Big Show said on 9/Jan/07
I'm not that interested in weight estimates, only with big guys such as Big Show and people who are around my weight range interest me.
Guessing weights is not as easy as guessing heights. You can't really guess weights based on a couple of pictures as Alex proved with the pics of his friends.
I don't make a guess in the dark when weight is concerned, I normally compare them with people who's weight I do know. But apparently you could still be way off.
Alex I doubt that your ability to guess weights has got anything to do with working out. I hit the gym 5 times a week (during my peak I even went twice a day), but still I could be way of with guessing height.
There's one guy at my gym who's 6'1.5, has got like 17" arms and a chest of 43 inches. I'd guessed him at around 225 lbs, yet he claims he never weighed more than 205 lbs (with a bodyfat percentage of 8%). Seeing as he used to be in the marines he probably must've knew his weight accurately. I doesn't struck me as the type who would deliberately underestimate his weight.
Alex said on 8/Jan/07
Danimal, same here. I'm interested in both. And you probably noticed, that the people who estimate weight the best are the ones into working out/lifting weights the most. There are some on this site who I think aren't bad at estimating height but with weight some of their estimates are way off.
Danimal said on 7/Jan/07
Alex, I'm equally interested in both height and in weight.
Supermanfan380 said on 6/Jan/07
I just got done looking at some youtube videos, and sure enough Jones got billed at 7ft and 350 by the anouncers.
THis is why I tend to think he is 6'10". Also the fact that Milo Magazine 1995 listed him at 6'10" and they were a reliable strongman magazine.
Alex said on 4/Jan/07
Rob, are you a pretty good weight estimater or one of those guys who sticks to just guessing heights? Myself am actually good at estimating weights.

Editor Rob
I don't guess weights, not that interested although I sometimes include quotes with height/weight because some folk are.
Alex said on 3/Jan/07
And by the way one of my heavy friends I posted down below that we were discussing his weight. He weighs 325lbs and I saw it myself on the doctor's scale 2 weeks ago so the 340-345lbs I mentioned back then isn't accurate because the scale was apparently off that day. I figured because he didn't look 340lbs plus. So that throws 300lbs or less out the window for those underestimaters with weight! haha
Jason said on 24/Dec/06
Yeah, Terkay has 3.5 or 3 inches on DDP. I've always thought DDP was 6'2 1/2'' and seeing him with 197cm/6'5 1/2'' Terkay more or less confirms he is in that range. Notice the size of Terkay's melon, though -- it's bloody enormous!!! He looks like he's got some Islander in him.
Jason said on 20/Dec/06
Oops, I mean Jones looks at most 2 1/2 inches taller than Terkay lol!
Jason said on 20/Dec/06
Terkay looks at most 2 1/2 inches taller than Jones and we now have a 6'5 1/2'' MMA listing for Terkay.
Jason said on 20/Dec/06
Click Here
Bleemo, that MMA article has Terkay listed at 197cm!
Jason said on 20/Dec/06
Glad to see you agree with me about Nathan Jones, Bleemo. Predator is quite likely 6'5''. Jones looked 6'7''-6'8'' to me in person but he could be 6'8 1/2'' as you say. He was an extremely tall guy, but not 6'10''.
Alex said on 19/Dec/06
Big Show, I remember Show having 2 inches on Jones. And 3 on Morgan I think and Also Jones was a bit taller than Morgan too.
Anonymous said on 19/Dec/06
Bleemo, your argument is not correct. I agree that Undertaker and Kane's heights are exaggerated but Morgans and Jones heights were not exaggerated because it would make the more established wrestlers (Undertaker and Kane) who are the companys know big men look inferior if there were younger unproven wrestlers coming in an being billed as bigger than them.
Alot of the heights are linked with power and standing within the company, the more you are going to be pushed and the more faith Vince has in you the more impressive he will bill you as being size wise.
So its not always as simple as saying if Kane isnt his billed height then Nathan Jones can't be his because thats not how it works.
Big Show said on 19/Dec/06
Bleemo, first of all Nathan Jones has been listed 6'10 almost everywhere (Strongman competition, AWA, WWE, etc. He's also stated numerous times himself that he's 6'10, there are listings of 6'11 to even 6'11.5).
In the first pic of Jones and Sylvester, Jones is standing further behind, we don't see any footwear or the ground level.
The second pic is shot from a low camera angle and that always downgrades the taller guy. Plus they're all leaning a bit to their right. And again, we don't see any footwear of ground level.
Jones looked 3 inches taller than 'billed' 6'7 Magnus Samuelson, who looked 2 inches taller than a legit 6'5 TV-host (who hosted a strongman competition for the Dutch TV once) and he was also taller than fellow strongman Wout Zijlstra (who's around 6'6 himself).
The Big Show was clearly taller than Jones and not by just an inch. During that episode of Smackdown where Team Lesnar first showed up the 5 of them posed in the ring together after they've beat up Team Cena. Big Show was 2 inches taller than both Jones and Morgan and he wasn't even standing completely straight (there's a picture of this posedown somewhere on the net).
Alex said on 16/Dec/06
Jones looks noticeably taller than Sylvester. Could be 3 inch difference I think.
Viper said on 14/Dec/06
Jones looks more like a 6-8 guy.
Jason said on 14/Dec/06
I would figure 1.5-1.75'' from footage and pics.
Alex said on 14/Dec/06
I've seen a times where Big Show only had an inch on Jones, but also Show's posture you gotta take into account as well where he may really have 2 inches on Jones but no more than that. Jones was 2-3 inches taller than UT at least.
Jason said on 14/Dec/06
Big Show was *barely* taller than Jones at the 2003 Survivor Series.
Supermanfan380 said on 13/Dec/06
Its tough to say for Jones's height he looks about 6'10", in the video I posted Show had a good 2 inches on him, but the only real way to compare would be to put them both back to back barefoot.
Alex said on 13/Dec/06
The little guy is Rob who is 5'6 I believe. Its around a foot difference if you saw the show.
