Jan-uary said on 27/Nov/23
Hey Rob, how tall would you pin the guy on the left? Near the end of the video he straightens up. He claims 178 cm
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
I could see him having an inch on Williams, so maybe a chance of 177cm for him.
Big T said on 24/Jan/23
Looks as listed with Emmanuel Macron - clearly but not significantly taller.
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 29/Dec/22
Click Here
Not over 5'7.5" next to Asap Rocky
Cold Water said on 20/Mar/22
172.0 cm
Stinky 186 cm said on 29/Aug/21
Strong 5’ 8” I’d say 5’ 8 1/4” personally
the numbers don't lie said on 16/Aug/21
looks 5'7 3/4 to 5'8 max in sneaker shopping with complex, i could buy 5'8 flat but no more
Yang (5 footer 8, 173, Aries) said on 19/Aug/20
He is more of 172cm range guy than 175cm guy.. I can imagine he looks smaller than chubby guy with my height range.....
Kalind said on 15/Oct/19
I stood next to his wax figure at Madame Tussaud’s. He was the same height as me and I’m 5’8
DPH1995 said on 24/Mar/19
I always thought he was a 5'6-5'7 guy, interesting.
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 12/Dec/18
I think 5'8" would be a more accurate listing, he doesn't look taller than that here and next to other people.
Luis173 said on 4/Nov/18
Looks closer to the 5,8.5 than 5,7.75
The Shredder said on 29/Nov/17
So we get a 5'10 Pharrell or a 5'6 Usher lol.
MD said on 10/Nov/17
Harris, you know how I explain that story? Usher isn't 5'8", which is something I've been arguing for forever. lol
Shredder said on 8/Nov/17
He's more than 130 lbs , but no way would I put him over 150's
Slim 6' said on 30/Oct/17
172 area. Below average but not short.
Harris said on 25/Oct/17
Rob, how do you explain this photo?
Click Here

Editor Rob
depends how close the photographer is and how many inches nearer Williams head is.
Slim 6' said on 24/Oct/17
5'7.75" would be closer to the truth.
KH said on 20/Sep/17
Another guy if as listed heightwise must weight about 130 lbs.
A said on 30/Jun/17
Click Here He's only 3 inches taller than uzi in this pic.. and i personally believe uzi is 5'3.5"
CC said on 4/Jun/17
Click Here
Bieber taller than 5'8 Pharrel williams.
Warren said on 21/Jan/17
I think shorter than Rob and Pharreell is 172cm, but I love his songs and shoes
paulpierce said on 6/Nov/16
Pharell clearly looks taller in it
paulpierce said on 6/Nov/16
Rob there is a new kid cudi and pharell pic. I cant upload it since im on mobile but what are your thoughts
On it?
Phil said on 3/Nov/16
that guy is as skinny as a beanpole. he is 5 foot 8
i don't think he is taller than rob.
D said on 3/Sep/16
173cm would be more correctly
the shredder said on 14/Sep/15
Better , he looks between 5'8 and 5'9 , not 5'9.
172.4cm guy said on 21/May/15
175cm is incredibly generous for Pharrell. In this pic with Chad Hugo, who is 167-168cm, Pharrell is only about 3cm taller (once you account for the extra 1-2cm that Pharrel's shoes give him over Chad). This puts Pharrel at 171cm, which fits his stature and proportions.
Click Here
the shredder said on 24/Apr/15
Rob , what you give his weight? I have a weight OCD recently lol.

Editor Rob
probably somewhere in 150-6 range.
the shredder said on 21/Apr/15
Rob , what makes you think 5'9 ? Her can look under

Editor Rob
he can appear 5ft 8.5 and 9 I think, anywhere around that range is arguable.
MarcusTheSwede said on 20/Feb/15
This needs a serious downgrade 171 at best and thats generous.
Dmax said on 9/Feb/15
If Pharrell Williams is 5'9 boost Ed Sheeran height to 5'8.5 then.............
Bishop said on 7/Feb/15
Another pic with Ed Sheeran:
Click Here
172.4 guy said on 4/Feb/15
He is not 175cm. Definitely in the 171-173cm range. You can tell he wears the hats to give an illusion his head might make him taller in the 174-175cm range. But you can tell in the pictures, especially with Ed Sheeran, he's a short-average guy.
A.A said on 1/Jan/15
i just saw him on stage.. i got a 175 impresson then i looked down and saw thick boots..real thick
171 or 172
Robby D said on 18/Dec/14
Rob, you list your height as 5'8", do you really believe that Pharrell Williams is an inch taller than you? I don't. I think this guy is 5'7" maximum.
MD said on 15/Dec/14
With 5'11" Adam Levin:
Click Here
Yeah, he is not 5'9".
Aldo said on 13/Dec/14
He's no more than 173 cm.
