Scotto said on 7/Dec/24
Definitely think he’s close to 6-7 peak.
5'7 and a fraction said on 14/Sep/23
@Danimal 5'9 1/4
Why would Rob underlist someone by virtually 2 inches?
Danimal 5'9 1/4" said on 10/Sep/23
6'8" at his peak and 6'7.5" by the time of his death.
Slamo said on 10/Mar/23
Certainly between 6-7 6-8.
DanDanDanDanDanDan said on 23/Feb/22
Hey Rob, would you say that Peter had a larger than average or more average head size for 6ft6 range?
I thought his head never looked small, but I'm not sure I'd call it huge for his size. 10 inch range?

Editor Rob
It's not very big for that 6ft 6-7 range. Maybe average.
DanDanDanDanDanDan said on 4/Feb/22
Wait, why do people think that Steele was so much taller than listed here?
How was he downplaying his own height, btw? Guy claimed 6'8 at one point.
V for 1984 said on 10/Jan/22
Over 6-7 imo.
DanDanDanDanDanDan said on 2/Dec/21
Found another claim:
“I just got measured and I’m now six foot seven and a half. But yeah, I was always taller than my classmates.”
Click Here

Editor Rob
Would explain why he rounded to 6ft 8...whether the measurement was barefoot or in sneakers/shoes is another matter.
Westbound on Olympic said on 4/Oct/21
Looks 6-7. I think he called his height down on purpose.
Painrain said on 11/Sep/21
Needs an upgrade.
eduar said on 6/Sep/21
6 ft 7 in my opinion
Canson said on 23/Aug/21
Def not under 6’6 but not sure if the 6’6.25 isn’t earlier in the day
Dr Decker said on 21/Aug/21
Minimum 6-7 minimum 6-6. Probably close to 6-7.
Jackman said on 27/Apr/21
Peter is significantly taller than his bandmates.
Based on an interview with 5'9 Evan Seinfeld I would put the band members heights at:
Peter: 6'7 (So much taller than the rest of the band it's hard to use their heights as a benchmark)
Kenny: 5'9 (identical height to Seinfeld)
Johnny: 6'0 (didn't look more than 4 inches taller than Seinfeld)
Josh: 6'1 (second tallest member but didn't exactly tower Seinfeld)
The camera angle wasn't the best but being that Peter frequently dwarfs the rest of the band in interviews I'm struggling to see Kenny and Josh in the 6'3 - 6'5 range some people seem to think they occupy.
Mark D said on 5/Jan/21
It's not unusual for people to deflate their height. I told folks for years I was 6'4" when I'm 6'4.5". I finally gave up and said 6'5" so they'd stop saying "no way". I play a little bass guitar and notice how guitars / basses look on tall folks. Based on that I'd say at least 6'7", 6'8" being the common rounding up. Not "peak height". He wasn't even 50 when he died. I'm 55 now and haven't lost even 1/4 inch in height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Sep/20
Strong 6ft6 and built like a brick house. Not emaciated and starved out like Joey Ramone. This guy was jacked. Mountainous shoulders, big arms. Could easily have passed for a pro wrestler. Reminded me a lot of Scott Hall
Nik Ashton said on 8/May/20
It’s amazing that the voters think he downplayed his own height!
cmillz said on 6/May/20
Definitely buy this listing. Could even give off a 6’7-6’8 impression at times.
lennus said on 7/Apr/20
If you ask me Peter was a solid 6'8. looking at pictures with Josh, who I believe is at least 6'3, and Peter standing next to each other with similar footwear josh comes up to about peter's nose: which wouldn't be right if Pete was 6'6 as Josh would then be up to Pete's eyes. Peter was also self conscious about his height early on in Type O's career and would often sit down or otherwise hide his towering height in pictures with the rest of the band, therefore it would make sense to me if he downplayed his height a bit only to get more confident/stop caring later on.
Peter gets a 6'8 from me.
Bob da cob. said on 8/Feb/20
Yeah 6-6 definitely
Hopping hopper said on 30/Aug/19
Genuine tall guy.