Jason said on 13/Dec/06
Could just be the pics, but he looks closer to 6'3'' next to the little guy.
Alex said on 13/Dec/06
Yea, pretty much 400lbs as he weighed 416lbs to be exact on the scale at the recyling center because he was too heavy for a digital scale and at the gym the one maxed out at 400lbs and the balance beam hit to top and didn't move, funny how he went to get weighed at a girl's gym, Curves. Also take into account the guy is 6'5-6'6 as well.
Jason said on 13/Dec/06
Actually, that guy looks 400lbs.
Alex said on 12/Dec/06
and 2 toward the top right side.
Alex said on 12/Dec/06
Jason, at the bottom of the page there are a few pics of Big Black AKA Christopher Boykin and Rob Dyrdek.
Click Here
Paul said on 12/Dec/06
I don't think it was quite that much Alex. From what I remember it looked maybe 3-4cm. This was around 2002 or 2003. I had Jones down as 6'9 1/2 which is 207cm..
Jason said on 12/Dec/06
I've never watched the show or even seen him so no clue.
Alex said on 12/Dec/06
Jones def had a few inches on UT. 2 at the least.
Alex said on 11/Dec/06
Jason, what do you think about Big Black from Rob and Big? Do you think he's a legit 6'6 that he says. I think so, at least 6'5 as he just TOWERS over Rob by around foot and Rob looks to be 5'6 or so. Did you think Big was really like 350lbs before he weighed in at 415lbs? lol
Alex said on 11/Dec/06
Interesting fact out of my 4 best friends the average weight is between 280-290lbs with an average height of 6'1. I doubt most don't have an average of that unless their closest friends are wrestlers or football players. That stat really isn't a good one either as 2 of my friends are very overweight/obese and another is overweight while one is fit.
Jason said on 11/Dec/06
Yeah, I'm Australian.
Superman ... LOL. The government's really on our backs here about being fat asses here, even little kids get no slack now. :S
Supermanfan380 said on 11/Dec/06
That is because here we teach kids that "you are ok exactly as you are, with clogged arteries and blood pressure and cholesterol so high you could fall down and die anytime, thus being MORBIDLY obese, yet it WHAT IS ON THE INSIDE THAT COUNTS."
Fat people are not lazy, they work very hard, much harder than the average person. For example, when was the last time a skinny guy was out of breath walking up steps?
Jason said on 10/Dec/06
I don't see many people as fat as your friends let alone Rikishi and Rosey, and I'm in the inner city a lot. The average person here is pretty much as fat as in the US but for some reason ridiculously fat people are more common there. I wonder why that is?
Alex said on 10/Dec/06
Jason, you're from Australia so I have a question. Since the US is the most heavier country, where you are from do you see many fat guys like my 2 friends or guys like Rikishi, Rosey much at all over where you are from? I see almost everyday a 300 plus pound guy and every weekend I see my friends who are even heavier.
Alex said on 9/Dec/06
Today for the first time in a while both my heavy friends, the 2 kids I posted below were at my house together. When around them I feel lite and should around 2 guys over 300lbs and by the way the shorter one told me today that he weighs 320lbs as he seems to flucuate if he's on a diet or not.
Supermanfan380 said on 9/Dec/06
Check out this youtube nathan Jones video:
Click Here
Alex said on 29/Nov/06
Would I have to get a picture of my friend on the scale with a picture of the weight he weighs in on? LOL
Another friend of mine saw a picture of him and guessed him at 345-350lbs and he's in the right range. Its the fact you guys haven't seen him in person is why you're underestimating his weight by that much other than Danimal and TNTinca.
Glenn said on 29/Nov/06
Meat Loaf is 5-10,5-10.25.
Danimal said on 24/Nov/06
Meat Loaf was 6'0" in his younger days.
Danimal said on 24/Nov/06
Big Show, Meat Loaf stated that he indeed went up to 375-380 in the late 70's (1977) and averaged about 350 pounds during that time. I have read this from several Meat Loaf interviews. When he had his comeback in the 1990's, he was down to 275-280 pounds.
Big Show said on 24/Nov/06
Meat Loaf has been listed up to a ridiculous 6'2, but he's really somewhere between 5'10 and 5'11. No shorter than 5'10 though, but also no taller than 5'11.
Alex said on 24/Nov/06
Big Show, how tall was meatloaf? My friend now is 6'0 and at his weight he'll look smaller than a short guy at his weight too. The 5'7 kid I posted a picture of weighs actually a little less at least than my 6'0 friend and the 6'0 friend looks lighter because he's a lot taller.
Alex said on 24/Nov/06
I can't see how you guys see 280lbs. Look at his girth, his stomach, chest, his face, too fat to be just 280lbs. I've know this kid since he was 6 years old and he hasn't been 280lbs since 2001-2002 and he's 18 now. Danimal is right about his weight.
Big Show said on 24/Nov/06
If I look at those new pics you've posted of your big friend, he does look bigger as he did in the first pic. But I would never have estimated him to be 330 lbs, more like 300 lbs tops. I remember Meat Loaf weighing 325 lbs when Bat out of Hell was released and he looked a lot heavier back then as your friend.
I never take a wild guess on anyone's height. Mostly I compare them to people, who's weight I do know. It's the same as how I estimate someone's height.
Viper652 said on 24/Nov/06
Danimal, how in the freakin world do you see 325-340 pounds for sure in those pics? I was honestly dumbfounded that he looked so much smaller than what Alex said. Jason, is Danimal messing with us here?
Viper652 said on 24/Nov/06
Ok, I'll just stick to height and judging girls looks :) But that dude doesnt look like a 300 pound plus guy, honestly
Alex said on 23/Nov/06
and especially after thanksgiving I feel like I'm 210lbs, LOL
Alex said on 23/Nov/06
Jason, yea I'm 200lbs. Normally 195lbs or a bit under especially in the summer but when it gets to the winter I normally put a little more weight. I'd actually like to get to 225lbs if I could but mostly the right way and I did peak at 215lbs in early 2005. I normally get overestimated 10-15lbs more than I weigh though.
