Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 27/Jul/22
His height is great for action roles, just needs some bulk
viper said on 6/Apr/20
He's 6-0
If Anthony Edwards is 6-2 why would he say he was 6-1? Even If it's on a show
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Apr/20
No, I think he can look 185cm when he stands tall with Edwards and LaSalle. In some scenes looked almost eye to eye with them
That and an easy 2-3in on Clooney
Vexacus said on 24/Mar/20
The cop guy from Enough , he looked 6ft at least in front of 6'3.5 Billy Campbell . Accurate.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 10/Jul/19
Amazing some PR photo could shorten several inches how the celebrities look in movies and person. Noah look between 179-179.5cm in that and i remember there is a 6'3 actor look 5'10 with a bad camera angle on pr photo and recently i saw 5'11 1/4 Michael Vartan one look like a 5'8-5'9 guy. Noah i would put him under 6'0 1/2 looking at him next to 6'2 Anthony Edwards.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Mar/19
Can look 185cm. I think Edwards could be a strong 188cm
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Oct/18
100 pounds joke plus a 45 for peak weight. About 160 now.
Arunam said on 21/Sep/18
Hard to pin down some times he looks like 5ft11 next to Anthony Edwards sometimes he looks 6ft1. I would go with 6ft1 max in the morning probably 6ft evening.
Nik said on 13/Sep/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Yes, he is surely taking the Mick because he must weigh far more than 100 pounds. I don't know how much he does actually weigh but I do think he is 6'0.75"!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Sep/18
@ Nik - I think he's taking the Mick, just insinuating that he's skinny, or skinnier than he'd like to be!
Noah gets 6ft0.75.
Nik said on 8/Sep/18
Surely he is more than 100 pounds.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/May/18
Weak 185cm makes sense, a bit shorter than Edwards and LaSalle (both 188cm legit)
berta said on 4/May/18
the possible height range for him is around 183,7-185,5. i think 184,5is about rgiht for him
Smiles03 said on 31/Mar/18
Yep because my dad is 5'11 in a half almost 6'0 and my grandfather is almost 6'0
Felipe said on 31/Mar/18
I think he's 6ft 1/4.
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Junior said on 25/Oct/17
I believe Mr R did not focusing the shoes on Noah Wyle feet wear. Mr R could have advantage shoes and Noah had flat sneakers but if he say that he size him up pretty well then he is 5'11 maybe 5'11.5" with footwear issues but that would probably bring down all ER actors height by 3cm.
Rent said on 12/Aug/17
Guest in Friends with George Clooney, clearly taller than him, this listing seems fair. In Donnie Darko, he's clearly taller too than
Jake Gyllenhaal.
S.J.H said on 19/Jun/17
I still can't agree with Mr R on Noah Wyle. If he is only 5'11 then all his co star of E.R would need massive downgrade and Anthony Edwards would be like 6'0.5 , i think Wyle was at least 6'0.75 with a certain 3cm footwear or he is about 182cm
S.J.H said on 8/Jun/17
@Mr. R said on 9/Dec/16
Are you sure? I thought he was at least a weak 182cm guy like 5'11.5?
Mr. R said on 9/Dec/16
I saw Noah twice in Hollywood and he was 5-11 at the tallest part of the day. We chatted for a minute so I sized him up pretty well.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Nov/16
I thought he was 6ft max at one point but looking at old ER episodes he looks about 2in on Clooney (who may have been 5ft11) and in some scenes barely shorter than 6ft2ers Eriq LaSalle and Anthony Edwards. When he stands tall he does look close to 6ft1. May brush that mark if measured. Not nder this listing anyway.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Sep/16
Rob, which of these would you argue for Noah?
A) 187.5cm/185.5cm
B) 187cm/185cm
C) 186.5cm/184.5cm
D) 186cm/184cm
E) 185.5cm/183.5cm

Editor Rob
based on the falling skies guests I've met, I'd say it is less likely A and more towards B-C range...but then a guy like Dmeyer met him and thought he was at least an inch taller, so I would be surprised if under C by much..