Pharrell with 172 cm Ed Sheeran:
Click Here
Byron T. said on 7/Jul/14
He was about the same height as Ed Sheeran in ''Sing'' music video. If that's the case, he's a weak 5'8.''
mila said on 7/Jul/14
robin thicke is 187 cm so he can´t be 175 cm
170 cm seems right
Sal said on 7/Jul/14
I've met him before, I'm 6'2 and we were exactly the same. He is tall, just he is so thin.
fsd said on 1/Jul/14
he's 5'7 ft with small proportions that make him look smaller
charlie said on 3/Jun/14
He looks so short.
Damon said on 3/May/14
@SAK, his wife is supposedly 5'11 (I think she could be 5'10) and I think that argument is supported by loads of pics. If so, he seems a weak 5'9
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
But, with that hat...
Click Here
(That last pic is just for giggles!)
JJ said on 24/Apr/14
He's 5' 9" with the hat.
MD said on 10/Apr/14
I'm looking at pictures of him from the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards, this year. The angles are terrible, but he honestly doesn't look any taller than
Mark Wahlberg. Like I said, I could see him being 5'8.5"...maybe a quarter inch less. At the very least he's a strong 5'8".
Adamz said on 10/Apr/14
5ft9... Are u joking? 5ft 7
Nicole said on 13/Mar/14
I met him yrs ago and he seems petite bc he's so thin..5'8 seems reasonable i had to look up. His head cleared mine. Im 5'2.5 i forgot what type of shoes i had on that day
fsd said on 13/Mar/14
after doing research turns out he's a weak 5'8 ft karolina kurkoba 5'11 ft model is 3 inches taller than his wife whchmakes her 5'8ft
Click Here another pic karolina wearin 3 inch heels makes her 6'2ft pharrel 1inch shoe =6inch diff =5'8ft
Click Here
MD said on 10/Mar/14
fsd, you're through. Your credibility is completely shot. Stop being ridiculous.
SAK said on 9/Mar/14
He looks similar height to his wife
Click Here
fsd said on 8/Mar/14
pharrel his wife and model gisele "listed at 5'10 ' MAX there's a 1-2 inch diff between helen and gisele so hellen is like 5'8-5'9 ft add the 3 inch heels put her between 5'11-6ft max subtract the 5 inch diff between pharrell and his wife u end up with 5'6-5'7 guy
Click Here
the shredder said on 8/Mar/14
I agree with Md and Leonari that he is 5'8.5 , but you really can't go by how a peoples shape.
MD said on 7/Mar/14
That's exactly it. Before I knew his height, I guessed him as a short guy around 5'7", maybe. But, the more I got a look of him next to other celebrities, the more clear it became that he is almost of average height. He just has one of those type of physiques that make him look shorter, and as you said, he also dresses in a way that often downplays his height. To me, he's clearly taller than a lot of the 5'7" and 5'8" rap artists and R&B singers he has collaborated with, if only by half-and-inch to an inch. He's clearly taller, for instance than Usher, Kanye West, etc...I still hold he's 5'8.5" at the least. He's a weak 5'9". I'd put him at either 5'8.5" or 5'8.75".
leonari said on 6/Mar/14
He has a weird body. He looks short but to be honest I don't think he is... There are folks like that.I think he is 174 but looks no more than 170 on a constant basis. The way he dresses, those ridiculous pants also help to make him look short.
MD said on 6/Mar/14
fsd, you kind of lost instant credibility when you didn't do enough research to find that his wife is very clearly and obviously tall for a woman. Heck, you could have simply looked at the photo I'd posted days before you. And what's worse is that you then went on even after subsequent posts with this ridiculousness. You need to stop, because you're being disingenuous.
fsd said on 6/Mar/14
check this link out pharrel williams with 5'5.5ft- 5'6 ft elton john he's barely an inch taller than elton john and theres near 4 inch diff between him and justin .
Click Here
this is another link for pharrel and justin there clearly a 4to 3.5 inch diff notice justin's tilting his head
Click Here
i guess pharrell is 5'7ft max
SAK said on 4/Mar/14
Click Here
Pharrell is standing next to his wife who is a model. There is no way she is only 5f4. She looks 5f10-5f11.
fsd said on 3/Mar/14
rob he needs a dongrade hes wife is like 5'4 shes wearin 4 inch heels which makes her 5'8 there a 4 inch diff in height when he appeared on the red carpet today wearin shorts whick makes him 5'5-5'6ft check this link
Click Here
tutu said on 1/Mar/14
Well, I've seen him last month when he came to France (I'm not French tho) and he seemed to be tall enought to reach 175cm I even thought he was taller sp I think this number is proper.
