Matthew said on 1/Jan/08
ali looks 6'2 in those early pics. 6'4 is a big exaggeration I think.
Jim said on 24/Dec/07
I agree its stupid reading all these people saying everyone is losing inches in height all the time when you dont until your really old or had some kind of surgery.
Socom said on 8/Dec/07
Losing height is overly exaggerated. Yes, you can lose maybe close to an inch by 65, but I have heard some people say certain celebrities have lost 2 inches or so, which is ridiculous unless you have had some kind of back or leg surgery. Usually though height loss is attributed to bad posture at an old age. I think however Ali has always been 6'2
Dan said on 9/Nov/07
Met Ali at a congressional luncheon in DC about 10 years ago. He was nearly as tall as myself, absolutely no more than an inch shorter than myself (6'4") at the very most and most likely just a half inch shorter. This would make him 6'3" at the very least.
dudet said on 3/Nov/07
marcio, yes glenn looks taller because he was wearing his 70s leather-pimp-heels in that photo. Im joking, maybe because he was younger in those pictures, and has lost some height over the years too. There's a rumor that glenn was 6'2'' when he was younger.
zzz said on 22/Oct/07
damm glenn u're lucky! I m sure there are a hell lot of people out there wanting to meet ali like u did. Anyway ali was slightly taller like 6'3 in his fighting days and hes real fast and flexible for a 6'3 guy.
Márcio said on 8/Oct/07
Glenn looks taller then 5ft 8 on this photos
colton said on 7/Sep/07
ali was 6 3 in his prime george foreman was 6 4 he was little bit taller than ali was.
OutBenchThis said on 27/Aug/07
Wow Glenn, they're the photos you'll cherish..from the cheekyness, it looks like you and him are good mates from way back..awesome!
glenn said on 7/Aug/07
ali is the sweetest ever.
DibDab2 said on 6/Aug/07
Yeh, The First Pic (Glenn and Muhammad) Is Well Funny, lol, That Ali Face Is Priceless. Hey, Glenn What Was Ali Like To You In The Photos You Took With Him?
AAAA said on 5/Aug/07
Here is a billing from the first ali liston fight
Has him at 6'2.5
Click Here
DibDab2 said on 3/Aug/07
muhammad ali looked the same height as george foreman in their 1974 fight. George Foreman Has Been Listed At 6-4. Sometimes the promoters exaggarate thier fighters heights to make them appear more powerful and overpowering. I dont think this is the case for what george. I think george foreman's real height was 6-3.75. Not 6-4 but i think they sorta rounded it up. Ali looked more or less the same height as George, maybe a a bit smaller than half a inch shorter. this would make ali in my case 6-3.4 (192CM)
Produce said on 20/Jul/07
A few days ago i saw a picture with ali and the beatles and ali was taller by far. He looked about 6`4 in this picture or even taller. Every beatle had a paper in his hand. On one was written "218 pounds" , on another "22 years" . another one "Greatest" and one "6`3". S I think 6`3 could be correct.
Massimo said on 14/Jul/07
I saw a clip with Ali', Chamberlain and Howard Cossell. Both Ali' and Wilt got their reach measured. Ali' had a 78" reach and Wilt 92" or 94" ( I am not sure).
CoolJ said on 12/Jul/07
BoxRec has Ali's reach at 80"
Jason said on 12/Jul/07
78 inches? It was billed as 82 in boxing... lol
mark said on 8/Jul/07
I'm 6'1 1/2", or at least, I was, when I was 18. I saw Ali in downtown Chicago at that time. He's eight years older than I am, so he was 26. I couldn't get -right- next to him because of the crowd around him, but I got within a couple of feet. He was tall enough for me to have to look up at him. He had dress shoes, (1" heels?). This was before sneakers were common for every day street use, so my shoes had somewhat of a heel, too. If I give Ali's shoes an inch above mine,(unlikely), and Ali himself a 1/2 inch to make him 6'2" this doesn't have him towering over me the way he did. It takes at least another inch for someone to require that "upward angle" when I'm looking at him. Ali at 26 was at least his claimed 6'3". Foreman was measured in his 40s at 6'4 1/4", and claimed that he kept growing after his first boxing chapter. I find it more likely that he was actually taller than claimed in the first place. Liston was 6' 1/2", and Ali was noticeably taller. By the time Ali fought Holmes, his disease had already begun to affect his posture. Between being 65 now, and having health issues known to greatly affect posture, it seems quite likely than Ali would now measure many inches shorter than his greatest height, enough to render any current sightings irrelevant.
