Bon_ said on 19/Feb/11
you jerks guessing 5'7 for Newman should have challenged his bet and now you would be millionaires.
MikeyB58 said on 19/Feb/11
I met Mr. Newman around 1980, he was driving in a race in Watkins Glen, NY. I am 6'1", he was 3" shorter than somewhere near 5'10" at that time is correct.
Rajneesh said on 12/Feb/11
5'8" TOPS, probably closer to 5'7"...Walked past him on the street once and I'm 5' 10".
Bon_ said on 9/Feb/11
@ George H.
Well, then obviously you don't have the ability to gauge heights. I feel pity for you.
George H. said on 9/Feb/11
@Bon_ are you serious? Thinking that a person is below a certain height in your opinion constitutes "not standing that person and their success"? Man, that's........ odd, to put it mildly. Newman was one of the coolest dudes in showbiz and otherwise. A great humanitarian to boot. He also wasn't, from what I've seen in movies and photos, a 5'10" guy, period. Liking or disliking a person has absolutely nothing to do with their physique. Like I said below, I'm not a fan of Brosnan, but he isn't a "very short" dude. If anything, it seems you are the one who can't separate your dislike for a person from facts regarding their appearance. And Redford wasn't 5'10" either, but 5'6" for him is laughable.
Bon_ said on 8/Feb/11
@ George H.
You have a right to express your opinion, but of course I wholesomely disagree with you. I just hope your opinion is sincere, that you are not one of those frustrated men who can't stand Paul Newman and his success. And he was over 5'10 certainly.
George H. said on 8/Feb/11
Not a fan of Brosnan, but he's definitely not "very short" (which in my opinion for a guy would be 5'6" or less). That's a ridiculous statement. I also don't believe Newman was ever 5'10". 5'9" maybe, but to me he always looked slightly below that, even.
Bon_ said on 7/Feb/11
You don't have to be very small boned to be lanky, Newman was quite small boned but not at all lanky, he was quite naturally muscular. When you are small bulked, your proportions also may appear smaller, so that's it. But I think it's better to be small bulked because it's more +economic'.
Example of a lanky guy who may claim ridiculous heights is Pierce Brosnan, he is very short in real life but for promotion and similar stuff they have him at 6'1 - 6'2, and he can pass for it because he is so lanky.
And I agree, 5'10 - 5'11 range for Newman but Redford was more like 5'6 - 5'7.
Anonymous said on 7/Feb/11
Newman did look like a strong 5'10 in his younger days. He and Robert Redford were pretty much the same height, give or take half an inch.
And Bon, I thought it's the other way around? People who are lanky and have smaller bones often look taller than what they really are. I'm a guy just under 5'10, I have broad shoulders and big bones - and I've been told by people that I do look a bit shorter than what I really am. My brother is an inch shorter than me and people always think he is taller because he has a smaller, lankier frame than I do.
Bon_ said on 1/Feb/11
Well it's possible he never went under 5'9, ten years ago he was around 75.
Maybe close to 5'10 even then, peak around 5'10.5, 5'10.75 max in my opinion since he was listed at 5'11 when younger.
Bill said on 29/Jan/11
I met Paul Newman about ten years ago at Southern Connecticut State University. I shook hands with him and felt at least 2 inches shorter. I am 5'8". He was at least 5'10"
Bon said on 22/Jan/11
I just watched 'Sweet Bird of Youth'...looks to be 5'10.25 or even 5'10.5
Bon said on 21/Jan/11
Newman had a small frame(although very well muscled) which could have made him appear shorter. My dad also has a small frame a until you get close up to him you could think he's like 5'8, but he's always been a strong 5'11.25 :)
So I don't think he was ever as low as 5'7 as someone down stated. There is a pic on the net actually where an 'old shrunken Newman' is taller than 5'9
Jude Law.
Bon said on 21/Jan/11
just go on, I'm very sure the truth is on my side.
tell-em said on 21/Jan/11
hahaha this bon guy can't be serious....its easy to state somebody's height out of nowhere without any evidence. keep making a fool out of yourself,kid, i enjoy reading your posts.
Bon said on 21/Jan/11
tell-em I have some knowledge in physical anthropology that you can only dream of, there is no theory Robert Redford could have been over 5'8 ever at any part of the day of his life, and Newman was possibly 5'10.5 as he stated.
jtm Stallone WAS 5'10 or very close why do you guys pick up the wrong persons for height exaggeration accusations? Redford, Cruise etc. always were and are SHORT, Stallone and Newman were NOT.
Bon said on 21/Jan/11
No, it's not particularly ridiculous Sam. In fact, it is even generous.
Newman was over 5'10 at peak and likely towered over Redford, but he had compassion for his short friend so kept the height secret.
Sam said on 19/Jan/11
The idea that Redford as 5'7" is particularly ridiculous. If anything, he appeared to be over 5'10" at his peak. He was a bit taller than Newman, maybe by 0.75"
tell-em said on 18/Jan/11
the difference is that bon has no proof at all of redford at 5'7". so that makes the matter EVEN MORE ridiculous.
jtm said on 18/Jan/11
come on bon you don't want to end up as the same guy that was fighting for a ridiculous 5'10.75 for stallone.redford without shoes was measured at 5'9.75.
tell-em said on 17/Jan/11
then in that case, you need to stop saying robert redford is 5'7", and any other heights of actors including a 5'10 and a half paul newman since according to you, none of those actors ever measured in front of you barefoot.
Bon said on 17/Jan/11
only proof you could give me is to measure real robert redford barefoot in front of me, I don't bother to explore what tricks do they use on films.
tell-em said on 16/Jan/11
haha. look son, i just posted thorough evidence of him looking over 5'7".thats proof right there. you've posted nothing. eyewitness? hahaha. only a stooge would fall for a "eyewitness" account w/out ANY PROOF of evidence such as a pic. again, post PROOF of redford looking 5'7". till then, he ain't 5'7".
Bon said on 16/Jan/11
just look at the comments of eyewitnesses on Redford's page, besides, I'm quite versed in physical anthropology and its correlation with height so i can estimate some things.
Bon said on 15/Jan/11
and you have no proof he's over 5'7 barefoot. nice try, but if real robert redford appeared barefoot for measurement, i think I'd win the bet.
tell-em said on 14/Jan/11
nope. look at the shots of him playing ping pong w/ paul newman. newman's in shoes and redford is barefoot. he isn't 5'7" and you have no proof whatsoever.
