Scotto said on 24/Nov/24
Weak 6-3 max.
Matt Hall 5'8 said on 22/Apr/24
Legit 6'3 guy
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jun/23
Slamo, I'd say above 90% of wrestlers can match their listed stats in ring gear. Certainly 15-20 years ago when they added 2in at most to the billed heights. HBK and HHH in the ring were probably around 6ft1 and 6ft4 respectively. Nowadays though they've gone even further, having 6ft2 guys bumped up to 6ft8!
Slamo said on 19/May/23
Wrestlers are so hard to accurately gauge. The boots some of them use range from 1/2” to 1.5” so a legit 6-1 guy can throw out he’s 6-3 about. Rude in socks I’d say a shade under 6-3. 6-2.75 imo. Watch his matches and his boots are a nice heeled look. So a 6-4 look on camera is accurate in shoes.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Mar/23
HBK is most likely in boots there and possibly close to his 6ft1 billing while Rick is in regular footwear. I see around 2-3in between them...
Anonn said on 18/Mar/23
How tall was Rude here? What height gap do you see between him and shawn?
Click Here

Editor Rob
3.5 at most there, although footwear might not be equal.
IceCold said on 9/Nov/22
Editor Rob said on 24/Oct/22
In one of the Wrestling Superstars magazine, he had 6ft 5 on his datasheet!
Click Here
6'4 actually

Editor Rob
Yes, the 6ft 5 is what Lex Luger put down.
Editor Rob said on 24/Oct/22
In one of the Wrestling Superstars magazine, he had 6ft 5 on his datasheet!
Click Here
62B said on 30/Aug/22
Benny Jones said on 9/Aug/22
It has rude a quarter of an inch taller than Luger but old videos, it looks like lex is a little taller.
Lugers early 80's football stats had him listed at 6'3", which is my guess as to why that's what Rod lists him at. Having stood right next to Luger in the late 80's and myself being a little over 6'3" I can tell you with certainty that Luger was never the full 6'3". Close, but 6'2 1/2" to 6'3/4" is the tallest Luger ever was
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Aug/22
Warrior at 6ft2 (at times arguable and more importantly Rob estimated him in person to be comfortably over 6ft1) would push Rude into 6ft3½ range.
But Rude at 6ft2½ pushes Hennig to 6ft1 flat which I don't agree with at all as the latter had roughly 2in on Bret Hart (who Rob also met and was still close to 6ft at the time)
Click Here
Click Here
Benny Jones said on 9/Aug/22
It has rude a quarter of an inch taller than Luger but old videos, it looks like lex is a little taller.
Becheese said on 29/Jul/22
Warrior was 6-1.5. Rick looked 1” over him. Watch the match.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jul/22
6ft3 flat at worst, still think the current mark is fair. He was visibly taller than 6ft2 guys...I'm not buying that supposed 6ft2½
SeanR said on 23/Jul/22
I am not sure Rude was 6’2 1/2”; lowest I would give is 6’3 because let’s say Hennig is 6’1 1/2”, here he is with Rude in 1998 and Rude gives at least 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 inches taller impression in equal footwear:
Click Here
Maybe this is more reasonable:
Rude: 6’3”
Hennig: 6’1 1/2”
RP said on 22/Jul/22
“See Curt Henning’s page latest comments & photos”…
Rude was 6’2.5” …he himself claimed this. So….
Rude: 6’2.5”
Henning: 6’1.25”
Scott Hall: 6’4.5” to 6’4.75”
Hulk Hogan: 6’5.25” to 6’5.5”
All these guys need slight down grades, Rob.

