5 ft 3.2 said on 13/Jan/09
That's crazy tall for a girl! She once said that she wishes she was "5 foot two," but if she was that short, she'd take it back. I can imagine her wanting to be 5'4" or 5'5" though. Even 5'7" so she'd be shorter than Keith Urban.
Jeremy said on 12/Jan/09
Yeah miser, I told you that Nicole looked about three inches taller than Jay Leno when she is in heels. I would say 5'10 for Nicole.
C said on 11/Jan/09
I think it's funny how she made that crack, "I can wear heels now!", and then she goes on to marry another average sized guy in Keith Urban. She also got kind of chummy with Lenny Kravitz before that. She must like the medium sized dudes. Yet she still wears the heels.
Martin said on 8/Jan/09
She looks about 5'10.5 to 5'11. But she is not 6'...that's for sure.
miser said on 7/Jan/09
it may be 3. the heels seem to be 3 inches tall, they are certainly not small. she is about 5'10.
Alex said on 6/Jan/09
She looks at least 5'10.
miser said on 4/Jan/09
that's not a 4 inch difference, and leno may be 5'10.
Hybrid said on 3/Jan/09
Hugh Jackman is 6"2, and in Australia he doesn't look taller than Nicole Kidman by much...probably 2 or 3 inches.
Jlee said on 3/Jan/09
look at her and jay leno. she is like 4 inches taller
Click Here
Jake said on 31/Dec/08
Nicole was on "The View" last Thursday (I believe). She was talking to the hosts and somewhere along the line she said, "Well, I'm 6-feet tall". Now, is she stating her real height, or is she just blatantly saying she's 6 foot? I know many guys who are 5'11. They say "I'm 6 feet tall" just to say a nice round number. They leave out the minute details. Besides, 5'11 is close enough to 6 foot!
But getting back to Kidman, is she really the 5'10 1/2 they have her billed at online....OR...is she seriously 6 foot??
Sami said on 29/Dec/08
She said she was 6'0" on The View!
Why can't celebs ever tell teh truth about their height?
Lara said on 26/Dec/08
Oh yes, nicole is 5"11. I remember her saying in a magazine once "It would be nice to have a leading man that I could tilt my head up and look at. This never happens as I'm close on 6 feet." She also wears low heels in public, to de-emphasise her height where possible.
Jeremy said on 4/Dec/08
John is correct.Keith Urban is 5'8 and Nicole Kidman is 5'10.
runt said on 4/Dec/08
Nicole Kidman likes looking taller than the average man. She lied when she said she wishes she were 5-2.
miser said on 2/Dec/08
"...this past week on the Regis & Kelly TV show, Nicole admitted that she always used to lie about her height -- as being 5' 9.
But she declined to reveal her true height on that TV show."
She said the same thing on Letterman a couple of days ago, that she used to say 5-9, but she didn't say what her actual height was. It seems that she has said this in just about every show she gets to attend. If she were uncomfortable with her height why would she bring this up at all? Have you ever seem Tom Cruise talking about height? I have not, lol.
John said on 2/Dec/08
On second pic I see only 1 inch of difference. They look like 2 inches of difference, with urban without his shoes. And look kidman's hair...
I think urban is 5-8, and kidman is 5-10.
Jeremy said on 2/Dec/08
Click HereI don't know it this pic helps any but I think that she is at least two inches taller than him.
miser said on 2/Dec/08
"on the pics that Nicole and Keith look of equal height, Keith is standing closer to the camera."
No, he actually isn't closer in some pics.
Click Here
defender said on 2/Dec/08
on the pics that Nicole and Keith look of equal height, Keith is standing closer to the camera. Take a look at these pics:
Click HereClick Here1st pic he's wearing flats and his eyes come up to her mouth. On the 2nd he's wearing shows and she's in flats...
I see a 3" difference, so if Nicole is 5'11" then 5'8" sounds about right.
Anonymous said on 28/Nov/08
...this past week on the Regis & Kelly TV show, Nicole admitted that she always used to lie about her height -- as being 5' 9.
But she declined to reveal her true height on that TV show.
She is 5' 11. Maybe with Michelle Obama as First Lady, Nicole will be more at ease with her height.
Anonymous said on 27/Nov/08
Please, look at the posture of Kidman and Urban. Kidman is wearing boots. Urban in his worst posture in a pic, looking for something in the floor... Next time post a pic with urban on bed and Kidman on 3 inches shoes.
Not the pic to demostrate heights.
miser said on 27/Nov/08
"Basically I think the case is that Kidman has felt awkward about her height for most of her life but in recent years has made an effort to accept who she is and to be proud."
I think she never felt "awkward" about her height at all... she just likes to say so. But sometimes the truth slips.
miser said on 27/Nov/08
Jeremy - note that Nicole is in "lifs" in that picture, LOL. See it ain't just guys that wear "lifts". :-) And Keith is bending down.
Jeremy said on 27/Nov/08
"She still struggles at times because when she is with Keith Urban she never seems to posture up."Well,maybe in this picture.
Click Here
Jeremy said on 26/Nov/08
"The minute they stood up,however,our Nic towered over her husband.".lol.Yeah she made Tom look like he was 5'6.
miser said on 26/Nov/08
She is about 5-10 Jeremy. But as Glenn said 5-10 is the trickiest height to gauge. You have to keep the male/female differences in mind to judge properly. Men who are about 5-10 get pegged at 5-8, and women who are about 5-10 get pegged at 5-11, 6'.
