5'7 and a fraction said on 6/Apr/23
Yeah, always looked a bit below average to me. Nigel Farage, or should I say "Mr Brexit" as he likes to be known as, gets 5'8 1/2 from me.
Arch Stanton said on 25/Mar/23
Farage, Josh Brolin and Simon Cowell do have similar proportions. Farage facially looks like a guy who would be about John Kerry's height!
Abdul-DK said on 12/Aug/22
@Editor Rob
Would you say Nigel and you have exactly the same height?

Editor Rob
Always a chance Farage was closer to 174 peak
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/May/22
@ Arch - When I bumped into him, I wasn’t rude enough to
stare at his legs!
5ft8.5. I was in high heeled boots when I met him and he didn’t seem as low as a flat 5ft8, Mind you, it
WAS early in the day…..
Arch Stanton said on 24/Oct/21
Farage has odd proportions, head and upper body belongs more on a 6'3 guy than 5 ft 8.
Rising174cm said on 31/Dec/20
If anything, I imagined him a bit taller. He could pull off looking taller than this in photos with Trump and he didn't measure up too badly when photographed with Ron Paul around 8 years ago back when Paul was still at least 5'10.5", though prone to slouching.
Btw, anyone have an idea how tall Nick Griffin was? He gave a somewhat short impression, but I suspect his build made him look shorter and I was thinking he may have not been far from 5'8" or so himself.
Morgan Kaye said on 22/Dec/20
He looks like a 5'8 and 1/2 bloke to me. I'm 5'8.5 in a morning and his leg and torso length are similar to mine (Weird how you can tell from a photo). He doesn't look massively shadowed by Trump, who is around 6'0.5
My best guess would be 5'8 1/2 for Nigel.
Gladstone Screwer said on 23/Oct/20
@Nik Ashton
Hi, I hope that’s not a Wolf ? Should be a ⚒ !
Hope you’re well. Nigel still 5’8” !
Gladstone Screwer said on 22/Oct/20
@Nik Ashton
Hi, I hope that’s not a Wolf ? Should be a ⚒ !
Hope you’re well. Nigel still 5’8” !
HeightGuru5427 said on 15/Oct/20
Get 1/8th inches to the guess. Sometimes I'm torn between a quarter and a half. Would be nice
Nik Ashton said on 28/Sep/20
@ Gladstone Screwer - I agree!
I hope you are keeping OK and it will be good to have these things over with. Our football teams did well yesterday! 🐺
Gladstone Screwer said on 11/Jul/20
@Nik Ashton. Hi, I always thought Nigel was around 5'8", not over that mark. On the subject of height, I get measured each time I go to hospital and depending who measures me, I'm either 1.85 or 1.86 metres, so either just under or just over 6'1".
I've got a procedure this Wednesday (15July), should be the last one. I have to take the Covid test tomorrow, that's the second one, it's pretty unpleasant. Up both sides of the nose, ouch !
Keep well.
Nik Ashton said on 1/Jul/20
@ Gladstone Screwer - You could try sending some fruit and veg to Sookie’s Den!
I’m not too bad thanks and I hope you are OK too, do you think Rob has gone too high with Nigel and what do you think is the lowest he could be?
Arch Stanton said on 29/Jun/20
Like Simon Cowell he has the face of a six footer, disproportionate body!!! He has Josh Brolin legs, facially he even has the look of a 6'4 guy!!
5.9 legit guy said on 10/May/20
He looks short,no more than 171cm. Rob would edge him
One of the worst politician ever
Gladstone Screwer said on 6/Apr/20
@Nik Ashton. Hi Nik, my sweetcorn and aubergine have to be absent on this site, as they led to all my comments being erased.
I know they gave you a great laugh !
Anyway, re Nigel Farage, I can't see him as over 5'8". Hope you're well.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Mar/20
🐁 Correction Time! 🐁
I nearly did a Correction Time, but then I realised it wasn't necessary! 😀
Gauge can be spelt gauge or gage!
Nigel gets 5ft8.25.