Alex said on 23/Nov/06
Jason, I beleive if you saw my friend in person you'd believe he was heavier and as for Rikishi the guy looks to be around 400lbs to me though.
As for the scale messing up, at the doctor's I wasn't there but a doctor weighed him in so I'm sure he was on the scale when he got weighed. But at my house 2 summers ago he wieghed 326lbs then the following summer 330lbs and now my scale only goes up to 330 and after that he got on it another time and it said error so you know he's more than the weight on the scale. Like I said I'll get him on a scale very soon again and see for myself what he is today, plus those pics you saw of him were from July-now and he hasn't gotten any smaller.
Jason said on 23/Nov/06
In your dreams! Just make sure you give a money back guarantee...
Danimal said on 23/Nov/06
Alex, I was just joking with the tub comment. You want an accurate weight guess for ANYONE, come to me. These other guys are better at sticking to heights. As for Jason, I'm still not sure what your fortay is though ;).
Jason said on 23/Nov/06
I dunno, Alex. I can't see your friend being anywhere near Rikishi in weight and he really was only 350 tops. I don't think you're making it up at all or anything like that, just think something is wrong here, i.e he's set the scale forward before he hopped on without you knowing or was too heavy for the scale or something. Digital scales screw up when you're too heavy for one. You do look 200lbs, though. :)
Alex said on 23/Nov/06
Danimal, you're very correct with the weight but hey thats my friend now. Don't go calling him a tub of lard now. And I am actually going to get him on a scale soon to see for myself again since I haven't seen him weighed since last summer which was 330lbs plus. He's minimum 330lbs and likely around 340lbs.
I know most of you guy guess wrestler weights in a big weight range and have different estimates but with wrestlers I can only guess to as I don't know for sure but with my friends I have seen them get on scales so I know facts about them.
Alex said on 22/Nov/06
Ok guys I think you guys are underestimating so much on his weight because maybe you haven't seen him in person. If I didn't know him and just saw the picture I would still guess he's at least 320lbs. 280lbs would be smaller than that for a 6'0 guy like him.
Alex said on 22/Nov/06
Viper, more than some people overestimate by weight by at least 5-10lbs and thats because I have muscle so it makes me look a little heavier at least. Never measured his wrists though and he's way heavier than 280lbs. The scale was legit, plus it was accurate for me too. You guys are underestimating by at least 50-60lbs. LOL
TheMan said on 22/Nov/06
I once knew a guy who stood no less than 6 foot 9 probably actually 6,10 he must of weighed over 400 pounds wish i knew how much he did weigh. I mean he wasnt like really fat but was just a big guy not muscle bound just a big guy if you know what i mean. Height makes a tremendous diffrence to youre wieght so im gathering this guy weighed alot. Deffently the biggest guy ive seen in real life least in the height and weight ratio.
Danimal said on 22/Nov/06
Viper, stick to guessing height. That man is a tub of lard and easily over 300 pounds. Quite a bit over. I would guess between 325-340 pounds for sure.
Viper652 said on 22/Nov/06
I agree with Jason. That kid looks 280. Still fat but looks nowhere near 330. He must have the largest, heaviest bones of all time. How big are his wrists, 10 inches? lol.
Jason said on 22/Nov/06
Maybe he cocked it up :P. The upper limit on my digital scale is 130kg, which is 287lbs.
Viper652 said on 22/Nov/06
Alex, I overestimated your weight. I figured 210 at least in a couple of those pictures.
Alex said on 22/Nov/06
Jason, I seen him get on my digital scale at my house and weighed 335lbs last summer.
Cantstop, exactly Henry would have to be at least 375lbs in my opinion then but also Henry has much more muscle than me friend so he'd look more heavier than him than he already is.
Jason said on 22/Nov/06
I know. He looks over 280, but not 330. I am thinking he flicked the dial up on the scale before he jumped on or something lol. Either that or his bones are so heavy he'd make a bloody good anchor...!
Alex said on 21/Nov/06
Jason, you were bang on guessing my tall friend's weight when he was that weight 2 years ago in that picture I posted not too long ago, but with these 2 fat friends you are off by a lot. In particular the 6'0 one where you're off by 60lbs or more. Danimal was pretty accurate with him though. Weight can be tough to guess especially if they're that heavy.
Alex said on 21/Nov/06
Viper, what would you guess I weigh then based on those pictures I posted below? The 3 I posted in a tank and the 2 with me and my friend.
Jason said on 21/Nov/06
Yep Viper, it's a lot harder than height. :(
Jason said on 21/Nov/06
I asked Ronnie on a site he (yes, really him) posts at point blank what the heaviest weight he's ever been at is and he said 320.
Alex said on 21/Nov/06
With Ronnie Coleman the difference is I didn't see him weigh himself as with my friend I have seen him weighed and I know what he weighs.
Viper652 said on 21/Nov/06
Weight guessing is extremely hard. I never even try.
Alex said on 21/Nov/06
New Balance ones I have on there don't give me 1.5 inches like my other pair do. These make him 1-1.25 inches taller. Same for my friend too. He was actually measured 5'11.5 at the doctor's 2 years ago but I measured him last year and got 6'0 flat barefoot. He did just turn 18 over the summer so. He actually stopped growing at a very slow pace because when he was 12 he was 5'4-5'5 honestly and now 18 at 6'0.
Jason said on 21/Nov/06
Danimal, considering you also said I was foolish to say Ronnie Coleman was only 320lbs at his heaviest ever weight, you seriously don't have any room to talk.
Alex said on 21/Nov/06
Danimal, if you could try to post those 2 pictures of your huge step brothers. I forgot how big they were each you said.
