Squatchh said on 16/Mar/21
I met Pierre and have pictures with him outside of epcot after they played. Can confirm we are the same height, 5'11
Lixo said on 6/Aug/19
He is a solid 180 cm, I think he could even be a max 181 cm. I met him after a concert and took a picture with him.
Sketch said on 26/May/19
can you find out david desrosiers height they say he's either 5'7" or 5'8"
'Annonymous' said on 30/Mar/19
Please Rob, add him to the rock singers category.
Joe said on 24/Dec/14
Looks more like 6'1".
Farrox said on 16/May/11
pierre is 5'10
wowuguys said on 16/Jun/09
pierre is 5'10 nothing more nothing less he even wrote it down on his official myspace i dont think hes downplaying since hes not even 6f..
Pam said on 9/Feb/09
Pierre's a good 3-4 inches taller than David, and David's 5"7 or 5"8...
David's just a little taller than me, like not even a full inch)
Anon said on 9/Dec/08
Pierre is not 5'11".
I'm 5'11" and he was slightly shorter than me... I'd say he's about 5'10" or 5'10.5"
kev said on 5/Jun/08
Pierre is 5'11'', Jeff is 5'10'' , Chuck is 5'9'' , David and Sebastien are 5'7''
Any said on 21/May/08
Whoops, I was thinking about Chuck. He is pretty short. 5'11 for Pierre looks about right.
Any said on 21/May/08
Pierre is not 5'11. I met him a few days ago and I am 5'9 and he was shorter than me. My guess is he is 5'6.5 to 5'7
Anonymous said on 10/Mar/08
jeff stinco got listed 5'9-5'10 on many websites. But I think he's just 5'8, I think that very possible. The rest of the member are like 5'7 and pierre is legit 5'11.
koda said on 27/Jul/07
About 3 months ago I was at a party with Pierre n' David. Im 5'5" andDavids only like 2-3 inches taller than me. Pierre on the other hand, I had to lean up just to hug him. Hes really strong. He gave me a piggy-back ride back to the car!
A7xfan said on 4/Mar/07
Yeah I think Pierre is 5ft 11 & Chuck 5ft 9? I met Seb and would say he is about 5ft 7/8. Simple Plan rock :)
Bayley said on 4/Mar/07
When I met Pierre, for some reason he seemed 5'10". Maybe shorter. I'm 5'10" myself and I was sort of slouching when I met him and I still felt taller.
Summer said on 12/Jan/07
I only met Pierre once and it was just last week backstage at a concert (i'm in a band so even though we're not very big we still can get really awesome tickets)and he was at least 5'10 and if any of you are wondering he was really sweet and funny p.s. he's single right now, him and Lachelle broke up.
Emily said on 22/Oct/06
Pierre is 5'11, Chuck is 5'9, David (<3)is 5'7, Jeff is 5'7, and Sebastien (<3)is 5'7.5
random Person said on 15/Aug/06
hey.. andrew, whats up? go on myspace more often..!
Sharon said on 28/Feb/06
So prove it then Lacey!
Lacey said on 9/Feb/06
Yeah Pierre is 5'11 and I know this since I am dating him at the moment I can even prove it by showing pics...
andrew said on 29/Jan/06
pierres 5'11 hes my cuz i've seen him many times
Pierre lover said on 27/Jan/06
Pierre is totally 5'11'' you guys, it even says on his biography everywhere on the internet gosh and by the way he is way hott, hottest guy that I have ever seen in my life and someday me and my friend are going to meet them all includign Pierre and Sebastien. The band is totally auwsome.Bye
wrestling said on 22/Jan/06
hey editor , did you receive my pic of my friend and pierre , it prooves Pierre Is About 180cm , As Always Rated ...

Editor Rob
ah yes man, I saw the pic and he looks in the 180cm range if your friend is as she says 5ft 9?
Corey said on 22/Jan/06
I've wondered how tall Pierre is... I guess I know now
include my height? 5 ft 10, well right now its 5 ft 9 and 3/4 but I'm only 13 so I'm still growing
wrestling said on 19/Jan/06
check out my pic i sent you Rob , This Prooves Pierre Is 5'11" Like I Said 178+ CM ... So People Saying 5'8" Are Lost Case After Seeing This Pic , With My 5'9" Friend ...
CelebHeights Editor said on 16/Jan/06
Re, wrestling, the David desrosiers has claimed on a fansite "i'm 5'8"
wrestling said on 29/Dec/05
hes 178-180cm , i met him when david was dating one of my girl friendz , back when their band was called RESET , and im 5'8" (i get mesured every year) and he def looked 5'10"ish and david is about 5'6"ish very skinny tho and he used to work at a mcdonalds near my house ... i never tought they would make it to being this popular around the world but they did a good job ... havent seen em since they rich n famous ... take this as you want he aint over 5'11" aint under 177cm ... 177-180 is my pick
gyllenhaalic823 said on 17/Dec/05
yeah, looking at his band i thought he was more like 6'1", but alone he's a lot shorter
my guess is 5'10"
*hey, i live in Wisconsin!! YAY!*
Maddie, why are the hottest people mainly the tallest?? ooo ok so the PRETTIER ones are shorter awwww you are SO SWEET because I'm short - oh wait you never said that - nvm lol!! jk
Maddie said on 9/Dec/05
Actully people say the hottest poeple are mainly the tallest and that is so right when it comes to Pierre and Iam 5"9 and i'am 18 and i did meet him 2 times in Wisconsin and in Montreal at a concert
Milie said on 2/Dec/05
I saw him on a picture beside Tom Hanks and there was no difference... Or maybe a little difference... Tom can be a little bit taller....
MD said on 22/Nov/05
While he probably isn't 5'8", the 5'11" listed most places seems dubious, to me. He just doesn't look like a near 6-footer, unless of course he's around his band, all of which are obviously smaller guys. I'd guess more around 5'9.5"-5'10" for him at the most.
Wicked Kid said on 22/Nov/05
For Pierre to be 5'8" the other guys would be what, 5'6" max?? Pierre's about 2 inches taller than any of those guys. 5'9" is possible though. Joel isn't as tall as he looks.
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/05
hmm, on thoer dvd, theres a clip of him walking next to joel madden, and Pierre was taller than Joel, Joel just happens to be 5'9, so i dunno
Dax said on 24/Sep/05
Actually, I've met Pierre and the rest of the band in their "I'll Do Anything" video shoot, I'm 5'8 and Pierre was the same height as me.
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/05
Yeah you got it right he's the tallest among the rest. Looks this height.