
Click Here
With presumably 1.75 m James Burton he also looks closer to 6' than 5'11", even with James positioned closer to the camera (somewhat attributable to different head size).
Click Here
I'm going to be a bit generous for adult height and say he was be 180.5 cm at 18, 182.5 cm at adult height.
David3 said on 17/May/17
I knew Rick beginning in 1977. I stand 5'11" and Rick was slightly taller than I am with his shoes off. He wasn't a fan of wearing shoes.
Joe Allen said on 28/Nov/16
Ricky Nelson was on 18 when he appeared in Rio Bravo. At that time, he was a little shorter than Dean Martin (Dean was about 5'10.5'').
So Ricky had a growth spurt from 18 to 22 and ended up about 6' tall, maybe even 6'1''.
Tom said on 21/Jun/16
Rick was about an inch taller than Dean. Watch it again. I have and I see Rick being slightly taller. Both men were shorter than six foot plus Walter Brennan. Brennan was a lot taller than most people think. He tended to slouch on purpose. But standing erect he was only three inches shorter than Gary Cooper.
edgar porras said on 21/Jun/16
How could ricky be listed as 6 ft. when he was shorter than dean martin in Rio Bravo?
Steve said on 21/Aug/15
I seriously doubt he was any taller than 5'10".
Sam said on 23/Dec/14
He looked similar range I think to Walter Brennan in Rio Bravo however I saw a photo w/ Nelson standing near Johnny Cash and somehow there seems to be barely an inch between them.
Alabaster said on 22/Jan/14
Knew the family well. Lived across the street and spent a lot of time there. Ricky is one inch shorter than I was and I was 6-0, back then.
Sunshine said on 16/Nov/13
mother said she saw ricky at the crising of the Russell Dam, she said my father went by Richard(Dick)Donovan who served with Colonel aka I believe is Ricky, she said he had dark hair blue eyes and little feet Janet Brown, Anderson,S.C. I've searched so long. I pray maybe his ex-wife will contact me at 138 Wellington St.Anderson SC 29624
Paul said on 16/Oct/13
5'11.5" seems about right. I met him once around 1979. I am 6'0" and he seemed a little shorter than I.
muttley said on 24/Sep/13
I met him once. He was about 6 feet tall and so handsome
Jerry said on 4/Aug/12
180-182 seems right. He looks a bit short in rio bravo but he was only 18 at the time and still growing
Marcus said on 11/Jun/12
Nelson was listed at 5'10.5" during the latter years of "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet".
Sam said on 30/Dec/11
I saw a picture where he was barely shorter than Johnny Cash
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/09
"Lol, Dan. maybe your wife saw someone who looks like Ricky or maybe she was dreamin."
She was dreaming all right. Rick was 5'11". He was slightly taller than 5'10" Dean Martin in RIO BRAVO.
Anonymous said on 7/May/09
Lol, Dan. maybe your wife saw someone who looks like Ricky or maybe she was dreamin.
Dan Sheppard said on 18/Dec/08
My wife met Ricky Nelson in an elevator in a Hilton Hotel and she states that Ricky was only 5 feet 5 inches tall at the most. 5'll" or 6 foot tall, I don't think so. He was portrayed as close to six foot tall by camera tricks only because Elvis was of that height. Ricky wore elevator shoes. 5 foot 5 in.
hans said on 4/Mar/07
well, my father worked on the show, and he WAS shorter and got through a growth spurt in the final years of the show, yes, in his twenties!. so you are (all) right at some point!
Robert.R said on 13/Jan/07
Correction. The film was Rio Bravo.
Robert.R said on 13/Jan/07
I just watched that western El Dorado and John Wayne towered over him, in fact Nelson did not seem to be alot taller than Angie Dickinson. Are you sure he is 5'11.5" ?
Brad said on 6/Aug/06
Milner & McCord were at Ray Courts' show some years back. Frank2 is right on. Rick Nelson I saw in '78 & '84 right up front. Yes, 5' 11" is what I saw. My aunt worked at Paramount once in awhile as an editor. She'd run into him once in awhile on the lot. 6' is about right she said. Yes, he was better looking in person.
Frank2 said on 15/Mar/06
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! GOOD ONE, GRAMPS!! And Tiger, I worked at Universal and saw publicity regarding Kent McCord. Both he and Marty Milner were listed back then as being 6'1". And I saw both men and that was correct. If anything Milner was a little shorter, maybe 6'. Kent was about two inches taller than me.