Alex said on 21/Nov/06
Danimal, yea def around that weight. He's minimum 335lbs since I saw him weigh 335lbs myself but I question the 350lbs he said he weighed in at the doctor's because I didn't see it myself but I could believe it even though 350lbs seems a little too much though. He does like food, loves his chips and soda and I wanna get him to join a gym and lose some of that weight at least. If Jason saw him in person I know he'd think he's heavier since pictures don't always give you that impression.
Danimal said on 20/Nov/06
Alex, your buddy looks like he's at least 335-340 pounds in that pic. Looks like he likes food A LOT. Jason, you need glasses.
Alex said on 20/Nov/06
Jason, yea I'd say I am pretty fit. But see the white cabinet behind me. I measured it and its 7'0 even. and thats the height I would imagine Big Show to be but a person who is a certain height will seem taller than an object that is the same height though.
Alex said on 20/Nov/06
You still think he looks only 280lbs though even in those pictures? lol
Alex said on 20/Nov/06
Jason, he would like your estimate of his weight though guessing him much less than he really is, lol.
Alex said on 20/Nov/06
TNTinca, he is 6'0 even, he's 1/2 inch shorter than me and I measured him. Yea, I caught him with the bag of chips, lol. He's easily well over 300lbs. 350lbs he weighed in at the doctor's this summer he told me.
Jason, if you saw him in person you'd think he was heavier. Pictures sometimes don't give the impression that they are bigger in person. I am actually going to get this kid on a scale again to see what he weighs today. Last year I saw him weigh 330 something for a fact. Doctor had him at 350lbs but I didn't see it myself though.
Jason said on 20/Nov/06
Actually, I still don't think he looks near 330 lol. Weird. I may think he was heavier if I saw him in person. I met a couple of BIG guys in 2004 -- one was 6'2'' 303lbs and the other just under 6'1'' and 322, and they looked bigger than your friend. The 6'2'' bloke was an Islander and had BIG bones and more beef than normal as well, though. The other was just fat. You look very fit yourself!
TNTinCA said on 20/Nov/06
If he is 6 foot, I would say he is easily over 300 lbs based on the roundness of his body. (The bag of chips was a nice touch in that one photo)
Paul said on 19/Nov/06
He's one of only two guys I know of who have smashed their way through the door of a prison cell. The other guy was Roy Shaw.
Alex said on 13/Nov/06
This page kinda turned into a page about "your friends heights and weights" LOL.
BTW Jason, I got a couple more pics I can post of him that are better, plus with me in a few too soon.
Alex said on 10/Nov/06
Jason, honestly 2 summers ago I guessed him at 280-285lbs and he told me he went to the doctor and he weighed in at 326lbs with cloths so one day he got on my scale with just jogging pants and a t shirt and weighed in at 320lbs and 2 years later he has gotten a little heavier at least. Shows pictures can be decieving. And if he's really 350lbs where the doctor weighed him in as then you underestimated him by 70lbs, LOL. In a way I have a feeling the scale was off but he's in the 330's for a fact at least since I have seen it with my own eyes.
Jason said on 10/Nov/06
He looks somewhat under the 300lbs mark in that pic to me. 280 maybe?
Alex said on 9/Nov/06
Jason, what did you actually guess my friend's weight at then? Honestly if I would look at that picture I wouldn't guess 340-350lbs. I would guess 310-315lbs, but remember the picture is decieving as he is wearing darker cloths.
Alex said on 9/Nov/06
Jason, the picture would be deceiving because with my own eyes I saw him weigh in at 330 plus, but I never seen him weigh in at 340-350lbs since I wasn't with him at the doctor's that day but he told me. I guess him and Rikishi are in the same 20lb weight range then if Rikishi is 360lbs. Jason you were correct with my tall friend with his weight but this guy you're way off, lol. I am telling you his cloths make him look a little leaner. I actually have a few more of him, I could post soon.
Jason said on 9/Nov/06
BTW, I have a wrestling magazine interview with Rikishi (from 2002) where he says he's currently 360lbs and trying to lose weight for his comeback (from some injury, I forget). Could one of your friends you actually saw weigh in have moved the dial up from 0 before hand? lol
Jason said on 9/Nov/06
To be honest your 6'0'' friend doesn't even look around 300lbs let alone 340 or something. Of course that picture could be quite deceiving and I could be way off.
Alex said on 8/Nov/06
Jason, the picture of my 2 friends, mainly the 6'0 340-350lb kid who is almost Rikishi's height shows that Rikishi has to a 400lber because no way would I think him and Rikishi are around the same weight, just no way by looking at them. Jason that picture of him can make him look leaner because of the darker cloths but in ligther cloths he looks a little more heavier at least.
Alex said on 3/Nov/06
Viper I'd say my 6'0 friend is very overweight while my 5'7 friend is obese. I've known one for 13 years and the other for 12 years.
Alex said on 3/Nov/06
You're right, BMI is a stupid thing. I don't go by it. If you go by something, go by body fat percentage. My BMI is in the overweight range but I have muscle so.
TNTinCA said on 3/Nov/06
BMI is a useless statistic by the way. It does not factor in muscle mass and density and assumes that to be static.
Just as a demonstration, they took several actor's current height and weight and derived their respective BMIs. The statistic showed that actors like
Vin Diesel, Christian Bale, Sylvestor Stallone, etc. were all overweight. Now clearly that is not the case. Their muscle adds to their weights and skews the BMI.
I really wish they would abolish that statistic since I think it gives many people the impression they are overweight when in fact, they are just more muscular.
Alex said on 2/Nov/06
Viper, you can see he's fat in the picture but he doesn't look obese but his BMI and weight for his height has him at obese. If he wears cloths that are more lighter he looks a little more fatter. Like Big Show said his cloths make him look a little leaner.
And the 5'7 kid tells me he is 5'9.5-5'10 though which is silly.
TNTinCA said on 2/Nov/06
They are both pretty chunky in my mind. Problem is, this country has gotten so fat, we forgot what it means to be normal or average weight.