Bon said on 14/Jan/11
the easiest one - lifts, camera angles etc.
after all, Redford is is an all-American hero, it's not 'appropriate' for him to be short.
tell-em said on 10/Jan/11
Bon says on 8/Jan/11
do you have a proof he was 5'10 at peak?
no, i personally think, based on various evidence, he was 5'7 absolute max at his peak.
sure i do...look at this:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here .... explain how redford looks as tall or taller than paul newman in these pics if you say he is only 5'7"? i can't wait to see what kind of evidence you bring of redford looking 5'7"...i'm dying to see.
Bon said on 9/Jan/11
@ TruebloodFan
yeah, to me too. Strong 5'10 for Newman.
He was obviously not a flat 5'9 because with that bet of his that would mean he is crazy, and Paul Newman was never such a person, you could tell.
georgeclooneysmum said on 8/Jan/11
RisingForce the camera angle in your Paul Newman height chart photos seems to be in line with Paul's eyes. For the record if i look straigh ahead my eyeline is just under 5'6 1/2. I am just under 5'11. So the more grown up photo of Paul does indicate he is 5'9 1/2 since his eyeline is 5'5.
Bon said on 8/Jan/11
do you have a proof he was 5'10 at peak?
no, i personally think, based on various evidence, he was 5'7 absolute max at his peak.
TruebloodFan said on 8/Jan/11
Always looked a strong 5ft10 to me.
tell-em said on 7/Jan/11
do u have proof that redford was 5'7" peak?
Bon said on 7/Jan/11
maybe it should be a little higher. redford was below 5'7 at his peak.
tell-em said on 6/Jan/11
rob's height listing is fine. 5'9.5. a tad bit shorter than robert redford.
Bon said on 5/Jan/11
Newman was a person who was obviously very comfortable about his height, and the huge amount of money he offered for the bet is the ultimate proof that he was absolutely over 5'9. He said 'If the verdict is 5'8' therefore if he measured even slightly under 5'9 he was at risk of turning absolutely ridiculuos. That testifies about his certainty that he was well over 5'9(and remember, that was in 1986, when he was 60), and since the only ocassion where he has given his height states 5'10.5, I sincerely think you should upgrade him to 5'10 at least Rob, but 5'10.25 would probably be the most reasonable. I really think Newman's current peak height is a wee bit underestimated, which gives fertile soil to frustrated jerks to make up stories how he was 'short, under me at 5'8 at a good day' etc. Paul Newman was obviously a solid 5'10.
Bon said on 16/Dec/10
@Chris Robinson
do you remember in which year it was?
Bon said on 8/Dec/10
John, why are so jealous Paul Newman is so much better looking than you?
John said on 7/Dec/10
I actually had the chance to stand toe to toe with Paul Newman( quite funny story ) actually was steping on his feet ..But the fact is i'm 5' 8" and Mr Newman was looking up at me my best estimate is he was no taller than 5' 5" at best.
Bon said on 7/Dec/10
@ anonymous, possibly interesting piece of evidence. how do we explain that, now?
that would put redford at no more than struggling 5'8 at peak.
Bon said on 29/Nov/10
176 at the very least, he always looked a bit taller than the plain average.
But my guess is 178 peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Nov/10
Looked 175-176cm.
anonymous said on 19/Nov/10
Check the scene referred to.
Mr. R said on 17/Nov/10
Anonymous, many tricks can be done to make one actor taller than the other. You could raise the camera lens, shoot from a different angle, or the ground might not be level. Also, most probably, you can put lifts and higher heels on the boots of the guy who wants to b taller.
Sam said on 16/Nov/10
In the closing scene of The Sting they are walking together down the street and Redford does seem an 1 or 1.5 inches taller.
Anonymous said on 15/Nov/10
This thing about Redford being taller than Newman in Butch Cassidy is bunk. In the scene right after they escape the posse by jumping off the cliff, they are walking up to Katherine Ross's house side by side. She runs up to embrace both men, then backs off. They are both facing the camera, full body shots on the same level ground. Newman is at least two inches taller.
Bon said on 1/Nov/10
In his 80-s he has surely shrunk.
Bon said on 29/Oct/10
I really don't think he was anything under 177 at his peak.
5'9 no way.
Frank2 said on 3/Jul/09
5'10" Newman with 5'6" conductor Zubin Mehta:
Click Here
mcfan said on 21/Jun/09
My quote on Paul's age was wrong when I met him. He was in fact 60 years old (1985). He only looked 5'8.5, but he did look in the 5'10 range in his earlier films. All I can say is without any doubt is that Paul was only 5'8.5 in 1985. When I see Slapshot (only 8 years earlier) he looks closer to 5'10. One thing I also noted is that his nose looks bigger in person than it did on film and it was hooked.
RisingForce said on 1/Jun/09
Yeah it does get annoying leonari, especially when all logical posters have already figured out that Newman was in the 5-9, 5-10 range during his prime(and probably through the 1980's). Anyone who says 5-8 or under has no perception of height. Too bad the newspaper didn't take Newman's bet that he'd measure over 5-8. That would have taken care of garbage posts like Big Juan's.
Big Juan said on 28/May/09
On Wednesday night, during the DNC riots in 1968 in front of the Conrad Hilton, I saw him and urged him to speak to the protesters across Michigan Av in Grant Park. I couldn't believe how short he was. My best friend was 5' 7". Paul Newman was under 5'8".
glenn said on 17/May/09
my friend claims 5-9,5-10.though i put him at a legit 5-8.maybe he is close to 5-9 morning.newman was slightly taller.2004 i would say.
RisingForce said on 17/May/09
still 5-9, even in the last few years before his death? wow that's surprising, he looked much shorter with redford, clooney and willis. it could have been posture though. old men can look a lot shorter than they are.
glenn said on 16/May/09
still 5-9 in my friends pics.
RisingForce said on 15/May/09
i agree. 5-10 or close to it in his prime, but in the last few years of his life he was at most 5-8, maybe shorter.
Ahleks said on 14/May/09
Newman is one of those guys who lost lots of height with age.
He was easily two inches shorter in his 80s.
RisingForce said on 11/Apr/09
I agree Redford is 5-10.5 and Newman was 5-10, but I think that both of those were their morning heights. That also fits with the 5-9.75 figure for Redford being an evening height.
Newman must have been 5-10 at some point in the day comparing him to 5-8.75 Marlon Brando and 5-7ish James Dean.