Anonymous said on 7/Jul/07
I don't think Ali was ever taller than 6'2". Larry Holmes and George Foreman were both listed as being 6'3", and they were both about 1" taller than Ali.
As for Liston, I would bet that he was about 6 foot even; 6'1" in his boxing shoes. Not a terribly large heavyweight.
Anonymous2 said on 3/Jul/07
Here's the Clay-Liston fight, Ali was intro'ed at 6'3" 210.5 lbs and does look about 2" taller than Liston at the face-off...
Click Here
6'2.5" also makes sense cos Ali was 1" shorter than Foreman who was listed 6'4" but really 6'3.5" in his prime.
anonymous said on 2/Jul/07
sonny liston was a physical freak. he had a reach which was a full 4 inches longer than vitali klitsicho (i don't know how to spell his name), despite being about 7-8 inches shorter.
Regarding his height, he was taller than liston by about 2 inches i think.
Massimo said on 2/Jul/07
By the way, for Liston's height I have found 6'1", 6'.05" and 6'. Since I am a pessimist I believe that he was 6'. Young Clay was clearly taller than him (at least by a couple of inches) so I think he was at least 6'2".
PS: I wonder why now there is only 1 esteem for Ali's height on this page. Don't you think that he shrinked anymore ? I'm curious.Thanks!
Anonymous2 said on 1/Jul/07
Yah, think you're right Mass, it was also Clay's speed and footwork that caught him off gaurd... Liston never fought anyone who could dance away from his best shots like child's-play and made it look like he was toying with him... pre-fight-ban Ali was untouchable, he would have never lost his title to Frazier nor lose to Norton if he weren't forced out of boxing for the best prime years of his career...
Massimo said on 1/Jul/07
Liston was shorter than Clay but had a longer reach (84 inches).
Anonymous2 said on 30/Jun/07
Liston was shocked because he expected to have a size and reach advantage over young Cassius Clay the first time they met. Liston was known to intimidate opponents with his size and strength, Ali was one of the first few he met who turned the tables and on him and exploited a reach and size advantage, Liston couldn't touch him.. Liston was 6'1" I believe. Here's Ali with 7'+ Wilt Chamberlain...
Click Here
anonymous said on 27/Jun/07
he was usually the taller person in the ring, except for foreman. however, holmes is pretty much a legit 6`3 (although some sources say 6`4) and i don't remember who was taller of the two.
Produce said on 24/Jun/07
why do you think liston was shocked?
Anonymous2 said on 19/Jun/07
Didn't I remember his peak height being listed 6'3"? What happened?! I wonder if boxers and trainers sometimes understate their heights to gain an advantage.. so their opponents won't think they're as big as they are. I remember Liston being a little shocked that Ali was bigger than he expected when they fought and Ali won the heavyweight title for the first time.
misha said on 24/Mar/07
Frazier and Mike Tyson actually used their shortness to great advantage: by putting their heads down they could slip in underneath the long left leads of their opponents and let go with expolsive body punches. Neither Frazier nor Tyson could reach the 5'10" mark, but used their short arms to deliver piston-like punches of devastating power. I always felt that Ali was exactly 6'2.5" in his prime, and many others on this site seem to agree.
It's harder than most people realize to judge height accurately in a boxing
ring because boxers' knees are slightly bent at all times (except when they're catching up on sleep while stretched out unconscious on the canvas). Try throwing a few quick punches in the air while assuming a boxer's stance, but with your knees locked ramrod straight. Now bend them a little so that your legs are springy - note the fluidity your entire body gains and how much faster the punches flow. The point of all this is that measuring a boxer while he's in the ring will really only give you a rough estimate of his true height
because he's constantly in movement at a slightly lesser height.
