American Bodybuilder. He claims in "Right now I am 6'4 340lbs". On another occasion he said "I'm not Six-Three, I'm Six-Four" and measured in boots on a Height O Meter at near 6ft 4.5.
berta said on 20/Jan/23
194 in shoes means 191 barefoot. 6´3 guy but could be tiny fraction over i guess if the measurtment was right.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Sep/21
Rob, maybe a bit over this?
Not convinced he’s 6ft4 though
OriginalAnon said on 10/Mar/21
Enormous guy, but with horrible proportions. Great arms, terrible midsection, blocky waist, underdeveloped legs. 6'3'' seems likely.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Apr/20
Good observation. I don't know of a pair of shoes that weighs 4lbs, unless they're platform boots or something.
Canson said on 16/Nov/19
Notice how he says take off 4 lbs for his shoes? Yet the extra inch To 1.5 is not taken off for his shoes. Rob has him listed appropriately
Canson said on 24/Jul/19
@Importer: same with me. I think that’s the reason when a liar does it but when someone else who’s been lied to
Importer said on 22/Jul/19
@Canson or in my case they inflate others by 2-3inches to justify their own inflated height value...
Canson said on 20/Feb/19
@Myself: yep people for some reason think telling a guy or making him taller is paying him a compliment.
Canson said on 2/Nov/18
@Christian: well said!!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 31/Oct/18
That's probably how Merriman got measured at a doctor's office. Maybe it was 6'4.5" in boots, or maybe even 6'4.25". Quincy actually got measured at 76.3" (which is basically 6'4.25") as you can hear both guys say it in the video.
Click Here
Canson said on 28/Oct/18
@Chris: he has boots on. Did you not notice? Therefore he isn’t 6’4.5
@Even: lowest I could buy is 6’2.5 if the measured him earlier in the day but he may be a full 6’3 like Rob lists him
Jacob said on 5/Jan/18
I think he might need a update Paul.. honestly around Dave plumbo who is listed at 5’9” he can look 6’5” ish almost eye level testing it so I’d would look into him a little more cause it’s strange a 5’3” bodybuilder in pic looks really towered from him just saying rob.

Editor Rob
well I had forgotten about the link below to that measurement...he pretty much is in some solid footwear and measuring at near 6ft 4.5, at least it looked like it would be near that and the other guy was saying it too.
Therefore he probably is somewhere in 6ft 3-3.5 range, depending how big his footwear really was.
even said on 17/Jul/17
6'2.5" , around 350 lbs
Yas said on 17/May/17
How big are the boots he's wearing? He says they're at least 4lbs.... big boots.
Chris said on 28/Apr/17
"Six four and half" - In this vídeo he was measured on the scale at this height.
Click Here
Jon said on 22/Aug/16
Was 6ft 4" when I stood next to him, same height as what I was at the time at Olympia VIP meet and greet years ago, 2007 I think.
He was also wearing flat shoes. Jay Cutler in boots struggled to hit 5'9".
There's a video where he gets measured on a stadiometer in one of his interviews at 6'4" because apparently he was called same height as Tony Freeman (6'2")
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/11
Would look 6ft3/6ft3.5 with better posture
Jake T. said on 2/Feb/11
Bodybuilders don't look so tall because of their body mass but in this case Mamun looks 6 inches shorter, 189 cm could be right.