I am amazed sometimes when I see the ever increasing levels of obesity in this country. Especially among young children. Being obese at a young age makes it so much harder to be leaner and trim in adulthood.
Viper652 said on 2/Nov/06
The 6-0 kid really doesnt look all that fat.
Alex said on 1/Nov/06
Viper, the 6'0 one is obese too but not as obese as the 5'7 one though. Trust me his cloths make him look a little leaner. In person and if he dresses more light he appears more bigger. How heavier does the 6'0 kid look to you?
Viper652 said on 1/Nov/06
The 5-7 kid is truly obese Alex.
Alex said on 31/Oct/06
Rikishi I think is nothing under 400lbs. Maybe closer to 425lbs at a point.
Mark Henry 350lbs at least, maybe 375lbs or so. But its just weird how my 6'0 friend in the 1st pic is about in the same weight range as Henry. It proves that Rikishi is around 400lbs like I said too because there is no way my 6'0 friend and Rikishi are the same weight.
Big Show said on 31/Oct/06
Rikishi was indeed around that 400 lbs area, but
Mark Henry was a couple of years ago 350 lbs. When Brock Lesnar F5'd him, Michael Cole said: "That's a 350 lbs man!". I doubt he would say that if
Mark Henry was heavier in real life. I don't know what he ways nowadays, but he doesn't look that much heavier. Maybe 375 lbs, but
Mark Henry is not all fat though. I mean look at his gut, it's not that big. He has a huge upper-torso and huge arms and legs.
Alex said on 31/Oct/06
Big Show, also this shows that Rikishi and
Mark Henry are really around 400lbs because no way would I think Rikish and my 2 friends are in the same weight range.
Alex said on 31/Oct/06
Big Show, true that the picture does make him look less than he really is. In person he looks bigger though since pictures can be deceiving. That kid is without a doubt in the 330-350lb range. The other kid you can clearly see his weight that he's 320-330lbs. Both need to go on diets though. The shorter kid has but he goes off and on and his weights goes up and down.
Big Show said on 31/Oct/06
Like I said Alex, that first pic was really bad to estimate someone's weight. Not only does he wear dark clothes, he also positioned himself in the pic in a way that you can't see if he has a huge gut or not. Looking at this pic I would never imagined him to be in the same weight area as
Mark Henry.
If both are the weights you claim they are, they should go on a immediate diet. That 5'10, 330 lbs friend of mine had some serious health problems and wouldn't live past his 30's had he not go on a diet. He was even to fat to undergo surgery to decrease the stomach.
Alex said on 30/Oct/06
Cantstop, the first guy doesn't lift weights at all and really isn't strong for his weight. He has fair strength and he is def over 300lbs. He weighed in on my scale at 330 something last summer and was probably closer to 325lbs legit because of heavy cloths, sneakers. The fact that he's 6'0 he may not appear that heavy and he said this summer that he weighed in at over 350lbs on the doctor's scale but didn't get an accurate measurement since the max weight is 350lbs. I didn't see it myself and he said the scale was probably broken as an excuse but I am sure he's not under 330lbs though as the scale could have been off. The 2nd kid is def 320-330lbs at 5'7 as he even told me. They are some big boys. You guys are underestimating.
Alex said on 26/Oct/06
Big Show, he is over 310lbs last he told me. Lately he normally is in the 320-330lb range. He was down to 275-285lbs close to 3 years ago but since then he's been over that 300lb mark and peaked at 340 something last summer.
Alex said on 26/Oct/06
But Jason you couldn't even take a guess going by those 2 pictures? They aren't bad as I got 2 full body shots which helps instead of those up close half body shots.
Alex said on 26/Oct/06
Jason, I really don't have anymore except for 2 others but my scanner isn't working now though. Pictures can be deceiving because they are around the weight I said. The kid 6'0 is 340-350lbs while the 5'7 kid is 320-330lbs depending on his diet. Well the 6'0 kid went to the doctor this summer and he said he got on the scale and it was put on 350lbs and he was still too heavy for itand he said the scale was probably broken but that could have been an excuse I bet. He's not under 340lbs then. One I knew from grammar school who was a year ahead of me and the other I knew from when he was 6 since he is a couple years younger than me.
Jason said on 26/Oct/06
Would need some more pics to make a good guess. Neither looks the weights you said, but pictures can be deceiving. Where'd you meet these two? Old school friends I guess?
Dkko said on 26/Oct/06
Hey I was in the Netherlands in 01 and in the house I stayed, there was a 13-year old kid who was easily 6'3 or 6'4 asnd was already auditioning for the Holland national basketball teamk, plus he had an 18 year old sister who looked a lot like Maria Sharapova in both looks and height, I always felt like a dwarf in there I just wanted to get out of there!
Alex said on 26/Oct/06
Big Show, true his dark cloths can not make him look as fat or heavy but you can clearly see he's pretty fat there. Take a guess at his weight though. Just curious to see what you guys would guess. Also he's a lot taller than the 2nd kid so those 5 inches will help him out a little while the other kid is much shorter which will make him look fatter.
Big Show said on 26/Oct/06
The first pic is a crap pic to guess someones weight, because he's wearing dark clothes. You can't really see if the kid's fat or that he just has a small overweight. Judging from his face and neck, I'm assuming he's not that fat. He looks pretty healthy, not morbidly or severely obese at all. But like I said, the dark clothes can cover up a lot.
The second kid looks to have a real weight problem. He kind of has the same build as a fat friend of mine use to have. He was 5'10 and weighed 330 lbs (he was getting serious health problems, so he went on a very strict diet and is now somewhere around 250 lbs). I'm guessing this kid could be anything between 275 lbs and 310 lbs.
Alex said on 25/Oct/06
Viper, yea the 2 very heavy ones.
Jason, well I give you credit you did guess his weight bang on and height compared to my height.
Viper652 said on 25/Oct/06
Alex, are you talking about the 2 obese dudes?
