British actor, best remembered for the TV series Dear John, Poldark (1975) and films such as Taste the Blood of Dracula , The Horror of Frankenstein, Lust for a Vampire, I Don't want to Be Born, Persecution and Fear in the Night.
Gerald S said on 24/Sep/24
Rob, I highly recommend 5โ9.5โ.
He could often pass for near 5โ10, in fact, pretty much always.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jun/22
Iโm pleased to see that Ralph will soon be appearing in a Sunday night horror classic - on the Horror Channel, of course! ๐บ
I do hope itโs Persecution, my favourite of his films.
5ft9.25. ๐ฏ
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Sep/17
*** Correction Time! ***
The 'up' in the first sentence shouldn't be there at tall!
Thanks, you stupid autocorrect! Your fault, of course! ๐
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Aug/17
.... he was still up utterly gorgeous though, with a very interesting life!
It's hard to believe he'd now be in his mid 70's.
Today, keeping in mind what I thought last time I saw him in a film, Ralph can have 5ft8.5!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jun/17
@ Nik, Rob and everyone else!
I have finally got round to watching the film 'Monster', aka 'I Don't Want to be Born', and I have some essential information to report back!
Ralph and his wife, played by Joan Collins, have just had an abnormally large baby son! Ralph says to wifey, "The tallest man in my family is 5ft10! It looks like we're going to have a six-footer!"
So bang go my theories that Ralph could be anywhere near 5ft10! It would appear that 5ft9 is even too high for him! Seriously, I'm now thinking on the lines of 5ft8.5 or even half-an-inch less!
Thus my guess for Ralph today goes down accordingly - 5ft8.5!
Nik said on 10/May/17
@ Sandy Cowell
The complexities of comparison are many too!! But you will certainly have a jolly good time when you watch the said film and try to suss out all their heights as well! So are you bringing Christopher Lee into the equation in order to work out Ralph Bates' height? It will certainly be an interesting project for you to undertake! I bet you will press the pause button a lot if you get hold of this film or when you are watching any film with Ralph Bates, or Peter Cushing, or Christopher Lee, in it! I am always pressing the pause button when I am watching something involving someone whose height I am curious about!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/May/17
@ Nik - Too true! I will have to take into account that Peter Cushing will hardly be at his peak of 6ft when it was made! Now I'm wondering whether to get hold of a film which stars Peter and Christopher Lee, but then I'm sure Ralph Bates starred with Mr Lee as well! The possibilities of comparison are many!!!
Nik said on 8/May/17
@ Sandy Cowell
Well that is OK as long as you are sure that Peter Cushing is actually 6'0" and not something different like 5'11,5" or 6'0.5" for example. I have used people as yardsticks for working out other people's height and just assumed the yardstick was correct, was this the right thing to do?
I hope you enjoy this DVD!!
Sandy Cowell said on 6/May/17
@ Nik - It is arriving some time next week and I am certainly looking forward to seeing it! Peter Cushing is also starring and he's 6ft, so I'll be able to see how much difference there is between him and Ralph. I have always been of the opinion that Ralph is 5ft10+, so this should help me out better than the film 'Persecution', wherein the other cast members were all about 5ft3!
Nik said on 5/May/17
@Sandy Cowell - Hi!
It's good to know that you have ordered your first Ralph Bates DVD, I just hope it doesn't take ages to come!
I will now divert myself to Jeff Bridges' page!
Sandy Cowell said on 5/May/17
@ Nik - Hi! I have just ordered my first Ralph Bates DVD, called 'Monster' and it is also known as 'I Don't Want To Be Born'. I have probably seen it before; it has Peter Cushing starring, and also Joan Collins, but I think there might even be another film with that line-up!
Manelia is 8 years old, just turned. Her birthday is in April! She, Livielia, Cordercy and Cordercelia are all tabby and white, with rosy pink noses. There is also another tabby and white cat who isn't related to them called Peelio, and her nose is brown!
Ironically, Manelia has just started yowling outside my door! I'd better risk letting her in, hoping she doesn't let one go!