AAAA said on 22/Mar/07
George himself has said he was 6'3.5 in his prime. I bt ali was like 6'2.5+ and just said a flat 6'3
Gramps said on 16/Mar/07
Foreman was listed as 6'4" in the 1970s. In the "Rumble in the Jungle," he and Ali looked almost equal in height.
Produce said on 14/Mar/07
Ali was listed always as 6-3 , but sometimes boxers are shorter than reported. Tyson was reported 5 11.5 , but many people say that he clearly shorter. If Dundee says 6-2, then I think its the truth.
spiderknut said on 11/Mar/07
i have heard for years,that he WAs 6.ft 3.-clearly less now.
George H said on 13/Feb/07
I saw a documentary that reviewed many of Ali's fights and at one point, his coach Angelo Dundee commented that "his boy was 6'2"" about a fight that took place in the early seventies. I always thought Ali was an inch taller than that in his prime.
ed said on 12/Feb/07
Muhammad Ali and George Foreman:
Click Here
Massimo said on 7/Feb/07
I saw the first Frazier-Bonavena fight and Joe looked about half an inch shorter than Oscar. I read on Internet that Bonavena was 5'10", so I think Joe Frazier is about 5'9" 1/2. Of course this is just a guess, I'm not sure.
Produce said on 28/Jan/07
Does anybody know how tall joe frazier in reality was? He is listed as 5 11.5 , but he looks shorter.
Jason said on 10/Jan/07
I'm pretty sure Muhammad Ali's peak height was probably about 6'3". While fighting most heavyweights in his era, Ali would usually be taller than them. Perhaps Parkinson's disease has affected his height and posture, but with regards to his peak height, 6'3" seems about right.
dmeyer said on 7/Jan/07
then will is no more than 6'1.5
Anonymous2 said on 7/Jan/07
Ali looks the same height as 6'1.5" Will Smith in this video, accounting for his bad posture due to his current condition (sadly) ...
Click Here
Viper said on 3/Jan/07
He didnt even look 6-0 next to 6-4 Dwayne Wade at the Orange Bowl.
Anonymous2 said on 19/Dec/06
Rob, perhaps 6'2.5" is a little more accurate than 6'2"? There seems to be just as many 6'3" estimates as 6'2". Remember too, that he was born in 1942 and at the time, became the youngest champ in beating Liston in the 60's when he just turned 22. Peak height for males is usually 21, but it's not uncommon for some to grow until their lower-mid-twenties (e.g. 24). I always thought Ali looked much bigger a man during his later years (fighting Foreman, Frazier, post-boxing-ban), than his early years (fighting Liston, Patterson, Cooper, etc..), and it wasn't just weight alone, but in height as well. I remember in an Ali documentary, Dundee said something like "my boy came back adn was slower but 'fully grown'" after his draft-dodging boxing-ban in his late career.
r jacob said on 15/Dec/06
I met Muhammad Ali in philadelphia during the RNC in the Ritz Carlton. I had the privilege to shake the Icon's hand. He appeared to be 6'3 next to my 5'10 frame. A true Gentleman in every sense of the word. A true Honor for me.
Brad said on 15/Nov/06
Don King might be 6' 3", I've seen him at Vegas fights and he is surprisingly taller than you'd expect from managers who are mostly little guys.
Produce said on 1/Nov/06
Ali writes in his biography that Don King ist taller than him. And I saw Don King once messured as 6 `2 by the police.
Glenn said on 30/Oct/06
Ali was at least a hair over 6-2.Malcolm X was 6-3.5.
talker said on 21/Oct/06
A friend of mine had met Ali in the late seventies and showed me a photo he had taken with him.My friend is 6'2.5" and he told me Ali was an inch shorter than him,which is what he looked in that photo.My friend is big and he didnt think Ali was very big but he thought Ali had a huge neck.I think Ali was not taller than 6'2".