Green said on 22/Nov/18
Is Josh Silver really only an inch shorter than Peter?
Every photo I can find of the band he is half a head taller than the rest of the band.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/May/18
Would’ve expected a shorter claim but I easily buy this
Canson said on 30/Apr/18
He looks a legit 6’6”
Canson said on 15/Apr/18
Similar in height with Someone like Bill deblasio. May dip slightly below the mark or be right at 6’6 at a low
Caesar said on 13/Apr/18
Use to see him in Brooklyn back in the day. Definitely 6'6 but nothing more! He was an awesome guy. The other members of the band are well below 6ft.
Jerry the King Lawler said on 15/Mar/18
Kenny is the shortest member of the band and he's around 6'1, he's not 5'9 by any stretch. all of these guys are over 6 foot
Pete is 6'7
Josh is about 6'5
Johnny is about 6'3
Kenny is 6'1
Jerry the King Lawler said on 11/Mar/18
But how much did he weigh? And I'd say, 6' 7" for arguments sake. I've seen pics of him pre TON. Looks like a twig. Not real sure how he got into body building. Haven't read soul on fire yet. But I read somewhere he was 6'7" around 230lbs.
He was around 280 lbs
rort said on 11/Jul/17 his peak height. And 6'7.5" - 6'8" in big combat boots.
rort said on 10/Jul/17
I think that he most probably was like 199-200 cm barefoot. That's about 6'6.5" .
rort said on 10/Jul/17
I think that he most probably was like 199-200 cm barefoot. That's about 6' 6.5" .
Tony Garry said on 24/Jun/17
But how much did he weigh? And I'd say, 6' 7" for arguments sake. I've seen pics of him pre TON. Looks like a twig. Not real sure how he got into body building. Haven't read soul on fire yet. But I read somewhere he was 6'7" around 230lbs.
Tony Garry said on 24/Jun/17
But how much did he weigh?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jun/17
Can pass for 6ft7, a strong 6ft6 makes sense
BillisaLefty said on 29/Apr/17
He said 6'71/2'' once in an interview with Loudwire, I think it was. He probably got measured when he was younger, and perhaps in the evening, and was 6'61/4''. That would explain why he told many people he was 6'6'', and said several times in interviews. He then got measured again when he was older, and/or in the morning, and got 6'71/2''. That would explain why he claimed 6'7'' and 6'8'' as well. I would gues that his real height is 6'7'' and some change.
Bryan said on 19/Apr/16
No matter how tall and a heart of gold I will forever miss type o negative and Peters voice RIP BROTHER
Necessa said on 3/Jan/16
I met Pete and spoke to him back in a show in Atlanta in 1994 at the Masquerade, I am short, 5'4 and 5,6 in heels. Pete at 6'6 towered over me, at least a foot maybe a foot and an inch or two. I have a photo of the two of us together and I look like a dwarf, next to him.
Texas Assasin said on 17/Nov/15
Stood right next to him at Ozzfest 97 in San Antonio. I am 6 ft (72 In.)........ he was about 6' 8" with combat boots on. So I am guessing he is about 6' 6" or 6' 6.50"
joe 193cm night said on 4/Jul/15
I think he looked this time
Adam C. said on 19/Oct/14
I was fortunate enough to have met Pete, John, Josh and Kenny while attending a performance and staying at a Hard Rock in the early hours of the morning in the bar lounge. Awesome people. I was treated like a friend rather than just another mere fan. All of the guys are above average height with Pete being the tallest and overall largest. I am 6'1" barefoot and 235lbs. There are not many occasions where I have to literally look up to someone in order to make eye contact while speaking with them but that was one of them. My grandfather stands 6'10" and Pete in comparison with him and myself stood at least 6'8" as stated in the comment below Peter has claimed to stand at 6'8". However no matter what the truth maybe Pete was a giant at heart and amongst musicians ...