MD said on 27/Feb/14
Apropos of nothing, he has a fairly tall wife, as she towers him in heels. Here is a rare shot of them in similar footwear, though, he actually has an advantage:
Click Here
James Crowley Maximus Meridius said on 24/Feb/14
Rob i can't believe this guy is 40 he doesn't even look it he looks like at 28 too 30 at the most.
fsd said on 19/Feb/14
i think he's no more than 5.7.5 ft max or 5.7 cuz a solid 5'9 ft would look legit with healed foootwear or tallish
MD said on 29/Jan/14
I mean, he's not 5'9", but it's not like he's a whole lot shorter, either. Here he is with Brad Paisley. Brad has a slight footwear advantage in that his boots are cowboy boots, but they are both in healed footwear:
Click Here
I used to think he was a legit short, but the more I've seen of him, the more it becomes apparent that he is just slightly under average. I'd give him anywhere from 5'8" to 5'8.5", as even in heeled footwear, he never looks tall, which a average-height person can look in certain types of high heeled footwear.
alfonso said on 29/Jan/14
i've seen him barefoot he's nomore than 5.7.5"ft max.
matti said on 27/Jan/14
If he's 5'9 I'm Shaquille frickin O'Neal
Barbie Brooks said on 22/Jan/14
He's not 5'9. I find it astonishing. He's clearly 5'6.
Mr. Sheridan said on 17/Oct/13
Dean says, robin thicke is 189 cm, he's a clear 187 cm, I've met him.
kc said on 14/Oct/13
5'9" bcuz of the shoes doe
The6' said on 1/Oct/13
Did anyone look at his shoes??
Dean 5ft 9.25 said on 25/Aug/13
Click Here
With Robin Thicke(189cm)..If Robin is 189(doubtful IMO) then how tall is pharrel here? 5ft 11 Id imagine? ;)

Editor Rob
he does look like he'd be no more than a 6ft 1-2 guy in general so he's adding height, maybe 1.5 inches at least...not looked at this guy since G got him :)
Roc said on 22/Aug/13
If Pharell is 5'6, Kanye and t.i must be 5'4-5'5 range lol
Tg said on 8/Mar/13
I too am curious about his height because my sis just saw him at the NY public library and she said she was taller than him. She's. About 5'7 and change so he has to be about 5'6 .
Will said on 26/Jan/13
Agreed MD, that Pharrell is more like 5ft 8. He is so not 5ft 9.
173 said on 13/Dec/12
@MD: User Arch Stanton says Lewis Hamilton is 5'7.5" (171 cm) on Tom Cruise's page, though I'm not sure where he came up with that listing?
bjwdrums said on 13/Sep/12
I've met him, he is 5'9"
MD said on 5/Jan/12
Pharrell is the exact same height as driver Lewis Hamilton from what I seen. If we could ever find out Lewis Hamilton's actual height as opposed to his listed height, Pharrell's would be pretty easy. I'm convinced neither of them is above 5'8".
Attila _194cm. said on 5/Jan/12
He is 5'8(173)flat,no more.
Yelmer said on 29/Dec/11
Im not a downgrader but he always looks shorter than Kanye!
jimmy said on 23/Sep/11
Went to his concert in Jakarta and I got a chance to shake hand with him. he's definitely not 5'7 or 5'8, coz, I'm 5'8 (177cm) and he's slightly shorter than my girlfriend which is 5'6 (170cm), so I'm guessing he's around 5,5 (168cm)
koo said on 2/Jun/11
Looking significantly shorter than 5'10 Lupe here
Click Here
Gracien said on 11/Apr/11
Click Here
How about that. In this pic, Kanye West and Pharrell look the same height.
Craig F said on 25/Feb/11
If you look at the videos he's in with snoop you can easily see he is 5'9. Snoop is 6'4 and doesn't completely tower him as if he were 5'7. 5'9 is exact
Cosmos tsibela said on 15/Feb/11
If kanye west is 5'8-5'9 then Pharrel is definately 5'7.
slipknot said on 25/Nov/10
look pharrell next to justin timberlake(182cm) he is a half head over pharrell
slipknot said on 17/Nov/10
kanye west is never 175cm cuz look kanye next to 50cent(182cm) kanye is max 173cm and Pharrell Williams is the same heights
Craig F said on 8/Nov/10
I met him a week ago and I say I'm 5'8" on a good day! He was wearing boots and I was wearing vans. In the picture I was leaning over a rope to take a picture and he was standing straight. He was 2 inches taller me. So 5'8" 5'8.5" my guess
DPC said on 19/Jun/09
He is SURELY not 5 ft 9 !!! look here
Click Hereor here
Click HereIn both pics kanye is leaning and he is barely the same height as Pharrell,and what when Kanye would stand str8...???
5 ft 8 in at his best !
Darren said on 16/Jun/09
What about this great picture of Pharrell with Lewis Hamilton...
Click HereBoth wearing the same type of shoes, brilliant angle and both standing upright. If Lewis is on the Mclaren website as 5,8 1/2...then surely Pharrell is just shy of 5,10?...
Amber said on 23/May/09
I met Pharrell a couple weeks ago and when I looked at the picture, i'd say he's at least 5'9.5"
I'm 5'8.5" and he's at least an inch taller. I thought he was going to be short!