Jason said on 25/Oct/06
Sure ... I guessed your other friend right at 260 before you told me. :P
Alex said on 24/Oct/06
Jason, I'll post a picture of both of them for you to estimate their weights. I'd like to see what your guesses are.
Alex said on 24/Oct/06
Viper, is the 6'5.5 guy your friend that you see everyday? I have a friend who is 6'5, maybe closer to 6'5.5 and I see him almost everyday.
Viper652 said on 24/Oct/06
Alex, I rarely ever see 6-7-6-8 dudes. I only see 1 6-5 1/2 dude on a regular basis.
TNTinCA said on 23/Oct/06
Somebody should bottle up the water from Holland and ship it over here. I want some of whatever they are having! :-)
supermanfan380 said on 22/Oct/06
It is possible that Nathan Jones has anscestors from one of these countries, where his height of 6'10", would not be as rare as it would be in other countries.
Alex said on 22/Oct/06
The average height for a man in the Netherlands is 6'0.5 I read.
Big Show said on 22/Oct/06
Dutch people are the tallest people in the world (if you don't count the Tutsi's). An average male is around 6 feet tall around here. I'm 6'0.5 and when I walk through the city I sometimes feel like a dwarf. Most people that are shorter than me are old folks, but young people are mostly around my height or taller. 6'7 is definately not a uncommon height here in Holland. When I was working in a supermarket I saw people of this height almost on a daily basis (I could compare them next to a 6'5 colleague of mine). The tallest person that ever came into our store was probably around 7 feet tall. He was a fool head taller than me and he always slouched big time, so I'm guessing he would be even bigger if he stood straight up.
Even women that are taller than 6 foot is very common here. I regularly see women who are around 6'3 or something.
Alex said on 21/Oct/06
Jason, I've never seen anyone in my life over 6'10 before in person. Only a couple guys in my whole life have I seen who were 6'9-6'10. Like 3, maybe 4. A few more 6'7-6'8 but thats still very rare. Guys 6'5-6'6 here and there but not near often though. Most guys I see on a daily basis are anywhere from 5'9-6'1.
Alex said on 21/Oct/06
Jason, also about weight if you get guessed at more than you are it shows that you have good muscle. When I was 195lbs I was guessed at 210-215lbs then when I was 210-215lbs I was guessed at 220-230lbs. At 185lbs I was guessed at 200lbs or so. As you can see my weight did flucuate though. Now I have good size, big but not huge like some wrestlers or even body builders. At 6'0.5 195lbs and arms 14.5 unflexed to arms 15.5-15.75 flexed is good I'd say.
Alex said on 21/Oct/06
Jason, yea I know what you mean. If you're leaner you'll pack muscle weight/mass in better places.
I actually seen him get on my scale 2 years ago where he weighed 325lbs in cloths so he was really around 320lbs but he has gained since then to 330lbs last summer and this summer he told me he went to the doctor, got on the scale and it was put on 350lbs the max it can go and he was still too heavy for the scale. he claimed the scale was off and he wasn't that much. I don't know though, probably just an excuse, lol. The other of my fat friends I seen him on the scale too and it was legit too.
Jason said on 21/Oct/06
I don't see very many guys taller than me. 6'7''-6'8''? Rare as hell. Usually when I go to the city the tallest guys I see are 6'3 1/2''-6'4 1/2''. Of course Perth, Australia is much smaller than NYC, though!
Jason said on 21/Oct/06
Have you seen your friends actually weigh in on a scale you know is properly calibrated, Alex? Lots of guys lie about their weight as well as height. I guess to sound tough or something, even some fat guys.
Muscle is more dense than fat, but you look bigger the leaner you are. The leaner you are the less size you have in your midsection and gut and the more size you have in places like your arms, chest, back and legs, etc.
Alex said on 20/Oct/06
But yea guys 6'7-6'8 are very tall. Guys, how often do you see a guy 6'7-6'8? For me its not often. I'll see this kid who is 6'8 on occasion who my friend knows. One of my best friends is a solid 6'5 guy, maybe 6'5 and some change and I see him almost on a daily basis. Another who is 6'3 who I see kinda often.
Alex said on 20/Oct/06
Even if you're 300 plus and fat you're going to be big still. I have 2 friends over 300lbs, one 6'0 340-350lbs who is like a tank but he's all fat but he doesn't even look that weight really.
Alex said on 20/Oct/06
Sorry Danimal, I thought you were talking to me at first.
Alex said on 20/Oct/06
Danimal, I NEVER said they were average men. Come on, lol. I just said in general for average men its 5lbs per inch. Don't gotta go off on me.
supermanfan380 said on 20/Oct/06
Ohh, one more thing, Jason is correct that weights are often even more esaggerated than height.
It is true that muscle weighs more than fat, but it still does take up space.
A lean guy can "look" 300 pounds, and only be 275, so a legit 300 is very big, expecially if it is lean, and I mean 8% fat or less, even over 6'6".
supermanfan380 said on 20/Oct/06
Well, as far as when Jones first showed up on WWE TV, anounced at 305, or 295, or whatever, by 2003 Survivor Series, when he came back from ovw, he looked a lot heavier.
Danimal said on 20/Oct/06
I'm sorry, but in 1997-1999 Taker was a BIG MOFO of a man. Definitely over 300 pounds.
Samuelson was only 270 in 1995.
Jason said on 20/Oct/06
Undertaker was (and still is) one big mofo, but Magnus does make him look like a relative toothpick. Twice as much beef and Taker doesn't have a bone frame like Magnus. If they're right about the same height, you'd be looking at 30-40lbs between them. 300lbs is beyond ginormous. I met a gigantic Maori a couple of years ago who was 6'2'' 303lbs and not all that fat and he was so big people were turning around and staring at him even on the other side of a main city road. WWE lies about weight, fans believe it then go thinking that X weight isn't near as big as it really is.