Mikex said on 10/Oct/06
Christopher Lee who is 6'5'' wrote in his autobiography that Ali was a tall man who could look him in the eye. I think he probably was 6'3'' when young if this was the case.
Anonymous said on 24/Sep/06
Foreman was listed as 6'3''during the early part of his career. For some reason this changed to 6'4'' at some point. Don't know which is right, maybe he was 6'3 1/2''. He looked to have abount an inch on Ali when they fought.
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/06
he does tower over the Beatles in the photo below though. Genuinely looks 6'3''. I've read about people meeting him in his prime and being shocked at how physically imposing he was in person. Much bigger than he looked on TV. However I also remember reading about a reporter who saw him back in the 90s who said that he couldn't believe how small Ali was in person. He does look shorter than in his prime which I guess is the result of changes in his posture because of ill health. Either that or maybe he wasn't as big in his youth as I imagined him to be.
Stephen said on 14/Sep/06
I agree with you CoolJ. He loocked to be a solid 6'2" without shoes. Foreman had him by at by about three quarters of an inch. I don't think that Foreman was any taller than 6'3" though. When Foreman fought the 6'2.5' Holyfield,(who may be actually shorter than that) he barely looked taller than him. Lennox Lewis was actually listed at 6' 4.5" in his pre 1995 bouts.
CoolJ said on 5/Sep/06
His peak height is 6'2" His trainer said this recently, as stated on here several times. He is clearly 1+" shorter than 6'3-6'3 1/2" Foreman when they fought.
Brad said on 5/Sep/06
6 feet three in seventy three and still stingin' like a bee.
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Louie, how in the world do you know height was not exagerrated in boxing back in the old days?
Jordan said on 29/Aug/06
yeah Lennox could really be 6'5 since he did in fact have 7 inches on Tyson who is prolly about 5'9 maybe 5'10.
Jordan said on 25/Aug/06
Lennox lewis is listed as 6'5, lets say he is 6'4, so ali looks maybe 6'2 here.
Click Here
tenaciousC said on 16/Aug/06
towered over 5-10 beatles .. ali wuz prolly 6-3 in his prime
Click Here
bikagyura said on 15/Aug/06
on the other hand I'm not sure I have ever seen a good picture of him where
Anonymous said on 15/Aug/06
I'm afraid I have to agree he never looks more than 6' 2" to me... not even earlier pictures...
Jake said on 15/Aug/06
Lineart was listed at 6'4.75", I remeber looking to speifically see if he was taller than Vince Young - he is, Young was 6'4.5". Jim Carey may actually be a little under 6'1.75", but surely is over 6'1". The angle to compare Carey and Ali is horrible, as Carey is very hunched over, (and is also closer to the camera,) but you can see 6'4.75" Lineart towers over Ali.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 2/Aug/06
i thought leinart was 6'5 a solid 6'5
Parker said on 27/Jul/06
Well - It just goes to show, even in photographs people see different things. I certainly would not say Ali looks significantly shorter than Tony Hawk. Looking through the photographs there is a pic of Tony Hawk with Robin Williams (5'7?) and Hawk has a full head on him, which would confirm his height at 6'3 or 4. I think the 6'1.5 Height Rob has Ali at now looks about right. 6'3 in his prime for sure.
Anonymous said on 27/Jul/06
If you look through the photos with the link from Jake below, Ali is stood next to Shaun Alexander an NFL star who is officially 5'11''. He looks the exact same height as Ali. Garth Brooks officially 6'1'' although doubted on this site looks the same height or even slightly taller than Ali. Wow, I can't believe Ali is this small.
Anonymous said on 26/Jul/06
Jake, I'd have to say Ali looks about the same height as Hawk in that photo and is obviously a much bigger man in build. His head looks enormous. I actually think his official height of 6'3'' for his prime was broadly accurate. Perhaps he was 6'2.5'' as suggested above. If you look at photos from the 60s Ali does look about 6'3''. Today though he doesn't look much over 6'. This must be because of ill health and changes in posture.