๐ฃSee you on Jeff Bridges' page!
Nik said on 4/May/17
@Sandy Cowell
I entirely agree with you Sandy and like you I don't have any empathy with people making these decisions either. I think that "callous" is just the right word to describe what they did, it just shows how ruthless some people are and I think that the world would be a better place without these sorts of things going on.
I too have sympathy with people who become alcoholics, there is always a reason for someone turning to alcohol and it is a situation that no one wants. I feel sorry for alcoholics and their families and I know that they are purely the victims of unfortunate circumstances in life.
Yes alcohol in tiny quantities can be good for you, it is even a good thing to have a small amount as it can be good for moral and relaxing, however if someone drinks a lot then they are sadly going to damage their health. Its important for people to drink in moderation if they are going to drink,
It is important for people to be clued up about the dangers of alcohol, you also came out with a great point in that there is no better feeling than being healthy, it is worth the dedication that is put in to achieve this. It's good that alcohol in small amounts can be a positive thing for a health conscious person due to the relaxing qualities that it has, however everyone needs to know how much they can consume before it starts being bad for their health and/or addictive for them.
I bet that you feared that you might need your gas-masks when Manelia came into your room, how old is Manelia and what colour is she?
Have you got a lot of the films featuring Jeff Bridges? You will have to buy some films starring Ralph Bates, the psychological thriller you described sounds very interesting!
Have a great week too, my friend!
Sandy Cowell said on 2/May/17
@ Nik - Yes, I used to read in the newspapers about long-term employees being made redundant after years of service. I think it is senseless and disloyal to have done that to a young man in his thirties. There is no excuse for it and I have no empathy with the people who make these callous decisions.
People do often turn to drink after a rejection like that. There is always a reason for it. Nobody wakes up one morning and decides to become an alcoholic! I guess I've had patience for the people I've met like that (drinkers), as there is some particular sadness causing it.
Of course, drinking in moderation helps ease stress and can even be good for you in tiny quantities, but it's knowing your limits!
This country is a lot more clued up now about the dangers of alcohol than it was thirty and even twenty years ago, and I think that is great! There is no better high though than that of being in the best of health and leading a healthy and fulfilling life!
Manelia came into my bedroom last night while I watched the film 'Crazy Heart' with my brother! This time, we didn't need our gas-masks! That film, with Jeff Bridges, is ironically about a washed up old country music star who drinks too much! I love Jeff Bridges and will buy a film only because he's in it! I haven't bought any of Ralph Bates' films yet, but I have tracked down his stuff - all except the one I really want - 'Persecution', in which he stars with the great Lana Turner, as her son. The film starts with a tragedy involving a cat and as the story unfolds, you find out what sort of unforgiving and forbidding mother Turner was - and still is - to her son, who has now grown up and got married! It is one of the best psychological thrillers I've seen to date!
Have a great week then Nik, my friend! ๐
Nik said on 1/May/17
@Sandy Cowell
Hi Sandy,
Well actually I didn't have an exam at the end of the Business Studies course, my grade was determined entirely by coursework. I did slope off to the toilet and linger in there at times, like you did during your course! I was a loyal worker throughout those 17 1/2 years and I do think it was unfair to be made redundant, thank you for what you said about this, and you are not the first person to say that I was badly treated when I lost my job after all those years of service for the local authority. However to be fair my bosses tried to keep me but in the end there was nothing they could do as the decision had already been made at some higher up level. It doesn't make it right though and somebody was responsible for making these decisions and being unfairly ruthless to some of the staff where I worked, unfortunately the same thing has happened in other local authorities too. Like I have said I wasn't the only one to be made redundant and there were people at senior levels who lost their jobs as well, that's how things have been in recent years but it is not right.
The exceptionally tall gentleman who I mentioned in my last post was in no way to blame for me being made redundant as he left the council nearly 10 years prior to my redundancy, I think he retired from his position and got a different job somewhere else. As I said this man was very very tall however with him being a high ranking boss he kept himself to himself and I didn't see him very much! I probably only saw him on a few occasions and I remember seeing him once in the reception, it was amazing to see how tall he was!