Nik Ashton said on 12/Mar/20
@ Gladstone Screwer - Many thanks, I will keep an eye out for you and I always think of you when I think about sweetcorn!
Do you think he is 5’8” on the nose then?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Mar/20
@ Gladstone Screwer - Cheers, mate! 😆👍
I'm going for 5ft8.25 today. When I met him, I was wearing very high heels so I couldn't really guage his height, but he was still taller than me! I was probably about 5ft5 or 5ft6 in my footwear that day.
Gladstone Screwer said on 8/Mar/20
@Miss Sandy Cowell.
Nice one Sandy ! Still 5'8" for Nigel......
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Mar/20
@ Gladstone Screwer - Hi Gladstone! Never say never - Nik and I have met! Yes, we are people, with faces, arms and legs and the usual regalia...
I'm pleased that you've nearly finished with your hospital treatment. It's over two years now that I had my hip replacement, but the time doesn't fly when you're in pain. It stands! I hope you aren't in too much pain and discomfort and that your treatment will all soon be over.
Take care, Gladstone!
Lots of Love,
Sandy XX 😁👍
Mr Farage gets 5ft8.5.
Gladstone Screwer said on 3/Mar/20
@Nik Ashton
Nice one, Nik. I'm still around, but minus my sweetcorns and aubergines !!
Keep an eye out for me kid !
5'8" for Nigel.
Nik Ashton said on 1/Mar/20
@ Gladstone Screwer - You are welcome! Many thanks for that and it’s great to hear from you.
Gladstone Screwer said on 29/Feb/20
@Miss Sandy Cowell.
Hi Sandy, I've been a big fan of Nigel's over the years, after all, he was ultimately the man who 'got it done'.
I still can't find any of my comments, Rob says the advertisers could lose votes with my 'humorous' comments appearing.
The only one I can find is Claes Bang (Dracula), and one on Rob's own page.
I'm waiting on one more hospital visit, then should be ok. Thanks for yours and Nik's kind comments, you two seem like you'd
make good friends, though of course none of us can meet, being just faceless keyboard commenters !
Keep well, I'll try to let you know when I'm done with the hospital.
Gladstone Screwer said on 28/Feb/20
@Miss Sandy Cowell.
Hi Sandy, I've been a big fan of Nigel's over the years, after all, he was ultimately the man who 'got it done'.
I still can't find any of my comments, Rob says the advertisers could lose votes with my 'humorous' comments appearing.
The only one I can find is Claes Bang (Dracula), and one on Rob's own page.
I'm waiting on one more hospital visit, then should be ok. Thanks for yours and Nik's kind comments, you two seem like you'd
make good friends, though of course none of us can meet, being just faceless keyboard commenters !
Keep well, I'll try to let you know when I'm done with the hospital.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jan/20
@ Nik - I remember that day very well indeed, right from the early morning phone call through to the music we played the entire length of the journey - a variety of Pink Floyd albums.
Meeting Nigel Farage in a garage was a terrific highlight of the day. What I found so heartwarming is that he was genuinely pleased to meet me, and at the back of my mind, I felt thankful to have something in common with him: that he knew my school as his brother went there too. If I'd been wearing trainers, or sneakers, I'd have had a far better chance of getting an accurate estimate of his height, but my high-heeled boots probably contributed to having the confidence to stop him in his tracks and converse with him.