-- said on 6/May/09
This guy is 5'8 TOPS cuz next to 5'10 diddy he's shorter by 2in.- so justin timberlake is 5'10- 5'10.5 cuz way bac he statef he was 5'11 but I still think he's no even tat( its just tat his body is proportioned good making him look taller) cuz in the video "like I love you" he and pharrell were wear snickers and jt aint much taller then pharrell he's got him by like 2-2.5in. Taller// so pharrell 5'8 and JT 5'10-5'10.5
Mango said on 11/Mar/09
this guy is 5"7. 5"8 max
MD said on 8/Mar/09
Hey, how tall is Jeff Gordon, really? He's listed at 5'7 and 5'8", most places, more often the later, but it's his listed professional height. Be sure to take into account Pharrell's lean, though.
Click HereWith Kanye, though, hardly the best angle, it shoes footwear:
Click HereI still don't believe he's a full 5'9".
Mango said on 8/Mar/09
Jarnell I agree 5"7 - 5 "8 isnt that short dono wtf is wrong with ppls. Telling 6 foot is avarage.. everything above 5"10 is tall thats it.
@anonymous said on 3/Mar/09
How in the world would you know that he is 18cm shorter than snoop dogg, not 17 or 19, or even 16 or 20? Sometimes I think you guys are crazy for saying stuff like "in movie X he looks 6'3, however in movie Y he only looks 6'2''". That's 1 inch or 2,54cms. You can't really tell such a small difference by watching movies....
That being said Im watching "that girl" by pharrell and snoop on youtube, right now and snoop is clearly towering over pharrell the way I tower over my sister lol.
At 3:25, if both stood straight (theyre standing next to one another both wearing sneakers), you could tell that...well...the top of Pharrell's head would be where snoop's chin or lips are.
Thus if 6'4 is anywhere close to correct for snoop, 5'9 is probably still optimistic for Pharrell.
That being said he's a cool cat!
Anon said on 2/Feb/09
Check this video, at the end you'll see pharrell lookin about 2 inch shorter than pdiddy.
Click Here
anonymous said on 4/Dec/08
In the video clip drop it like it's hot, he is 18cm shorter than 6 foot 4 snoop dogg. 5 foot 9 seems right.
Jarnell said on 25/Nov/08
I get so tired of hearing people say 5'7 and 5'8 is short.What the heck are you people born in....a family of giants??? Anything above 5'6 is fine.Anything above 5'10 or 6' is tall.But 5'7 is not noticeably short.When you're my height(5'4) then you can talk short.
anonymous said on 18/Oct/08
I saw Pharrell In Virginia i am 6ft and he was up to my nose so about 5ft8
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/08
Pharrell was at the rave sept. 25 in milwaukee, Wi he is 5'7 I am a true 5'9 and dude is short he stood right in front of me and gave the people hang shakes he is 5'7 with out a shout od doubt
Anonymous said on 24/Aug/08
I met Pharrell in Miami and I'm a legit 5'10 w/o shoes. Pharrell is 5'9.
BCC said on 24/Aug/08
On that pic with diddy,he looks like he's 5ft8in or less.I'm 5ft8.5in.My cousin is 5ft9.5in,but we look eksactly the same height so that means ,that Pharell is 5ft7in to look like a short with 5ft10in P.Diddy.This is my look at the things.
Asp said on 15/Aug/08
I saw P in Gothemburg, Sweden, last weekend, and when he jumped down from the stage and highfived the crowd, he didn't look this tall... I'm 180cm and he looked more like 173 och even 172... And I think why people think he looks even shorter is the fact that he has a relatviely big head, which makes his body "shorter", so his shoulders are a bit below someone else's shoulders, who has a relatively normalsized head
Cody 3D said on 9/Aug/08
He was on 106 in Park Aug. 6th 08 and the host Terrence has said in the past that he was 5'10" And Pharrell was about a half inch taller then him plus he had his hat on funny so I made him look even taller. P had on Van which don't have that much of a sole compared to the Jordans Terrence had on. I think its his build that make him seem short. but this is the clip.
Click Here
Antron said on 3/Aug/08
Click HereWith Kanye West, 5'8"...I really can't see Pharrell at 5'10"...More 5'9" to me...
Patricia said on 7/Jul/08
I really dont think that Pharrell could possibly be 5'9 it has to be the type of shoes that he wears or something else. He looks so tiny. But yet he is still so sexy no matter how short he is!
A_D said on 30/Jun/08
Its easy to tell how tall someone is, if you cant tell how tall someone is then u dont know how tall you are all you gotta do is see how tall u are and see if he looks taller or shorter than u its that easy I knew that pharrell was 5-9 before even went to this sight because im 5-9.5 and he looked my height
Ty said on 28/Jun/08
Btw im talkin about 5'9 with SHOES!!!!!!!!! so that makes him 5'8.