Mathew said on 18/Aug/14
While I think the 6'6.25" height is probably right, it might be worth noting that he had claimed as high as 6'8":
Click Here
KROC said on 26/Jun/14
Saw him in Brooklyn about 10 years ago. 6'6.
Rødvarg said on 24/Jun/14
He was 6'8" or more precisely 2,03m
Blaze said on 26/Sep/13
I thought 6'7
RobV said on 4/Sep/13
Steele was one of a group of three very tall guys who from time to time came together to one the clubs I co-ran 15 years ago in London and who made me realise the power of height (and build). They always totally dominated, and all the women went for them - Steele was over 6'6" and the tallest, another guy Damien was an occasional club promoter at the time(6'5"ish) and the other was a guy who modelled as Superman and was about 6'4"/6'5". All well built and an incredibly impressive trio who attracted everyone's eye. I think it was seeing them that got me into working out and wearing lifts to just take take my 6'2" to their kind of height and build.
Kyuss said on 25/Aug/13
Defo,saw him manchester walked right past me after the concert im 6-2.5" and hes well over me. 6-6 for sure.
E J said on 24/Nov/11
I'm sorry Lori but Peter would still have been 7" taller than you even when you wore your 4" heels and 10 - 11" taller than you if you did'nt wear heels!! You don't consider that "too much taller" than you?! Wow.
Shaun said on 17/Nov/11
Legit 199cm barefoot looks about right. In boots near 6'8".
® said on 4/Sep/11
He claimef 6'6,6'6.25 and then 6'8.Imo,he could have been 6'7.
Hansen said on 22/Aug/11
i never think of 6ft6.5 , he looks exact he claim 6ft6-1/4.
LoriLee said on 21/Jul/11
I worked for Peter and spent time with him, he told me that he is 6'6"...I'm 5'8" and I always wore my 4" boots to the show, he wasn't too much taller than me after that unless he wore his tall boots as well lol -
Tall Joey said on 4/Apr/11
That's interesting that he is listed as 6 foot 6 on celeb heights. here he says his height is 6 foot 8.
Click Here
Shock said on 7/Mar/11
Bob I'd agree with all your estimates. I have yet to see them extremely close but from about 20 feet or so in small venues. A 6'3.5" friend of mine was at a Carnivore concert in 2006 standing right next to Johnny and said he was surprised how tall he was, estimating about 6'1".
As for Peter, every single person I know who has ever met him, without exception, has insisted he between 6'7" and 6'8". The best case is for a 6'6.5" Polish friend of mine who did a back to back with Pete at a concert about 10 years ago, and Peter was the taller of the two. Straight up, there's no way he was any less than 6'7" peak. Where are all his quotes about being 6'7", 2 meters, etc? And what happened to the picture that was here?
Bob said on 18/Feb/11
Anyone have an idea on the heights of the other band members?
my rough estimates: Josh Silver 6ft2, Johnny Kelly between 6ft. and 6ft1 and
Kenny Hickey 5ft8,9 range.
linke said on 24/Jan/11
Was often described as 6'8
Jeremy Yach said on 23/Jan/11
About the varying in height, it is odd. I looked for a forum on here just to discuss height in general, but I usually use a Barnes & Noble nook Classic for browsing; thus cannit find things too easily.