Another memorable part of the day was seeing your Mum waiting for us at the end of your road. How kind of her! I recognized her instantly from the photographs. Her hospitality was second to none, and she even made me a salad, containing cherry tomatoes. I hadn't eaten tomatoes since I was forced to eat them during a brief stay in a children's home when my Mum went to hospital when I was 6 and my brother 8. (Dad picked us up and took us on holiday!) What a nasty place that was - kids received spankings and I didn't want to be one of them so I ate my tomatoes, bawling my eyes out! "Never again!" I promised myself, but the cherry ones were much nicer and sweeter and I enjoyed them. Besides, one's taste buds change as one gets older. Funny to think back now, but even at the age of 6, I was taking in the other kids' heights! My two favourite girls were the ones whose dormitory I shared. They sang and danced for me at night to cheer me up when I was crying and missing my Mum. They were both about a head taller than me and 8 years old apiece. I think that those girls, young as they were, and offering me the comfort that the adults overlooked, gave me a liking for tall girls. I wanted to befriend girls two years my senior when I started back at school, but I was grateful for all my lovely schoolfriends who were pleased when I came back, a few weeks into the term. Most were about my height or taller. The tallest, who was around three-quarters of a head taller than me, only grew up to be 5ft4! I know she ate bird-like quantities and think it might have had an effect on her resulting height, as her parents were both very tall.
I have indeed been digressing quite a bit, to say the very least! I'd love to come up and visit again some day and I look forward to that. In the meantime, we can always chat and keep in touch!
Nigel can have 5ft8.5. The one thing I did notice is that he was much the same height as my 5ft9 boyfriend, so you're right! Half-an-inch isn't easy to pinpoint on two people of around the same height. Jim was standing behind me, grinning away at my, eh, audacity! "I knew you'd speak to him!" he said!
Cheers Nik and the same to your Mum.
😁XX 💐XX Sandy
Nik Ashton said on 23/Dec/19
@ Sandy Cowell - I must say that you and Jim were the perfect guests, you were both very polite and fun to be around! It was great to hear that you were both in good spirits when you rung me up at 5:00 am to ask for details on how to find our house!
It was such a massive coincidence to meet Nigel Farage in the Peterborough garage! What time was it when you met him?
I agree that you would think that Rob is over 5’8” if you saw him! Rob is as honest as the day is long, make no mistake! You can guarantee that Rob is what he says he is and many other people would think that he is taller than he says he is too!
I can imagine that the so called half inch difference between the honest guy that you knew and the not so genuine 5 foot eighters did look huge, I mean some of these liars may or may not have scraped 5’6”! In all honesty a genuine half inch does not represent a great deal of difference in height between people, even one inch isn’t a lot! I am clearly similar in height to Nigel Farage and Rob is extremely similar to him in height, even if Nigel does edge Rob out the difference in height wouldn’t generally be noticeable at all and even on the occasions where a difference looks apparent it would be hardly noticeable!
@ Rob - Is it likely that Nigel is taller than Bradley Walsh?

Editor Rob
Today they may well look the same range, and Farage could have been similar 174 like Walsh
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Dec/19
@ Nik - Indeed that day brings back many happy memories and the reason for that was because we were made to feel so welcome by your Mum and yourself. Driving up, singing along to Pink Floyd and then stopping off at the garage and meeting Nigel Farage was ACE!
I reckon if I met Rob, I'd doubtless think he's taller than 5ft8. The reason? I have met so many liars in my time, pretending to be 5ft8 and being anything but! I knew a guy, an honest and intelligent guy, who was a true 5ft8.5 and I said to him, "I didn't know that half-an-inch could be so huge!"
Then I explained EXACTLY what I meant!
Cheers Nik and the same to your Mum!
XX 😁👍 XX 💐

Editor Rob
Farage might edge me out, I never discount the idea he could look 174.
Nik Ashton said on 19/Dec/19
@ Sandy Cowell - It’s great that you have got so many good memories from the day when you and your boyfriend came up north to visit my Mum and my not so good self! I know that Nigel is a friendly and likeable person and he won’t forget meeting you! It’s incredible that you met Mr Farage in the garage!
Maybe some people out there need to remember to give him his half, I know that you do and I know that Rob is open minded to it! 60 voters do at least give him an extra three eighths!
He may be Rob’s height twin, you just never ever know, you know!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Dec/19
Writing out Nik's address just now reminded me of the day when my boyfriend drove us up to meet Nik and Alverna and when we stopped off at a garage - and I met Nigel Farage!