Ty said on 28/Jun/08
hes at least 5'8.5 no more than 5'9....oh and Chad is taller than P and Shae is taller aswell. Chad is not 5'7 he is most likely 5'10. I met them 27th of june 08, and im 5'8.5 and i seemed taller than P idk y, but maybe it was the ground. Anyways Shae and Chad are both taller than P. No way on earth he is more than 5'9. N he was rockin Vans so dont use any excuses, im not talkin about comparing pics im talkin about seeing them right infront of me and believe me he is no more than 5'9 and im being quite generous with that estimate he could be less.
shigg said on 26/Jun/08
I'm pretty sure he is 5'8" or 5'9" but he lots the same height as jonah hill in the photos below maybe even smaller which doesn't make much sense.
glenn said on 19/Jun/08
then i must be 5-5.people still ignore my pics.
MD said on 18/Jun/08
With 5'6" Jonah Hill, both in very flat shoes, BTW:
Click HereClick HereI simply can't see him being over 5'8".
Anon said on 14/Jun/08
Just saw him in brixton academy, he seemed 5`8 to me. during the show, he came down from the stage, he was literally standing in front of me, he had flat thin soled trainers and he looked a solid 5`8.
Shon said on 31/May/08
I saw Pharrell in concert and Chris Brown was on stage with him I know Chris is 6ft 1 so I was guessing Pharrell was 5ft 8 or 5ft 9. He is taller than I thought he was I don't really care as long as he is taller than me lol.I still love him!
Nick said on 25/Apr/08
haha how does this guy get pics with all the celebs? And did u know Pharrell is 2 inches taller than timbaland?
Davey said on 24/Apr/08
He looks 5`7 to me but not in that pic with glenn
Ivery said on 11/Apr/08
he looks taller than 5'9 probably 5'10.But Hes still sexy.
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/08
Its kind of hard to believe that Pharrell Williams is 5'9 he looks much shorter.
bruce_wayne said on 7/Feb/08
jd what are you talking about?4 years ago he was 30...he can't have grown...
i was wondering if the result is something official or just in between the many views written by users...
pharrell seems def shorter than 175..maybe 173 yes
chris175 said on 20/Jan/08
hes obviously a 5-10 guy from the pic, and he is probably not standing straight, 5-9.5 at the least
bruce_willis said on 14/Jan/08
He looks a bit taller than 5'9, possibly 5'9.75
Andre said on 9/Jan/08
I think a reasonable explanation for this is that Pharrell isnt 5 ft 9, Diddy isnt 5 ft 10 and Lewis isnt 5 ft 8.
jd said on 3/Jan/08
I saw him 4 years ago at the HOB on Sunset. We had VIP upstairs after the show and he walked passed us with his then girlfriend Kelis and he is no taller than 5'5 she towered him. I'm 5'7 and i felt like I towered him, maybe he's grown since.
BOARDERS said on 28/Dec/07
I'd rather say 174 cm , max 175 ! But I dont think he could be 175 . Here is a video of Pharrell and britney in a concert , we all know britney is small she is 163 cm and in the video pharrell looks not much taller . Considering that she was wearing heals in this video and that the heels could be max 10 cm that means 163 + 10 + or - = 173 . Here is the video :
Click Here
JUNOTES2 said on 10/Dec/07

Editor Rob
I love your creative use of magic mushrooms.
anon said on 23/Oct/07
pharrell has to be wearing lifts or something lately
i've met chad hugo in person and he's at best a weak 5'7
i can't think pharrel is more than 2 inches taller than him
al gore said on 15/Oct/07
can i request here Al Gore's height please?
Albert said on 2/Aug/07
I'm pretty positive that he's wearing a pair of Bapes. With that said, it's also comparable to Air Force 1's, which bumps up that extra inch.

Editor Rob
he'd only be getting an extra inch if the other person was wearing shoes with less than a 1/4 of an inch...
Brah said on 25/Jul/07
with 6'1" Al Gore:
Click Here
MD said on 8/Jul/07
Yes, but what about a picture of Pharrell and Lewis? I think Diddy is still an enigma, height-wise. Hamilton, though, we know is nothing over 5'8".
MD said on 7/Jul/07
Here he is with 5'7" to 5'8" Lewis Hamilton, and P. Diddy given 5'10.5", here.
Click Here
Not the best photos, as there is some slouching going on amongst all three of them, but it was really the only one from that event where they were standing at the same angle, and where neither of them was significantly closer of further from the camera.

Editor Rob
This Shot they are right together. He does look to have 1-inch trainers, there was a shot you could see them, so probably very close in footwear.
sofia said on 6/Jul/07
i thought he was short! that`s tight! he`s taller than me! im 5ft.7
MD said on 1/Jul/07
Have you not scene him in the plethora of videos he's done with 5'8"ish rap and R&B stars? He always appears around their height, or ever so slightly taller. In fact, he does more videos with people around his size than people of above average height like Snoop and Slim Thug.