I'm 30: I go shoeless and sockless at height/weigh-ins; I am often 5'10". Sometimes I have been 5' 11.5", I get the higher heights when I have worked out intensely for 2 weeks+ . Weight training does it alone, but my Karate (with 25 minutes of stretching and warm-up, then 60minutes of training [no weights, but Kre-Alkalyn use]) and I notice a stronger posture. I have Scoliosis and Fibromyalgia, but went from 5'9 at 19years up to 5' 11.5 (peak), but average 5' 10" is there any possibility that I am some how growing? My feet went from size 12 US to size 14 US in the last two years. Sorry for posting this here; I know it is thread OT. If you could show me where to put this and possibly answer some of my questions I would be happy (especially if I was still growing! Hah!) Please, no flames, I am not a
troll. Type O is a big part of my life, too bad the last time I had seen him he was sickly thin, but warmed my heart when a tenacious groupie wanted Peter to.. um touch her butt. Peter kept refusing then said to a guy there, "Is this your woman?" The kid says, "Yeah", the woman says, "he doesn't mind" Peter said to the guy, "this is your woman, you look out for her, you should benthe only person to get close to her. It is not right that you would let another man come near her." I thought that was honourable. I have have my friend post that jokin' chokin' photo. (Then you will see Peter vs. my 5' 7" friend)
Jeremy Yach said on 10/Jan/11
He really got thin near the (=) end. I think I saw Type O on the last Halloween show, or maybe 2 or 3 ago, but I posted before, I met the band, hung backstage, met Kenny (let me backstage with my friends), freaked out Johnny Kelly (by telling him about just getting out of the psych ward and how much their show helped me. He looked kind of nervous, I said, "good luck with the rest of the tour", he goes, "good luck with uh, good luck with whatever um you got to do." Hah! And I was about a foot from Peter when I was photographing him jokingly choking my friend and using a Borat accent. That being said, my younger bro is 6'6" and Peter had him beat by at least an inch, but you know, heights change for many reasons.
Halloween in Heaven R.I.P.
Manuel said on 29/Dec/10
Hey guys
I met him twice and one we were standing.i am 6"4' and he was looking definitively lot taller.i could say 6"8,more than 2 metres sure.about 2,03 or 2,04 metres.other thing was his great size,i mean he had a back and shoulders giant.that make him looking like taller,i think about 120 kilos and so big a body builder,althought his arms looked like more thin.and he had very long fingers.i have many friends of 1,98 cm or 2'00 and i can sure Peter was really taller.a giant.Giant and mistic feeling when you were near him.Rip Peter
BrokenGlass said on 28/Oct/10
I wonder if there are any pictures of him and Glenn Danzig standing side by side?
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/09
6'3?No fookin way! He has been called 6foot8! He definitely is enormous. 6'6 or 6'7.
TRIVIUMFAN4LYFE. said on 22/Mar/09
He's 6'3 actually. It said in an interview for Total Guitar magazine.
Dillon said on 24/Jan/09
ive done some reserch and from what pete says and from what I find out he is 6,8. a friend of mine seen him concert and he said he is at least 2 inches taller than you. i said my god how big can a man be! But you can say the same for me because i just turned 16 and i am 6,7 and wiegh 300pounds and have a 16 2E boot.And my bench max is 535, pounds so im not fat im just a big dude.
TypeO Concert Goer said on 21/Jan/09
I saw Type O and got an autograph with my brother, Pete was standing when he signed it and he was definately taller than my brother who is 6'5. He was wearing Chuck Taylors too and those have like no lift on them so he is definitely 6'6 at least. And totally unrelated but for the dude below, Matt from Trivium is 6'2 and change, not 6'4, upper 6'2 though is right
Anonymous said on 18/Jan/09
Dude, from below, Matt Heafy is not 6'4. Ive hung out with the dude tons of ****ing times, hesr 6'2 3/4 at the most, Im 6'2 and 2/3 if you wanna get all Dr height on here, and he was just a hair taller than me, he is not 6'4, in boots
Bob said on 13/Jan/09
I have photos of myself standing next to him from way back in the mid 90's - he was wearing boots, I was wearing running shoes and I am at about the midpoint of his ear. I'm 6'3", so 6'6" is a good guess.
Some Fella said on 1/Jan/09
Unfortunately I haven't met Mr. Steele as to give my very own estimation of his height. However, he's always been described as a 1,96m (6' 5.25'') guy in papers around here (Poland), mind you.
By the way, he had me in stitches as I've recently seen a TON concert which he opened with a question "Are you ready for being disappointed?".
Shock of Electric said on 3/Nov/08
Peter said in a German interview in 2000 "Being that I'm 2 meters long, it's very hard for me to sleep on the bus."
Vern said on 1/Aug/08
I met Peter at the recent Type O show with Hatebreed in NYC and he was a few inches taller than me and I'm a legit 6'5 1/2. So my guess would be around 6'8.
