dural said on 18/Feb/08
anonymous. yeah that's really stupid claiming your morning height. your daily averange height is maybe 0.25 to 0.5in below morning height. a difference you can't even see. by the way im not glenn.
Anonymous said on 18/Feb/08
rob i think it's unfair to this site that glenn rounds up his height then gets next to guys like trent reznor or tom cruise and claims they can be 5'8?! when people i know who have seen these guys would laugh at those claims outright. to the people who read the heights here and base their opinions on the factuality of this site and real information here its a disservice. to people 5'7 and under it's a disservice, how many times had glenn said 5'8 is the cutoff to being short and for glenn to say that and claim his morning height just to make the bare minimum cutoff to that he considers short screams of heightism to me, now you could have every one of the readers side with glenn, in fact i can;t believe how many are now changing their tune to it;s ok to claim morning height, but that's not fair rob, to the site, to the people like me who read it and to people in the future who will come here. you could delete all my posts from now on if you want and treat me like a ghost, but i really do like this site a lot, learned a lot from it, would be a shame to let something like this tarnish it. but i respect you rob, and your wishes, just concerned about the accuracy and overall wellbeing of a site i enjoy visiting. i'd hte for you to ban me over seeking the truth.
glenn said on 18/Feb/08
he is just another thinks he knows it all.thanks for the support guys.
Anonymous said on 18/Feb/08
dural thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard, that so stupid that i bet glenn changed his name to dural and wrote that. everyone and i mean everyone here agrees that claiming your moning hight is fundamentally bs, no one sees you at that height no one keeps that height for very long. so glenn if you wanna live in some fantasy world where you're avg height because you claim your morning height and throw off an entire sites credibility for your own sake then fine. but really what are you trying to accomplish here anyway i ask you, you say 5'8 and some magic wand is waved and your of avg stature? most ppl will think your 5'7 anyway, and it ill make the 5'8 man whos legit look stupid and people will tihnk of 5'8 not so highly. according to the nossa website men 5'7 and under fall into the short category, so that means you do medically fall into those criteria.

Editor Rob
buddy, you're close to Glenn probably wanting to not hear another word from you.
Anonymous said on 18/Feb/08
Most people in the world claim their morning height so there is nothing wrong with Glenn claiming 5-8. I am 5'7 3/4 in the morning and that is the height I claim.
glenn said on 17/Feb/08
and oscar doesnt shrink after being up all day night? im at night.he was up longer and its 3am here.people need to stop thinking all short or shorter men have issues.cause i dont.and im not short genius.on the shorter end of average.
Brah said on 17/Feb/08
I can buy 5'9.5" for Oscar if Mayweather is 5'7.5".
Oscar has a very big forehead which gives him extra height (so you can't go by where their eyes meet). This can create a shorter illusion.
Click Here
dural said on 17/Feb/08
i think it's not a lie to tell your morning height. glenn also said he gets up in the afternoon. i'm 179cm after bed and 177cm late at night so i claim 178cm. but would i lie if i say i'm 179cm. i don't think so.
Anonymous said on 17/Feb/08
glenn seriously get over it you admitted ho many times you're 5'8 waking height, its not fair that you get to clim you morning height when the rest of the world don't. please don't make me refer to previous posts you've written on this site regarding your own height. give up the charade already you're in 5'7 territory, it does make you officially short for a full grown man but it doesnt make you less of a man, its people in denial about their shortness like yourself who make the world the way it is as heightism rears its head. don't delete my post rob, i tihnk glenn really needs to see this as do countless other short men living in denial about their height, it's a serious issue and glenn i hope you get help with coming to terms with it, check out the nossa blog as a reference.
glenn said on 17/Feb/08
im 5-8.you cant read?
Anonymous said on 15/Feb/08
i dont buy the 5'10 claim there he looks an inch and a half taller than glenn who is like 5'7ish wout shoes so i give e la hoya 5'9
vaj said on 12/Feb/08
Floyd is not 5'8" more 5'7".
Viper said on 6/Feb/08
Oscar looks 1.5-2 inches taller then Floyd.
leonari said on 6/Feb/08
Floyd is max 5'8"
CoolJ said on 5/Feb/08
For Floyd's pro debut, he was listed at 5'7.5"
zedrick said on 2/Feb/08
I would say more along the lines of 5' 9.5", but I don't see anything wrong with rounding up a little bit.
glenn said on 2/Feb/08
great guy.always was.
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/08
De La Hoya with Felix Sturm
Click Herefelix sturm is 5'11'', so oscar is probably 5'9".
By the way, Mayweather is only 5'7''!!
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/08
Oscar is a great boxer and a real star. He's always polite and looks happy to pose with Glenn unlike many stars who would be scowling or trying to run off. Average height guy about 5'10'' I'd say.
glenn said on 2/Feb/08
well when your back,let me know aaaa.
anonymous said on 1/Feb/08
he looks over 5`10 if mayweather is 5`8. De la Hoya looks about 2.5 inches taller. It certain scratches off the 5`8.5 mayweather is occasionally listed at.
glenn said on 1/Feb/08
its what i do.its planned and its not always planned.same way with other celebs.not to sound boring or snotty.if you were here in nyc id take you.
AAAA said on 31/Jan/08
Glenn....how are you getting to meet all these boxers?!! Seriously, this would be one of my dreams to meet De la Hoya and Mosely
Atoadaso said on 31/Jan/08
At least 5'10". I agree with his official 5'10.5" listing.
Frank said on 31/Jan/08
I see about a 2 1/2 inch difference there between De La Hoya and Mayweather ??
Lmeister said on 31/Jan/08
Oscar De La Hoya with Mayweather whos height varies in official listings from 5ft8 - 5ft8.75. At least I see 2 inch difference.
Click Here
glenn said on 30/Jan/08
thanks frank.never really noticed.the original pic i could swear doesnt have that illusion as much.i do remember it was brutally cold and windy.3am.so maybe the wind messed my hair.you can see it flying.
Frank said on 30/Jan/08
Come on Scaffler what kind of question is that to ask Glenn about his hair ??
I met him and he has a full head of hair and even if he didnt that happens to guys especially in there 30's
Lmeister said on 30/Jan/08
Actually I'd give him "official" fight height which is 5ft10.5.
scaffler said on 30/Jan/08
is he slouching there in that pic? he looks 5-10! and glenn, ur hair is receding or is it the angle of the camera?
rambo said on 30/Jan/08
glenn....is this a full time occupation?....what an interesting and exciting caeer choice
miko said on 30/Jan/08
Always thought he was a strong 5"10 myself. 178cm seems fair.
glenn said on 30/Jan/08
i guess certain asses would say then i must be 5-7.sorry kiddies.he was 5-10.did look 5-9ish first glance.to the untrained eye,it can decieve.and this is a photo with.a real photo.not that garbage someone else posted.group photo with.30 people to the side and your standing 3 feet away from him.if not 4.can you say garbage.this situation was sweet.no 100 people in a crowd.all alone.all to myself.on a sneak.in fact,i must boast further,not a single autograph dealer or photographer knew he was in town.thats how i work....on the sneak tip.