Duhon said on 1/Jul/07
He looks short cause he always seems to be next to 6'4" snoop dogg and 6'6" slim thug in videos.
MD said on 29/Jun/07
Lmeister, that's what I'm saying. If he's 5'10", then all of the other 5'8" guys need to boosted to that height or more.
Daniel said on 29/Jun/07
Remember, rappers often wears thick shoes (except converse), ex. Reebok, and I own a pair of Reebok shoes, and they give my like 1.5-1.75 inches in height.
Maybe Pharrell are wearing shoes with thick soles?
Lmeister said on 29/Jun/07
Ok, maybe he his 5'10'', but then Rob has a lot of upgrading to do. Nelly, Kanye West and Ludacris etc...gotta go up one inch...
glenn said on 29/Jun/07
i dont know how in hell people see him my height or an inch taller.its pretty obvious he is 5-10 in the pic.and looked it in the flesh too.
Viper said on 28/Jun/07
I thought he was 5-8. Looks 5-9 in the pic.
Anonymous said on 27/Jun/07
Looks the same height as Glenn to me. So many people who see this guy in person always comment on how short he is. Maybe his scrawniness gives that impression?
Del Mar said on 27/Jun/07
I heard 5-8 once, but seems at least 5-9 here
Trey said on 26/Jun/07
Josh do you really know him? Because I think Glenn is right on this. Pharrel looks short but if you come up close he isn't that short. 5'10/11 something like that would be correct.
Cat Stevens said on 26/Jun/07
Looks 5'10.5
Yoooooo said on 25/Jun/07
Glenn, with all due respect if pharrell was minimum 5'10 p diddy would be much taller then listed on this site and so would be kanye west, daddy yankee, ludacris. if you also look at a lot of the pics with chad hugo [5'6"] he doesn't appear much taller.
Josh said on 25/Jun/07
I personally know the guy....trust me he is BARELY 5'9. This pic also confirms it since he barely has one inch over 5'8 Glenn. Peace
dmeyer said on 25/Jun/07
dose look aleast 5'9.25 to 5'9.5
Bad B said on 25/Jun/07
it's clear that he's no shorter than 5"10 / 5"10.5
Lmeister said on 25/Jun/07
There is something dodgy going on maybe the floor levels if Pharrell is 5'10'' then Kanye West is 5'9'', Ludacris is 5'9'' and Nelly 5'9.5''. Like Rob said that it is hard to argue with Glenn based on this pic, but standing next to other artist from 5'7''- 5'9'' range Pharrell looks 5'8.5''- 5'9''...
Rafael said on 25/Jun/07
Wow Pharrell is pretty tall then
glenn said on 25/Jun/07
i see at least 2 inches in my photo.yet everyone wants to do colin farrel on me where i also had proof he was 5-11.i passed on a photo with him the other night.had i known this would happen,i wouldve taken another.he doesnt seem to like me or my friend much.so i didnt want to ask again.5-10 minimum for pharrell.that pic with prince william is ridiculous.it obvious he is slouching and who knows how much he can straighten out.im not saying he looks tall whenever i see him.he looks short,until you get close to him and he does a dmx.
Unknown said on 24/Jun/07
Him standing next to Kanye west!
Click Here
MD said on 24/Jun/07
Part II
With Usher given 5'8":
Click Here
With rapper Nelly, given 5'8.5", still, here. (more like 5'8")
Click Here
Click Here
With P. Diddy given 5'10.5", here:
Click Here
With 5'9" Billy Idol:
Click Here
A a picture and video of him performing with Daddy Yankee, who's given 5'7":
Click Here
Click Here
Not all of the best pictures, but it's more than just these. I just having a very hard time seeing him anything over 5'9".
MD said on 24/Jun/07
Really? I've never seen him listed anywhere over 5'9". This is very confusing that you saw him that tall, to say the least, as he looks around the same height as many of the 5'8" and 5'9" hip-hop artists he often works for and with. I've never seen him look over 5'9".
With rapper Twista, given 5'8.5", here:
Click Here
With 5'8" rapper Kanye West:
Click Here
With 5'9" R&B singer John Legend, and 5'8" Kanye West, again.
Click Here
With 5'7.75" rapper Ludacris
Click Here
With 5'8" Fred Durst:
Click Here
Yoooooo said on 24/Jun/07
Rob wat would u estimate pharrells height from this picture.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I wouldn't put him much over 5ft 9 there.
Crystal said on 24/Jun/07
What shoes were he wearing?
Yoooooo said on 24/Jun/07
What type of trainers or shoes was he wearing glenn, he normally wears those
Air Force one style bapes and they tend to give at least 1.5" increase. i say this cz i wear a lot of bapes nd feel quite tall in those.
glenn said on 24/Jun/07
i saw him again a couple of days ago.at least 5-10.possibly 5-11.he isnt short.gives a short impression like dmx.