Gramps said on 15/Mar/06
I don't know, guys, but he looks quite a bit shorter than Ozzie to me:
Click Here
Editor Rob
yeah, I think its pretty clear, its time to downgrade him by a foot!
Tiger said on 14/Mar/06
McCord is 6-1.5/6-2, depending on the source. I did not say Nelson was 6-1, but 6-1 ish; definitely over six feet, based on these photos. I am not going to argue Elvis, ever. Too many people have met him and stated his height to be over six feet and everyone that truly knew him has stated his height at at least six feet (Priscilla, Esposito, David Stanley,Red West,etc.) There is too much documentation and, most important, I believe the words "I'm 6-0 1/2" from his mouth! I am willing to bet that you have never met anyone more polite and humble in your life, especially someone of that unequalled stature. He was/is truly remarkable and, you are right, does a half-inch really matter?! Frank2: it has been fun debating with you and I have learned quite a bit from reading your remarks! You are a true asset to the site.
Frank2 said on 14/Mar/06
Kent is 6'1" In the first shot Rick is obviously shorter by two inches which is exactly what he was which was 5'11". The second shot uses trickery since Rick is closer to the camera. Also, I've been right in front of some celebs who when a photo is about to be snapped of them with taller people they'll rise up on their tiptoes to look taller. I saw Kirk Douglas pull that one on at least one occasion. Trust me. Rick was 5'11". Elvis was 5'11 1/2". As far as Elvis goes, why quibble over half an inch. He was The King. He would call people he met for the first time "sir" which demonstrated he was a true Southern gentleman. He even did that with me and I was much younger!
Tiger said on 13/Mar/06
Just to add: in that SECOND Elvis link with Jordanaires, the far left is Hugh Jarrett. This was the original group that Elvis started with (Stoker, Hawkins, Jarrett, and Matthews). When Elvis was on leave in the army (1958) and came home to record, he found out that Walker had replaced Jarrett. Jarrett, in photos, is very, very close in height to Matthews, just a tad shorter.
Tiger said on 13/Mar/06
Yes, Ray Walker is 6-2. From 'Elvis: the Legend of a King' (1980 radio tribute): Walker talks about recording in Nashville, "You know, it was hard to record Elvis; he would be all over the place. It sometimes took 2 mikes to get all of him. It was also tough recording the Jordanaires. They recorded us with one mike. Now Neal and I are pretty tall guys, 6-3 and 6-2, and Gordon and Hoyt were quite a bit shorter. I remember this assistant engineer, a little guy, would run back and forth to try and get a good level. He would literally stand on a box crate to adjust that mike. It was hysterical. We had alot of fun with it!
Tiger said on 13/Mar/06
In the FIRST link with Nelson, the Jordanaires are from left to right: Gordon Stoker, Neal Matthews, Ray Walker, and Duane West. My reference 'Elvis: His Life from A to Z (Tamerius and Worth 1988) states "the tallest Jordanaire is Neal Matthews, standing 6-3". Nothing else about heights in that reference. Will keep looking! Also, in the FIRST link with Elvis, the Jordanaires are from left to right: Neal Matthews, Gordon Stoker, Hoyt Hawkins, and Ray Walker. I am pretty confident I did read or hear that Walker is 6-2; I have to find that, though.
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
Here's a shot of The Jordanaires with Rick:
Click Here Anyone know how tall they were?
Here's another shot:
Click Here Here's Rick with George "Goober" Lindsey who's about 6' tall:
Click Here Here's The Jordanaires with Elvis:
Click Here And another one:
Click Here And here's a shot of Elvis with Dick Egan and The Jordanaires on the set of Love Me Tender:
Click Here I know for a fact that Egan was just an inch taller than me. I stood and spoke with him back in the 1960's at the Riviera Country Club in Brentwood, California. I had alwys assumed he was taller. He was very nice.
Tiger said on 12/Mar/06
'Teen magazine from December 1959 states Nelson's height as "about 6-1". I have several mags from that era and I am going to make my way through them. Based on the photo Frank2 submitted, definitely under 6-1, maybe closer to 6-0 1/2. Does he have any more photos like that, assuming the other heights are also correct?
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
Here's Rick with his parents and brother David:
Click Here Ozzie was a lot shorter than me so I'd say he was about 5'9" and David is definitely 5'10". No way was Rick ever the 6'1" that we read about. I think he was about 5'11" max. This shot was atken when Rick was already an adult so don't say he was still growing! The excuses I read!