Jeremy said on 26/Nov/08
Nicole keeps saying that she is 5'11.But thanks to miser,I am starting to think that she is closer to 5'10.
TR said on 25/Nov/08
Nicole Kidman lives just outside Nashville and in a feature interview this week in The Tennessean newspaper, Nicole said, "I'm 5'11" and my height has been an advantage for me".
Jeremy said on 25/Nov/08
Anonymous,I am glad that Nicole and Charlize are costarring in a movie together!Leung,that is the interview that I'm talking about where she talks about how she can appear smaller than her male co-stars.Leung,can you post that interview?
Leung said on 24/Nov/08
Nicole Kidman is an expert at minimizing her height. I remember during a tv interview she gave examples of tricks she frequently used to avoid towering some of her male co-stars, these tricks included how she adjusted her stance, the positioning of her hips, the bending of her knees, arching her back slightly, twisting her torso, etc.
On many occasions Kidman is not posturing to her full potential height. It
Anonymous said on 24/Nov/08
Jeremy Charlize and Nicole will be costarring in a movie together, so we'll have an accurate account on those two. I wouldn't go their appearance at the MTV awards since neither are wearing flats and Nicole I think is actually sporting 5 inchers. I recall entertainment shows doing their annual "who wore what" and showing Nicole's outfit. This was the time when she was wearing heels like mad since she separated from Tom.
Miser you're absolutely right. Besides Tom Cruise and Sylvester Stallone, pretty much everyone else in Hollywood could care less about their height. I mean if someone like Brad Pitt would right off his height as 5'10" or something like that, what are the odds he's this height obsessed freak who never steps out of his house without lifts in his shoes that alot of people here likes to believe? Very little.
Height's usually the least of their concern. Their biggest concerns are the following in order:
- Personal image. Basically making the people think they're living the American dream and there's nothing wrong with them.
- Body image and weight.
- Their age.
Jeremy said on 24/Nov/08
I would have to look up some more pictures with Nicole before I could agree on 5'9.5.But I don't think that she is 5'11 like I once did.I would say that she is somewhere between 5'9.5 and 5'10.5.Right now I am thinking that 5'10 is her height.
Jeremy said on 24/Nov/08
Click HereShe looks really close to Charlize Theron's height.I am starting to think that Nicole is 5'10.I think that Charlize is probably 5'9 or 5'9.5.Nicole is probably 5'10.Miser,your pictures have helped but I still don't know if I would go as low as 5'9.5 for Nicole.
anon said on 23/Nov/08
She's at least 5'10 1/2 - 5'11. My ex girlfriend's younger sister (a legit 5'11; I know this as she used to measure herself against me until she outgrew me at age 16, with a big smile) met Nicole in an elevator at a film festival many years ago. Both were apparently wearing flat shoes, and she said that Nicole was looking exactly eye to eye with her as they spoke. Hence my contention that she's around 5'11.
miser said on 23/Nov/08
"Because if Ewan is only 5'9.5 then he probably wears lifts.Most of the males wear lifts."
Lol, where did you get this notion from, seriously? From this website? Not everybody is height-obsessed in the real world my friend... it's just this website that is filled with lift-maniacs. They talk as if every male celebrity on earth never walked out of his house without carefully inserting "lifts" in their shoes... that is ridiculous.
"If Nicole is in lifts then she should just wear heels."
She does wear heels 99% of the time. Every other set of pictures I saw had her on heels.
"Even if Nicole and Ewan are in the same pair of shoes she still looks a half of an inch taller than him."
In the first pictures I posted she looks slightly taller, but it is not even half an inch, she may just have been standing straighter... in the last one Ewan looks a bit taller. They are the same height as far as one can tell.
"Their sholders are the same height but her head comes up a half of an inch taller than his."
Yeah but it may be because she is looking up. In the last pic the angle is slightly different and Ewan looked a bit taller. I would need to see another pic to decide.
"She looks 5'10 in those pics."
Yeah about 5'10, but then McGregor didn't look alot taller than Glenn and he's listed as 5'9.5. But glenn said he could be 5-10.5. So Nicole's listing is not THAT far off... but she still probably is slightly over-listed, especially compared to male actors who are the same height as her.
"They may both be 5'10?"
Nicole is about 5'9.5 to 5'10. Taylor Swift I am not sure. She certainly isn't a full 5-11 as she claims.
Click Here"Look at this.I just don't know.Why does she look taller here?"
She probably has some pavement advantage or is standing on a stair. In the other pics we have a clear view of their feet.
miser said on 20/Nov/08
One last picture from that set:
Click HereSee why I think Nicole may be 5-9.5?
Realme2008 said on 20/Nov/08
Okay, that article is misleading. It says Eva Longoria lies about one inch, but she clearly lies about two. She isn't 5'1" ... she's 5'0". Also they put George Clooney at 6'0", which he isn't also. He is listed at 5'10.5, and he himself said he was 5'11". What the heck? lol
miser said on 20/Nov/08
"Glenn has seen her many times and he said that she is no smaller than 5'10."