BigT said on 24/Jun/07
wow i always thought he was mor in the 5'7" range
16and5'7.25'' said on 24/Jun/07
woah! pharrell looks 5'9-5'9.5 to me in this pic....how tall did he look to you glenn?
leonari said on 24/Jun/07
Glenn: your verdict on Pharell? Is he in the 5'9" department? please reply. thanks man.
Mike said on 15/Jun/07
Yo as far as im concerned he looks 5 foot 9 lol im 5 foot 9 and im decent height so wtvr....dis kids prolly like 5 foot 10 at most who the knows
bigpinup said on 17/Feb/07
in the mtv awards pharrell and ludacris performed money maker and pharrell was taller
Jazzy said on 30/Jan/07
ya.. he seems shorter, but photograph evidence proves his height soo...
blaze said on 30/Jan/07
hes shorter ive met him and i got a picturs im 170 and hes 173 maybe
Mr. Stench said on 30/Dec/06
I saw him in a restaurant in Miami wearing his usual sneakers. He looked 174.5 to me since he was a just a wee bit taller than I am, and i'm 173.5.
buddes said on 4/Nov/06
wow in the EMA's he looked huge
marcy said on 29/Oct/06
actually Pharrell appears taller than Kanye in recent pics. I think he is also slighty taller than Ludacris as well. He has a small frame that makes him appear shorter. I have met him and agree on 5'8.5"
MD said on 31/Aug/06
Rob, could you AT LEAST bring him down to 5'8". Here he is with 5'8" Ludacris, who if you ask me, even with Pharrell's thick-soled shoes, is still slightly taller than him (.25-.5"):
Bad angle, but here they are with Pharrell obviously not in his thick-soled shoes
Click HereAnother bad angle, but showing that Pharrell is definitely no tall:
Click HerePharrell in his thick-soled gym shoes:
Click Here5'8" is the VERY top of the scale for him, and this is if Ludacris is even the full 5'8" you have listed which seems to be in dispute (but not by much).
DJ said on 27/Aug/06
If you take a look at the new Ludacris video "Money Maker," there's a few shots of Luda and pharrell standing side by side, and pharrell is CLEARLY 2 or 3 inches shorter than ludacris, so I'd say he's 5'6 at the most.
stacks said on 2/Aug/06
Pusha t is barely 5 foot 8, in one of his songs he claims that he and malice are only 5 "9 but malice is shorter than he is!! I live in va they be in the malls out here all the time!! I'm 5"10 and I look down on them!! Pharrell is a lil bit shorter than pucha so he is about 5 foot 7 1/2
commander said on 30/Jul/06
If God has given you a well sighted healthy eyez, then you will find it easy to judge that pharrell is way too short than kanye.
Quag said on 17/Jul/06
How can Pharrell's height and Kanye west's height be the same did anyone even watch that "#1" video where pharrell clearly looked shorter than Kanye, mind you not by much but shorter nonetheless.
Mee Too said on 22/Jun/06
That guy is strange. He looks taller in videos now then when he did 5 years ago. his as tall as mariah in heels, as tall as Pusha T (who is about 6ft tall). Maby he has the magic shoes like Tom Cruize
Britainy said on 7/Jun/06
I doubt that this little man is above 5'7. Nearly everybody he stands next to looks taller than him. And that's just the girls. If we put him next to Jada Pinkett he'd probably still look short!
MD said on 5/May/06
Pharrell, again, is not 5'9" and much more likely 5'8" on the dot. Here he is with 5'9" Billy Idol (a few say maybe even a little smaller than that):
Click HereHe has more than an inch on him, and even taking into account footwear and everything, Pharrell is clearly still shorter.
clad-in-black said on 30/Apr/06
But you guys cant seny the photos, iagree he cant be that tall, but the fact he looks like he's wearing slipper sort of footwear ,and mariah is wearing heels, AND THEY still stand head to head would suggest otherwise wouldnt it??
the photos are facts plain for all to see. Unlesss someone has evidenc to prove mariah is shorter than the 5'7-8 frame always given to her everywhere she goes.
And that is unlikey as whitney is around her height as well, and they stand almost identical heightwise when weraing 4 inch stilleto's.however, he looked only a tad taller than gwen stefani in the video hollaback girl
So basically, this particular case is bloody mindboggling!!
but either way, i wouldnt say his current stated height 5'8.5 is pat down correct
trueheight said on 6/Apr/06
yep thats the article I was refering to earlier. The interviewer must have been quite short to remark a 5'8er(below average) as tall
Cycklops said on 6/Apr/06
He also refers to himself as "Little Skateboard P"...