Jim said on 3/Apr/09
In the late 60's, when I was in graduate school at Yale, Paul was in New Haven for a premier of a movie. I was next to him on two occassions. I am 5'-9 3/4" in bare feet, and Paul was (dramatically) several inches shorter. Sorry guys, handsome and fabulous blue eyes are real, but anything taller than 5'-7" is sheer fiction. As are many of the heights represented here, despite comparative guesses or self-serving statistics.
glenn said on 1/Apr/09
interesting find risingforce.newman was indeed around 5-10.redford 5-10.5.
RisingForce said on 30/Mar/09
Apparently Newman refused to reveal his height. He probably didn't think it was important so he didn't see a reason to claim a height. Here's the article that stated he wouldn't reveal his height.
And, as always, there were reporters present, including John Capsis of The Westport News, who earned Mr. Newman's enmity when he wrote last week that the actor's height was ''5-foot-8 in heels.''
Mr. Newman, who will not divulge his height, responded a few days later by calling the reporter a scatological name.
Click HereI'm unsure of Newman's height. I'd guess he was in the 5'9", 5'10" range. He certainly didn't look under 5'9", but not over 5'10" either. I'd guess maybe a weak 5'10".
SHAUN said on 26/Mar/09
Looking at his early films I certainly think Newman was about 1.77m. But his later films in the 2000s he seemed to have lost a few cms and was around 1.74m.
Josh said on 3/Mar/09
When he died his his height was stated 5ft 7 in one newspaper but he could have dipped an inch or so in the end but in his younger days i think he really was close to 5ft 9 in height. Robert redford was just a little taller and he was close to 5ft 11.
Al N. said on 19/Feb/09
Don't forget Newman didn't have the greatest posture, even in his younger days.
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
Redford looked a bit taller than Newman. Redford is 5-10.5 and Newman was 5-9.5, 5-10.
Al N. said on 4/Feb/09
Newman and Redford in the 2 films they were in, both looked the same height. Both had equal footwear.
Josh said on 24/Jan/09
In some of the westerns he was in he looked about 5ft 10 or a bit over but that was in cowboy boots so 5ft 8 an half-5ft 9 was probarbly his true height.
RisingForce said on 19/Jan/09
What's your point Tellem?
Mr. R. said on 18/Jan/09
Paul is one of those folks who were definitely taller in their hayday than towards the end of their lives. Redford was always listed at 5-10, and he seemed to have about an inch Newman. But on that Iconoclast show last year, Newman had clearly shrunk a lot. Redford was almost looking down on him. Maybe it was the cancer. But I know that this world has been a dimmer place since Paul passed away.
Ahleks said on 18/Jan/09
He looked a solid 5'10" in Slap Shot.
TELLEM said on 15/Jan/09
frank2 already mentioned that risingforce:
Frank2 says on 12/Oct/08
Paul Newman was 5'10". I know since I worked with him. Back a couple of decades ago after some tabloid claimed he was a nowhere near 5'10", Newman challenged the rag to a bet. They could measure him and if he wasn't 5'10" he would give them a disclosed amount of money and it was a rather large sum. But if it turned out he was 5'10", the tabloid would have to pay the same amount to Newman's favorite charity. The tabloid never took him up on it. Knowing him as did briefly, I know he was not a man to issue such a challenge unless he knew he would win.
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
I don't think he was measured but he did challenge a newspaper writer to measure him after the newspaper said he couldn't hit 5'11" unless he was in heels. The newspaper said he wasn't over 5'8" and Newman bet them a certain amount of money(to be donated to charity) for every 1/4 inch he measured over 5'8".
glenn said on 13/Jan/09
he was 5-10.saw that man enough to know that.he was measure d at 5-10 on howard stern i heard here on the site,when he made a surprise phone call and then a visit,when the subject of his height came up.unless thats a bull story.but they do measure people on that show.thats for sure.
gcm said on 11/Jan/09
He was 5'8". That was pretty well established in the 60s. His height was adjusted as rquired in films from time to time of course. He probably lost the usual inch I guess so likely 5'7" at the end. If you saw him at the racetrack he was just wearing normal shoes and that was about right. Who cares anyay as others say - he was still one of the absolute giants of cinema and a hero in life generally when you look at his achievments. As far as heartthrobs go, I expect several guys share the top spot. He would obviously be one of them.
Mister Lennon said on 1/Jan/09
he always looked in the 5'9 range.
DP said on 31/Dec/08
Can we get a photo of Newman on this website as I would take his looks anyday over a few inches of height. Women loved him.
RisingForce said on 29/Dec/08
That backs up Redford at 5-10.5 as well. Both figures make sense to me.
glenn said on 27/Dec/08
newman was 5-10.
heightfactor said on 27/Dec/08
i cant see newman being anything under 5'10
RisingForce said on 26/Dec/08
Newman was 5-9 minimum and very possibly 5-10.
Hugh said on 20/Dec/08
I got off a plane in the 80s with Paul and his wife right behind me. I'm 6', my brother is 5' 10" and my father was 5'9". PN was shorter than both. I thought at the time around 5'7". BTW, when I was vacationing in Utah, Robert Redford was in the buffet line ahead of me. He also is short. I had thought both Newman and Redford were a lot taller than they actually are/were.
Anonymous said on 9/Dec/08
If you see him in Cool Hand Luke, he doesn't look under 5'10" at any point next to the ensemble.
RisingForce said on 19/Oct/08
Interesting sightings
Frank2 insist 5-10
Glenn says 5-10
JT says 5-6
Mr. R, there are loads of pictures of the two on Just type in Paul Newman and Robert Redford under Editorial Images. I see some images that fit that your description but also some that show them of similar height. Newman was 10 or 11 years older than Redford so there's a better chance he lost more in height in those pictures.
Mr. R said on 18/Oct/08
As a rabid Paul Newman fan, I have seen many of his films. I think that he was between 5-9 and 5-10 at his peak. But there are several pictures of he and Redford in the last several years, and Redford towers over him. (I don't know how to do pics yet. Maybe someone can find this pic.
JT said on 17/Oct/08
Frank2, I didn't respond to begin an argument. If, in fact, you worked in Hollywood, you know that they use many techniques to make a "leading man" taller, shoe lifts and shorter doors, notwithstanding. I certainly didn't fabricate the story, and I was within inches of him for a significant period of time. As an FYI, that day in Detroit, as I always did when I flew, I wore a pair of "docksiders", so there was little, if any advantage given to me by heels.
leonari said on 16/Oct/08
Patrick: If you think Alan Ladd was 5'7" you just proved that you have no idea about heights. sorry.