Anonymous said on 8/Jul/06
During their peak in the early 70s everyone thought guys like Ali and Foreman were titans. They certainly looked it on TV. Yet compared to the modern heavyweights like Lennox Lewis they weren't actually that big. When you see them nowadays they don't give an impression of huge size. Sportsmen have become a lot bigger over the last couple of decades. I think Ali was 6'2'' to 6'3'' in his prime but has lost a little in height because of changes in his posture. Now about 6'1'' as various posters have suggested.
CoolJ said on 6/Jun/06
Thats because Ali's peak height was never 6'3" - It was 6'2" like Dundee said.
Thought Foreman was 6'3.5"
Jason said on 6/Jun/06
Actually, George Foreman was never listed at 6'4" until he started his comeback. In his prime, he was always listed at 6'3". Watch the Rumble in the Jungle with Foreman and Ali; both fighters on the tale of the tape are listed at 6'3", but Foreman is clearly taller.
Gramps said on 29/May/06
George Foreman was listed as 6'4" throughout the 1970s. If you watch "The Rumble in the Jungle" from 1974, Ali mostly looks the same height as Foreman, but no more than 1/2" shorter.
Jason said on 29/May/06
This Jason isn't me. ;)
I figure Ali was around 6'2 1/2'' for my part, though.
Jason said on 27/May/06
I don't think Ali was ever 6'3". For all of you boxing fans out there, Ali was visibly shorter than both George Foreman and Larry Holmes, and both of those guys were listed as 6'3" also. Ali was probably 6'3" with shoes on; Foreman and Holmes were probably a legitimate 6'3" barefoot!
Also, I met Foreman personally in 1999 at a local shopping center where he was promoting his grill, and I was surprised because George didn't look 6'3" or 6'4" which he is sometimes listed at...He looked closer to 6'2" at most!
sven said on 17/May/06
Ali is 6ft 1.5
It says that in his autobiography, pretty much all other websites, and the xbox game "fight night" has him listed as 6ft 1
boxing4life said on 16/May/06
I agree he's 6'1" 1/2 now and was about 6'2"1/2 in his prime.
can someone tell the REAL height of Bernard hopkins? his is really hard to figure out, he's been listed at 6'2", 6'1" and was 6'0" in his mugshot when he was 19.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 28/Apr/06
Always looked like he was a solid 6'2 to me.
OutOfLeftField said on 27/Apr/06
Another SPOT THE DIFFERENCE opportunity!
Left and Middle Photos: BEFORE, Right Photo: AFTER
1. Before: Ali without ANGER MANAGEMENT, After: Ali on his GRADUATION DAY
2. Before: Ali a Rich Man, After: Ali practices charity, gives all expensive clothes away!
3. Before: Glenn on normal stomach, After: Glenn reeling from being punched in tummy.
4. Before: Glenn trying to be cool, After: Glenn realizing "Brrr! IT'S COLD OUT HERE!"
5. Before: Ali after eating RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERS, After: Drank a glass o' water...
6. Before: Visiting the car repairers... After: Both accidentally SPRAYED WITH WHITE AUTOMOTIVE PAINT...
Frank2 said on 22/Apr/06
Don't tell Tiger. That makes Elvis shorter by an inch!
Elvis and Ali:
Click Here
CoolJ said on 21/Apr/06
Yeah I think Ali was "only" 6'2 at his peak.. Dundee said this.. and someone mentioned it was in a book below in a comment.
Jimmy said on 18/Apr/06
Ali looks taller than his daughter Laila Ali by a good few inches. Laila Ali is 5'10 (legit). Tyson is also 5'10 and Ali also looked afew inches taller than him too.
Click HereAli is around 6'1 tall currently I would wage.
Kyle said on 10/Apr/06
I'd say he's about 6'2"1/2 but what's half an inch, really? he slouches more now a days too.
