How tall was Ray Liotta - Page 2

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Average Guess (68 Votes)
5ft 11.19in (180.8cm)
Height Tracker said on 14/Aug/06
In those pictures, Liotta looks a solid 3 possibly 4" taller than 5'8" Robert Deniro. This would make him between 5'11" and 6'0", just like Rob lists him at. There's really nothing awe-inspiring about that.
Anthony said on 11/Aug/06
I'm with you guys. Every time I watch "Goodfellas" (and I watch it a lot), I'm always in awe of how tall he looks in it. He looks a minimum of 6'1 in it.

Click Here

In this pic he is off to the side a bit and really isn't a great deal shorter than Sorvino, who's somewhere in the 6'3 range.

He looks pretty big here as well:

Click Here

Strange how he can appear shorter sometimes.

Glenn said on 6/Jul/06
I havent seen liotta in awhile.but when I did he looked 6-1 at least.maybe always wears lifts.
bikagyura said on 1/Jul/06
have you had a look at the boots he wears in Something Wild then Ayreon? I can tell you this much: they will give him an 1-2 xtra inches
Frank2 said on 9/Jun/06
De Niro is 5'8".
J-Dog said on 8/Jun/06
Isn't Paul Sorvino 6'3"?
dmeyer said on 25/May/06
rob i agree he is close to 6 feet
smoke said on 24/May/06
Anthony De Niro is 5"9 so therefore Liotta is 5"11
sam said on 9/May/06
In the film Identity, his wrap sheet or whatever it is says he is 6' feet. But that film is weird because they also show the heights of both John C. McGinley and Jake Busey as 5'10", when both of those guys are well over six feet tall and clearly taller than Liotta.
Anthony said on 8/May/06
Liotta is 6'. In "Goodfellas", De Niro is about 5'10 and Liotta is a visible 2 inches taller. Also, Paul Sorvino is about 6'2, and Liotta looks 2 inches shorter than him. He's 6'.
Height Detective said on 3/May/06
Ray Liotta and Joe Pesci Click Here

dmeyer said on 23/Mar/06
i am glad you upgreat him since i dont think he is less
Frank2 said on 17/Mar/06
I've met Ray and he's slightly taller than I am so I'd say close to 6' is correct. He's also skin and bones. I doubt he weighs more than 150 lbs or at least he did back then which was right after he made Goodfellas. And Duval is short, probably no more than 5'8". He might have been 5'9" when he was younger, say back when he appeared in To Kill a Mockingbird. But he looked like a shrimp next to 6'3" Greg Peck and 6'2" Frank Overton. Frank was a wonderul actor and died way too young. He was one of those who made it look natural.
dmeyer said on 14/Mar/06
sometimes he looks 6 feet
dmeyer said on 14/Mar/06
i agree with you rob that he look close to 6 feet 181 182 range seems very believeble he does look taller than 5'11
Frank2 said on 7/Mar/06
Liotta is just under six feet. I've met him. And Duval was never more than five-nine. The last time I saw Duval and spoke with him was at the Emmys. He wore cowboy boots and looked to be at least two inches shorter than me.
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/06
Surprised he's this short; looked over 6'0" in Goodfellas but maybe he's friends with Sly's shoe makers. ;-)
Tubbs said on 24/Oct/05
Liotta with 5'8.5 Duval, not a full view though, so could be unreliabel.
T-Bone said on 12/Oct/05
No way this guy is 5'11. I saw him after he was doing the play "Match" and he has to be at least 6'1-6'2.
perl said on 19/Aug/05
In Identity, they show some piece of paper that says 6' feet tall for Liotta. Also in the same scene, they show the license for John C. McGinley and the rap sheet for Jake Busey and they both say 5'10". This is bizarre because both of these later two actors appear to be well over 6 feet tall (and taller than Liotta). As for Liotta, I think he's a little over 5'11" and just rounds up to 6' feet to make things easy.
Drew said on 13/Jun/05
He looks like a six footer in movies compared to other actors. But then again these Hollywood stars and their lifts..oh well..
Anonymous said on 13/Jun/05
I have meeted Paul Sorvino and i can tell you that guy is easy 6'3 +, maybe those days a little shorter but when i meeted sorvino in 1997 he was not shorter than 6'3 ft. Liotta looks 3 inches shorter than Sorvino. De Niro was at his peak close 5'10 because he was an inch taller than Jack Nicholson in 1976. DE Niro was exact as tall as Duvall in 1981. In 1990 De Niro looked 5'9 in my opnion but in a Cape Fear documantary, one of the producers is saying that 5'10 De Niro had lifts on to be closers to Nick Nolte height who was 6'1 at that time.

Lorraine Bracco is in some sites listed as 5'10, i dunno but she is probably closer to 5'9.
EJ said on 12/Jun/05
On Mr. Luis' Goodfellas reunion photo, Ray Liotta looks exactly 5'11", given that Robert De Niro is 5'8". Lorraine Bracco is the same height as De Niro, but taking into account footwear she is probably 5'7". Martin Scorsese looks 4 inches shorter than Robert De Niro, to right above his eye at 5'4".
Mr Luis said on 25/May/05
In my eyes he looks 6 ft. (Pesci looks in this pic tall but that's because of his elevator shoes)
Renember "control" is a movie and maybe they wanted to make Liotta shorter.

In 'Narc' Liotta looked like 6'2 because of his elavator shoes.
I have watched a lot Liotta movie's and i have also seen a lot of pics and he is atleast 6'ft.

There is also a scene near the end of Goodfellas, in wich De Niro and Liotta are walking and you can see that there is 7 or 8 cm of difference between the two actors.
CelebHeights Editor said on 25/May/05
Yeah what Anonymous says - the mugshot on the newspaper shows his hair to be on the 5ft 11 mark. As short as 5ft 10? Maybe assuming they measured the police height chart correctly ;)
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/05
In "Control", his most recent film, there's a police mugshot which shows his height as about 5'10".

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.