KN said on 14/Jul/08
me to peter i would say that i am an ant and peter is a bear. i would never be as tall as peter steele. because i am 5ft 4 inches. but peter is the koolest bass player that i know besides orion from BEHEMOTH yup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shock of Electric said on 27/May/08
My friend's brother-in-law who was taped out barefoot at 6'6.5" stood back to back with Pete at a concert, Peter was taller. Peter had to be helped up because he was that wasted. I've heard 6'6", 6'7" and 6'8" all for Peter from various sources. The Type O Negative website had him at 6'7" 260 lbs some years ago. I would go with 6'7" personally.
Biggest MAN said on 27/Apr/08
I'm 7ft8 and 14yo, I walked past him and he was shorter by about 1 foot and 1 inch, so about 6ft7 is probably correct
J.T. said on 6/Feb/08
yeah 6' isn't short. But Joey Ramone was 6'6" and Tommy Ramone is 5'5"
Dillon said on 2/Nov/07
I ask how tall my cusin was and he said he was 6,7. I thought he was taller because he said he could see over my head, and im about 6,5. But there is taller in my family. like my great cusin he is 6,10 plus a hair.Maybe 6,11.
Dillon said on 27/Oct/07
I think he is 6,8 Because I am 6,5 and my mom is 5,8 and she is at least 2,inches over my shoulder. But im only 14,years old no lie!
glenn said on 2/Oct/07
somebody in that band is my height.
bunnycat said on 1/Oct/07
Oh, and Josh is 6'4".
bunnycat said on 1/Oct/07
Kenny from TON is not short. He's around 6'. He looks short next to Peter as most humans do. I'm 5'2" and I come about to his sternum. LOL
Smok said on 16/Aug/07
He looks exactly 6'6 to me. No more no less.
A tall guy definitely.
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/07
I met Peter in 2003, and he's definately 6'6". My friends and I were suppose to spend the night with the band but because my best friend had a curfew, we had to go, I was utterly heartbroken, as I was also his pick for backstage, he told me to bring my friends along as well. I've been working my ass off to get closer to the band so I can become friends with them and keep in touch with Pete, because I admire him very much. I also heard he has a bad back, and he might need me around for a good rub or message, as I am good at messaging and rubbing *L*. I also miss his humor, I never thought that I would become so inspired and attached at the fact that his personality is excellent, so is his humor.
EJ said on 12/Jul/07
Saw him on June 21st (Outside Astoria, London) and again, he was stooping but I would definitely say he was no less than 6'6 and a half, possibly 6' 7" if he was standing straight. He had an accident falling off a bike and you could see his back was killing him. Also, I spoke to Josh and he must be 6' 1", together on stage Pete looked a good 5-6 inches taller.
Anonymous said on 18/Jun/07
Well i saw peter in concert two months ago at the house of blues and he was huge. I read an interview of him that came out in revolver magazine about a month or two ago, He claims to be 6'8. I really don't see where these 6'4,6'5 estimations are coming from. Also if anything Peter Steele would probably downsize his height, Just because of his sense of humor that he has in which he's usually down on him self. I have heard estimations of him being 6'6 but i'd be willing to bet that he's no shorter than 6'7.
EJ said on 14/May/07
Sorry Glenn, I'm from the UK and saw Type O the last time they played the Astoria (London) but didn't get a true idea of Steele's height as he was up on stage and Kenny is pretty short! Also, you may have noticed that Pete generally has a bad posture in a lot of pics, particularly the one on the right. He probably gives away up to 2 inches a lot of the time. He says he weighs 250 so it's possible with age as well that he is now down to 6-5.
glenn said on 11/May/07
i meant he was in sneakers,but seemed 6-5 if he were in this food ej? if so,where you been?
EJ said on 10/May/07
Glenn, if you say Pete looked 6-5 in his sneakers then that would make him no more than 6-4 actual height?! That's a lot shorter than the 6-6/6-7 generally given to him.