Dmeyer said on 24/Sep/16
Defentlty near 185cm as i thaught hé was over 1in taller than me like 1-1,5in
S.J.H said on 24/Sep/16
He look legit 182cm above
Dmeyer said on 6/Jan/16
rethinking of it and knowing my height of about 181.5cm 6ft 0.5-0.75in make sens close to 6'1 like about 3cm taller than myself but aleast 1in taller so aleast 6'0.5in a hair shorter than a guy like eric dane costner or isiah washington who are stronger 185cm
Sarah said on 4/Jun/15
Pretty close to 6'1". Looks relatively tall on Falling Skies.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/15
Right between Anthony Edwards and Clooney.
184cm min
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Dec/14
Actually 184-185cm is closer after seeing more photos of him with Clooney.
mike said on 31/Oct/14
Rob Photo is not showing up...

Editor Rob
yeah I'd forgotten to upload that thanks.
alex said on 30/Oct/14
He is slightly shorter t'han 6'2 Edwards and la dalle,i think 184 cm is accurate.
Bard said on 26/Nov/13
Strong 6' seems about right.
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MaxB said on 7/Oct/13
Barely taller than 6' Steve Jobs.
Click Here
Dmeyer said on 21/Mar/13
I met the Guy he is over 6 ft but not over 6 ft 1
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jul/12
Rob, maybe 6ft on the dot?
Either that or Anthony Edwards is closer to 6ft3
Alex said on 20/Aug/11
basing on e.r. 184-185 sounds right
Dmeyer said on 28/Jun/11
Aleast 184cm in person
Dmeyer said on 28/Jun/11
I met thé Guy hé had low cut shoes anything under 6 ft 0.25 is a joke mr r is wears he see 184 cm pine at 6'2 and near 6 '1 noah at 5 ft 10 183.5 184.5 fits him near 185
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Feb/11
Looked barely taller than George Clooney in some episodes of ER
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Dec/10
183-184cm is closer. 185cm when he wakes
Mr. R said on 29/Nov/10
Noah is really between 5-10 and 5-11 as I said when I saw him. The pic above with 174 guy proves my point.
RampageClover said on 28/Nov/10
I'm thinking 184cm max
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Oct/10
183cm at best.
aaa said on 28/Jun/09
I think he is taller - 185cm.
Anonymous said on 29/May/09
Jim16, I disagree. Wylie's head is tilted and look at their shoulder heights I wouldn't give him 10 cm more, but I'd give him 7 if he wasn't leaning into 174 guy. we also cant see footwear in this pic which is too bad cause even with typical shoes it could be up to 3 cm either way.
Mr. R said on 3/Apr/09
He is listed at 6-1 in May 2001 issue of People.
Jim_16 said on 23/Mar/09
wait ...what ? the person in the picture is 174 and the other guy is bigger by 10 whole cm ?....no...way. That difference is 3-5 cm max....
Lenad said on 9/Jan/09
He sure as hell dosent look 6'1 in that photo
dmeyer said on 24/Sep/08
5 ft 10 is absurd i am 5 ft 11 before bed and he was 1.5 in taller
dmeyer said on 22/Sep/08
weak 6 ft 1 in person
Lenad said on 22/Sep/08
Mr R said Steven Weber was 5'9 at best and way shorter than expected. Then he said Weber was about 5'10 and way shorter than expected and then said he looked 5'11-6'0 on screen and photos. Seriously Mr R your crazy with this site sometimes.