Jason said on 20/Oct/06
Sid was legitimately only 6'6'' 280lbs according to Powerslam magazine. Taker was never more than marginally heftier.
Danimal said on 19/Oct/06
I meant to type late 90's, not late 80's.
Danimal said on 19/Oct/06
These guys aren't average men. Big Show, come on man. You're turning into the new Jason on here (no offence Jason ;). I never said Taker had a lot of muscle, but he was built like a truck in the late 80's and at over 6'7" back then, 330 just isn't that much. Kane who was an inch taller was huge as well. These guys aren't 5'11"-6'0"...
Alex said on 19/Oct/06
For the average person its really like 5lbs per inch.
Big Show said on 19/Oct/06
Click Here
Here's Jones' Smackdown debut. Michael Cole clearly states him as being 305 lbs.
Danimal, Undertaker or Kane never weighed 330 lbs. Compare them to Samuelson, who at his peak was 330 lbs. He would make Undertaker look like a toothpic. I think Kane's peak weight is more around 320 lbs and Undertaker's around 300 lbs.
Danimal said on 19/Oct/06
He very well could be well into his 300's Jason. The man is TALL and HAD muscle. Anything under 310 for this guy is laughable.
Big Show said on 19/Oct/06
Supermanfan380, when Jones debuted on Smackdown vs. Bill Demott, they billed him at 6'10, 305 lbs. Kinda stupid in my book, as he was clearly bigger than Undertaker and Kane at that time. So they both must have been below that mark.
Jason said on 19/Oct/06
He was listed as 340lbs on right from the get go in early 2003.
Danimal said on 18/Oct/06
There was a time Taker was a legite 330 pounds and Kane 340. In reality, for guys over 6'6" (which is 8-9" above average height), you usually add 10 pounds per inch, so in reality, these guys aren't THAT heavy.
Supermanfan380 said on 18/Oct/06
Big Show, I remember that they used to bill jones at 305, when he said was around 295, but whenhe came back from ovw, and he did look bigger, they billed him at 340.
Big Show said on 18/Oct/06
Of course I meant to say that Kurt Angle was listed as 6'2 and not 6'10 :)
Alex said on 17/Oct/06
Angle being billed at 6'2 is the most craziest one of them all or one of the top at least. a 5'10 guy billed at 6'2 you can't get away with, not even on t.v. Angle I use to think was 6'0 when he first came but never 6'2 though.
Danimal said on 17/Oct/06
Bleemo, there are exceptions, but they listed
Mark Henry for what he really was. Samuelson like all other strong men LOSE height. My God, do you know how much they are lifting overhead. The famous Ronnie Coleman who was dethroaned this year is getting shorter and shorter and is barely taller than Jay Cutler. As for Magnus Samuelson, he was originally listed at 6'7" and yes, Jones had at least 3" on him. I have the World's strong Man competition of 1995 on VHS tape and there are behind the scenes of them shopping in the local market and Magnus looks short at times next to Nathan and BACK then, Magnus was NOT under 6'6". He MAY be 6'5" TODAY, but I doubt it. Jones was at least 6'9".
Alex said on 17/Oct/06
He looked at least 6'10 to me when he had a good 9 inches at least over 6'1 Booker T. Maybe it was the angle where he appeared shorter.
Bleemo said on 17/Oct/06
You mean like 5'10 Kurt Angle being billed as 6'2 and 5'10.5 Ken Shamrock being billed as 6'1 by the WWE?
Viper652 said on 17/Oct/06
A little off topic, but If anyone saw last nights Monday night Raw, Big Show has shrunk. The guy only looked 6-9 tops walking with Vince up the ramp.
Big Show said on 17/Oct/06
Click HereHere's a vid of the armwrestling match between Jones and Samuelson (aka Megaman. Looks 3 inches to me. Samuelson is a legit 6'7 in my book. He looked about an inch taller than Wout Zijlstra who's a legit 6'6 and about 2 inches taller than the 6'5 Dutch TV-Host Ron Brandsteder.
That Juoko Ahola claimed Samuelson was 6'5 is a load of crap to me. Ahola claims to be 6'1 himself, so if Samuelson is 6'5 that means Ahola is lying about his height, 'cause there was definately a lot more height difference between these two than just 4 inches. Ahola barely came up to Samuelson's mouth if I remember correctly. The difference was definately 6 inches if not more. Based on Samuelson's height I'd say Jones is 6'10.
Jason said on 17/Oct/06
Big Show is 6'3''?? Like where'd I say that? lol
Danimal said on 16/Oct/06
Bleemo, when athletes make crossovers into wrestling from another sport, they usually use the same height.
Mark Henry comes to mind, as do several others. Why not Nathan then?
Alex said on 16/Oct/06
Jones was at least 2 inches taller than UT.
Alex said on 16/Oct/06
Heidenreich looks about 6'5 to me unless he was wearing lifts. I do remember he was a bit taller than 6'4 Snitsky. Big Show was 1-2 inches taller than Jones I believe. I gotta look at a tape of them together again. Probably more an inch taller than Jones though who I think is 6'9 minimum.
Cycklops said on 16/Oct/06
So Jason, you're saying Big Show is 6'3" now?
Jason said on 16/Oct/06
I know very well who John Heidenreich is, he didn't look more than 6'2'' and change. This was at a house show so maybe he wears lifts. WWE billed him as 6'5''. Speaking of Jones and Big Show, I have the 2003 Survivor Series on DVD and Big Show is only a smidge taller than Jones - they were on the same team. Jones looked about one and a half inches taller than Taker to me.
Anonymous said on 16/Oct/06
If Heidenreich is 6'2 .5" that would have a massive knock on effect to every wrestlers height. Cena would be about 5'8" Undertaker 6'4" Big Show 6'7" etc etc. Do you know who Heidenrich is or are you confusing him with another wrestler he is a tall guy at least 6'5".