No Nik, I can't see him ever being a flat 5ft8! I met him in very high heels and I still looked up to him. He is a very nice, amicable guy! 😁
Nik Ashton said on 25/Aug/19
@ Rob - Since you set up this page have you ever listed him as 5’8” and/or 5’8.5”?

Editor Rob
I didn't give him 8.5, though I can see how he pulls that off
Nik said on 17/Aug/19
FiveEIghtJakw. - Rob and I would love to know his secrets too!
Nik Ashton said on 17/Aug/19
The voice of the tinternet: 🗣 “He’s 5 8!”! 🗣 “Stop shouting!”!
FiveEightJake said on 14/Jul/19
Rob is there any reason why Farage in any on his pictures with Piers Morgan never seems more than an inch or 2 shorter? Seen a few pics of the two of them now. Shoulder levels tell the truth but...
Click Here
As a guy who’s in an almost identical range to Farage I wouldn’t mind knowing his secrets to looking near 6foot folk in photos.

Editor Rob
Farage at 174cm range is quite possible, sometimes he can look near 5ft 9 with people.
Harry said on 13/Apr/19
My 5ft 8 dad met him and said he was around an inch taller. So I think a minimum 5ft 8.5 and could even be a weak 5ft 9 on a good day.
Nik said on 7/Apr/19
@ Sandy Cowell - That's true so a photograph of Rob Paul and Nigel Farage could very well be taken in the future! I would like to be pictured with Nigel Farage too, a few questions would be answered if I was ever lucky enough to be pictured with him! It would be very interesting if he ever became the latest celeb to be given a photograph on here!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Apr/19
@ Nik - You never know! He's friendly enough! 😄👌😊🤞
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Mar/19
When I arrived at the station to be picked up by my Dad yesterday and we got into his car, he was listening to the Nigel Farage Show on the radio. What a coincidence! I didn't even know Mr Farage has a radio show! 🚗📻👍
Nik said on 24/Mar/19
@ david c - I think he would blend in perfectly on the streets of Britain! There is nothing wrong with not blending in though.
Nik said on 24/Mar/19
It would be great to see him pictured with Mr Rob Paul!
Nik said on 24/Mar/19
The average vote of 5'8.4" is interestingly high!
Nik Ashton said on 24/Mar/19
@ Sandy Cowell - It must have been great to meet Farage at the Peterborough garage! He is obviously a nice person and your observations do tie in with the average vote!
Dario Marko said on 24/Mar/19
Can you keep an eye on this one Rob? He’s shrinking before our eyes
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/19
⭐️ The garage was in Peterborough.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/19
My boyfriend and I just pulled over in a garage and Jim, the boyfriend, said "Look! It's Nigel Farage!"
I went over and shook his hand and said that I went to the same school as his brother. He knew exactly which one it was, of course! He was very friendly, kind and pleased to meet me - a truly genuine guy.
I am wearing high heeled boots and he looks, I'd say, around the 5ft8.5 mark, bearing in mind my heel height.
What a surprise that was! 😊👍😁👍
Rick1 said on 13/Nov/18
Wasnt this 5'8.5 a while ago or is that just me ?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/May/18
Rob, could you add Jacob Rees-Mogg?
He's listed 6ft3 but next to Farage looks more 6ft2 range to be honest
david c said on 10/Mar/18
Met him. No way is he over 5'8". Napoleon complex
Terry said on 27/Oct/17
I think Farage was slightly over 5ft 9 at his peak. Today I think he is about 5ft 8.5. He constantly looks taller than 5ft 8 by around an inch roughly. Look at him with Joey Essex who is listed as a solid 5ft 9 and you'll see what I mean.
Rory said on 23/Oct/17
He only looks 4 or so inches shorter than Jacob Rees Mogg who up close looks 6'1-6'2 range I thought.
Rick said on 6/Oct/17
Lift wearer? He often looks taller than this.
HonestSlovene said on 2/Sep/17
Reince is at least around 1 inch shorter but he looks quite similar to him!
bear hugger said on 12/Aug/17
hes 5ft 8.75
grande said on 26/Jun/17
reince looks 5'7 range
errybodyshutup said on 24/Jun/17
how tall is his American twin Reince Priebus?
