Cjcjcj said on 12/Nov/21
@Guesser More realistically 5 ft 9 5 ft 10
Cjcjcj said on 12/Nov/21
@ Arch Stanton You see height of Greek Roman wrestler,, weight strength and muscular mass more important
Cjcjcj said on 6/Sep/21
@archsantonbweight is more important than height and there are sport where weight muscular mass and maximum strength are more important than height as Greek wrestling
Cjcjcj said on 13/May/21
Very solid 5 ft 8.5, not short as Lenny Kravitz
Josh Jeffords said on 18/May/20
Lol 5 7 guesses are very jealous I figure the average towards 5 9.
Hes a decent actor for being a model or whatever he came from.
And yes very good looking I'm secure enough to say that.
Most of cast of swat was overlisted and they were also booted and he didnt look that short.
Psycholacan said on 26/May/19
Hey rob,
Do you think he is average for france?

Editor Rob
I'd expect he walks about towns and blends into the average range at about 174 range.
Guesser said on 5/Oct/17
DrJJ said on 16/Mar/11
The French are on average shorter than other western Europeans.
Wrong. The average man in France is 5'10 just like most European countries.
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jan/17
That was meant to read 'knew!'. Sorry 'bout that! A momentary lapse of concentration!
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jan/17
I never new he was in 'Taking Lives'! I'll have to at long last give it a watch!
I've seen him standing with his ex Kylie Minogue and his height looked quite impressive, but then it would do! (ha ha ha hic burp!)
He is dashingly handsome though, whatever his height! 🐸
Ron said on 19/Dec/16
Hey Rob, What do you think his weight was around in the movie unfaithful?

Editor Rob
at most 150 pounds.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Oct/16
You can see what I mean though about him seeming shorter at times, check out his heels and look in the second photo
Click Here !!

Editor Rob
at times he can look close to 5ft 8, other times I think he does pull off 174ish.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Oct/16
Photo Rob and some more titles? Yes actually in looking at that shot Orlando posted this might be spot on. I had thought his shoes have him more height as he can look barely 5 ft 8 and be wearing them!
dmeyer said on 1/Mar/16
He looks 5 ft 9 on revenge , but in Person 5'8 so 5 foot 8.5 is right looked about 5 ft 9 in Person but had 1in shoe advantage
Orlando said on 9/Jan/16
Photo of Martinez with reputed 5' 5.25" (1.66 m) Halle Berry both in flats:
Click Here
Original said on 17/Jul/13
5'8.5 solid.
Arch Stanton said on 28/Nov/12
Well, whatever he is, 5'8" or not, he gave 6'2"-6'3" Gabriel Aubry a major beating. but he's an ex boxer.
Dr JJ said on 16/Sep/12
More pics in the Daily Mail online today. This guy is yet another actor who is around 5' 6". Hasn't stopped him getting Ms Berry though!
Shaun said on 16/Sep/12
Click Here
Halle is in flats and he's in heeled shoes which I think probably give a little over an inch. The difference between him and Halle accounting for footwear looks similar to Rob and one of the 5'5" and change girls on the height challenge. Rob do you think he is looking 5'8.5" here even accounting for his footwear advantage? I see roughly 5'8", pretty sure he's not 5'9" or above.
5"7 in bare feet said on 10/Aug/12
Being fairly short myself, I've always been a little
Obsessed With Height. Nearly everyone I know, exaggerates their height by an inch or two. Its very difficult to judge height in photos or on film or video. Angles and the way people are built can make them look taller or shorter than they actually are. Some times from a few feet away, a person can look the same height as you but when you stand back to back on a flat surface they may be several inches taller or shorter than you.
SK said on 29/Jul/12
I've seen him listed at both 5'7" and 5'10," which is a big discrepancy. He's always looked fairly short in his movies, especially "The Horseman on the Roof," so I think 5'7"-5'8" is more accurate. I recently saw him with Halle Berry, and he didn't look 5'10."
hey guys said on 12/Jan/12
Click Here Check that out, here he is will Halle Berry, listed at 5'5.5 Check that out, here he is will Halle Berry, listed at 5'5.5. those boots she is wearing are flat as a board, my Fiancee has a similar pair. Look at his shoes. clearly a little bit of a lift on them. He appears to be about 2inchs taller then her here. No way he is 5ft 8.5. Definitively shorter.
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 12/Jan/12
5" 8 (173 cm)
Drake J said on 5/Jan/12
172cm is right..
Anyway, he is one of the most handsome actors I have ever seen.
Shaun said on 1/Oct/11
Click Here
Olivier Martinez looks the same height and frame as Tom Cruise. Rob he's wearing flat plimsolls here and looks visibly shorter. Please just look at his frame. It screams 5'7" weak 5'8". I'd list him at 5'7.5".
Phil said on 26/Sep/11
Shaun. Rob will not reply lol, but I agree with you. He is 5 foot 7 flat or
5 foot 7 and a half.