I think the best way to reduce excessive drinking by people is, like you said, to try to create a culture in society where it is cool to be more health conscious and less cool to drink a lot, I also think that introducing guidelines and making alcohol more difficult to get hold of are good ideas too. I think similar things should be done to reduce the amount of smoking in society too.. I haven't drunk more than the odd drop of alcohol in more than 13 years now, however I don't think it's a bad thing what so ever for people to drink it's only a bit, perhaps on one or 2 occasions a week, to help unwind. When you are young there is no harm in drinking a little bit more than this but it is best not to drink too much at any age. Alcohol can cause a lot of social problems in society and it can not only bring misery and health problems to the consumer but it can cause a lot of harm to other people too.
Yes it's good that we can talk about health tips on the Rob Paul page, you have now got me eager to mention a few more of mine on that page in the next day or two!
You have mentioned about Manelia stinking your room out, she is a right character isn't she?!
Cheers buddy!
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/17
@ Nik - Arghh! You poor thing had an exam after the course, so you could hardly while the time away sleeping on the toilet, like I did! Then the people (the local government at that!) had the nerve to make you redundant! That's disgraceful of them!
When I was in the job of which I spoke, I was living with the boyfriend who died. I used to come home to a houseful of people all doing pretty much the same as they were doing at work, only boozing as well! They made noise all night long, so I couldn't sleep! The following day I went home to my Mum's and stayed there for the rest of the week, writing my boyfriend a letter to quit the lifestyle, or I wouldn't be back! He did - for a while, but always did it again! I don't find excessive drinking at all wise. It turns people into monsters and inevitably kills them. The deaths are awful too. I think alcohol is too easily available but I don't feel that the solution is to shove the prices up, because addiction will come before eating for these unfortunate people. I'm glad that there are guidelines now and also that it's become really hip amongst the youngsters of today to be 'fit', and supreme health can hardly be achieved by drinking alcohol!
Sites like this one contribute to the health-kicks that the youngsters enjoy, not to mention people who are older too, and yes, I do think it's terrific that we can all share our healthy lifestyle tips on Rob's page! I couldn't mention it in my comment yesterday because Manelia stank my room out, as you know, and I had to go out into the garden and leave my room with the window open!
Cheers for now Nik, buddy! ๐๐
Sorry - this was totally 'off topic', having nothing to do with Ralph Bates, but he did play a 'Jackal and Hyde' type character in his film 'Dr Jackal and Sister Hyde', a state of affairs which can often go hand in hand with heavy drinking!
Nik said on 28/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
Hi Sandy,
It mustn't have been very pleasurable working in that job but at least you saw the funny side! You don't see many women about who are nearly 6ft tall but it is not unheard of, you worked with some right characters didn't you?
I was as bad as you when I went on a day release course from my job in local government, it was a business studies course and it was really boring to be truthful, particularly the law module! I didn't really concentrate fully but I managed to do enough to scrape a pass. I kept having to attend day release courses throughout my 20's, but once you get older people don't require you to go on as many courses, you still can go on them at any age but you have to out yourself forward for them when you are older whereas they are forced on you when you are younger!
I worked in local government for 17 1/2 years before I was made redundant in 2013. I remember a gentleman who was the head of the department that I was in and the thing that stood out about him was his incredible height, he was about 6'7"! He used to tower over absolutely everyone and I don't think there was anyone even particularly close to him in height, He was the big boss in more ways than one! Wasn't it ironic that there was a highly ranking boss who was so tall!
I dreamed a lot about coursework and exams well into my 20's, and I still have them to this day! It makes me glad that all these days are over!
Enjoy your weekend too my friend!
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Apr/17
Hi Nik - That daft and boring day-release course was part of a government-run part-time job I took on as I had been out of work for the qualifying time, which was 6+ months. The pay was **it and the job wasn't very challenging! There would be young lads smoking joints in the corridor, which I would obviously breathe in and then I'd make typing mistakes! I did see the funny side though!
