Big T said on 8/Jun/23
MVP is listed taller than CM Punk here, but I’m really struggling to see how when you look at them together. See for example these photos
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I could go on…google it, almost every photo of them looks like this. Also Punk clearly looks taller than 5’11.5” compared to Ruben Wiki
Savagetez said on 10/Feb/23
What about 6ft flat Rob?

Editor Rob
Would be highest I'd guess.
Njp said on 17/Dec/22
Met him at the O2 at a wwe event in the mid 2000’s. Definitely just around 6 foot or a hair under compared to my 5’10”. Stood with my 6ft brother and was pretty much the same height.
Most Legit 6'3 said on 26/Sep/22
At his peak a solid 6’1, but now he’s standing around 6’ flat. Probably in the 220 range. Super underrated in my opinion.
ChristianAnthonyPerkins said on 7/Jun/22
Quis said on 15/Apr/22
He looks like a solid 6 ft.
DeMarcus said on 31/Jan/22
Looks 6’0 1/2 with big rob
Chaoscontrol. said on 21/Nov/21
To be fair he’s barely under 6’0 rather than 5’10-11 range
FanzWrestler said on 20/Nov/21
How's he 5'11 and built at 6'3? Most wrestlers who are 5'11/5'10 even get built at 6'0 or 6'1.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 24/Feb/21
MVP not being the full 6’0 shocks me
Linke said on 21/Dec/20
Crews looked huge on indies as Uhaa Nation. Then we he debuted on NXT, I knew for sure he wasn't a 6 footer. 6'1 listing is way off for him.
Peter 180cm said on 12/Nov/20
At most 181cm.
Realist said on 7/Nov/20
He's 6'0 240 maybe
Annonymous said on 26/Oct/20
Apollo Crews really isn't physically impressive as much as they're trying to push him into you. Looks 5'9.5-5'10.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/20
@Van Halen
Very underrated guy. I'm glad that he's starting to get a decent push with his heel turn.
6'3 Julian said on 6/Sep/20
@Christian yeah it’s possible too
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Sep/20
Maybe a cross between endomorph-mesomorph.
6'3 Julian said on 5/Sep/20
@Christian yeah Idve said he looks stocky and strong rather than fat now. Classic endomorph physique
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/20
He was noticeably a little fatter back in his Jiujitsu days before he returned to WWE, so 265 was possible then, but not now.
6'3 Julian said on 28/Aug/20
I personally went with 5’10.5 for Apollo, but I can see him being 3/4” lower
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Aug/20
Crews could be around 5'9.5". Regardless, his 6'1" listing is a joke.
Linke said on 4/Aug/20
If MVP is around 6'0, how tall is Apollo crews? 5'10 range?

Editor Rob
close to 5ft 10
Gobgghbfffcnkj said on 28/Jul/20
5’8 and a bit + 4 inches would be 6’ and a bit, @David Wolberg your maths is a bit confused but I agree there’s a 4 inch difference
David Wolberg said on 9/Jul/20
In Rob's photo with MVP, it looks like MVP would be about 4 inches taller if he was standing up totally straight. If the difference in footwear in the picture was about a half-inch more for MVP as Rob commented,
5'11 3/4 height seems to be accurate for MVP
(Rob is a little bit over 5'8 tall).
rikashiku said on 2/Jul/20
@Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Jun/20
He's actually not far off legitimately. He competed in the 120+kg Jujitsu competitions, putting his weight above 265lbs, which when you get a good look at his physique at the time, isn't hard to believe. He's a stacked guy.
Having just checked his Social MEdia, he has cut some weight. He's hinting 20lbs down now, but still looking broadly built.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Jun/20
He's apparently billed 275lbs, what a joke. I can maybe believe his 249 listing on Google, but that's the absolute max.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Apr/20
If MVP's 182cm as listed, and looked 11cm shorter than Mcintyre, then it probably means that Mcintyre's around 193cm. I can see 193cm flat for Mcintyre, but no less, even though I have him at 193.5cm.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Nov/19
Especially not a kitten like Manelia! She is, ummmmmm.... a permanent kitten! She's one who will never grow up!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/19
YOU look much nicer in this photo, Rob, so if the naughty Manelia will allow me to, I shall give this Celeb his rightful 5ft11.75! 🐱
I have just woken up, you see, and Manelia is all excited!

Editor Rob
Nothing like an excited cat. With the amount of extra craft stuff in our house since sookie, I am not sure I could cope with a cat having a mad half hour running about the place like they do sometimes.
Nik said on 14/Aug/19
I think he is at least 5'11.75"! All the vowels appear in his name!
Double G said on 27/Jan/19
I agree that MVP's peak and current height is 5'11" 3/4 (a little over 1.82cm), but I'd say his current height may be a little under, like 5'11" 1/2 (near 1.82cm). In any case, I've always see him as a 1.82cm guy, for sure. Its crazy how his height is currently billed around 1.91cm.
berta said on 7/May/18
he basically claims that he is just under 6 foot 2 (187 cm) when he say he look up on everyone that is 188 ore taller. give himself 5 cm extra in height as almost all wrestlers do :P
Vexacus said on 9/Mar/18
MVP is 5'11.75 , Matt is at least 6ft.
Koushiro said on 5/Mar/18
Wow! Rob, I wanna meet the guy in charge of billed heights so I can sock em right in the face. This guy was barely taller than 5'11 range, Matt Hardy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Feb/18
WWE always billed him as 6ft3!
Vexacus said on 16/Feb/18
I think he is a six footer.
SD(171CM) said on 15/Feb/18
If stood straight he would be 6'0 considering footwear...