Classic 5'10er said on 6/Apr/22
Peter is looking like a classic 5'10er, i think big rob has got it spot on. Looks like Peter might be leaning a big in jenny's photo consequently losing him a bit of height. Looking at him in twilight next to (around 5'3) kristen stewart, he does look an honest 5'10 which is what i'm going with.
classic 5'1 lady said on 6/Apr/22
5'10 1/4 for the height, 5'10 1/2 for the hair. possibly 5'10 1/2 with good posture
JohnMoore-162cm said on 27/Apr/20
Between 5ft10 1/4" & 5ft10 1/2" , 5ft10 1/4" for Peter I'd say.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/Nov/19
Rob, what is the possiblity of 5'10 1/2 for Peter?

Editor Rob
It's the highest I'd give him, 5ft 10.25 the lowest.
World Citizen said on 7/Dec/18
I think he looks around 177 178 cm
Nik said on 19/Sep/18
@ Elijah - That's an interesting comment and a compliment to them both!
I think his hair does give the illusion of more height!
Bobby said on 15/Sep/18
I thought 5'11 at first glance, maybe more 5'10.5 for this guy.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Aug/18
@B.T. Stomp Sorry to say you're not 6'1 and Peter isn't over 5'10 1/4. I've never see a men 5'10 1/4 need a near 4" heels lift to match next to a 6'2 guy (6'2 with shoes)
Canson said on 21/Jun/18
I find it hard to believe that he’s anything over Rob’s listing especially being Rob and Jenny both met him in person
thug hooligan said on 13/Jun/18
179 the tallih side of average height.
Which height its the most Underrated height you Rob?

Editor Rob
5ft 11.5 is a height I think many men get tempted to round up to 6ft more than other figures because it's so close to 6ft and 'who would really know'.
But, in it's own right, 5ft 11.5 is in the UK still a taller than average height.
AnonVee said on 21/Mar/18
I worked on a set with him. With boots on he was likely 5'10 maybe a half ontop. Without boots maybe 5'9
S.J.H said on 21/Sep/16
Honest 5'10 and he make Jaimie Alexander look 5'7
Johno said on 31/Jul/16
Looks to average 5'10.
Ahmed said on 31/Jul/16
Hi Rob , both Facinelli and Jeremy Jordan claim 177 cm , i think facinelli is legit 177 cm but what about Jordan
Height said on 24/Jun/16
Looks 177 cm next to you Rob.
Lucho said on 17/Jun/15
178 cm .. He is 0.5 cm taller than a guy like mike tyson.
Darren510 said on 2/Oct/14
5'10.5 is my guess. Looked about 6ft in the twilight films
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jan/14
Dude looks a solid 178cm, possibly scraping 179cm.
This is spot on
Yves said on 5/Nov/13
He looks maybe 5'11.5, that's not right 5'10.
me said on 25/Aug/13
Rob, I think you're right about Bill. You bill Terry Crews at 6'2.5", and Bill appears roughly the same height--possibly even slightly shorter.
Bill's a hard guy to pin down because in film and photos he seems to crouch down to meet smaller people at eye-level.
Even if we low-ball Bill Bellamy at 6'1.5", way below his claimed height, where as a comedian he'd have little reason to want people to think he's 6'4 if he wasn't--but going with 6'1.5", wouldn't there still have to be a lot of production tricks in place during "Fastlane," as Peter rarely appears more than an inch shorter?
me said on 9/Aug/13
Rob, here's Peter & Bill's first scene standing next to each other:
Click Here
Neither are standing up perfectly straight, but considering they're roughly the same height in the frame, Peter must be standing on a very large box, wouldn't you say?

Editor Rob
maybe Bill is shorter than what other places listed him at, I've not looked at the guy properly, but at a glance I doubt he's 6ft 4.
me said on 8/Aug/13
Rob, any idea about the production on Fastlane regarding Facinelli's height? Bill Bellamy is 6'4", yet rarely appeared more than an inch (if that) taller than Facinelli. Given their real life 6" height difference, how did they manage that? Was Facinelli constantly on apple boxes?