Patrick said on 16/Oct/08
JT : perfect words about our friend. When people of that dimension leave, they leave
Frank2 said on 12/Oct/08
Paul Newman was 5'10". I know since I worked with him. Back a couple of decades ago after some tabloid claimed he was a nowhere near 5'10", Newman challenged the rag to a bet. They could measure him and if he wasn't 5'10" he would give them a disclosed amount of money and it was a rather large sum. But if it turned out he was 5'10", the tabloid would have to pay the same amount to Newman's favorite charity. The tabloid never took him up on it. Knowing him as did briefly, I know he was not a man to issue such a challenge unless he knew he would win.
I'm watching EXODUS. In it Newman and George Maharis are the same height. Maharis had a peak height of 5'10". And Newman and John Derek are the same height and I know for a fact Derek was 5'10". In both BUTCH CASSIDY and THE STING, Newman and Robert Redford are the exact same height and back then Redford was 5'10".
DP said on 10/Oct/08
Men may lie about height but women are such poor judges on height. I get called "short" at work even though I'm 5'-9" which is average. Today, a lady told me I was probably her same height at 5'-7". We went toe to toe and I was~~2" bigger. Not a big deal but I think it's funny how bad they are at judging height. She thinks Newman was 5'-4" LOL!
JT said on 9/Oct/08
In 1991, I was getting some items out of my airplane at Detroit City airport when a jet taxied and parked next to me. A few moments later, Paul Newman came down the steps, apparently in town for the Detroit Grand Prix. We both walked across the tarmac and went into the offices of the FBO, and I opened the door so that he could go in first. Now, I'm 6-1 and although I didn't measure the guy, he was about 7" shorter than I was. By the way, one of the absolute nicest, kindest, engaging men I have ever met, and larger than life. Lucky for me, I am in possession of a rare autograph, traded for a postage stamp that he needed to send a letter. Sadly, he passed recently, a tremendous loss, for the world.
Frank2 said on 8/Oct/08
I have the film TOWERING INFERNO on DVD. In the film, McQueen looks as tall or taller in some shots while Newman appears to be perhaps an inch taller in others. Both men were the exact, same height or 5'10". I know since I met them both and with McQueen I saw him on several occasions over the years. In TOWERING INFERNO, Newman wore cowboy boots with two inch heels while McQueen wore shoes with no lifts. McQueen refused to wear lifts and said so. Maybe that's why so many believe him to be shorter than he really was. On the other hand, actors who are definitely shorter than McQueen, routinely get listed as being 5'10" with some even being touted as standing 5'11" or six feet.
Lebensdorf said on 8/Oct/08
I have an aunt who works in the hospital where Newman was admitted shortly before he died; she saw him walking in the halls and said that he was "tallish." She is 5'2'', so I would say that he was around 5'9'' or so at the end. A solid 5'10'' is possible as a young man for Newman; he looked of average or slightly above average height on screen.
RIP, Paul.
Patrick said on 8/Oct/08
It's sure he shrank and looked far shorter at 70 and more than at 30/40.
Normal isn't it? But, 5'4...why not 5' or 4'9! That's ridiculous!
As for actors, it seems to be kinda limit which is just about a tad under 5
Anonymous said on 4/Oct/08
Lenad is a liar. No way in the world was newman 5ft 4.
In the towering inferno he looked a bit taller than mcqueen. 5ft 9 atleast for newman.
adam said on 2/Oct/08
Happy trails, Paul!
Near 5-10 is right.
Jota said on 1/Oct/08
He was not definetly that short,he was not a big guy but between short and tall there is normal he was nornal 5'8 or 5'9 and would like to have success with the women that he had.
Lenad said on 1/Oct/08
Didi says 28/09/08
I met Paul once and was surprised at how small he was. I am 5'1 and I would say he was 5'4. He had a larger than life prescence which would make him seem tall. However it doesnt matter. He was a giant of a man. May he rest in peace.
Keep Believing pal.
Yaspaa said on 30/Sep/08
A contender for the 'Old Blue Eyes' nickname,cooler than Tom Cruise and a great actor all 173cm of him,171cm slumped over. 5'10 is chucklesome.
Patrick said on 30/Sep/08
Rest in Peace our friend, whatever height you physically were, you definitely were a giant to me.
I just cannot believe you are not among us.
Some people should not die; that seems abnormal.
Paul was an eternal young man and so he still remains.
Ed.Rob, as usual I
Frank2 said on 29/Sep/08
As usual, Larry King is full of beans! Newman was about 5'10" peak and by the time he was in his seventies had lost about an inch to an inch and a half. I worked with Newman on SLAPSHOT. I was next to him on the ADR stage and he was a solid 5'10". Problem was, he hardly ever stood up straight. He slumped all the time in the classic Actor's Studio slump. But when he stood erect he was about an inch shorter than me.
He lived a long, extremely productive life. He will most certainly be missed.
John said on 29/Sep/08
I met Paul Newman's brother and he was 6'4"
Gonzalo said on 29/Sep/08
Rest in peace, Mr. Newman. You were a great actor and a good man. Thank you.
HT said on 29/Sep/08
Simply, he was taller than life, a giant among men
DiDi said on 28/Sep/08
I met Paul once and was surprised at how small he was. I am 5'1" and I would say he was around 5'4". He had a larger than life presence which would make him seem tall. However, it doesn't matter. He was a giant of a man. May he rest in peace.
Anonymous said on 28/Sep/08
R.I.P Paul
I think at his peak he was around 5'9". probably lost two inches with age.
Andy said on 28/Sep/08
Larry King said in an interview after his death that he was only 5"7.
But without a doubt a larger than life character and one of my favourite stars.
R.I.P Paul.
MHouillon said on 28/Sep/08
Rest in peace, Paul. Even though your 5'9 (175cm) you were one of the last big ones.
Fisher said on 28/Sep/08
Larry King who has met and interviewed Newman over the years, stated on CNN that Newman was only 5'7? Wonder where he got that from?
Donna said on 28/Sep/08
I love Paul Newman. I don't care what anyone says. He must have been six feet at least. He had to be.
ACG said on 28/Sep/08
was 5-10. RIP
Duane, chicago said on 27/Sep/08
what a great loss to the human race.i am devestated ! bless your beloved family . keep a cool hand , your the best mr. neuman.respecting you always duane.
Marcelo C. said on 27/Sep/08
Sorry for Mr. Newman
Chris said on 27/Sep/08
Just heard the news that Paul Newman has died. Man, that is a tragedy. He was without a doubt one of the finest actors ever.
Brembo said on 27/Sep/08
Goodbye Paul, we'll remember your generosity and charity.