Glenn has made many witty observations on this website, but honestly I think he exaggerates when judging women's heights. But hey if I got to take pictures cheek-to-cheek with Nicole, Brooke Shields, Natasha Henstridge and the like, I would claim they are 6' too, can't blame him. :-) Also, glenn has said that every time he met these girls they were on heels.
"I am 5'10 without my shoes on and to me she looks like she would be taller than me.She has very long legs."
That is because you are a man and she is a woman. A woman's legs and general silhouette will always appear to be longer than that of a man of the same height. Upon close inspection that always reveals itself to be an illusion though. Many people fall for this mistake.
I would say 5-10 maximum for Nicole.
John said on 18/Nov/08
I bet Leno and Kidman are the same height, 5-10 tops.
miser said on 18/Nov/08
Leno with Seinfeld whos also listed here as 5-11:
Click HereIf these heels are 3" high Nicole may even be a little shorter than Leno, barefoot.
miser said on 18/Nov/08
Nicole may be a little smaller than Leno, barefoot.
John said on 18/Nov/08
Sure leno and kidman barefeet are the same height. But leno it's not 5-11 listed here. He might be 5-10 and a half, tops.
miser said on 17/Nov/08
She does not look 3" taller than Leno, 2" at the most... it's not like like she is bending down a lot to kiss him on the cheek. Watch the final of the second part of the interview, she stands up again:
Click HereAnd notice that she says "I'm taller than you WITH THESE SHOES ON", which probably means that she is not taller without them.... if the heels are 3" (they look 3" or more) then it would make her 5'10 at the most (if Leno is 5'11). And notice also that she does remark on how tall she is, contrary to certain folks who say that women are "ashamed" of being tall, that they try to disguise their height, blablablah. Nicole is probably 5'9.5 barefoot. Jeremy do you have any photos of her without heels?
Jeremy said on 16/Nov/08
Click HereShe is about three inches taller than Jay Leno with her heels on.Without her heels she would be the same height as Jay Leno and he is 5'11.
John said on 16/Nov/08
Height of women celebrities is hard to check if you can't see what kind of shoe they are wearing on pics or video.
I don't think she is in flats on pics posted of her in shows. Maybe she is on very high heels.
miser said on 15/Nov/08
Nicole does not need to do any "hip bend" to be shorter than most hoolywood hunks, you just have to take her heels away from her and it is done. Can you please show some pictures of her "towering" over Leno (without heels)? Thanks.
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick Here
Jeremy said on 14/Nov/08
In a interview Nicole said that in her movies she does a "hip bend" that takes two inches away from her height.She does her "hip bend" when she is acting with men that are shorter than her.Also in her movies she is always in flats in most scenes and the men wear lifts when they are next to Nicole.Nicole really is 5'11.She towered over 5'11 Jay Leno when she was on his show.
Anonymous said on 14/Nov/08
lol Dana... this is celebheights, not any online dating website. No need to advertise yourself even though you think so highly of yourself.
miser said on 12/Nov/08
anonymous could you with please provide good pictures of her next to craig? thanks
anyone saw "my life" with michael keaton? he's about 5-9.5 and she didn't look bigger than him.
anonymous said on 12/Nov/08
She looks nearly 6 foot next to daniel craig. 179cm is accurate.
Dana said on 10/Nov/08
The tall, confident, radiant women of the world are the best. I know I am one of them! It takes a man who is confident and sure of his own power to be with one.
Anonymous said on 10/Nov/08
i agree, she is probably not 5"11". tom cruise is very short for a man, and in the modeling and acting business especially, men tend to fib a couple of inches at least. therefore, nicole probably added a couple inches to her actual height so cruises height wouldnt be discovered.i have a friend who has worked with tom so i know how tall he is.
miser said on 31/Oct/08
Exactly runt, I could not agree more... it seems that she is 5-11 by decree, and this is also the case for other "tallish" actresses. I think Nicole may be 5'9".5
Roberto said on 31/Oct/08
Lol, here in holland most college grils are around 5'9 something, and I know some over 6'.. not THAT uncommon
runt said on 30/Oct/08
It is interesting that Kidman's height is not really disputed. Anything under 5-10 is usually poopooed and anything over 5-11 is out of the question. That's a tighter range than most actors are given credit for. Why?
miser said on 19/Oct/08
"I think people are overestimating Kidman's height and underestimating Brad Pitt's height. The reason I bring them both up is because if you search for any pics of the two, Kidman never exceeds Pitt's height whether she has on heels or not"
You are right. Women's height are over-estimated in this website, and the height of men who are considered good-looking are under-estimated.
Big King said on 8/Oct/08
Yes, I also think that Kidman could be around 5'11". She looks tall.
Jeremy said on 7/Oct/08
Nicole was three inches taller than Jay Leno when she was on his show.She had on heels.I would say that she is the same height as Jay Leno without her heels.
giacomo said on 9/Sep/08
she said to be 1.81 and not 1.79
runt said on 3/Sep/08
Anonymous says on 1/Sep/08
"I think people are overestimating Kidman's height and underestimating Brad Pitt's height. The reason I bring them both up is because if you search for any pics of the two, Kidman never exceeds Pitt's height whether she has on heels or not"
That idea has merit.
Anonymous says on 1/Sep/08
"And don't get me started on Pitt being a lift wearer, his height is way too consistant to be one and his body are in proper proportions compared to other people."
