khaled taban 5ft9 said on 24/Sep/23
Only Arabs know that Omar Sharif wasn't ethnically an Egyptian, and his dad was a Lebanese carpenter
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 9/Apr/23
I reckon near 5ft 11 is possible. 5ft 10.75 for sure could be close, looked an inche below Ryan O'Neal in GREEN ICE.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 3/Sep/22
Definitely looked all of 179cm in Top Secret.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 28/Aug/22
Is 5ft 10.75 possible, Rob?

Editor Rob
I think anywhere within 5ft 10-11 zone could be argued at some point for him.
houss said on 8/Aug/22
@rob , based on what you claim omar sharif was 5'11 , the man was no more than 5,10 at his peak if he's lucky, i'm arab and a big big fan of Egyptian cinema, believe me he was never over 5'10 in his shoes
Sinclair said on 3/Jun/22
Looking at Sharif again, I guess he was more 5’11” than 5’10” but I have seen many bigger 5’11” actors (e.g., Oliver Reed, Robert Wagner, Dominic Chianese). 5’10.5” is completely acceptable for Sharif. A weak 5’11” he was.
Sinclair said on 10/May/22
I really couldn’t argue with 5’10.5” for Sharif, he had a very good inch on 5’9.5” Belmondo in The Burglars, as I posted below.
Raedali said on 6/May/22
Rob 180 cm no way impossible this height
I think 175 cm is good no more
Sinclair said on 20/Mar/22
Rob, any chance of a downgrade from 5’11” for Sharif?
Click Here
As seen at 1:14:10, Sharif only had about one inch on Jean Paul Belmondo (who was even described as 5’9” in an article) in The Burglars. Sharif was certainly a tricky one to figure, a bit like Ian Hendry, sometimes looking near 5’11”, other times looking just a solid 5’10”. 5’10.25” would be my ultimate guess for Sharif and even that feels a trifle generous. It is not uncommon for 5’10” actors to claim 5’11” (e.g. Daniel Craig).

Editor Rob
I think on balance it is fairer to say a bit shy of 5ft 11
Tanguy Collineau said on 26/Nov/21
No, no , no 180 cm! No way!
Barely same height as Jean paul belmondo whose quote is nearly 175.
Just watch the french movie : "le casse". Both with heel shoes...same height.
Click Here
agca hadvatydc said on 19/Sep/21
my guess...5'8" tops, and that was in his prime. he is barely taller than Julie Christie in Dr Zhivago, and she is 5'2". He did indeed look about the same height as O'Toole and Quinn in LOA, who are both above 6', but then he would have to tower above Julie Christie in Dr Zhivago - ergo, he was wearing lifts/boots in LOA. Just my $0.10
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Sep/21
Rob, did you upgrade this guy?
Could’ve sworn he was 5ft10 before. But 5ft11 is arguable if O’Toole was 6ft2

Editor Rob
Not looked at this page for a good while, but I think nearer 11 than 10 did make more sense.
Ian C. said on 4/Sep/21
I would have thought Sharif would have been taller. In Lawrence of Arabia, he has scenes with Peter O'Toole and Anthony Quinn, both tall men, and he always seemed to me to be about their size. You do notice that in Lawrence Sharif always stands and walks with perfectly erect posture. This would have made sense on a dramatic level, as he was playing a Bedouin prince.
JohnMoore-162cm said on 31/Aug/20
Omar Sharif was 179 cm in his prime , everybody knows that.
Mon said on 20/Sep/19
Watch Juggernaut and marvel that there was only an inch between Omar Sharif and Richard Harris.
Ian C said on 18/Jan/19
Well. And actor who claimed five foot eleven who really was five foot eleven. Five foot eleven is a common claim of actors who are five foot nine, want to be taller, but can't quite get up the nerve to claim six feet. These guys often say that they are "only" five foot eleven, in hopes that the apparent modesty will detract from the dishonesty of the claim. (Examples: Kirk Douglas and Johnny Depp.) An actor who really is five foot eleven will claim at least six feet. (Example: Oliver Reed.)
And, Of course, an actress who is six feet or more will claim five foot eleven.
You-11 said on 4/Nov/16
You are mistaken Rob Omar Sharif length does not exceed 1.73 centimes plenty 1.74 centimes
Wow said on 29/May/16
His build in his Arab films before he went global, especially next to other actors, you can see he was not less than 176, no taller than 179 though...
You-11 said on 14/Dec/15
Omar Sharif is the real length of 1.73 cm
Larry said on 19/Sep/15
Always heard Sharif was 5'10". He probably wore lifts in some films like "MacKenna's Gold".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jul/15
I'd say he looked around this mark with O'Toole. I can't believe they're both gone now. They changed the landscape of film acting.
RIP Omar Sharif...mesmerising actor
Britanias Gypsy said on 10/Jul/15
Arch Stanton said on 3/Feb/15
Rob can you add a photo and films like Doctor Zhivago, Lawrence of Arabia, Funny Girl,
Mackenna's Gold, Siraa Fil-Wadi, Monsieur Ibrahim, Genghis Khan, The Horsemen
and The Tamari Seed?
Steve said on 24/Jan/15
Rod Steiger was no more than 5'9". He was about an inch taller than 5'8" Humphrey Bogart in The Harder They Fall.
I believe Shariff was 5'10" peak.
Hypado said on 18/Oct/14
Omar Sharif looks 179/180cm next to Rutger Hauer in Beyond Justice.
Realist said on 10/May/14
Rob 5'10 peak. Look at him with Peter O Toole. 5'9 today. An average man loses about 1.25 inches approx in a lifetime.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Aug/13
Mmm actually Rob see 20:47
Click Here He barely looks taller than Steiger who I'm not sure was a full 5'10". What do you think?
Arch Stanton said on 14/Aug/13
Maybe he was, he had about 1.5 inches on Steiger who I'd guess at 5'9.5".
Arch Stanton said on 14/Aug/13
Really can't see 5'11" in Dr. Zhivago. He looks 5'10" tops to me. There is a scene where he runs through a train station and he's barely taller than some of the women.
Danny said on 14/Jan/09
He was 5`11 peak.
ATmaCA said on 19/Aug/08
he is 177 cm
Daman said on 2/Jun/08
Like I said almost a year ago: "He is in the 5'10"-5'9" range, after all he is 75 years old now."
Daman said on 21/Jun/07
Omar was 5'11" in his prime, but he was never taller than that. Now I suppose he is in the 5'10"-5'9" range, after all, he is 75 years old now.
The Horse of FUNK said on 3/Feb/07
5'11, even in his Dr. Zhivago days? Come on Rob, I just watched Dr. Zhivago the other night with my girl and he's no more than 5'10, maybe a strong 178cm. It's what he claims as well.
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
I doubt he is even five ten these days but he is one of the few actors I would definately NOT have a fight with!!
Frank2 said on 10/Apr/06
I met Omar and he was about an inch shorter than me or 5'10" and that was many years ago so I doubt he was any taller when he did Lawrence or later in Dr Zhivago and Funny Girl.
Editor Rob said on 9/Apr/06
I see that on his agency CV he is actually listed 5ft 11.