Lmeister said on 27/Sep/08
Rest in Peace Butch Cassidy...
Rocky said on 27/Sep/08
Rest In Peace I'll never forget you Paul.
JOSH said on 24/Aug/08
In one biography book on him his official height was listed as 5ft 9. He wernt below that even now he seems around that height.
Ed T. said on 9/Aug/08
A friend's mother met Newman at a birthday party back in the 70's. She said that she was shocked that he looked so short. She described him as looking like a "little old man". Now this was thirty years ago and I'm sure that she was exaggerating, but with all the " he wasn't more than 5'7"" personal sightings on this Site, it would seem strange that Newman was ever 5'10" . To me Newman never appeared to be more than 5'8.5", even at his peak. I would say 5'9" absolute maximum.
Frank2 said on 1/Aug/08
In his prime he was 5'10". Take a look at the test shot for EAST OF EDAN where Newman appears with James Dean. Newman is several inches taller when he stands up straight. It's available on youtube.
Mr. R said on 1/Aug/08
Paul Newman is the greatest actor ever! Years ago, he had to go to court, and one of the New York papers called him 5-8.5 in heels. He was furious and called the reporter an as@@@@@! The paper later said that he looked about 5-10 to other witnesses. Paul is also hard to figure because he wore boots in many of his films. My guess is that he was 5-9 at his peak. But when I saw Redford interview him on the Iconoclast show, he had shrunk a lot. Redford looked well over 6 feet, which we know isn't true. I would say that Paul now is between 5-7 and 5-8. Supposedly he is dying, and it would be a loss for the world!
rob roy said on 1/Aug/08
one of my favorites. a great actor just like marlon brando. "cool hand luke" is one of the movie he made which i'm so impressed by his "coolness". "butch cassidy and sundance kid" with another great actor robert redford is another one which i fully recommend to others who miss this movie. i wish him well and his wife joanne woodward too.
Melissa said on 15/Jul/08
He will always be a tall man in my eyes. I love his older movies, I don't care how tall he really is, nobody can match the acting of his younger years. He's probably my all time favorite actor, not to mention how good looking he was and still is.
Jacqueline said on 29/Jun/08
I'm 5'10" and stood next to Newman in the pit area at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in 1986. I wondered what all the buzz was about and then realized that the short "old guy" next to me was Paul Newman. He was 5'7" tops, but those blue eyes were something to behold.
glenn said on 17/Jun/08
thanks greg.a few years ago he was posing with people i the 90s it was always an excuse with him.i havnt seen him afraid if i get a ride to nearby connecticut,he will be nice but still turn down photo.
Sam said on 17/Jun/08
My uncle apparently meet Newman and said he was nice to him. My uncle's 6'3"-6'4" and estimated Newman at 5'9".
Eoin said on 16/Jun/08
I'm disappointed, I just watched The Color of Money. Anyway, I've always though Newman would be a nice, down-to-earth guy. He was one of my favorite actors.
Anonymous said on 19/May/08
Paul does wear sneakers for casual events & also wears his favorite old man/low heel boots with side zippers for dressy attire. I'm just under 5'10" & when ever I'm at both type of events w/Newman we are eye to eye (even at 83 yrs old!) He's a classy, funny guy.
Chris said on 30/Apr/08
Interesting. I'm surprised.
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
newman was always a dick to me.
Chris said on 26/Apr/08
Glenn that makes good sense. Newman might be 5'9" now, but he's definitely taller than Cruise. Newman seems pretty cool. Is he friendly in real life?
glenn said on 24/Apr/08
i saw the 2 of them together plenty of times.newman always looked 5-8.
Chris said on 23/Apr/08
Not less than 5'9". He was 1.5 to 2 inches taller than Tom Cruise in The Color Of Money (great film), and at that time he was about 60.
Eric said on 11/Apr/08
These boards often sound like auctions lol, anyway I find 5'7 most believable, remember he was never exactly a sneaker person so you could attribute about 1 inch to 1-1/2 inches to his boots, and even then he didn't seem all that tall.
Kevint said on 23/Mar/08
I predict when Newman dies, he'll gain three inches overnight and people will be here claiming his "real height in his prime" was 6' 1".
josh brown said on 14/Mar/08
i just recently watched the color of money with paul newman and tom cruise. tom cruise is around 5'7 and a half and newman looked about the same or shorter
Wayne Y said on 7/Mar/08
I used to work the races at the Daytona Speedway and have met Paul Newman on several occasions. Mr. Newman is not over 5ft 8in and possibly 5ft 7in.
Karenmmm said on 23/Feb/08
I was standing about 10 feet from him when he was racing in Palm Beach in 1983.
I would say he is about 5 feet 7 inches.
glenn said on 19/Feb/08
thats cause paul newman is 5-10 and willis is 6ft at least.
Marcelo C. said on 18/Feb/08
Yesterday, I was watching a film on T.V., starred by Bruce Willis y P. Newman.
In a scene, in front of each other, Willis looked at least 2.5" or taller than Newman. If this is so, there are two alternatives: upgrading 5`11" listed Willis, or downgrading 5`9.5" Newman. How about this ??
Campbell Fraser. said on 11/Jan/08
Paramount Studios had a problem when making the ' great western ' Shane in was the big difference in height between 'the star' Alan Ladd 5'5" and the 'killer' Jack Palance 6'5"...Years later in a US talk show , Jack said ,they made sure we were kept well apart and also used clever camera angles to to disguise the 12 inch height difference.
Campbell Fraser. Glasgow said on 7/Jan/08
In 1954 Universal Pictures was making 'Sign of the Pagan ' starring 6'4" Jeff Chandler..They had to find someone with menace and a similar height to play Attila the Hun, for a big fight scene..They wisely chose one of my favourites..6'5" Jack Palance.. Chandler complained that Palance was too tall,but the studio ignored him and cast Jack...In later years, Chandler was to complain that his height made it difficut for him to find a dress that fitted properly !
Chris said on 7/Jan/08
Looked about 1 to 1.5 inches taller than Tom Cruise in The Color Of Money. Awesome film.
Campbell Fraser. Glasgow said on 6/Jan/08
I would agree with SCOTT, I think Mr Newman is about 5'6" or less !..a few years ago an article in the Scottish Sunday Mail newspaper ,on PM ,stated that the diminutive actor was 5'4"...and for some of his movies ,the studio chose supporting actors and actresses of a similar height...Another tiny actor ,that the biogs. quote as 5'8" is Edward Fox...He's another 5'6" shot, or less.