Many think that Pitt actually is not well-proportioned. There's a rumor going around that he is proportioned sorta like Michael Phelps with the long torso and that he uses lifts to balance out his proportions.
Anonymous said on 1/Sep/08
I think people are overestimating Kidman's height and underestimating Brad Pitt's height. The reason I bring them both up is because if you search for any pics of the two, Kidman never exceeds Pitt's height whether she has on heels or not. And don't get me started on Pitt being a lift wearer, his height is way too consistant to be one and his body are in proper proportions compared to other people.
Iwonder said on 28/Aug/08
I thought I said this before (shouldn't the old comments be archived?) but she said she was 5'10 in a tv interview I saw probably 10 years ago now. She said she wished she was more like 5'7 as she thought she was too tall for a woman. The interviewer was asking about Tom's height and she said there was not much difference between their heights and he was 'only about an inch shorter'. This was on Channel 4 in UK when they had a movie review show (can't remember the name of it).
John said on 27/Aug/08
In the pic posted by timber, they look exactly the same height and if you list urban being 5-8 and a half, it's impossible she is over 5-10 on that pic. Kidman is 5-10 tops.
runt said on 25/Aug/08
timber, there have been several Kidman-Urban pics posted that show a small height difference. Since these are the only pics in existence where Kidman looks short, I tend to think it throws Keith Urban into question moreso than Kidman. He might be taller than we think.
timber said on 21/Aug/08
I'm sure no one here will agree, but I still don't think Kidman is even close to 5'10 1/2, the reason being that it is extremely unlikely that Keith Urban is over 5'8" and in this pic Kidman appears his height.
Click Here I think she is at most an inch taller than he. 5'10 1/2 is her height in 3" heels IMO.
Mr. R said on 5/Aug/08
I still believe that Nicole is at least 5-11, if not a little taller. I met her the night she won her Oscar, and she was wearing at least two inch heels, and I was looking up at her.
runt said on 19/Jul/08
I think she's not over 5-10.5 because in her heels she's still slightly shorter than David Letterman. At 5-11.5 I think she would beat him with those heels.
Debbie said on 28/Jun/08
I think Nicole is a beautful woman regrdless of how tall she is. The beauty of a woman is not in her height, but in her countance. I'm a very petite, only 5'2" but I think I'm beautiful because of the woman I am inside.
rusty said on 4/Jun/08
NICOLE KIDMAN is definitely 5'10.5 and now i think she's 5'11. when we see her with t.cruise, we can clearly see dat she's at least 3.5-4 inches taller than him. u can tell by her body dat she's really tall...........
runt said on 1/Jun/08
Just saw one of her early films called "Windrider". She has several barefoot scenes with her costar Tom Burlinson. I've never doubted her 5-10.5 but this one is weird. Burlinson is a very short-armed guy who doesn't seem like he could be 5-9 in a million years, yet NK never looks like she has more than 1" to 1.5" on him when they are barefoot. When they are both in shoes she does, so it looks like she has an added footware advantage. if they were shooting camera angles to favor Burlinson why just do it when they are barefoot? Or maybe Burlinson is 5-9. Or maybe NK grew after 19 (which is when the film came out).
dmeyer said on 29/Apr/08
she could shrink 1 cm in the next 10 years
Paul said on 28/Apr/08
its weird because in some pictures she looks the same height has keith urban like the on of them in sandals together. And in some she looks a good 2 inches taller then him. I would give her 5'9.5 to 5'9.75.
JOSH said on 22/Apr/08
Ive heard her true height is 5ft 10.25 inches which is just over five 10.
Tina said on 9/Apr/08
I met keith two years ago, he was wearing sneekers, I was wearing sandles. I'm 5'9 1/2. I asked him how tall he was and he said 5'10. I just saw a pic of him and nicole walking together they were both bare foot. and they looked to be the same height. I think she is so beautful and is so because she is tall. She looks great in everything she wears. I just wish she would let her hair go back to red, it was so much prettier then the washed out blond, and what happened to her freckles.
Emilie said on 30/Mar/08
Anon- Don't worry about being tall. It's not something that you should worry about, not everything should be judged by height. Plus, whilst you might not want to be a model, the possibility is always there.
As for Nicole Kidman I think that as many people have said, she carries her height very well and looks quite elegant!
timber said on 18/Mar/08
Another pic, on flat ground this time:
Click Here
Anonymous king said on 10/Mar/08
looks huge beside her 5ft3~5ft4 best freind naomi watts..
Anonymous said on 23/Oct/07
Check out pix #10 where she stood next to Keith Urban, both wearing tennis shoes and him not wearing a cap or hat. He looks very small next to her.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 19/Oct/07
Does anyone else notice everytime she's pictured with Brad Pitt, she never exceeds his height?
timber said on 15/Oct/07
Suzy, did you notice if Nicole was wearing heels?
dmeyer said on 13/Oct/07
with bad posture can look 5'10 but i think she could be 5'10.75 also i remember frank2 saying she is 5'10 but then he said she looked 6'2 in heels so she is gotta be near 5'11
john said on 26/Sep/07
looking some pics, she looks 5-9, and with her heels she can look easly as 5'11.
amy said on 20/Aug/07
I think she is 5'11, or so, she looked tall in that movie invasion. I would love to look like her.
dmeyer said on 19/Aug/07
she could have very well grow 0.5 in after than 13 =years old musurments i think she could be 5'11
dmeyer said on 17/Aug/07
she can realy look 6'1.5 to 6 ft 2 person in her heels how come if she is 5'10.5 she shouldnt look over 6'0.5 in in heels
dmeyer said on 17/Aug/07
how come she can look as tall as 6'3 stelan and easily as tall as 6 ft 1 eastwood when she wears big heels like 3.5 to 4 in she can look 6'1.5 like 6'2.5 in heels and we all know those give only 2.5 max 2.75 in
vandal said on 8/Jun/07
Agreed. Anonymous Res. She said she wished she was 5-2. Well she could "reel" 5-2 sometimes if she would just get with a tall enough dude.