Luther said on 1/Jun/17
Looks around 5'8" nowadays maybe 5'8.5" peak but he's in that low average range. Manages to mask it though with his dangerous charm.
Thomas Veil said on 10/Apr/17
Ole Nige is 5'8
HonestSlovene said on 21/Mar/17
@Rory Most certainly he would have been. I'd say 5'9"-5'9.25" peak, 5'8.25-5'8.5" today. Was average height for his generation.
Rory said on 25/Feb/17
This guy has had many injuries, planes crashes,car crashes he's a smoker and drinker and now in his 50s it's almost a certainty he's lost substantial height. I wonder if a 30 year old Farage could have actually been near 5'9 ?
Nik said on 28/Jan/17
@Honest Slovene
Well are you certain that Rand Paul is a full 5'7"? Whether he is or not I am not convinced that there is a full 2 inches difference between them both. Also I don't think Donald trump is the best yardstick for judging people's heights due to his awful posture. I have seen too many pictures of Farage looking smaller than average for a man to believe he is a 5'8.5" - 5'9" range guy, I have also seen him look too similar in height to a number of women before to believe this is a probability. I think a lot of people over estimate this guys height. I could be persuaded into buying a flat 5'8" for him but that is the best he can be given for me.
HonestSlovene said on 22/Jan/17
@Asa Rand Paul is 5'7" and Farage does really look about 5'9" in the picture next to him. I know he has struck a nerve with a lot of people but lets be real about this:
Click Here
Also there is a picture with him next to Trump. Trump is at least 6'0.5" (very likely close to 6'1") and he looks to be about 5'8.5" next to him.
Click Here
I think anything 5'8.25"-5'9" for him is fair. I'd personally would go with 5'8.5" and even the full 5'9" wouldn't suprise me at all. Looks like a guy near average (within 1.5 inches), definitely not short.
Nik said on 11/Jan/17
Nigel Farage will love you if he reads your post.
Nik said on 25/Dec/16
I think if anything Rob has over quoted Nigel Farage. I think the original quote of a flat 5'8" is nearer the truth and he may or may not be slightly under that. No way is he 5'9" or even close to it.
Asa said on 24/Dec/16
He could easily be taller. In pictures where he stands next to Rand Paul who is listed at 5'8", he appears maybe 2 inches taller. I'd say around 5'10" or Rand Paul is lying and is shorter than he claims.
Will 1.77 said on 21/Dec/16
Wow. I'm surprised to see him listed as low as 173 cm! He can look 5' 9" a lot - with David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Joey Essex, Donald Trump, etc...
How sure are you on this one, Rob?
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Dec/16
@ Phil - Thank you very much!
(I am far from sensible! Maybe a job in politics would suit me!)
Phil said on 4/Dec/16
@ Sandy Cowell
You are welcome.
I think you are a sensible woman.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Dec/16
@ Nik - I haven't actually heard it either! I see pictures of it all over the newspapers though and that's more than I can take first thing in the morning, believe me!
I think if I did witness it on the TV, I'd probably press the 'mute' button!
Nik said on 2/Dec/16
@Sandy Cowell
No I am not sure I have heard it to be honest and I would be interested to hear it.
How tall do you think Farage is then ? Would you have him as low as 170 cm ?
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/16
@ Nik - and what about his laugh? Have you ever seen anything like it in your life? If I have, then I have little recollection!
