5'7 and a fraction said on 8/Jun/23
I find it rather funny how we have 3 peters who all happen to be 6'7! And are english!
Sorry I meant 2 peters, not 3.
5'7 and a fraction said on 8/Jun/23
I find it rather funny how we have 3 peters who all happen to be 6'7! And are english!
Abdul-DK said on 24/Nov/22
Sigh, he is a weak 200 cm male. I think he is 199.5!
Charlie ayris said on 12/Aug/22
200.1 converted says 6.59 feet just saying
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Jan/21
Peter is really more towards 200cm.
Click Here Check on the link Richard Osman had a back to back comparison with Peter which Osman edge him a fraction, but Peter dress shoes had 3/8 inch more footwear than Osman classic 0.6" converse. Also i would have drag in Stephen Merchant and gave him 201cm after see him with 6'1 Jonathan Ross and 6'2 Ted Danson.
Osman 201.5cm
PJ solid 200cm
Merchant 201cm
recapa said on 25/Oct/20
200cm .not a legit 6ft7
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Oct/20
@JD1996 His current weight maybe close to you but i still doubt over 230.
JD1996 said on 13/Aug/20
@Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 I’m around 6’7” myself and tbh a lot of people think I’m a lot lighter than I really am, I weigh 16 stone 11 or 235 lbs but I really don’t look it. Most people think I’m between 14-15 stone or 200 lbs ish. I think peter is probably similar in weight to me.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 3/Aug/20
@JD1996 @Vastlybetter
My bad i miss out from asking PJ's peak weight not current weight. BTW Stephen Merchant look a little heavier than his own 180 claim now closer to 190. I mean PJ peak in Dragon's Den look to be around 195 but i agree he look heavier now maybe close to 225-230.
Vastlybetter said on 25/Jun/20
No way he is that skinny. He would look way smaller at 190lbs. My guess is 230 pounds at the very least like the poster below me already said.
JD1996 said on 1/Jun/20
@Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 I reckon he is around 105-110 kg or 230 lbs to 243 lbs roughly In your money he said on top gear once that he’s 17 stone which is 238. He might look slim which is deceptive but perhaps his bigger built than he looks in some photos, infact he’s probably surprisingly big built no doubt he weighs a lot more than Stephen merchant for example.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/May/20
Anyone guessing Peter's weight? He look quite slim i would have estimate 190lbs looks a little heavier than Stephen Merchant who claim 180.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/Apr/20
Strange that PJ look 6'7 with Anthony Joshua
Click Here but was thinking AJ wasn't listed his low by Rob. A small fraction lesser than listing is arguable for both. Stephen Merchant was more like the guy who hold solid 6'7 a low for measurement than PJ, Richard Osman look more like a guy who did not get to measure below 6'7 1/4.
JD1996 said on 22/Mar/20
Looks 6’7” with Anthony Joshua maybe at worst he is 6’6.75” but gonna go with 6’7”.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Feb/20
6'6.75, Osman 6'7.25..
Nik Ashton said on 3/Feb/20
The other guy must be quite tall!
Canson said on 2/Feb/20
Kobe4ever said on 31/Jan/20
Love the username! Quite appropriate!
Kobe4ever said on 31/Jan/20
Hey Rob if Peter Jones has come up short with both merchant and Richard Osman wouldn’t you agree he would need a slight downgrade? Maybe similar to the listing given to current Kane.

Editor Rob
He could be 6ft 6.75 or maybe lost a fraction
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 28/Nov/19
Their lowest:
Greg Davies 6'7 7/8
Peter Crouch 6'7 5/8
Richard Osman 6'7 1/2
Stephen Merchant 6'7
Tom Davis 6'6 7/8
PJ and Edd China 6'6 3/4
I strongly feel this if they stand tall for a measurement from Rob.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Oct/19
Rob, who do you think would measure tallest out of this guy, Merchant and Osman?

Editor Rob
I would say guys like Crouch, Osman seem a more robust 6ft 7+ than Peter Jones, though he is clearly not far off a full 6ft 7, at worse I could see 1/4 under it.
Asdaf said on 18/Mar/19
How tall do you think his son is? He looks a similar height to Tim henman.

Editor Rob
I am not sure on his son.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 20/Feb/19
Need a downgrade for sure.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Jun/18
Didn't thought he was over 6'6 1/2. 6'7 1/4 Richard Osman still look taller with converse on standing back to back height challenge.
Matthew said on 23/Jun/17
Legit 6'7''
Canson said on 18/Jun/17
Agree with S.J.H and Christian strong 6'6 like Wilder and Carmelo Anthony are
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 2/Apr/17
6ft7 is either his out of bed height or his shoe height at night. He's in the same situation as Deontay Wilder, both are listed on this site as 6ft7, but in reality are around 6ft6-6ft6.25
S.J.H said on 28/Mar/17
6'6 claim 6'7 with shoes doesn't look bad
Amy said on 9/Jan/17
I am woman and I am very tall for a Woman 6'6 tall, I met Peter Jones last spring at a convention I think it was just after his 50th Birthday, I got a signed autograph from him, I stood shoulder to shoulder eye to eye, someone who took a picture said we were both the same height, I looked at the picture and we were the same, now I was wearing no keels for obvious reasons, now Rob I would not have been wearing any more than 1 inch heels, he if 6'7 would be at least 6'8 in shoes, and I was wearing not 2 inches heels, so Rob I think based on this personal encounter you should downgrade him to 6'6, he cannot be 6'7.
S.J.H said on 14/Nov/16
Look like 6'6 here
Click Here
S.J.H said on 11/Nov/16
Absolute max 6'6.5 weakest 6'7 unlike richard osman strong 6'7
miko said on 25/Oct/16
Rob could 6'6.75 be more bang on the money? I'd say he falls on the weaker side of 6'7.