Anonymous Rex said on 8/Jun/07
I don't believe her when she sais she's uncomfortable with her height. 1.She does wear heels. 2 She's into short men! I've never heard of her dating or being seriously connected with a 6 footer! You mean to tell me she can't find a guy whose even 5-11 with money and a personality?????
Bud said on 6/Jun/07
If she could do a reverse Stallone with limb shortening surgery crop off 1-3 inches, she would be absolutely flawless.
Aaron said on 3/Jun/07
Timber, why would a female actress say such an exact height (5'10.5" in the above quote) if she was 5'8-5'9? I could see a male actor adding inches to their height, but tall female actresses generally like to downplay their height, not lie about being taller than they really are. I do agree with you though on how her bone structure makes her appear even taller, but she really doesn't need any help in that department.
vandal said on 16/May/07
how much does she weigh? with her small bone structure i bet she would be a quite the flyweight if she were only 5-8.
robotix said on 10/May/07
Last time I saw her on Jay Leno, I'd say she's near 6' if Jay Leno is really 5'10"
anonymous said on 1/May/07
the photos have not been touched. it is very hard to alter a picture and not have it look odd (such as pixel size or smudges). besides, it came from a magazine. they wouldn't touch it. they are always the ones saying how she is 5`10.5 and he is 5`10. Although i doubt either of them are that height ;).
timber said on 30/Apr/07
urban must have a slope advantage in that pic, because i doubt he is over 5'8, and may be shorter than that. i think kidman must be 5'8-5'9 and appears 5'10-5'11 in person simply because she is extremely slim and carries herself well.
dmeyer said on 30/Apr/07
rob how can urban looks 1 in taller than her when they are both in sandals maybe the pics have been touched
Michela Bologni said on 14/Apr/07
She is taller. I know it. I'm her personal hair dresser when she come in Naples. She always eats sfogliatelle from scaturchio in the centre of the city.
SusieS said on 13/Apr/07
I saw Nicole Kidman in person in NYC, she was on the street. I'm 5'8" and she was definitely a good few inches taller than me, and her shoes were completely flat (we actually captured her on video and I can assure you her shoes were FLAT). She is definitely at least 5'10".
anonymous1 said on 6/Apr/07
I agree with both timbers and anonymous's comments. I have more evidence to show that Nicole is 5'8.5" to 5'9".Just go to youtube.com to watch ellen degeres show. You will realise that the height difference btn Ellen and Nicole(who was in 4" heels) is the same as the height difference btn Ellen and Storm Large(who is 5'11"-6' and was in flats).This shows Nicole is 6'-6'1" in 4" heels and this makes her 5'9" tall.
timber said on 5/Apr/07
right, anonymous. she is in flat sandals, he is in flip flops, and the height difference I expected to see is simply not there. she is supposed to be nearly 3 inches taller than he.
timber said on 20/Mar/07
Found this very confusing pic of Kidman with 5-8ish Urban:
Click Here
Is it the angle, or because they are walking? In other non-heelpics she always appears taller. Still...interesting.
glenn said on 19/Mar/07
keith isnt 5-10.he might be 5-7 as well.saw barefoot pics of them on the beach and she towers him too.
BooYaJared said on 18/Mar/07
Nicole Kidman is certainly 5'11. It was reported her first public statement after her divorce with Tom Cruise (5'7) was "Now I can wear heels." Also she is not that much taller than her husband Keith Urban (5'10) but is rarely seen without heels on which would make her appear much, much taller. 4 or 5 inches even depending on the heel. She is the epitome of perfection! <3
AirSky said on 16/Mar/07
To me, she does look 5'11", maybe even taller. Watching her co-star with Will Ferrell on "Bewitched", the difference seems to be about 2 or 3 inches (in a scene where "Isobel" is apparently wearing sneakers/athletic-type shoes) of course, you might wanna check that out for yourself. Will Ferrell apparently is 6'3" from all sources.
dmeyer said on 21/Feb/07
if high heels give you only 2.5 inches over barefeet so compare to 1 to 1.25 normal dress shoes it give then only 1.5 in advantage how come nicole looks 6'1 in heels she should look only 6 ft and blanchet looks 5'11 in heels also holmes can lok 6 ft in huge heels and they all wear very slim frot like 0.25 in is the beginig of the shoes
anonymouse said on 28/Jan/07
nicole appeared about 4 inches taller than ellen degeneres on her show.ellen is 5-7 in shoes, so 5-11 for nic. however, nicole was not wearing flats, she was wearing 3 inch heels:
Click Here
Elle said on 27/Jan/07
Since my contribution in December, I just read some of the comments by people who are sure Nicole Kidman is anything but 5'11", and they base it all on how she looks in films or pictures. Well, unless you met her in person, and spent ten minutes or so talking with her (like I did, and we were both wearing flats and exactly eye to eye), you are wrong! So, please take my word for it, I was there and she's exactly five eleven. Also, she was very nice to me. Not pretentious in the least. But Julianne Moore, (who was also standing with us), wasn't too happy being overshadowed by us both by about half a foot, and had a bit of an envious, bitchy attitude. Not everyone can be tall, gorgeous goddesses!
timber said on 9/Jan/07
that quote from Antonia is strange, because in pics I've seen recenty of Nicole with her mum her mum appears nowhere near 5-10, maybe 5-7 max.