So what is your honest estimation of his height?
glenn said on 6/May/07
from 6-5(which i saw) to 6-8(the first pic) and other claims.
Viper said on 2/May/07
This guys height fluncutates all over the place!!
Anshelm said on 1/May/07
Says 6'7" (201 cm) in this interview:
Click Here (2/3 down the scrollbar, more or less). Though I was more fascinated by the number of his teeth.
Viper said on 29/Apr/07
He looks 6-9 in the first pic.
Kris said on 28/Apr/07
Dear God, he looks at least a foot taller then Glenn in that first pic.
Anshelm said on 23/Apr/07
Said 2 meters while interviewed by VJ Axl Smith on MTV Finland's "Axl meets Type O Negative". Likely a "close enough" conversion. Interesetingly he used metric units throughout the interview; Johnny Kelly didn't.
jeff said on 26/Mar/07
Pete said that he himself is 6-8?
glenn said on 22/Mar/07
pete just said he is 6-8.
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/07
Don't forget Joey Ramone or James Root!
I wonder if Joey is indeed 6'7 or just 6'6 as listed here.
Patrick said on 13/Mar/07
Krist Novoselic, Peter Garrett, Mick Fleetwood and Thurston Moore are more or less around Peter's height. Imagine a fight between Novoselic and Steele, that would be hilarious!
dave said on 5/Mar/07
Yeah I was there when Eric met him coming out of that gas station in '97. I didn't even know who he was and he didn't seem that tall. Of course I was too busy laughing at the fact that the guy from Type-O Negative had to stop at a gas station for a hoagie before his band played Ozzfest. He looks a bit heavier in this pic then I remember. Maybe he needs to slow down on the convenience store lunches.
glenn said on 3/Mar/07
he did look 6-5 to me in his sneakers 6 months ago to me.
Eric said on 1/Mar/07
6'6" is a little high. I met him coming out of a gas station with a sandwich before OzzFest in 1997. I'm 5'10.5", and I stood right in front of him and talked some music/weather/NY s*** for a minute. I'd say he's a solid 6'5", but no more than that. He is a big dude though, just not as big as he looks in pictures. My arms were bigger than his, but I have 18" biceps... He was a totally cool dude though... They put on a great show that year.
Glenn said on 1/Feb/07
Im around goth all the least more in the past.ex girls,clubs, Greenwich Village NYC,etc.some great music too.
Anthony said on 31/Jan/07
That's true, Glenn. Most rock stars do wear big boots, even those who are tall. Robert Plant is a good example (though he's nowhere Steele's height or frame). I was never into the whol goth scene, so I wouldn't know the fashion.
Glenn said on 31/Jan/07
Its not about increasing height.its the fashion.goth style has big boots normally.usuallycant be avoided.
Viper said on 31/Jan/07
He looks huge in the 2nd photo too. Just overall frame size and is still towering over everyone all slouched down.
Anthony said on 30/Jan/07
But not so much in the second pic. Thoigh it's quite odd that someone who's already around 6'5-6'6 to begin with to want to increase their height.
Viper said on 30/Jan/07
He is one big mofo.
Glenn said on 30/Jan/07
Anthony-he had big black boots.he appeared 6-7.Ade-if Josh is who I think it is,he is 6-1, 6-2.
Anthony said on 29/Jan/07
Somehow, I get the impression Pete's on a step in the pic he looks 6'9 in. Glenn, when the first oc was taken how tall did he look to you then? And did you notice footwear.
ADe said on 29/Jan/07
Glenn, how tall is Josh Silver?
Glenn said on 29/Jan/07
I agree with 6-8,6-9.but its an illusion.
Jake W. said on 28/Jan/07
Maybe even 6'9" on the left. Looks huge.
Jake W. said on 28/Jan/07
He looks about 6'8" on the left and 6'4" on the right.
Glenn said on 28/Jan/07
Yeah,strangely he seemed 6-5 in sneakers.
S.J said on 28/Jan/07
But The guy says he's 6,6 .25 thats probarly what it is
Anthony said on 27/Jan/07
Steele looks 6'5 at best in the second pic.