Anonymous said on 6/Apr/06
he was accurately measured in a match against George Chuvalo in 1966 at 6'2.5 , Foreman's probably a shade over 6'3, Tyson was a shade under 5'11
kyle said on 5/Apr/06
Im a boxer and they don't measure my height before a fight but it's different in pro boxing, before big fights the fighters are measured.
Glenn said on 23/Mar/06
I agree,but I see tyson looking 5-11 in my friends photos.I never saw him.
deepestvoice said on 22/Mar/06
They don't measure heights in boxing I don't think. My brother met Mike Tyson and said he was 5'9 or 5'10 max and they sometimes listed him at 6'0. Here are some other boxing heights that they sometimes give and what I think they are really.
listed height actual height
George Foreman 6'5 6'4
Mike Tyson 5'll or 6'0 5'9 or 5'10 or less
Hasim Rahman 6'2.5 6'0.5
James Toney 5'll 5'9
Evander Holyfield 6'2.5 6'0 or 6'1
Muhammad Ali 6'3 6'2
Editor Rob said on 28/Feb/06
In Don Atyeo's book he mentioned that at age 18.5 Ali stood 6ft 1, then mentioned later that he was still growing and now stood 6ft 2.
TJ said on 21/Feb/06
He looked a little taller than Clinton when they met a few years ago, which would make him a good 6'2. But I'm basing that on his height had he been standing up straight - he always slightly hunches these days. I think he has shrunk and certainly was 6'3 in his prime.
Glenn said on 19/Feb/06
he looks 6-1.
CoolJ said on 5/Feb/06
Ali is 6'1ish in those pics. He never was 6'3 - His Trainer said so.. He was only 6'2" in his boxing days.
Marc said on 4/Feb/06
In the middle and pictures (assuming ALi isn't leaning forward) it appears that ALi has only about 4 inches over Glenn. I'm 5'10" and I have a 6'3" friend. When I measure myself to him, I am about up to the middle of his eyes. Then again, Ali's head could be about 6 inches from the middle of his eyebrows. Judge as you wish, I think he is around 6'1", since he could easily beef his height of to 6'3".

Editor Rob
if it were 6 inches, scientists would be studying him!
CoolJ said on 2/Feb/06
I'm still convinced he's at 6'0.5-6'1 now... 6'2 in his prime.. like Dundee Said
Hey Editor Rob - you alive?
Mikex said on 2/Feb/06
There is a famous shot of the young Cassius Clay meeting the Beatles when they first came to America. He totally dwarfs them in size. OK the Beatles weren't huge but they were average size for the time and looks 6'3'' easily. If Angelo Dundee says he was 6'2'' then I guess that's right though. Maybe they added an inch on to make Ali look more intimidating to the opposition. He weighed under 15 stone for for some of his early title fights which given his impressive physique means he could not have been much over 6'2''.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 28/Jan/06
I'd say 6'2 nowadays.
sam said on 27/Jan/06
I thought they said in the Ali-Foreman fight film that Foreman was 6'4" at his peak.
CoolJ said on 27/Jan/06
I do believe Foreman was over 6'3 in his heyday, nevertheless Ali was still 6'2ish... And he's definitely only like 6'1 now.
Glenn said on 25/Jan/06
I photo shopped this one too Lawrence?
Pete said on 25/Jan/06
Ali was 6 foot 3 in his heyday. You cannot argue that he was measured all the time. Im not too sure about now though he may have shrunk a little.

Editor Rob
are boxing heights measured...Tyson seemed to contradict this as he was regularly 5ft 11 and 5ft 11.5 through 90's then goes and measured himself 5ft 10...but Ali did look tall in his day
CoolJ said on 24/Jan/06
6'3 1/2" Foreman with Ali.
Ali WAS 6'2" At his prime.. Just like Angelo Dundee stated...
However now, he only appears 6'1 - 6'1.5
Glenn said on 23/Jan/06
sorry I misunderstood JJF.
CoolJ said on 22/Jan/06
DeepestVoice: I was just about to hop on and post that.