Then these boys would go out and draft-proof people's houses - people who were on low incomes!
There was a woman 10 years my senior who always smelt of whiskey, but she was nearly 6ft tall and stocky, without being fat, and she never wobbled about or slurred her words!
I took the job after I finished with a bullying partner, but many of the others had been out of work because of drink and substance misuse, which they clearly weren't over nor intended to be any time soon!
If I'm honest, the day-release course was so boring that I learnt nothing whatsoever! I don't even know what it was about! I kept going to the ladies to sit on the porcelain seat and catch up on my sleep - honestly!
I can relate to your unpleasant dreams about being forced onto courses! It's similar to being forced to sit exams. I had dreams about failing my exams for years and years after I sat them! No kid chooses to sit exams! They're compulsory and in my school, there was so much pressure on us to do well that nothing else mattered! Perhaps one day, the pressures of exams will be relieved from our kids, but I know that they still get ill worrying about them to this day, the poor little things!
Cheers Nik! Enjoy the rest of your week and then your weekend! ๐ธ๐ (this one's got BO: ๐ ๐๐๐!)
Nik said on 23/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
I once had to go on a day release course as part of a job and to make matters worse it was in the afternoon and early evening, I found it really boring too! I can tell you that I still have reacurring dreams to this day about being forced to go on day release courses, thankfully I wake up from them knowing that they were just dreams! Yes it seems like that dream of yours must have been an interesting one to have, you will have to get those programmes and films ordered.
Cheers mate!
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Apr/17
@ Nik - I didn't tell Christopher about my dream! I think he might have taken it personally!
I gave up going to courses after that one I had on day-release at work, which was enough to put me off for life! I wonder if people realize just how wonderful and helpful libraries can be? I can think of worse, more unhealthy places of meeting up with people, I can tell you!
I'm sure I dreamt of Ralph because of all the writing I have done about him. I also checked out which films and TV programmes of his are available to buy on line! That's two very prominent reasons I had for dreaming about him!
It isn't the first time I've dreamt of someone I've been writing about either! I rather like the dreams! That one was a particularly good one!
Nik said on 20/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
Hi Sandy,
I think I prefer learning on a one-to-one basis too, when I went to these adult education classes I felt embarrassed about putting my hand up if I didn't understand what the tutor was saying! it can also be difficult if you are really struggling because the tutor has the rest of the class to teach and you know you are taking up too much of his/her time if you keep on asking questions, so people who simply cannot understand things quickly will often keep quiet and end up suffering as a result. Now on a one-to-one level the instructor will be able to give all his/her time to you so you can be pretty confident that you will gain a lot from the tuition, certainly if you have any difficulties.
I have found that library staff are usually very friendly, the same cannot be said about some people from some other occupations!
Your dream about Ralph Bates was fascinating, I think you had the dream due to visiting this page a bit recently! I wonder what your brother Christopher said about it when you told him? You must have enjoyed talking to Ralph Bates about his movies! Who knows why we dream about some of the things that we dream about, some times there will be no obvious explanation.
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Apr/17
@ Nik - I prefer the one-to-one method of tuition that I had given to me at the library! Then, if there was anything I didn't understand, the girls were happy to answer my every question (of which there were many!), when I returned to the library to put what I'd been taught into action!
I had to go on a day-release course as part of a part-time job and it was so boring that it was a monster effort just to stay awake!
Oh, listen to this Nik - it's funny! As you might have realised, I used to have a soft spot for Ralph Bates! All this chatting about him resulted in my dreaming about him last night!
In my dream, it turned out that he was gay and made a beeline for my brother! I was still able to have a good time with him though! It was a very pleasant dream! My brother, the older one that is, would probably not cotton on if some guy was after him! He didn't last night in my dream! He was after the womenfolk of course, which left Ralph free for me!
So I got him drunk (ish!) and we talked about his movies!