Glenn said on 5/Jan/07
Sometimes Nicole is alone.sometimes has henchmen.the once easy,Paris and Lohan are tough to get near,Bodyguards,friends,entourage,Papparazi,geez.glad I got them.Simpson sisters are sweet,only Papparazi in the way,which kills it anyway.50 cent is nice,but his entourage gets in your way.Busta might be headed for all time worse,as he beats up fans,drivers,and his security recently threatened bloodshed on me.no lie.pure trash.
Glenn said on 4/Jan/07
If she isnt 5-11,she is 5-10.no smaller.I bumped into her plenty of times.ignores people usually.

Editor Rob
who these days is impossible to get near, going over the top with security/entourage?
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/07
I now Nicole Kidman is not 5 foot 11,that's a lie. I saw her in movies in 2 inch hills and she not look 6 foot 1 inches tall. If I were to guest her true height I would guest 5 foot 7 or f 5 foot 8 inches tall. In 2 inch hills she would be 5 foot 10 or 5 foot 9. She is not defiantly 5 foot 11
Editor Rob said on 26/Dec/06
Her sister Antonia in 2002: "I'm 5ft 10 and a quarter, so is Nicole and so is Mum. When we're together we're all stooping, trying to be the smallest"
Elle said on 9/Dec/06
I know for sure how tall Nicole Kidman is, because after a screening of "The Hours" and a question and answer session, I went up to talk with her. We were both wearing flats and EXACTLY the same height. I am (blonde and slender and) 5'11" tall, and so is she. (A friend who was with me at the screening and watched us talking also verified that we didn't differ by even a fraction of an inch).
Extra said on 1/Dec/06
I saw her in person on a movie set - I'd have to say she's over 5'11".
Brad said on 1/Dec/06
I saw a recent picture of Urban & NK. She made him look like a boy. Is he really 5' 8"? I'd believe 5' 7". She was towering over him big time.
Brad said on 16/Nov/06
5' 10" is probably right. Cruise packed on the inches and posture on those red carpets.
Glenn said on 8/Nov/06
She is 5-10 at the very least.I keep bumpin into her.always ignores me and almost everyone.
Tall Girl said on 11/Oct/06
Oh, and in Peacemaker, the camera doesn't really show Kidman and Clooney side by side that much. So it's actually hard to tell. But I still must insist she's 5'10.5". She has to be.
Tall Girl said on 11/Oct/06
I think George Clooney must wear lifts, like most guys probably do in Hollywood. And what about that movie Cold Mountain (where Kidman doesn't wear much of a heel), where she stands eye to eye with the 5'11"
Jude Law? And you'll notice she slouches when she's starring with guys who are almost her height, like in Moulin Rouge.
tall girl said on 9/Oct/06
I am positive that Kidman is 5'10 1/2". I am also five ten and a half, and from my perspective she is definately that height. And she's standing next to Theron, who is obviously tall judging from Aeon Flux.
dumbdude said on 26/Sep/06
I just can't see Kidman as being over 5 9. I think 5.8 and some change is the best rating to give her. Tom looked to be extremely short in the 80's, even up against short people like Dustin Hoffman(Hoffman states he's 5 5, I really think the dude is closer to 5 3) and Rebecca Demorney(states she's 5 6, probably closer to 5 foot 4). Kidman is about 3 inches taller than the 5 5 to 5 5 and a half Cruise, which would put her in the 5 8 to 5 8.5 range. Throw in some heels and her naturally slender build, and the chick can easily look about 6 feet or over in pictures.
ken_hiroshi_ said on 12/Sep/06
hi anonymous, the pic can't prove right both plp height,look closely the photo angle was not right nicole stands far back and lenny stands much front, we can't see their legs or foot wear.. but nicole might still be taller as shes 5ft10..
anonymous2 said on 6/Sep/06
Nicole with Lenny Kravitz (listed at 174cm 5 ft 8.5 in):
Click Here Can't see feet of course, but he is probably wearing heeled boots. Kidman could be wearing flats...or could they be same height??
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/06
charlize isnt standing tall but nicole is alidl taller
dmeyer said on 1/Sep/06
rob do you think she could be 180

Editor Rob
out of bed...yes
Karen said on 7/Aug/06
Bleemo, I agree she does look a couple inches taller than Urban. (But now I'm doubting the 5'7/5'8 for Urban.) Kidman looks tall because she 'is' tall, but I still doubt the 179 cm-- I'm the only one here that does though.
Brad said on 7/Aug/06
5' 10". I'm sure she told producers early in her career 5' 8" to get roles with Cruise etc.. Being tall as an actress can hurt casting calls. Can you imagine Kidman with Pacino, Hoffman, etc..