Mr. R said on 12/Aug/08
This is another one that I would fight for. Noah is between 5-10 and 5-11. He looks taller on screen and there may be a little lift action.
dmeyer said on 7/Jan/08
was over 1 in taller than me so 184 cm
dmeyer said on 29/Aug/07
184 strong like 6'0.5
dmeyer said on 1/May/07
i thaught i was 5'11.75 like strong 182 when i met him so he seemed an easy 6'1 or 6'1.25 but we are talking morning height he seemed 1 to 1.5 in taller than me so 6'0.5 make sens
dmeyer said on 31/Dec/06
i remember he was 3 inches shorter than visjnic but noah had 1.2 casual shoes and and goran had 0.5 puma mostro so 184 s
dmeyer said on 13/Nov/06
at 5'11 he was taller han me so 184 cm seems right also phifer was shorter than me so 177
dmeyer said on 30/Oct/06
i am 180-2 range and he apeared taller than me on er he lookedd 184 cm 6'0.5 no less he looked in the 184-5 zone but sometime had floor advantage so 184 cm if he didnt wear lifts i will say 184 cm fits him i thaught he looked 185 cm but i thaught i was 182 cm since morning height dont count so i am more 180-1 range so he is more 184 cm and hanks he more 183 than 184 on night mesurment since i use to judge celebs by morning height so all the celebs i met are 0.5 inches smaller than i thaught like travolta apear 185 comparwe to my 182 not my 180 same thing for hanks .......
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
Adding my 2cents to this really interesting/amusing debate. I met Noah Wyle several times, close, and have a couple of pics with him (which i'm not willing at all to share here ;)...). I'm 170cm and the top of my head on those pics is always reaching just his nose... Now we just need to ask Noah for the height difference between the tip of his nose and the top of his head and we are fixed!
dmeyer said on 4/Aug/06
i am about 182 and noah was aleast 1 inch bigger a strong 184 maybe 185
Anonymous said on 25/Nov/05
yeah rob this is dmeyer i worked as a medical student on er

Editor Rob
and the travolta comment strong 184cm aswell? next time you add a comment, if you enter dmeyer in the box where it says 'anonymous' it should remember your name, I think :)
dmeyer said on 24/Nov/05
i met him he looks 185 cm to me but 184 cm is possible

Editor Rob
this is dmeyer?
Richinkle said on 12/Oct/05
He's always looked to me about 5'-11"ish.
Here's a picture of him looking about 1" taller than 5'-10"ish George Clooney:
Anonymous said on 16/Sep/05
i saw him he looks very close to 6foot 1
CelebHeights Editor said on 15/Sep/05
J., he said his height again...he's now being consistant ;) In TNT he said: "I've never had much luck getting action-adventure roles, maybe because I'm 6-foot-2 and only about -- what? -- 100 pounds"
J. said on 23/Mar/05
Mr. R, I'm all for a celebheights convention in Hollywood! :-) I'll try to dig up my measuring tape! But yeah, Noah "I'm suddenly 6'2" but I look I'm under 6 feet" Wyle is full of hot air. He does seem like a nice guy and all but on his part but there's seem to be some fibbing going on. Also, is it me or doesn't he seem slighty older than 33-going on-34? I could have sworn that it was documented some time back that he was born earlier than the 1971 that most sources have him at. Lying about how tall you are and your age, you're not looking too good right now, Mr. Wyle (joking) :-)
Smoke said on 22/Mar/05
Yeah maybe the character John Carter is actually 6'2", brown and brown, Gemini, with a 32-34 inch waist and NOAH WYLE wears lifts to better fit into the role. The thing is on E.R, every time I see him he's in runners and looking fairly tall. At first he looked 6'1" on the dot at most to me, now he's saying he's 6'2"? Maybe the next time Mr. R runs into the guy...grab some measuring tape and get this guy measured!!! :)
Smoke said on 22/Mar/05
Okay J. buddy, again you're talking like I've never met any of these stars in person. Just like you, I've met my share of celebs and know full well how they look in person in comparison to their on appearance on screen. My experience is that some celebs appear taller on screen than they are, but also some appear shorter than they actually are, and some are about the same height as you would think them to be. I also realize that you're aware that it's easy to make yourself appear taller. I'm guilty too, I'm 6'1" barefoot, I like my cowboy boots and in them I'm a good 6'3". I agree, Mr. R is right in regards to some of his accounts, but I think the Celebheights editor will agree that a lot of his accounts are quite skeptical as well. I've met some celebs that Mr. R has met and my account of their height is somewhat different from his. I respect Mr. R's and your opinion as much as anyone's, but that doesn't mean I have to agree all of the time just because "Mr R. knows what he speaks!". Even on Tyronn Lue, you said 5'7", but to me, only a couple of weeks ago he looked about 5'9". Again Mr. R has met Wyle and has a better account than I do, but to me this guy looks no less than 6'0" tall, I can't quite take up Mr. R on this one yet because his accounts of stars we have both met don't match mine. You are basically telling me I should take Mr. R's word over dmeyer's, I don't see why I should do that. One says 5'10" the other says 6'1", kind of a gap there.