Scott said on 6/Nov/07
I walked by him at the Indy 500 in 1994 or so and he and Joanne Woodward looked to be the same height. My guess would be 5'6' tops.
mhaft said on 5/Nov/07
Paul Newman is now and always has been very cool. I am now and always have been very cool. I am 5"9". Therefore Paul Newman is 5'9". This should settle any further controversy. You are welcome. Call me anytime.
Perkin Walbeck said on 31/Oct/07
The Dutch are now the tallest people in Europe with very many men at least 6'
tall and many Dutch women are also tall.In the 17th century the average height of a Dutchman was around 5'6".The early English (Anglo-Saxons) were also tall, many graves have been found dating from the 7th century and many of the women were at least 5'8" tall and the men even taller.By the 19th century the English had become short of stature due to poor diet and living conditions except for the upper classes and aristocracy who were and continue to be taller
and thinner than the "great unwashed".
However one exception are the diminutive heights of the Queen of England,her late sister Margaret,her mother Elizabeth and her father, the late King George VI.
Bad food,lack of sunshine sun,genetics? It's a mystery.
The Americans have diminished in height during the 20th century according to recent findings by scientists.Whereas the U.S. soldier stood out in WW1 when they got to France by being conspicuously taller than the average British Tommy.
Paul Newman is/was 5'6" even at the height of his fame.So what, he's a very good actor and looked like a Greek God.It's all make-believe any way!
glenn said on 23/Oct/07
thanks susan!.
digimama said on 22/Oct/07
I went to a Hollywood costume exhibition, and was shocked to see the outfit from Cool Hand Luke. It was TINY, and I'm 5'4! I'd say the 5'6 is right on the money.
susan said on 20/Oct/07
just been surfing the web and came across this site, ive been reading the comments and have found the hole thing very amusing, special thanks to frank2 and glen, cheers guys!
Jack Bean said on 1/Sep/07
He is definitely not 5'10" at his peak. In Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 1958, he was half a head shorter than Burl Ives. That would probably make Paul Newman 5'9" max.
marco said on 26/Jul/07
in the color of money he looks as tall as Cruise, maybe a hair taller; i doubt he was ever taller than 5'9.
Ryan said on 24/Jul/07
I was watching Paul Newman in Harper recently and in scenes with Robert Wagner who is 5'11 paul looks about 3 inchs shorter even in a secne where Wagner has just comne from the pool and is wearing no shoes he looks a good 3 inchs taller than Newman, I bet he really only about 5'8
Anonymous said on 11/Jul/07
There have been "short" sightings for obviously average height actors like Newman and Robert Redford.
mizschwartz said on 8/Jul/07
I am 5'10" and he is at least 3 inches shorter than me -- noted standing right next to him in CT in his prime. I was disappointed, but he's still the best ever.
runt said on 5/Jun/07
I think it was "The Color of Money" when people started realizing Cruise was not the 175 that he claimed. It was the scenes with Newman.
Anonymous said on 4/Jun/07
looking at recent pics I think he's nearer 5ft 6 than 5 ft 8
if you look on i.m.d.b with clooney and willis, he looks about 4-5 inches shorter!
Brando said on 25/May/07
There was one photograph where he towered on James Dean and he could have been close to 5ft 9. So maybe he could have been a bit over the 5ft 10 mark.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/07
I always thought I had heard he was measured at 5'9. I watched Cool Hand Luke today and he looked average height to me. I would guess between 5'9 and 5'10 in his prime.
Dan said on 14/Apr/07
Paul Newman was famously measured in the 1970s when he visited London. There was great controversy about his real height on those days and the British press took several photos of him in an around London. They compared his height to measured post and marks on the streets and they took their photos from different known angles and distances. It was proven without any doubt that he was 1.68 mts with an error margin of less than 0.25 cm!!!. That would make him not taller than 5ft6.25

Editor Rob
its all well and good, you can stand beside post boxes or doorways, but 168cm, I don't know about that. If they came up with such a ludicrous figure I wouldn't trust one word of the person who wrote such nonsense
Gonzalo said on 6/Mar/07
Hi, A.K. Well, i the first one Peck is closer to the camera and the perspective also advantages him. He looks huge in that pic, around 6`5, which is taller than what he really was. In that first pic, Peck seems to have 10 inches on newman and that really doesn`t make sense to me. In my opinion Peck was 6`3 and Newman 5`9 or 5`10, and that can be the difference I see in the second pic. Newman doesn`t look too short next to tall people I remember now (Chevy Chase, Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, so he can be 5`10 as it has been said here.
A.K. said on 5/Mar/07
Gonzalo, I'm curious as to why you think the first pic is not at a good angle (?) Peck and Newman are standing right next to each other and their on the same level floor. Well, it confuses me too, so...You clicked on the first pic to make it HighQuality, correct? I'm assuming so since you could make out all those people. It's from a fabulous site for classic era Actors/Actresses HQ pics (she pays for them from Getty).
Click Here Highly recommended and you have to regis. in the actual gallery to view them in HQ. You really think the 2nd one is more realistic?
Gonzalo said on 5/Mar/07
No good angles in both pictures. The second pic is more realistic though Newman has the angle advantage. I guess 5 or 6 inches between them must be the exact difference.
A.K. the first pic is great. We can even see Cary Grant and Sofia Loren. Where did you get it?
A.K. said on 3/Mar/07
I'm trying to figure this one out. The first picture is of Gregory Peck and Newman circa 1958 (where Peck looks waaay taller.) The second pic is of Peck and Newman circa 1964 (where Peck doesn't look that much taller.) What is the more accurate difference??
Click Here
Click Here
Glenn said on 30/Jan/07
I wish I met the people Frank2 met as well.but he was causing me problems in his arrogant adamant ways.he insisted Stallone was 5-7,Colin Farrell 5-8,and shaved 2 inches,3 inches off of everyone.including me!
Jabes said on 11/Jan/07
Paul Newman walked past me on the infield of a race track in 1989 and he couldn't have been more than 5'8" plus I outweighed him by 25 pounds (and I was pretty skinny back then). He was short, but his blue eyes virtually glowed from behind his sunglasses. Sigh.
Dan said on 1/Jan/07
Paul Newman was measured from a series of photographs taken by the British press when walking in the streets of London in the 1970s. By comparison with well known marks and at different angles it was established by experts that his true height was between 5'6'' and 5'7'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Editor Rob
some experts!
chris said on 28/Dec/06
John Wayne was 6'4 and a half. Rock hudson was dead on 6'4. Lee Marvin was 6'2
Rut said on 15/Dec/06
Still quite amusing, true or not, Frank2's stories..