Editor Rob
Does anyone know if the interview has been scanned or might be online somewhere, would be great to see this figure.
RP said on 21/Jul/22
@ Voorhees,
I too remember him self claiming 6’2.5” without shoes back in the day.
6’2.5” barefoot …6’4” in Wrestling Boots.
Voorhees Myers said on 21/Jul/22
Stated in a Japanese wrestling magazine he was 6-2.5 in socks.
Sandy C said on 21/Jul/22
Whenever I see the name Rick Rude, I start laughing!
I’d never heard of him before…..
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jul/22
RP, we need to find that clip because he was visibly taller than 6ft2 range guys when in equal footwear. Rob has added Hennig at 6ft1¾ which I think is nailed considering how he looked about with Bret...Rude had Curt by over an inch easily not barely edging him which would be the case if he was only 6ft2½
RP said on 18/Jul/22
Correct me if I’m wrong, but…didn’t Rick (himself) admit once during a shoot interview as being 6’2.5” barefoot?? Rude’s WWF Rasslin Boots were rather chunky as well. Especially during his feud with Jake Roberts. This interview was during the 1990’s…I recall Rude saying I’m 6’2-1/2” without shoes. And in the same interview he said Hulk Hogan was 6’5” ?? I swear I can recall listening to this interview years ago?? Does anyone else remember this?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jul/22
Pretty sure Wade Boggs (solid 6ft2er) edged Curt in his vignette
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jul/22
RP, that mark at worst. I think he had to have been near 6ft2. He was comfortably taller than guys like Bret Hart and HBK but shorter than Rude. 6ft3 in wrestling boots makes sense which means Rick was likely pushing 6ft5 in his...
What’s even more interesting is that Curt trained Brock Lesnar and helped break him in. Photos of them together would be very telling. Brock probably edged him
RP said on 17/Jul/22
Curt Henning was indeed 6’1.5” to max 6’1.75”…
Check out the video of him and former all pro NFL TE Steve Jordan. Who was officially measured at 6’3.5” in the 1980’s.
SeanR said on 17/Jul/22
Here is better pic of Hennig and Rude back to back, with Rude looking 1.5 inches taller:
Click Here
Rude: 6’3 1/4”
Hennig: 6’1 3/4”
SeanR said on 17/Jul/22
Here is Curt Hennig with Bret Hart out of gear:
Click Here (nearly 2 inches taller).
Curt with Bret Hart in gear:
Click Here (only 1.5 inches taller)
Curt with peak 6’4 3/4” Scott Hall:
Click Here
And Curt with Rick Rude (6’3 1/4”) both in ring boots:
Click Here
IMO Curt gets 6’1 3/4”
RP said on 17/Jul/22
Was also often billed as 6’4” by the WWF, WCW & WCCW.
184guy2 said on 17/Jul/22
Mr Perfect was 6'1.5-6'1.75
Looked it with Piper
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jul/22
187-188cm range looked about right for Hennig. Like I said, 6ft2 is an ok listing but nothing over that. Luger looked around 6ft3 in his wrestling days, nowhere near his billed 6ft5 and could be a bit under it today...he’s had health issues
just because said on 17/Jul/22
Sandy C said on 16/Jul/22
Rick what? That’s a rather funny surname!
He gets 6ft3.25. There’s nothing Rude about that! It’s a very fortunate male height.
His real name was richard rood
heightchecker34 said on 17/Jul/22
Textbook example of a 6'3 wrestler. Tall, lean, and muscular, he won the genetic lottery. Looked about 1.5 inch taller than Mr. Perfect. I believe Kerry Von Erich was 6'1.5 peak as well, looked similar when he fought Hennig. RIP Rude one.
Andrey200 said on 17/Jul/22
191.5 at a low
Abdul-DK said on 17/Jul/22
@ Bkzn said on 16/Jul/22
Dwarf king wrestler
You sure calling him dwarf for a wrestler is the right word to call him, I know a good wrestler should be 6’7 and up, but at 6’3.25 he isn’t really a dwarf wrestler, I mean the average height for a wrestler on CH is like 6’2.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jul/22
Editor Rob: In some promos I watched, hennig did look shorter, just a question of how much.
More than 1in I’d have said...

Editor Rob
Beside Bret Hart, he looked over an inch taller, so may be a guy who was 6ft 1.5 range...speaking of another guy, I forgot to bring back the page of another wrestler to the site, so I will add back Luger.
Cooper Clarke 170cm 5'7 said on 17/Jul/22
@Duhon I wouldn't say he was under listed. It was just rounding down from the actual mark. He may be listed at 6'3.25 here and just 6'3 by the WWE but it's still basically the same height.
Linke said on 17/Jul/22
Duhon said on 16/Jul/22
Only man ever UNDER listed by the WWF/E?
They did underbill some male wrestlers. Christian, Billy Gunn and Angel Garza come to my mind.
SeanR said on 16/Jul/22
Good pic of Rude here with Vince McMahon in 1997 both in dress shoes:
Click Here
Rude looking over 6’3” here.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jul/22
Nice! Long overdue...
Yeah 6ft3-3½ range is what I had Rude pegged at (w/h 6ft4 out of bed) He was billed either 6ft3 or 6ft4 and always looked somewhere in between. Very rare in WWE for a guy to be his billed stats. Usually they’d add at least 1-2in more
Anyway Rob, could Curt Hennig a.k.a. Mr. Perfect get added next?
Billed 6ft3 but always shorter than Rude. I reckon 6ft1-2, probably closer to 6ft2. I wouldn’t object to him being listed there but not over

Editor Rob
In some promos I watched, hennig did look shorter, just a question of how much.
Bkzn said on 16/Jul/22
Dwarf king wrestler
Duhon said on 16/Jul/22
Only man ever UNDER listed by the WWF/E?
SeanR said on 16/Jul/22
Thanks Rob for adding Rick! Much appreciated
6’3 1/4” perfect height because he always looked either between 6’3”and 6’3 1/2”
Abdul-DK said on 16/Jul/22
I know him from my old Wrestling video games.
He is a beast in my games, I’d give him 6’3.5.
5'11Kid said on 16/Jul/22
@Jackie Lee Yeah I’d expect him to get billed at least 6’4” or 6’5” in the WWE
Jackie Lee said on 16/Jul/22
Wow first time I've seen WWE actually being humble about a wrestlers height listing 😶
Sandy C said on 16/Jul/22
Rick what? That’s a rather funny surname!
He gets 6ft3.25. There’s nothing Rude about that! It’s a very fortunate male height.