Nik said on 18/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
It is terrible that he was only 51 when he died. Yes it is great that we can still value celebrities even when they are no longer with us and I agree that he would be very pleased to know that a lot of good will come from the research into this terrible disease.
I remember once going on an Internet course about 17 years ago at a college in West Yorkshire, the gentleman who ran the course taught us with the aid of an overhead projector! There may have been about ten people in the class, actually I can't remember how many people there were in the class but there weren't many!
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Apr/17
@ Nik - I too was really upset to find out that he'd died so young. That means that in the late 90's and early 00's, when I was watching my 'Persecution' video (which I wore out!), he was already dead. I think I would probably have cried if I'd found out at that time!
I checked Ralph out at the library - on one of their computers, of course! That's where I went before I had the internet on my phone! I met some lovely people there, all women, and they taught me to use the internet in a free one-hour session!
I'm sure Ralph would be happy to know - and perhaps he does in spirit - that a cure for pancreatic cancer is being aided by a fund in his honour. Another thing that I like about celebheights is that those who have passed on are still being talked about and valued!
Nik said on 17/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
I wonder then if Ralph Bates was ever taller than 5'9"? May be he had a peak height that was around the 5'10" mark.
It is really sad that he died of pancreatic cancer aged 51. He would be very proud of there being a fund set up in his honour for research into this disease.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Apr/17
@ Nik - Yes it certainly is! You should look out for Ralph Bates starring in one of his old Hammer films, or preferably the film 'Persecution'! He has an educated voice and does look 5ft10!
Sadly, he died of pancreatic cancer in 1991, just after he'd turned 51. A Ralph Bates fund for research into pancreatic cancer was set up in his honour.
Nik said on 16/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
You do get some people who can do anything that they put their mind to, maybe Louis Pasteur was one of those too! It's great when people do things for the love of it.
Have a great Easter Sunday Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Apr/17
@ Nik - Ralph Bates was a highly intelligent and well educated man and I think he could have done whatever he'd put his mind to!
He must have chosen acting for the love of it!
Nik said on 15/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
I think it's fascinating because there is no obvious reason for explaining why a scientist would have a great great nephew who was an actor! They were both famous for interesting, but entirely different, things and they weren't what you would class as the closest of relatives, although they certainly were far from being distant relatives of each other!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/17
@ Nik - I'm delighted that you found it interesting! So did I! ๐ฎ ๐
Nik said on 14/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
Your comment yesterday was very interesting, the fascinating fact that you quoted is the new thing that i have learnt today!
Nik said on 14/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
Your comment yesterday was very interesting, the fascinating fact that you quoted is the new thing that i have learnt today'
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Apr/17
@ Rob - ๐ and thanks again!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Apr/17
Wonderful, brilliant, smashing and many thanks Rob!
I love your choice of picture as well!
I've had my eye on Ralph ever since I saw him star in the film 'Persecution', wherein he played the son of a rather strange-natured Lana Turner! I copied it from the TV and wore the video out! Now I'm trying to get it on DVD but it's very difficult! From that film alone, I would have guessed 5ft10 for him, because the actress who plays his wife and Lana Turner herself look pretty small in comparison. I've seen him star with Joan Collins and Peter Cushing. Next time the Peter Cushing film is on, which is also (I think!) one and the same as the Joan Collins film, I'll make sure I see how much difference there is between Ralph and Peter. Unless I find out differently, I'll go along with the 5ft9, but I will add half an inch because I thought he was 5ft10!
Now it's Fascinating Fact time!
Ralph Bates was the great, great nephew of French scientist Louis Pasteur! Yes, the one we all have to thank for 'pasteurizing' our milk! Neat, yeah? I think so!

Editor Rob
5ft 9.5 isn't impossible, I'm not sure what he had in the spotlight directory, it would not surprise me if he described himself as 5ft 10.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Apr/17
Another good addition. Not sure on his height though.

Editor Rob
in one Dracula film he actually could look tallish, well above average range.