Editor Rob
anybody that height would probably just round to 6ft 7...I think though he probably could fall a little shy of a full 6ft 7 in the afternoon, not much though.
Toddy said on 22/Oct/16
Click Here
If Stephen Merchant is really 6'7 (201 cm), Peter must be the first celebrity at 6'6,75 (200 cm) to appear on this site.
miko said on 16/Oct/16
It's not impossible he's just under 6'7.
With Merchant and Osman he's come up short both times.
S.J.H said on 14/Oct/16
He is 6'6 at most 6'6.25 nothing more
Arch Stanton said on 2/Oct/16
How is that arrogant James, it's pretty much true. When would he see a guy taller? A couple of times a year maybe at most?
James B said on 15/May/16
Quite arrogant him saying "I never look up to anything"
Perhaps we should introduce him to Neil fingelton
Arch Stanton said on 26/Apr/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Apr/16
Clarkson weighs at least that aswell...
I think Clarkson claimed 16 stone on the same show. Looks a bit heavier than that, agreed.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Apr/16
Yes, but you could probably argue a strong 6'7 for Merchant, he gives off more the Crouch look.
matilda said on 25/Apr/16
My friend met him and said he was 6'6 what do you think rob

Editor Rob
would have thought he would be comfortably over 6ft 6
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Apr/16
I think Merchant has a slight edge over Jones
Aaron Zamora said on 23/Apr/16
Where would a 5'11 hit a 6'7 man?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Apr/16
Clarkson weighs at least that aswell...
Arch Stanton said on 22/Apr/16
Chaz said on 21/Apr/16
Arch Stanton said on 20/Apr/16
You sure? I usually get things like that right. I thought he said 18 stone range because I remember thinking as Rampage says he hid that weight well as was more than I would have thought.
If you consider how tall a legit 6 ft 7 really is though 17 stone range isn't much at all really. A healthy weight though.
Yes he said to Clarkson I am 17st and Clarkson said are you really? and he said yes 17st 10
Chaz said on 21/Apr/16
Arch Stanton said on 20/Apr/16
You sure? I usually get things like that right. I thought he said 18 stone range because I remember thinking as Rampage says he hid that weight well as was more than I would have thought.
Yes he said to Clarkson I am 17st and Clarkson said are you really? and he said yes 17st 10
Arch Stanton said on 20/Apr/16
Chaz said on 19/Apr/16
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/16
Cheers Rob. Can you mention he claimed 18.5 stone on Top Gear too? Always looked what he claimed. Most people always post photos with him saying that they look like a little boy next to him! This guy is your stereotypical high flyer/CEO type. Not many at his height look as good or comfortable at that height!
No he said he was 17st10lbs,but looked a good bit taller than Clarkson.could be 3''
Editor Rob: I'm better leaving a weight mention off until certain what it was.
You sure? I usually get things like that right. I thought he said 18 stone range because I remember thinking as Rampage says he hid that weight well as was more than I would have thought.
jessman said on 19/Apr/16
Seems correct at 6'7. There was a photo of him with Jeremy Clarkson and he looked considerably taller. Maybe three inches taller than Clarkson.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Apr/16
His 6ft7 frame hides that 18½-stone very well. I take your point Arch
Click Here
Clarkson looks practically average in this picture
Chaz said on 19/Apr/16
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/16
Cheers Rob. Can you mention he claimed 18.5 stone on Top Gear too? Always looked what he claimed. Most people always post photos with him saying that they look like a little boy next to him! This guy is your stereotypical high flyer/CEO type. Not many at his height look as good or comfortable at that height!
No he said he was 17st10lbs,but looked a good bit taller than Clarkson.could be 3''

Editor Rob
I'm better leaving a weight mention off until certain what it was.
miko said on 19/Apr/16
He and Stephen Merchant went back to back on a clip from Dragons Den a few years ago and it looked like Jones was around half an inch shorter. Still around 6'7 though.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/16
Cheers Rob. Can you mention he claimed 18.5 stone on Top Gear too? Always looked what he claimed. Most people always post photos with him saying that they look like a little boy next to him! This guy is your stereotypical high flyer/CEO type. Not many at his height look as good or comfortable at that height!