Bleemo said on 16/Oct/06
I really do think he could be this short though Danimal, it all comes down to the Big show for me. There is no way the WWE would bill one of their biggest guys as his actual height, not Vince not ever. He did used to be billed at 7'2 though so I still think Show is 6'10 or a little less. So that would put Jones somewhere between 6'8-6'85, there's no way this guy is 3 inches taller then taker that is crap I can remember them in the ring together.
Paul said on 16/Oct/06
Jiga, there is no way Jones had 3 inches on Taker. He had a good 3 inches on A Train though who was 6'6+. Taker was taller than A Train also.
Danimal said on 16/Oct/06
So fine Jason, he's MINIMUM 6'8", but I really don't think he's that short. We can't ALWAYS go with the LOWEST denominator though Jason, especially because one Juoko Ahola SAID SO. It doesn't work that way.
Jason said on 16/Oct/06
John Heidenreich only looked 6'2 1/2'' to me in person.
Danimal, I remember Sing said there was like 3'' between Nathan and Magnus. Juoko Ahola said Magnus is 195cm an interview - that's barely 6'5''.
Jason said on 16/Oct/06
If he's really 6'10'' he would have been at least 320lbs. WWA billed him as 7'0'' 350lbs the night I saw him in person.
Jiga said on 15/Oct/06
supers78 its obvious that Jones has 3" on Taker, how bout getting YOUR eyes checked.
Danimal said on 15/Oct/06
Jason, Nathan had at least 4" on Magnus Samuelson and he's been listed as 6'6" and 6'7". Lets say he's MINIMUM 6'5" and now I'm low balling. Nathan Jones is still 6'9" at a minimum. As for his weight. Well, Samuelson climbed up from 270 pounds his first WSM in 1995 to 330 pounds today, which isn't THAT much, considering all Strong Men were over 300 pounds starting in 1977.
J-Dog said on 15/Oct/06
"Looks about 3-3.5 inches taller then 6'5 John heidenreich in this pic putting him at 6'8-6'8.5.....
Click Here"
Absolutely not, in that photo he looks at least 5 inches taller.
Alex said on 15/Oct/06
Jason, that 340lbs I wasn't sure about but he did look around 320lbs to me though.
Jason said on 15/Oct/06
WWE said he was 6'10'', you can't trust them. They also billed him as 340lbs when Nathan Jones himself (in a 2003 interview when he was debuting in WWE) said he's 295 -
Click Here
I saw him in person at a World Wrestling All-Stars show in 2001 and he looked 6'7''-6'8'' in the ring. Didn't get to stand close to him on level ground for a good estimate, though.
Danimal said on 15/Oct/06
Definitely over 6'9".
TNTinCA said on 15/Oct/06
Anyone see him on the movie Troy? He absolutely dwarfed everybody. Some of that could be camera work. But honestly, the man appears to be huge to me.
Alex said on 14/Oct/06
This guy looks a solid 6'10 to me. I agree with this listing. He was def taller than UT and he was pretty close to Big Show's height too.
cantstop25 said on 14/Oct/06
I think nathan was more around 3 inches shorter then show
Click Herebad angle I know, but still
Bleemo said on 14/Oct/06
Looks about 3-3.5 inches taller then 6'5 John heidenreich in this pic putting him at 6'8-6'8.5.....
Click HereClearly wearing extra thick heeled boots in this photo with 5'11-6' Scott Steiner. He has is legs massively apart so I won't bother using this pis to gauge his height it was mostly to show off his dodgy boots....
Click HereNot sure what we're looking at there Supes he looks about an inch taller then Taker in that pic.
supermanfan380 said on 14/Oct/06
Anshelm, that Australian guy who did not make it too the final WAS Nathan Jones.
He broke his arm arm wrestling Magnus Ver Samuelson at an earlier heat. At the time Magnus was the European champion, and Jones, had virtually no experience, and easily fooled for the arm breaker position.
Arm breaker is girpping your opponent far out on the hand, "goose necking" your wrist, and dropping your weight low. now your opponent is reaching across the table, his wrist is extended, not curled in, and if he pulls with his opposite arm hard enough, he will fracture his humerus. Thats exactly what Nathan did, and that is why he was out of the finals in 1995. But he did win the Highland games world strength championship earlier that year, and he was Austria's Powerlifting champion, and strongman champion at the time.
Paul said on 14/Oct/06
I had him down as 6'9 1/2. Could be 6'10 but no more.
Bleemo said on 14/Oct/06
Agreed Dave he really was only about an inch taller then taker and this was fairly recently so taker wasn't even in his prime. Even if Taker was say 6'7.5 then that would place Jones at 6'8.5.
Anshelm said on 14/Oct/06
He seems to have participated in the 1995 World's Strongest Man competition. Now, I saw that on TV, and there were no Australians in the final (and the tallest guy was 205 cm/6'8¾" Marko Varalahti of Finland) – but they did show some contestants that just didn't make it to the final, and there was this Australian, whose name I didn't catch then, that they said was 210 cm/6'10½" tall...
BTW, according to his website he weighs "330 lbs (132 kilos)" – not very good at math, I guess (330 lbs=150 kg, 132 kg=291 lbs):
dave said on 14/Oct/06
He is barely taller than the undertaker so that wouldn't pit him level with Kevin Nash.
I think he is lucky to be over 6'8.5
Jiga said on 14/Oct/06
i also 100% agree Nathan Jones 6'10
supes78 said on 13/Oct/06
Just a massive guy & 6'10" seems spot on to me. I still can't believe he was picked to play the Juggernaut in the X-Men 3 film. He would have been perfect for it. Instead, they picked 6'2" Vinnie Jones, who hardly had any lines in the film and even had his native Australian accent. He even needed a muscle suit and lifts for the role. They could have saved a lot of time and money by just getting Nathan.
Vegas said on 13/Oct/06
Agree with this; roughly 0.5-1" taller than matt morgan, 2" taller than taker and slightly shorter than big show. He has been listed at 6'10 everywhere since the first time i saw him in person in 2001