But, I find some tales hard to believe..
four inches heels? yeah, right!
Ohyeah, I believe, important or not, Glenn's five eight, case shot.
Frank2 said on 14/Dec/06
Yep, it's Frank2. Believe me, I don't lose sleep over how you feel about me. All I care about is knowing the truth and conveying it to people who'll listen. All you seem to care about is acting like some spoiled child. And you're either shorter than you claim or blind since I stood right next to Colin Farrell and he's no way 5'11" or even 5'10". He's no more than about 5'9". I even asked my wife if she thought he looked shorter by at least two inches and she agreed. Too bad I didn't have a camera with me. And Stallone is not anywhere near being 5'10". He wears lifts almost as big as Burt Reynolds!
leonari said on 13/Dec/06
Frank2: Come on man! We missed you. Your tales are priceless. Please stay!
Frank2 said on 13/Dec/06
Robert Shaw who I worked with on Swashbuckler wasn't 6'. He was more like 5'10" and wore lifts. He admitted to wearing them in From Russia With Love in order not to appear too short next to Sean Connery. You can spot the lifts. Shaw's official height was listed as 5'11". But when he wore regular shoes he was shorter than me by about an inch. If you watch The Sting you'll clearly see that Redford is the same height as Shaw. And Newman is the same height as Redford. Today it's possible that Redford could be taller since Newman is 81 and has most likely lost an inch.
The Horse of FUNK said on 13/Dec/06
The difference between 177cm and 178cm is really minimal though... so I don't know if I would be so brazen as to claim "he was a solid 5'10", because it's extremely easy to be deceived by such a small difference. I believe 5'9.5 is what he claimed, it's how he consistently appears, even to many witnesses, and it's most likely what he was. Rob's got it right.
Another thing, if Newman was 5'10 as well along with Redford, then Redford would never have had an inch over him, not to mention Shaw seeming like a 6' around the two.
Frank2 said on 13/Dec/06
I'm back. (That should make Glenn happy!)
Newman was a solid 5'10". I know since I worked with him, stood right next to him for several days on the film Slapshot when he did his ADR. I also saw him many times when he was on the Universal lot filming The Sting. He and Redford and McQueen were all 5'10" or about an inch shorter than me. When Newman put on cowboy boots with two inch heels, he and I were eye-to-eye the same height. And Glenn, I was at another event a few months ago where Colin Ferrall was attending. No way is he 5'11," not at least without height-enhancing footware. He was at least two inches shorter than me so I say he's about 5'9" which is what Universal's publicity lists him as being. He appeared to be wearing normal shoes. It's that of he is 5'10" and has the worst posture imaginable.
Since this will probably be my only post (I do have a life) I'll add that Jack Nicholson is about 5'8" these days. I Saw him a few weeks ago. He looks awful. Back to Newman, I'd say today he's about 5'9" on a good day. Remember, the guy is now 81 years-old. Saw Bob Wagner a few weeks ago and he's now shorter than me by about an inch. He's 76 years-old and has a big belly. Wagner used to be a strong 5'11" with a 29 inch waist. John Wayne was 6'4". Jeff Hunter who was a very close fiend of my father was about 6'. And Stallone is still just 5'7" and wears huge lifts. Oh, and Elvis, he was under 6' and wore lifts. James Garner was 6'1" in his prime and James Woods who I saw several months ago at a charity event and stood right next to is no more than 5'10". So's Garner these days. I saw George Clooney at some event and he's still around 5'11". So's Brad Pitt as well as
Leonardo DiCaprio. Bruce Willis is exactly my height. So's President Bush. That's it. I'm gone.
Anthony said on 11/Dec/06
5'9 1/2 looks about right for his peak. I'd say he's 5'9 flat today. Great actor. Looks amazing for his age, too.
Glenn said on 8/Nov/06
Just saw a day old pic of Newman and Redford at an event and Redford appeared 1.5 inches taller.
Brad said on 7/Nov/06
Saw him at the Denver Grand Prix a few months ago. Still 5' 9". Looks great!
Glenn said on 12/Sep/06
He looked 5-10 to me in the early,thats his peak.5-9 now.NEVER 5-8.
Glenn said on 7/Aug/06
Scott barked at me.I wouldve said he was taller.could be wrong.
Brad said on 6/Aug/06
George C. Scott was my next door neighbor on Meadow Ln. in Greenwich Ct. He was 6'. Going by "The Hustler" I'd say 5' 9" is the Paul height. Yes, Scott was a nasty man. His dog was even nastier.
Frank2 said on 9/Jun/06
I hardly ever saw Newman wearing what we'd call lifts. On the other hand, he did favor cowboy boots with two inch heels. He wore them in Towering Inferno.
Glenn said on 7/Jun/06
He had at least 2 inches on Tom Cruise whenever I saw them together.I took an awsome pic of the 2 with Kidman and Cruise is kind of on his tip toes! Newman comes up listed at 5-9 alot.was he a lift wearer Frank?
Frank2 said on 7/Jun/06
I agree. Newman was 5'10" back when I worked on Slap Shot. He might have lost an inch or two since today he's almost eighty.
Glenn said on 6/Jun/06
Whenever I saw him he looked 5-10 too.
Steve Miller said on 6/Jun/06
I saw him walking out of a broadway show once. I'm six feet and he looked about 2 or three inches shorter then I. Let's give him 5'10
Glenn said on 13/Apr/06
I met him too frank.
Frank2 said on 12/Apr/06
Scott was slightly over 6'. I know since I met him. In Patton he was slightly shorter in some shots than Karl Malden who was a solid 6'1".
Glenn said on 12/Apr/06
George was a big and nasty man.looked 6-1.
larry said on 12/Apr/06
Thanks Glenn. :-) How tall was George C. Scott? In THE HUSTLER Newman looked about 2" less than Mr. Scott. Saw it again on TCM recently.
Glenn said on 5/Apr/06
I have to defend you Larry.havnt seen since 1994,but in the early 90s he always looked 5-9.5 to me.
larry said on 4/Apr/06
Mario Andretti was usually described as 5'7-8" tall. Newman is certainly taller by 2-3 inches at least. Hats always make it more difficult. I think Mr. Newman needs an upgrade to at least 5'9".
Frank2 said on 3/Apr/06
Newman with 6'2" Lee Marvin:
Click HereNewman with famed race car driver Mario Andretti:
Click HereAnyone know how tall (or short) Andretti is?