Angelo Dundee, Ali's trainer, stated that Ali was 6'2"
deepestvoice said on 22/Jan/06
Did anybody else see espn's ringside today? his long-time trainer angelo dundee said he was 6'2''. That would make sense, putting him at 6'3'' in shoes
J.J.F said on 21/Jan/06
Glenn mate, re-read my last post, PROPERLY - I was QUOTING, and having a go at the hot air talker who claimed the pic was doctered!
My cousin Ben sends his regards...
Glenn said on 18/Jan/06
jjf- what kind of sense do you make at all? if it looks funny ,so what? its real,cause all the others are! and when I find my other with ali,I want an apoligy all hot air talkers.
Glenn said on 17/Jan/06
look at all the photos before you make a judgement genius.I have a better one to shut all of you up and you better all be man enough to aplogize.
Zach said on 17/Jan/06
Glenn, why didnt u just pose topless next to the great man?
If that pic is genuine then 6'2 looks max.
Mr. Awesome said on 17/Jan/06
just wondering, glenn, where was this picture taken in which were you wearing nothing but a beater in the middle of the night (a bit chilly per-chance), yet the occassion called for Ali to be decked out in a full suit...
uhdbvsch said on 17/Jan/06
hes around 6-2 these days. BTW that pic of Glenn with Ali is sooo fake is not even funny!
J.J.F said on 15/Jan/06
Hi Glen mate, well I could if you'd like I suppose... lol. Thx for the info on the footwear. Cheers
Gramps said on 15/Jan/06
I've watched almost all Ali's fight, most of them "live." I don't recall him ever being described as less than 6'3". Yesterday I watched the 1974 "Rumble in the Jungle" with George foreman, and Ali was said to be 6'3". I agree that age and perhaps the effects of Parkinson's have made him appear to be around 6'1" today.
Glenn said on 15/Jan/06
JJF want to email me your comments? here its black reebock sneakers.1994.different footwear all the heels.
J.J.F said on 13/Jan/06
Back to the subject matter then - Ali doesn't look more than 6'1", at the most, there... Does glenn wear the same footwear on each photo though, eh?
J.J.F said on 13/Jan/06
You gotta admit though, Rob, that was an inspired little bit of manical drivel from me about Glenn you didn't post ;) Lol.

Editor Rob
yeah, it was drivel...of course I couldn't show that stuff!!
Mikex said on 12/Jan/06
He looks smaller than 6'3'' these days so he may well have shrunk. Maybe though 6'3'' is not as big in relative terms as it was when Ali was in his prime in the 60s. He was considered a tall heavyweight by the standards of the time although there were bigger men in boxing. Still the Greatest though.
EJ said on 11/Jan/06
Who is Glenn?
Jason said on 11/Jan/06
Well, it depends on the shoe. Tyson's sure gave him a bit more than a 1/4 of an inch lol (or half an inch for that matter...).
Danimal said on 11/Jan/06
The more I look at that pic, I see Ali at 6'1".
johnny said on 11/Jan/06
thin soled boxing shoes arnt half an inch theyre around 1/4 of an inch
Danimal said on 11/Jan/06
BTW, what is the date of that pic? By the looks of it, it looks to be late eighties. Glenn appears to be quite thin back then..
In any case, if Glenn is 5'8", then Ali in that pic is NOT LESS than 6'0".
Jason said on 11/Jan/06
Smith's only 6'1 1/2'' and slouches.
CoolJ said on 11/Jan/06
I love the look Glenn... Anyway, Ali isn't even 6'2 there if he stands up straight. If memory serves correct he didn't look as tall as Will Smith during the filming of Ali.
gotxo said on 11/Jan/06
Beside Gleenn he looks 4 inch taller, no more, so or Glenn was wearing odd footwear or Muhammad was in the 6'2" range.
Jason said on 11/Jan/06
I'd go with the 6'2 1/2''. Makes sense to me. 6'2 1/2'' in bare feet and 6'3'' in his thin-soled boxing shoes.