Scanch said on 21/Sep/06
I hope he's never faced height discrimination. That would be awful.
Drew said on 10/Sep/06
I think 5'7" is right, maybe a little less. Jeremy is 6'5" and James May is also tall at around 6', so obviously he looks very short.
Jennifer B said on 7/Aug/06
Richard is not a bad height, it's just because he has to stand next to Jeremy and James who are pretty tall. But i think the nickname Hamster still suites him fine even if he was taller. lol.
Editor Rob said on 6/Aug/06
Another Uk-based tv presenter, Irishman Donal Macintyre said
"I'm 5ft 10, broad shouldered with short legs".
Joe said on 26/Jun/06
I think this guy is 5'6 not 5'7. Read Sky magazine this month. He looks this height as well. It would also demote Clarkson's height.
British Guy said on 1/Jun/06
No, not saying that at all mate,
Just saying this guy is labelled as "Tiny"
Hence the name Little Richard, I don't think
Any man above 5ft 5in, is "Tiny" in that sense
Just hollywood speaking BS as usual if you ask me!!
Cheers Man
Watched him on tv recently nice guy, really...
leonari said on 30/May/06
British guy: what are you saying? That 5'7" ain't short but 5'6" is?? Please reply.thanks man.
British Guy said on 29/May/06
Ah little richard...
By the way this guy is not really short!!
I myself am only 5ft 6in BAREFOOT he is only below average...
Anonymous said on 22/May/06
i think yaoming is right on this one, if he was 5'7 or more the difference with everyone else wouldnt be tht noticable, as it is on the show. Im 5'6 and i reakon hes around tht height, so yeah, hes not a tall guy!
TangerineBunny said on 7/May/06
Most disapointed that he's only 5'7 because i had a bet with my mum that he was 6ft dunno where i got that from!
TheMan said on 1/May/06
Well in a paper he was listed as 6,4 seems that height to me pretty tall guy.
YaoMing said on 30/Apr/06
ah, thanks rob. could be under that mark but he's definitly very tall 'cause he always complained about italian cars and that the driving positions are horrible (at least for him ;) ).
YaoMing said on 30/Apr/06
does anyone know clarkson's real height? i've seen him listed from 6ft2 to 6ft8?!

Editor Rob
6ft 5 is what he has said, but might not be quite that mark
TheMan said on 28/Apr/06
Yeah i have seen the programme he does actually look very short compared to most poeple. Im not sure if he is 5,7 or not. On average even the smallish people on the show are taller than him.

Editor Rob
there was an interview in the Daily Mail supplement in the UK a few months ago...
the interviewer mentioned he claimed 5ft 7, but said something like that's pushing it...
YaoMing said on 27/Apr/06
if you compare him to the audience which can be seen in the background he seems to be much shorter then almost everyone there. if he would be 5ft 7 i think the difference wouldn't be that noticeable.
Sarah said on 2/Mar/06
I've met him, I'd say 5'6" is more realistic.
He's taller than a lot of guys I know, but still shorter than average.
Anonymous said on 12/Feb/06
hes actually 5'4
Chris said on 28/Jan/06
I don't think he's as tall as 5ft 7. When Darius Danesh (also 6ft 4) was on his show last week, Richard stood on a chair and he didn't look much bigger at that.
TheMan said on 9/Jan/06
Yeah Clarksons 6,4 but i still don't think Hamond is that tall himself even in other things he looks about 5,7 on the dot he's not 5,9 or something like that.
seth green said on 8/Jan/06
jeremy is about 8 foot tall, he's mahoosive
AJ1983 said on 7/Jan/06
Richard isn't as short as he looks. Bear in mind that Jeremy Clarkson is 6'4" so there is a 9" (a head) difference. Richard seems to have short legs and an ordinary-sized torso, so that would give the illusion of him being shorter than he actually is.
Tubbs said on 3/Jan/06
I like the guy, but who's he trying to kid, he is short and is towered over by the other guy on top gear. Any idea how tall he is Rob?