Rory said on 7/Feb/21
Rob, whats the height difference in this photo do you think? 1.5-2cm?

Editor Rob
looks somewhere in that, nearly 2cm I'd have said...
Ian Wright had a cm on him that day.
Mikester said on 20/Jan/21
considering the footwear advantage i wouldn't guess much more than the flat 5ft8 based on the photo...
Leesheff85 said on 30/Dec/20
I agree christian less than 5ft 9 but not much he clearly was an inch or more shorter than Russell tovey who is a weak 5ft 10
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Nov/20
No less than this listing, and 5'8.75" is just as likely.
JohnMoore-162cm said on 16/Jun/20
Yeah he looks between 5ft8 and 5ft9 .. defo 5ft8 1/2"
Tidus0816 said on 9/Jun/20
Lol Rob, I remember I was watching a clip from Agents of Shield where he said to Adrianne’s character (and I quote): “ I’ll remind you that we’re basically the same height, I just don’t wear bloody heels.”
Guess he’s adamant about that 5’10 claim. Don’t know if you can add that tho.
Nik Ashton said on 20/Jan/20
@ Zampo - Thanks!
One thing I do know is that 5’8.5” is the least that he is!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jan/20
My Mum worked with a Mr Blood. She said he looked like a bloodhound, which can't be said for Nick!
I'm going to give him 5ft8.75.
Bobby said on 23/Jan/19
He can seem a 5'9 guy with that footwear advantage.
Myself said on 25/Dec/18
Kinda ridicolous claim
Littlelee168cm said on 3/Sep/18
Was certainly shorter than Russell tovey in the show him and her so this height looks believable if he was the listed 5ft 10 he'd edge out tovey
Nik said on 2/Sep/18
@ Zampo - Thanks for that!
Zampo said on 30/Aug/18
Agree with Nik, 5'8 5/8. More likely to measure above 5'8.5 than under. I think the average guess is bang on!
Nik said on 4/Apr/18
He looks 5'8.5" - 5'8.75" range!
Bobby said on 2/Dec/17
Looks 2cm taller than you.
World Citizen said on 28/May/17
5 ft 8.25 is more accurate for him I think.
Sully said on 13/Dec/16
Hi Rob , do you think 174.5-175 cm range is possible for Nick ?

Editor Rob
I still think barefoot he is around 174cm.
Roger said on 4/Nov/16
Looks 5'9.
Tiger said on 2/Nov/16
Rob, this guy is clearly taller than you and I doubt a 1 cm difference would be noticeable, so I'll have to go with 175 at least, he's probably very close to 5'9 but only a fraction under

Editor Rob
seen him many times and always seemed under 5ft 9.
I'd personally stick with about 5ft 8.5 range for him from seeing him in person.
172.4cm guy said on 7/Oct/16
I can't believe it took me so long to find this posting for I was watching Agents of Shield I often thought he looked about 173-174cm even though he was about 177-178cm in the show due to wearing boots a lot. He just didn't measure up to Adrienne Padlicki, a tall woman in most of their scenes. But 'lo and behold here you are standing right next to Nick, who is indeed 174cm. Great pic; thanks for the confirmation!

Editor Rob
he's roughly in 174.5 range I feel...
Andrea said on 25/Jul/16
Certainly not over 174 with you...
Shredder said on 18/Jul/16
looks more than 150
Charizard said on 7/Jul/16
Sounds about right