J. said on 22/Mar/05
See,man, you have a good point but you're basing this on how he looks on screen. Hell, most of these guys are shrimps and they look 6 feet and better onscreen! I mean, Wyle just doesn't look and have the apperance of a 6 footer. Look at Google or Alta Vista and do a picture search. Dig enough and you'll see some more intimate, untouched, non-publicity shots of Noah and you'll see that Mr. R knows what he speaks! :-) [Also I must note that it's pretty easy for a 5'10"-5'11" guy to look taller. I know from past, pre-growth spurt experience ;-)]
Smoke said on 21/Mar/05
I have to say I agree that Wyle doesn't look 6'1" next to Edwards and LaSalle, I wish I could meet him to find out just how stinkin' tall the guy really is! Mr. R has met the guy and I agree that his opinion is most worthy in regards to Wyle. In the movie 'Enough' the guy looked about 6'1", on ER next to 6 footer Shane West he looks about 6'0"-6'1". But again, I've never met the guy and I have no say, for now last word goes to Mr. R until we can get someone else's encounter, may I also not that DMEYER HAS MET Noah and bills him as "a strong 6'1". Who do we believe here? If Shane West is 6'0", then Noah is certainly 6'0" as well, for now. I've also gotta say that Edwards looks considerably taller than 186 cms, then again in clogs he'll definately appear taller.
Mr. K said on 21/Mar/05
In one episode of ER one of the nurses asked Anthony about his height and he answers 6'1". I have also stood behind him when he was filming in England and he is definitely a strong 6'1". I am 186 cm which is about 6'1.25" and my wife said we where exactly the same height. In many ER-episodes Anthony wear clogs instead of sneakers, this makes him about an inch taller.
CelebHeights Editor (in the voice of Erik Palladino) said on 16/Mar/05
"Noah Wyle, my ER pal, and I are always ripping on each other because he's 6 foot 1 and I'm 6 feet" - Erik in Jane Magazine.
J. said on 13/Mar/05
Noah Wyle is so NOT 6'1". Mr. R. is absolutely right, he's 5'10"-ish. Don't believe me? Take a look at some early publicity photos of "ER" and he is not around the same height as Anthony Edwards. Plus, in general, he does not look tall. He looks average height. You guys are obviously letting the lifts in his shoes fool you to believe he's 6-feet and up! ;-)
Mr. R said on 12/Mar/05
I stand by my statement that Noah is barely over 5'10"!
Mr. R said on 12/Mar/05
As I said, Noah passed me three times, and he was shorter than me on level ground. I am 5'11.5 in. To prove my point, I also told the celebheights editor that I had Eriq LaSalle, and he was about 6'1". I think this picture validates all of my observations!
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/05
He's definately atleast 6'0" because he's standing next to 5'9" Michael Michele in that shot and he looks atleast 3 inches taller than her. LaSalle is also slightly closer to the camera, so depending on exactly how tall LaSalle is (closer to 6'2" or 6'3") I would say that Wyle is 6'0"-6'1". There is also no way that Anthony Edwards is only 6'1" and change like many claim.
dmeyer said on 14/Feb/05
i worked on er a month ago and noah looked like a strong 6'1''