trueheight said on 6/Apr/06
hah, what you guys are really missing is the fact that mariah is not upright in ANY of those pics while Pharell is. Not standing upright can take as many as 4inches from your actual height
J. said on 5/Apr/06
He's described as a "TALL, thin, gawky guy" in this Newsweek article:
Click Here
mariacarla said on 5/Apr/06
Again poeple believe me, though Mariah is chubby, she looks tall because she really has a typical hollywood celbrity waist and bone structure, small face and a tiny waist, believe me, she really isn't a giant...she's 5'6' max..I PROMISE...So Pharell is 5'7 - 5.75 max...let me dig in some pictures that i had backstage at a Narciso Rodriguez fashion show with mariah...I'm 5'11 and she is wearing 4" stilleto and i still tower over her not that much though..(I'LL BE BACK FOR THE PICTURE)
MD said on 1/Apr/06
Nate, the thing is, Mariah can be in heels of all different heights. Not only that, but again, almost every fan site out there has Pharrell at 5'8". That should be the starting point. He's lanky, but he really isn't that tall of a guy. He can look 5'9" in thick boots, though, but he's not over 5'8" barefoot.
~Nate~ said on 30/Mar/06
Ok for me Pharell has to be tall if he's the same height as Mariah in heels. I've met Mariah twice and have friends of all different heights that have met her many times. We have came to the conclusion that Mariah is anywhere from 5'8.5-5.9.5' Barefoot. Im a little bit above the 6ft mark, 6ft.5' and Mariah and I looked eye to eye when we met she was almost a hair taller then me. So I just think Pharell might be taller then 5'8.
MD said on 29/Mar/06
Editor Rod, please mark MariaCarla's last post as a sighting. Thanks. And, isn't it time to downgrade Pharrell? Again, most fan sites list him as 5'8" so it is highly unlikely that he is anymore than that. 5'8" should be the starting place from which to judge.
mariacarla said on 29/Mar/06
mariah isn't 5'8 nor 5'9, i am 5'11 female working as a make up artist on new york fashion shows met her backstage at narciso rodriguez's fashion show, she was wearing a 4 inch stilleto and I was towering over her and i was wearing flats...i could even see the nape of her hair...i would give mariah a generous 5'6 which makes pharrell 5'7 to 5.75 MAXIMUM
....by the way in pictures MAriah might look chubby, but she has a very tiny waste in person but really curvacious.
trueheight said on 16/Mar/06
I saw pic w/ him and Kanye and they were about the same. He looks tall though, I remember reading a mag describing him as 'tall and lanky'
MD said on 14/Mar/06
That is ridiculous. Mariah is wearing relatively low hills in that situation:
Click Here2.
Click HereHe's no more than what is given is here. I actually believe both he and Nelly and Usher are no more than 5'8" at the most. Here he is with Nelly:
Click Here4.
Click Here5.
Click HereAnd Usher:
Click HereAnd a significantly taller 5'9" Billy Idol
Click Here
~Nate~ said on 13/Mar/06
Here is another pic with 5'8/5'9 Mariah and shes wearing her usual standard four inchers she looks to have maybe an inch on him with bad posture. I would peg this guy in the 6ft range now! But maybe hes wearing lifts cause having met Mariah twice I know for a fact shes 5'8/5'9. I used to think he was 5'8 but now this is weird.
Man said on 13/Mar/06
Here he is next to 5'8 Mariah Carey who could be wearing heels
Click Here
lucy said on 24/Nov/05
Yeah ive met pharrell through a friends dad whos a record producer he knows ppl. nd lets just says i was lookin down on him nd im 5.6 lol :P
word said on 2/Nov/05
I met him after one of his performances backstage at a show, im about 5'10 and he was significantly shorter than me, not to mention he always wears those bape sneakers which add about a good inch...
Cyclops said on 29/Sep/05
I've seen him in personal, too. He's around 5'7"-5'8". Plus, Chad and Shae are both around 5'6" and Pharrell is about an inch or two taller than both of them.
CoolJ said on 5/Jul/05
I think he's even shorter than that.
5'8 MAX
Anonymous said on 4/Jul/05
the kat is defantly around 5'6 hands down..met him in VA
Anonymous said on 21/May/05
somethings not right I must be taller than 5'8 cause the doctor told me Im 5'6 and when I met pharell he was about the same height as me.
MD said on 16/May/05
He's listed at 5'8" everywhere else, so I'd imagine it would be less than that, if anything. Not more.
JS said on 15/May/05
I'd say 5'7.5 - 5'8
J. said on 14/May/05
I saw him in person. 5'8" is extremely generous for him. I was approx. 5'10.25" when I encountered him and he was surely around 3 inches shorter than me. Also, I have some pictures of him backstage at a photo shoot with Gwen Stefani, both are wearing Converse sneakers, Pharell's maybe an inch taller. So 5'8.5" is a sweet little exaggration.
Brittney Jenkins said on 13/May/05
Yeah I have to admit, he was dwarfed when behind the scenes footage of he and Jay-Z were aired on HBO. I guess you can't expect a guy that small (size wise) to be rather gangly in nature.
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/05
have met him in person. defintely this height. he's bone thin in person too.