Editor Rob
I'm not as sure he looks that range, unless he constantly wears lifts.
Shaun said on 12/Sep/11
I'd go with 5'7.5"
Shaun said on 12/Sep/11
Near 5'9" is a joke for this guy.
Click Here For once he is in flats. Definitely not over 2 inches taller than 5'5" Halle Berry. He's 5'7"-5'7.5" range. Everything about him screams 5'7". Don't you think Rob? You look at them in similar flats and try telling me he looks near 5'9!!!
Shaun said on 17/Jun/11
5'8" flat is nearer the mark. At times he can even look 5'7". Yep this guy looks quite sallow looking nowadays.
dmeyer said on 27/May/11
he was much smaller than me and olivier had 2 in heels while i had 1 in heels so defenetly no taller than 5 ft 8.5
Michael said on 18/May/11
Wow, he looks old and short in the picture with Halle Berry. I would say around 5' 7.5" in that picture. In his prime he was young and handsome and stood at approximately 5'8.5". Looks like age has caught up with this poor guy.
DrJJ said on 16/Mar/11
He is French. Sarkozy is French. They are both short. The French are on average shorter than other western Europeans. Therefore, statistically speaking, he is likely to be shorter than the average Brit for instance. He is listed here as taller. I don't see it. I've just said exactly the same as my deleted post. I don't see what is wrong with what I'm saying.
SAK said on 20/Feb/11
This guy gets listed as 5ft11 what a joke. No higher then 5ft8.
Maaz said on 19/Feb/11
He definitly appears taller than that in Unfaithful
Shaun said on 1/Feb/11
Look at the size of his heels!!!
Shaun said on 1/Feb/11
Rob this needs addressing. Do you honestly think he looks 3 inches taller than Halle Berry?
Shaun said on 1/Feb/11
Yeha I agree.
Click Here
Looks at the heels on his shoes!! And barely taller than Halle Berry!!! Halle Berry is not short but not exactly tall either about 5'5-5'6" I think. Aubry looks 5'7" tops. He looks seriously jaded these days too.
Serenaback! said on 18/Nov/10
Well well, what do we have here?? How about some lifts!!? SCroll down to the 3rd and 4th pics in this article where he is wearing giant lifts. And even then, he is still barely taller than halle
Click Here
Doug said on 9/Jun/09
Isn't he listed at 5'10"? Always looked 5'9" ish to me.
lea said on 18/May/09
he's tiny...5'7 max, just saw him this weekend in Paris and he is tiny.
Mags said on 16/Jan/09
Have met him.He is 5'7 tops, in flat shoes.
rebenga said on 28/Jul/08
martinez is 5'6 thats a fact..stop with the 5'8 for all small actors..it is getting sickening..these are just few 5'6 celebs that grew a hole deal here on celebheight..stephen dorf, ryan seacrest, gael garcia bernal, wilmer valderrama all of these being in the 5'8 range is nonesense
Leon said on 7/Apr/08
He looks 5'9" to me. And annoyingly good looking.
glenn said on 24/Jan/08
marcelo-rob does most the heights.unless i submit a pic on someone he doesnt know.
Marcelo C. said on 23/Jan/08
Glenn: Has this guy been upgraded?? I think I
dmeyer said on 12/Dec/07
5'7 seems a lithel short for him since he is nticably taller than jolie ,he looked about 5'9 in monster cuban heels so 5'8 seemes fine
dmeyer said on 26/Jul/07
he was easy 2 in shorter than me and he had huge heels like 2.25 in so 174 absolute max
dmeyer said on 10/Feb/07
from wath i saw he could be 172 173 range 174 isnt impossible but 5'8 seems more realistic
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/07
he´s 170 tops, look every european sites about him, rob change it, what´s happening rob? why don´t you change it? i don´t get it, he´s is at least 10 cms smaller than gere in unfaithfull, gere looks 178, martinez is 168-170 tops, i give up rob
dmeyer said on 1/Feb/07
5'8 is possible since he didnt look 5'10 even with the huge heels
leonari said on 1/Feb/07
No taller than 5'8" and even that is too high...I go with 5'7.5"...
dmeyer said on 31/Jan/07
thanks rob 174 is closer to the mark but he could even be 173 flat but sice i had a bit floor advantage but he barely looked 5'9 even with the cuban heels so 174 but no more possibly less he did look small in swat i had 1 in sneakers so about 6'0" in shoes and he looked 2 inches shorter in 2.2 in heels 174 is possible thanks rob
dmeyer said on 31/Jan/07
looked smaller than to cruise in lifts to me he is defenetly under 5'9 if he was 5'9 plus 2.2 in heels he would have been looking 5'10 easy so 5'8 or so because if he is 5'9 then i am 6 feet
dmeyer said on 31/Jan/07
he came to my store today he had huge heels like 2.25 in 5.5 to 6 cm boots and he looked 5'9 so 5'8.25 max barefeet he is more 5'8 than 5'9