Editor Rob
didn't watch much of the show, but he looks several inches taller, maybe Bill is a guy with loose posture who slumps at times?
Byron T. said on 23/Feb/13
Click Here
Minus the hair, he's marginally shorter than Billy Dee Williams (who's currently the same height as Harrison Ford). 5'10'' and some change seems spot on!
Elijah said on 7/Feb/13
Looks like a male version of Ashley Greene...haha
Trey said on 22/Jan/13
Pattison is nowhere near 6'0.5 as listed on this site, that's for sure. Good job on this guy though.
Maximus Meridius said on 15/Jan/13
Rob he looks like eric bana but an average height version but if was 5 inches taller and had a aussie accent he would defiantly pass off as eric bana.
truth said on 30/Dec/12
pattison is around 5ft11. this guy more like 5ft10.
baltimore said on 28/Dec/12
he's the same height as Pattinson
truth said on 5/Dec/12
looks around my height or 1cm taller (im 5ft9.5). 5ft10 is fair.
Original said on 11/Oct/12
looks 5'10.5.
Maximus Meridius said on 9/Aug/12
Rob is a 5ft 10in flat possible for this guy is nothing under that clearly a strong 5ft 10in guy.

Editor Rob
around 178cm is fair, whether he would hit 5ft 10 flat, hard to say.
Hob said on 27/Jul/12
some site had him at 5'11.5 and 6foot. he seem like a solid 5'10
Silent d said on 29/Jan/12
5 foot 10.25. I don't believe some people think he is taller than robert pattinson.
maio said on 29/Jan/12
5 ft 10.25-5 in/178-9 cm could be right...
nyc said on 26/Jan/12
Walked past him on the sidewalk last year when he was filming a scene for Nurse Jackie. I think this is just about right. I pegged him at about 5'10".
Jack said on 21/Dec/11
It is amazing how these guys all appear to me to be pawned off as six feet tall. Peter Facinelli is often mentioned as being six feet. I don't see it at all now I know why.
Gia said on 9/Dec/11
In these teeny-sprakly-vampire-movies he looks so much taller???
But in that picture with you, Rob, he looks like barely 5 9.5!
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 3/Dec/11
I don't see anything wrong with this listing- he looks 2 inches taller than Rob here.
lol93 said on 30/Nov/11
for me he cant look under 5'10
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 26/Nov/11
Physics Enemy says on 16/Nov/11
He looks 5' 9.5" next to Jenny. Looks 5' 9.75" next to Rob but the arm around Rob helps prop him up 0.25". He's a solid 5' 9.5". Identical height to myself.
Is he? Or do you just want him to be, like how you desperately want to believe Di Caprio and Timberlake are 5' 9.75" as it's around your height.
Danawa said on 22/Nov/11
how many inches did you have on your shoes?

Editor Rob
just about 0.9 inches, his weren't much different
ChiasmataX said on 21/Nov/11
176cm with Jenny. 177cm with Rob.
Physics Enemy said on 16/Nov/11
He looks 5' 9.5" next to Jenny. Looks 5' 9.75" next to Rob but the arm around Rob helps prop him up 0.25". He's a solid 5' 9.5". Identical height to myself.
Physics Enemy said on 6/Nov/11
5' 9.5", I agree with Legend.
LAN Jiao said on 3/Nov/11
at least 5'9.75 , he can be 5'9.5 too.

Editor Rob
I think around 178 is decent for him, not as tall as 5ft 11 guys, but taller than 5ft 9-9.5 guys.
Legend said on 13/Oct/11
Dean, he is 5'9.5 in real life.
Dean 5ft 9.25 said on 12/Oct/11
@ Legend - He is never 5'9.5 next to 173cm rob. No shoe difference hes one of the legit guys on this site.
Id agree 177.5-178 is IMO a bit more likely than 178-179 rob says he is.
However Id be very suprised if Facinelli dipped much below 5'10 at night..177.5cm at the lowest.
dmeyer said on 9/Oct/11
5 ft 10.25 in is the start of good height tall side of average
Legend said on 26/Sep/11
No way 179cm, more like 176.5cm to be most accurate.
lol93 said on 22/Sep/11
strong 5'10 could be 179
Josh B said on 2/Sep/11
I'm less inclined to believe a height site that has
Jason Statham at 5'11 than Rob :P
Legend said on 23/Aug/11
Rob I'm not trying to make things difficult. But he has never been listed over 5'10 anywhere else. Including here:
Click Here So I'm sure you can knock off that extra .25 inches at least.