Bleemo said on 6/Aug/06
Well Karen I think those pics of her with Urban kind of make her look 5'10 don't they? Even if he is only 5'7 she appears 2 inches taller and she is wearing sandals, where as he is wearing trainers with a decent sized sole. He's also wearing a cap which distorts where the top of his head is.
The only time Kidman hasn't looked in the 5'9-5'10 range is in that pic with Uma Thurman. I don't see 3 inches there though, more 2 inches because Nicole is tilting her head a bit and Uma is not, plus Nicole is kinking her knee in a bit more, that would probably shave off a cm.
Natalie said on 3/Aug/06
She is very tall!I am sure she is 179 cm. In "The Interpreter" she was standing next to Sean Penn and she was much more taller than him. So that makes Nicol Kidman 177-179 cm.
Karen said on 13/Jul/06
Also, there have been alot of pics with her out walking with Keith Urban who is 5'7-5'8 and she simply doesn't look that much taller than him, at least to me.
Click Here
Karen said on 13/Jul/06
How to explain this pic from an old Vanity Fair cover posted below? Uma Thurman, who is 5'11 1/2 appears to tower over Nicole. Doesn't seem like she would if Nicole is over 5'10 1/2. She looks about three inches shorter, assuming the same heel height of course.
Click Here
Glenn said on 11/Jul/06
The reason people keep insisting Karen,is cause people like me keep bumping into her in all kinds of footwear and situations.film sets,events,and downtime.she IS around 5-10,possibly more.
sianna said on 10/Jul/06
i think she is 5'11..she is very tall and tall people in hollywood downgrade their height...short people are the ones who add on an inch or 2
Karen said on 9/Jul/06
I don't understand why people insist on believing her 5'10 1/2" claim. She has to add 2 inches. It's required in Hollywood! She is no more than 5'9, max IMO.
Frank2 said on 27/Jun/06
Unfortunately, I've never met or seen Keith Urban, but I'll take your word on it.
Glenn said on 26/Jun/06
She is 5-10.and urban is 5-8.back me on that Frank.
Frank2 said on 24/Jun/06
Except she's not 5'11". She's 5'10".
ForensicNYC said on 23/Jun/06
All the best to 5'11" Nicole Kidman and 5'9" Keith Urban on their WEDDING...
Click HereSomewhere near here...
Click HereMaybe here...
Click Here
peter said on 29/May/06
hi,at hte airport one year ago i saw nicole kidman.she was wearing flat shoes and she towars over me.i am about 1 m 72 cm .that mean that nicole must be more than 1.75
smokeblower said on 10/May/06
Evan, how do you know for sure that rodrigo santoro is 6'3"?
evan said on 9/May/06
look at her in the commercial for chanel no.5
shes with rodrigo santoro who is 6'3" and she is taller than him in heels!
shes probably about 5'11" and the 4-5 inch heels allows her to be taller than the guy. to all those people who keep trying to say celebrities add inches to their height, thats not exclusive to celebrities so its a moot point.
TBH said on 5/May/06
I was an extra in her upcoming movie "The Visting" with Daniel Craig(he's about 5'10) I'm 6ft tall and she was up there with me without heels. She's a legit 5'11.
Alex said on 23/Apr/06
Def in the 5'10.5-5'11 range, 5'11 wouldn't suprise me either. Gotta watch out for her heels though, even in sneakers she looks very tall. A girl at 13 and still the same height at 18 doesn't suprise me at all as many girls stop growing at 13 and most grow 1/2 inch more.
dmeyer said on 30/Mar/06
she might be 180
MeLiSsA said on 3/Mar/06
I don't think that she would add inches to her height if she complains about being tall. I just measured myself the other day and I'm a little under 5'7 so I just say I'm 5'6 because it's not really a lie...I'm in the 5'6 range. 5'6 and 3/4 or whatever. And I still complain about being tall. So that's like me saying I'm 5'8 or 5'9 and then being like I wish I was shorter.
Frank2 said on 2/Mar/06
Kidman is a doll! She's at least five ten. In Eyes she probably didn't wear shoes or wore ballerina slippers with no heels.
wasa said on 23/Feb/06
It's very strange that in Eyes wide shut there doesn't seem to be all that much height difference between Kidman and Cruise, even in the nude scenes. Kidman sure has some nice legs though ;)
Admirer of tall women said on 12/Feb/06
Yeah, she's well tall. I'm about 5ft 9, but when I saw her in person in London she seemed to tower over me. Most men would probs have to stretch to kiss her.
LAAnonyme said on 24/Jan/06
Tall actresses like to add extra inches to their height just as much as petie actresses do, even in Hollywood, because everyone aspires to the supermodel look - in height and weight. Nicole Kidman is accurate with the 5'10" to 5'10.5" estimation, but Miss Holmes embellishes when she claims to be 5'9". Kidman often wears high heels for appearances - formal couture shoes have heel heights of 3 to 4 inches, rarely 2 inches - and this added to her amazing posture can make her appear to tower over many. Tom Cruise wears lifts in his shoes, so no one can see that he's really 5'7".
