emmett said on 3/Sep/23
slim frame and pretty angular, like a little rectangle, limbs look in the short-ish side and her head slightly big in relation with the rest of the body. her general physique makes me thinks she's somewhat short but it might be deceiving, not a 1,65+ anyway, 1,62-1,63 sounds more credible
kirst said on 16/Jun/22
I'm 1,63 and I recognize my height when i see it. She looks even more petite due having an small and taut frame I'd relate to a gamine body type. She might be 1,64 but 1,66 seems a bit too much for her.
em166 said on 18/Sep/21
I’m watching Better call Saul. She looks taller than listed next to Odenkirk. I saw them barefoot in Jimmy’s bathroom and the difference isn’t huge… I would have guessed 5-5.5
Nik Ashton said on 8/Jul/20
@ khaled taban - Ain’t it just! The average guess is 5’5.73” (11 votes), I wonder how many of the voters guessed her to be at least 5’6”!
khaled taban said on 20/Jun/19
5ft4 3/4 like Rob!
The average vote is very high.
Ndomingu said on 15/Feb/19
I would say on Better Call Saul Seehorn looks around 5’5” flat overall. In heels she looks close in height to Odenkirk though. I remember seeing Odenkirk listed as 6’0” a while ago and I thought that sounded way off. He seemed more like a weak 5’9” range. McKean has the same listing as Odenkirk’s old one did, but he looks more 5’10” on the show. Maybe he was 5’11”-6’0” back in his prime. Fabian seems a solid 6’0” actor on the show and he dwarfs pretty much all of the main cast of characters.
Travis said on 4/Sep/17
I'm 5'4" and when I met her she was easily 2 inches above me
Peter said on 27/Feb/17
Thought she was at least 5'7 or 170cm. Really surprised she is "only" 5'4.75.
Andrea said on 22/Apr/15
I actually would have guessed her 5'4.5 range in Better Call Saul... I found some 169-170 listings which of course are too much! She can look not over 5'4 next to Bob Odenkirk at times... Rob, did she claim something?

Editor Rob
I've not looked to find a claim, but I think in weak 5ft 5 range is what she can typically look.