Editor Rob
in person he's a big 178cm I think.
Jacob said on 28/Jul/11
Doesn't really look like a 2 inch difference between you and him, Rob. Based on these pictures I'd say he's 5'9.75".
jake said on 13/Jul/11
Lautner is not under 5ft7in. I think he's Cruise's height or 172 cm.
James said on 1/May/11
Eh he looks 177cm with rob probably cuase he's not standing at his best.
Legend said on 28/Apr/11
Clay says on 3/Mar/11
How is he barely taller than Rob lol he's not even standing straight and still has him by 2 inches.
He's not over 5'10 from what I have seen of him, thats my guess. I don't know what shoes he's wearing in the pic with Rob or what kind of surface they are standing on, or what camera angles can do. Nevertheless, in my opinion he's not a full 5'10.
Clay said on 3/Mar/11
How is he barely taller than Rob lol he's not even standing straight and still has him by 2 inches.
Legend said on 10/Jan/11
Facinelli - 5'9.5
Lautner - 5'6.75
Frankstein said on 9/Jan/11
he's barely taller than you, towers Taylor Lautner and you listed Taylor at 174 cm...
Branzman said on 5/Jan/11
I met him back in February. I am 6'0. He is around 5'11
Shawn said on 26/Nov/10
I'm 24, I consider myself normal enough, and I love twilight. It's trash utter trash... but so good trash
linke said on 10/Nov/10
Jasper I can understand that.I'm 20 as well,my girlfriend loves twilight which kinda irritates me at times.
jasper said on 8/Nov/10
Rob do you ever feel embarrassed when going to places like twilight conventions to get heights? no offense but i would feel a bit like a teenage girl going up to twilight stars and getting my picture taken with them :P. but maybe thats just because I'm 20 and have younger sisters who are obsessed with the franchise.

Editor Rob
I have a partner who loves the movies, books. I have no problem apart from when the girls scream at talks, that annoys me.
Original said on 9/Jul/09
looks 5'10.25" to 5'10.5.
xyzblast said on 1/Jul/09
He is over 5'10 easily. He is 'towering' Jenny in that shot. He also has relaxed posture.
mcfan said on 22/Jun/09
I thought he was about 5'11 or close to it. I think the pictures confirm 5'10.5.
tallchick said on 20/Jun/09
i thought from seeing him in "twilight" he was 6'0. he looks taller than 5'10" to me. :)
Marc said on 1/Jun/09
If I only saw the picture with Rob, I'd say 5'10" would be right on for Peter. He might look more than 2 inches taller than Rob, but Peter has big hair. If you flatten down his hair, he's probably exactly 2 inches taller than Rob. In the shot with Jenny, though, He looks more than 1.5" taller than her, and his hair isn't as big either. In that shot, I'd say he's more like 5'11 or even 5'11.5".
James said on 28/May/09
Pushing 179cm
Gabriella said on 9/May/09
whoa ian jennie garth is 5'5'' not 5'9'' and peter clearly has five inches on her in poses together
Ian said on 6/May/09
jon says on 26/Mar/09
I don't see 2 inches between Rob and Peter. Either Rob is taller than 5'8 or Peter is more like 5'9
How big do you think that twilight text is 2" text size I believe. He's got 2 inches on Jenny and she slightly over 5ft9 in the morning. He would be 5ft11 morning and maybe 5ft10 at low so 5ft10.5
Vibram said on 14/Apr/09
I've seen Jenny next to 5ft9 actors/actresses and there is hardly any difference. She looks more like Robs 5ft8 here if Peter Facinelli is 5ft10 min.
hey. said on 12/Apr/09
He's so gorgeous and I'd say he's 5'10" to 5'11"!!!!!
Alex said on 11/Apr/09
5'10 flat looks bang on here.
Ian said on 7/Apr/09
Looks the full 179cm (5ft10.5)
5 ft 3.8 said on 7/Apr/09
No less then 5 ft 10. But I wouldn't be surprised if he was 5 ft 11.
chris175 said on 7/Apr/09
looks a strong 5-10 this guy, could be upgraded to 179cms? he has a loose posture by the looks of it
laura.... (i love twilight) said on 6/Apr/09
He looks around 5'10 or something Im 5'3 so guys who are like Over 6' look kinda big next to me, cos my mate is 6'4. He is good- looking i think too.
Ace said on 1/Apr/09
I was thinking that linebacker. In the novel, edward cullen and carlisle cullen are both 6`2, so they might have tried to make them seem closer in height. Although in real life, i would say that Peter is a solid 5`10, Pattinson is 6`0-6`1, and Lutz is 6`1-6`1.5.
linebacker40 said on 29/Mar/09
I'd say solid a 5'10", but he definitely looked 6' in Twilight. He didn't really look much shorter than Robert Pattinson.
horacle said on 28/Mar/09
5'10 looks right, maybe 5'10.5. He looked tall in Twilight.
jon said on 26/Mar/09
I don't see 2 inches between Rob and Peter. Either Rob is taller than 5'8 or Peter is more like 5'9
JOSH said on 25/Mar/09
Always looked 5'10 to me
J.Lee said on 25/Mar/09
rob wait. which height are you supposed to use? your morning height night height or in between? i would think the morning is the most legitimate because it gives you the height you should be. but then gravity makes us lose the height.