Recent shot of Newman and Redford:
Click HereNewman and Woodward:
Click Here
larry said on 15/Mar/06
I never met Paul Newman, but I've seen most of his movies over decades of time. So, all I can do is to compare him with the height of other actors from his movies. Frankly, I don't believe everyone in Hollywood wears lifts! What about running in these clod-hoppers? I agree with Frank2 (whom I do NOT know, I swear!) :-) Newman looked 5'10" in his earlier films. He may have shrunk to 5'9 - 5'9.5" now (and was in a couple of race car crashes, like James Garner). Like George Clooney, he is a very PHYSICAL actor; he leans in and bobs up and down. He never stood there like a maniquen, so often looked shorter. Watch COOL HAND LUKE. He looks only about 6" less than George Kennedy, who always gets listed as 6'4.5". So, was Mr. Kennedy less than that height? I think Paul Newman needs an upgrade to 5'9".
Frank2 said on 8/Mar/06
So when I say an actor's taller I'm also full of it.
mcfan said on 8/Mar/06
I am 5'10. This guy was not even close to me. I remember consciously thinking he's only 5'8.5 and I'm sure this was right. I'm sure he was roughly 5'9, but 5'10 is too much. He wasn't that old when I saw him.
Frank2 said on 7/Mar/06
Then it's too bad nobody ever took him up on his bet. He bet anyone that could prove he wasn't at least five-ten a lot of money. If they lost, the money would go to charity. Look, I worked with him on Slapshot. He was five-ten. Maybe he slumped when you stood next to him. When I first met Glenn Ford he was standing next to me and looked no more than five-nine. Then he suddenly stood up straight and was at least my height, possibly an inch taller. Back when I was about to work on When Time Ran Out (I later changed my mind) I met Bill Holden. At first he looked five-eight and then he stood up straight and was at least five-ten. I think he shrunk a bit since in films he appeaerd in with Glenn Ford he looked to be an inch shorter.
mcfan said on 2/Mar/06
This is the only actor I've ever met. He stood right next to me and I know this guy was no more than 5'8.5 even then. He wasn't old just barely 50 so he probably shrunk a half-inch at the most. I would say he was never over 5'9.
Frank2 said on 2/Mar/06
Nope. He was close to five ten when he was young. In Cat he looks to be a couple of inches shorter than six foot Burl Ives, but then Newman slumps a lot on his crutch in that film. But there's a couple of scenes where he stands up straight next to Ives. Check it out. By the way. Liz Taylor was shorter than five four. Closer to five three. Over the years her terrible back condition has made her lose a few inches.
Nikki said on 26/Feb/06
He looked much taller in Cat in A Hot Tin Roof with Elizabeth Taylor (5'4") I think he is 5'11"
Frank2 said on 26/Feb/06
I worked with Newman on the film "Slapshot" and he was just under 5' 10". I'm just under 5' 11" and he was about an inch or so shorter and that's not when he was wearing his lifts which he did in that film. He once challanged anyone who felt he was shorter than 5' 10" to a bet with the winnings going to charity. So far nobody has taken him up on it. I noticed that Robert Redford is listed here as being shorter than he really is. He's another one I've met and he's a solid 5' 10", possibly even 5' 11".
Mr. R said on 21/Feb/06
Matt, I have not seen Color of Money in years, but the scenes that I remember, Cruise was always taller, but had on massive heels. I'll check again.
Matt said on 17/Feb/06
First of all, height has always been a big factor in the limelight. James Dean almost didn't get his first roles because at 5'8'' his directors thought he was too short to be a lead. Also, Mr. R, If you watch The Color of Money again you will notice that Newman is taller than Cruise by at least two inches throughout the entire movie.
CelebHeights Editor said on 16/Feb/06
In 1982 Time, he was described as "5ft 10 and 145lbs"
RobertTheBruce said on 4/Dec/05
Old actors were short? Are you guys crazy or something? In fact from the 40's I'd say quite the opp. It seems as though male leads have shrunk. Think about 6"4/5 Rock Hudson, 6"1 Robert Mitchum, 6"3 Jimmy Stewart, 6"1 Gregory Peck, 6"1 Cary Grant, 6"4 Vincent Price, and (when he started out in the fifties) 6"5 Christopher Lee. And they weren't even action heroes - just serious actors.
Compare them to the megaliths of today - 5"9 J.Depp, 5"10.5 O.Bloom, 5"11 B.Willis, 5"8 M.Gibson, 5"8 Sean Penn etc....
So let's not get ahead of ourselves - it's the action stars who have gone up - not the serious actors.
Anonymous said on 18/Oct/05
Paul Newman has always been sensitive about his height. Officially, he's 5ft 9. To you and me that would mean 5ft 8 or less but as Paul Newman is a God he can be any height he wants to be. Bit like the guy who asked the former world heavweight boxing champion, Lennox Lewis, for an autograph. Lennox obliges but says:
"Who do I sign it to?"
The autograph hunter replies:
"Anyone you want to, Lennox. I'm not in a position to argue."
Different laws apply to superstars and there is no bigger superstar in film today than Paul Newman.
Mr. R said on 21/Sep/05
John B, Tom Cruise wore HUGE shoes with HUGE heels in The Color of Money. He is always taller than Newman in the film, but I don't think this is true to reality.
John B said on 20/Sep/05
Some time back Newman did an interview in the U.K and said he was 5'6'', I was shocked thought the guy was close to 6 foot, then I watched the colour of money which he starred with Tom Cruse it's very clear Cruse was a tad taller at times or was the same height. If I'm right Tom is no taller then 5'7?
anonymous said on 28/Aug/05
I've read in a few places that the average height is still close to 5'9 . I'd say 5'9 still isn't a bad height for a celebrity.
CelebHeights Editor said on 19/Aug/05
"He's much taller than you think he's going to be" - Tom Hanks
DP said on 18/Aug/05
If there's any actor where height isn't a factor to women, it would be Paul Newman. Even though he has a little slower reflexes being over 80 years old, I can't say any woman would've kick him out of bed just because he's 5'-8". No question they still drool over him especially during his Sting, Cool Hand Luke and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid era.
McFan said on 9/Jul/05
He's an inch taller than Tom Cruise.
animalito said on 20/Jun/05
Been sjhoulder to shoulder with Newman in Westport's (Connecticut) cafe hangout, OSCAR'S, and he looked no taller than 5.7 (I'm 5.10). Maybe with age he's shrunk a bit. A very compact, package. Plenty dignified, though, as befits one of Hollywood's more serious actors and human beings.