Nik said on 30/Nov/16
Yeah I agee, every time I see this guy his mouth is wide open. Plus he may or may not scrape 5'9" with shoes on. I doubt he is as tall as Rob.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Nov/16
@ Phil - Hi! Your comment regarding Farage's 'big frog mouth', from the 14th November, afforded me a grand first-thing-in-the-morning laugh! Thanks!
heelshealheight said on 25/Nov/16
Removing any form of camera advantage for either Farage or Juncker, both appear to be roughly the same height. Junker is no more than 5ft7. Farage is noticeably shorter than (the weak 5ft9) Panos Kammenos (Greek Minister of National Defence and leader of a far-right Greek nationalist party). Farage used to meet up with loads of those far-right Greek nationalists during the period 2002-2014. In the photo below, Kammenos is the 'plump' guy in the back:
Click Here
Nik said on 14/Nov/16
Well unless both Farage and Trump are stood up straight it is difficult to tell with any great certainty the difference in height between the two. Also are they both level in terms of footwear ? Posture also becomes a factor perhaps for both of them. At times Nigel Farage has lldefinitely looked over 5'8 to me but at other times in the past he has looked pretty modest to me and clearly under 5'8". I would fiind it very unsurprising if he is no more than a flat 5'8. I stick to believing he is 5'7.5" - 5'8" and if I had to say I would guess he is on the lower end of that range but I am not sure.
Phil said on 14/Nov/16
i can't stand this guy. i am not an EU fan, but he is such an EU hater with a big frog mouth. he is 5 foot 8.
he is not taller than rob.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Nov/16
Looks taller than 5'8 flat anyway.
Sarah said on 14/Nov/16
5'8.5"-5'9" Range with Trump.
Click Here
Nik said on 14/Nov/16
Maybe I am wrong but I think Farage 5'7.5" and Trump is 5'11.5".
patron said on 13/Nov/16
a little taller than that, perhaps 5'8.75
Nik said on 13/Nov/16
I think he is 5'8" at most. I Could see 5'7"
DougQuaidHauser said on 13/Nov/16
Looks 3 inches max shorter than Donald Trump today. Definitely taller than 5ft 8.5
TJE said on 13/Nov/16
He does look roughly 4 inches shorter than Trump
Chaz said on 13/Nov/16
I think he's taller than 5'8''
Click Here my Son met him in Margate and he's 5'11'' he said he was not short,or tall about 5'9''.
miko said on 13/Nov/16
Maybe thinking about it he could have lost a bit of height. Maybe 5'8 flat today and closer to 5'9 in his youth, it was around 6/7 years ago I saw him.
HonestSlovene said on 12/Nov/16
yeah I though he might be in the upper short range (5'7-5'9).
Rory said on 12/Nov/16
I think he's probably lost height. He's in his fifties and has been involved in a plane crash, as well being a heavy drinker and smoker. Might well have been 5'8.5 in his 20s.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Nov/16
Yes, surprisingly not tall, noticed that when I saw him with Trump. Another guy with a "tall face", you'd expect 6ft-6'2.
Samuel said on 12/Nov/16
He is listed as 5'10 on some websites. I don't know why. I think 5'8 is a good estimate.
Samuel said on 12/Nov/16
He is listed as 5'10 on some websites. I don't know why. I think 5'8 is a good estimate.

Editor Rob
actually I watched a few videos just now and I can see how he looks a solid 5ft 8, even a bit taller at times.
Aza said on 12/Nov/16
Yeah he looks this height.
guk said on 11/Nov/16
I've met Paul Nutall who is about 2 inches taller than Farage and he was about my height (179cm) if not a little shorter. So Farage is max 5ft 8.5 most likely your 5ft 8 is right.
Nik said on 11/Nov/16
I think he could be a bit lower. 5'7.5-5'7.75. Modest sized man or a tall short.
miko said on 11/Nov/16
What a legend this man is, I've had the privilege of talking to him albeit briefly and he looked between 5'8.5 and 5'9 to me. 5'8 flat might be a tad low.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Nov/16
That seems pretty bang on, I would say!
His little brother went to the same school as I did and was in my friend Jon's class. There was often only one class to a year (at the most two - a 'double intake') and we had to take exams after every term. The results would be emblazoned all over the classroom wall and the top 5 of each form would be on a notice board on the entrance to the school!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Nov/16
Wow...didn't think he was that low
Rory said on 11/Nov/16
Uncle Nigel lol. I'd have thought 5'8.5 was possible, but maybe just a solid 5'8.