Editor Rob
if everyone knew or agreed on straight out of bed measurement then that would be fine.
adam said on 23/Mar/09
Solid 5-10.
T.J. said on 22/Mar/09
looks like a strong 5'9" or a very weak 5'10", it looks like you're adding his hair to his height rob, lol
sam anderton said on 20/Mar/09
Jane kaczmarek with small heels was the same height with P. Facinelli. Facinelli was in barefoot. That makes true, that Jane would be 5 foot 7 at least.
5"10 Guy said on 20/Mar/09
Solid 5"10 here.
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/09
here he looks 1 inch taller than Rob, at most 1 inch and a half.
peter said on 20/Mar/09
looks a fraction under 5'10" there but in the big kahuna was a fraction taller than kevin spacey
MikeM said on 20/Mar/09
easily 5'10 here
derek d said on 19/Mar/09
Looks a solid 5'10 if not more
nick said on 18/Mar/09
in the photos seems 5'10, cant tell otherwise bub
D. Ray Morton said on 18/Mar/09
Oh wow... the kid from The Big Kahuna. I didn't know he was in Supernova, etc. I thought he looked taller than 5'10" way back when, but not here.
J.Lee said on 18/Mar/09
It's like this ROB. I kept telling you for a long time that these girls appear 7 inches taller when they put on 5 inch heels. Well. these girls are like 1 and a half inches to 1 inches shorter than me when they wear tennis shoes. when they put on the heels, they look like goddesses, they look like supermodels x 10!! and I thought of them like WAYYY taller than me in the heels. But there is this guy I know who is an inch taller than me. I always felt me and him were close in height. And i felt when those girls put on heels they are giants. Yet when that man stood next to them he was actually taller. Yet appeared around my height while those girls appeared several inches taller than me. I think now I understand. Heels can change your height appearance. 2 inches can look 3 or 4. do you agree with me? I did that experiment with Jenny and Peter the two above! and I proved it to myself!! if you are 2 inches taller than a girl, then if they put on heels and are 2 inches taller than YOU, it will look like they almost tower you!
J.Lee said on 18/Mar/09
Yea Rob I think I'm correct about certain people can look taller than others. Listen to this. I just put a bunch of the Jenny and Peter pictures on my desk top and opened them up to do an experiment. Peter is 1.75 inches taller than Jenny. that looks right. However I used my pics and made it so Jenny was just as much taller than Peter as Peter is of Jenny. So I made Jenny 1.75 inches above Peter. And what I found was that she LOOKED more taller than Peter than when Peter is 1.75 inches above her. So if Jenny is 1.75 inches above, lets say she puts real high heels on, she would look more like 3 or 4 inches taller. My theory is that when a women is 2 inches taller than a guy, it looks taller than when a guy is 2 inches taller than a women. And I think that has to do with proportions as well as the fact that guys generally have bigger heads. Also, if someone is shorter than you their head is usually shorter. So if they wear heels to become TALLER than you by half an inch, it will be more noticeable then if you were taller then them by half an inch. Because it's all proportions. any thoughts on this rob? I feel that the REASON i kept saying that the girls are two inches shorter than me in real life but when they put on 5 inch heels they look 4 inches taller than me, i feel the reason is because they have much smaller head and different proportion to make them APPEAR 4 inches taller than me when it's probably 1 1/2 inch or less. I could not understand it all these years but then I made Jenny 1.75 inches taller than Peter and I realized that that's what happens when a girls put on heels. not only does it make them taller, but it makes them LOOK taller too, if the heel makes them 3 inches taller, they will look 5 inches taller.

Editor Rob
if someone has shorter eyelevel then some get fooled in photos.
as do people with chin levels and hairstyles.
J.Lee said on 18/Mar/09
Rob i got a question. It's silly. But if someone is a little over five ten and a half in the morning and five ten or five ten and a quarter most of the day but then before bed time like 5 foot 9 and 7/8 is it legit to say you are five ten?

Editor Rob
if I was 5ft 7 and 3/4 at night say...then outwith this site I would probably just say about 5ft 8 or almost. On here though, everybody should know any photo contributers out of bed and evening height. They can then maybe decide themselves which one they personally think the contributer measures at...if that makes sense.
ZAQ said on 18/Mar/09
he's got like one inch on you he's more like 5'9
Ace said on 18/Mar/09
He looked a little of 5`10 in Twilight. I wonder if that was just the way they filmed him.
rob89 said on 18/Mar/09
Looks 5'9.5 max to me, definitely not a full 5'10.
Comets said on 18/Mar/09
oh first request, fulfilled :D ..hundred of twilight fans will thank you now o/