Editor Rob
same cuban heels as Kravitz wears?
claire said on 9/Jun/06
I think he could be between 5'7" and 5'9" max. Can someone tell me when his new movie is coming out this year?
leonari said on 7/Jun/06
Really Rob: can you be so kind and explain to me why you keep this guy at 5'9"?
horacle said on 6/Jun/06
this guy is 172cm at max
brazilian guy said on 13/Feb/06
rob 175 is a joke
every european sites list him 170
change it comom

Editor Rob
I've been trying to figure if he wears
Elevator type shoes...he certainly comes across in 5ft 9 range, but...
leonari said on 6/Feb/06
you should downgrade him a bit Rob...I say the guy is a bit over 5'7" but no way 5'9"...
Lmeister said on 4/Dec/05
U have downgraded Maggie Gyllenhaal so maybe U could check out the pics of Maggie and Olivier together he is clearly shorter + she is a bad sloucher of course Maggie is wearing high heels, but Olivier is wearing boots...hmm 5'7'' would be more accurate...
Mr. R said on 28/Apr/05
Our little Frenchman with the Spanish surname was listed at 5-7 when he first hit big, was it Unfaithful? By the time we got to SWAT, he was 5-9 and higher. Incredible growth spurt don't you think? My guess is that the first listing was accurate of 5-7, but he had to appeal to a larger crowd so he "grew". One way to tell, is for someone to find his older records, because he was a boxer before he was an actor. I'm sure his old boxing records will carry his correct and original height.
Lmeister said on 27/Apr/05
I think Anymous was right, cause Colin ain't 5'10'' either = )but as I reckoll he was wearing suspicious boots and the angles + posture favoured him. So could it be that might Colin is only 5'9''...
Anonymous said on 31/Jan/05
I met him outside of the chateau marmont in west hollywood on july 31st 2003.. He's definitely 5 foot 7 inches, but has a very small frame. When he had his own official site, his height was listed as 5'7"....