Anonymous said on 8/Jan/06
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/06
in the interpreter she make sean penn look like 5'3
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/06
she looks taller than ben chaplin she gotta be near 5'11
Craig said on 23/Dec/05
I am sure that Katie Holmes is at least 175, because she confirms that!!! Tall girl never adds any extra height - especially in Hollywood!!! the same thing with Nicole Kidman...I think she is like 180! Maybe 179-181 (morning-evening). She is very tall, it is clear and she says herself that she would like to be shorter. As to Tom Cruz - yes, he must be 170 cm...
LAAnonyme said on 22/Dec/05
Katie Holmes is 5'8", not 5'9". (Tom Cruise is at most 5'7".) Nicole Kidman is 5'10" (perhaps she has that extra 1/2 inch in the early morning). She has excellent posture, however, and therefore appears even taller, especially next to people who slouch.
Liza said on 6/Dec/05
Kidman is very tall, in my opinion...Katie Holmes is 175 and when you see her with Tom Cruz - she is not much taller (even in heels). The height difference with Kidman was much more noticeable...I think she is really 180-182.
Victorina said on 10/Oct/05
Comment on what WHAT said...did you notice that Nicole Kidman had flats on while Toni Collette was wearing 3 inch heels? I'd say Kidman is 5'10.
Elise said on 10/Oct/05
I am sure, that Kidman is like 180-181...She is a tall lady.
berry said on 8/Oct/05
I'm confused. That makes Tom Cruise 5'6, doesn't it? Is that possible?
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/05
i think nicole is about 1 inch shoter than me i am about 182 cm imet will is about 6 3 but he wasnt tawering over me like he towers over her so 179 looks about right
JUSTMATT said on 24/Sep/05
Guys tonight Nicole was on italian tv. I saw her (on tv) near the presenter who I know for sure is more or less 178-180 with shoes on...well Nicole was very very tall. She had 4 inches heels but she seems more or less 15 cm taller than the introducer and everyone else in the studio. Sometimes I think Nicole can easily be 6', with shoes 6'3...maybe Cruise isn't so short...he could be 175 but because of his relationship with Nicole everybody starts saying he is short when in reality he is a normal height guy..I don't know! What I can say is that I was really surprised of Nicole's heights near all the other persons on the italian program!
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/05
this is exageration
nicole kidman is no longer than 5'9
she's as max 5'8 or 5'8'5 or 173 cm
but she's so skinny that she looks taller and do'nt forget the high heals
Ms. Q said on 16/Sep/05
Agree with you Kisha 100%. Finally somebody who says the truth! She is clearly no taller than 5'9. She adds 2 inches like everyone else. (Even models do this.)
Kisha said on 15/Sep/05
Look at this pic at http://www.dancingmonica.com/imagefile/cruisekidmanson.jpg
She doesn't look like no giant next to little Tom who is 5"7. I'd say she is about 2 inches taller. She certainly doesn't tower over Tom in heels as much as I'd expect when she claims to be 5"11. If she were 5"11 then Tom should look like a dwarf next to his wife in heels. Why would such a tall woman wear such high heels as she usually does?
Mr. R said on 31/Aug/05
Nate, I have met Nicole twice and I have the same impression. She is certainly on her way to 5-11, if not a little over.
~Nate~ said on 30/Aug/05
I met Nicole Kidman at the Interpreter premier a few months back, she's so very sweet and very pretty and so thin. But her height, I'm 6'1 and with her two inch heels she had on she towered over me. Nicole Kidman is not 5'10 I'd say she's at least 5'11 and change min.
CelebHeights Editor said on 26/Aug/05
Here is the People quote mentioned in a comment below: "I'd much prefer to have curves. My daughter is 5ft 2in and curvy - she's everything I wanted to be. I wish I wasn't 5ft 11in. I'd like to be 5ft 2in"
CelebHeights Editor said on 24/Aug/05
From an interview on Rosie O'Donnell back in 1997:
Rosie: "In the film [peackemaker] you appear smaller! Are you not?"
Nicole: "Yeah. No, I have this thing about liking to be small onscreen cause I hate being tall and I’m Five Ten and it’s the one thing I’ve always hated my whole life is being really tall and taller than people."
Clooney 'slumps down in his chair'
Nicole: "George would always say that he looks small onscreen because he always works with such tall women! But really you’re very tall!"
George: "Oh, I’m a giant! I’m 5’11."
Rosie: "But do you make yourself look smaller? What do you do?"
Nicole gets up at this point.
Nicole: "Well, I’ll show you. You do this. Stand up, George."
George: "I’m the mannequin."
Nicole: "so you go like this" [she then does the old hip sway bendy knees stance beside Clooney which is what you see a lot on Getty Images from her old days with Tom ;)] "You just put your hip out."
ivan said on 16/Aug/05
in the uk version of glamour magazine they had an interview with nicole and she said she was 5'11 but wished she was like her daughter who is 5'2
servel said on 4/Jun/05
on the interpreter she didnt look much taller than his co star, cant remember his name, but she is probably a 1.78, and uma isnt that tall either, next to tarantino she doesnt look as tall...
Mr. R said on 19/May/05
Cliff, having met both Nicole and Uma, I completely agree. Both of them are taller than their reported heights. Nicole is at least 5-11, and Uma is over 6 feet!
JUSTMATT said on 27/Feb/05
Yeah I think she's very tall, 179-180cm it's right! This means that when she wears 10 cm heels she goes up to 190cm!!! Now I understand why she breaks with little Tom...