S.J said on 27/Jan/07
he is enormous in that pic just with Glenn Alone but it could be becuz he holds his Head Back
Glenn said on 25/Dec/06
That would be a freakshow.
Zapp said on 24/Dec/06
Has anyone ever seen any pics of Peter Steele standing next to Glenn Danzig? That would be funny.
Glenn said on 22/Nov/06
They didnt start out Goth.that was a gimmick.
DwarfGuy said on 21/Nov/06
I would say 6'6" and a fraction is a pretty accurate count of Peter's height. The best photo for comparison is on the back of the reissue of The Origin Of The Feces. Peter is holding up a bass violin in the shot, and anyone who knows the standard such of that instrument can tell from a careful look that Peter is a little more than 6'6". The fact that he can rip the strings off his bass, well, Glenn would be able to do that too if he worked out as much as Peter does.
Aussie Bloke said on 19/Nov/06
Best Goth band in history, this guy is around the 6ft8 level, towering over every single person he is ever next to. Matt Heafy from Trivium is around the 6ft4 level, and he makes him look SMALL! I would have to say taller than 6ft6, he must have grown since he said he was 6ft6!
Viper652 said on 13/Nov/06
He has a monster sized hand
Glenn said on 13/Nov/06
Exactly.he is streching.saw him 2 months ago give me illusion of 6-5 in sneakers.youll see a huge difference whenever I post the pic.
Glenn said on 30/Oct/06
Read my below post Tim.
Anshelm said on 25/Sep/06
A friend of mine, 175 cm (5'9") himself, once met Steele after a concert and got to shake his hand; "plenty of hand to shake" I hear. I asked did he think him over or under 2 metres (6'6¾"), and he thought over. Maybe not the most accurate of estimates. He also told me, that after seeing the man rip the strings off his bass with his bare hands, he later tried his fingers around the strings of his own – and figured that there's no way he could do the same.
Glenn said on 23/Sep/06
Smallest I ever saw him was last week.6-5.he had coming.
Jason said on 22/Sep/06
If he said 6'6 1/4'' then that's most likely it. Must like big footware.
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
Im meeting him next week.Ill ask him.he must get tired of that question.itll be my 3rd photo with.
Anonymous said on 28/Aug/06
If this guy wasn't leaning over a bit towards Glenn and standing straight, I'd guess him as 6' 9".
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
If hes consistently saying 6-6, then 6-6 it is. Though strangely he looks closer to 6-9 in that picture.
Viper652 said on 25/Aug/06
He looks huge.
Anthony said on 24/Aug/06
Wow, this guy's huge. Minimum 6'7. The pic is pretty funny. The look on Glenn's face is priceless.
Editor Rob said on 24/Jul/06
1992: "I'm 6 foot 6 and a quarter"
J. said on 12/Feb/06
Is Steele standing on a step or something in the photograph with Glenn? And what was the deal with the footwear? Because he's looking 6'9"+ in that pic!
ER. said on 10/Feb/06
I woulden't expect Steele to be the kind of guy to downplay his height, but I do agreee that he looks taller than 6'6" in that picture. Either way, he's a huge dude.

Editor Rob
looks like he's playing to his height there...actually I've seen a few more pics and he does look 6ft 6, maybe 7, hmm
Danimal said on 29/Jan/06
Wrestling, how can you say he is 6'5"? That would equate to only 9" difference between their height and clearly, Glenn does even reach his shoulders. Take the measurement of his entire LONG neck and head and TADA, you have the height difference. This guy looks even taller than the bassist from Nirvana, who is listed at 6'7".
wrestling said on 25/Jan/06
Looks 6'6" And If He States Hes 6'6" Its Most Likely Hes a +Inch Or -Inch so , 6'5" Or 6'7" , I Pick 6'7" ... :-p
Glenn said on 24/Jan/06
could be 6-9.I guessed 6-7.when they are that big its hard to tell.
Texas Tom said on 24/Jan/06
He looks 6-9 to me.